November 2015 Editor November 2015 Presidents jottings The last newsletter of the year and I would like to new attendees to one of our meetings quoted the start with a big “thank you” – to all our committee words they were impressed with that keep cropping members, to all our meet leaders, to all who help to up “ financially secure, progressive, informative and spread the word and help to sell our publications, to all the most important of all to a newcomer FRIEND- who donate books and maps to us, and to all our mem- LY.” I would like to thank Aurthur Baldwin and bers. We all play an important part in the success of our Keith Turner for providing us with some more Society and long may it continue. We have had a busy books to sell on behalf of our Society. We were year with interesting field trips, two informative meet- fortunate to have four interesting presentations. ings which have been well attended and given us a One of committee members, Len Morris, chance to catch up with each other. Some members talked about Dr Josiah Court and the disease nystag- make long journeys to attend our indoor meetings – mus which resulted in headaches, dizziness and perhaps it is the lure of tray bakes that attract them! The possible loss of vision. Josiah`s work looked at the committee have spent a considerable time discussing disease prevalent in miners and found it to be caused our proposed website and we must thank Malcolm for by defective illumination from flame safety lamps.
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