Xingyi Series ्਒ጆѴ

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Xingyi Series ्਒ጆѴ Ё೑ࡳ໿ Hard Wing Chun SchoolSeries ⹀䮼੣᯹ᣇ㋏߫ कϝḽ᠟ CODE NO.DW135-01 CODE NO.DW135-01 6937475386664 Џ䆆ᵫ⃷ Lecturer: Lin Xin ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ё᭛ (Length:52minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ੣᯹ᣇⳌӴЎᇥᵫѨṙᏜ໾᠔߯ˈ݊Ёϔᬃ⬅⋾ ᣇ໻Ꮬṕ䌲೼ᅲ䏉Ёࡴҹᬍ䖯ˈ೼ᑓϰ៣⧁ᄤ䞠⌕ It is said that Wing Chun was created by Nun Wumei of Shaolin. One of the 㸠ˈ⿄⹀䮼੣᯹ᣇDŽकϝḽ᠟ᰃ⹀䮼੣᯹ᣇⱘܹ branches, hard Wing Chun by name, was improved on by artist of Hong boxing Liang 䮼෎⸔ࡳˈᅗࣙᣀњᴀ䮼᠔᳝ⱘᅲ⫼᠟⊩DŽᴀ⹳Ё Zan through practicing and spread in Guangdong's troupes. Consisting of all the hand ℺ᴃৡᏜᵫ⃷҆䑿䆆ⓨњकϝḽ᠟ⱘ৘Ͼ㽕⚍ˈা methods used in this school, thirteen Post Hands is the basic skill of hard Wing Chun. 㽕ᇚḽ᠟䆁㒗㒃❳ˈ෎ᴀϞህᥠᦵњ⹀䮼੣᯹ⱘ໻䚼 Xingyi As long as one gets familiar with these post hands, he has mastered most technique ߚᡔᴃࡼ԰ˈᇍҹৢⱘ䖯ϔℹᄺд᳝ᵕ໻ⱘᐂࡽDŽ actions of hard Wing Chun and will find it helpful in further study. Series CODE NO.DW135-02 ᇣ㒗༈ Lecturer: Lin Xin 6937475386671 Џ䆆ᵫ⃷ CODE NO.DW135-02 ᔶᛣ㋏߫ ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ё᭛ (Length:56minutes, Subtitles:English, Chinese ) ᇣ㒗༈ᰃ੣᯹ᣇЁⱘ߱㑻༫䏃DŽ೼⹀䮼੣᯹Ёˈ Siu Nim Tao (Xiao Lian Tou)is the fundamental routine of Wing Chun (Yongchun). In ᇣ㒗༈᳝ϸ⾡㒗⊩˖㒗ࡳ⊩Ϣ㒗ᡔ⊩DŽ㒗ࡳ⊩ᰃϔ Shape-Mind Fist, is also named Heart-Mind Fist or Heart-Mind Six Integrated Fist. As hard wing chun, there are two ways of practicing Siu Nim Tao: practice strength and ⾡㓋㋻ⱘ᜶㒗ˈ࡯∖㒭㒗д㗙䗮䖛㋻ⱘ㒗дˈ๲ a traditional fist, it is listed as one of four famous kinds of inner Fist, together with Wudan, Taiji, practice skills. Strength practicing is tight and slow movements which gives the ᔎࡳ࡯੠㗤࡯˗㒗ᡔ⊩߭ᰃ䗮䖛ϔ⾡ᵒ㒗㗠Փ㒗 practitioners "tight" practice to improve their strength and stamina; skill practicing is ,д㗙ⱘ᠟⊩⌕⬙❳㒗ˈ✊ৢݡথࢆDŽᇣ㒗༈ᰃ੣᯹ and Eight Diagram. It belongs to animal shape Fist,with twelve shapes of dragon, tiger "loose" practice which enables the practitioners get familiar with the tact and then give out strength. Siu Nim Tao is the foundation or "seed" of the force of wing chun. It is very ᣇࡳ࡯੠ࢆ࡯ⱘᴹ⑤ˈᥠᦵ݊Ё㽕⚍ˈᇍ㒗ད੣᯹ monkey, horse, crocodile, cock, swallow, sparrow hawk, snake, falcon, eagle and bear. It is helpful for practicing wing chun to master the key of this routine. ᣇ᳝ᵕ໻ད໘DŽ better at fighting, particular in Yi-channeled Qi, Qi-channeled force, with a combination of Yi and xing. It is simple, practical, orderly. It is particular at short-distance beating, quick attacking. A co-ordination between the xing and yi, interaction between the inner and outside CODE NO.DW135-03 㝔ḹ CODE NO.DW135-03 can lead to a whole effect physically and psychologically. It aims and does well to cultivation Lecturer: Lin Xin 6937475388071 Џ䆆ᵫ⃷ (Length:53minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ё᭛ and body building as well as actual combat. The Upper arm belongs to the intermediate trainings for skills in our school. This 㝔ḹᰃᴀ䮼ᡔ⊩ЁⱘϔϾЁ㑻䆁㒗䖛⿟ˈ䆹༫䏃 ्਒ાԠՏॶ਒ા੊ॶ਒НՋાὋˀ൦ॆNjܹ movement has contained some skills of the upper hand, and mainly practices the skills of ࣙ৿њϔѯ㝔⊩ˈҹঞӫ໮ⱘ㝔᠟Ϣḹ᠟ⱘ㒗дˈ ાีὋ௦ʶ᫂԰Ꮴᄉ͛ፑાశnj्਒ܷٽupper hand and forearm. It practices both hands instead of the one hand in ౜NjЛӸࣲሥЮࠑ ᑊҹঠ᠟㒗д㗠ϡৠѢᇣ㒗༈ⱘऩ᠟㒗дˈ᠟⊩ single-minded action. The hand skills mainly involve the change of upper hand and ા۲ఴ࡚̅៵्ાὋథᴜNjᘹNj࿺NjᯰNj᳾NjᲛNj᳈NjྉNj forearm. The hands go up and down together, but in and out alternately. In the training, it Џ㽕ҹ㒗д㝔᠟Ϣḹ᠟ⱘব࣪ЎЏDŽঠ᠟唤Ϟ唤㨑 ᙨNj᳔Nj᳓NjེӠ्ܷ̃Ὃ߱᫁̅ଷѣὋᝮቂ̾਒ᮖචὋ̾ emphasizes the elasticity and pushing power of the forearm. And during the practices of Ѹ᳓䖯ߎDŽ䆁㒗Ё᳈⊼䞡ḹ᠟ⱘᔍࢆϢ֗ࢆDŽ ࠄࡼ԰䕀ᤶ⌕⬙㗠᳝ ච࠭ҦὋ਒्̃ᛪὋ्਒ʶͳnjા᮲᬴แ᠎సὋҮͺኤጶࠃخvarious strengths, this movement requires one to perform smoothly and powerfully. By ᑊϨ೼৘⾡ࢆ࡯ⱘ㒗дЁ practicing it, one can find a way to get closer to skills of higher level. Meanwhile, it is ࡯DŽᰃ䗮ᕔ᳈催㑻ᡔᴃⱘḹṕˈৠᯊজ݋᳝ᕜདⱘ ၸὋஞᴎѲʶὋᝮቂᆀ੩ᤂၸὋঋஈᄯԨnj᤯᣾्ࠪˀ਒ᄉᄰ really practical and helpful. ᅲ⫼ᗻDŽⓨ৘↨䌯DŽ ̈ុᓫὋЮˀܰᄉᄰ̈ͺၸ౎᣹ҁͳၸЩνᄉҩ஌nj्਒ા ̾цགྷୱߵNjुϣͳ᱉˝߼ைὋʿ̨థुᢵϣͳὋνᢵШব ˧ҩ஌ὋᏪ˄Хథࠜ̅ࠃੌᄉ੾ѣ஌౦nj 75 Ё೑ࡳ໿ Xingyi Series ्਒ጆѴ Yi Quan ᛣᣇ Xingyi Quan Series ᔶᛣᣇ㋏߫ ᛣᣇキḽ CODE NO.DW027 Xingyi Five-element Broadsword CODE NO.DW079-1 ᔶᛣѨ㸠ߔ Џ䆆㭘ᆊ偶 CODE NO.DW027 CODE NO.DW079-1 Lecturer:Bo Jiacong 6937475313028 Lecturer: Di Guoyong 6937475313660 Џ䆆䚌೑࢛ ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ёㅔ\Ё㐕 (Length:80minutes, Subtitles:English,SimpleChinese,TraditionalChinese ) (Length:56minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ё᭛ 䑿ἓ˄ᑇ㸠ℹ˅੠ Xingyi Five-element Broadsword is formed by predecessors of Xingyi ᔶᛣѨ㸠ߔᰃᔶᛣᣇࠡ䕜Ӏ㓐ড়৘䮼৘⌒ߔᴃᡔ⊩ˈҢЁᦤ⚐ǃᔦعAccording to the different aims, the Stake Exercise includes the Health Care Stake ḍ᥂㒗ࡳⱘⳂⱘϡৠˈᛣᣇキἓৃߚЎ ῾䑿гᰃҢџᣇᴃ䬏⚐ⱘ෎ᴀࡳˈ Quan who integrated schools of broadsword skills and then 㒇ǃᅲ䏉ǃᘏ㒧ˈҹㅔ⋕ᅲ⫼Ўॳ߭ˈҹѨ㸠ᣇ࡜ǃ䪏ǃዽǃ⚂ǃعparallel step) and Actual Combat Stake (oblique T-step). In fact, the Health Care ᡔߏἓ˄ϕܿℹ˅ᅲ䰙Ϟ) abstracted,concision ,practiced,summarized them on the principles of 䑿ҔМᰃᡔߏ concision and practicakity and on the mode of Chop(Pi), Snap (Beng),Drill Ў῵ᓣˈ㗠ᘏ㒧ߎᴹⱘᔶᛣѨ㸠ߔ⊩DŽعStake is the basic to practice the Wushu. If you grasp the real skills and can use ᣇᄺׂ⚐ࠄњⱏූܹᅸПᯊ߭᮴᠔䇧ҔМᰃ Ѩ㸠ߔⱘ⡍⚍ᰃᮍ⊩ㅔ⋕ǃࢆ࡯さߎǃᖿ᥋࢛⣯ˈᡔߏᅲ⫼DŽ䖲⦃ them freely as you want, the two Stakes Exercises are not different. The essential њDŽキἓࡳᘏⱘ෎ᴀ㽕∖ᰃ˖㊒⼲䲚Ёǃ਼䑿ᬒᵒǃ੐਌㞾 (Zuan),Cannon (Pao) and Crosscut (Heng) in Five-element Boxing(Wuxing Quan). ߔᰃ⇥䯈ϔϾӴ㒳༫䏃ˈᅗݙᆍЄᆠˈ㒧ᵘϹ䇼ˈࢆ࡯乎䖒ˈথࢆ࢛ points of the Stake Exercise: Focus attention, relax body and breathe naturally. ✊DŽ The Characteristics of Five-element Broadsword are:concise ⣯ˈ⇨࢓䲘ໂˈܙᰒ⼎ߎᔶᛣⱘ亢Ḑ੠⡍⚍DŽ methods,prominent strength,swiftness and valour,practical skillful attack.Interlink broadsword is a traditional series in the country.It hal rich content,strict structure,smooth strength,fierce letting off of strength,virile vigor,all which entirely show the style and characteristics of xingyi shool. CODE NO.DW027 ᛣᣇ䆩࡯ ᔶᛣѨ㸠ᵾ 6937475313028 CODE NO.DW027 Xingyi Five-element Spear CODE NO.DW079-2 Lecturer:Bo Jiacong Џ䆆㭘ᆊ偶 6937475313677 Џ䆆䚌೑࢛ CODE NO.DW079-2 ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁 Ёㅔ Ё㐕 Lecturer: Di Guoyong (Length:83minutes, Subtitles:English,SimpleChinese,TraditionalChinese ) \ \ (Length:67minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁?Ё᭛ The aim of Try Force is to activate the force you obtained in stake exercises and to 䆩࡯ⱘⳂⱘᰃՓキἓЁᕫࠄⱘᣇࢆܓ⌏䍋ᴹҹ㟈ᑨ⫼DŽ Xingyi Five-element Spear is formed by predecessors of Xingyi ᔶᛣѨ㸠ᵾᰃᓔᛣᣇࠡ䕜Ӏ㓐ড়৘⌒ᵾᴃᡔ⊩ˈҢЁᦤ⚐ǃᔦ use it freely. The request of Try Force is that the slowness is better than the 䆩࡯㽕∖ᰃ᜶᜶Ѣᖿǃ㓧㚰ѢᗹDŽ䆩࡯ህᰃᩌᣇࢆܓˈ䗮䖛 Quan who integrated school of spear skills and then 㒇ǃᅲ䏉ǃᘏ㒧ˈҹㅔ⋕ᅲ⫼Ўॳ߭ˈҹѨ㸠ᣇ࡜ǃ䪏ǃዽǃ⚂ǃ quickness. While practice, you seem to feel the force in air with you hands like ೼ぎ⇨Ё␌⋇㠀ⱘ䆁㒗ˈՓ㞾Ꮕⱘϸᴵ㛇㝞㒗䴶ϸᴵ⌏ⱘ abstracted,concluded,practiced,summarized them on the principles of ῾Ў῵ᓣˈҹ䑿Ẅড়ϔˈさߎᭈࢆˈ⊼䞡ࡳ࡯Ў⡍⚍ˈ㗠ᘏ㒧ߎᴹ swimming until you can move your hands as snakes. The stake exercise is relative 㶦㲛DŽキἓᰃⳌᇍⱘ䴭ℶˈ䆩࡯ᰃࣔ䗳䖤ࢆˈথ࡯߭ᰃব concision and practicality and on the mode of Pi,Zuan,Beng,Pao,Heng ⱘDŽ still, the try force is even movement. 䗳ǃࠊࡼǃࠍ䔺DŽ of Five-element Boxing (Wuxing Quan).It is characterized by union of body and weapon,prominence to the whole strength,emphasis on power. CODE NO.DW028 ᛣᣇথ࡯ Xingyi Five-element Sword CODE NO.DW079-3 ᔶᛣѨ㸠ࠥ Lecturer:Bo Jiacong 6937475313035 Џ䆆㭘ᆊ偶 CODE NO.DW079-3 CODE NO.DW028 6937475313684 Џ䆆䚌೑࢛ (Length:84minutes, Subtitles:English,SimpleChinese,TraditionalChinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ёㅔ\Ё㐕 Lecturer: Di Guoyong (Length:67minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁?Ё᭛ The Applying Force is the effective motive power of Chinese Boxing hitting power. থ࡯ᰃᣇᴃ᳝ᬜᠧߏ࡯䞣ⱘࡼ࡯ˈᰃキἓǃᣁ࡯ǃ䍄ℹ ᔶᛣѨ㸠ࠥᰃᔶᛣᣇ㗕ࠡ䕜ӀҢӫ໮ࠥЁߴ㐕ህㅔˈᢽ᳔݊Џ And it is the comprehensive showing of training in Stake Exercises, Try Force and ㄝ෎ᴀࡳ䆁㒗ⱘ㓐ড়ԧ⦄DŽབᵰ≵᳝ࡵᅲⱘ෎ᴀࡳˈ㽕ᛇᡘ Xingyi Five-element Sword has the five kinds of sword techniques 㽕ǃ᳔ᅲ⫼ǃ᳔㛑ԧ⦄ᔶᛣⱘ亢Ḑ੠⡍⚍ⱘѨ⾡ࠥ⊩DŽ⫼Ѩ㸠ᣇⱘ Footwork. Without s pragmatic skills, you can never lean how to apply your force 䖥䘧ᄺདথ࡯ᰃϡৃ㛑ࡲࠄⱘDŽথ࡯ᘏⱘ㽕∖˖ϔ㾺ेথˈ which predecessors of Xingyi Quan select after simplifying a lot of ࡜ǃ䪏ǃዽǃ⚂ǃ῾ⱘৡᄫ㗠ੑৡⱘѨ⾡ࠥ⊩DŽ well. The general requirements of Applying Force: Sudden explosion and abrupt ϔথेℶDŽ sword techniques and which are the most primary,the most practical stop. and can reflect the style and characteristics of Xingyi the most,summarize them on the principles of concision and practicality and on the mode of Chop(Pi),Snap(Beng),Drill(Zuan),Cannon(Pao)and Crosscut(Heng) in Five-element Boxing (Wuxing Quan). CODE NO.DW028 ᛣᣇᬷ᠟ CODE NO.DW028 6937475313035 Џ䆆㭘ᆊ偶 Lecturer:Bo Jiacong ᔶᛣѨ㸠ạ ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ёㅔ\Ё㐕 Xingyi Five-element Staff CODE NO.DW079-4 (Length:86minutes, Subtitles:English,SimpleChinese,TraditionalChinese ) Lectuurer: Di Guoyong 6937475313691 Џ䆆䚌೑࢛ CODE NO.DW079-4 ᛣᣇᬷ᠟˖ᛣᣇᬷ᠟জ⿄ᮁ᠟ǃᬷᠧǃᅲ԰ㄝDŽᬷ᠟ᰃ Free Sparring of Yi Quan is called blocking hands, sanshou or actual combat. It is (Length:62minutes, Subtitles:English,Chinese ) ⠛䭓ߚ䩳ᄫᐩ˖㣅䇁\Ё᭛ Movements of Five-element Staff are so concise that it is easy to learn and exercise the total achievement and comprehensive exhibition of the boxing essential skills. ᣇᴃ৘乍䆁㒗ⱘᘏ៤ǃᰃⳈ᥹Ẕ偠ᣇᴃ䬏⚐ⱘ㓐ড়ԧ⦄DŽህ Ѩ㸠ạ⊩ࡼ԰ㅔ⋕ˈᯧᄺᯧ㒗ˈᡔ⊩⏙᱄ˈᮍ⊩ᯢњˈࢆ࡯⌥८ˈ them,Its skills are clear,methods are explicit,strength is great and ability of skillful attack is ݊ॳྟᛣНᴹ䆆Зᰃϡ䰘ࡴӏԩᴵӊⱘᕦ᠟᧣ߏDŽᛣᣇ˄໻ Ѩ㸠ᣇϔḋˈ⊼䞡ᭈࢆˈ䆆ڣAccording to its original meaning, it is the barehanded fighting. The combat principles strong.Five-element staff which has not jazzy forms and techniques,like Five-element ᡔߏᗻᔎDŽѨ㸠ạ≵᳝㢅ᓣˈ㢅⊩ˈህ of the Yi Quan: 1. Pay attention to improve your inner energy. 2. The method of ៤ᣇ˅ⱘᡔߏॳ߭˖ϔǃ㊒⼲࡯䞣ⱘ෍ݏDŽѠǃܼ䑿П⊩ҹ Boxing pays great attention to the whole strength,body strength and work strength.When お䑿ࢆˈ⊼䞡ࡳ࡯DŽѨ㸠ạ㒗дᯊˈҹ䑿ЎЏˈ㝄࡯ЎϞˈҹᭈԧ࡯ whole body is general rule. 3. Attack and defense should be done at any time.4. Ў⊩ǃϔ⊩ϡゟ᮴⊩ϡᆍDŽϝǃᬏᅜ৘ϔԩЎᠧǃԩЎ༈থ exercising Five-element staff,put the body to the main position,the waist strength bo the upper position and the whole body strength to the best.
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