Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

No. 10/ 4th Year 15th - 31st of May 2011

Politics 1. President Basescu thanks Prince Charles 2. ForMin Baconschi discusses in London boosting bilateral trade 3. Romania elected to UN Human Rights Council 4. Danube Strategy – an opportunity that cannot be missed 5. Romania backs Ukraine's European route 6. The Annual meeting of the Romanian health care professionals

Economics 1. Renaissance: Romania to become one of Europe’s safest credits 2. Romania has absorbed two billion Euros in EU funds allocated for rural development 3. Romania ranks 6th in EU in terms of farmland used 4. MDRT opens tenders to upgrade 3,343 km of local and county roads 5. Transport Minister signs five highway construction contracts 6. 4 million dollars to plan biodiversity management in Romania 7. EIB to invest over 1 billion euro in Romania 8. Romanian-Turkmen cooperation in oil and gas equipment supply 9. Macau, interested in investing in Romania 10. Bosch wants to build another factory in Romania 11. Tibbett Logistics - a new name for a leading logistics player in Romania 12. Romanian household appliances in demand in the west 13. Romania at the London International Wine Fair 14. Premium wine producer LacertA Winery expands its Romanian investments 15. Pound trades at 4.75 lei 16. Culture and Education 1. Promotional concert announcing the 20th edition of Enescu Festival 2. The Second Annual Conference of the NEPSIS UK Brotherhood 3. The Ambassador of Romania met a group of Romanian high school students 4. "Dinu Lipatti" Trio @ ICR London 5. Children's Day @ ICR London 6. Cornel Sorian & Ooberfuse live @ Leicester Square Theatre 7. A Light on the 10th Floor @ Romanian Cinematheque 8. Contemporary Romanian Poets: Bogdan Ghiu 9. Romanian Study Day @ Horniman Museum 10. Seventh edition of Night of Museums, in Bucharest 11. "Bookfest" sixth edition hits Bucharest

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

• Politics

President Basescu thanks Prince Charles for his involvement in rural development projects in Romania

Bucharest, May 20 /Agerpres/ - President Traian Basescu received Prince Charles of Wales, the British Crown Prince, at the Victoria Palace, and, on the occasion, thanked him for his involvement in rural development projects in Romania.

"Romania's President thanked the high guest for his constant support and attention granted to our country and for the numerous rural development projects His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is involved in in Romania. The activity of Sustainable Development Secretariat, functioning within the Government General Secretariat was mentioned in this respect," shows a release of the Presidential Administration.

According to the cited source, the Prince of Wales stressed the importance of rural tourism development based on organic and local products to Romania's regional development and encouraged the Sustainable Development Secretariat to get involved in facilitating the European fund access for projects initiated by local communities in the field of rural development.

On the occasion, an opinion exchange on common interest topics, such as the economic situation in Europe, climatic changes, ecological agriculture and sustainable development, with a focus on rural area development, took place.

Prince Charles also met Premier Emil Boc, who presented him the Government's plans on sustainable development and on tradition preserving in Romania. The main topic approached aimed at the implementation of sustainable development projects in rural areas of Romania, with a focus on the important role the Sustainable Development Secretariat played.

"His Royal Highness Charles, Prince of Wales, appreciated the tourist potential of the rural areas of Romania underlining that a balance between tradition preserving and development projects should be ensured for sustainable benefits both in the economic sector and in the social sector," reads a Government release.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Prime Minister Emil Boc thanked Prince Charles for his active involvement in promoting several rural development projects in Romania and mentioned that capitalizing both the agricultural potential and the tourist and cultural one of local communities was one of the objectives the Government planed to achieve by using structural funds and the framework supplied by the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, informs the cited source.

Prince Charles of Wales was on a private visit to Romania. A few years ago, the Prince bought three over one hundred years old buildings in Valea Zalanului, Covasna County (central Romania) that he renovated and turned into temporary residence.

Prince Charles paid several visits to Romania in the last years, being interested in historic monuments' preservation, especially those of Transylvania. The British Crown Prince got involved in the rehabilitation programme of some Transylvanian Saxon villages established in the 12th Century, out of which some are part of the UNESCO world heritage. The Prince is a supporter of Romanian ecological agriculture through the Transylvania Authentica Foundation, which plans to promote a Transylvanian brand and encourage small local producers carry on the traditional agriculture. ForMin Baconschi discusses in London boosting bilateral trade, UK investment in Romania Bucharest, May 16 /Agerpres/ - Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and his UK counterpart William Hague discussed in London actual ways of boosting bilateral trade between Romania and the UK and the UK investment in Romania, confirming a rising trend of the investment in the past two years. The Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) reports in a press release that Baconschi's UK visit allowed for a comprehensive review of the latest developments in bilateral cooperation and cooperation in Europe and elsewhere in the world in order to consolidate and increase the dynamics of the Romanian-UK strategic partnership. "We have an ambitious, very dynamic cooperation agenda that reconfirms the objectives of the strategic partnership between our countries. I am optimistic that these objectives will reflect this year on robust economic exchanges and new investment projects to boost the competitiveness of the Romanian economy," Baconschi is quoted as saying in the release. In relation to the European priorities of the two countries, common objectives were assessed within the EU agenda for economic growth and increased competitiveness and the position on the post-2013 European financial perspective. Both countries are championing the materialisation of the internal market, the promotion of competitiveness and innovation and support for the business community.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The two ministers voiced support for the regional initiatives of the European Union designed for the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighbourhood, particularly the Eastern Partnership. In this context, Baconschi underscored the progress made by the Republic of Moldova on its European path and asked the UK for support for the European projects designed for Moldova. The officials also underscored the need to promote a comprehensive and visionary European agenda with the EU's cooperation partners in the southern neighbourhood. In this context, the latest developments in the south Mediterranean area were also reviewed. Baconschi and Hague said Romania and the UK, as allies, have a common interest in the democratic and stable development of the region, voicing full confidence in the success of the Libya operations. In relation to the two countries' participation in the military operations in Afghanistan, the excellent bilateral cooperation at a political and military level was underscored and the prospects for the continuation of this cooperation in the reconstruction and transition processes were assessed. Part of his UK tour, Baconschi also met Chairman of the Romanian-UK Parliamentary Friendship Group Greg Hands, whom he presented a request for support to have the UK lift its restrictions on Romanian workers seeking employment in the UK.

Romania elected to UN Human Rights Council Bucharest, May 20 /Agerpres/ - Romania was elected on 20 May to a seat on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) for a three-year term, following the elections held in the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York. "The result of this vote proves the appreciation enjoyed by Romania on the international scene as an active and responsible partner of dialogue in the line of human rights promotion and protection. At the same time, the success of May 20 represents an acknowledgement of the internal progress made in the past 20 years in human rights protection, strengthening democracy and the rule of law," reads the MAE release. On this occasion, Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi said that the mandate entrusted to Romania involves, beyond this prestigious recognition, a special responsibility regarding the improvement of the UN activity on human rights. "The recent developments in the Middle East and North Africa have once again proven that the observance of human rights and, in general, of the universal principle of human dignity, represent the cornerstone for the harmonious development of a society. In the current international context, it is the duty of the international community to engage in a more determined manner in strengthening the institutions with both domestic and international responsibilities in the protection of human rights. Romania shares the opinion that the Human Rights Council, as a UN specialized body in this field, has an essential role in making sure that fundamental rights and freedoms are worldwide respected. As a member of the Human Rights

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Council, Romania is prepared to contribute to the effective accomplishment of the mandate of this highly important UN body," Baconschi is cited in the release as saying. The Human Rights Council was set up under UN General Assembly Resolution No. 60/251 of 2006, having as main objective the promotion of universal respect for human rights and the examination of human rights violations worldwide. The Council is made up of 47 states, elected directly and individually by secret ballot of the members of the UN General Assembly on the basis of equitable geographical representation and of the commitments assumed on promoting and observing human rights. In the current election round, Romania ran alongside other states for one of the two seats allocated to the Eastern European Group Romania is part of. Romania has been a member of the Council between 2006-2008 and the country's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva has acted as Council president between 2007-2008.

Danube Strategy – an opportunity that cannot be missed Bucharest, May 17 /Agerpres/ - The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region is a real opportunity for Romania and it cannot be missed, Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi told the Alba Iulia Business Forum - Smart and Sustainable Cities and Regions, an event held in Alba Iulia (north- west of Bucharest). "Given the about forty billion Euros of available structural funds to gather under the umbrella of the strategy, it will be easier for Romania to access these funds and to benefit in order to upgrade the harbour infrastructure on the Danube river, to make the environment cleaner and at the same time to boost the Danube freight traffic, namely the navigability of the river. (...) This is an opportunity for Romania, we must not miss it," minister Baconschi said. The Romanian chief diplomat voiced hope that this unique opportunity for Romania's regional development will not be wasted According to him, over the next ten years, 14 Danube countries will be able to "develop together, to reduce their disparities, not to consider the Danube as a border dividing nations and groups, cultures and languages, but to rather become a bridge between all EU member states and also non-EU member states for now, all these by co-working and accessing Strategy-related funds." The Romanian top diplomat said he believes in the EU Danube Strategy, as it is one of the projects he has identified with, "to which he has already devoted his energy" and he also underscored the strategy will be adopted by the European Council on June 24. "I am glad we are starting off on the right foot and Alba Iulia is already a milestone in this European dynamic. Of course some evil mouths have already begun wondering whether a channel between Alba Iulia and the Danube would be built. A pointless question, because we are talking about 14 Danube riparian states, not only about a chain of ports more or less deteriorated, but about 14 states, EU members and non EU members, which, together, in the following decade, will commit to define this economic Central European macro-region,

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______bringing more prosperity, regional transborder cooperation and, at the same time, more strengthened European unity, not only to the riparian communities, but to their states on the whole," the chief diplomat said. The event is staged by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) in partnership with the City Hall of Alba Iulia, Alba County Council, World Trade Institute Bucharest and Steinbeis Foundation of Baden-Wurttemberg. The forum was attended by the national coordinators of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the coordinators of priority areas, representatives of other community institutions. The EU Strategy for the Danube Region was initiated by Romania and Austria in 2008, through a joint letter of the Foreign Affairs Ministers in the two EU member states. In June 2009 the Council of Europe approved the initiative on the Strategy for the Danube region as a European project and requested the European Commission to draw up a Strategy by the end of 2010. In January 2010, the European Commission initiated a wide public consultation process on the EU Strategy for the Danube region. The EU Strategy for the Danube Region involves 14 countries, out of which 8 are European Union member states (Romania, Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Bulgaria), and 6 countries are from outside the EU (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova). The EU Strategy for the Danube Region represents a model of regional cooperation at European level, implementing the fresh concept of territorial cohesion included in the Treaty of Lisbon.

Romania backs Ukraine's European route Bucharest, May 18 /Agerpres/ - Romania backs Ukraine's European route and it will act in a constructive manner to make progress on visa-lifting for the Ukrainian citizens, Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi told a joint news conference with Ukrainian counterpart Kostiantyn Gryshchenko, who is paying an official visit to Bucharest. "Romania backs Ukraine's European route and it will act in a constructive manner to make progress on visa-lifting for the Ukrainian citizens. We encourage Ukraine in this process and we feel partners", the Romanian chief diplomat said. Baconschi said the talks with Gryshchenko had focused on the phase and prospects of the bilateral and regional cooperation, on issues relating Ukraine's European prospects, security issues, including the energy security and also the possibility for the Romanian-Ukrainian relation to enter a new phase by updating the bilateral legal framework. "We voiced our common decision to boost the political dialogue in 2011, to update and streamline all the existing cooperation formulas. Therefore, a meeting of the joint inter- governmental commission on economic and technical-scientific cooperation will be extremely welcome", the Romanian minister stressed. Other topics approached were regional cooperation within the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organisation, as well as the EU Strategy for Danube Region. "The instrument of the European Neighbourhood Policy is another bilateral opportunity that we must take

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

advantage of. Our economies need cross-border cooperation as dynamic as possible," Minister Baconschi said. He added that current security developments were also discussed, including frozen conflicts and Transnistria, as well as energy security. "We agreed on a firmer political coordination of these issues," the Romanian chief diplomat said. He also voiced his gratitude to his Ukrainian counterpart for the latter's accommodating position towards a possible support in evacuating some Romanian citizens from Libya after the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the decision to shut down the Romanian Embassy in Tripoli. Gryshchenko said in his turn the situation is really good now to boost and raise the level of the bilateral relations, highlighting an increase in economic exchanges leading to a positive view on the economic relations between the two countries. The Ukrainian official showed his gratitude to the Romanian Government for attending the events in Kyiv that commemorated 25 years since the Chernobyl tragedy, as well as for Romania's financial support to carry out projects at Chernobyl. The Ukrainian minister added that he invited his counterpart minister Teodor Baconschi to pay a visit to Ukraine.

The Annual meeting of the Romanian health care professionals working in the United Kingdom

The Embassy of Romania –London/ On 14 May 2011, the Embassy of Romania in London hosted the third edition of the Annual meeting of the Romanian Medical Society in the UK (SMR-UK), organised by SMR-UK. The event enjoyed a large participation, being attended by over 130 Romanian health care professionals.

The program included a welcome speech by the Ambassador of Romania in the United Kingdom, Dr. Ion Jinga, presentations held by: Dr. GabiBadea, Vice-president, Coordinator of SMR-UK Scientific and social activities, Dr Lucian Ion, Consultant Cosmetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Vlad Schlezak, Vice-president, Coordinator of SMR-UK Arts and Medicine Department, followed by a Question and Answer Session. The event concluded with an artistic program performed by the Romanian tenor Robert Moldovan, Principal soloist at the Romanian National Opera, Cluj-Napoca, and with the opening the first painting exhibition featuring works made by the Romanian doctors living in the UK and their fellow colleagues from Romania.

In his opening remarks, the Ambassador of Romania emphasized on the importance of the presence in the UK and the role the Romanian health professionals can play in developing a strong and cohesive community, as well as in promoting our country’s image in the UK.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

“The Romanian community in Great Britain is well structured, being composed of a large number of specialists in medical and financial fields, as well as a growing number of Romanian students enrolled in the British universities. Since 2009, the Romanian Medical Society in the UK has conducted a strong, dynamic activity, expanding the cooperation by establishing partnerships and participating at professional events, both in Romania and United Kingdom, but also in other countries. The balance sheet of activities is impressive and includes interests even from outside the area, such as those related to arts and culture. We still count in the future on the enthusiasm and dedication of SMR-UK members, and on their involvement in projects to benefit both Romanians in the UK and our fellow countrymen in Romania.”

Dr. Gabriela Badea, Vice-president and Coordinator of SMR-UK Scientific and social activities, made a presentation of the society and talked about the SMR-UK’s activities. Were mentioned the cooperation with various professional organisations in the United Kingdom, Romania and abroad, increasing participation at conferences, experience exchanges, the SMR-UK involvement in health care reform in Romania. Dr Lucian Ion, Consultant Cosmetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, held a presentation on “Plastic Surgery – An interactive future”, and Dr. Vlad Schlezak spoke about the activity of SMR-UK Arts and Medicine Department.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

• Economics

Renaissance: Romania to become one of Europe’s safest credits Romania is poised to become one of the safest credits in Europe, due to its modest foreign debt, a low current account deficit and undergoing economic reforms, a report from Renaissance Capital showed. Despite Romania's foreign debt rising rapidly up to 2008, its absolute levels of debt remain low enough, meaning there is a good chance that the country will experience another period of strong growth during 2012-2015, said Charles Robertson, global chief economist and head of macro-strategy at the investment bank. "The highly effective implementation of International Monetary Fund recommendations in Romania supports our view and implementation of these recommendations are expected to continue under the new precautionary standby agreement," Robertson said. He added reforms were needed in Romania, after the former government allowed massive salary increases and a credit boom in 2006-2007, which led to a widening of the current account gap to 14% of the gross domestic product in 2008. "The current government has taken away two months of salaries from the public sector and has also reformed the pension system, thereby helping slash the current account deficit to 4% of GDP in 2010," Robertson said. According to the Renaissance Capital official, the current account gap could halve in 2011, supported by a 30%-40% increase in exports. On the fiscal side, the government has pledged to lower the budget deficit to below 3% of GDP in 2012, from 6.4% of GDP in 2010."Even if this is not met, we assume public debt will be less than 40% of GDP in 2012, about equal to the aggregate private sector debt held by households and corporates," the report noted. Romania's combined public and private sector debt will total around 75%-80% of GDP in 2012, less than Poland, half that of Hungary and "dramatically better" than those of Spain, Portugal, Greece, the UK and the United States of America. "With a small current account deficit as well, Romania will look like one of the safest credits in Europe. A credit rating rebound back to investment grade from Fitch and S&P (to join Moody's) should therefore be of no surprise, in our opinion," Robertson said. He estimated Romanian economic growth will be driven by rising exports and industry in 2011, while consumption should pick up in 2012 and accelerate in the following years as bank lending will rise. (ActMedia, May 16, 2011)

Romania has absorbed two billion Euros in EU funds allocated for rural development Romania has absorbed more than two billion Euros in EU funds allocated until 2013 for rural development, even though the program was started with a delay of more than one year and three months, respectively in March 2008, said deputy general manager of the Agency for Rural Development and Fisheries (APDRP), Ciprian Alic, in a conference on agricultural lending. He stressed that, in contracting terms, Romania is approaching 4 billion Euros, ie half the amount that comes from the EU until 2013, through the National Rural Development Programme (RDP), of 8 billion Euros respectively. 'The current issue is not the money, but for whom and how easy it is for the beneficiaries to access this program. Also, the problem is not linked to the absence of contracts, because more than 60,000 were submitted since 2008 so far, but the need to respect their quality, to have a viable lending and guarantee system, as well as the capacity to implement the projects during their course and to keep the situation viable, so that business predictability exists', the APDRP head also said. According to the cited source, the biggest problems in running PNDR are related to co-financing and sizing wrongly the projects, but also the agency's resources.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Alic recalled that the agency's resources related to equipment for checks and controls, the same as human resources sizing, with below 1,400 experts across the country, is another problem encountered in running PNDR. PNDR was launched in March 2008 with several sessions of projects, which resulted in 28,000 contracts for funding to date, from over 60,000 conform projects filed into the system, the funding requests exceeding 13 billion Euros. As for engagements, this represents over 55 percent of the amount allocated until 2013. According to APDRP, this year there will be 16 project sessions open on PNDR, through which over 1.87 billion Euros in European funds are to be tendered for the beneficiaries. 2007 - 2013 PNDR is the instrument that grants non-reimbursable European funds for private and public investments that will ensure the development of villages in Romania. (ActMedia, May 16, 2011)

Romania ranks 6th in EU in terms of farmland used Romania ranks 6th out of the 27 EU member countries in terms of farmland used, after France, Spain, Germany, Great Britain and Poland, with 61% out of the 23.8 million ha of Romania's territory, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR). Of the 14.686 million ha of farmland, 9.415 million ha is arable area, plus another 3.323 million ha of pastures, 1.527 million ha of hay land, 214,298 ha of vineyards and 205,143 ha of orchards. Per capita, the farmland used places Romania on the 5th place among EU members, after Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, with 0.64 ha per capita. The EU average is lower, at 0.35 ha per capita. Moreover, in terms of per capita arable land used, Romania ranks 6th, with 0.41 ha, while the average in EU 27 stands at some 0.21 ha per capita. As to the farmland not used, Romania had 1.025 million ha in 2010, according to MADR, a figure unconfirmed yet by the National Institute of Statistics, up from 496,268 ha recorded in 2005. However, of 9.27 million ha for which support was requested from APIA, only an area of 455,948 ha was declared as being not used, Agerpres reports. (ActMedia, May 24, 2011)

MDRT opens tenders to upgrade 3,343 km of local and county roads The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MDRT) launched an open tender for the upgrading works planned for 610 km of county roads and 2,733 km of local roads from 14 counties over 2011-2013, the MDRT says in a release. The last seven packages are included in the National Infrastructure Development Plan (PNDI), the sub-program for the upgrading of 10,000 km of local and county roads. The roads to be upgraded and rehabilitated cross the following counties Hunedoara, Alba, Cluj (central western Romania), Mures, Sibiu (central Romania), Bistrita Nasaud, Harghita, Maramures (northern Romania), Gorj, Valcea, Dolj (southern Romania), Vaslui, Bacau (eastern Romania), Timis (western Romania). The roads set up in this program were proposed for funding by the local public authorities and they are managed by the Tourism Ministry while the projects are put in place. The works will be carried out by respecting the cost standards set up by MDRT for these investment categories paid from public funds. No expropriations are needed to make this investment. The contract will be assigned by the lowest price. Also, works cannot be fully sub- contracted. The public acquisition contract includes the period established to draw up and unfold the requested works, namely 3 years and the credit reimbursement period, of maximum 7 years, by 2020. The contract also stipulates a guarantee period of two years, from the moment the works

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

begin until they are concluded. In order to reduce costs, some alternative solutions might be used, without affecting the features set up by the technical norms. (ActMedia, May 16, 2011)

Transport Minister signs five highway construction contracts Minister of Transport Anca Boagiu and Premier Emil Boc signed five contracts worth a combined 693 million Euros for the construction of 98 km of highway, due for completion in 2013. 'The fact that we signed these contracts gives us the certainty that by the end of the year we will reach a 20 pct absorption rate of EU funds; in the coming two weeks we will also sign the other four highway construction contracts along Corridor IV and within short we will launch the EU- funded railway projects too,' said Minister of Transport Anca Boagiu. The cited official added that the four highway sections for which contracts will be signed in the next two weeks have a total length of 78 km and that, of the 1,019 km of highway of Corridor IV, 845 km worth an aggregate of five billion Euros are in various stages of execution or tendering. (ActMedia, May 24, 2011)

4 million dollars to plan biodiversity management in Romania The United Nations Development Programme (UNPD) has released more than four million dollars for the Romanian Government over the past five years for a better planning of the biodiversity management in the context of the climate change, UNPD Resident Representative Yesim Oruc Kaya said during the European Day of Parks. 'The financial aid granted by the UNDP also aims to establish the manner the protected areas should gradually receive heftier funds, as they are underfunded while barely 50 percent of their expenses are covered,' the UNDP Representative said. He said Romania provides sanctuary for the last ecosystem in Europe, practically the continent's genetic heritage, and protecting these areas is crucial as they harbour species of plants and animals virtually extinct in other European countries. 'Approaching the issues related to forest conservation is even more important for Romania as 27 percent of the wooded areas provide safe haven to thriving populations of three rare species, on the verge of extinction in other European countries, such as the wolf, the bear and the Eurasian lynx, but also 250,000 hectares of old-growth forest and one of the largest IFL (intact forest landscape) in the temperate climate European region,' Yesim Oruc Kaya added. UNDP, jointly with Romsilva, the National Forestry Administration, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), has engaged in a partnership programme running from January 2010 to December 2013, focusing on the protected areas in the Carpathians, the natural and national parks, a project meant to ascertain the management models for national parks and also market-based financial mechanisms able to lead to a better funding for parks and a growing awareness of the decision-makers about the economic aspects behind the conservation attempts. According to data released by Secretary of State with the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (MMP) Cristian Apostol, Romania has now 'biodiversity deposits,' as 18 percent of the country is part of the Natura 2000 ecological sites whereas 28 natural and national parks represent 7 percent of its surface. Romsilva, together with MMP, the WWF and with support from the UNDP, held a photo exhibition and a session presenting the activities performed in Romania's natural and national parks at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest during the European Day of Parks celebrated on each May 24, when Sweden officially declared the first nine national parks on the continent back in 1909.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The European Commission declared 2011 the European Year of Volunteering, so that this year the events to be held during the European Day of Parks bear the motto 'Volunteer, nature needs you.' The first park to be declared national in Romania was Retezat National Park in 1935. There are 13 national parks, 14 natural parks and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. The total surface covered by the biosphere reserves, the national and natural parks in Romania amounts to 1,203,340 ha, accounting for 5.04 percent of Romania's territory. Romsilva manages 12 national parks and 10 natural parks. (ActMedia, May 26, 2011)

EIB to invest over 1 billion euro in Romania The European Investment Bank (EIB) will invest more than 1 billion euro in Romania's infrastructure, energy and telecommunications in 2011, and will also support the co-funding by the Romanian Government accessing European funds, head of the EIB Bucharest Office Milena Messori told a Finance 2011 Forum in Bucharest. Messori said EIB investment in Romania in 2011 will return to the level of before the global crisis, which was 1 billion euro. The money will be earmarked to support infrastructure projects, particularly the construction of motorways on European Corridor IV, and the project for the railway at from the border with Hungary to Brasov. EIB will also grant technical assistance for public-private partnerships in the field of infrastructure and will support the authorities, especially the CNADR national road administration corporation. Messori added that the EIB will also invest in the energy sector, continuing to support the local Transelectrica electricity transmission operator, and other such companies and renewable energy projects. She added that the third EIB objective in Romania for 2011 will be to assist the telecommunications industry, adding that the EIB will continue to support the absorption of European funds in order to improve the absorption rate of the European structural funds. She mentioned that the EIB will grant co-funding to access structural funds, Messori also said that for 1 euro granted by the EIB five Euros will be raised for investment from third sources.There are funds that have already been earmarked and approved, but there are project delays and that means a lack of capabilities, particularly in the public sector, the main cooperation partner of the EIB, said Messori. (ActMedia, May 27, 2011)

Romanian-Turkmen cooperation in oil and gas equipment supply The Romanian and Turkmen governments have decided to establish the participation of Romanian companies in tenders for the supply of oil and gas equipment as well as other necessary materials to the gas and oil companies of Turkmenistan, the Romanian Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Milieu (MECMA) reports in a press release. The works of the second session of the Romanian-Turkmen Joint Intergovernmental Committee on Economic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation was held in Bucharest after an official visit to Romania of Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov. Co-chairing the session were Romanian Economy Minister Ion Ariton and Turkmen Finance Minister Annamuhamet Gociyev. Among the main recommendations with impact on the development of Romanian-Turkmen economic ties are the foreign trade ministries of the two countries coming up, by the end of 2011, with the range of products that are a priority to the commercial ties and agreeing on the ways to materialise import and export opportunities between the two countries. At the same time, talks focused on the participation of Romanian companies in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation in the Turkmen portion of the Caspian Sea under production

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

sharing agreements and the participation of Romanian companies in the tenders for services to the natural gas and oil industry of Turkmenistan. The recommendations regarded also the participation of Romanian companies in tenders held in Turkmenistan for the supply of electric motors, power transformers, electrical drives, automation boards, and cooperation in the electrical and energy fields for the production and supply of electricity, Romanian companies conducting design, construction and installation works, power lines and providing consulting services. (ActMedia, May 19, 2011)

Macau, interested in investing in Romania Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China is interested in investing in Romania, an important delegation from the former Portuguese colony now visiting Romania, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MECMA) informs. On May 16, Constantin Claudiu Stafie, MECMA Secretary of State, had a meeting with Francis Tam Pak Yuen, Secretary for Economy and Finance (with rank of minister) of the Macau SAR, who heads an economic delegation to Romania. The 20 members of the Macau delegation were government officials, presidents of some financial and investment institutions, construction companies, as well as from the fields of energy, transport, insurance, investments, real estate, tourism and media. There are also represented the Chamber of Commerce of Macau and Macau-Romania Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Institute for Trade and Investment Promotion. The Romanian side was also represented at the meeting by the Consul General of Romania in Hong Kong and Macau, Sorin Vasile. Macau Delegation expressed interest in identification and forming business and investment partnerships in Romania, set to contribute to the development of economic cooperation and to giving a boost to the bilateral trade volume. Macau recorded an annual economic growth exceeding 13 percent after it became part of China, in 2001, the main revenues derived by this region with 550,000 inhabitants being from tourism, gambling, banking and financial services. Macau had a per capita income of 39,800 dollars at the level of 2009. (ActMedia, May 19, 2011)

Bosch wants to build another factory in Romania Bosch one of the most important producers in the industry of automobile techniques wants to build a new production unit in Romania and develop the factory Rexroth in Blaj. « We want to expand the production centre in Blaj and to build a factory type Greenfield in Romania. In March 2011, the Bosch representatives had discussions with the prime-minister of Romania for possible opportunities for investment in Romania. We will have documentation at the ministry of finances where we will show in detail our plans for investment » the general director of Robert Bosch Brigitte Eble said. Bosch Rexroth produces components for car producers, mobile equipment, and equipment for renewable energy production. Last year, in the Blaj factory there were 470 employees, with 35 percentages more than at the end of 2009. The Bosch investment in Romania will be announced in the second half of the year. «There are programmes of support on the part of the Romanian state and the European Union. The Romanian government will have to decide if this Bosch investment could benefit from such programmes or not. We hope at most at half-year we could announce the investment in Romania. These programmes of support are thought to be developed in September 2013 that is

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______why all these investments and the work places are thought to be created through them must be done before that » general manager of Robert Bosch said. Bosch recorded last year a turnover in Romania up by 17%, reaching the value of 161 million euro, which corresponds to the level of 2008. In 2011, the company expected a growth of this value by 7% at 172 million euro. Bosch has in Romania 5 centres in 4 cities Timisoara – Centrul de Comunicare Bosch, Blaj 0 the Rexroth factory, Sibiu – Compa (extension to the production of window wipers), Bucuresti – the BSH Electrocasnice distribution company. At the beginning of 2011, in Romania there were about 1,200 employees with Bosch. Last year, Bosch acquired, for global production the components from 45 Romanian suppliers worth 94 million euro. « In 2011, we expect to acquire from Romania components worth over 100 million euro, from 55 suppliers, in the meanwhile we identified 70 Romanian suppliers who will get into discussion as suppliers for Bosch » Eble said. Bosch has activated in Romania since 1994. The Bosch group is, at international level, the most important producer in the industry of automobile techniques, industrial techniques and consumption goods and building techniques. The social capital of Robert Bosch GmbH is owned in proportion of 92% by Fundatia Robert Bosch. The leading positions of the group are kept by Robert Bosch Industrietreuhnad KG which owns and the majority of the votes. The other part is owned by the Bosch family and Robert Bosch GmbH. (ActMedia, May 19, 2011)

Tibbett Logistics - a new name for a leading logistics player in Romania A new company - Tibbett Logistics - is officially launched in Romania this month by Keswick Enterprises Ltd - a UK-based privately owned holding company focused on supply chain related businesses. The development follows Keswick's acquisition last December of Delamode Logistics SRL and that company's joint venture with DHL, DHL Delamode, from the shareholders of Delamode Group and DHL. These established Romanian businesses have been renamed Tibbett Logistics SRL and Tibbett Retail Services SRL respectively - and together will trade as Tibbett Logistics. Keswick's management have been involved in Romania for over 14 years and, since 2005, have been shareholders in Delamode and the DHL/Delamode joint venture. Prior to this several of Keswick's senior managers, when part of Tibbett & Britten, led the original Delamode entry into contract logistics in Romania that established the joint venture on behalf of Metro Group. Tibbett Logistics operates from nine distribution centres across Romania - providing over 100,000 square metres of warehousing in Bucharest, Constanta, Deva and Timisoara. It offers a nationwide, broad range of supply chain related services to a variety of customers - including domestic and multinational retailers, plus FMCG, automotive and other manufacturers. The company is a pioneer of new supply chain practices and technologies in Romania - such as RF technology interfaced with customers' ERP systems (including SAP). It was the first logistics service provider in the country to implement voice-picking technology in retail warehousing operations. Distribution operations include a nationwide domestic transport network, which last year transported over 60,000 vehicle loads in ambient, chill and refrigerated environments. Tibbett Logistics deploys 400 road trailers - including double- and triple-temperature reefers. Since its creation in 2008, Tibbett Logistics' intermodal (road-rail) service has been leading the way in green logistics and sustainable supply chain solutions in Romania. The company provides domestic and transnational intermodal services covering: containers from the Far East landing in the port of Constanta; containers, semi-trailers and swap-bodies travelling between Romania and other EU countries; and the movement of domestic freight between wider

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Bucharest and western Romania. Tibbett Logistics is the only private operator of a rail container terminal in Bucharest, and this summer will open a second, brand new intermodal terminal in the west of the city. This will form part of a Tibbett Logistics' CEE intermodal network, with terminals across Romania and, in partnership, extending into Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia and elsewhere - delivering substantial cost savings for clients and up to 50% reductions in CO2 emissions. Keswick Enterprises was created in 2004 by John Harvey CBE - who previously developed and led the major intercontinental logistics service provider Tibbett & Britten Group plc for 20 years. Together with their former colleagues, the current Board members of Keswick were responsible for growing Tibbett & Britten Group's revenues from £30 million to £2,300 million just two decades later. Keswick is now bringing this international know-how and experience to bear on Tibbett Logistics to accelerate its growth in Romania. John Harvey, Chairman of Keswick Enterprises Ltd, said: "I am delighted that we have finally been able to bring Tibbett Logistics and Tibbett Retail Services fully into the Keswick group of companies. Our innovative and dynamic young Romanian team are drawing on Keswick's global experience in the logistics sector. I am confident that together we will accelerate development and continue to build the business - which has already sustained continuous growth since 2005." (ActMedia, May 18, 2011)

Romanian household appliances in demand in the west Next to automobiles, Romanian household appliances are more and more appreciated. People from the West and East buy refrigerators or cookers made in Romania, according to Incont.ro Retailers have noticed a 14% increase in the first three months. But manufacturers confess that most of the household appliance production goes to export. In stores, sales have stabilized. People are looking for cheap goods which are generally made in Romania. Refrigerators and IT components represent over 25% of the market. In the first quarter of 2011, a good evolution can be seen in industry, where output has gone up by 11% compared to the same period of 2010.Romanian household appliance producers cannot complain. People prefer their goods mainly because of prices. “Over 1 million products left this warehouse last year for Romanian clients. The tendency remained in the first part of the year 2011. Most products sold are Romanian – washing machines, refrigerators or computers which are being assembled behind me,” says Cosmin Coman, logistic manager. (ActMedia, 17 May, 2011)

Romania at the London International Wine Fair Embassy of Romania - London/ The Ambassador of Romania, Dr. Ion Jinga, visited Romania's pavilion at the London International Wine Fair (17-19 May 2011), brought over by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment and the Romanian Trade Promotion Centre with the support of the Wine Exporters and Producers Association of Romania.

At the present edition of the London International Wine Fair are present 11 Romanian wine producers: Agricola Sirbey, Carl Reh Winery, Crama Ceptura, Cramele Recaş, Domeniile Sahateni, Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea, Halewood România, Senator Prodimpex, Serve Ceptura, Vincon

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Vrancea and Wine Princess.

The Ambassador of Romania appreciated the selection of the Romanian wines, discussed with the representatives of Romanian wine companies and expressed the assurances of the Embassy’s support for intensifying the actions meant to promote Romanian wines onto the UK market.

This year, at LIWF, are displaying wine companies from France, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, Georgia and Portugal. Countries such as Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Italy, USA, Switzerland, Hungary, France, Croatia, Bulgaria, Spain and Portugal are participating with national pavilions.

The Romanian pavilion, located near the Italian and French pavilions, impresses not only by surface but also by design and numerous personalised offers.

During the three days of the event, within the promotional program organised by the Embassy’s Trade Department, the Romanian exhibitors will attend the conferences and trade briefings, and will host at the Romania pavilion, on-trade sessions and wine tastings in order to promote Romanian wine products and services, to attract potential partners and initiate contacts with them and other specialists who are visiting the Wine Fair.

London International Wine Fair is the single most important event in the European wine and spirits calendar, offering importers, traders, producers, agents, restaurant owners, sommeliers, and all other in the business the opportunity to meet and trade. Premium wine producer LacertA Winery expands its Romanian investments Premium wine producer LacertA Winery expanded its investments in Romania with a freshly inaugurated modern wine cellar located in the Dealu Mare vine growing region, reads a company release. The building complex covers over 2,000 square meters and was developed in a EUR 6 million worth of investment. The new building compound combines concrete, steel and wood with modern lightweight materials recommended for providing the building with a very high resistance to seismic movements, which are quite frequent in the Dealu Mare area.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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With the inauguration of the facility, LacertA Winery expands its activity scope to winery tourism. 'Through this investment we want to also give a boost to local tourism, through the partnerships we will establish with hostels and hotels in the area to accommodate vineyard visitors. We are already booked by groups of foreigners, tourists or business people who are on a trip to Romania. We estimate that by the end of the year, our investment will generate over one million Euros,' said Walter Friedl, representative of the LacertA group of owners. Up until now, the wine producer has invested over 8 million Euros in constructions and vineyard replanting, as well as in cutting-edge viticulture machines. A part of the investment was supported from the European SAPARD and EAFRD programs, as well as from the government vineyard reconversion programs. The LacertA Winery vineyard lies in the Fintesti community, Buzau County, on an area of 82 hectares. The portfolio of LacertA Winery is made up of nine wine sorts, six of which are white and three - red. (ActMedia, May 25, 2011)

Pound trades at 4.75 lei The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on May 30, 2011, by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 British pound GBP 4.7504 1 Euro EUR 4.1207 1 US dollar USD 2.8845 1 Swiss franc CHF 3.3940

• Culture and education

Promotional concert announcing the 20th edition of Enescu Festival

Embassy of Romania – London/ On 26 May 2011, in the presence of the Ambassador of Romania, Dr Ion Jinga, the renowned soprano Nelly Miricioiu performed a Summer Concert. The acclaimed Romanian artist was accompanied by famous pianist David Harper.

The event was organised by the Romanian National Tourist Office andKirker Holidays tour operators, with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London. The concert aimed to promote Romanian cultural tourism and the International Classical Music Festival “George Enescu”.

The concert and its purpose were presented to the distinguished guests by Ted Wake, Director of Sales & Marketing, and Barry Cheseeman, Cultural Tours Manager, from Kirker Holidays.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Mrs Nelly Miricioiu, whose voice was compared by renowned critics with , conquered the greatest lyric scenes of the world from Covent Garden to in Milan, the Opera Bastille in Paris, Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, the in New York, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Vienna State Opera, performing alongside Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras, Alfredo Kraus, Franco Bonisolli, Renato Bruson.

The Romanian soprano sang in Donizetti’s “” at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in February 2011.

Andrew Porter in Opera Magazine (April 2011) wrote: “Nelly Miricioiu rose to her role with d istinction, mastering carefully shaped phrases with energy and ardour”.

The evening repertoire included arias by Romanian composers Enescu and Brediceanu, as well some operas by the artist’s favourite composers Donizetti, Puccini, Bellini, Verdi and others.

The 20th bi-annual edition of Enescu Festival, paying tribute to Romania’s most prodigiously gifted musician, George Enescu, is scheduled to take place in Bucharest, between 1-25 September 2011.

The Enescu Festival was first held in 1958 in honour of the celebrated Romanian composer, as homage to his life and creation. Some of the music world’s most famous names performed during the first editions of this festival and competition. Between them were Yehudi Menuhin, David Oistrach, Sviatoslav Richter andHerbert von Karajan.

The Second Annual Conference of the NEPSIS UK Brotherhood Embassy of Romania – London / On 28 May 2011, the Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom hosted the second Annual Conference of the NEPSIS UK Brotherhood. The event was organised by the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Southern and Western Europe, and NEPSIS – Archbishopric Brotherhood, UK Branch.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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The NEPSIS UK Brotherhood was founded on 28 February 2011, at the initiative of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, with the objective of creating a debate framework abut life in Orthodoxy, sharing the faith and the ways to live it.

The event opened with a Te Deum followed by a welcoming speech by the Ambassador of Romania, Dr Ion Jinga. After the foreword of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Southern and Western Europe, the Archimandrite Nichifor Horia, Superior of the Three Hierarchs Monastery in Iasi , delivered a lecture ‘On half- heartedness and spiritual fervour’. The second part of the Conference was split in two workshops on the same theme.

In his welcoming remarks, the Ambassador of Romania saluted the initiative of establishing a UK branch of NEPSIS Archbishopric Brotherhood and organising the Conference, underlining the importance of the educational dimension of such events from the perspective of their contribution to preserving the national identity and Christian spirituality in the Romanian Diaspora’s conscience. The Ambassador mentioned the Romanian priests in the UK efforts to preserve the faith, most of the times through apostolate, and showed that the Romanian Orthodox Church is a natural partner of the Embassy of Romania in London in encouraging the Romanian community the strengthen its cohesion and attachment to the national values.

His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph referred to the beginnings of NEPSIS Archbishopric Brotherhood in France , twelve years ago, and explained the significance of its name (“nepsis” in Greek meaning watchfulness, translated as a perpetual preservation of faith in the soul and imbuing it to others). His Eminence launched an appeal to those present to keep the flame of faith alive, faith being the “wakefulness” and the “capacity for discernment” in a world of temptations.

In its lecture, the Archimandrite Nichifor Horia, spoke about one of the challenges of the contemporary world which affects the Orthodox Christianity, spiritual half-heartedness (“akedia” in Greek), defined as a “meeting with our inner darkness” or as an “ego depletion”. The only one remedy being, in his opinion, a permanent introspection doubled by a profound spirituality emerged from faith and self- improvement.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The event enjoyed the presence of around 100 participants, most of them young, from different corners of the United Kingdom.

The Ambassador of Romania met a group of representatives of Partnership for Europe Association

Embassy of Romania / On 30 May 2011, the Ambassador of Romania in London, Dr. Ion Jinga, received a group of representatives of the Romanian association „Partnership for Europe” present in London between 26- 30 May, 2011 for a documentary visit within the program „Future Diplomats Club”.

The participants, second year students at „Ion Neculce” High School, Bucharest , have been selected through a general knowledge contest on public diplomacy and economic topics. The documentary visit takes place in European capitals, and includes visits to relevant institutions.

The visit schedule in London included in addition to the meeting with the Ambassador of Romania, meetings with the leadership of RCI-London, FCO diplomats, representatives of the London Academyfor Economic Development Ltd., a Harrow Town Hall visit, as well as visiting cultural and tourist attractions, such as the British Museum and the National Army Museum .

During the meeting with Ambassador Ion Jinga, the students showed a high interest about the stage of the commercial relations between Romania and the United Kingdom, the social protection priorities for the Romanians living in the United Kingdom, and the specific activities of the diplomatic corps accredited in London.

The discussions concluded with the bestowal of the Training Diploma – London Stage (26-30 May 2011) to the three participants at the program „Future Diplomats Club”.

Established in 2005, Partnership for Europe is a non- governmental organisation aiming to support European citizenship education. The youngsters’ activity is coordinated by Professor Victor Drujinin who is the founder-president of this entity.

The visit in London was highly appreciated; the young students were enchanted by the city’s ambience and the opportunity of improving their knowledge, but also by the possibilities of study in one the most prestigious universities of England or Scotland.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

"Dinu Lipatti" Trio @ ICR London Thursday, 2 June 2011, 7pm;

The final recital of the Enescu Concerts Series' 2010-2011 season features one of the best known chamber ensembles in Berlin, The "Dinu Lipatti" Trio. Cristian Niculescu (piano), Friedemann Amadeus Treiber (violin) and Helmut Menzler (cello) are set to play a rarely performed version of Enescu's Piano Trio in A Minor that was revised by the great Romanian musicologist and composer Pascal Bentoiu. The recital was made possible by the generous support of Mrs. Doina Cruttenden, managing director of Universal Business Travel Ltd. Programme: Beethoven: Piano Tio in C Minor Op.1, No.3 Enescu: Piano Trio in A Minor (1916 - revised by Pascal Bentoiu) Schumann: Piano Trio in G Minor Op. 110 The "Dinu Lipatti" Trio was established in 2000 in Berlin by pianist Cristian Niculescu, violinist Florin Paul and cellist Radu Nagy to celebrate the memory of the greatest Romanian pianist. In 2010, the ensemble altered its original formula and Paul and Nagy were replaced by violinist Friedemann Amadeus Treiber and cellist Helmut Menzler. The Enescu Concerts Series, jointly organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in London and the Enescu Society, was established in 2007 under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Margarita of Romania. The concerts take place in the Institute's chamber music hall every first Thursday of each month from February to June (July) and from October to December. The Series has attracted a wide array of outstanding musicians and ensembles who have managed to give some of the most memorable Enescu performances ever. Since September 2009, the Romanian Cultural Institute awards every year the Enescu Society Scholarship to outstanding students at the Royal Academy of Music.

When: Thu 2 June 2011, 7pm; Where: Romanian Cultural Institute, London Admission is free, but places are limited. Early booking is well recommended. Please reserve your seats at T: 020 7752 0134, E: [email protected]. Latecomers will be able to go to their seats in the interval.

Children's Day @ ICR London 4 June 2011, 1pm

You are invited to celebrate with us Children's Day and the wonderful world of childhood. Timeland is a puppet animation show which reminds us that every moment in life can be a magic one.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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Tim is a boy who is bored to be a child and wants to grow up quickly. He embarks on a journey that will show him that growing up is not the simplest thing in life and sometimes not even the most desirable one. Becoming a prisoner in a world of distant future, Tim will soon learn to cherish every moment in life as friendship and joy make every age a beautiful one.

This event is organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in London and is part of the At Home in Belgrave Squareseries. The programme, under the patronage of HE Dr. Ion Jinga, the Ambassador of Romania, aims to support and develop the initiatives of the Romanian community in Great Britain. The events are intended to preserving Romanian cultural and linguistic identity. Come At home in Belgrave Square!

Timeland (Puppet Theatre) A story by Anca Doczi and Cristian Luchian. After an ideea by John Kendrick Bangs Directed, scenography, video design by Cistian Luchian Original Music: Tyrell (British composer) Cast: Monica Madas (Monooka), Anca Doczi, Emanuel Cifor. 12.30: Guests Arrival 13.00: Welcome speech 13.20: Timeland puppet theatre 14.30: Cakes and drinks

When: 4 June 2011, 1pm; Where: Romanian Cultural Institute London. Free entry. As the number of seats is limited, please confirm your participation by contacting us on 020 7752 0134 or on our email: [email protected]

Cornel Sorian & Ooberfuse live @ Leicester Square Theatre Thursday, 9 June 2011, 8pm;

The Romanian Cultural Institute and Leicester Square Theatre present Cornel Sorian and OOBERFUSE in their first public show after having transformed Heart's Cry into the official youth anthem for the Papal visit to the UK. Together with visual artist Dan Basu and Percival Quartet, the London-based band that brings together the very best of Western and Filipino musical tradition is ready to rock the house with a programme of original songs plus covers from famous pieces by Portishead, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode and Shirley Bassey. The supporting act will be provided by L.A Davis. Styling by Callum Vincent.

When: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 8pm; Where: Leicester Square Theatre, 6 Leicester Place, London WC2H 7BX. Tickets: www.leicestersquaretheatre.com (£10 in advance; £15 at the door)

A Light on the 10th Floor @ Romanian Cinematheque Thu 16 June 2011, 7pm;

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Romania | 1984 | 83min | dir: Malvina Ursianu | cast: Irina Petrescu, Gheorghe Dinica, Mircea Diaconu, Florina Luican . In Romanian with English subtitles.

A young engineer accused of economic sabotage is released after years of detention and struggles to find redemption in spite of a hostile society. Maria Dinu is a tenacious woman, fighting the injustices of a regime that habitually puts innocents in prison. The movie follows the protagonist's difficult road to recovery and focuses on her existence as provisional as the unfinished block of flats where she is confined to live.

This is a film about the dignity of a woman that tries to restore the colours of life, after the dark years of imprisonment, while trying to forget the injustice, so that she can survive. The tale of anonymous heroine, fragile but brave as Achilles. Alice Manoiu - 1984

Romanian Cinematheque is a project developed by the Romanian Cultural Institute in London with the support of National Centre for Cinematography in Romania (CNC) When: Thu 16 June 2011, 7pm; Where: Romanian Cultural Institute London. Free entrance. To attend please email [email protected] or call 0207 752 0134. Early booking recommended.

Contemporary Romanian Poets: Bogdan Ghiu Thursday 23 June 2011, 7pm

Listen to live poetry and join in the conversation with award-winning poet, translator, cultural critic and theorist Bogdan Ghiu, the third guest of the Contemporary Romanian Poets series organised in association with Poet in the City. Taking place at the Romanian Cultural Institute until November, this year's series includes six exciting poetry events exploring contemporary Romanian culture through the eyes of its most accomplished poets: Denisa Comanescu, Claudiu Komartin, Bogdan Ghiu, Miruna Vlada, Andrei Bodiu and Vasile Garnet.

Bogdan Ghiu (Bucharest, 1958) is one of the best known poets of the last decades, being at the same time a very active and valued theorist (literature, media, art, architecture) and translator (French Theory). Defined at first as textualist and metapoet, he refuses the postmodern relaxation and blocking, seeking for a post-literary expansion of poetry with the performative arts and the geopolitical reflection. He has received the Award of the Romanian

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Writers' Union for his volumes The One Meter Side Poem (1996) and The Art of Consuming (1996). His most recent poem book is (The Cardboard Poem) Traces of Destruction on Mars (2006), and his most recent essays areI, the Artist. Life after Survival. Bar Code for Art's Monstrous Future (2008) and Telepithecapitalism. Media Middle Ages 2005-2009 (2009). At the Venice Biennale 2011, Romania will be represented by an exhibition based on his concept, Performing History.

Poetry in Romanian will be read and performed in English translation by actress Amy Humphreys.

Poet in the City is a London-based charity committed to organizing live events aimed at attracting new audiences to poetry and making new connections in order to support poetry education. The charity holds about twenty five major poetry events every year in and around central London.

When: Thursday 23 June, 7pm; Where: Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH. The event is free, but booking is essential at [email protected] or 020 7752 0134.

Romanian Study Day @ Horniman Museum A preparatory meeting bringing together curators from major British museums with the aim to transform various collections rich in Romanian objects into a memorable event. When: Fri 24 June 2011, 10.30am - 5pm; Where: Horniman Museum, London. Please get in touch if you wish to attend. Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH., email: [email protected] or call 020 7752 0134

Seventh edition of Night of Museums, in Bucharest Bucharest, May 15 /Agerpres/ - Thousands of Bucharest's dwellers, most of them young ones came and visited the museums of Romania's capital city, at night between May 14 and 15, on the special occasion of the seventh edition of the Museums' Night. The insomniacs came and enjoyed the diversity of the exhibitions, the museums, as well as, the music, dance, theatre or film shows. Romania's National Art Museum (MNAR) continued the dialogue between the fine arts and other arts, this year again.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The visitors also came and saw the permanent exhibition of Bucharest City's Museum, as well as the painting exhibitions by Nicolae Delaport or Gheorghe Vanatoru. Likewise, many people came and visited the Vasile Urseanu Astronomic Observer, as well as the alleys of the Curtea Veche (Old Court) Princely Palace. The National Museum of Romania's History (MNIR) also offered its visitors, an encounter with the country's history under the logo Historia viva (Lively History) - Trajan's Column, along with the exhibit of the month The Crown of the Romanian Kings, shown in a temporary small exhibition. The National Museum of the Romanian Literature awaited its guests with a permanent exhibition at the Upstairs Galleries and the exhibition showing photos and documents at the Emil Cioran Centenary, opened at the Rotonda. The National Museum of Geology showed the visitors jewellery and crystals, while the Military Music of Romania's Gendarmerie and the Folk Music Band of the Pandours offered a concert in the open. The Labyrinth Museum (The Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History and the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant invited its viewers to find the magic of the Corso Museums in a street labyrinth of the museums which the visitors were walking along and the life of two worlds and universes, once more. Bucharest-based King Ferdinand Military Museum exhibited the history lovers the pavilion of the military history from ancient times till the December 1989 Revolution, emphasizing the development of the fortresses, and the white and the fire weapons, the military equipment and attires, and the national decoration system The George Enescu National Museum also played host to concerts of classic, chamber or Romanian traditional music. The Dimitrie Gusti Village Museum staged the event named the Museum's Morning, part in the European programme of the Museums' Night. The visitors of the Cotroceni National Museum were visiting the permanent exhibition and were attending a concert of medieval music played by the Ruvetti band. The guests of the National Museum of Old Maps and Books visited the exhibition named Medieval Crusades- European and Eastern Routes Drawn in Ancient Maps. One Night in Baron Bellu's Garden of Souls offered the visitors painting and photography exhibitions, a classical music recital, and last but not least, a pilgrimage to the graves of the artists buried in the Bucharest-based Bellu Cemetery, which could be visited, for the first time during the Museums' Night. An already traditional feast, both in Romania and abroad, the Museums' Night this year, has been for the first time under the official patronage of the International Council of the Museums (ICOM).

"Bookfest" sixth edition hits Bucharest

Bucharest/Agerpres/ - The sixth edition of the Bookfest international book fair, took place between May 25 - 29, at Romexpo exhibition complex of Bucharest, bringing together writers, publishers, personalities of the Romanian and international culture, journalists and people of all ages who are all friends of the star of the show: The Book.

"Bookfest has come to embody continuity, as it has been carrying on for quite a while," Grigore Arsene, president of the Romanian Publishers Association (AER), which is the organizer of the event, told Agerpres.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

He also said that the space made available by the organizers has been early booked up, as over 100 publishing houses announced their presence; exhibiting their titles were, inter alia, Humanitas, Polirom, Curtea Veche, RAO, Corint, Paralela 45, Ars Docendi, Niculescu, All, Herald, Tracus Arts, Adevarul Holding, Vinea.

After Spain's success as special guest at the 2010 edition, this year's literary gathering enjoyed the presence of Hungary, to which Romania is connected by old traditions of cultural dialogue, through a broad cultural symbiosis nurtured by the existence of an elite of translators in the two countries, Grigore Arsene told a press conference dedicated to the event.

According to Director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Bucharest, Zoltan Bretter, thanks to constant communication between the two cultures entwined in a genuine "cultural network", the most important Hungarian writers will be present at this year's 'Bookfest" event. They include Hungarian authors Peter Esterhazy, Adam Bodor, Peter Nadas, as well as translator Anamaria Pop; writers Nonas Andras and Romania-born Bartis Attila - acclaimed by critics as "the highest in vogue young Hungarian writer," as well as translator Kozsta Gabriella will also attend the gathering.

The event in Bucharest proved to be also an opportunity to grasp for editors of books or literary magazines ready to publish Romanian authors on Hungary's literary market, said Zoltan Bretter.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro