Learn About the Double Bridle—The Bits, How It Works, How It Fits and How to Hold the Reins

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Learn About the Double Bridle—The Bits, How It Works, How It Fits and How to Hold the Reins Learn about the double bridle—the bits, how it works, how it fits and how to hold the reins. By Gerhard Politz Illustrations by Sandy Rabinowitz iders working toward Fourth Level and beyond frequently ask the question, "When is my horse ready for the double bridle?" The answer depends on how your horse accepts the criteria of the Pyramid of Training. In particular, you must evaluate his development of impul- sion and connection. Your horse must work onto a steady contact to the bit. He must flex and bend willingly and fairly evenly in both directions. Ideally, you should be able to feel your horse's hind legs engaging with energy through his back and onto your hands. He must also be able to work with some degree of collection. A question seldom asked by riders is: "When am I ready to use the double bridle?" The answer is: When you can keep your hands still and have learned how to ride half halts. That's the simplified version, but it involves a bit more than that. You must be able to ride your horse resolutely forward, create impulsion as needed and establish an elastic connection. That's already a tall order. You must also carry your hands correctly, holding your fists upright, thumbs on top and pinkies underneath—no "cocktail shaking." Don't hold your hands apart like you are riding August 2008 Dressage Today 47 • Use of THE DOUBLE BRIDLE ANATOMY OF THE SKULL Fitting the Double Bridle To understand the function of the double bridle, and the curb bit in par- ticular, we need to examine the points of contact made in the horse's mouth and on certain areas of the head. The horse's skull clearly shows the gap between the incisors and the molars (see illustration, left). This gap, called the "diastema," is formed by the bony bars of the lower and upper jaws, which are covered with skin and sensitive nerves. The diastema has unique charac- 1. Diostema teristics for every horse. Several factors 2. Canines (tushes) determine what kind of bits may be 3. Premolars (wolf teeth) suitable for a particular horse: the width 4. Incisors of the mouth, the width and length of 5. Molars the bars, whether they are fleshy or thin- 6. Bars skinned, the size of the tongue, the shape and condition of the palate and the shape and thickness of the lips. Stallions, a bicycle either, as this will inevitably however, the horse will become stiff in geldings and, occasionally, mares have cause you to pull back. With such hands his neck and eventually his whole top canine teeth—also called tushes. Both your horse will never truly be in front of line will be affected. Overall elasticity suf- sexes may develop premolars—also called the leg and on the seat. Improve supple- fers. Some of the signs are: The walk will wolf teeth—which can interfere with the ness in your wrists and hone your skills decline into pacing, the trot will become action of the bits. If this is the case, they using each rein aid separately as well choppy and restricted through the shoul- should be removed by a veterinarian. as together. Ride with closed fists and ders and the canter will no longer have The size of the diastema is usually adjust your reins frequently. Learn to three clear beats. When the rider realizes related to the size of the horse's head, give a little with the outside rein without that the gaits are deteriorating, he or although some warmbloods may have losing the horse's shoulder when riding she often uses stronger driving aids and an uncharacteristically small gap and bent lines. This is of crucial importance longer spurs. As a result, the horse locks delicate lips, which must be considered when using the double bridle, as the more and more onto the hand, causing when choosing the thickness of the bits. outside curb rein will otherwise get too the rider to hold the reins stronger in an Bridoons are generally 13 to 16 millime- tight, possibly causing the horse to open effort to make the horse lighter. It is easy ters (mm) thick. It is also acceptable— his mouth, cross his jaw, tilt his head or to understand how this kind of scenario and some horses prefer it—to use a develop tongue problems. resembles a weight lifting contest rather normal snaffle bit thicker than 16mm. than the classical concept of riding a Curb bits are between 16mm and 21mm When to Use the Double Bridle horse in collection and self-carriage. thick. Use a bit gauge to measure the Uniortunately, the double bridle is some- Correct and skillful use of the double horse's mouth to determine the width times used for the wrong reasons. If you bridle enhances collection, because the of the curb. Add about Smm on either are having trouble getting your horse leverage of the curb bit allows the rider side to ensure that the horse's lips are on the bit, you must not use the double to use very subtle rein aids, thus en- not squeezed. Too wide a curb can slant bridle hoping to "get him to submit." abling the rider to instantly redirect the within the horse's mouth, causing an The negative results ot riding the wrong horse's energy back into his haunches imbalance that makes an even contact end of the horse far outweigh any mo- through half halts. This correct tech- impossible. The bridoon should be about mentary success. The side effects of the nique encourages self-carriage and one-half inch wider than the curb to wrongful use of the double bridle may strengthens the horse so he can work "in avoid pinching of the lips. Place the not be immediately apparent. In time, collection" for sustained periods of time. bridoon high enough to create two or 48 Dressage Today August 2008 CURB BITS 1 Standard curb bit with • moderate port. Fairly mild bit. Puts more pressure on tongue, less on the bars. Tongue acts as buffer. Straight upper shanks. Short lower shanks. 2 Curb bit with wide port. • Also known as "FC Special," it provides ample room for the horse's tongue. Unlikely to press on the palate. The pressure of the cannon is fairly evenly distributed on the tongue and bars. Tongue can act as a buffer. Upper shanks slightly turned out to avoid pressure on the bridoon. 3 Sliding Weymouth. Fairly mild • bit. Provides mobility of the cannon. Suitable for horses that grab A. Cannon E. Upper shank the bit. Encourages more play with the B. Port F. Lower shank tongue. Straight upper shanks. Curb chain G. Eyes for cheek pieces A Schultheis curb bit with high D. Curb chain hooks H. Rings for curb reins • port. Provides plenty of room for the tongue that is not too fleshy. Thickness of the cannon puts moder- ate pressure on the bars. High arch of the port could put pressure on a low palate. Upper shanks slightly turned out to avoid pressure on the bridoon. C Curb bit with long upper and 0 • lower shanks. Similar action as number I but more severe because of longer shanks, particularly if com- bined with a tight curb chain. Schulteis curb bit with thin • cannon. More severe than number 4. Straight upper shanks. 7 KK curb bit with a very wide i • and high port. Provides ample room for tongues of all sizes. Not much buffering effect. Acts more on bars. High port could press on low palate. Upper shanks slightly turn out to avoid pressure on the bridoon. The FEI is considering a new rule requiring a minimum thickness of .10mm for bridoons and .14mm for curb bits. August 2008 Dressage Today 49 • Use of THE DOUBLE BRIDLE the specific placement of the two bits. loose that your horse's mouth is gaping. Do not be afraid of a little thoughtful A gaping mouth—provided the nose- experimentation, as every horse has his band is adjusted correctly—is indicative own preferences, and a small adjustment of a lack of throughness. In this case, ad- can often make a big difference in how ditional tightening of the noseband can he accepts the contact. be a temporary fix, but ultimately you The curb chain secures the fulcrum must work on improving throughness. action of the bit. The more you tighten the curb chain, the more severe is the Effect of the Curb leverage on the bars of the mouth, on The effect ol the curb bit depends on its 1the tongue, on the chin groove and, to thickness, the tightness of the chain, the some extent, on the horse's poll. Attach length of the lower shank (a maximum the chain first to the hook on the right of 10 centimeters is legal according to 11) side of the curb. Then twist it clockwise the U.S. Equestrian Federation Rule Book) and attach it to the left hook. The chain and the length of the upper shank (no must lie flat against the chin groove. specification given in the Rule Book). Because the skin is very sensitive in that With most curb bits, the upper area, use a chain cover to minimize chaf- shanks are simply a continuation of the ing. When purchasing a curb bit, check lower shanks and are pointing straight that the opening of the chain hook is up. However, it is preferable that the pointing forward ("see photos, p. 51). upper shanks are pointing slightly out- DOUBLE BRIDLE PIECES This makes it easier to flatten the chain.
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