460 Malahkee Jeanba, Nazarite Worrior : A Rasta Story (Xlibris: Bloomington, 2012), 4. 461 Ibid., 6. 462 Ibid., 8. 463 Eric Hobsbawm, Bandits (New York: Pantheon Books, 1981). 464 Anand Prahlad interrogates a similar concept in Reggae Wisdom: Proverbs in Jamaican Music (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001), 73. 465 Niditch, “My Brother Esau Is a Hairy Man,” 70. 466 I recognize the historic shifts in the vow as it is described in the . Yet, this dissertation does not contend with these changes because Rasta readers do not distinguish between the vows of Samson, , Absolom, and the vow of Numbers 6. 467 Scholar Marc Zvi Brettler discounts that the Nazirite vow serves as a unifying theme for the Samson cycle. This chapter proves the centrality of the vow in Rastafari readings of Samson. Marc Zvi Brettler, The (London: Routledge, 2002), 40-60. 468 Richard Runyararo Mahomva, March 25, 2013, “Rastalk: Seperation of the Dread Man from the Rasta Man,” Voice of the Ras, http://voiceoftheras.blogspot.com/2013/03/separation-of-dread-man-from-rasta- man.html. 469 White Dread, January 25, 2006 (6:36 p.m.), Jah-rastafari.com, http://www.jah- rastafari.com/forum/message- view.asp?message_group=1268&word_search=samson&SearchType=Phrase&SearchWh at=Messages&search_user=white%20dread. 470 Jeanba, Rastafari Nazarite Worrior Samson, 52. 471 Scholars debate whether or not Samson imbibes wine or fermented liquor. Because Judges does not specify, this chapter will not make a claim either way. For more on this debate, see Gregory Mobley’s The Empty Men: The Heroic Tradition of Ancient Israel (New York: Doubleday, 2005), 180. 472 Jeanba, Rastafari Nazarite Worrior Samson, 16. 473 A reference to the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation. Mobley, The Empty Men, 16. 474 Ibid., 16. 475 Ibid., 20. 476 Bunny Wailer, “Rastaman,” Blackheart Man, Island Records (1976). 477 Unless he shaved seven days after he came into contact with death (Numbers 6:9). 478 Mobley, The Empty Men, 172-173. 479 Ras Saadon, July 10, 2005 (9:55 a.m.), comment on Nazirite Vow, “New Rasta,” July 10, 2005, Rasta Nick’s Forum, http://forums.rasta- man.co.uk/smf/index.php?topic=1816.0. 480 Mobley, The Empty Men, 26. 481 Ibid., 8. 482 Ibid., 8.