& District Midweek Cricket League

Sponsored by

2008 Season

Members’ Handbook

President: Malcolm Saunders

League website: www.admcl.co.uk Email: [email protected]

Affiliated to the Bucks Cricket Board

Aylesbury & District Midweek Cricket League 2008 Handbook Table of Contents

Key Dates ...... 2 Management Committee...... 3 Chairman’s Message ...... 4 Job Description: League Secretary...... 5 Constitution ...... 6 Rules of Play...... 7 Bucks Cricket Board Regulations ...... 10 2008 Aylesbury Cup – Sponsored by Rodwells...... 12 Cup Winners and Pat French Man of the Match Awards...... 12 2007 Junior League Tables ...... 13 2007 Junior Play-Offs ...... 14 2007 Senior League Table...... 14 Senior Honours Board ...... 15 Junior Honours Board ...... 16 Junior Performance Awards...... 17 Junior Performance Awards...... 18 2008 Junior Directory...... 19 2008 Junior Directory (continued)...... 20 2008 Senior Directory ...... 21 2008 League & Cup Entries and Divisions ...... 22 2008 Fixtures ...... 23

Key Dates

Under 17 fixtures start...... w/c April 21 Under 15 fixtures start...... w/c April 28 Under 13 fixtures start ...... w/c May 5 Under 11 fixtures start...... w/c May 12 Under 9 fixtures start...... w/c May 19

Senior fixtures start ...... w/c April 28

Aylesbury Cup: round 1 ...... by May 23 round 2 ...... by June 6 semi-finals ...... by July 20 final...... Friday July 11, Tring Park CC

Play-off finals: under 9 ...... Monday July 14, Dinton CC under 11 ...... Tuesday July 15, Kimble CC under 13 ...... Wednesday July 16, Bledlow Village CC under 15 ...... Thursday July 17, Long Marston CC

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Management Committee

Chairman Mick Lewers (Dinton CC) 67 Sandhill Way Home: 01296 489689 Aylesbury Mobile: 07973 257878 HP19 8GU [email protected]

Vice Chairman Martin Keable (Long Marston CC) 18 Old Farm Home: 01296 660354 Mobile: 07855 154717 Leighton Buzzard [email protected] LU7 9RD

League Secretary Situation vacant – see pages 4 & 5

Cup Secretary Tony Cherry ( CC) 100 Northern Road Home: 01296 487885 Aylesbury HP19 9QY

Treasurer James Hall ( CC) 28B High Street South Home: 01525 240270 Stewkley [email protected] LU7 0HR

Committee Members Bernard ‘Dickie’ Downs 1 Honey Banks Home: 01296 623892 HP22 6NA

Toni Russell (Kimble CC) Coombe View Home: 01296 613508 Station Road [email protected] Little Kimble HP17 0XN

Mike Zakaszewski (Bledlow Village CC) 4 Chiltern Avenue Home: 01296 748630 Stone Mobile: 07796 021985 Aylesbury HP17 8QY

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Chairman’s Message

Welcome to the Aylesbury and District Midweek Cricket League’s 2008 season.

This annual handbook brings together all the information that clubs should need to ensure the smooth running of the League this year: fixtures, dates, contact details and rules. It also contains details of the 2007 season and of previous awards winners.

This year 26 clubs will play a total of 286 matches in the League and Senior Cup – weather permitting! I should like to extend a warm welcome to new members Aston Rowant and IAS, and to wish them successful first seasons with us.

As I mentioned at the AGM, the League rules and Constitution are in need of an overall. We have made some slight alterations to the rules this year, with the major changes to be worked on before the 2009 season. In summary, the alterations for 2008 are as follows: • A re-iteration that matches will be played in accordance with the ECB Codes of Conduct. • Alignment with the official ECB guidelines on matters such as pitch lengths and fielding distances (see page 9). • For the senior cup, the home side will be required to propose at least two dates for a forthcoming fixture as soon as the home and away sides are known.

Please also note the additional recommendation that all clubs fielding junior sides should have a fully-trained Club Welfare Officer (i.e. one who has attended both Good Practice & Child Protection and NSPCC Time to Listen courses). Clubs will have one year’s grace in 2008 before this becomes a League entry requirement in 2009.

I should also like to remind all clubs – again – that a bowler must not take more than a 12 yard (11 metre) run from the wicket and the ground should be marked if possible. (Rule 4, page 7)

Match results must be submitted to the League website at www.admcl.co.uk. Please endeavour to enter your results as soon as possible after matches have been played, in order for the league tables to show the positions accurately. Please also ensure that your club details are up to date on the website. If you need reminding of your user ID and password then please email me at [email protected].

If you are wondering why publication of the handbook is so late this year, please take a look at the following page. A League cannot function without a Secretary. I make another plea here to all readers, to ask yourself whether your club can do anything to help your League. The alternative is simple: 286 fewer matches in 2009.

Finally, my thanks to the League committee for their assistance in the preparation of this handbook, and thanks also to our sponsors for their continued assistance. I wish everyone good luck for a successful – and dry – season.

Mick Lewers, Chairman March 2008

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Job Description: League Secretary

Main Duties • Act as the League’s point of contact for all correspondence. • Maintain accurate records of club contacts, life members and vice presidents. • Arrange the dates and venues for League and management committee meetings (usually four per year). Prepare and circulate agendas; take and circulate minutes. • Follow-up actions from meetings to ensure tasks are carried out. • Circulate entry forms to all member clubs. Collect entry forms and payments. • Work with other members of the League’s management committee to prepare the League fixture schedule. • Co-ordinate pre-season rule changes and clarifications. • Lead the preparation of the annual League handbook and circulate the finished version to clubs. • Work with the League’s website administrator to maintain the website’s news items. • During the season, act as the point of contact for clubs on rules clarifications. Work with other members of the League’s management committee to resolve issues. • Organise medals and trophies. • Work with the Cup Secretary to arrange the senior cup final. • Arrange the venue for the AGM and prepare documentation for distribution to clubs. Prepare and circulate the agenda; take and circulate minutes.

Qualities Needed • Organisational and planning skills. • Tact and sensitivity. • Access to the Internet, email and Microsoft Word.

Although not a pre-requisite, it is recommended that League officers hold a CRB certificate.

Commitment Required The busiest period for the League Secretary is pre-season in January and February, when the entry forms are collected, fixtures planned and the handbook revised and published. During this two month period the estimated total commitment is 10 – 15 hours.

During the season the workload should average one hour a week, peaking around the time of the cup final and play-offs.

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1. The League shall be called the "Aylesbury and District Midweek Cricket League".

2. The object of the League shall be to organise matches between member clubs, and to encourage other clubs to participate.

3. Application for membership should be made annually by clubs prior to the 31st January of the season in which they want to play.

4. The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held no later than the end of November. Every member club shall be entitled to send any number of representatives, only one of whom shall have the power to vote, irrespective of the number of teams fielded by a club in the League.

5. A member of the Committee who is not subscribed to a member club shall have the power to vote as an individual. In the event of voting being equally divided the Chairman shall have the casting vote. The Chairman's club may be allowed to vote in addition to the casting vote.

6. A Management Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Competitions Secretary. Quorum of the Management Committee to be THREE members.

7. All Committee members retire at the Annual General Meeting. If more than one nomination is received for any one post, then election shall be decided by a ballot among voting members present at the Annual General Meeting.

8. A notice with agenda covering the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the nominated representative of every member club at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.

9. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on the receipt of a written request from 6 member clubs. The meeting shall be arranged within a month of receipt of such a request and all member clubs informed within 7 days of the meeting.

10. A member club may enter any number of teams in the League provided that such entries are acceptable to the Management Committee as being in the best interest of the League.

11. A member club may not have more than one team in a division, even if that division is split into regional zones.

12. No player shall appear for more than one club during the season, unless the written agreement of the League Secretary is obtained.

13. The Management Committee has the power to make or amend rules of play.

14. The Constitution can be amended at the Annual General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of voting members present.

15. The money received in League Funds is to be spent or deposited as considered fit by the Management Committee and all cheques should be signed by two of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

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Rules of Play

1. All fixtures will be governed by the MCC Laws of Cricket except as otherwise stated below.

2. The ECB Code of Conduct will apply to all matches. Specifically, all junior team managers must ensure that in every circumstance the umpires’ decisions are unquestionably accepted as final by players, parents, coaches and supporters.

3. Senior and Under 13, Under 15 and Under 17 teams will consist of not more than 11 players per side. Under 9 and Under 11 teams will consist of 10 players per side.

4. Senior matches will consist of 15 eight ball overs per innings and junior matches 20 six ball overs per innings. The number of overs may be reduced at the agreement of the captains.

No bowler may bowl more than 4 overs, or 3 overs in a reduced match. A bowler must not take more than a 12 yard (11 metre) run from the wicket and the ground should be marked if possible. The penalty for infringement is a no-ball.

If a bowler should be unable to complete an over then another bowler may do so, but that part of an over will count as one of his 4 permitted overs, or 3 overs in a reduced match.

5. 6 points will be awarded for a win and 3 points for a tie. In the event of a tie the number of wickets lost by each team is not significant except for bonus points. (See Rule 6.)

6 points will be deducted from a team fielding an ineligible player or failing to fulfil a fixture on a mutually agreed date, with 6 points awarded to the opposition in the former and 8 points being awarded in the latter case.

An offending team, with regard to ineligible players, will not be awarded any points from a fixture in which an ineligible player has appeared.

For senior matches, if a match is abandoned due to bad weather then 3 points will be awarded to each team and the match will not be replayed in such circumstances.

For junior matches, if a match is abandoned due to bad weather and it is not possible to rearrange by mutual agreement then 3 points will be awarded to each team.

6. A team will be awarded one batting bonus point for scoring 100 runs or more in an innings.

A team batting second in a match will be awarded one batting bonus point if it wins the match with a total score less than 100 runs provided that fewer wickets have fallen than in the opposing team's innings.

A team will be awarded one bowling bonus point for taking 7 wickets or more in an innings.

7. Points will not be awarded for matches that are not played, except in the case of failure to fulfil a fixture. (See Rule 5.)

8. If teams tie on points in the League then positions will be decided on the following basis: games won, then tied games and finally bonus batting points.

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9. If a team is withdrawn from the League without having played more than half its matches then the record of that team will be expunged and one fewer clubs will be relegated from the division at the end of the season.

When a team is withdrawn after playing more than half its fixtures then the Committee will decide an appropriate course of action.

10. Where a club has more than one team in the senior divisions it must inform the League Secretary of its best nine players in the first team at the start of the season, and these players will then be ineligible to play in the lower teams at any time during the season.

If an ineligible player appears then the penalty shall be stipulated as in Rule 5, provided the opposition team provides a written complaint to the League Secretary.

11. A member club may not have more than one team in a division, even if that division is split into regional zones. No player shall appear for more than one club during the season, unless the written agreement of the League Secretary is obtained.

12. The Management Committee has the power to make or amend rules of play.

League results must be submitted to the league website at www.admcl.co.uk by the winning captain or manager within 24 hours of completion of the match. The notification should contain details of the scores, wickets lost and points gained together with any individual performances where at least 3 wickets were taken or 30 runs scored. Failure to submit a result may lead to the loss of 2 points for the side not submitting the result.

13. Senior matches should be arranged midweek (Monday to Friday), and junior matches midweek and Sunday mornings, with matches to be completed by the second week of August, except when there is a divisional or county play-off in which circumstances all matches must be completed at least 5 days before the date reserved for the play-off.

The League Secretary will instruct Clubs before the season of the week in which matches should be played and their permission is required to arrange games for another time. The day of play is the choice of the home team.

In exceptional circumstances the League Secretary may approve a senior fixture at the weekend.

14. When teams have to meet twice in the League, then they can by mutual agreement, and with the prior permission of the League Secretary, play one match and double the points obtained by each side. The League Secretary will grant his permission only in the circumstances of fixture congestion for matches not played by 31st July.

15. Matches should commence no later than 6:30pm (10:00am on Sunday mornings). However, for evening matches teams should endeavour to start by 6:15pm. In any event the toss should take place at 6:15pm.

Teams not ready to toss up at 6:15pm shall forfeit the right to do so. Teams not ready to start at 6:30pm shall forfeit one over of their innings for every five minutes play lost.

16. Under 9 and Under 11 competitions will be played according to the pairs rules as issued by the Bucks Cricket Board (to be found in this handbook).

17. For junior matches players must be under the age stipulated for a division on the 1st September of the previous year.

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18. The following ECB Directives will be observed in their entirety:

a. Guidance on the wearing of helmets b. Fast bowling directives c. Ball weight, stumps dimensions and pitch length recommendations for junior cricket d. Juniors playing in adult cricket e. Junior fielding regulations f. Girls playing in boys age-group leagues and competitions

The League website at www.admcl.co.uk has links to these ECB documents.

Recommendations Guidelines for what will constitute a wide in junior cricket and how wides and no-balls will be scored should be agreed between the umpires on a match-by-match basis and advised to team managers and scorers prior to commencement of play. For example, it may be decided that a wide and/or no-ball will be scored as 2 runs and no extra ball will be bowled in the over.

All clubs fielding junior sides should have a fully-trained Club Welfare Officer (i.e. one who has attended both Good Practice & Child Protection and NSPCC Time to Listen courses). Clubs will have one year’s grace in 2008 before this becomes a League entry requirement in 2009.

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Bucks Cricket Board Regulations

Under 9 and Under 11 Competitions

1. Players are eligible by age for competitions as follows:

• For Under 11: if they have not reached their 11th birthday by 31st August of the year preceding (e.g. for the 2008 competition for example they must have been under 11 on 1st September 2007).

• For Under 9: if they have not reached their 9th birthday by 31st August of the year preceding (e.g. for the 2008 competition for example they must have been under 9 on 1st September 2007).

2. The Competitions will be played under ECB "Ken Barrington" regulations in this age group, except that each side shall comprise of 10 players. Outside of these regulations the normal MCC Laws of Cricket shall apply. The published Code of Conduct stipulated by the BCB and ECB shall apply to all matches - specifically it is required that all team managers ensure that in every circumstance the Umpires decision is unquestionably accepted as final by players, parents & supporters. The BCB expects all clubs at these age groups to educate their players in the "best traditions of the game".

3. Club umpires are requested to apply the LBW, wide and no-ball laws with sympathy, understanding and tolerance. Club umpires should discuss and agree how they will apply these laws prior to each match and communicate their policy to both team managers.

4. The ECB Fast Bowling Directives will be observed.

5. The MCC Laws of Cricket shall apply subject to the following playing conditions:

• The pitch should be 18 yards long for Under 9s and 20 yards long for Under 11s. The practical difficulties faced by Clubs in preparing pitches of non-standard lengths are recognised, and the length of the pitch may be mutually agreed in advance between two competing Clubs.

• For Under 9 matches a 4¾oz Easton Incrediball junior ball should be used and shall last for both innings.

• For Under 11 matches a new or re-polished 4¾oz junior cricket ball should be used and shall last for both innings.

• Stumps should be 27” above the ground and 8” wide.

• Each team shall commence their innings with 200 runs.

• Each innings shall consist of 20 six ball overs. Each player except the wicket-keeper must bowl at least two overs but not more than three overs. A bowler must not take more than a 12 yard (11 metre) run from the wicket and the ground should be marked if possible. The penalty for infringement is a no-ball.

• The batting team shall be divided into five pairs of batsmen and each pair shall bat for four overs.

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• Batsmen shall have unlimited "lives" but SIX runs shall be deducted from the total every time a batsman is dismissed (including run outs). No batsman who is out should face the next ball; batsmen shall change ends after a dismissal if necessary to achieve this.

• The umpires shall not call "time" after the last ball of any innings until the ball has indisputably become dead.

• The umpires shall not allow play to proceed if any player is within 11 yards from middle stump at the striker’s end except behind the wicket on the off side.

• The winner shall be the team with the greater score at the end of the match. If the match ends with the scores level, the winner shall be the side which has taken the more wickets. If still equal, the side with the higher score at the end of the penultimate over shall win and so on back through the overs. If still equal, the side with the higher score at the end of the penultimate ball shall win (and so on back through the balls). It is therefore essential that those scoring agree on the numbers of runs scored each over throughout the match.

6. In the event that the umpires being satisfied that a player is incapacitated during the course of a match, his place may be taken by a reserve who shall bat and/or bowl in his place. If no reserve is available any over due to be bowled by the injured player shall be bowled by another player without exceeding their quota. The captain of the fielding side shall choose one of the batsmen in the batting side’s first three pairs to bat a second time in the fourth pair.

Should a side (for unforeseen circumstances) take the field with only nine players, then the captain of the opposing side may decide prior to each innings which of the remaining nine players may bat again as the tenth man and which should be allowed to bowl the quota of overs of the missing player. It is expected that all team managers will use their best endeavours to prevent such events occurring.

7. Wearing of protective kit for the Under 9s will be at the discretion of individual clubs.

Regulations redrawn in March 2008

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2008 Aylesbury Cup – Sponsored by Rodwells

Rules of Play The same rules apply as for the senior section of the League except for the following:

Rule 5 In the event of a tie then the team that has lost fewer wickets will qualify for the next round. If teams have lost the same number of wickets then the team that has scored more runs after 10 overs will qualify for the next round. If teams have scored the same number of runs over 10 overs then the team that has scored more runs after 5 overs will qualify for the next round.

Rule 10 No player may appear for more than one team. A team playing an ineligible player will be disqualified.

Rule 12 A representative from both teams must inform the Cup Secretary of the match result within 24 hours of the game being played. The result must also be emailed to [email protected]

Rule 13 Matches should be decided by the date laid down for each round. The home side must propose at least two dates for a forthcoming fixture as soon as the home and away sides are known. In the event of disagreement the matter should be immediately referred to the Cup Secretary. The Cup Secretary is empowered to nominate the winner of a tie that has not been decided by the appropriate date. Teams will be expected to fulfil a League fixture that has been allocated for the same week as a cup tie. Only in exceptional circumstances will the League Secretary grant a postponement of such a fixture.

Venue The team drawn first will have choice of venue until the final, which will be played at Tring Park Cricket Club on Friday 11th July 2008. The Cup Secretary will appoint neutral umpires for the final.

Fielding Circle Throughout an innings, at the instant of delivery a minimum of four fieldsmen plus the bowler and the wicket-keeper must be inside a 30-yard fielding circle. The penalty for infringement is a no-ball. Cup Winners and Pat French Man of the Match Awards Year Club Player Year Club Player 1976 Hazells 1977 Aylesbury Town 1978 Ayl. West Indians Ron Phillips 1979 Aylesbury Town Steve Cooley 1980 Tring Park Richard Devas 1981 Aylesbury Town Steve Bone 1982 Aylesbury Town Mervyn Ramsey 1983 Tring Park Richard Haynes 1984 Peter Green 1985 Aylesbury Town Tony Nuttall 1986 Long Marston Will Gell 1987 Town Pat Jobson 1988 Thame Town Richard Carr 1989 Thame Town Pat Jobson 1990 Long Marston Neil Winfield 1991 Tring Park Simon Shearman 1992 Long Marston Derek Thomas 1993 Tring Park Keith Honour 1994 Westcott Ian Roberts 1995 Long Marston Lee Beesley 1996 Chinnor Richard Carr 1997 Stewkley Peter Stamp 1998 Northchurch David Wilkinson 1999 Northchurch Colin Broughton 2000 Northchurch Ben Kempster 2001 Northchurch Ivor Jones (Halifax) 2002 Northchurch Mark Hobley 2003 Northchurch Troy Head 2004 Northchurch Troy Head 2005 Tring Park R. Ambrose 2006 Wycombe Warriors ANO 2007 Northchurch Colin Broughton

Page 12 of 32 Aylesbury & District Midweek Cricket League 2008 Handbook 2007 Junior League Tables

Drawn / Division & Club Played Won Lost Abandoned Points Notes

Under 9 (North) 4 4 0 0 31 Long Marston 4 3 1 0 20 & Pitstone Utd 3 1 2 0 7 Whitchurch 3 0 3 0 1 Waddesdon 2 0 2 0 1

Under 9 (South) Great Kingshill 4 4 0 0 32 ADL Champions Dinton 4 2 2 0 17 Wendover 3 2 1 0 16 Bledlow Village 3 0 2 1 5 Kimble 4 0 3 1 4

Under 11 (North) Cublington 6 6 0 0 45 Whitchurch 6 5 1 0 37 Northchurch 6 2 3 1 18 Long Marston 5 2 2 1 17 Ivinghoe & Pitstone Utd 6 1 3 2 13 Waddesdon 4 1 3 0 8 Winslow Town 5 0 5 0 3

Under 11 (South) Wendover 5 5 0 0 35 ADL Champions Kimble 5 4 1 0 30 Bledlow Village 5 3 2 0 26 Dinton B 5 2 3 0 16 Long Crendon 5 1 4 0 10 Chearsley 5 0 5 0 -4

Under 13 (North) Grendon & Westcott 7 5 0 2 45 Cublington 7 5 0 2 44 Winslow Town 7 5 0 2 42 Ivinghoe & Pitstone Utd 7 2 4 1 21 Long Marston 6 2 3 1 19 Whitchurch 5 1 4 0 10 Brill 5 0 5 0 0

Under 13 (South) Bledlow Village 7 6 0 1 49 ADL Champions Long Crendon 7 5 1 1 43 Wendover 7 2 2 3 25 Kimble 7 2 2 3 23 Thame Town 7 1 3 3 17 Dinton B 7 1 4 2 16 Princes Risborough 6 1 3 2 14 Chearsley 6 0 3 3 9

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Drawn / Division & Club Played Won Lost Abandoned Points Notes

Under 15 (East) 6 5 1 0 40 Cublington 6 5 1 0 39 Tring Park 6 5 1 0 38 Wendover 6 3 3 0 25 Long Marston 6 1 5 0 11 Northchurch 6 2 4 0 10 Ivinghoe & Pitstone Utd 6 0 6 0 2

Under 15 (West) Grendon & Westcott 6 4 1 1 36 ADL Champions Dinton B 6 2 1 3 24 Thame Town 5 2 1 2 21 Bledlow Village 5 2 1 2 21 Kimble 6 2 3 1 19 Winslow Town 6 1 4 1 14 Chearsley 4 0 2 2 7

Under 17 Dinton 6 6 0 0 47 ADL Champions Cublington 6 5 1 0 41 Thame Town 6 3 2 1 27 Bledlow Village 6 3 2 1 26 Northchurch 6 3 3 0 25 Long Marston 6 1 4 1 14 Kimble 6 1 5 0 9 Tring Park 6 0 5 1 -9 2007 Junior Play-Offs

Under 9s Great Kingshill (282 - 5, net 252) beat Cublington (275 - 11, net 209) by 43 runs

Under 11s Wendover (290 - 8, net 242) beat Cublington (298 - 10, net 238) by 4 runs

Under 13s Bledlow Village (145 – 7) beat Grendon & Westcott (103 – 9) by 42 runs

Under 15s Grendon & Westcott (47 – 8) beat Edlesborough (46 all out) by 2 wickets

2007 Senior League Table Drawn / Club Played Won Lost Abandoned Points Notes Monks Risborough 5 4 0 1 35 ADL Champions Buckland & 5 1 1 3 19 Stewkley Vicarage 5 1 1 3 17 Cublington 5 0 0 5 15 Kimble 5 0 1 4 13 Ivinghoe & Pitstone Utd 5 0 3 2 6

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Senior Honours Board Premier Division Division One Division Two Division Three

1985 Northchurch 1974 Westcott 1974 British Rail 1975 1986 Aylesbury Town 1975 British Rail 1975 Aylesbury Town 1976 Waddesdon 1987 Berkhamstead 1976 Hazells 1976 Aylesbury West Indians 1977 Hazells 1988 Aylesbury Town 1977 Hazells 1977 Aldbury 1982 Longwick 1989 Winchmore Hill 1978 Aylesbury West Indians 1978 Haddenham 1990 Aylesbury Town 1979 Aylesbury Town 1979 British Rail Division Four 1991 Aylesbury Town 1980 Aylesbury West Indians 1980 Trafpak 1976 Springhill 1992 Northchurch 1981 Aylesbury West Indians 1981 Hazells 1993 Aylesbury Town 1982 Aylesbury West Indians 1982 Whitchurch 1994 Chinnor 1983 Equitable Life 1983 Longwick 1995 Chinnor 1984 Northchurch 1984 (N) Kimble (S) 1996 Chinnor 1985 Whitchurch / Bledlow RAF Halton (C) Long Marston (E) 1997 Chinnor 1986 Hazells/ Berkhamsted Cuddington (W) 1998 Equitable Life 1987 Whitchurch / Winchmore Hill 1985 (N) Molins (S) 1999 Kimble 1988 Brill / RAF Halton Linslade (E) Walton (W) 2000 Kimble 1989 Whitchurch / Rivets 1986 Westcott (N) Winchmore Hill (S) 2001 Kimble 1990 Bucks CC / Kimble Ivinghoe & Pitstone (E) Aylesbury Police (W) 2002 Monks Risborough 1991 Tetsworth / Alfred Rose 1987 Cuddington (N) RAF Halton (E) 2003 Chearsley 1992 Tring Park / Chinnor Walton (W) Bucks CC (S) 2004 Wycombe Warriors 1993 Equitable Life 1 / Brill 1988 Chalfont St Giles (S) Ivinghoe Aston (E) 2005 Wycombe Warriors 1994 Westcott Rivets (N) 2006 Wycombe Warriors 1995 Tetsworth 1989 Oakley (N) Longwick (S) 2007 Monks Risborough 1996 Longwick Stocklake (E) 1997 Haddenham 1990 Westcott (N) Lewknor (S) 1998 Waddesdon Tring Park (E) 1999 Chearsley 1991 British Telecom (N) Chinnor (S) 2000 Monks Risborough 1992 Linslade (N) Brill (S) 2001 Chearsley 1993 Chearsley (N) Britwell (S) 2002 Buckland & Aston Clinton 1994 Linslade (N) RAF High Wycombe (S) 2003 Bledlow Village 1995 Bucks CC 1996 Haddenham 1997 Waddesdon 1998 Chearsley

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Junior Honours Board Year Under 17 Under 15 Under 13 Under 11 Under 9

1977 Aylesbury Town & Hazells 1978 Hazells 1979 Hazells 1980 Aylesbury Town 1981 Aylesbury Town 1982 Aylesbury Town Wendover 1983 Aylesbury Town & Dinton Aylesbury Town 1984 Northchurch Wendover 1985 Aylesbury Town Wendover 1986 Wendover Thame Town 1987 Tring Park Thame Town 1988 Thame Town Wendover 1989 Wendover Thame Town 1990 Thame Town Thame Town 1991 Thame Town Princes Risborough 1992 Thame Town Thame Town 1993 Wendover Wendover 1994 Wendover Aylesbury Town 1995 Wendover Princes Risborough 1996 Thame Town Tring Park 1997 Thame Town Wendover 1998 No winner No winner 1999 Kimble Waddesdon 2000 No winner Cublington & Long Marston 2001 No winner Northchurch Cublington 2002 No winner Aylesbury Town Aylesbury Town Aylesbury Town 2003 No winner Aylesbury Town Aylesbury Town Aylesbury Town 2004 Bledlow Village Aylesbury Town Aylesbury Town Bledlow Village 2005 Bledlow Village Aylesbury Town Cublington Cublington 2006 Cublington Dinton Wendover Long Marston Dinton 2007 Dinton Grendon & Westcott Bledlow Village Wendover Great Kingshill

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Junior Performance Awards

Batting Year Under 17 Frank Cooke Under 15 Under 13 Under 11

1985 J. Gausden Aylesbury Town P. Lane Tring Park 1986 R. Barber Bicester Town C. Andrews Aylesbury Town 1987 D. Taylor Aylesbury Town A. Parker Aylesbury Town 1988 M. Bateman Thame Town M. Bowyer Tring Park 1989 K. Burrell Chalfont St G’s P. Kelloway Thame Town 1990 C. Wright Aylesbury Town D. Cook Tring Park 1991 G. Yates Thame Town M. Coster Thame Town 1992 S. Gear Aylesbury Town E. Ahmed Wendover 1993 M. Coster Thame Town A. Wilson Thame Town 1994 J. Law Wendover A. Bentall Chalfont St G’s 1995 J. Preston Wendover D. Biggs Princes R’boro 1996 A. Bartlett Thame Town S. Lachlan Thame Town 1997 Thompson Thame Town R. Haynes Thame Town 1998 No Award No Award 1999 No Award A. Warr Waddesdon 2000 No Award N. Grimsdell Chearsley 2001 No Award Ali Aylesbury Town Ben Joy Cublington 2002 No Award M. Dickinson Chearsley Rahat Aylesbury 2003 No Award Adam Mould Bledlow Sam George Cublington A. MacPherson Cublington 2004 M. George Cublington Annis Aylesbury Bill Burton Cublington No award 2005 Adam Mould Bledlow Village Akeel Aylesbury Luke Gardiner G’ Underwood No award 2006 J. Pryor Chearsley C. Brougham Thame Town Will Ebsworth Wendover No award 2007 Bill Burton Cublington B. Criddle Tring Park Jackson Gardiner Long Crendon Ryan Kerby I’hoe & Pitstone

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Junior Performance Awards

Bowling Year Under 17 Frank Cooke Under 15 Under 13 Under 11

1986 D. Orsler Wendover G. Mosley Tring Park 1987 N. Young Aylesbury Town G. Earwicker Thame Town 1988 C. Andrews Tring Park J. Shuttleworth Wendover 1989 A. Parker Aylesbury Town A. Elliott Wendover 1990 G. Yates Thame Town S. Amutair Thame Town 1991 N. Syrett Aylesbury Town J. Friday Leighton B’zard 1992 C. Pidgeon Thame Town G. Knott Tring Park 1993 E. Griffin Kimble Tariq Aylesbury Town 1994 E. Ahmed Wendover W. Mohammed Aylesbury Town 1995 D. Bignell Tring Park A. Frith Princes Risboro’ 1996 Shamraz Aylesbury Town J. McGregor Thame Town 1997 Lazaruk Thame Town Newton Tring Park 2000 No Award N. Talbot Cublington 2001 No Award M. Green Long Marston B. King Tring Park 2002 No Award Abbas Aylesbury Town L. Rimmer Cublington 2003 No Award Hamine Aylesbury Town R. Chapman Bledlow Village Hussain Aylesbury Town 2004 No Award Akeel Aylesbury Town M. Beard Thame Town No Award 2005 D. Gulliver Bledlow Village L. Kehoe Cublington A. Wells Long Marston No Award 2006 O. Riding Thame Town Dan Cross Dinton J. Rees I’hoe & Pitstone Edward Kent Wendover 2007 Peter Orchard Cublington Will Simmonds Cublington Jack Lee Long Marston John Rickard Cublington

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2008 Junior Directory Club Ground Junior Contact Names Email Telephone Other contact Aston Rowant Mike Eaton (U9) [email protected] 01844 351238 Paul Blackwell (U17) [email protected] 01844 352378 Aylesbury Town Keith Dale [email protected] 01296 250117 07956 513529 Zahid Hassan (U13) [email protected] 01296 589625 07812 593082 Bledlow Village 01844 346912 Andy Witney (U9, U13) [email protected] 01844 345484 Andy Harman (U17) [email protected] 01844 342056 07738 924687 Dave Tapping (U17) 01844 353896 Mike Zakaszewski (U15) [email protected] 01296 748630 07796 021985 Bill Bolton (U11) [email protected] 01844 342801 Brill None John Fitsell [email protected] 01844 237167 07808 141097 Buckland & Aston Clinton None James Wood c/o [email protected] 07767 618747 Chearsley None Adam Warr [email protected] 07745 726707 Cublington None Steve George (U17) [email protected] 01296 682367 07836 310881 Mike Reilly (U15) [email protected] 01296 681328 07876 593434 Sam George, Bill Burton (U13) 07857 608664 07742 297660 Mike Chastney (U11) [email protected] 01296 682902 07958 523417 Vince Perry (U9) [email protected] 01296 688844 07825 439640 Dinton 01296 747254 Mick Lewers (U9, U15) [email protected] 01296 489689 07973 257878 (Contact Mick Lewers to Ted Biggs (U17) [email protected] 01296 749122 07931 631322 agree fixtures) Dean Bosley (U13) [email protected] 01869 247837 07795 367387 U11 TBA Edlesborough None Paul Mortimer [email protected] 01525 222342 01582 708128 Great Kingshill None Richard Bruton [email protected] 01494 711740 Grendon & Westcott None Rod Baker (U17) [email protected] 01296 770274 07799 536103 Nick Raynor (U15) [email protected] 01296 339818 07711 909096 Ivinghoe & Pitstone 01296 661271 Robert Culley [email protected] 01296 661295 United Kimble 01296 612952 Mrs Toni Russel [email protected] 01296 613508 Roy Stackhouse (U17) [email protected] 01296 614216 Alex Bull (U15) [email protected] 01494 865808 Adrian Rose (U13) [email protected] 01844 215989 Colin Dumbarton (U11) [email protected] 01844 343105 Stuart Skeggs [email protected] 01296 428392

NB The first named contact for each club is the primary junior contact name.

Page 19 of 32 Aylesbury & District Midweek Cricket League 2008 Handbook 2008 Junior Directory (continued) Club Ground Junior Contact Names Email Telephone Other contact Long Crendon None David Weiland (U11) [email protected] 01844 202930 David Lloyd (U15) [email protected] 01844 201879 Long Marston 01296 661706 Martin Keable (U13) [email protected] 01296 660354 07855 154717 Karen McKenzie (U17 & U15) [email protected] 01296 668518 U9 & U11 TBA Northchurch 01442 876759 Ian Fantham [email protected] Princes Risborough 01844 343893 Andy Hitchcock [email protected] 01844 347693 07764 371530 Thame Town 01844 217799 Sheena Beard [email protected] 01844 213695 Mark Watson (U13) [email protected] 01844 213595 Mike Fulwood (U15) [email protected] 01844 201507 Stephen Beard (U17) [email protected] 01844 213695 Waddesdon None Mark Johnson 01296 651722 07719 598024 Paul Irwin 01296 771004 07904 189357 Wendover None Jonathan Seabrook (U13) [email protected] 01296 623286 Nick Morley (U17) [email protected] 01296 623289 (Contact Jonathan Chris Deegan (U15) [email protected] 01442 381760 Seabrook to agree Bob Glue (U11) 01296 630873 fixtures) Stephen Louis [email protected] 01296 621147 Whitchurch None Trefor Williams [email protected] 01296 655543 07789 192762 Ambrose McGinn (U15) [email protected] 07710 743308 Paul Smith (U13) [email protected] 01296 640136 07908 790091 Phil Goss (U11) [email protected] Dan Clemens (U9) [email protected] 01296 651803 07957 406945 Winslow Town 01296 713057 David Dale [email protected] 01296 712186

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2008 Senior Directory Club Ground Senior Contact Name Email Telephone Other contact Aylesbury Town Leigh Dale [email protected] 07970 970592 Buckland & Aston Clinton None Matthew Brewster [email protected] 07971 988236 Chearsley None Adam Warr [email protected] 07745 726707 Cublington None Paul China [email protected] 07963 352378 IAS None Waseem Khan [email protected] 07899 825366 Ivinghoe & Pitstone 01296 661271 David Frankum [email protected] 01296 582696 07761 478045 Kimble 01296 612952 Scott Camber [email protected] 01296 613443 07952 690017 Long Marston 01296 661706 Simon Vessey [email protected] 01296 668716 07798 924507 Monks Risborough 01844 343206 Mohammed Amjad [email protected] 07956 803458 Northchurch 01442 876759 Alastair Fantham [email protected] 07958 705241 Princes Risborough 01844 343893 Andy Pitt [email protected] 01494 488713 Stewkley None James Hall [email protected] 01525 240270 Tring Park 01442 823080 Gareth Darby [email protected] 01442 823611

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2008 League & Cup Entries and Divisions


Senior League Senior Cup 1. Aylesbury Town 1. Aylesbury Town 2. Buckland & Aston Clinton 2. Buckland & Aston Clinton 3. Chearsley 3. Cublington 4. Cublington 4. IAS 5. IAS 5. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 6. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 6. Kimble 7. Kimble 7. Long Marston 8. Monks Risborough 8. Monks Risborough 9. Princes Risborough 9. Northchurch 10. Stewkley Vicarage 10. Stewkley Vicarage 11. Tring Park


Under 17 Combined Under 15 North & West Under 15 South & East 1. Aston Rowant 1. Brill 1. Aylesbury Town 2. Bledlow Village 2. Chearsley 2. Bledlow Village 3. Cublington 3. Cublington 3. Buckland & Aston Clinton 4. Dinton 4. Dinton 4. Edlesborough 5. Grendon & Westcott 5. Grendon & Westcott 5. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 6. Kimble 6. Long Crendon 6. Kimble 7. Long Marston 7. Thame Town 7. Long Marston 8. Northchurch 8. Whitchurch 8. Wendover 9. Thame Town 9. Winslow Town 10. Wendover

Under 13 North Under 13 South Under 11 North 1. Aylesbury Town 1. Bledlow Village 1. Cublington 2. Cublington 2. Chearsley 2. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 3. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 3. Dinton 3. Long Marston 4. Long Marston 4. Great Kingshill 4. Waddesdon 5. Northchurch 5. Kimble 5. Whitchurch 6. Waddesdon 6. Princes Risborough 6. Winslow Town 7. Whitchurch 7. Thame Town 8. Winslow Town 8. Wendover

Under 11 South Under 9 North Under 9 South 1. Bledlow Village 1. Cublington 1. Aston Rowant 2. Chearsley 2. Ivinghoe & Pitstone United 2. Bledlow Village 3. Dinton 3. Long Marston 3. Chearsley 4. Great Kingshill 4. Wendover 4. Dinton 5. Kimble 5. Whitchurch 5. Great Kingshill 6. Long Crendon 6. Winslow Town 6. Kimble 7. Wendover

Fixtures should be arranged between the respective clubs and be played during the week (or weeks) commencing on the dates indicated below.

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2008 Fixtures

Senior League w/c Home Away

April 28 Monks Risborough v Kimble Aylesbury Town v Chearsley Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Buckland & Aston Clinton Cublington v Stewkley Vicarage Princes Risborough v IAS

May 5 Kimble v IAS Stewkley Vicarage v Princes Risborough Buckland & Aston Clinton v Cublington Chearsley v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Monks Risborough v Aylesbury Town

May 12 Aylesbury Town v Kimble Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Monks Risborough Cublington v Chearsley Princes Risborough v Buckland & Aston Clinton IAS v Stewkley Vicarage

May 26 Kimble v Stewkley Vicarage Buckland & Aston Clinton v IAS Chearsley v Princes Risborough Monks Risborough v Cublington Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Aylesbury Town

June 9 Kimble v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Cublington v Aylesbury Town Princes Risborough v Monks Risborough IAS v Chearsley Stewkley Vicarage v Buckland & Aston Clinton

June 16 Buckland & Aston Clinton v Kimble Chearsley v Stewkley Vicarage Monks Risborough v IAS Aylesbury Town v Princes Risborough Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Cublington

June 23 Cublington v Kimble Princes Risborough v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United IAS v Aylesbury Town Stewkley Vicarage v Monks Risborough Buckland & Aston Clinton v Chearsley

June 30 Kimble v Chearsley Monks Risborough v Buckland & Aston Clinton Aylesbury Town v Stewkley Vicarage Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v IAS Cublington v Princes Risborough

July 14 Kimble v Princes Risborough IAS v Cublington Stewkley Vicarage v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Buckland & Aston Clinton v Aylesbury Town Chearsley v Monks Risborough

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Senior Cup Draw

Round 1 Round 2 Semi Finals Final Game by May 23 Game by June 6 by June 20 Friday July 11

Buckland & Aston Tring Park A Clinton D v v IAS Winners of game C

Long Marston Winners of game A Winners of game E B v E v v Stewkley Vicarage Northchurch Winners of game F Final at

Tring Park CC Cublington Monks Risborough Winners of game G C v F v v Aylesbury Town Winners of game B Winners of game D

Ivinghoe & Pitstone G United v Kimble

All ties must be completed by the dates indicated above. The results must be communicated by both teams within 24 hours of the match to Cup Secretary Tony Cherry on 01296 487885, and by email to [email protected].

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Under 17 w/c Home Away

April 21 Grendon & Westcott v Cublington Aston Rowant v Dinton Kimble v Bledlow Village Thame Town v Wendover Northchurch v Long Marston

April 28 Cublington v Long Marston Wendover v Northchurch Bledlow Village v Thame Town Dinton v Kimble Grendon & Westcott v Aston Rowant

May 5 Thame Town v Cublington Northchurch v Kimble Long Marston v Aston Rowant Wendover v Grendon & Westcott Bledlow Village v Dinton

June 16 Cublington v Wendover Bledlow Village v Long Marston Dinton v Northchurch Grendon & Westcott v Thame Town Kimble v Aston Rowant

June 23 Cublington v Kimble Thame Town v Aston Rowant Northchurch v Grendon & Westcott Long Marston v Dinton Wendover v Bledlow Village

June 30 Bledlow Village v Cublington Dinton v Wendover Grendon & Westcott v Long Marston Aston Rowant v Northchurch Kimble v Thame Town

July 7 Aston Rowant v Cublington 2 matches Kimble v Grendon & Westcott Thame Town v Dinton Northchurch v Bledlow Village Long Marston v Wendover

Cublington v Dinton Grendon & Westcott v Bledlow Village Aston Rowant v Wendover Kimble v Long Marston Thame Town v Northchurch

July 14 Cublington v Northchurch Long Marston v Thame Town Wendover v Kimble Bledlow Village v Aston Rowant Dinton v Grendon & Westcott

Note: The additional match in the week commencing July 7 can be played at any convenient time in or before that week.

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Under 15 North & West w/c Home Away

April 28 Brill v Dinton Cublington v Winslow Town Thame Town v Long Crendon Grendon & Westcott v Whitchurch No fixture: Chearsley

May 12 Whitchurch v Dinton Long Crendon v Grendon & Westcott Winslow Town v Thame Town Chearsley v Cublington No fixture: Brill

May 19 Cublington v Brill Thame Town v Chearsley Grendon & Westcott v Winslow Town Whitchurch v Long Crendon No fixture: Dinton

June 2 Dinton v Long Crendon Winslow Town v Whitchurch Chearsley v Grendon & Westcott Brill v Thame Town No fixture: Cublington

June 9 Dinton v Cublington Grendon & Westcott v Brill Whitchurch v Chearsley Long Crendon v Winslow Town No fixture: Thame Town

June 16 Winslow Town v Dinton Chearsley v Long Crendon Brill v Whitchurch Cublington v Thame Town No fixture: Grendon & Westcott

June 23 Thame Town v Dinton Grendon & Westcott v Cublington Long Crendon v Brill Winslow Town v Chearsley No fixture: Whitchurch

June 30 Dinton v Chearsley Brill v Winslow Town Cublington v Whitchurch Thame Town v Grendon & Westcott No fixture: Long Crendon

July 7 Dinton v Grendon & Westcott Whitchurch v Thame Town Long Crendon v Cublington Chearsley v Brill No fixture: Winslow Town

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Under 15 South & East w/c Home Away

April 28 Edlesborough v Aylesbury Town Long Marston v Kimble Wendover v Bledlow Village No fixture: Buckland & Aston Clinton Ivinghoe & Pitstone United

May 12 Bledlow Village v Aylesbury Town Kimble v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Buckland & Aston Clinton v Long Marston No fixture: Edlesborough Wendover

May 19 Long Marston v Edlesborough Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Buckland & Aston Clinton Wendover v Kimble No fixture: Aylesbury Town Bledlow Village

June 2 Kimble v Bledlow Village Buckland & Aston Clinton v Wendover Edlesborough v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United No fixture: Long Marston Aylesbury Town

June 9 Aylesbury Town v Long Marston Wendover v Edlesborough Bledlow Village v Buckland & Aston Clinton No fixture: Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Kimble

June 16 Kimble v Aylesbury Town Edlesborough v Bledlow Village Long Marston v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United No fixture: Wendover Buckland & Aston Clinton

June 23 Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Aylesbury Town Wendover v Long Marston Kimble v Buckland & Aston Clinton No fixture: Bledlow Village Edlesborough

June 30 Aylesbury Town v Buckland & Aston Clinton Edlesborough v Kimble Long Marston v Bledlow Village Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Wendover No fixture: Northchurch

July 7 Aylesbury Town v Wendover Bledlow Village v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Buckland & Aston Clinton v Edlesborough No fixture: Kimble Long Marston

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Under 13 North w/c Home Away

May 5 Waddesdon v Cublington Winslow Town v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Aylesbury Town v Long Marston Whitchurch v Northchurch

May 12 Cublington v Northchurch Long Marston v Whitchurch Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Aylesbury Town Waddesdon v Winslow Town

June 2 Winslow Town v Cublington Aylesbury Town v Waddesdon Whitchurch v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Northchurch v Long Marston

June 9 Long Marston v Cublington Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Northchurch Waddesdon v Whitchurch Aylesbury Town v Winslow Town

June 16 Cublington v Aylesbury Town Whitchurch v Winslow Town Northchurch v Waddesdon Long Marston v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United

June 23 Cublington v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Waddesdon v Long Marston Winslow Town v Northchurch Aylesbury Town v Whitchurch

June 30 Whitchurch v Cublington Northchurch v Aylesbury Town Long Marston v Winslow Town Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Waddesdon

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Under 13 South w/c Home Away

May 5 Chearsley v Dinton Kimble v Bledlow Village Wendover v Thame Town Great Kingshill v Princes Risborough

May 12 Dinton v Princes Risborough Thame Town v Great Kingshill Bledlow Village v Wendover Chearsley v Kimble

June 2 Kimble v Dinton Wendover v Chearsley Great Kingshill v Bledlow Village Princes Risborough v Thame Town

June 9 Thame Town v Dinton Bledlow Village v Princes Risborough Chearsley v Great Kingshill Wendover v Kimble

June 16 Dinton v Wendover Great Kingshill v Kimble Princes Risborough v Chearsley Thame Town v Bledlow Village

June 23 Dinton v Bledlow Village Chearsley v Thame Town Kimble v Princes Risborough Wendover v Great Kingshill

June 30 Great Kingshill v Dinton Princes Risborough v Wendover Thame Town v Kimble Bledlow Village v Chearsley

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Under 11 North w/c Home Away

May 19 Whitchurch v Long Marston Waddesdon v Cublington Winslow Town v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United

June 2 Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Whitchurch Cublington v Winslow Town Long Marston v Waddesdon

June 9 Whitchurch v Cublington Long Marston v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Waddesdon v Winslow Town

June 16 Winslow Town v Whitchurch Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Waddesdon Cublington v Long Marston

June 30 Waddesdon v Whitchurch Winslow Town v Long Marston Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Cublington

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Under 11 South w/c Home Away

May 12 Long Crendon v Wendover Chearsley v Kimble Dinton v Great Kingshill No fixture: Bledlow Village

May 19 Bledlow Village v Dinton Great Kingshill v Chearsley Kimble v Long Crendon No fixture: Wendover

June 2 Wendover v Kimble Long Crendon v Great Kingshill Chearsley v Bledlow Village No fixture: Dinton

June 9 Dinton v Wendover Bledlow Village v Long Crendon Great Kingshill v Kimble No fixture: Chearsley

June 16 Great Kingshill v Wendover Kimble v Bledlow Village Chearsley v Dinton No fixture: Long Crendon

June 23 Wendover v Chearsley Dinton v Long Crendon Bledlow Village v Great Kingshill No fixture: Kimble

June 30 Wendover v Bledlow Village Kimble v Dinton Long Crendon v Chearsley No fixture: Great Kingshill

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Under 9 North w/c Home Away

May 19 Wendover v Cublington Winslow Town v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Whitchurch v Long Marston

June 2 Cublington v Whitchurch Long Marston v Winslow Town Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Wendover

June 9 Winslow Town v Cublington Whitchurch v Wendover Long Marston v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United

June 16 Cublington v Long Marston Ivinghoe & Pitstone United v Whitchurch Wendover v Winslow Town

June 30 Cublington v Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Wendover v Long Marston Winslow Town v Whitchurch

Under 9 South w/c Home Away

May 19 Kimble v Bledlow Village Dinton v Aston Rowant Chearsley v Great Kingshill

June 2 Bledlow Village v Chearsley Great Kingshill v Dinton Aston Rowant v Kimble

June 9 Dinton v Bledlow Village Chearsley v Kimble Great Kingshill v Aston Rowant

June 16 Bledlow Village v Great Kingshill Aston Rowant v Chearsley Kimble v Dinton

June 30 Bledlow Village v Aston Rowant Kimble v Great Kingshill Dinton v Chearsley

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