Saint Andrew Orthodox Church

January 31, 2021

Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cyrus and John

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Father Josiah Trenham, Pastor Father Thomas Hernandez, Assistant Pastor Father Corrigan Protodeacon Elias Khoury 951-369-0309 • [email protected] • Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East

Today’s Hymns and Readings for Your Participation in the Divine Liturgy

Apolytikion of the Resurrection and strive, because we have our hope set on Tone 1 the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, While the stone was sealed by the Jews and especially of those who believe. Command the soldiers were guarding Thy Most Pure and teach these things. Let no one despise Body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O your youth but set the believers an example in Savior, granting life to the world, for which speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in puri- cause the heavenly pow'rs cried aloud unto ty. Until I come, attend to the public reading Thee: O giver of life, glory to Thy resurrec- of scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do not tion, O Christ, glory to Thy kingdom, glory to neglect the gift you have, which was given you Thy providence, O Thou who alone art the by prophetic utterance when the council of Lover of Mankind. elders laid their hands upon you. Practice

Apolytikion for Ss. Cyrus and John these duties; devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress. Tone 5 Since Thou hast given us the miracles of Thy The Reading from the Holy Gospel holy , Cyrus and John, as an invinci- according to St. Luke (19:1-10) ble battlement, by their entreaties scatter the At that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was counsels of the heathen, O Christ our God, passing through. And there was a man named and strengthen the faith of Orthodox Chris- Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector, and tians, since Thou alone art good and the Lov- rich. And he sought to see Who Jesus was, but er of mankind. could not, on account of the crowd, because

Apolytikion of St. Andrew-Tone 4 he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead O Andrew first-called of the Apostles, brother and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see of Peter the first-enthroned, intercede with Jesus, for He was to pass that way. And when the Master of all to grant peace to the world Jesus came to the place, He looked up and and great mercy to our souls. said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house to- Kontakion of the Presentation day.” So he made haste and came down, and of Christ in the Temple-Tone 1 received Him joyfully. And when they saw it Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet, guest of a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchae- didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also us stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, come to save us; preserve Thy fold in wars, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for I have defrauded anyone of anything, I re- Thou alone art the Lover of mankind. store it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him,

Prokeimenon “Today salvation has come to this house, The Lord will give strength to His people. since he also is a son of ; for the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of God; ascribe to the Lord honor and glory. Megalynarion for St. Andrew -Tone 8

The Reading from the First Epistle Of the apostolic choir of the Lord, thou was of St. Paul to St. Timothy (4:9-15) first, O blessed one, to be called and to follow Timothy, my son, the saying is sure and wor- Him. With thy brother Peter, O Andrew thou thy of full acceptance. For to this end we toil didst leave all to preach Christ to all nations that all may praise His name.

Service Schedule − Week of January 31st February Mon., 1st 5:30pm Vigil 7:00pm Divine Liturgy for the Great Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, with the Blessing of the Boys Tue., 2nd 5:00pm Vespers for the Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess Wed., 3rd 5:00pm Vespers for our Righteous Father Thu., 4th 5:00pm Vespers for the Holy Virgin Agatha of Palermo Fri., 5th 5:00pm Vespers for our Holy Father Photios the Great Sat., 6th 7:30am Orthros 8:00am Divine Liturgy for our Holy Father Photios the Great 5:30pm Great Vespers Sun., 7th 9:00am Orthros 10:00am Divine Liturgy— After-Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple

Remember to wait to be dismissed by ushers before going forward to receive the Holy Eucharist—Outside will receive first, as well as children and the infirm. Please Note: 1) We have implemented a parishioner registration process for Sunday morn- ing services. We are currently permitted to have up to 100 people inside the temple. You must register ALL persons attending inside the temple online at: https:// . 2) There are overflow areas for praying the Liturgy on the Terrace and in the Hall for those who wish to come on Sunday but are not able to enter the temple. A priest will serve Holy Eucharist to the overflow. 3) There is no sign up for Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning – 7:30am Orthros, 8am Divine Liturgy. 4) Go to https:// to view information on registering for Sunday Liturgy, confession and safety guidelines.

St. Andrew Annual Meeting of the Voting Membership TODAY in the Hall following Liturgy—Remote Participation Provided We will be streaming the meeting via YouTube for those who are unable to attend in person. A link to the meeting will be emailed to the parish right before it begins. If attending remotely, members in good standing can send their vote to [email protected] from now until the vote is tabulated on Sunday. Write your first and last name in the text of your email so you can be verified as a qualified voter, to- gether with the two nominees for which you are voting. See the list of nominees in the annual report sent out to the parish. To be eligible to vote you must be a member in good standing, have fulfilled your 202o pledge and have a 2021 pledge in place. Catechumens are not yet eligible to vote.

Prayer Requests Prayers for the living will be retained on the list for 40 days. For exceptions, see Father Josiah. Living • Stacey Fazio, health • Nicolas Hensley, health • Petros Politis, Health • Mary Crumpler, healing • Artie and Barbara Bryant, health • Antonia (Loni Ounanian), health • Tanya Derrick, mother of John Renaud, health • Harold Thomas Departed • Jean Blair, bereaved + John Blair, newly departed • Seminarian Joseph and Marina Thornburg, + Haifa Lasad, newly departed and Elizabeth + Mary Sharon Barry, newly departed • Seminarian Mykel G., last year at SVS + Vasiliki Politis, newly departed • All those suffering from COVID + Lella, newly departed • Agnes Dabbour + Henry Roum, newly departed • Maria Newton, health + Maurice Khoury, newly departed Prayer for the Catechumens  Anderson, Cecilia  Ensminger, Nancy  Lewko, Taylor  Mosely, Jeff  Barrett, Savanah  Enquist, Juanita  MacConnell, Niel  Mosely, Matthew  Berlino, Alyssa  Hope, Brandon  MacConnell, Suzanne  Mosely, Tawnya  Blevins, Simon  Knight, Amanda  Martinez, Arielle  Simmons, Maggie  Burton, Tobias  Laguna, Ethan  Martinez,  Skelham, James  Campos, Dean  Laguna, Valerie  Martinez, Gideon  Soto, Jorge  Cervantes, Eric  Laguna, Amadeus  Martinez, Irie  Trujillo, Valerie  Copenhaver, John  Lavenant, Shaun  Martinez, Israel  Yarber, Joseph  Cords, Aislynn  Lawrence, Asher  Martinez, Joseph  Yarber, Josiah  Cords, Allison  Lawrence, Avelina  Martinez, Zion  Yarber, Micaela  Cords, Jonathan  Lawrence, Daphne  Matei, Paula  Cords, Joshua  Lawrence, Ezra  McDonald, Deborah  Cuahuizo, Edwin  Lawrence, Seth  Morgan, Joseph Mabrouk! Many Years! Khronia Polla! Name Days Birthdays Jan. 31-St. Marcella of -Marquelle Jan. 31-Beatrix Mueller Anderson Feb. 2-James Roum, Regina Roum, Paul Feb. 1-St. Brigid-Brigid Tracy Davis, Brigid Sayegh, Gerald Wieman Erynne Griffin, Brigid Shannon Feb. 3-Barbara Alliesun Munoz, Lydia Hero Feb. 2-St. Anna-Anna Jackson, Anna Jozian Perrine Saiid Feb. 4- Osadchuk, Maria Clariza St. Jordan-Jordan Beck Sanjuro-Casado Feb. 6-St. Ksenia-Ksenia Adelia Mayo Feb. 6-Israel Martinez, Victoria Emma Saiid St. Dorothea-Dorothy Henderson Anniversaries Feb. 2-Sean and Winifred (Jana) Elliot Gerald and Wendy Wieman


2021 SAINT KOSMAS CONFERENCE Educating Orthodox Christian Children in a Post-Christian World April 15-17, Arizona Gold Canyon Golf Resort  Registration open now Keynote Speakers: Fr. Josiah Trenham and Mark Tarpley Lecture Tracks for: • New Homeschoolers • Veteran Homeschoolers • Classroom Educators Community Leaders Seeking to Support Orthodox Education in the Parish Curriculum Fair Homeschool Workshops Children’s Program

CREATIVE ARTS CONTESTS—DEADLINE MARCH 1, 2021 Contestant must be an Orthodox Christian (baptized Orthodox or officially enrolled as a catechumen in the Orthodox Church) and must be born in the year 2001 or later. There are no eligibility restrictions based on Orthodox jurisdiction, type of schooling, or country of residence. There is an entry submis- sion limit of 3 pieces per child for the 2020-21 St. Kosmas Art Contest. Students in both public schools and those homeschooling eligible to participate. Saint Kosmas ART Contest  Saint Kosmas PHOTOGRAPHY Contest Saint Kosmas ESSAY Contest To learn about the contest requirements, prizes and how to submit entries, go to:

Outdoor Agape Hour—RESUMES FEBRUARY 14TH!!!! Parish Bookstore—Open after Liturgy on Sunday mornings Coffee and Donuts with Prez—Sunday mornings following Liturgy Young adults gather at home adjoining temple parking lot... Homeless Meals—1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month Meet at Hulen Shelter at 5am to prepare breakfast. Breakfast served at 6am. Donations can be made towards homeless meals – memo Homeless meals on offering. Moms, Grandmothers, Godmothers Breakfast Club—4th Saturdays Following Liturgy, Akathist for children, pot luck breakfast. Bring your prayer list! Book Club—2nd Tuesdays of the Month at 7pm, Contact Tiffany at [email protected] for ZOOM info . Booklist posted in the bookstore. Our Parish Family If you have begun to regularly attend St. Andrew Orthodox Church we welcome you. If you are an Orthodox Christian, and you would like to become a member of our parish family so that we can include you in our communications and ministries, please contact the office to make an appointment to speak with Father Josiah. If you are not an Orthodox Christian, and you are interested in learning more about our faith we invite you to contact the parish office to make inquiries: [email protected] or 951-369-0309

Welcome to Our Visitors

We are delighted to have you join us at our service today in worshiping the Holy Trinity. Please take a moment after the service to introduce yourself to our pastor, Fr. Josiah. You are cordial- ly invited to join us for the Agape Meal after services. We would love to greet you and to an- swer any questions you may have about our church. If you are not Orthodox Christian, please do not approach the chalice during the distribution of Holy Communion. If you are an Ortho- dox Christian, please note that Communion must be prepared for by fasting, reconciliation, and recent confession.

The St. John Chrysostom Catechetical School presents THE GOSPEL REVEALED: An Exposition of Romans First Class February 17th, Wednesday at 7pm in the Hall Family Night meal will be served—$2.50 per person

Lenten Catechism Classes - 2021

Catechism classes will be Saturdays at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend. Catechumens must attend as part of their preparation to be received into the Church. March 6th: The Mystery of Holy Baptism April 4th: The Mystery of Holy Priesthood March 13th: The Mystery of Chrismation April 11th: The Mystery of Holy Matrimony March 20th: The Mystery of Holy Eucharist April 18th: The Mystery of Holy Unction March 27th: The Mystery of Holy Confession April 25th: The Mystery of Death and the Funeral