Derbyshire. [ Ket.LY's

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Derbyshire. [ Ket.LY's " 306 lllEW MILLS. DERBySHIRE. [ KEt.LY'S i. vested in trustees, of whom James Hibbert esq. uf Fern Schools. Bank, is chairman. A county court is held here alter­ A School Board of 7 members was formed 2 October, t875; nately with Buxton and Chapel-en-le-Frith, on Fridays. Edward Godward, clerk to the board j W. T. Robinson, Cattle fairs are held on May IIth and October 7th. Here High street, attendance officer are iron and brass foundries, calico printing and bleach Board, Spring bank (mixed), erected in 1878, at I cost, works. liotton spinning and cotton band manufactories. inclusive of site, of 1;2,620, &; enlarged in I~90 for the Thi drinking fountain in front of the Public Hall was purposes of a technical school, inclUding a chemical erected in 189~ as 11 memorial to John Mackie estI. The laboratory for 80 lltudenhl: in 1891 it was organised lit late Jamelil Ingham esq. of Watford Villa, left 1,5°0 in a Ilcience day Ilchool, &; is now (1895) 11 county district 1868, the interest of which is applied to the education and technical school, receiving 20 free scholarships annually clothing of poor children in the township: Trickett's from the County Council: in 1895 it was further en­ charity consists of the rent of a farm at Sparrowpit, near larged by the addition of new technical class rooms and Chapel-en-le-Frith, now (1895) let for £24 per year, which a library with 200 volumes, given by Mrs. Mackie, of ~mm is in part distributed in clothing to poor persoIlS and Watford villa: the school will hold 370 children; aver· also applied to education of the children of the parish. age attendance, 260 j John .1. Nichols, master: Miss The principal landowners are Lord Egerton of Tatton and L. E. Peck, mistress P. J. Sumner esq. The soil is clay: subsoil, clay. The Catholic, erected in 1860, for 35 boys, 35 girls &; 10 infants; area of the parish is 5,042 acres of land and 36 of water j average attendance, 30 boys, 22 girls & 18 infants j Miss rateable value, £22,396 j area of the Urban district, Catherine Courtenay, mistress 5,205 acres; rateable value, £27,080 j the population Railway Station, Richard Henry Clarke, station master in 1891 was parish, 5,498 and of the urban district, 6,661. Oarrier to Stockport, Jame.s Beard, Torr top, wed. &:; fri High Lee, Lady Shaw Bottom and Watford are places in the village. BEARD is a hamlet half a mile south of New Mills, and mill~, Parish Clerk, Joseph Waterhouse. 3 milBs west of H1iyfie1d. Hel'tl Me candlewick chemicaJ. work.s, an iron and br3lss foundry and quarries Post, M. O. & T. a., S. R, Express Delivery & Annuity producing pavin~ setiis j the l\IidJand Railway Company & Insurance Office.-George Walker, sub-postma8ter. ha.s also a goods ya.rd. F. J. Sumner esq. is the principal Letters arB received via Stockport, delivered at 7 a.m. landowner. &; 3.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. & 8.20 p.m.; on National SchooJ. (mixed), built in 1863, for 300 children; ~ranted sundays at 7.30 p.m. Money orders are &; paid average atJtelldance, 260 j Samuel Whitehead, master from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. j on saturday till 8 p.m Wall Letter Boxes, Eridge street, cleared at 10. IS a.m. &; HAGUE BAR is a hamlet 1 mile west fMm New Milli, Marpl~. 8 p.m.; &; High street, cleared at 10.20 a.m. & 8 p.w I east from Slirine.s station and 3 east from Brook· bot-tom is a place ha-lf a mile north-east from Hague Bar. County Magistrates for New Mills Sub-Division of Chapel- The Primi.tive Methodlist chapel. built in 1874, will seat en-le-Frith Petty Sessional Division. 200 per,suW!. LoweIl' Cliffe is a p~ace I mile north-west Arnfield Joseph esq. High Lea hall, New Mills, Stookport from Hague Bar. Bennett Thos. esq. Heathfield, Birch Vale, near Stockport BoaI'd School, erected in 1878, for 130 children, &; enlarged Carver Thomas esq. The Hollins, Marple, Stockport in 1893 for 66 more; average attelldanoe, 1351 .Tame.! Hibbert James esq. Fern Bank, New Mills, Stockport Henry Gre.gory, ma.ster Hod~kinsonSamuel esq. Poise house, Tokington, Cheshire LOW LEIG-HTON is a hamlet 1 mile south from New Rumney William Edward esq. Watford lodge, New Mills, Mills and 3 wesot from Hayfield. Here i.s the workhow6 Stockport of the Hayfield uniun. There is also a meeting house f()r Turner Lieut.-Col. Henry, Cale Green, Stockport lJhe Society of l"riMds, built in 1717, with a. small Wainwright Joel elilq. Ludwortb, Marple Bridge, Stockport cemetery llitItached. Clerk to the Magistrates, John Burton Boycott, Chapel­ Lebters through NeWltown (Cheshire), arrive at 9 a.m. en-le-Frith Wall LeMer Box cleared at 6,30 p.m. week days only Petty sessions are held in the Public Hall monthly, on OLLERSET is a hamlet I mtile south-west from New wednesdays at 10.30 a.m. with an occasional court when Mi,1ls and !l we~t from Hayfield, consisting pI'lincipaJly required of scattered faI'IID!l and some villa residences. Birch Vale Urban District Council. soo,tiun adjoiThS this hamlet. F. J. Sumner esq. is the Offices, Public Hall. principal landowneT. Council meetings every fourth monday at 5.30 p.m. ROW..ARTH is a hamlet 2 miles from Mcllor and 3 nort,h-east from New Mills, consisting principally of scat. II E d'ward Godward, chairman. tered farms. The United Meothodist Free Ohurch have a 11 Timothy Livesle~' *Ernest Offord Stuart chapel here. "John Smith §John Lowe Letters are received via StockpoI'lt &; by foot 11 Daniel Wood §William Charles McKenna mes.senger from Marple bridge, Wall L<>tter Box cloored *James John Hadfield I §Frederick Thornley at 7.45 a.m *Joseph Hyde §John Thomas Whamlby STRINES is a hamlet I mile by rail and 2 by road west· *Hugh Robinson I ward from New Mills, and 2 east from Marple, with 8 Marked thus 11 retire in 1896. rtaLion on the S'heffield and Midland ra,ilway. Calico Marked thus'" retire in 1897. printing is carried on here very Bxten~vely, and the place Marked thus § retire in I8g.8. is much frequented by picnic and pleasure partiel! from Clerk, J oseph Pollitt, Public hall the adjacent large towns. Treasurer, Henry Barber, Spring b:ulk POtSt Office. Jam.e.s Stafford, sub-poS'iJrnaster. Letter~ Medical Officer of Health, James Edwin Andertoll L.H.C.P ore received v~a Stockpo~t about 6 a.m. &; dispatahed Edin. Thornfield from New Mills at 8.10 p.m. Postal orders are issued Surveyor, Edward Janes, Public ball here, but not paid. Disley is the nearest money order Sanitary Inspector &; Inspector of Canal Boats, Hpnr)', & telegraph office Richardson Railway Sta.tiOIl, J ames PoultIley, station master Collector, William Lowe THORNSET is a hamlet I! miles north-east from Kew Mills and llillf a mile west from Birch Vale station. Connty Court, Public hall, held alternately with Buxton & Letters through Birch Vale. Here are Primittive Metho­ Chapel-en-Ie-Frith j for places in the district, see Chapel­ d'list &; Independent chapels j the former was built in I86<}. en-le-Frith Board School (mixed), erected in 1878, for 300 ohildren; Public Officers. avepage attendance, 220 j Thomas Frit'h, master; Miss Inspector of County Police, William H. OliveI' Sarah C. Hay, infams' mist-res" Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Hayfield union, Jas. WHlTLE is a hamlet 1 mile north-east from New Edwin Anderton L.R.C.P.Edin. Thornfield Mil~, consisting of scatteT€d f.arms and villa residences. Superintendent Registrar of Hayfield Union, Henry Barber, and commands a fine view of the adjacent scenery. In the Spring bank j deputy, Arthur Barber valley are bloocili. workJS. Fern Bank is the re~delIlCe of Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Hayfield Sub- i James lIibbert esq. J.P. and Wartfo,rd viUa that of Mrs. District, George Walker, Market street j deputy, .Abel Mackie. Here is a Cong-regational chapel, built in 1736. Grundy, Market tltreet Letters through ~ew Mills arrive at 9.30 a.m. :KEW MILLS. Jo~eph, Hi~h PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arnfield Lee hall Brayne John William, Market stree' Arnfield Thomas Owen, Rock cot­ Campbell WaIter. 8tanley mount Anderton James Edwin, Thornfield tage, High Lee Cochralle John, Springfield Arnfield Edwin, Springfield villa I Barber Henry, Spring bank i Evans Alfred William, Hillside.
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