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Acavallo-Leather-Passion-2019.Pdf !"#$%&'&(&))$*'$+,-,...*&'&(&))$*'$+ /012345 !"#$%&'()*&#+,-.)'&/!"#$!%#&'()'*'!++,-!./.+/!0$)!1#2*&#)3!4516!7&$89 :; <=>!.?@!A@/.+>+!B!C;!<=>!.?@!A@/./@.!D!#)E3F$G$H3(*';I3G!B!JJJ;$G$H3(*';I3G Thanks to all the horsewomen and horsemen for their fantastic collaboration, for their patience, trust, passion and dedication that once again gave us the chance to immerse and participate in the wonderful and stimulating universe of horses. Content Introduction 4 · Saddle Division 8 · Bridles 28 · Girths 38 · Martingales and Breastplates 44 Reins 48 · Stirrup Leathers 50 · Halters 52 · Horse Boots 54 Acavallo Leather Passion Introduction A Story of Passion Acavallo®’s history begins with a shared passion for riding. Acavallo® boasts a 360° knowledge in horse technical equipment. Mauro Benetti and Monica Speroni, the company owners, partners in life and work, met in the Many top international riders are advocating Acavallo® products, first of all dressage Olympic 1980s both frequenting the equestrian field: Mauro for work, while Monica was following her champion Charlotte Dujardin, testimonial of excellence alongside Scott Brash, Valentina passion for show jumping, competing with young horses. This meeting gave rise first to their Truppa, Simon Delestre and numerous others. love and then in 1987 to the idea of combining their mutual knowledge to set up a business Acavallo® is present in over 50 countries and has numerous patents demonstrating the high that would comply with their values: passion and respect for riding. standards of innovation pursued. Acavallo® was founded in 2003 and quickly became a company of excellence in the sector, Acavallo® has undertaken an exciting new challenge, by developing an innovative collection internationally recognised for the reliability of its products. of saddles and accessories, technically proven for future needs. In 2013 with the joining of the Benetti family’s second generation in the company, Acavallo® The focus is based on two fundamental principles that in turn merge into one: the well- implemented customer care and customer service departments with the aim of meeting being of the horse and rider. This is the benchmark without compromise in all phases of the the customers’ demands and needs. Like her mother Vittoria Benetti also has a past as a wonderful Acavallo® adventure. horsewoman, and grew up in the company absorbing the technical know-how passed from her parents. Vittoria also coordinates the marketing and communication department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addle Division Style and Functionality The unique design of cantle’s s rubber band has a double function, guarantees greater impact protection in the rear part (more sensitive to scratches and peeling) and to give to Acavallo® saddles an unmistakable distinctive look. 9 !"#$#%%&'(!)'*+,-./0 !"!"#$%&'$(#) !"#$%&#$"'#()*+$,#-$%.$*/*'%$0)%&#1"$0)/%&$%&1.23& *4$)44.5*%)5#$*/62"%7#4%$"-"%#78 $"&$1#2$3+**4#$5678#,- 9(*5*++.$;9<$=-"%#7>$)"$*$4#0 1#5.+2%).4*1-$%#(&4.+.3-$%.$"#%$%&#$0)%&#1" */62"7#4%8 #"&*+,-./#$!0## 9$%..%&#/$7#(&*4)"7$'.")%).4#/$)4")/#$%&#$"*//+#$%1## *++.0"$1)/#1"$%.$'#1:#(%+-$*/*'%$%&#$"*//+#$%.$%&# *4*%.7-$.:$%&#$&.1"#8 !"#$%&'('$)*+,-.(/01')2-11'()34.('&)!*2 !"#$%&'()*+',$'-$.'/0#$1+2+,3 !"#$%&'()$&*$)+"$,-./.00&1$2.330"$0'("$'2$)+"$4"/&05)'&(.4#$.3652)7"()$2#2)"7$&*$)+"$&%"('(8$*&4$)+"$9')+"42:$;)$9&4<2$9')+$.$2'7%0"$.(3$ '()5')'/"$)54($&*$.($.00"($<"#$)&$%"4*"-)0#$.3.%)$)+"$2.330"$)&$)+"$.(.)&7#$&*$)+"$+&42":$=+'2$'2$%&22'>0"$)+.(<2$)&$.($'((&/.)'/"$)&&)+"3$ 7"-+.('27$%&2')'&("3$'(2'3"$&*$)+"$2.330"$)4"":$=+"$%.)"()$%"(3'(8$2#2)"7$.00&92$)+"$4'3"4$)&$-+&&2"$)+"$>"2)$2.330"$%&2')'&(:$ ?/"($7&4"$'(-4"3'>0"$'2$)+.)$)+'2$&%"4.)'&($-.($>"$%"4*&47"3$9+'0"$7&5()"3:$@('7.8'(.>0"$5%$)&$(&9$9')+$-&(/"()'&(.0$2.330"2: !"#$%"&'()*+",("-").-/*+-.0"12"$+-31.(*"4.-/,56"&.7 !! !"#$#%%&'(!)'*+,-./0 !"#$%&'(")*+(%(,-."-*"/012.-"-3("42''(- 5"!"#$%&'()$'*+,'-$.'''/'''6"(0%"'1234567#$ 7"1)33#$'()$'8$#&'9:;;2$'<3#7&73"'''/'''!"(67#&'130"&$%4234567#$ !" !"#$#%%&'()#*+),'-#../&0 1#22%)'3/$/./&0 !"#$!%## !"#$%&'()&*(+,-&.%&'(/)**0-1 !"#$%#&'(%)&##*$+#,-$./$01,2,33.4$5(%*'67$+,&&3#+$,33.8+$-"#$9'&#9$-.$/'6&$,6&$:##*$,6$ .*-'%,3$ *.+'-'.6$ ,6&$ ;,3,61#$ &(9'67$ ,33$ *",+#+$ ./$ 9'&'67$ ,6&$ 5(%*'67<$ ;=$ %.2'67$8'-"$ -"#$ ".9+#$,6&$+(**.9-'67$'-+$6,-(9,3$5(%*'67$-#1"6'>(#?$!"#$6,99.8$-8'+-$./$-"#$+,&&3#$-9##$8,+$ #+*#1',33=$&#+'76#&$-.$%,'6-,'6$-"#$9#>('9#&$13.+#$,6&$1.6+-,6-$1.6-,1-$8'-"$-"#$".9+#? 23-11)'-(/)**0-1 @,9-'1(3,9$1,9#$",+$;##6$&#2.-#&$-.$-"#$&#2#3.*%#6-$./$-"#$-9##$(+#&$'6$&9#++,7#$+,&&3#+? 0$&'3'7#6-$-#1"6'1,3$,6&$*9,1-'1,3$9#+#,91"$",+$3#&$-.$-"#$19#,-'.6$./$,$*,9-'1(3,93=$&##*$+#,-$ -",-$,33.8+$-"#$".9+#$,6&$9'&#9$-.$;3#6&$'6-.$,$+'673#$#6-'-=?$ 45#$51%.%5& !9##$%,&#$./$1.%*.+'-#$6=3.6$,6&$1,9;.6$/';9#$"#,9-"? !9##$%,&#$./$1.%*.+'-#$%,-#9',3$8'-"$+*9'67$+-##3$9#'6/.91#%#6-+? !9##$%,&#$./$1.%*.+'-#$6=3.6? !" !"#$#%%&'()#*+),'-#../&0 1#22%)'3/$/./&0 !"#$%&'#() !"#$#%%&'()#*(+,-%.(&/(.)0(01203-0/"0(4#-/05(.)3&,4)(60#3*(&7("&%%#+&3#.-&/(8-.)(*&90(&7(.)0( 9&*.(-92&3.#/.(#/5(.#%0/.05(3-503*(-/(.)0(8&3%5:(!8#30(&7(.)0(-92&3.#/"0(&7(*)&,%503(#/#.&96( #/5(9,*"%0(9#**(&7(.)0()&3*0;(!"#$#%%&'()#*(50*-4/05(%#340(2#/0%*(8-.)(#/#.&9-"#%(*,22&3.*( .&( 4-$0( 9#1-9,9( "&97&3.:(<)0( 9#.03-#%*( ,*05( #30( /#.,3#%( #/5( )62&#%%0340/-":( =#2#+%0( &7( #5#2.-/4(#/5(#+*&3+-/4(.)0(*.30**0*(&7(0$036(5#6(8&3>(#/5(.)0(230**,30*(.)#.(50$0%&2(5,3-/4( #%%(2)#*0*(&7(9&$090/.: !"#$"%&'&"( 40*)5,#*)2'6%&"7)2'-#0)%. ?0#.)03;(/0&230/0(#/5(70%.(2&">0.(7-%%05(8-.)(2&%67-%%:( @&&%( 7%&">-/4( -*( *&7.( #/5( "&/7&39*( .&( #( )&3*0A*( +#">:( B%&">05( *#55%0*( "#/( +0( #5C,*.05( 304,%#3%6(.&(#""&99&5#.0(")#/40*(#*(.)0()&3*0(50$0%&2*: @&&%(-*(+30#.)#+%0(>002-/4(.)0()&3*0*(+#">("&&%03:(B30*)(7%&">-/4(#%*&(9-/-9-*0*(.)0(*#55%0( +&,/"-/4(#/5("#,*-/4("&/",**-&/(.&(.)0()&3*0*(+#">: (#*)8'-#0)%. ?0#.)03;(70%.(%-/05(#/5(%#.01: ?#.01(2#/0%*(4-$0(430#.(",*)-&/-/4;(#30($036(5,3#+%0(#/5()&%5*(,2(80%%(.&(.)0("&/",**-$0( *.30**(&7(C,92-/4:(<)0(2#/0%*(5&(/&.(")#/40(*)#20(#/5(+05(5&8/: !" AC9105 Masaccio Features · Double premium aniline full-grain calfskin leather · MAG System® · Composite/steel tree · · Safe impact band Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Cognac Details Jumping Saddles 18 AC9100 Bellini Features · Premium aniline full-grain leather · MAG System® · Composite/steel tree · · Safe impact band Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Cognac Details Jumping Saddles 19 AC9115 Botticelli Features · Double premium · Latex panels* aniline full-grain · Safe impact band calfskin leather · Detachable front/rear · MAG System® blocks · Composite tree Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Cognac Details Jumping Saddles 20 * Also available with Integrated flocked panels: code AC9117 !"#$%&(/0+%',%*&% !"#$%&"' : ;7"<2=-$6=#%"# : H3@=I-$3&=2?J 3&%2%&=->"22.'63%& : E3>=-%#$34@-<3&K 432>?5%&-2=3@A=6 : ;=@34A3<2=->67&@L6=36 : BCD-EF?@=#G <2745? : 97#$7?%@=-@6== ("#$ ()*" !"#$%&' ()*+,-.-(/,-.-(/*+,-.-(0, +,-,&' 12345 1678& 97'&34 ."$#)-' !"#$%&'()*++,-. !"#$%&"'(')$'*$+",)-."/0-+12'-+3"4$&56+3"7'0+$%8"5&3+"!"#$%& !" AC9133 Guttuso Features ·Double premium · Latex panels* aniline full-grain · Safe impact band calfskin leather · Preformed front/rear · MAG System® blocks · Composite tree Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Cognac Details Jumping Saddles 22 * Also available with Integrated flocked panels: code AC9135 AC9110 Veneziano Features · Seat and knee rolls · Composite tree in full-grain · Latex panels* calfskin leather · Safe impact band · Flaps in top-grain leather · Detachable front/rear · MAG System® blocks Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Details Jumping Saddles * Also available with Integrated flocked panels: code AC9112 23 AC9120 Giotto Features · · Composite/steel tree · Double premium · aniline full-grain · Safe impact band calfskin leather · · MAG System® integrated front blocks Seat Size Jumping 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Brown Cognac Details Eventing Saddles 24 AC9145 Features · ·Carbon/composite ·Double premium tree aniline full-grain · calfskin leather panels · MAG System® · Safe impact band Seat Size Dressage 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Details Dressage Saddles Dressage 26 AC9150 Leonardo Features · · Carbon/composite · Premium aniline tree full-grain calfskin · leather panels · MAG System® · Safe impact band Seat Size Dressage 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" - 18" Colors Black Details Dressage Saddles Dressage 27 Bridles The Acavallo bridle line is characterised by a particular softness and an ergonomic shape of the crown piece. Some models feature a uniquely shaped insert releasing the poll and the upper cervical spine of the horse. This design relieves pressure and provides for a perfect fit of the bridle in the poll area, one of the most sensitive body regions of the horse. The cheekpieces of Acavallo bridles attach to the noseband by means of an innovative and patent pending self-adjusting system which prevents the pinching of facial nerves, muscles and of the jaw joints, allowing the horse to chew and breathe much more naturally than with conventional designs. In addition to that the special suspension system reduces the risk of abrasions in the cheekbone area.
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