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Seed and fruits: On Mamata’s call for a non-NDA platform

A mechanism for CMs to cooperate on issues of Centre-State relations is welcome West Bengal ’s call for cooperation among non-NDA counterparts in other States to support farmers agitating against three controversial laws made in June 2020 seems part of a larger political project. It is meant to go beyond aiding the farmers, who fear that these laws could make them more vulnerable to market fluctuations. But the focus on farm laws, which the Government says would make farming more competitive and remunerative, is an important start. While the Government reiterated this week that MSP for various crops would continue, the fact remains that regardless of the merits of these laws, they were made without adequate consultations with parties, States and the stakeholders. After a meeting with farmer leaders from Uttar Pradesh, Ms. Banerjee said she accepted their request to speak to other Chief Ministers who are not in the NDA. While reiterating her demand to repeal the three laws, she has proposed a virtual conference of CMs with the farmers and a joint letter to the Centre on the issue. Many CMs are likely to agree with her, despite political rivalries among them. At least two other CMs who were elected along with her in the recent Assembly elections share her position on the farm laws — ’s Vijayan and Tamil Nadu’s M.K. Stalin. In Kerala, the previous Assembly had in December 2020 passed a unanimous resolution seeking the repeal of these laws. That said, all non-NDA CMs may not be willing to be part of a joint platform because of their individual calculations and expediency, and the fear of retribution by the Centre. Delhi’s , for instance, had sought the support of other CMs against unilateral actions by the Centre that curtailed the powers of his government. Ms. Banerjee had vociferously supported him, but Mr. Kejriwal was not reciprocative when she raised concerns of overreach by the Centre. The recent joint efforts by some CMs to persuade the Centre to withdraw its previous vaccination policy did not get wholehearted support from others. The CMs of Odisha and

Andhra Pradesh, and Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, have sought to keep the Centre in good humour. Nevertheless, the joint efforts by CMs did lead to a change in the vaccination policy. Joint strategy on farm laws could be more difficult as their impact is uneven across States. But a broader point raised by Ms. Banerjee, about the Centre’s tendency to ignore the States while formulating policy, is salient. She has also called for a continuing mechanism for CMs to cooperate on issues of Centre-State relations. Turning this into a combative platform could do more harm than good, but it is a suggestion worth pursuing. Cooperative federalism, a concept that Prime Minister advocates, can be pursued more meaningfully through continuous and harmonious communication with CMs. A


1. call (for) (noun – demand, desire, need, request ,

2. Non – democratic alliance (NDA) - National Democratic Alliance is an Indian political alliance made up of predominantly right-wing political parties and led by the Bharatiya Janata Party. It was founded in 1998 and currently controls the Indian union government as well as the government of 18 Indian states

3. mechanism (noun) – structure, system, procedure/method. , ,

4. counterpart (noun) – equivalent, equal, fellow.

5. Agitate (verb) – protest, clamour, demonstration

6. Seem (verb) – appears to be, look ,

7. go beyond (phrasal verb) –to be better than something; to do more than something.

8. aid (verb) – facilitate, help, assist.

9. vulnerable (adjective) – ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of ,

10. fluctuation (noun) – variation, instability, unsteadiness, oscillation, rise and fall. , - ,

11. remunerative (adjective) – profitable.

12. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.

13. regardless of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, in spite of.

14. merit (noun) – good point, strong point.

15. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.

16. repeal (verb) – invalidate, cancel, nullify, revoke.

17. virtual conference (noun) – online conference

18. likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, doubtlessly.

19. rivalry (noun) – opposition, conflict, discord ,

20. unanimous (adjective) –with one voice,

21. resolution (noun) – a motion/proposal that has been passed by the elected members of the Legislative Assembly. 22. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 23. repeal (noun) – cancellation, invalidation, reversal, , 24. calculation (noun) – assessment, judgement, expectation. , 25. expediency (noun) – advantage, benefit, utility. , , 26. retribution (noun) – revenge, vengeance, redress. , , 27. for instance (phrase) – as an example. 28. unilateral (adjective) –In general, it is relating to the decision taken individually without consulting with the others concerned. , 29. curtail (verb) – decrease, lessen, reduce. , , 30. vociferously (adverb) – vigorously, outspokenly, vehemently, forcefully, forthrightly. , 31. reciprocative (adjective) – mutual, reciprocal (given & done in return). 32. overreach (noun) – an act of trying to do too much or overdoing something. 33. persuade (verb) – convince, influence, motivate. , 34. wholehearted (adjective) – committed, enthusiastic, dedicated. , - 35. good humour (noun) – happiness, joy, joyfulness, cheerfulness, pleasure. 36. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of everything, notwithstanding, regardless, 37. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, , 38. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, penchant. , , 39. salient (adjective) – important, notable, critical/crucial. , 40. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly

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