
Tutorial 4


• Saving snapshots • Movies with ImageJ • Other methods Saving Snapshots include gro The top half of this program sets up alpha_g := 100; // gfp production rate cells with stochastically varying beta_g := 1; // gfp degradation rate expression of GFP program expression() := { gfp := 0; rate(alpha_g) : { gfp := gfp +1 } rate(beta_g*gfp) : { gfp := gfp - 1 } }; program main() := { t := 0; // framerate time tracker snapshot() saves a tiff of the current s := 0; // total time tracker frame and takes one argument: the n := 0; file path. If no absolute path is given, true : { The main loop takes snapshots every it saves to the gro executable t := t + dt, 2 program minutes and stops at 150 directory. s := s + dt minutes, generating 73 images at the } default dt setting. This line is long because it adds a 0 to t > 2 : { the filename to ensure proper sorting snapshot ( "expression" <> if n <10 then "0" else "" end <> tostring(n) <> ".tif" ), when there are less than 100 snapshots. A more complex if-then n := n + 1, statement is required when there are t := 0 more than 100 snapshots. } s > 150 : { Images in this case are saved as stop() “expressionNN.tif”, where NN is the } frame number e.g. 01, 04, 12, etc. }; ecoli ( [], program expression() ); Movies with ImageJ

ImageJ is freely available for all major OSes and can be downloaded here:

Let’s make this movie (only animates in the .pptx version of this tutorial): Movies with ImageJ

Step 1: Move the .tiff files to a new folder. I called mine “expression_tiffs”.

Step 2: Open ImageJ and select File > Import > Image Sequence. Navigate to your folder (e.g. “expression_tiffs”) and select the first image, then select OK. Movies with ImageJ

Step 3: ImageJ will launch an import options dialog. The defaults are usually fine. This is a good point to opt to resize the images, if you are planning to do so. I typically resize to 75%.

Step 4: Open ImageJ and select Image > Stacks > Tools > Animation Options.

Step 5: Select a higher FPS than the default 7. 24 fps is a good starting point for a smooth animation. Movies with ImageJ

Step 6: To save your movie, select File > Save > AVI (or any other movie format). Using JPEG compression makes a smaller, but uglier movie. PNG compression makes a larger but high quality (lossless) movie. A JPEG-format avi can be uploaded directly to YouTube. If you want a higher- quality option, save as a PNG avi and convert using a separate program (like HandBrake).

Note: To save an animated GIF (which can be used directly in powerpoint), you must first convert the image to 8-bit color. This can be done by selecting Image > Type > 8-bit color. Alternative Methods

There are many other ways to make a movie once you have saved the gro snapshots into a folder of tiffs.

Matlab: to read tiffs, many ways to output an image series to videos.


Python: OpenCV bindings - : (various frontends available for windows, mac, and )