2Nd Day, First Regular Session
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • SIXTEENTH LEGISLATURE • COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS House Journal SECOND REGULAR SESSION, 2008 Ninth Day Thursday, October 16, 2008 The House of Representatives of the Sixteenth Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature convened in its Ninth Day, Second Regular Session on Thursday, October 16, 2008, at 1:42 p.m., in the House Chamber on Capitol Hill, Saipan. The Honorable Arnold I. Palacios, Speaker of the House, presided. A moment of silence was observed. The Clerk called the roll and sixteen members were present; Representatives Joseph C. Reyes, Ramon A. Tebuteb, and Ray N. Yumul came in late. Representative Heinz S. Hofschneider was absent and excused. Speaker Arnold I. Palacios: Representative Hofschneider is excused. I believe Representatives Ramon A. Tebuteb and Joseph C. Reyes will be coming in shortly. Let the record show that Representative Yumul is now present, so we have 17 members present for today’s session. ADOPTION OF JOURNALS Floor Leader Camacho moved for the adoption of the Eighth Day, First Regular Session, First Day, First Special Session, Second Day, First Special Session, First Day, Second Special Session, and Second Day, Second Special Session Journals and was seconded. 8th Day, First Regular Session (3/27/08) 1st Day, First Special Session (4/2/08) 2nd Day, First Special Session (4/3/08) 1st Day, Second Special Session (4/16/08) 2nd Day, Second Special Session (4/24/08) There was no discussion, and the motion to adopt the Journals was carried by voice vote. Speaker Arnold I. Palacios: The motion is carried. I will give the members a few days or a week at the most to review these Journals and make changes if necessary.
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