Army Policy & Secretariat Army Headquarters IDL 24 Blenheim Building Marlborough Lines Andover Hampshire, SP11 8HJ United Kingdom ArmySec/Equip/Cloth/FOI2021/02837 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Jon Potter 01 April 2021 request-735902-
[email protected] Dear Mr Potter, Thank you for your email of 12 March in which you requested the following information: “Could you kindly provide the height measurements for Bearskin caps worn by the Foot Guard Regiments at both the front and the rear. Could you provide this for Guardsmen, NCO's, Officer's and any other rank or appointment where there is a variation. In the past, the height of the Bearskin was based on the height of the soldier (for example Army Dress Regulations 1934 - para 683 provides different measurements based on the Officer's height). Is this still the case today? Is it also possible to provide this for any other Regiment still wearing Bearskins such as the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Including the White drummer bearskin), HAC & The Royal Highland Fusiliers?” I am treating your correspondence as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). A search for the information has now been completed within the Ministry of Defence, and I can confirm that information in scope of your request is held. Army Dress Regulations Part 3 – Household Division states that the standard bearskin cap worn by officers of the 5 Regiments of Foot Guards is 11.5 inches at the front and 16 inches at the rear. Measurements for all Other Ranks (ORs) from Guardsman to Warrant Officer Class 1 are not specified.