Minutes: August 17-18, 2020
NASAADVISORY COUNCIL PLANETARYSCIENCEADVISORYCOMMITTEE August 17-18, 2020 NASAHeadquarters Washington, DC MEETINGREPORT Anne Verbiscer, Chair STEPHENRINEHA RTDigitallysignedbySTEPHENRINEHART Date:2020.10.021 8.::38.::37-04'00" Stephen Rinehart , Executive Secretary Table of Contents Opening and Announcements, Introductions 3 PSD Status Report 3 PSD R&A Status 6 Planetary Decadal Survey Update 8 Mars Exploration Program 9 Mars Sample Return 11 Lunar Program/ESSIO 11 VIPER 13 Planetary Defense Coordination Office 13 GPRAMA 14 Discussion 14 ExoPAG 15 CAPTEM 15 LEAG 15 MAPSIT 16 SBAG 17 MExAG 18 OPAG 18 VEXAG 19 MEPAG 20 Findings and Recommendations Discussion 20 Public Comment 22 Discussion/Wrap-up 22 Appendix A- Attendees Appendix B- Membership roster Appendix C- Agenda Appendix D- Presentations Prepared by Joan M. Zimmermann Zantech, Inc. August 17, 2020 2 Opening and Announcements, Introductions Executive Secretary of the Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC), Dr. Stephen Rinehart welcomed members of the committee and held a roll call, noting that this is the last meeting for a number of members: Drs. Anne Verbiscer (PAC Chair), Timothy Lyons, Robin Canup, Rhonda Stroud, Francis McCubbin, Aki Roberge, and Chris German. New members coming on board are: Drs. Joseph Westlake, Jennifer Glass, Serina Diniega, and Conor Nixon. Dr. Amy Mainzer will become the new PAC Chair. PSD Status Report Dr. Lori Glaze, Director of the Planetary Science Division (PSD), presented an update on the division, tendered her thanks to the PAC members rolling off, and reported that the new PAC members are in their final phase of confirmation paperwork. Dr. Glaze announced newly arrived staff at PSD: Drs.
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