Fall 2010

SightThe Wilmer EyeLine Institute at Johns Hopkins

Potential Unleashed With collaborations proliferating between Wilmer’s biomedical engineers and ophthalmologists, breakthroughs in treatment are imminent. ontents s see it cInsight a 3 Bressler Goes to Congress The chief of Wilmer’s Retina Division

PHOTO BY KEITH WELLER makes the case for increased funding.

Insight Promise in a Middle-Aged 4 Mouse Albert Jun’s new animal model holds promise for treating Fuchs’ dystrophy.

Insight Dear Wilmer Friends and Faculty: 5 Yau Inducted into NAS Distinguished Wilmer scientist is If 2009 was the year of the new elected to National Academy of building, then 2010 is shaping up as Sciences. the year of discoveries! Insight Accessible Care from Certainly a highlight of last year “Dr. Dan” was the opening of Wilmer’s fourth Finkelstein honored for his service building, the Robert H. and Clarice to Baltimore’s underserved Hispanic Smith Building. After we opened community. the laboratories in July and the operating rooms in August, the new building quickly became a beehive Cover of activity. Our patients, nurses, and doctors immediately loved the new 6 Potential Unleashed Bendann Surgical Pavilion, and our patient satisfaction scores skyrocketed. With biomedical engineers forging collaborations throughout the new Four of our five floors of research space are now fully occupied, and it is Smith Building, “home runs” in exciting to see our aspirations for the new building become reality. In the treatment are imminent. research world, word has gotten out about this magnificent new facility. At least once a week, I am contacted by a brilliant researcher interested Spotlight in joining our team. We have been recruiting the best and the brightest 10 Fast-Tracking New from around the world to come work in partnership with Wilmer’s current Treatments in Retinal superstars. Degeneration New recruit Hendrik Scholl uses Speaking of superstar scientists, we have celebrated three discoveries already cutting-edge imaging techniques to this year that have the potential to dramatically impact . Dr. finely target treatment for common Neil Bressler, the James Gills Professor, recently testified before Congress retinal diseases. about a study showing a dramatically improved means for treating diabetic macular edema. Meanwhile, Dr. Albert Jun has genetically engineered Eye to Eye Making Wishes Come True a mouse with the same mutation that occurs in humans with the most 14 Eager to see commonly inherited corneal disease: Fuchs’ dystrophy. This opens the door solved, the Merlau family has invested to the study of potential new . Finally, Dr. Shannath Merbs has in James Handa’s research. developed an instrument that will greatly improve surgical outcomes in patients suffering from trachoma, the leading infectious cause of blindness Events worldwide. 16 Celebrating the new partnership between Wilmer and KKESH. No doubt we’ll see more and more amazing new discoveries and improvements in how we care for our patients over the coming years. I’m Annual Review thrilled with our exciting start! Hats off to our generous donors My sincere best wishes, Faculty Feats 19 A banner year of accomplishments for Wilmer faculty. Peter J. McDonnell, MD Wilmer Residents William Holland Wilmer Professor and Director 24 for 2010-2011


Message from Bressler to Congress: Increase Funding

t wasn’t the first time Neil Bressler, chief of Wilmer’s Retina Division, testified before Congress—and it likely won’t be the last. His visit last May could be the most significant to date, however, in light of the landmark research results he shared with members of the House ILabor, Health and Human Services and Education Appro- priations Subcommittee. Representing the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Bressler urged Congress to fund the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Eye Institute (NEI) at $35 billion and $795 million, respectively, for fiscal year 2011. These amounts were greater than the proposed 2.5 percent increase—but necessary, he said, to conquer low vision and eye disease challenges for growing numbers of patients in this country and worldwide. Bressler substantiated his request with recent proof of how federal research dollars can lead to new discoveries. Just-released results from an NEI-funded study provided definitive confirmation—for the first time in 25 years—of a new and more effective treatment for diabetic macular edema, which affects approximately 1 million Americans. Macular edema occurs when blood vessels of the light- sensitive retina, which lines the back of the eye, begin to leak fluid and swell after being damaged by elevated sugar levels in the blood. The result: vision loss and often blindness. The study involved nearly 700 patients at Wilmer and 51 other clinical sites within the Diabetic Retinopathy To strengthen his case, Neil Bressler shared news of a new breakthrough in the treatment of diabetic macular edema, Clinical Research Network. The results confirmed that laser achieved through federal funding. treatment for diabetic macular edema, when combined with injections of the FDA-approved drug Lucentis, is not been made. “This is a tough appropriations cycle,” he more effective than laser treatment alone, which has been admits. the standard course of care for the last quarter century. Funding from the NIH and NEI is critical to Wilmer’s “Nearly 50 percent of patients who received this new research efforts, Bressler stresses. “They are the largest treatment experienced substantial visual improvement,” funders of biomedical research in the world, and so they are stated Bressler, the network’s chairman. “Congress’ one of our largest sources of funding for the critical research investment to the NIH makes studies such as these we do. That being said, the funds are quite competitive possible—and it’s an example of the huge and successful and you need solid preliminary data to compete. This is impact these funding increases can have on quality of life where private philanthropy can be so critical. It provides and productivity.” the necessary unrestricted funds to jumpstart initial projects Bressler felt that his message was well received by House that provide that critical preliminary data.” ■ committee members, but final funding decisions have —Marlene England

FALL 2010 SightLine 3 insight

Promise in the Form of a Middle-Aged Mouse

n 1910, when Austrian ophthalmologist Ernst Fuchs first middle-aged mouse and a middle-aged human make for diagnosed the corneal disorder that now bears his name, a very accurate correlation.” Because mice have a short Ihe probably couldn’t have imagined what Albert Jun lifespan, studying the disease and testing new treatments would discover 100 years in the future. can occur much more quickly than in human-based In a major breakthrough discovery, Jun has found a way studies. Until now, doctors have had to observe Fuchs’ to fast forward Fuchs’ dystrophy research. Using a gene dystrophy patients for years before learning if and how a mutation known to cause Fuchs’ dystrophy in humans, he new treatment might improve vision. created a strain of mice that develops an identical version of Jun believes that deciphering the abnormal cellular the disease—and in doing so, Jun collapsed dramatically the processes that occur early on in Fuchs’ dystrophy—and time frame between research and results. finding answers faster with mice than with patients—will Fuchs’ dystrophy is a relatively common inherited lead to more effective non-surgical therapies. This alternative disease that causes cloudy corneas and loss of vision. After is, of course, more favorable than waiting for the cornea to diagnosis, typically in middle-aged patients, symptoms fail and performing a corneal transplantation. can take decades to develop, which makes studying the Together with fellow researcher Justin Hanes, director of disease and evaluating new treatments a frustratingly slow the Center for at Johns Hopkins, Jun plans process—until now. to develop and test medical treatments for Fuchs’ dystrophy “It took about six years to find out that we had a in mice. If safe and successful, these treatments could perfectly suited model for human disease, including one provide the basis for early-stage clinical trials in humans in year for the mice to age,” Jun explains. “The eyes of a the very near future. ■ —ME

4 SightLine FALL 2010 Yau Inducted into National Academy of Sciences

ing-Wai Yau tries to keep a low profile, but the visual functions. He also contributed to finding the cause of professor of neuroscience and ophthalmology at one form of central vision loss. KJohns Hopkins may have a harder time avoiding the Since Yau joined the Johns Hopkins faculty in 1986, he spotlight, given his recent induction into the prestigious has received funding support from the National Institute National Academy of Sciences. on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, and the In April, Yau was one of 72 new members elected in National Eye Institute. In 2008, he and Wilmer colleague recognition of their distinguished achievements in original Jeremy Nathans were honored to win the coveted $1.4 research. Being nominated and voted into the 147-year-old million António Champalimaud Vision Award for their private organization is considered one of the highest honors contributions to overall vision research. ■ for a scientist or engineer. —ME “It is very gratifying that my work has received this recognition,” says Yau. “I tend to just lay low. I travel very little and put all my time to my work. I let my publications speak for themselves.” Yau’s research focuses on the flow of molecular signals important in sight and smell. Among his discoveries are the critical roles played by two key signaling molecules— calcium and cyclic GMP—in visual transduction, the process of how light is converted into electrical signals by the retina’s rod and cone photoreceptor cells. Yau’s discoveries have helped advance the understanding of many hereditary blinding diseases that affect these rod and cone cells. He characterized the light-response behaviors of a newly discovered photoreceptor cell that responds to light and affects circadian rhythms and other non-image-forming Accessible Care from “Dr. Dan” ore than 20 years ago, Daniel of this population and provide services that Finkelstein and the late Arnall are truly accessible. There’s a big difference MPatz decided to offer free diabetic between available and accessible—and this is retinopathy screenings for individuals with the most accessible care I’ve ever seen.” no insurance. What began as a grassroots When clients tell one of the center’s outreach has grown to include several coordinators that they are diabetic, the hundred patients a year, each referred by coordinator faxes the name and information low-cost clinics and other providers in the to Finkelstein’s office. Shortly after, a fax is Baltimore area. returned with the scheduled appointment Earlier this year, Finkelstein and Wilmer time. Clients then receive a map, provided received the Hispanic Apostolate Award for by Wilmer, which shows through pictures, providing services to uninsured clients of not words, how they can walk from the the Esperanza Center, a Catholic Charities human services Esperanza Center to Finkelstein’s office. organization not far from Wilmer’s front doors. The center “Dr. Finkelstein is a big part of what we do here at the works with Hispanic and other immigrants on language Esperanza Center,” Monroy continues. “Around here, he’s skills, health care issues, and other areas of need. Finkelstein known as Dr. Dan. Our clients see him as someone they can sees several patients from the center every Monday. If trust because they have this personal relationship with him.” necessary, follow-up appointments are made for laser Finkelstein is quick to deflect any praise. “The reason we treatment, also provided at no charge. wanted to be doctors in the first place was to offer care and “Wilmer and Dr. Finkelstein recognize that this is healing, and there are many people who can’t afford that.” important care to provide,” says Maureen Monroy, manager He adds “This service fulfills our original mission for people of the center’s health services. “They understand the needs in need.” ■ —ME

FALL 2010 SightLine 5 6 SightLine FALL 2010 Potential Unleashed With nearly a third of Wilmer’s new Smith Building dedicated to exploring biomedical engineering solutions to vision problems, collaborations are proliferating—and “big breakthroughs” in treatment are imminent.

By Marlene England Photos By Mike Ciesielski

The pool table in the Smith Building’s Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hultquist researchers lounge offers a popular place for Wilmer scientists— including biomedical engineers Jennifer Elisseeff and Jordan Green—to unwind and hatch new ideas for collaboration.

FALL 2010 SightLine 7 ince several promising biomedical focused her lab’s efforts on developing engineers have relocated their biomaterials for musculoskeletal reconstruction, specifically related to labs to the Robert H. and Clarice knee cartilage. Now she has turned her attention to the eye—focusing on Smith Building, almost every biomaterials that can repair and rebuild the cornea. Sday brings a new idea, a new research Last year, Elisseeff and Wilmer ophthalmologist Oliver Schein direction to pursue. In the last few received a Department of Defense grant to develop technologies for months, more ideas for collaborative ocular battlefield wounds, including a biosynthetic adhesive that is easily research between biomedical engineering applied in the field. With the Stein and ophthalmology have surfaced than in professorship from RPB, Elisseeff can take her cutting-edge research the previous decade at Wilmer, according even further. She plans to expand the concept of biomaterials-directed to Wilmer Director Peter J. McDonnell. reconstruction to other parts of the eye, including the retina, and to other He tells of a young faculty launching RPB and later the National diseases, such as . member who chatted recently with Eye Institute. “When your lab is already a biomedical engineer working on “This award is an external established, it takes a huge push to the same floor. “The ophthalmologist validation of what we’re trying to go in a different direction,” Elisseeff found out in a few minutes that this accomplish here—bringing together explains. “It’s really hard to get researcher might have the solution to groups of people with different funding with no strings attached to a problem he’d been working on for expertise to tackle previously unsolved pursue more high-risk ventures. This 10 years. As a clinician, he knew the problems,” McDonnell explains, professorship gives me the freedom to question but didn’t have the answer— adding that past award recipients explore new research interests.” and she, as a researcher, had the comprise an impressive “Who’s Who” Inspired by her experiences answer but didn’t know the question. of the world’s leading scientists. “We’re as a Young Global Leader in the I’d be shocked if there isn’t a treatment extremely pleased that RPB recognizes World Economic Forum, Elisseeff in a couple of years.” is also exploring how biomedical That researcher is Jennifer engineering and technology can Elisseeff, who recently moved improve vision health in Third her 37-person biomaterials and World countries. Her initial focus tissue engineering lab to Wilmer, is to develop and test biomaterials and has caught the attention of to treat corneal abrasions, which, Research to Prevent Blindness when left untreated, may lead to (RPB), the nation’s largest funder corneal infection, a significant—yet of vision research after the preventable—cause of blindness. National Institutes of Health. “This is a new emphasis for my lab, Last spring, Elisseeff became the and it’s really put that fire in me,” first person in Wilmer’s history she says. Her recent trip to Tanzania to receive RPB’s prestigious Jules Director Peter J. McDonnell congratulates for the Young Global Leaders’ and Doris Stein Professorship. Jennifer Elisseeff, recipient of a $500,000 award annual meeting was “life changing” The professorship awards from Research to Prevent Blindness. and further sparked her passion for $500,000 over a five-year period and the importance of biomedical tackling eye damage and disease on a a matching grant of up to $150,000 engineering to vision issues and that global scale. to equip laboratory space. The award’s they saw in Dr. Elisseeff a brilliant and “It’s fair to say that no researchers namesake, ophthalmologist Jules dynamic scientist who could make with Dr. Elisseeff’s specific skill set Stein, was founder of MCA Inc., things happen. She’s a superstar who have ever decided to apply their the world’s largest producer of film joined a proven team of great people.” talent to this particular problem,” entertainment. He was instrumental in Prior to moving to Wilmer, Elisseeff McDonnell comments. “She will be

8 SightLine FALL 2010 Justin Hanes, with PhD student Jung Soo Suk new on the scene when it comes to other technologies at the interface working relationship of Biomedical biomedical engineering and global between ophthalmology and cell and Engineering faculty with Wilmer vision issues. Having someone like tissue engineering,” Green says. “Since faculty puts Wilmer in a unique her interested in these problems is moving into the Smith building, we position to develop novel technologies, extremely significant.” have formed new collaborations with he says. The implications are far- Elisseeff is not alone in pushing other Wilmer faculty. My lab and I reaching because the same technologies the boundaries of traditional research are very excited about these future that re-create a part of the eye or at Wilmer. Justin Hanes, professor opportunities.” expedite treatment for vision problems of ophthalmology and director of Chi Dang, vice dean for can be applied to other parts of the the Center for Nanomedicine at research at Hopkins, echoes Green’s body and other diseases. Johns Hopkins, is working with excitement. “I am exuberant about Dang, McVeigh, and McDonnell other Wilmer investigators to focus the possibilities, which seem limitless, are all grateful for the donors who the power of nanotechnology on to lead the world in biomedical invest and believe in Wilmer’s goal of creating new drug and gene therapies engineering in vision sciences,” he bringing multiple disciplines together for patients with vision disorders, says, adding that the recruitment of to tackle eye disease. including those that affect the back of Elisseeff, Hanes, Green, and others “Thirty percent of this building the eye, such as age-related macular into the Smith Building captures is already dedicated to exploring degeneration, and those that affect the the vision of creating the world’s biomedical engineering solutions to cornea, such as Fuch’s dystrophy. best initiative in biomedical cell vision problems—and, five years from Jordan Green, assistant professor engineering and nanotechnology for now, the whole world will know about of Biomedical Engineering, is working eye biology and disease treatment. and benefit from the biomedical with Wilmer’s Peter Campochiaro and “This is an example of the Hopkins engineering solutions developed here,” Aleksander Popel from the Biomedical enterprise breaking down normal McDonnell predicts. “We still have Engineering Department to develop divisions to create an outstanding another floor to fill, and we will add anti-angiogenic peptides that can environment for collaborative science,” new skill sets and the most brilliant inhibit cell growth in neovascular age- states Elliot McVeigh, director of new minds. We want home run after related macular degeneration. “My Hopkins’ Department of Biomedical home run.” ■ lab is also interested in developing Engineering. Leveraging the close

FALL 2010 SightLine 9 spotlight

Fast-Tracking New Treatments in Retinal Degeneration When Wilmer launched the search for a leading expert in retinal degenerations, all roads led to Hendrik Scholl—even though he was nearly 4,000 miles and an ocean away.

By Marlene England Photos By Mike Ciesielski

10 SightLine FALL 2010 FALL 2010 SightLine 11 Scholl at that time was coordinator of the Tertiary Referral Center for Retinal Degenerations at the University of Bonn’s Department of Ophthalmology. He was asked to lead Wilmer’s visual neurophysiology services and clinical services for patients with retinal degenerations.

“We wanted to find someone who The award was given to only one central retina. Optical coherence could lead our retinal degeneration ophthalmology program in the United tomography, or OCT, is a noninvasive program for clinical care and fast- States to establish a new research imaging technique that provides high- track evaluation of new treatments,” program on retinal degeneration. Two resolution, cross-sectional images of explains Neil Bressler, chief of weeks later, Scholl received another the retina. Wilmer’s Retina Division, noting $100,000 award from the American “We can now see minute changes that the new recruit is internationally Health Assistance Foundation. in the retina—dense spots, loss of cell recognized for his pioneering work The funding will accelerate Scholl’s layers, thinning of the retina, and so with retinal diseases. “We were thrilled translational research of how structure on—things we’ve never been able to to get Dr. Scholl, who is a retinal (seen by the latest imaging technology) see before,” Scholl says. “But we have degeneration researcher and a retinal and function correlate in genetically to consider the relevance of these surgeon. There aren’t many people like inherited retinal degenerations, such abnormalities and what they mean to him in the world,” says Bressler. as retinitis pigmentosa, macular the function of the eye. We don’t want Private philanthropic funds helped dystrophies, and age-related macular to direct intervention to abnormalities relocate the gifted scientist from his degeneration. that have minimal impact on vision native Germany and enabled him Recent cutting-edge technologies but rather would like to target changes to build a strong framework for his provide fascinating new tools with that have a big impact on the patient’s research program. After months of which Scholl can view and study vision.” paperwork and packing, Scholl started the retina, the light-sensitive tissue As new therapies are developed, at Wilmer on March 1. that lines the back wall of the eye. this complex imaging technology Within a week, he was awarded Electroretinography—an EKG for can help establish new surrogate a three-year, $510,000 Wynn-Gund the eyes—uses electrodes placed near endpoints for clinical trials and for Translational Research Award from the cornea to measure the retina’s monitoring treatment effects with the the National Neurovision Research response to light and detect abnormal highest accuracy. This information will Institute, a support organization of function. Microperimetry is used dramatically improve the assessment the Foundation Fighting Blindness. to map the exact sensitivity of the of the patients’ retina. Until now, outcomes of drug therapies in particular have been measured by visual acuity, or how well a person With Dr. Scholl on board, we hope to be the sees. “The problem with relying solely on psychophysics is that the response premier site for initiating early- and late-stage of the patient is variable and easily clinical trials in retinal degenerations that will influenced by fatigue or other factors,” Scholl explains. Through clinical determine if we can change how these people trials, he intends to use new imaging methods to show that the correlation are treated. between structure and function is highly relevant for measuring –Neil Bressler, chief of Wilmer’s Retina Division treatment effect. Scholl is equally passionate about gene and the promise it holds

12 SightLine FALL 2010 for other diseases, particularly Leber’s congenital amaurosis, or LCA, a group of degenerative retinal diseases that are the most common cause of congenital blindness in children. Currently, there are three clinical trials under way: two in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. Scientists hope to successfully replace the nonfunctioning gene with one that works—thus restoring vision. Preliminary results are very promising. “Most patients with diseases like LCA have few options, and gene therapy is one of the only options,” Scholl says. A success in these clinical trials will show that the concept of molecular is sound. If LCA can be treated effectively with gene therapy, it will point the way gene therapy experiments in which In bringing Hendrik Scholl toward treatment of other diseases— the gene and the virus that carries to Wilmer, Director Peter J. including many previously untreatable it, known as a vector, can circulate McDonnell and other leaders conditions—caused by single, throughout the whole body system.” aimed to speed the discovery malfunctioning genes. A major advantage of new of new treatments for retinal degenerations. “We anticipate doing a lot of treatment trials involving the eye is new clinical trials in this field in the that the outcomes will be crystal clear. future,” Bressler says. “With Dr. Scholl “The visual system has very precise, on board, we hope to be the premier quantifiable measures of function, site for initiating early- and late-stage and even tiny measures of success can clinical trials in retinal degenerations be documented,” Scholl says. “This that will determine if we can change is exactly my area of interest and how these people are treated.” expertise.” Scholl notes that the eye is ideal “I’m in such a wonderful position for testing new therapies that could be and feel very lucky to have received applicable to the entire body. “While funding right away,” Scholl adds. it is obviously connected to the rest of “But the credit goes to Wilmer and the body by blood and nerve tissue, the people I’m surrounded by at this the eye is a separate compartment,” he spectacular institution. Wilmer has explains. “We only need to deliver a such a wonderful environment, the microscopic quantity of gene vector in patients, and everything needed for order to try a treatment, unlike other me to do all that I want to do.” ■

FALL 2010 SightLine 13 eye to eye

Wishes Come True, Thanks to Merlau Philanthropy

hen Dan Merlau diagnostic process that impressed before institutional funds come into dissected a horse’s both parents and child. “Dr. Goldberg play,” explains Ken Merlau. “We eye in his third and Dr. Handa conducted in-depth contribute on an unrestricted basis grade science interviews and examined 25 years to assure the greatest flexibility on class, he already of medical records from Ken before the part of the researcher. We’re Wknew about vitreous, the retina, rods, diagnosing a previously unidentified confident Dr. Handa’s work is at the cones, and the optic nerve—thanks to variation of Stickler syndrome,” leading edge of a breakthrough—not his doctors at Wilmer. explains Dan’s mother, Jo Merlau. just in advanced treatment but also Dan was just 8 years old when Ken’s genetic tests confirmed the in discovering the organic cause and he and his parents visited Wilmer diagnosis, and the two doctors effect.” for the first time. It was the start of began proactively treating Dan’s The family’s contribution a long-standing and very important retina because of the genetic link. supported Handa’s discovery that the relationship between a patient, his Goldberg was in the process of eyes of mice, after exposure to cigarette parents, doctors, and an institution. reducing his clinical commitments, smoke, developed features consistent Dan’s father, Ken Merlau, so most of Dan’s care became Handa’s with early macular degeneration. chairman of Clipper Development responsibility. Identifying cigarette smoke as the Inc., a private equity advisory “I’ll always remember when strongest risk factor (other than age) company he founded in 1993, had Dr. Handa took me on a tour of for macular degeneration provided dealt with retinal issues for years— his research laboratory,” says Dan, the framework for Handa to obtain and so had Dan’s older brother. The who was 10 at the time and already other funding, including a grant from family was worried that young Dan considering a career as a medical the National Institutes of Health might also be at risk. When family research scientist. Listening to Handa to evaluate how the mice’s immune friend and Wilmer supporter Michael talk about his interest in macular response attempts to compensate for Panitch heard of these concerns, he degeneration was fascinating to Dan— the smoke exposure. Now Handa’s encouraged the Merlaus to travel from and to his parents, who decided to lab is using genetic models to see their home in Chicago to meet with help fund Handa’s research. which genes are most important Morton Goldberg at Wilmer and later “We believe that private in combating smoke damage. He with James Handa. philanthropy is incredibly important hopes to develop “pharmacological What came next was an extensive to pay for research in the early stages rescues” that might protect eyes from the damage of cigarette smoke and lessen the likelihood of macular degeneration. The minute I walked into Wilmer, I knew they Without the Merlaus’ support, had the right business model—and a world-class Handa says his research would have remained a very curious and facility attracts world-class people like Dr. Handa. provocative idea. “Years from now, I would still be thinking ‘I wish I could —Ken Merlau test it,’” Handa says. “Not only have they enabled me to do the research, but I’ve been able to expand my

14 SightLine FALL 2010 At the leading edge of a breakthrough: James Handa (standing) with Dan (l) and Ken Merlau.

lab and recruit some top-notch Not only have [the Merlaus] enabled me to do people from all over the world with different areas of expertise.” the research, but I’ve been able to expand my His eight-member team includes scientists from Venezuela, Poland, lab and recruit some top-notch people from all Iran, China, Japan, and Nigeria. over the world with different areas of expertise. Being a businessman, Ken Merlau considers financial support —James Handa for Handa more of an investment than a gift. “I invest in projects that have a good chance of believe each individual can actually know my experience with the kind success, and I back people who can change the world and how we live in of doctor Dr. Handa is and my deliver results,” he explains. “As I have it. We have to look after each other. tours of his research lab have further gotten to know Dr. Handa over the That’s how I feel about supporting Dr. influenced me to want to be an MD years, I know he is a highly motivated, Handa’s research. There are people and PhD,” Dan says. “I hope that one brilliant, and sensitive doctor, surgeon, whose family members are affected day I will be as great and respected a and researcher. He is the perfect blend by macular degeneration and that doctor and scientist as he is.” of clinical, surgical, and research can limit them from enjoying their The Merlau family hopes their disciplines. The minute I walked into retirement, their families, or their generosity will be felt well beyond the Wilmer, I knew they had the right grandchildren—as I so enjoy my walls of Wilmer. “If we can have some business model—and a world-class family and granddaughters.” small part in supporting the important facility attracts world-class people like Dan Merlau is equally impressed work of Dr. Handa and helping the Dr. Handa.” with Dr. Handa and the progress wider community by preventing eye Growing up on a farm taught he’s making in the lab. Now 16, Dan diseases,” says Ken Merlau, “then we Merlau the importance of neighbors excels in his academic studies and was will be very happy with the ‘return’ on helping one another, and he has held recently accepted into a special science our investment.” ■ fast to those values ever since. “I research program at his school. “I —ME

FALL 2010 SightLine 15 events annual review Our Work to Cure Blindness: Our Donors

The scientists and staff of the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins gratefully acknowledge our partners in philanthropy listed here. The generosity of these friends supports a tradition of collaboration and far-reaching investigation as, together, we pursue the complex challenges of eye On Wednesday, April 21, the Wilmer Eye Institute welcomed special guests from Saudi Arabia and diseases. While our space here is limited, the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, DC, our thankfulness is not. Although gifts of to celebrate the partnership between the King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital and the Wilmer Eye any amount are gratefully received, only Institute. During gifts and pledge payments totaling more the dedication ceremony of the than $250 in the fiscal year ending June 30, KKESH/Wilmer Professorship 2010, could be listed in this report. If any of International donor was accidentally missed, or if you Ophthalmology, Ashley Behrens, prefer to remain anonymous, please contact MD, was installed the Development Office at 410-955-2020. as the inaugural recipient. Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. Mrs. Pearl L. Baum Mr. David S. Abrams Ms. Margaret M. Bees Abraham Krasne Foundation Belle K. Ribicoff Fund Akebia Therapeutics Bender Foundation Alcon Foundation, Inc. Colonel and Mrs. George H. C. Alcon Research, LTD Berger Mr. Benjamin Alexander Joseph R. Bianchine, MD, PhD Mr. and Mrs. John Andelin Ms. Mary E. Blackman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson Dr. and Mrs. William P. Blasé Anna Borun and Harry Borun Ms. Mary Jane Blaustein Foundation Mrs. Ann A. Bosworth Anonymous (11) Mr. Michel M. Boxberger Dr. and Mrs. Nakorn Apakupakul Linnea R. Boyev, MD, PhD Arnold and Mabel Beckman Drs. Neil M. and Susan B. Bressler On May 1, 2010, more than 100 members of the Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bressler Independent Order of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Aschenbach Mr. Richard J. Brisson* Assemblies gathered at Wilmer to present an Mr. and Mrs. Alan Astrove Ms. Paula J. Brooks additional gift to support the Odd Fellows and Mr. George J. Brown Rebekahs Professorship, first established in 1963 Mr. Martin Auerbach Mr. Goutam Bagchi Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. at Wilmer. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs have Brownstein contributed more than $2 million to the Wilmer Eye Mr. and Mrs. William F. Baker, Jr. Burlingame Foundation Institute. Pictured are Henry Jampel, MD, third Odd Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Baks Mrs. Mildred A. Burns Fellows and Rebekahs Professor (left) and Morton Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bancroft Mr. Michael F. Butler Goldberg, MD (second from right), receiving the Mr. Melvin Barmat Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Thomas J. gift from International President of the Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bartizek Camp, Jr. Assemblies Brenda Reed, Sovereign Grand Master Alycia J. Bartley-Heinsen, MD Paul Cuminale (middle), and Chairman of the IOOF Ms. Barbara H. Cangiano Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Bass Eye Research Foundation Wes Nelson (far right). Mr. Edward Casel Ms. Anne G. Baughman Mr. Charles E. Castle Jr. *deceased 16 SightLine FALL 2010 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Feldman Warren C. Herrold, MD Ms. Deborah Jamieson Krohn Cavanaugh Mr. John Ferrone Mr. and Mrs. Al Hilde, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kunisch, Sr. Cecilton Lions Charities, Inc. Mr. Francisco L. Filho Frederick Kelker Hilton, ScD Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. L. Kwok Ms. Caroline Chamales Mr. and Mrs. David T. FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hobbs Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lake Mrs. Charlotte C. Chamberlain Mr. Thomas A. Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hoeg Dr. and Mrs. M. Daniel Lane, Sr. Ms. Yvonne B. Chanatry Mr. and Mrs. James E. Flournoy Mr. and Mrs. F. William Hoffman LaVale Lions Club Charles and Margaret Levin Family Mr. George R. Floyd Ms. Dorothy W. Holler* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lavery Foundation Mrs. Kathleen B. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. David L. Holman, Mrs. Kathleen M. Lawrence Charles E. Smith Family Fondazione AVF Rusconi CPA Lawrence Loventhal Fund Foundation Mr. William T. Forrester Mr. Ben F. Holt, Jr. Lazinsky-Comeq-Flamoltz Fund Charles T. Bauer Foundation Forsythe Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Holt Paul P. Lee, MD Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chen III The Francis and Miranda Childress Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Horn The Legum Foundation Mrs. Rose Cipriano Foundation Mr. Antoni Horodowicz Mr. Richard Lehmann Clarence and Ida Klassen Robert N. Frank, MD Mrs. Nina R. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Leuthy, Jr. Foundation Mr. Angelo H. Frasca Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hourihan Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Leventer Clark Charitable Foundation Mr. Ernest Freudman Howard and Martha Head Fund, Levinson and Lee Family Charitable Mr. Harris Clay Gabriel Schmergel Fund Inc. Fund Mr. Harold E. Clendenin Ms. Anna M. Geary Mr. Steve Hronec Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy Ms. Sally F. Cloyd Mrs. Janet C. Gehrlein The Hultquist Foundation Mr. Holmes Liao Mrs. Nancy Coates Mrs. Esther A. Gerber Ms. Jackie K. Humphreys Ms. Nancy Jo Linck Mr. Carl C. Coe, Jr. Drs. Philip V. and Marjorie W. Dr. and Mrs. Por T. Hung Mr. John E. Lingard, Sr.* Mrs. Bonnie R. Cohen Gerdine Mr. Craig B. Huston* Mr. and Mrs. John Linn Mr. Leonard K. Cohen* Dr. and Mrs. James P. Gills, Jr. Mr. Earl M. Hyde, Jr. Lions Club of Upper Marlboro Mr. William K. Colbath Mr. James H. Gipson Mr. Christopher Ihde Lions Vision Research Foundation, Ms. Joan Develin Coley Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gladwell Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Inc. Cooper Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Morton F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Roger Irvine Mr. Edward B. Lipkin Mr.* and Mrs.* Robert M. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gomprecht James Family Charitable Mr. George S. Livanos Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cotton Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Gooden Foundation Mrs. Katherine M. Loughlin David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Mr. Robert W. Goodwin Mr. David A. James Louis H. Gross Foundation, Inc. Foundation Gordon Foundation Dr. Tariq Jamil Ms. Barbara Luchsinger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Davis Ms. Kathleen J. Gordon Drs. Henry D. and Risa M. Jampel Mr. Robert G. Luedke Ms. Paula Davis Ms. Shirley K. Gouaux* Robert S. Jampel, MD, PhD Mr. Theodore C. Lutz Ms. Julianne Davison-Liberto Mr. George J. Goulandris William H. Jarrett II, MD Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm N. Luxenberg Dealy Foundation, Inc. Mr. Nicholas Goulandris Mrs. Beverly B. Jennings Mrs. Eleanor L. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DeBois Mrs. Florence Hill Graff The Jenny Fund Against Cancer Ms. Hazel M. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Detweiler James H. Gray, MD, PA Dr. and Mrs. Allan D. Jensen Mrs. Josephine B. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dola Mr. and Mrs. William Greaney JJ Haines Foundation, Inc. Mathew W. MacCumber, MD, Ms. Dorothy V. Donaho Greek Orthodox Ladies John B. and Judith Brown Levy PhD Mr. William A. Donlon Philoptochos Society, Inc. Fund Mr. and Mrs. Preston Madden Mr. William J. Dorman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenberg John Mitchell, Jr. Trust Mr. Thomas J. Maholchic Dorothea McAnulty Olsen Mrs. Barbara C. Greiner Mr. and Mrs. Palmer S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manekin Foundation Ms. Margaret V. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jones Marilyn R. and Robert C. Levin Mr. Andreas C. Dracopoulos Guerrieri Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Virginia M. Jordan Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Dunn, Jr. Ms. Linda Gutterman Joseph E. and Marjorie B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Marlow Mrs. Jean H. Durfee Dr. and Mrs. David L. Guyton Foundation Mr. Bennett R. Marshall E and B Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hackerman Mr. and Mrs. Jau-Shi Jun Maryland Society of Eye Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hall Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Kahn Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanley Mauger Foundation Julia A. Haller, MD and John D. Kalkin Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Robert B. Mayer Ehlers Family Foundation, Inc. Gottsch, MD Kane Lodge Foundation, Inc. Mr. Ronald W. McAnaney The Eiger Institute Dr. Amin M. Hanafy Mr. and Mrs. Dmitry Kanevsky Mr. Hugh P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. Donald L. Eirich Dr. and Mrs. Justin S. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. James P. McDonagh El Sawy Family Foundation Ms. Laurette L. Hankins Dr. Dorothy Karp* Capt. William M. McDonald, Mr. James R. Ellenberger Anne M. Hanneken, MD USN, Ret. Ms. Amalie M. Kass Emanuel Gruss and Riane Gruss Michael J. Harris, MD Drs. Peter J. and Jan M. McDonnell Kay Family Foundation, Inc. Charitable Foundation Harvey M. and Lyn P. Meyerhoff Mr. John J. McGann Earl D. R. Kidwell, Jr., MD Philanthropic Fund Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Emmert Hobbs Foundation, Inc. Healthnetwork Foundation Jeong H. Kim, PhD McWhinney, Jr. Esther B. O’Keeffe Foundation Ms. Irene E. Heavey King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital Medical Illness Counseling Center The Evans Fund Ms. Elizabeth N. Hedeman Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kogod The Melvin and Lou Davis Fund Rear Adm. John N. Faigle Henry and Ruth Blaustein Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kolker Shannath L. Merbs, MD and Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Feduniak Rosenberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Livingston Kosberg Michael P. Grant, MD FALL 2010 SightLine 17 annual review Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merlau Mrs. Mary Jane B. Read Mrs. Maria D. Meyers P. Vijay Reddy, MD, PC Michael and Deborah Salzberg Mrs. Marilyn S. Reiner Family Foundation Mr. Timothy N. Resler Strength Ms. Sylvia Michelson Richard J. Moriarty Charitable Dr. and Mrs. Albert T. Milauskas Fund endurance Ms. Anne Miller Mr. Peter Riddleberger Neil R. Miller, MD Mr. Richard K. Robbins will power Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Milnes Robert H. Smith Family A solid financial future – it’s a goal that you Milton Schamach Foundation, Inc. Foundation and Johns Hopkins share. In these challenging Miriam Lodge K.S.B., Inc. Alan L. Robin, MD times, it is especially critical to plan for what lies Monica and Hermen Greenberg Mr. Brooks C. Robinson Foundation Mrs. Maureen A. Robinson ahead. You can help ensure that the people and Mrs. L. Franklin Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dean J. Rodman institutions you care most about will remain Ms. Lucy G. Moorhead Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenthal strong in the future. All it takes is Will Power. Morris Schapiro and Family The Rothschild Charitable Please contact us for information about tax-wise Foundation, Inc. Foundation giving and sample bequest language to benefit Moser Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. Alfred R. Rubin The Wilmer Eye Institute. Mr. Alfred H. Moses Mr. Michael J. Rubino Mr. Alvin J. Myerberg* Ms. Jean S. Ruff Kathryn A. Shelton Mr. Irvin D. Newgren* Mr. Philip Edward Ruppe and Johns Hopkins Office of Gift Planning 410-516-7954 or 800-548-1268 Honorable and Mrs. Arthur L. Ms. Ann H. Boutell e-mail: [email protected] Nims III Mrs. Janet L. Ruth www.jhu.plannedgifts.org Mrs. Agnes E. Nixon Mr. John J. Ryan IIII Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Mr. Murray D. Ryan* Nussdorf Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ryan, Jr. Mr. Ralph S. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sadler Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Visual Samuel and Margaret Mosher Research Foundation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Offit Mrs. Elaine L. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin Mr. B. Francis Saul II Fernando C. Ottati, MD Mrs. Carolyn S. Schlenger John O. Susac, MD Mrs. Barbara J. Warner Dr. and Mrs. Ray T. Oyakawa Mr. Jack W. Schnoor Ms. Marie E. Svensson The Washington Post Company PanOptica, Inc. Mr. Arnold R. Schunick Janet B. Svirsky, PhD Ms. Eunice L. Watkins* Ms. Rose Parapiglia Daniel M. Schwartz, MD Mr. Daniel Syed Mr. Edward C. Watters III Mr. and Mrs. Dwark O. Parikh Miss Dorothy M. Scott T. H. Chestermere, Ltd. Hon. and Mrs. Thomas J. S. Mr. Charles R. Parmele III Mr. J. Thomas Scrivener Mr. Everett R. Terrell, Jr. Waxter, Sr. David Paton, MD Dr. Hollis Seunarine Theodore H. Barth Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. William Waytena Major General and Mrs. John S. Mrs. Mary M. Naquin Sharp Inc. Ms. Lorraine Weaver Patton Rose L. Shure Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Thomas Mr. Edward H. Welbourn III Paul S. Bomberger, Jr. Foundation, Mr.* and Mrs.* Milton L. Shurr Mrs. Barbara Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Welch Inc. Sierra Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John T. Thompson Mr. John B. Wheeler John W. Payne, MD Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid Thompson Mrs. Gloria M. White and Mr. Mr.* and Mrs. Herbert L. Peck Mrs. Clarice R. Smith Mr. Stephen M. Thorpe David U. Gogol Mr. Michael L. Peck Ms. Jean M. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tiefel William and Ella Owens Medical Mr. Paul L. Peck, Jr. Ms. Melissa G. Smith Mrs. Mary Donnell Tilghman Research Foundation Jay S. Pepose, MD, PhD Mr. James E. Troutman Patricia W. Smith, MD, PA Mrs. Gertrude J. Williams Dr. and Mrs. George L. Perry Mark O. M. Tso, MD Mrs. Carol R. Wills Ronald E. Smith, MD Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Plushner Jiang Tu, L.AC., PhD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Witcher Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Sommer Dr. and Mrs. Irvin P. Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Turner Ms. Virginia Woerner Ms. Valery Soyfer Potomac Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Wolfe Mr. Andrew L. Spector Mr. Ronald E. Pottle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Utz Ms. Marcella E. Woll* Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Spector Mr. and Mrs. Marc S. Pritchard Rohit Varma, MD, MPH Mrs. Jan Wood Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Spragg Bryan Propes, MD Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Vilar Mrs. Joyce Joann Wood Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Stark, Jr. Drs. George E. and Mary Benjamin W. M. Keck Foundation Mr. A. Thomas Young Mrs. Lina A. Steele Pugh Ms. Paula K. Wagner and Mr. Rick Mr. William G. Zanoff Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Quigley Nicita Marco A. E. Zarbin, MD Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Stirn R and Z Sass Family Foundation Mrs. Beverly A. Wagstaff David S. Zee, MD Mr. Norman Strahl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Raab Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Wallace Mr. Stephen Zilliacus Leon Strauss, MD, PhD Ms. Doris K. Rabbitt* Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zuray Dr. and Mrs. Pradeep Y. Ramulu Strouse Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Wallach Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Rauch Subramanian Family Fund Mr. C. D. Ward *deceased Faculty Feats A sampling of FY10 honors for Wilmer physicians

Esen Karamursel Akpek, MD M. Valeria Canto-Soler, PhD n Appointed the associate director of n Visiting professor, Waisman Center, Jerome L. Greene Sjogrens’ Center at University of Wisconsin Bayview Medical Center n Moderator of the session “Mechanisms n Appointed the director of Cornea and of Retinal Development” during the External Disease Fellowship at Wilmer annual meeting of the Association for Eye Institute Research in Vision and Ophthalmology n Appointed editorial board member, Advanced Ocular Care Diana V. Do, MD n Appointed editorial board member, Journal of European n President’s Award, Maryland Society of Medical Students Association Eye Physicians and Surgeons n Appointed editorial board member, Journal of Ocular n Program chair, Maryland Society of Eye and Inflammation Physicians and Surgeons 4th Annual n Appointed member, Medical & Scientific Advisory Ophthalmology Convention Board, Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society n William Evans Bruner, MD, Lecture- n Selected to be included in Best Doctors in America by ship at Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio Consumers’ Research Council of America n Visiting professor at Kansas University EyeCon Lectures, and Albert Einstein University College of Medicine Ava K. Bittner, OD n Visiting professor, “Advances in Retinal Therapy,” n Received the Delta Omega scholarship Medical University of Vienna, Austria for research on yoga for ocular diseases n Invited faculty at the 2009 EuRetina Winter meeting, from the Honorary Society in Public Vienna, Austria; and 2010 Macula of Paris, France Health n Became a fellow of the American Charles Eberhart, MD, PhD Academy of Optometry n Organizer and session chair: “Advances Susan Bressler, MD in Corneal and Conjunctival Patholo- gy,” American Association of Ophthal- n Selected to serve as vice chair of Diabe- mic Pathologists Companion Meeting tes Clinical Research Network (DRCR. at USCAP 2010, Washington, DC net), a network dedicated to improv- n Elected an American Society for Clini- ing treatment for diabetic eye disease cal Investigation member, 2010 and sponsored by the National Eye Institue. The network published results of a landmark trial on management of David S. Friedman, MD, MPH, PhD diabetic macular edema in June 2010 n Named the Alfred Sommer Professor of n Leading a new study assessing the ForeseeHome Device Ophthalmology to improve monitoring of patients with Age-Related n Selected as the Hong Leong Visiting Macular Degeneration who are at high risk of advanced Professor, Singapore disease. Study is sponsored by the National Eye Insti- n tute and Notal Vision Presented the Mohammed Aziz Lec- ture, Johns Hopkins n Selected to serve on Data and Safety Monitoring Board n for the National Eye Institute-sponsored CATT study Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (assessing Lucentis vs. Avastin for neovascular AMD) Preferred Practice Pattern Committee for Glaucoma n n Served as Retina Section head for the inaugural meet- Worked with Helen Keller International to establish ing of Controversies in Ophthalmology held in Prague diabetic retinopathy telemedicine screening in Bangla- desh and Indonesia n Named to Best Doctors in America, 2010 FALL 2010 SightLine 19 annual review

Morton F. Goldberg, MD David L. Guyton, MD n Honored by the University of Illinois n Received the Lifetime Achievement College of Medicine in Chicago with Award from the American Associa- an endowed Morton F. Goldberg, tion for Pediatric Ophthalmology and MD, annual lectureship as well as an Strabismus endowed Morton F. Goldberg, MD, n Named a Gold Fellow of the As- professorship sociation for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Judith E. Goldstein, OD n Recipient of The Women’s Board of Justin Hanes, PhD The Johns Hopkins Hospital Grant n Named to the Scientific Advisory Board Award for the drug delivery division of Genen- n Recipient of the 2009 Envision tech, Inc. Excellence through Collaboration n Co-founded Kala Pharmaceuticals Award n Keynote lecturer, Roche Meeting on Boris Gramatikov, PhD Innovative New Technologies, Septem- ber 2010 n Received the Hartwell Individual n Keynote lecturer, Brown Advisory, “NOW 10” Biomedical Research Award for meeting, May 2010 “Pediatric Vision Screening Instrument for Early Detection of Henry D. Jampel, MD, MHS Amblyopia (‘Lazy Eye’),” 2009 n Keynote speaker, Wilmer Day of Michael Grant, MD Learning, May 2010 n n ORBIS volunteer faculty, Surabaya, Appointed co-chair, Ophthalmic Tech- East Java, Indonesia nology Assessment Committee of the American Academy of Ophthalmology n International coordinator, Oculoplastics program, APAO/AAO Albert Jun, MD, PhD Joint Meeting, Beijing, China n Co-chairman, ACMF International n Earned funding for a National Insti- Orbital Reconstruction Symposium, Baltimore tutes of Health grant to study cellular defects in Fuchs' corneal dystrophy Lori L. Grover, OD n Guest editorial in the journal Ophthal- mology commemorating the 100-year, n Elected distinguished practitioner and anniversary of the description of Fuchs’ member of the National Academies of corneal dystrophy Practice n Elected to the Annual Meeting Program Committee n Completed term as national chair of the Association for Research in Vision and of the Vision Rehabilitation Section Ophthalmology Executive Council of the American n Optometric Association Completed a new ophthalmology curriculum for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine n Appointed to the Advocacy Committee of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Richard J. Kolker, MD (ARVO) n Elected president of the Greater Baltimore n Received the Harrell Pierce Wilmer Optometric Society of the Maryland Optometric Resident Teaching Award Association n Received the Neil Miller Medical Student Teaching Award

20 SightLine FALL 2010 Gerard Lutty, PhD Neil Miller, MD n Invited speaker at the Advanced Retinal n Delivered the Richard E. Hoover, MD, Therapy Meeting, Vienna, Austria, on Lecture, Department of Ophthalmol- “Metabolism and Angiogenesis” ogy, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, n Lectured in the Distinguished Lecture Baltimore Series at Schepens Eye Research Insti- n Appointed section editor for Journal of tute, Harvard University, on “The Birth Neuro-Ophthalmology and Death of Choriocapillaris in AMD” n Guest speaker at the National Eye Institute, the Pacific n Lectured in the Distinguished Lecturers in Visual Coast Oto-Ophthalmological Society Meeting, the Science Series at University of Buffalo on “Building a Florida Society of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Blood Vessel the Old-Fashioned Way” the Nebraska Academy of Physicians and Surgeons Fall Meeting, the Israel Ophthalmology Society Annual Robert W. Massof, PhD Meeting, the New England Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting, and the International Neuro- n Received a Research to Prevent Blind- Ophthalmology Society Biennial Meeting ness Senior Investigator Award Quan Dong Nguyen, MD, MSc n Program director, 2010 Uveitis Day, American Academy Shannath Merbs, MD of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Chicago n Inaugural recipient of AFER/Pfizer/ Ophthalmics/Carl Camras Transla- n Visiting professor, Edward S. Harkness tional Research Award for design and Eye Institute, Columbia University, testing of a new surgical instrument New York; Kansas University EyeCon Lectures; and to improve the outcome of for Albert Einstein University College of Medicine, blindness from trachoma New York n Chair, ASOPRS Thesis Committee n National Institutes of Health R-24 Grant Award n Volunteer faculty for ORBIS, Surabaya Indonesia n Visiting professor, “Advances in Retinal Therapy,” Medical University of Vienna, Austria Peter J. McDonnell, MD n Invited faculty at the 2009 Euretina Winter Meeting, Vienna, Austria; 2010 Macula of Paris, France; 2010 n Sigmund Schutz Lecture, New York Mexican Uveitis Society, Mexico City; and 2010 University, March 2009 Brazilian Retina Society, Sao Paulo n Keynote speaker, Pan-American n Program organizer and session chair, 2010 World Research Day, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, Germany May 2009 n Societa Oftalmologica Meridionale Harry Quigley, MD Academic Award, Reggio, Calabria, Italy, May 2009 n Secretariat Award for Distinguished n Delivered the DaNatal Lecture at the 2010 SEIOUS, Service, American Academy of Salvador, Brazil, March 2010 Ophthalmology, 2009 n Received the 2010 Distinguished Alumnus Award, n Gold Fellow Award, Association for June 2010, University of Southern California Research in Vision and Ophthalmol- ogy, 2009 n Edward Jackson Lecture, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2009

FALL 2010 SightLine 21 annual review

Pradeep Ramulu, MD, PhD Jennifer E. Thorne, MD, PhD n Awarded K23 grant from NEI to study n Named director, Division of Ocular real world functional impairment in Immunology glaucoma n Visiting professor, The Proctor n Visiting professor, Aravind Eye Institute Foundation, University of California, San Francisco Michael X. Repka, MD n Appointed to steering committee for the North American AIDS Cohorts Collaboration n Chairman, Dermatologic and Ophthal- on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) mic Drugs Advisory Committee, Food and Drug Administration Stanley Vinores, PhD n President, Maryland Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons n Silver Fellow in the ARVO Fellows Class of 2010 Oliver D. Schein, MD, MPH, MBA n Sponsorship Research Agreement with ImClone to investigate anti-VEGFR1 n Presented Charles Dyson Lecture, as a therapeutic agent for ocular disease University of Ontario, London Health Sciences Centre n Co-inventor on patent application filed for Parstatin peptides n Keynote speaker, Dry Eye Summit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Howard S. Ying, MD, PhD n In collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Elis- seeff, earned a major research award from the Depart- n Awarded National Institutes of Health ment of Defense Deployment Related Medical Research R01 Grant, “Ocular motor adaptation Program: “Eye Protection and Treatment for Combat in health and disease” Healing (Biomaterials for Corneal Injury and Repair)” n Visiting professorships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Hendrik Scholl, MD, MA Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and Washington University n Received the Wynn-Gund Translational Research Acceleration Program En- n Visiting scientist at Laboratory for Sensorimotor hanced Research and Clinical Training Research at the National Eye Institute Award from the National Neurovision n Publications in Investigative Ophthalmology and Research Institute (NNRI) — Foun- Visual Science, Ophthalmology, PLoS One, and Progress dation Fighting Blindness (FFB) in Brain Research —“Structure-Function Correlation in n Inherited Retinal Degenerations: Development of Invited lecturer at University of Minnesota Surrogate Endpoints for Clinical Trials” David S. Zee, MD n Received the Macular Degeneration Research Award from American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) n Presented Guy Williams lecture, for a “Structure-Function Correlation in Macular “EyeOscillations, Genetics and Ion Degeneration” study Channels,” at the Cleveland Clinic, Fall 2009 Prem S. Subramanian, MD, PhD n Pfizer Visiting Professor, University of n Received Achievement Award from the Illinois, Peoria, Illinois, March 17-19, American Academy of Ophthalmology 2010 n n Selected to the Leadership Elected an ARVO Fellow, May 2010 Development Course of the AAO n Appointed to Editorial Board, Journal of American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

22 SightLine FALL 2010 Philanthropy Summary Commitments include cash received and pledges made, life income gifts, grants, planned gifts, and bequests made during FY10. Pledges Gifts

Capital Current Planned Gifts Programs

Endowment New Grants By Transaction Type By Use $ (Millions) % of Total $ (Millions) % of total Total Commitments $ 19.4 100% Total Commitments $19.4 100% Planned Gifts $4.5 23% Current Programs $8.6 44% New Grants $3 15% Endowment $8.2 42% Gifts $7.4 38% Capital (Building) $2.6 13% Pledges $4.5 23%

FALL 2010 SightLine 23 Non-profit Org. SightLine U.S. Postage Paid Baltimore, MD SightLine is published twice a year by the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins. Permit No. 2589 Managing Editor: Kim Morton Editor: Sue De Pasquale Contributing Writer: Marlene England Designer: Abby Ferretti © 2010 The Johns Hopkins University and The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation To add/remove your name from the mailing list, please send your name and address to: The Wilmer Eye Institute Sightline Subscription 600 N. Wolfe Street, Wilmer 112 Baltimore, MD 21287-9015 [email protected] 410-955-2020 410-955-0866 (fax)

The mission of the Wilmer Eye Institute is to use and develop the finest scientific evidence to promote improved ophthalmic care and the reduction of visual disability in a collaborative enviroment that combines compassionate patient care, innovative research, and the training of future leaders in ophthalmology and visual sciences.

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