December 7, 1979 SGA Implements 26 Resolutions Publication of Direc- Meetings
Vol. 57 James Madison ^University. Harrttonborg. Virginia Friday, December 7. l»7» No. 25 SGA follows projects New programs take time, Martin says By CINDY ELMORE Warren University Union, free ice- "This semester it's true, we haven't cream on Activities Day, Operation done a lot of new programs and Identification, Underprivileged Youth projects and initiated a lot of new Program, study space in academic things, but those things take time." buildings and expanded library hours That's the opinion of Dave Martin, during final exams week. Student Government Association More projects will be completed next president, reflecting on the SGA ac- semester, Martin said, particularly complishments in its first semester. since an increased number of student One reason for the inactivity is groups will come before the senate for because of Martin's presidency, he financing. said. "I am trying to place more emphasis THE STUDENT government should on the executive council and the senate be a last resort for funding, he em- cooperating on projects," he said. "It's phasized, but any group may come true, the executive council works faster before the senate with a request without the senate." (Continued on Page 2) Martin added that, in contrast, last year's executive council accomplished most of the SGA activities without the senate. NEVERTHELESS. Martin's goals I have remained the same, though his term of office has been significantly different than he expected at the beginning of the semester. Everyone naturally has a fallacy that things are going to go as they did the previous year, Martin said, adding that last year was the best year for student government at JMU.
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