Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture

Vol . 31 No . 2 April 2019

In this Issue... NSFA NSFA Goes to Ottawa . . . 1 Goes to Ottawa! Viewpoint ...... 2 We’ve Moved ...... 2 The CFA AGM took place at the end Febru- The Federal Election wasn’t the only excit- ary. Some highlights on the agenda include ing election topic at the meeting. The East New Federal Ag Minister . . 3 greetings from (now past) AAFC Minister, Coast is well represented at CFA with two NSFA Goes to Ottawa contin- Hon. Lawrence MacAulay; , the officers being elected from Atlantic Canada ued...... 3 Conservative party agriculture critic; Alistair – Mary Robinson from PEI as President and Budget Time...... 3 MacGregor, the NDP’s agriculture critic; a Nova Scotia’s own Chris van den Heuvel as panel on the Future of Canadian Farming Second-Vice. Chris has been NSFA’s CFA Marks Ad...... 4 which included Macroeconomics, Export Op- Director starting in 2017 and has been active Agriculture Board Opportuni- portunities and Sustainabilities, and the up- in keeping agriculture in the minds of federal, ties...... 5 coming Federal Election. NSFA’s Executive Officers, CFA Director and Executive Director Policy Corner ...... 6 represented NSFA at the meeting. Budget Time continued. . . 6 While in Ottawa, the representatives from the Rural Infrastructure. . . . . 7 Atlantic Federations of Agriculture met with the now past Federal Minister of Agriculture Upcoming Events . . . . . 8 (more on these changes can be found on this New Marks Cards . . . . . 8 page). Issues touched on during the brief meeting were AgriRisk, Regional Research Fund and AgriStability.

Chris van den Heuvel elected as first ever CFA Officer from Nova Scotia.

provincial and municipal governments. Also joining Chris and Mary in the officer roles is Keith Currie from Ontario. According to a release from CFA, the Executive team will focus on the key CFA priorities of the Produc- Pictured above are: Tim Marsh, Christian Michaud, ing Prosperity Campaign, ensuring the pillars Victor Oulton, Minister MacAulay, Lisa Ashworth, of the economics, food security and the Mervin Wiseman, David Mol and Robert Godfrey . environment are at the forefront of Canadian @NSFAFANE

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 1 17/05/2019 9:32:05 AM Viewpoint

Trade seems to be on the minds of Then on to China. Since the Huawei ex- many people these days. A few years ecutive was held for extradition to the ago we thought things were settled; US, Canada’s trade relationship with we had an agreement in the TPP that China has been under threat. China would last 20 years and all we had to recently suspended trade with Richard- do was add a few countries over time son International, and we are still not and the parameters would hold for certain what the real reason for this is the long term. Then along came the since neither China nor the company 2016 US election and changed all that; has said much. Canada also recently the newly elected US president cam- suspended importation of pork from paigned on not signing the TPP and China due to the African Swine Fever Henry Vissers on renegotiating or canceling NAFTA. (ASF). They are also one of our largest Executive Director, Nova Scotia Obama talked about that in his first trading partners for pork which adds Federation of Agriculture campaign, however, once elected that another complexity. We do need to be was off the table. Not with this guy! very careful - ASL could devastate the pork industry. We all remember the So now we’ve gone through a difficult Foot and Mouth outbreak in the UK and re-negotiation of NAFTA plus a new pa- BSE in Canada. cific agreement (CPTPP). Both agree- ments have caused Canada to make Finally, I wanted to mention the Frost further concessions over what was recovery program. NSFA was very WE’VE MOVED! originally agreed in NAFTA and TPP. pleased that this program has been of-

We are a trading nation and do need fered. The timelines were very tight and As of April 1st, NSFA will offi- agreements in order to have certainty we would have liked to see it offered cially take over 7 Atlantic Central required to invest in the infrastructure earlier if it needed to be in this fiscal Drive! Joining us will be Farm that we require for the future of our year. It is an important program and we Safety Nova Scotia, Agri-Com- trade sectors. Not all commodities in applaud the provincial government for modity Management Asso- Nova Scotia are a direct export con- funding it. ciation (Cattle, Pork, Sheep and cern, however as a nation we can’t eat other organizations) and Nova all the beef, pork blueberries and other Lastly as mentioned in an article in this Scotia Agri-Futures. While we products that we produce. newsletter we have a vice president of CFA from Nova Scotia for the first time hope to make this transition as Then there is Brexit, the UKs long and in the history of CFA. Congratulations seamless as possible, we apolo- torturous road to separating from to Chris van den Heuvel! We also met gize in advance for any hiccups the EU. Soft Brexit, Hard Brexit, Irish with Ag Minister MacAulay while we that we may experience with this backstop, it’s all pretty fascinating to were in Ottawa. We were barely home move. Watch future issues for a watch - I wouldn’t want to be in the and he was shifted to Veterans af- “House Warming” party! middle of it. UK agriculture depends fairs and we had a new Minister from on the EU for markets and I assume . Also on the federal front - it’s Contact Information: the EU depends on British products as a positive step for the federal govern- Website: well. It’s a big unknown that could spill ment to name as Phone number: (902) 893-2293 over into other countries and may even Minister of Rural Economic Develop- eMail: [email protected] impact our markets third hand through ment. With our policy positions around dumping on markets, and other trade rural infrastructure including broad- Mail & office location: considerations. It’s not likely going band and cell coverage its an acknowl- 7 Atlantic Central Drive to be settled at the end of March and edgement of the importance of this East Mountain, NS will continue to create uncertainty for issue for rural Canada. B6L 2Z2 many people. Comments?

[email protected]

2 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture Vol. 31 No. 2 April 2019

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 2 17/05/2019 9:32:05 AM New NSFA Goes to Ottawa Federal Ag Minister CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

A minor cabinet shuffle took place on March 1st, shuffling Hon Lawrence Agriculture. MacAulay from PEI out of AAFC and over to Veteran’s Affairs and Hon CFA members passed 36 resolu- Marie-Claude Bibeau over to AAFC. tions that will guide its advocacy The shuffle took place a day after CFA efforts in the coming year. This elected Mary Robinson, who was also year’s resolutions cover a range of from PEI, into the CFA President role. areas, including: trade, business risk management, transportation, Hon Bibeau is the MP for Compton- tax policy, sustainability, crop pro- Stanstead, a strong Dairy riding in tection, labour, animal health, rural Quebec. These changes come in infrastructure, carbon pricing and light of the recent resignation of Jody other topics.

Wilson-Raybould. Hon Marie-Claud Bibeau is the first female There was also the presentation Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food of the first annual Brigid Rivoire Canada . Award for Champions of Agricul- tural Mental Health, an award that goes to an individual or organiza- tion that has been doing work in the field of agricultural mental health. This year’s winner was the on Canadian food both at home and UPA’s Sentinel program. Budget abroad. Two policy workshops prior to the CFA also noted in their release that AGM focused on Big Data/ Right Time! there was a call for small business to Repair as well as Value Creation Synonymous with “spring” is “budget deduction relief for farmers and fishers Models for grain, followed by a announcement”. selling to affiliated corporations. These consultation with AAFC and CFIA on those Value Creation Models. On the week of March 18, the Federal deductions will ensure farmers and budget was released. CFA partici- fishers regain access to their small pated in the Federal budget lockup and business deduction, enabling produc- conducted a preliminary analysis of the ers unduly affected by changes an- content. nounced in 2016 to invest in their busi- nesses, making them more efficient, sustainable and profitable over time. According to CFA, some of the an- nouncements that are of particular importance to the agriculture sector The commitment of $5 - 6 billion to include the development of a National provide high-speed internet to 100% of Food Policy which provides a platform Canada by 2030 is vital for farmers to through which CFA hopes will enable be able to conduct simple day to day e- a whole-of-government approach to commerce as well as embrace cutting- edge precision agriculture technol- Canadian Agri-Food policy, an initiative Shown (l to r) Victor Oulton, President; Tim Marsh, 1st ogy. It’s not new news to Nova Scotia CFA has been calling for since 2011. Vice; Chris deWaal, 2nd Vice; Chris vandenHeuvel; past farmers the importance and necessity This policy will focus on tackling food president and newly elected 2nd Vice of CFA and Henry waste, improving community access to of high-speed internet. Vissers, Executive Director . healthy food and will shine a spotlight CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 April 2019 Vol. 31 No. 2 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture 3

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 3 17/05/2019 9:32:06 AM 4 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture Vol. 31 No. 2 April 2019

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 4 17/05/2019 9:32:07 AM Agriculture Board Opportunities! Agencies, Boards and Commissions Nova Scotia Login System vacancies) (ABCs) are created by government to • Next, you will set up your profile; • Crop and Livestock Insurance provide advice and services in differ- you will need basic personal infor- Arbitration Board, Nova Scotia (2 ent areas, including health, policing, mation, training / skills set and a vacancies) agriculture, education, culture, envi- resume. • Farm Loan Board (1 vacancy) ronment, transportation, professional °° Yes, that’s right – a resume • Farm Practices Board (3 vacan- regulation and more. ABCs include must accompany the application. cies) advisory committees and councils, cor- I know that many farmers haven’t • Farm Registration Appeal Commit- porate boards and adjudicative (quasi- compiled such a thing. Someone at tee (1 vacancy) judicial) bodies. the NSFA office will help you through • Meat Inspection Board (3 vacan- a template to create one or you can cies) There are opportunities in agriculture answer the online resume sections. • Natural Products Marketing Coun- for non-adjudicative boards and there • Select the current opportunities, cil (1 vacancy) will soon be a spring in-take of applica- find the one of interest to you and tions for the adjudicative ABCs. There “Apply to this ABC” If you have applied already, the ap- are a number of board positions, 155 to proval process can take some time, you be exact, across the departments and In Agriculture currently there are vacan- could contact the Executive Council some are only open for application dur- cies in the following non-adjudicative Office to check on the status of your ing a specific intake period. boards: application 1-866-206-6844 • Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board There is an online process required to • Weed Control Advisory Committee If you are interested in participating in apply for any opportunity that interests • Livestock Health Services Board one of these organizations and would you. A full list and application details like assistance with your application, can be found at Upcoming vacancies in Agriculture please don’t hesitate to contact Wanda exec_council/abc/ expected for spring intake are: at the NSFA office at (902) 893-2293. • Agricultural Marshland Conserva- Generally speaking: tion Commission (2 vacancies) • You have to create an account with • Animal Cruelty Appeal Board (6

Below are graduating participants of Workplace Education Classes that took place over the winter months - (l to r) Workplace Education Closings Planning for Profit, Coldbrook and Time Management, Bible Hill

April 2019 Vol. 31 No. 2 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture 5

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 5 17/05/2019 9:32:08 AM Policy Corner TIR Meeting made allowances for these sonic devic- tions for the National BRM Program es, the regulations for the use of sonic Review took place this week. The NSFA Staff met with New TIR Ex- devices were restrictive, particularly to cross-commodity consultation focused ecutive Director of Maintenance and small acreages. A jurisdictional scan on solutions and necessary improve- Operations, Mark Peachey who moved looking at the governance of sonic ments to make the program “equitable”, into the role since Barb Bailey retired. devices conducted by NSFA showed less complex and more timely. Many This was a great introductory meeting that common practice (most notably perspectives were heard around the to continue our positive relationship provinces with strong grape and tree room from single commodity farms to with TIR. During the meeting, NSFA fruit sectors) was to have guidelines for supply managed farms to diversified addressed a couple important road sonic devices rather than regulation. farms. Recommendations included maintenance/decommissioning topics: In February 2019, NSFA has learned adding family labour, equipment 1) the policy in development which that the setbacks for sonic devices leases and contract work as an eligible will determine when a road or infra- has moved from regulation to policy expense and commodity based rather structure will be decommissioned is through the Order in Council process. than whole farm based for calculated still in the works and has been slightly losses. Feedback from this consulta- delayed due to staffing changes; and 2) tion and other provinces will be taken TIR is interested in working with NSFA Farm Registration Form Removed to the National Programs Advisory to develop a plan for farmers access from Regulations Committee (NPAC) next month to di- to and maintenance of K-Class Roads. As farmers may have noticed year over rect changes for BRM Program in CAP While on the topic of transportation – year, the farm registration form didn’t 2 (four years from now). Each province NSFA is preparing for the development change much if hardly at all. NSFA has has two representatives on NPAC; of the Traffic Safety Act Regulations. requested year over year that the com- one is appointed through the Federal Be sure to watch NSFA channels – we’ll modity listings on the farm be updated Government’s agencies appointment be sure to let you know when consulta- and inclusive of all farm types in Nova process – Chris van den Heuvel is the tions open! Scotia. NSFA has learned that the farm appointee in Nova Scotia, and a Pro- registration form has moved from regu- vincial representative appointee – Ian Sonic Device Policy lations and incorporated into Policy Blenkhorn was chosen for this role in which will facilitate easier updates to Nova Scotia. NSDA also has a staff ob- A couple years ago, NSFA heard from the form. This request was approved server which is filled by Lori Kittilsen. orchard and vineyard owners who through the Order in Council Process. We have also been informed that minor were experiencing challenges with changes to programs may be made neighbours filing complaints regarding under CAP. “noisemakers” used as wildlife deter- BRM Roundtable rents. While the Right to Farm Act The Nova Scotia Provincial Consulta-

Budget Time! equately respond to the loss of markets dian producers look forward to mod- that came about through concessions ernization efforts aimed at enabling CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 made under both agreements. more timely access to innovative prod- CFA also noted the support for Supply ucts and reduced costs associated Managed sectors following the rati- Finally, CFA is pleased to see the con- with unnecessary regulatory burden. fication of trade deals such as CETA tinued push for regulatory moderniza- The provincial budget will be an- and the CPTPP. However, the details tion, building on announcements made nounced at the end of March; however of these provisions must be looked at in 2018’s Fall Economic Statement. In the News and Views will be printing for more closely and CFA will work with its pursuing regulatory roadmaps that cre- distribution. Commentary will be found Supply Managed members to assess ate a more responsive, adaptive, and in the March 29 eNews. these provisions and ensure they ad- user-friendly regulatory system, Cana-

6 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture Vol . 31 No . 2 April 2019

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 6 17/05/2019 9:32:08 AM Rural Infrastructure “Build it and they will come.”

Inadequate rural infrastructure is often which can be found on our website. across Canada; NSFA was part of the identified by farms and other rural busi- CELL PHONE AND HIGH SPEED working committee that established nesses as a barrier to growth. Chal- INTERNET RESOLUTION FROM CFA’s Rural Policy. In December 2016, lenges around three phase power, high 2018 AGM the Canadian Radio-Television and speed internet, cell service and roads Whereas, the Ivany Report noted the Telecommunications Commission aren’t lessening by any means. NSFA strong contribution potential for rural (CRTC) declared broadband internet a has been working with stakeholders to based businesses in Nova Scotia; and basic telecommunications service for address these various areas Whereas, it is critical to the success all Canadians. Since then, a fund was of rural businesses in Nova Scotia to established for communities and mu- NSFA Members can find the have access to reliable cell phone ser- nicipalities to build their own internet cell and internet survey at vice and high speed internet; and lines for companies to access. Whereas, both of these services are not provided in an accessible manner Here in Nova Scotia, the rural high to all Nova Scotia businesses; speed internet “solution” has been put A resolution on Cell Phone and High Therefore be it resolved that, the in the hands of the Halifax Waterfront Speed Internet was passed at our 2018 NSFA lobby the Minister of Agriculture, Development Commission. What AGM. The lack of quality (or in some the Premier of Nova Scotia and the ap- city-folk know about the lack of high- cases no service) has been on NSFA’s propriate federal, provincial, municipal speed internet coverage in rural Nova radar for quite some time, and we are departments involved in business de- Scotia will be determined, but one encouraged to see $5-6 Billion in the velopment and communications along can assume that it would have been federal budget to support high-speed with the CRTC to request their involve- best for a rural-focused committee be internet throughout all of Canada. ment in resolving this lack of services established to effectively administer Much like our efforts on improving rural that are essential to businesses in this these funds. A pot of money has been roads, we are regularly asked – where province. set aside from the provincial budget for exactly are there shortages, what are this rural development project. the challenges (e.g.: dropped connec- We certainly aren’t starting from tions, inconsistent service), what are scratch on this resolution. Rural While we are aware and have conveyed potential solutions, and what does this infrastructure has been an area that that cell service throughout rural re- mean for your business? NSFA has NSFA has watched progress on the gions is inadequate, there seems to be put together a survey for members to provincial and federal fronts for ages. less political will on this front. We will complete which will support us in our The Canadian Federation of Agriculture have to be strategic in our approach on lobby efforts on this topic area. We is conveying the communications tech- this front and anticipate survey results ask members to complete this survey nology challenges that face farmers will support our path forward on resolv- ing this issue.

Other resolutions that NSFA is working on include limestone program open year round, inclusion of gypsum under provincial subsidy program, add wildlife controls to the CAP Program and local food procurement.

April 2019 Vol. 31 No. 2 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture 7

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 7 17/05/2019 9:32:10 AM NSFA News & Views is the Newsletter News & Views is provided free of of the NS Federation of Agriculture, the charge to its members. We value United, Strong & Caring Farm Organization comments and concerns from our representing the best interest of Nova members. Please direct them to Upcoming Scotia’s Agricultural Industry. Executive members or the Office Staff. 2019 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: Events Victor Oulton President 902-798-4440 Tim Marsh 1st Vice President 902-798-7924 APRIL 6 DEBERT Chris deWaal 2nd Vice President 902-582-7756 CCTPA Spring Session Chris van den Heuvel CFA Director 902-631-1884 Allan Melvin Director at Large 902-499-6968 APRIL 7 BADDECK Amanda Eisses Director at Large 902-662-3811 Cape Breton Farmers’ Market Confer- Sylvestre Dion Director at Large 902-664-6781 ence Lauren Park Director at Large 902-292-5160 APRIL 8 - 10 VARIOUS Past President: Chris van den Heuvel 902-631-1884

DFNS 2019 Spring Regional Meetings STAFF: Executive Director: Henry Vissers; Associate Director: Wanda Hamilton; Financial Services Coordinator: Krista Vroegh; Administrative Services Coordinator: Shelly MacKenzie; Communication APRIL 9 TRURO & Research Coordinator: Maxine MacLean; Member Engagement Coordinator: Kathrine Doyle; Farm NSFA Council of Leaders Meeting Safety Manager, Carolyn Van Den Heuvel, EFP Staff, Paul Brenton, Trevor Davison, Jay Woodworth APRIL 11 BERWICK and Cory Roberts Pork Nova Scotia Annual Meeting 7 Atlantic Central Drive, East Mountain, NS B6L 2Z2 Ph: 893-2293 Fax: 893-7063 APRIL 11 NAPPAN Email: info@nsfa-fane ca. Atlantic Feedlot School Website: www nsfa-fane. ca. Facebook: @nsfafane APRIL 27 NEW ROSS LCCTPA Pesticide Recertification Points Training


8 News & Views | Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture Vol. 31 No.2 April 2019

NewsViews_April_2019.indd 8 17/05/2019 9:32:11 AM