Tuesday 1st April 2014

1. Present: Councillors: Mr J Mole (Chairman), Mr D Cherry (Vice Chairman), Mr P Kilpin, Mr D Pearce, Mr A Finn and Mr R Craddock. Mrs P Pointer (Parish Clerk) One Parishioner Mr M Rand (AVDC)

2. Apologies Ms A. Macpherson (BCC)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last meeting, held on Tuesday 4th March 2014, were approved and signed. One correction: 3. Play Area/Playing Field - Report from Playing Field Sub-Committee who met on 2nd March 2014 – last paragraph, should have stated that “Parish Council are unsure if car park could stand weight of the Lorries that would be needed for delivery of building materials”.

4. Matters Arising: 1. New Parish Councillor: An advert has been placed in March’s Oakley Informer and in the notice board, but as of the date of this meeting no response has been received.

2. Highways Department: a. Potholes outstanding: The Chairman had spoken with Mr Paul Foot – BCC Highways Technician asking him to remove the road signs at The Foresters, now the work has been completed. The Clerk reported she had received email from Highways Department informing her that potholes outside Morgan’s, on Road, had been repaired. Councillor Pearce said that not all had been repaired and he had counted eleven still in need of repair. The Chairman reported he is meeting the Highways Technician on 17th April and will take him to all outstanding repairs.

Outstanding Potholes/repairs already reported that are still outstanding: Drains Foresters – request for jetting Reported Jan 2013 - Outstanding Drains Brill Road– request for jetting Reported Mar 2013 – Outstanding Pavement Brill Road / Maple Court Reported Jun 2013 - Outstanding Sewer cover, opp. No 5, Road Reported Jun 2013 - Outstanding Potholes opposite Morgan’s, Thame Road Reported Nov 2013 – Some completed Brill Road/Hillside Farm Reported Feb 2014 – Outstanding

b. Drop kerb at Manor Farm entrance Mr Pearce reported that although drop kerb is not yet completed, it will be soon.

c. Any new to report? No

d. Street Signs Reported: damaged caused by lorry to signs outside Oakley Garage Reported: Vandalised AVDC sign ‘Brill Road’ (outside 1 Brill Road) PP Clerk to chase up


3. Play Area/Playing Field • Report from Playing Field Sub-Committee who met on 31st March 2014: Copy of minutes from Sub Committee has been included in “Papers to Note” Councillor Cherry reported that at the meeting it was agreed the Bowling Green’s best location would be at the bottom of the field on the right hand side. It was decided that Councillors will get together with the Sub Committee and “walk out” measurements of the area. The Parish Council is still looking at the four alternate ways to access the bowling green, but recommended that Mr Kipp should proceed with his grant application . Councillor Finn reminded Councillor Cherry the date for Wren grant applications should be returned by 6th April 2014. Councillor Cherry said he would speak with Mr Ashurst with regards to this, and he was unsure if the application was going to be returned for the April date or the November date. • Grass Cutting Quotations: PP The Clerk had received three quotations with regards to the grass cutting of Playing Field, Little London Green, etc. for the coming season After discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Cherry that we accept the quotation from Countrywide Services and seconded by Councillor Kilpin. Clerk to inform Countrywide Services.

4. Street Lights a. Update on 25 Oxford Road lamp (ref O3) PP The Clerk now has Mr Daly’s mobile so will contact him for an update. b. Any new lighting issues to report: PP (BT6) Hill View – error reported to Maintenance team as they repaired the wrong light. (C2) outside 54 College Crescent (MR4) Meadow Close Clerk to chase. c. Enquiry underway for quotations for following new lamps: The Clerk to obtain estimates for new lamps at these positions within the village. Bicester Road, Churchfield House, between: lamps BT7 and BT8 on electricity pole. Middle of Ashfield Rise – no electricity near by 17 Brill Road – no electricity near by Clerk has received an email and is waiting for the list of contractors to be emailed.

5. Anti-Social Behaviour Robbery at Magnolia Golf Club Pro-Shop

6. Chandos Arms – Community Asset Mr Kilpin advised that forms have now been accepted and the proposal will be considered within 4 weeks.

7. Common Land: Laybys on Thame Road: OPC is waiting for the outcome of planning permission 13/03391/APP on Timber Yard before decision made on long-term future of laybys. The chairman reported that the pallets, rubble, bags etc., had now been removed from the layby opposite Oxford Reclaim. Councillor Cherry reported that he had noticed that opposite the Volvo Garage there were “ruts in the grass verge” although no cars have been seen parked there, it was decided that a polite letter will be JM sent to ensure the operators of the garage are aware they are not to park vehicles there. Mr Mole to send clerk a template letter

8. Churchyard Extension: DC Still waiting for second quotation for work. Cherry is chasing Mr Cross for a quotation – it was noted that because of nesting season etc., work can now not be carried out until August 2014 onwards.

9. LAF Bids: JM Chairman reported that at the March LAF meeting we had been allocated funding of £9,700.00 for the construction of a new footpath across the playing field from Road entrance to the Village Hall. Clerk to inform RSH Contracting that it has been agreed they will be offered the contract and ask them to contact Chairman Mole to discuss starting date etc., b) Funding for Theatre Group for youngsters in the village. It was agreed that this would be raised at the LAF meeting to be held on 4th June 2014.


10. Defibrillator for Oakley Village Chairman Mole reported on recent fund-raising and handed to Clerk £91.50 collected from Chandos (part of collection from Mr K Brown’s funeral) £255.00 raised by Mr Mole at his 60th Birthday Party. Clerk to add to the £531.00 already banked.

5. Street Name Suggestion: “Pearce’s Courtyard” has been accepted as street name for the new Manor Farm construction.

6. SID/Traffic Calming Measures The Chairman reported that a meeting had been held with the MVAS committee, a report of the meeting and figures on traffic and traffic speeds through the village has been added to this month’s Oakley Informer, and he added that monthly reports will continue in the future to be added to Oakley Informer. JM Mr Mole added that he had received a list of from the MVAS team of equipment needed to maintain Health and Safety rules when moving the MVAS machine, for instance Hi-vis jackets, cones. It was agreed by all Councillors that with regards to Health and Safety equipment needed these would be supplied. Mr Mole to circulate list. JM Councillor Pearce informed all that when driving towards the MVAS machine it was actually lighting up at only 25mph – Councillor Mole said he will report this and get software checked. PP Councillor Mole asked the Clerk to check with Liability Insurance to ensure we are covered when moving the MVAS machine.

7. External meetings a. Feedback from meetings attended by Councillors: Playing Field sub-committee attend by Councillor Cherry (see4.3 above) LAF meeting by Councillor Mole (see 4.9 above) MVAS meeting by Councillor Mole (see 6) above) The Chairman also reported that he had attended World War I Commemoration meeting, where it was confirmed the intention to have the Edward Brooks V.C. Commemorative Paving Slab laid in Oakley Village in April 2017. Mr Mole also informed all that Mr Brooks’ family has contacted him. He will also visit the Edward Brooks barracks in RAF Abingdon as guest.

b. Up and coming meetings:

16th April 2014 The Parish Liaison Meeting, County Hall 30th May 2014 AVDC Chairman’s Civic Service 4pm at Brill Church 4th June 2014 Local Area Forum (JM and DC to attend)

8. Correspondence: Papers to Note Working together to Ditch the problem BCC2014/2015 Road Treatment Programme Announced AVDC Planning copy of letter re Unit 6, Manor Farm, Oakley New Homes Bonus – Parish Element Council Tax INFO TFB launch new pothole blog Minutes of Playing Field Sub-Committee Meeting

Papers for Circulation: The Bulletin – 09/10/11/12 – 2014 Clerks/Councils Direct LCR Magazine Open Spaces Magazine.

9. PLANNING: 14/00641/APP – OAKLEY a Units 7, 8 and 9 Manor Farm, 1 Manor road, Oakley HP18 9QD Conversion and extension of farm building into No.3 residential units amendment to 09/00244/APP – Retrospective CIRCULATION – OPC - decision pending


14/00704/APP – OAKLEY 21 Little London Green, Oakley, Buckinghamshire HP18 9QL Demolition of an existing side extension and erection of single storey side extension CIRCULATION – OPC - decision pending

13/03391/APP – Oakley British Timber Masters Timber Yard, Thame Road, Oakley Buckinghamshire HP18 9QQ Change of use from timber merchants yard (Sui Generis) to Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (B2) and MOT testing station (B2) Revisions: Parking Layout, Car sales removed from scheme, works to access and wall (additional plan), amended design and access statement PENDING – OPC - Opposed

14/00200/AAD – OAKLEY British Timber Masters Timber Yard, Thame Road, Oakley Buckinghamshire HP18 9QQ Two projecting board illuminated signs on building and one illuminated fascia sign. PENDING – OPC - Opposed

13/03587/APP OAKLEY 8 Ashfield Rise, Oakley, HP18 9QA Single storey front extension with two lantern roof lights. Conversion of existing garage to form “Grandpa” annexe and loft conversation to form living accommodation with rear facing dormer window. Widening of access and drop kerb. PENDING – OPC - No Comment

14/00082/APP OAKLEY Nap Farm, The Nap, Oakley, Buckinghamshire HP18 9PW Detached two bay garage and workshop and storage in roof space (amendment to planning permission 08/02509/APP HEREBY PERMIT – OPC – No Comment

Outstanding waiting outcome: Recent Planning applications / correspondence Ref: 13/01970/APP - The Royal Oak - progress Ref: 13/03429/APP – OAKLEY - Land adjacent and to rear of 22 Worminghall Road. Ref: 13/03391/APP – OAKLEY - British Timber Masters, Timber Yard, Thame Road

10. Accounts: a. March accounts E-On Street Lighting (dd) £138.76 Mrs P Pointer – Clerks Salary & Expenses £225.00 Alicia Green (Litter Picking) £20.00 TOTAL £389.76 Payments of Accounts proposed by Mr Cherry and Seconded by Mr Pearce

11. Any Other Business:

PP Clerk to send invites out to all village groups to attend and submit annual update for Annual Parish Meeting (APM) next month.

PP Councillor Finn asked why the building opposite Catsbrain Farm had been taken off the agenda. Mr Mole replied that it was because it had been reported and it had been acknowledged that an Enforcement Officer would attend site, so it is out of our hands. Mr Finn said he would like it put back on the agenda and said he had received a copy of letter that had been sent to us in reply to their visit. Clerk reported she had not received any letter, Councillor Finn to send a copy. Councillor Mole asked clerk to add back to agenda next month.

Councillor Pearce said he had been approached by a parishioner with regards to the potholes in Little London Green. The Chairman commented that this is a road across Common land and not responsibility of the Parish Council to maintain, although a Little London Green residents group will be meeting shortly to discuss alternatives

Discussion took place regarding the planning application for the Gypsy Site in the field between Oakley and Worminghall. The main concern was that the proposed application only represents 25% of the land, so it could be expanded in in the future. It was noted that the planning application actually comes under Worminghall, 5

although Oakley Parish Clerk had received from Planning Department the Planning Application on the 1st April 2014 but arrived too late to be added to the Agenda. It was noted that Parish Council had invited Oakley Parish Council Members to attend their meeting on 2nd April to discuss the proposed plans. It was decided two councillors (Messrs Mole and Cherry) will be attending and also the clerk has sent an email to Worminghall Parish Council, asking if we can attend their meeting on Thursday 10th April 2014.

PP Councillor Cherry reported that a parishioner had requested that we inform Bucks County Council Mowing department that School Lane grass area was not cut last year and needs to be added to the list for this year’s cutting season. Clerk to follow up. PP He also reported that a parishioner had asked were we considering getting rid of the tree in the playing field near the Children’s Play Area. Councillor Finn said at a previous meeting it was decided that this tree would be kept. It was agreed to add this to next month’s Agenda for discussion.

PP Councillor Mole reported that we had received an anonymous email with regards to the rumours of the Gypsy site and asked the Clerk to put a piece in the Oakley Informer to make people aware that all correspondence to the Parish Council, must have a name, address and/or telephone number.

PP Councillor Mole requested that because of the cost of printing the Oakley Informer would it be possible for the Parish Council minutes to be abridged for printing in the Oakley Informer. Councillor Mole and Clerk to ensure this goes ahead. Also next meeting to discuss a contribution to Oakley Informer for the publishing of minutes.

It had been requested via email from a parishioner that as it was such a drive to local tips, would there be a possibility of re-introducing the Skip in the village. It was explained by Mr Rand that the Scheme that was in place from the Council to get rid of rubbish does not exist anymore, and that no scheme with regards to telephoning the Council and requesting “a pickup service” exists. It was agreed that unfortunately the cost of having a ‘public’ skip for the village is too expensive to be considered at this time.

Discussions took place between Councillor Kilpin and AVDC Councillor Rand regarding The Royal Oak planning permission with regards to the “Determination Day”, and the Planning decision being referred to an inspector due to ‘non-determination’. The Parish Council was unhappy that that it would not be able to represent the village at the appeal that has now gone to an independent Inspector.

Meeting closed at 09.18pm

APM for Oakley Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 6th May 2014

Next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6th May 2014 and will take place after the APM

Meeting closed at 09:38pm

Please note these are “Drafted Minutes” at the next meeting on Tuesday 6th May 2014 minutes will be Ratified and agreed by Councillors and signed by Chairman Mr J Mole