and Visitor Center Exhibit Planning, , and Fabrication Process

Flowchart (For full requirements see NPS museum interpretive exhibit planning, design, and fabrication contracts and specifications)

The planning and design firm may provide creative and technical ment of specific exhibit elements, and review and direction to insure Pre-Design Schematic Design Production Production Documents Support support during production, including follow-ons to complete develop- adherence to the original design intent. Pre-Design focuses on Design Development Technical drawings and preparing a solid foun- Alternative schemes are All major details of the specifications are com- dation for all work that explored for organizing project are accounted for. pleted, communicating follows, insuring that the both the interpretive con- Design and content are details necessary for po- project is logically struc- tent and physical layout integrated into coherent Acquisition of specialized exhibit content may occur in different ways contractors, requiring other contractors or client staff involvement. tential exhibit fabricators Content tured and its goals are of the exhibits. By the end media presentations. to meet the project’s requirements. Some of these tasks may be beyond The work is time consuming, so it should begin as soon as specific to understand, price, and understood and realisti- of Schematic Design, a Complex media ele- Specialties the capabilities of the primary planning, design, and production requirements have been finalized. begin work on the project. cally attainable. Project preferred alternative has ments requiring further Pre-production plan- team members and stake- been selected and major development are fully ning and design tasks are holders are identified and stories, exhibit elements described. The exhibit’s Original Art AV Artifact initiated and coordinated their roles defined. and presentation tech- physical structure and with the exhibit production Original , Programs Preparation niques are illustrated and operational characteris- schedule. maps, and photographs described. tics are established. Audiovisual and interactive For organizations with the may be produced under multimedia programs are capability, this work is of- a separate contract or often produced under a ten performed by in-house subcontracted through separate contract. staff. It may be contracted the planning and design if necessary. Close coordination between the exhibit contractor and the is required or fabrication contracts. during design phases to insure that the design of the exhibit and the exhibits are compatible. Decisions must be made regarding space configuration, lighting, power, and other exhibit/architectural interface issues. Image Custom Acquisition Elements Fabrication Reproducible images Items like models, sculpure, Contract and their use rights may taxidermy, and spe- Award be acquired directly cialty electronics are often by client staff or by the subcontracted through planning and design the exhibit fabricator but contractor. may also be contracted for separately.

Post–Award Submittals Production Installation Closeout & Meeting Shop drawings, proofs, and Exhibit structures are Shop Exhibit elements are Warranty samples are submitted by fabricated, graphics are Inspection delivered to the site in as Important media resources the contractor for approval. printed and mounted, complete a state as possible acquired to create exhibit Regular communication equipment is purchased, to minimize the amount of elements are archived dur- The postaward meeting and between the contractor and and all elements of the on-site work. Since installa- ing the closeout period. site visit provide important in- client is critical as details exhibition are integrated tions are costly and labor- New exhibits typically formation and direction to the for most exhibit elements in preparation for instal- All work that can be completed intensive, the contractor include a one-year contrac- exhibit fabrication contractor must be agreed upon prior lation. off-site is finished and set up must carefully coordinate tor’s warranty for defects to supplement the information to shop fabrication to avoid in the fabricator’s shop for the sequence of work so in materials, and workman- in their contract documents. costly rework later. inspection prior to shipment to that delays are minimized. ship. the installation site.

Building Construction, Rehab, or Preparation Work Most construction work involving the building struc- However, close communication regarding construction ture, finishes, and utilities falls outside the scope of the details and completion schedules is required between typical exhibit production contract. all parties to insure a successful installation.

National Park Service | Harpers Ferry Center August 5, 2014 Museum and Visitor Center Exhibit Planning and Design Process

Summary Description (For full requirements see NPS museum interpretive exhibit planning, design, and fabrication contracts and specifications)

Pre-Design Schematic Design Design Development Production Documents Production Support

Pre-Design focuses on preparing a solid foun- Alternative schemes are explored for organiz- All major details of the project are accounted Technical drawings and specifications are Work in this phase includes creative and dation for all work that follows, insuring that ing both the interpretive content and physical for. Design and content are integrated into completed, communicating details necessary technical support during fabrication of the the project is logically structured and its goals layout of the exhibits. By the end of Sche- coherent media presentations. Complex for potential exhibit fabricators to under- project, including Planning and Design Fol- are understood and realistically attainable. matic Design, a preferred alternative has been media elements requiring further develop- stand, price, and begin work on the project. low-ons required to complete development Project team members and stakeholders are selected and major stories, exhibit elements ment are fully described. The exhibit’s physi- Pre-Production planning and design tasks are of specific exhibit elements, and Fabrication identified and their roles defined. Pre-Design and presentation techniques are illustrated cal structure and operational characteristics initiated and coordinated with the exhibit fab- Support to insure adherence to the project’s includes pre−­ and post− contract award and described. Schematic Design includes are established. Design Development includes rication schedule. This phase includes these design intent. Specific tasks vary by project phases: two sub-phases: two sub-phases: major tasks: and may include:

Pre-Contract Schematic I Design Development I Production Documents I Planning and Design Follow-ons

• Scoping study at site (if required) • Content research • Draft DDI content outline (by content group) • PD exhibit drawings • Prepare all design and content revisions -- Text titles and descriptions required for production. • In-house team reviews project status : • Resource package I (organized by themes) • PD content & specification package -- Graphic layout drafts -- Planning documents -- Content Schedules and supporting material • Create original graphic content including: • SDI report with design alternatives: -- Graphic style, , color, finishes -- Goals and objectives -- Technical Specs/cut sheets for AV equip, lighting, -- Original illustrations -- Bubble diagrams -- Major exhibit elements documented -- Budget, schedule, admin. requirements exhibit specialties -- Original photography -- Written description of exhibit scenes • Draft DDI exhibit drawings -- Original and adapted maps • Project scope of work developed -- Preliminary sketches • PDI graphic layout package -- Detailed exhibit plan; arch. requirements • Provide creative direction to specialty -- Class B cost estimates and life-cycle cost goals • Revised material and finish samples • P&D contract is awarded -- Content group elevations / visualizations contractors including: • NPS value analysis process (if required) • Class A production estimate and updated life- -- Illustrators • DDI comprehensive report cycle cost estimate -- Photographers Post-Award -- Updated content outline with draft script -- Model makers Schematic II -- Updated exhibit drawing package -- AV and interactive producers • Contractor reviews gov. furnished materials -- Material, color, finish sample board Production Documents II • SDII report developing preferred alternative: • On-site orientation and planning workshop -- Content outline consisting of scenes and con- Design Development II • Develop completion schedule Fabrication/Installation Support • Identify existing media resources tent groups • Acquire/prepare production scans -- Prepare resource package abstract. -- Floor plan with scenes and content groups • Review and comment on exhibit fabricator’s identified • Draft DDII content & specification package • Proofread/correct production text • Develop project brief: submittals including: -- Conceptual elevations/renderings/ -- Content schedules -- Project overview, including updated informa- • Prepare production-ready files -- Shop drawings visualizations -- AV media treatments and equip specs tion and understandings -- Samples -- and accessibility approaches -- Specialty element reference packages • Revise exhibit drawings/content & -- Identify interpretive themes and objectives -- Resource package II organized according specifications package as necessary • Participate in shop inspections -- Analize project goals, media budget, sched- to scenes • Draft DDII graphic layout package with text ule, and all other known issues affecting the • Provide content data in database readable • Installation support including: -- Updated class B and life-cycle cost estimates development and successful completion of the • Draft DDII exhibit drawings (plan elev. detail) format for preferred alternative -- On-site art direction project • Draft DDII class B and life-cycle cost estimates • Prepare Use-Rights Documentation Package -- Focusing of lighting fixtures • Front-end evaluation (if required) with signed original content licenses • Update DDII documents per comments • Update content schedules/data fields

• Formative evaluation if required • Support summative/remedial evaluation

National Park Service • Harpers Ferry Center October 21, 2011 Museum and Visitor Center Exhibit Fabrication Process

Summary Description (For full requirements see NPS museum interpretive exhibit planning, design, and fabrication contracts and specifications)

Postaward Submittals Fabrication Building Prep Installation Closeout/Warranty

The Postaward Meeting and Site Visit Shop drawings, proofs, and samples Most exhibit elements are fabricated Most changes to the building struc- During this phase, the goal is to deliv- New exhibits typically include a one- provide important information and are submitted by the contractor for either in the contractor’s shop or by ture, finishes, and utilities fall outside er the exhibit elements in as complete year contractor’s warranty for defects direction to the exhibit fabrication approval. Regular communication specialty subcontractors. the scope of the typical exhibit fab- a state as possible and minimize the in materials and workmanship. A contractor to supplement the infor- between the contractor and client Complex project management skills rication contract. However, detailed amount of on-site work to be done. contingency fund may be established mation in their contract documents. is critical as details for most exhibit are required to coordinate produc- coordination between the exhibit Installations are costly and labor-in- to resolve latent design defects. Im- It is usually accomplished in one elements must be agreed upon prior tion of graphics, 3-D structures, elec- contractor and those responsible for tensive. The contractor must carefully portant media resources acquired to work day. to shop fabrication to avoid costly tronic media, lighting, and curatorial building prep work is required to coordinate the sequence of installa- create exhibit elements are archived rework later. elements. insure a successful installation. tion so that delays are minimized. during the closeout period.

Typical Agenda for Typical Typical Elements to be Typical Building Typical Work During the Typical Work in the Postaward Meeting Submittals Fabricated or Purchased Preparation Elements Exhibit Installation Closeout, Warranty Period

• Conduct a general review of the • Fabrication details (shop drawings): • Preparation of production digital • Demolition/removal of old exhibits or • Minor building prep work not • Contractor submits a closeout project, including schedule. These add required construction graphic files and output of digital other furnishings. previously completed by others. package including all Government- • Review exhibit design. Discuss detailing not included in the original graphics. • New finishes for walls, floors, ceilings, • Delivery of exhibits. Set up staging furnished materials, and materials contractor concerns or questions. design drawings. • Fabrication of structures, including and trim work as required. area for unloaded exhibit elements. generated by the contractor to create the exhibits, such as digital layouts, • Provide government-furnished • Color and materials samples: There artifact cases, panels, walls, platforms, • Changes or additions to electrical • Install large structures, such as and “as-built” fabrication drawings. reference materials to contractor. may be slight changes in colors and information desks, benches, circuits, outlets, conduit, fire alarms, platforms, walls, cases, etc. materials from the original design, audiovisual kiosks, etc. A duplicate copy of the maintenance Conduct a review of these references emergency exit lights, security system, • Install large graphic panels and associated with the fabrication manual is included in the closeout • Contractor documents exhibit space • Models, including scale models, and other work requiring a licensed murals. drawings. package. by taking measurements, reference sculpted or cast human figures, electrician. • Install smaller graphics, AV • Graphic source material is checked photographs, and notes on existing • Catalog Cuts: Manufacturer’s natural history models, taxidermy or • Changes or additions to room equipment, models, interactive to verify completeness, and filed for conditions. Potential problems are information from printed or on-line freeze dried animals, architectural lighting, such as installation of track exhibits. future exhibit rehabilitation. identified. catalogs. models, mechanical interactive lighting for the exhibits. exhibits. • Clean work site of debris and dust, • Quality issues with the exhibits are • Contractor inspects, measures, • Graphic Proofs: Print-outs of digital • Preparation of space for audiovisual clean artifact cases, install artifacts, addressed under warranty. Other and takes reference photographs graphics for review of text and visual • Fabrication of custom artifact equipment closet; installation of perform all other conservation exhibit enhancements may be of artifacts to be mounted by the effect of colors, photos and art. mounting hardware. conduit for audiovisual equipment requirements, and seal cases. accomplished through a contract contractor. Proofs may be in a different output • The contractor acquires audiovisual wiring. than the final media, or at a smaller • Aim and adjust lighting fixtures. modification. hardware and tests it in their shop, • Changes to HVAC system to increase scale. Consequently, other samples • Walk-through inspection of • A project inventory, including prior to installation. capacity when needed, and to move may be needed to check actual colors completed exhibits. Develop punch- technical and cost data, is prepared to vents, ducts, or thermostats to or other characteristics. list. facilitate entry of the new asset into accommodate new exhibit structures. • Audiovisual technical drawings: • Supply maintenance manual and the Facility Management Software Requirements for power and signal train staff in exhibit operation and System database. wiring and other technical details for maintenance. AV equipment installation. • Correct punch-list items. • Photograph completed exhibition.

National Park Service | Harpers Ferry Center August 5, 2014