•Jk Serving Summit r*e r Today wumttd swr* humid, For 62 Years torn* cloudiMi*. Frld*y and **t- urday eontinutd wum and humid with tome showers likely tomor- row and Saturday aight*.

•M«Ki a* t*conl thus MMln »t th* Po»iofiu« M SMMiH, N. J.. Us**r th» U% of Mwcft 3, Wt, * Darned to United in Posts 115 Parents Hit Class of 188 Seniors Graduate New High School Luncheon Schedule At High School Ceremonies A protest signed by 115 parental With the traditional colorful and impressive ceremony, of senior and junior high school a class of 188 senior boys and girls graduated from Summit students regarding the proposed shortened lunch hour planned for High School at the 1950 commencement exercises Tuesday the fall term In the new school night, Dr. Fred Halloway,-president of Drew University, cafeteria, was sent this week to the gave the commencement address. Board of Education. Following the processional to tht The protest, submitted in the maKstlp strains of "Pomp and form of a petition, ask* that th« CireunuUnce," the elaa* heard the Board hold a "full discussion" on 14 Summit Girls •invos'^tion given by {lev. Jejsj the luncheon plan," claiming that Lyons, pajtor of the Methodtot* the 34-mlnute period involves Given Diplomas CTiurch, Foy MoOellan. cla« pr^. questions of nutrition for the chil- dent, extended a-welcome to those dren and expense, to the parents. present. The petitioners state that 34 At Kent Place STemlwrs of the claj» wer» in* minute* is Insufficient time to eat Forty-six stidents, 14 of them troducsd by Albert J. Barth'olo. and allow a "needed period of re- from Summit, were graduated yes- mew, principal^ and Roberts v.d. laxation" after meaU for both, stu- terday from Kent Place School Reed;- superintcn/lent, made th« dents and teachers and that the «t ceremonies which, bogan at 5 presentation of the class. Diplo- ADVANCE GIFT LEADERS for Uie coming United Campaign drive "added nolseand confusion of more p.m.' at the school. mas were awarded by Leonard E. were named this week by Hugo B. Meyer, general chairman. Hugo Best, president of the Board of than 300 children eating together Bland Blansrmrd, Ph. I>. Li:t. R«mer (left) was appointed chairman of advanca gift* with Mr«^ Education. will -detract from the ability to do D, chairman of the Department Gordon W. Bullock (right) co-chairman. Mr. Reimer in vice president good work."'.. . of the Solvay Process Division of the Allied Chemical and Dye-Corp: of Philosophy of Yale University, numbers on the program arvi has been a resident here for the last five years, during which he It is also claimed that the ab- wflH.gupst speaker. Included the Alma Mater and two breviated lunch period will cost numbers by % mixed chorus. has been an active advance gift* worker. Mrs. Bullock is a member TO PLAY FOR HERALD CAMP Fl'ND-The Sum- The Sports Club defeated Jersey City, l-o, hens The previous Sunday tho Bac- approximately $85 per student per of the YWCA board of directors and a member of tho Summit Junior mit Sports Club, defending itate aoftball cham- Sunday in a State Softball League record is-inning mlaureate service was held at Cat One hundred and twelve mem- year. The parents base this esti- Service League. Committee organization for their division is now tak- ulons, have signed with the New York Sports Stars, a game behind the 31 strike-out record set by their vary Episcopal Church at 5 p.m. bers oMhe graduating clui will mate on this year's figures, com- k ing place. The annual community drive for the nine local social service "celebrity" team, to play a benefit game for thia star hurler, Jimmy Mickens. Rev. Arthur Lee Kinsolving. D. D.. continue their education at col- paring the price of a full cafe- "agencies will open on Sunday, October 22, with the traditional Red paper's Camp Fund under the lights at Washington Reading, left to right: front row—Chet Checso, rector of'St. James' Church, New ! universitiesi , technical aad teria lunch to that of a home- Fearer Day. y ' School on July 12. Entire proceeds of advance sales as; Jack Lawrence, lb; Ed Michalowaki. p; Miekens, York, gave the sermon. other specialized schools. Ninety- prepared lunch. It is contended and Eddie Twill, c; center row—Buzzy Fox, 2b; Ed The graduating class' was as six will enter college and that an equivalent lunch can be will be turned over to the Fund ai well aa one-half of n Murzinskl, 2b; Monk Trlolo, cf: John Pecca, rf; Paul follows: From Summit, Joy Ben- enroll In other school*. College served at the home for $35 per the net proceed* of sales at the game. The New York Cassino, if; back row—Henry Marshott, cf; Carmen nett, MU'ioent Burley, Charlotte acceptances have been received -child compared to the school cost Sports Stars is made up of such players as Maxie Yannotta, 5b; M. A. Luwell, team's number booster; Cabrera. Deirdro Coghlan, Mabe! to date by 83 seniors. Th« r«- Bland Appoints Plans for Annual of $85. The alternative, that of Rosenblum, Lefty Gomez, Stan Lomax, Ted Husing, Manager Pete Kivlen and Coach Chink Caeosn. Depue, Anne Dort, Elizabeth Dun, malnder of th« ckus will «nt«r supplying sandwich lunches, ie not Mel Allen and othersrThey play only benefit games. Missing were Emil Babuljski, c, and Tony "Legs" Jacqueline Gibhw, Joan Keeler, business. satisfactory, the parent* declare. The exact line-up for the Summit game will not be T. W. Johnston to Red Cross Meeting known, however, until ten days before the game* Pecca. Phyllis Tilson, Martha Wadsworth, Prls«» and scholarships wer» The petition asks that the Board Jane Ware, Anne Waterman, Anne (Chell Fmntzen Photo) awarded to 21 members of th» of Education give coniideratlon to Waterson, «nd Kathryn White. class. Board of Education Near Completion the intention of the full hour Other members and their resi- A $2,100 scholarship «t th« Uni- Mayer Pereival M. Blend, In a Various committees of the Sum- lunch period for parents who pre- dences were: Daphne Adams, New versity of Pennsylvania letter read at Common Council's mit Chapter, American Red Crow fer having their children eat at Miss Freeland, Service Clubs to Join Mail Carriers Ask York; Judith Atherton, Exeter, awarded to Cheater Cornof, a meeting Tuesday night, informed are completing plans for the an- home, adding additional time in In Outdoor Sports Meet N* H, Gwen Babeock, Millburn; thre«-!etter athlete. Th« sphokr- the afternoon if necessary. that body of the appointment of nual meeting and election which Shelby Baran, South Orange; •hlp coven the full tuition for Each of Summit's lour serv- Tanya Barker, Morrlatown; Emily four years plus an opportunity to Thomas W. Johnston of 38 Lenox this year will be held in the form Parents signing the petition re- Retiring School Public to Help End ice dubs, Kiwanb, Lions, Ro- Bates, Far Hills, Aileen Black, earn his yearly room rental avenue to the Board of Education. of a garden party on Saturday at 4 side over a wide-spread area in- Mr. Johnston's appointment, effec- cluding such streets as Oak Ridge tary and Optimist will have a. Short Hills, Ann Browder, Hack- A RotAry Chjb acholaxihip of p.m. The affair -will be at Dalkeith, Curtailment Edict tive as of June 1, will fill the un- avenue, Fernwood road, Rowan Principal, Feted tO-man softbsJl team for aa ettetown; Peggy Campbell, Short $400 for boy* of Summit High the estate of Mr. and Mrs, R. Cade If your morning mail jsn't being cxpired term of Robert R. Diefen- road, Maple street, MorrU avenue, Grace A. Freeland, who to inter-club buffet luncheon meet- Hills; Alice Chaise, Burlington, Vt.; School, awarded on th# basis of delivered until mid-afternoon, don't Diane Cowcn, South Orange; Lois dorf. Wilson, 683 Springfield avenue. In Blackburn road Edgewood road, retiring from the Summit School ing to be held at the meld character, •cholastic record and House and surrounding Me- blame the local post office but DeLong, Allentown, Pa.; Marjorie n«ed, was awarded L*urence Mr. Johnston la vice president case of rain the election will be Hobart avenue, Colt road Windsor System after 38 years of service, was honored Monday night n> a morial Field on Wednesday, write your Congressman. That is Diebolt, Chatham; Heather Haa- Radtke of New Providence. Two of E. H, Macy's, chairman of the held at Red Cross headquarters. road, Sunset drive, etc. meeting of the Jefferaov il^.l vtnrting at IS-.15. A Summit th» advice of the 29 members of I iam, Hamilton, N.' Y" Karla Hof additional Rotury Scholarships ©f home committee of Canoe Brook Mrs. Palmer J. Lathrop, chair' MUs * t utertr will serve the luncheon the gummit Branch, 781 National] mfti8trr, Jamaica, N. Y.; Adrienn> $200 each w«r« awarded Theodore Country Club, and a Summit man of the meeting, announced i principal of the scny/i ,^!' "\^ jfter which there will be iwo Association of Letter Carriers,! Kelly, Morrlstown: Nancy Carlson and Norman Pott, 7 yesterday that tji< chapterjflvjt f Trust Co. director. lite tflrnr 6H Watching Parti establishment in 193i. softball games. A. F. of L. I Convent; Margaret not only It hundred volunteer Short A scholarship for boy« of Sum- tho Board Is until January 31,1951. During the business session the The new economy rule of the. Hili.i; and Lee LangdOn, Ithace, worker* but any of the public who :t For thoae not making the mit High SchooJ awarded on th» Council passed a resolution ad- 1990-91 officers were elected. ' Post Office Department limit ing j N. Y, are interested in Red Crow work. Attractions Told foams, there will also be out- basis of scholarship, need, char- vancing Chester Makaym from are: Leo O'Connell, president; residential mail deliveries to one %\ Also, Sally Lanaton, Short Hill*; Mrs. Lathrop appointed the fol- door Bhuffleboard, eaeh club acter and general attainment waa third to second grade fireman at Arthur O. Smith, vice president; day is creating a hardship upon! Claire Llthpow, MorrLitown; Anne awarded General Organisation lowing hostesses who will pour tit having a two-man team. Fur- an annual salary of $3,200. Patrol- To Rotary Club Mrs. Douglas McGeorge, execu- thermore, each elub will have both local carriers and local pa-i Major, Mountainside; Nancy Milln, President Lafayette GrLsby. H» man John Kendall was advanced j the refreshment table: Mrs. Kath- tive secretary; Mrs. Harry Dor- Conn.; Marjorie Stating that Watchun* Reserva- a two-man team for a horse trons, according to Frank Maronoy,; hah s alsl o bbeen awarded a $400 from third grade patrolmen to erlne M. Card, Mrs. William T. wart, secretary, and Mrs. Emil 1 Mount«lnsi'le; Joan Morgan, Santa tion with its 2,000 acres, is the shoe pitching; tournament. president of the Carriers local. scholarship year to Colgate sveoad grade at a salary of $3,300 McMane, Mrs. A. Clifford Bernard, Schumacher, treasurer. First class mail deliveries before'• Monien, Oil.;' Donn.i Morrison g largest park unit in the Union Additional sport* activities plus the opportunity to earn hia a year. Mrs. Edmund G. von Duhn, Mra A 12 foot long scroll containing the Washington ruling n.vtl to lie Short Hills; Joc-qtielino Muhle- County Park system, Mrs. Mildred will include tennis, table ten- board for four years. In a letter signed by Carroll M. Morris MacCauley and Miss Edna signatures of more than 500 past completed in all Summit residential thuN-r, Short Hills; K«tlu>rine L. Rulison, supervisor of nature nis, croquet, and checkers. Second Bartholomew Award •Smnley, president of the Mt. Pros- Chamberlin. and present PTA membero and sections by 11:50 a.m. at the latent.' NicUsic. Detroit. Mirh.; Ellen Kleh- recreation of the system, spoke to In cane of rain, luncheon will This is the second year that th» pect Association, the Association Refreshments will be served by their families was presented to Now they usually are completed! t>-r, Kt-iten I.'iland, N. Y.; ftuznnnc \ Rotarians at their Monday lunch- be M»rvrd in the YMCA audi- Albert J. Bartholomew Scholar- i(commanded the repeal of a sec- the Canteen Service committee Mias Freeland by Mr. O'Connell. about 3 p.m. but on "hi-avy" d;iy» Sw<-npon. Montrlnlr and Jnni*! headed by Mn. Em«t P. Patten. eon on "Trailside Museum and Its torium. ship has been awarded. It wu tion of the zoning ordinance which A check, subscribed by the sign- the time required is longer. The| Tru.ilow, Dunedin, Fla. Other members are: Mr*. Frank Actlvties." established two years ago by for- permit* clubs, lodges, end soclet- ers, was given to Miss Freeland mailman is doing double duty by — *****> " v ».—.—«. ».,« Hughes, Mrs. William Regan, Mrs. mer students, graduates and i'.s, not for commercial use, to be She said this section of the sys- in a miniature treasurer chest. delivering two routes in a day in PlCiyhOUSQ NfllTieS Officers friends of the school in celebra- Paul Schramm and Mrs. Stephen tem gave opportunity to study and established in residential aections. Mrs. McGeorge, outgoing presi- order to cover the routes in the! The unnual meeting of the Play-i tion of Mr. Bartholomew's thir- Border. enjoy the out-of-doors, and was es- dent, made the presentation. tlme allowed, it Is claimed. ! lu>u«: Association was held at th« t:eth nnniveranry aji principal of Pointing out that the repeal of Members of the Junior Red pecially fitted so that the children George Hand, a former Jefferson The ruling loppod off four r*m-' Plw.vhousc Monday evening, and ] Summit High School. The achol- the section would not affect any Cross who will assist are: Alice from the cities of the county could pupil, made the dowels on which dentall mail and two auxiliary! thp following officers were cierted arship, awarded thi* year to Rit» present organizations, the letter Sutcliff, chairman; Joan Melillo, see and learn about trees, animals the scroll was rolled. It was de- routes. Before May 15, when the! f"r Uie mminf? year: Sherry of New Providence, Is for .•"iKScsted that future establish- Connie Raymond, Valerie Valla- and birds, and was used more r>y corated by Mrs. Karl Olson, sixth ment of clubs and such organiwi- ruling went into off. ct r locally,' ^-rnard Cowperthwait, presi- further study at an approved dares, Jean Powell, Sally Kohler. such children than those of other grade teacher. Mrs. Fred Perst there were 24 routes in Sumnnt.! r'''nt' Vivian Bain-age, vice-pre.si-j institution either vocational or tioiu in residential areas, should Nancy Yager, Lore Genni, Linda sections of the county. She cited waff in charge of the preparation ( require legislative action by Com- now there are 18. So far there has '<'^: Rnwn Tinnprholm, secretary; j college. The award is made on Ridging and Jill Harms. the many varieties of trees in the of the scroll and Mrs. Herbert been no reduction in personnel but; '.'Imrle*Clark, Jr., trenfiurer; Rloise [ the basis of ability, character and mon Council. The letter wa» re- Aloo Peter Van Leight, William preserve and spoke especially of the Stitzel arranged the program. it I* expected that »oon seven sun-' Walker, buxlne.-u manager: Doro (need. The s.-holArship this year -«rrrd to the Planning Board. Mitchell, Phillip Farnura, Rudy only stand of nemlocks In the Among those attending were stitutes hired on a temporary basis: thf!* Ball, chairman of Mmivnon.i. i amnunU to flSO. TVenty-three liquor licerwe*, Lonn, Richard Maher, Edward coubty and »aid that every effort Roberta v S. Reed, superinten- will be released, : I>rIViroth'rothVy HamiltonHamilton,, chairmachairmann of I The Sagan Foundation Seholar- Kive the city $14,450 a year Shea, David Carlson, Robert Qw- is being made to preserve these dent of schools; J. Bindley Hoff. nominnHng (Contmued on Page 12) 'Continued on Page 12) eel and Ty (Mathias) Frank. age-old trees. Miss Freeland's successor, and a In order to make his deliveries in dozen past presidents of the PTA. the period from 8:30 a m to ."5 p.rn. Has Three Rivers the mailman now must eat nn the Mr. O'Connell presented Miss Mrs. Rulison said the park sys- job. That id, take n half-hour out Freeland with a double, orchid Star Bike Act Secured tem had three rivers—Elisabeth, somewhere along his route nnd Thirty Kids Signed Up For and the past president* with Rahway and Green Brook—the lat- open hi« lunch. Most men sit on the small corsages. A quartet of ter in the Watchung Reiervatlon. curb if the weather is fair but when fathers sang parodies on the his- For July 4 Celebration Surprise Lake is in this section. it i* inclement then they seoR Camp as Fund Hits $1,000 tory of the school. They were High jink« on bicycle* nnd unl- o'elo^k nn th# morning of th« Herald Camp Fund contrt- Boy Scout camp, four will fo to There are two miles of bridle trails aheltnr. |in the park. Some 72,000 persons Dcnald E. Ooburn, LaVerne Wil- cy'ies ••• those • are one-wheel^M, Fourth on the Memorial Ftfld nuMon* nfiMin^ the IJ.OOO mark, Camp Morrii, the Morriw County kinson, William J. Vlerllnfr nnd Hoimewivr* Are Helpful • neighhf»rs will be, among the hn«eba',l rlimmond, with am pis ! vliited the park during the part "' Family Service Association, YMCA camp, and six girls are Herbert H. Stitsel, Summit housewives have been thrills in store for 'Summit resi- grandstand seat* provided. ) year. Elghty~fiv» Girl Scout lead- W. Lnyton IW1 |.''*l>onHoi'fl of thp summer vftca- signed up for the Salvation Army most helpful, the nun! . nrriirs* re- dent* and friends at the city's an- The (l«y'g festivities wli! begin ( held conferences and thirty! i"n project, announced this week camp «t North Long Branch. Bon* 250 Expected to Attend port. Many women have invited the nun! Fourth of July with A rlng-raiilng ceremony and 'hat two-week camp reservations nle Brne Camp will have 16 local teachers took field courses. She! stated that garden clubs held out- Boy Scout Meeting | mailman to use the pnrrh and re- The pedal-ptmlu-r*. known nil thp '.vllf h" topped off with »n hour- hvi bfpn definitely made for 30 boys. All camp vacation* will start W.LaytonHall lax In a chair in thp shade. Others Victoria Troupe, will he presented long firework* display at night. on June 24, th« opening d»y for all ings there; there were six art as- summit boyn and girls. This com- More th«n 250 persons »re ex- have offered milk or omnge julee in onf of the five circiw «ctn whleh Since- the program will cost in the above camps, sociation meetings and the first pected to attend the annual meet- i>»r<* with « children and two to the men a« they eat their will feflture the gain ail-ilny pro- the neighborhood of $3,000, Mr, show held drew 8,000 visitor*. The Ing of tht Wntchung Area Coun- mother* »pnt by th* Camp Fund Mm. Ann S, Broknw, executive Made Dean of lunches. gram at Memorial Field ihifruill appealed tr> Summit cltl- fl st flr«t flower iihow attendance num- cil B»y Scoutu of America to be * S'^f. It is expected however secretary of the Family Wtlfare #rfl(t four attractive girls and xens to send In contributions with- bered 2,000 while lart year 9,000 held lit the Hotel Suburban, Sum- The carriers litres'. Ih«t fact thatj '"at additional contribution* this AJJiodftUon, made urinther request th lr i«le companion ride bicycles out delay *nd to makt thtnt Ml ye were prenent, with 191 entries. Rutgers-Camden the lorn) management of the pnrti *' ' *r will mske It possible to In- for pieces of luggac** for the e»tnp- mit, Wednesday, June 14. liberal mi priMible. Many varieties of blrda are Appolntrn«)t of W. l-«yton office Is In no way to blame forj «"'' unl'-ycl"* throughout their per- ttm* the number of children be- erj and ftlno mtft but nerviepablf Highlight of the meeting will f T«i* entitling th* bj»«rtr§ to tt» m found In the park, ihe said, In- Hall of 47 Valemont Way, «MMO- thelr lncreasn.1 labor*. Frank, Pec-1 «fmiinc#. K»ch unlrycio (onaiata X «iven rump vacation!. camp (tqulpnipnt for boy»and glrl». be election of officer* and pre- nf nl w tnTk tend nil ni the days events will Clothing pnrtleiil«r!y needed eon- cluding the, great blue heron, Can- sentation of the flllver Beaver date pro(«t«or of marketing In en, nerretnry of the I-,.MI, snys that! " y «• *" '. « - « *«t »*"» *"<"• the firmt time, Camp Can- MM Thl> b» nriilied out a* soon M rnntribu* sUU of «hort*. nwwifahlrt*. pon- ada giwse, and) m bald eagle Was i to member* of the Coun- the Rutgers University School of ' P»»» "ffieo |.«tr»n« -li'mld write j ^' Vlrlortauj, halaneM on ii'm-lu., th* Summit YWCA day to thrir Ongremmrn br. auie "It; «llP«'< v»hi"les. ^dsl fill over the tlon* ar# reretv#i1. T«(r» al»o will rho«, bathing *U\\M unrt trunks and! recently seen. The munum also cil who h*ve rendered outstanding de*n of the College of South Jer- ^mp will b« i j; Three boy* havo *t»g« minus the luumrnnre of h«n- b» on «M1<> ftt MemorMl Field on WM nthpr Irpmii rwwMfcry to a ohlM'n hm muny animal exhibit*, Includ- service during the kwt year. sey at Camden wn* #nnonnrcd in (he thr^e-rnnt rrni) 'hat I* tak- "(trolled for thl* camp, Two July 4, but th» rommitte# m- tomfort at a jnimm*r r«mp Boy»" ing; th<» rtecoon, oponiutn, squirrel, yeitertlny by Dr. Robert C. Cloth- ing » heating" under thr Washing- <1tj*«»t speaker will h* Dr. Allen The trm\f rrfmher of th» triup» the hop* thtf the l»ff« Ar*>* elothlnf i«'-ii#«>(l«d more th*n owl, nktink, ete, ier, pr««|fl<>nt nf Hntf(pT», Ion ei-onomv edict A Stockdnle, mtaff «i»p«ker for the d"M a itni<-yc)«> which hs* 4 of th« fltyn Pictures of many bird* and ani- National Association of Mirmfnc- Incorporstlm* of the College »>f "The only rernfh." h* Mid. "is South Jerwy, the llberdi arts unit, for pwlrons to writ^ ( t I of muny \m the national jamboree at which «J*n inniHut Ion Into th* W»tp Hnh lie propels iind Me»r« th* Nr HtrcHd Camp Fund (>nt»»r, Inchidlng »ong apwrrow, time the Watchung Are* Council vernlty b#fom*i «ff«ctlv* July J. with hi* f«*t On Inddt Pag$$ Tit* Hitmm* ll.r«M grbr*t» th# *Oth *nnlv*>r- Htdfh Board Studl.t H Rill itnr* h»« IIBMI mlmlnUlorlnf All flv* m"mH*Hi of thf ™Bv MklMMMsM «h« follow fllfk«r, yellow , Also hmnt *«ry of the floy 8cout#of Succtftor to Crann Clothing *rt(l l«fg»«# t1on»tlnn« th# Law ichool m the South J»r- forming « pyrtunld, rl»1e » rhiirrh •»« f»tttfilwrt|#W, t« Ito was lb» tl(il« who rn»k#§ Th« dinner mittlng will •Mft it may b* left at th* Fumlly •*y l>lvlil«n of lh# p*r#nt achnot A suerMoor in V\'•*'•<* M hi'v?|i» slmtilrtneously. Py climb- * r«UMp $» 7:30 p.m. , WMIW, nopflmrt flor>r, nn «t Ntw«rk nine* l«#t fall. Ifwnioetor f«r »hn M<>--*rlr set, th« Sport* .,,,..«.. .10. tt. In «ny «l*«» H«»II«HM« f«r lh*m \m an *ta((nn Mondsy night's w-rfint i B«|lnninf this **«k !h«- Her- Th# "«rti«> on th* stage riding Tt»wn»hl|i '• ...«< I for th* «?•!»[. fund ni«n«t»r of Ih* Amh*rst tuAit mlttMi of ihr»» M«««H ld will e«rry *n offleUt tJnlt*"T (h# Co||#f# of Month J*rt*y b#g«n with r«rh pl*ylng * In r in 1M0, At . The Fntirth »t Jti'y r>J#r*»aHnn AfeftttetfcJM ,4, S tf» rump* Monl«« t»*»l»»^ to* !•'» th* and m*. Then* l«wui>4 that tim* h« b*ctm# Ifeturvr In C^mmitt**. !ne, he*'l*ft by f)*of|* j far ««• «hl» «fo Tree In' ri'y rlvin nrfti*. •nnou«r»rt; Pri*O*«»tt<* ,1 m »*f Mr and In Thursday, ftl both young and old will feature Renardy, violin joloist, will be on U-3.95 WITHOUT RUBaiNC lnrludr* All Mrdirsl. Hospital And Nur»ln| Care the event and toe Country Store, December 2. Dates for the Trapp under the direction of Mrs. Thomas Family Singens and Igor Gorin THE RICHLAND CO. Carey and members of the church. 41 Maple St. Summit. N. J. Su. St. Mar/i Chapter, will again be featured. Mrs. John D. Tidaback and the Church World Service committee wilt be in charge of * TEEN AGE SEWING CLASSES white elephant table and home* made food will be sold at the food MOTHERS! WE'LL TEACH YOUR DAUGHTERS HOW TO SEW table sponsored by the Calvary Service Chapter with Mrs. S. W. Ransom and Mrs. C. W*. • Emery, EIGHT 2 HOUR LESSONS $8.00 co-chairmen. SUE CAN MAKE A SMART DRESS WHILE SHE LEARNS Other attractions will be a flower mart conducted by' Mrs. P. R. Searlei, a kitchen booth spon- sored by the Woman'i Auxiliary SINGER SEWING CENTER under the leadership of Mrs. T. D. 387 SPRINGFIELD AVI. SUMMIT t-6278 Nevlns and a book booth conducted by Mrs. O.K. Kanouse.""*• Games of skill will be offered for LUNCH ON THE RUN Is eaten by Mailman Fred Melillo as he covers all ages by Frederick Bernhard his route along Division avenue. This week Summit meU carriers mad* and a group of men from the par- an appeal to local patrons to write their Congressmen asking that the ish. Balloons will be sold by BoyPostmaster's economy edict curtailing home deliveries be rescinded. Scouts and a grab'bag will be in Sow he wants an Allied Vun to move it for him." The carriers claim It creates undue hardships by forcing them to eat charge of Mrs. Sheldon Franklin as best they can along routes, carry double loa-ds and cover double routes. t Careful does U when it corncs to long distance moving, and and members of the Junior Aux- Story on page one^ (Chell Frantien.) . — ' • Aliird Vsn »prvlr«-, Available through ui, does it carefully. iliary. The attractions even in- If you niunt go awny, rail m We'll matte It easy for you. clude pony ride* and a oarouiel Mr. and Mrs. B. B; Brown will be Young Artist Wins in charge of these events. Fourteen - year - old Anne Wil- Mail Carriers Ask liams' looal prise winning Poppy Old-fashion movies will be shown (Continued from Page 1) In the parish house by the Drama Poster won the Union County UMMIT EXPRESS COMPANY^ Guild. Refreshments consisting of gressmen and ask them to raise the contest when ifwaa judged the W-7fl Railroad Avenue Summit, N. J. ice cream, cake, hot dogs and rate on second, third and fourth best. Saturday at the American U lon SUMMIT fl-O8l» lemonade will be sold by theclass matter and restore the first< « .«"»«««»» hold at Cran- Young People's Fellowship under class service to what it was. Now ford. The postes, depicting a the supervision of Mrs. Austin P. first class mall, the three-centi man's hand offering a poppy, now Winters. Mrs. Webster Van Win- stamp kind, gets the same treat- goe«. into the state contest. Anne kle and a committee will sell pop- ment that is given magazines, cir- Is a Summit Junior High Mudent EVERY WOMAN SHOULD corn. culars and advertising matter. and the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Dinner will be> served each eve- There will be a nearlng held start- George M, Williama of 30 Tulip ning In tho pariah house beginning Ing today (June 3) on a resolution street. at 8:80 p. m., with special prices to rescind the curtailment order ADVERTISEMENT KNOW- Rug Cleaning for children's portions. On Friday and If enough people write to Con- the meal will feature a smorgas- gressman Clifford P. Case.or Sen- bord and on Saturday a baked Vir- ator H. Alexander Smith then per- EYE GLASS PRICES ginia ham dinner. The program haps first class mail service will will close with • square dance on be restored to the way It was." by Saturday night. There are atln '.wo mail deliveries CREATE STIR* Mrs.. Robert Sargent and John In the business section but busl- The new deal in glasses at N. M. Cowan art co-chairmen of theness firms that are located in trwjMeigs, Inc., 40 Beechwood Road, BEDROSIAN Fair. Others assisting are Mrs. H. resktentail areas arc aa victim of Summit is making news. Q. Colt, publicity; Mrs. John M. later malls the same as home- Now there is no need to wonder 1. Every rug Inspected by Experts. Leavens, Mrs. Orvllle Petty, 2nd, owners. Parcel Post service has how much your glasses will cost Mrs. C.V. Of fray and Mrs. George been trimmed to one a day instead after your doctor has given you 2. Removal of all dust, grit and germs. Eng*lm*n, purchasing committee; of two In the business area. jyour prescription. Just bring your Capt Malcolm Roberts, grounds The Bteppcd-up work day is par- 'prescription to N. C. Meigs,. Inc., committee, and Irving Perry, tlcularly hard on the older carriers/and you know the price will be 7.90 8. Washing on both sides. lights.- the men claim. According to cus-jfor single vision glasses complete torn, postal employees with the'nith your choice of any frame or 4. Drying at controlled temperature. Gtntva Guild to Hold longest service were gtven thejllThe." y°" need bifocals. The easier routes. Now the old as weftji«*uei pieces arc for white lenses Picnic at Twin Falls ai the young must carry a 38-jW >W«*s1iovld want your lenses 5. Insurance from pick up to delivery. pound sack of mall until the ground in green for protection The Geneva Guild of Central completed, from the sun, the single vision Presbyterian Church will hold a doubled-up route is 6. Ruga repaired by Experts. Furthermore, they also complain glasses arc $1.00 extra and bifocals "get-acquainted" plonlc for mem- that under the new plan carriers |2.0O extra. be re and their husbands starting must now work all day Saturday. First quality frames and lenses 7. Modern equipment In our OWN PLANT. at «p.m. Monday at Twin Falls. Before the men were given Satur- arc used at all times, and remember day afternoons off. They are given Mr. Meigs always requests that you S. Personal Service guarantees satisfaction. Rtildont Joins CPA Group a day bff during the week but return to your doctor to have the E. J, Bnthoven of « West End claim that does not compensate fort glasses checked after they are avenue, certified public account- the loss of a Saturday afternoon, 'finished. —Advertisement PRICES VERY MODERATE ant, has been elected to member- ship In the American Institute of Phone Us Today — SUmmit 6-0500 Accountants, national profeaaione.1 society of CPA's. Mr. Bnthoven, who h« been a certified public accountant since BEDROSIAN'S 19M, Is a native of England and Be Sensational with received hi» education at Univer- Broadloom — Rugs — Orientals sity College in London. He Is 418 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. 4, employed by J. H. Cohi\ k Com- pany, In Newark. Strawberries! Its easy, quick and Jailproqf "with delicious y . Jftddiwip and Pillsbury You'll Love That Lift! Pit tout Mix It's tailored to fit! To LIFT-MOLD-CORRECT-HOLD, all at one time. You'll distovtr magic no man can resist the first time you That's the exclusive Formfit secret in Life Bra design. You'll love the serve strawberries and Reddi- wip. They never fail to bring way this most popular of all bras wakes you look ... the way it makes compliment* that thrill every woman's heart. you feel... the high, wide and beautifully rounded natural look it gives Luscious strawberries — presto! Now (hey'ft glorious you. Come in today and let our ikilled fitters show you our wide range —covered with swirls of de- licious IUddi-wip—fresh, rich of Life Bra sizes, cups and materials. There's one exactly right for your Ut us protect your cream, sweetened just right- whipped automatically at the touch of your finger. No beat- figure and prefe rence. RemerajMsr—more ing, no howl«iTo wash, no travel cadi with waste, no failures,Thrifty.too. umar Formfit than any other mak*! (;Rddi dsy! You'll make all your deiierit more AMERICAN EXPRESS glamorous. TRAVELERS CHEQUES

ye* •»¥•!.v «, •penii them tiywhm. tod tf your f(M «w't lot* whtti you «rty AmtHtttn brprws T«v,br« cHwym. Thii bank am k>tt m fMcn, you pi • quiak fitjeinriitridi th*>M rhufjuei IWIUHI they refund o( •very cmt «t Mr vihte. nflpard your travel



Wfwfwm THE SUMMIT HEKAIP, THURSDAY. JUNt t.' ItSO LD. Long, Teacher Proclamation Central Ladies to WHEBEAS, Juntii, 1950. i* the lT3rd Anniversary Attend Session for fifty Years, date of the adoption by the Continental Congress of the first • »•*.•-» Flag of the Nation; and At Ocean Grove WHEREAS, the Nation from the date of ita foundation FOR BETTER GARDENING To Retire July 1 Twelve women from Central Clarence D. Long of 322 Spring- and throughout its history has supported and expressed the Presbyterian Church will attend f eid avenue will retire from Ir- ! basic ideals of equality of opportunity, representative gov- the quadrennial national meeting Your well-groomed garden starts •ngtou High School July 1 after ernment, individual freedom and equal justice under Jaw, of Presbyterian Women at Ocetn -9 yeans experience « a teacher which ideals are symbolized by our Flag; and Grove from June 13 to 19. The with a vtlvet smooth lawn. .-t economics and social science. WHEREAS, the high ideals for which the Nation was conferenc* theme is "Thine Is the Power" You'll get the best results with The date will also mark Mr. Long'* established and which are symbolized by the Flag are chal- ' ftietli anniversary as a teacher. lenged by groups and by nations opposed to these ideals; The week-end meeting* are one of our labor*saving power Mr. Long'* teaching career eoverj NOW THEREFORE, I, PERCIVAL M. BLAND, planned particularly for business women and it is expected that *ubli« achooto in Pennsylvania, i MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SUMMIT do hereby designate mowers. Ymeknd and Bloomfield Higrh many from Summit will go for the June 11th to June 17th, inclusive as the period for the ob- < hoole He ateo served as director week-end; at*o some grOupa are n' recruit educational centers at servance of the Twelfth Annual Flag Week and urge all of planning one or two day- #es«k>ti*.

:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•.•.•.•.••?:••.•:•:• That's important . . . with dividends* as substantial as SUMMIT PEDERAL i pays! Let Father know that he's admired

•NOW PAYING SAVINGS By making sure that he's attired FiDIRALLY 1% INSURED TO p*r annum $5,00 0 in handsome

Inspired styling , . . luxurious design,^.). . V4% tO 1% This friendly loeal fnsH- fine quality fabrics, "Manhattan" is your » f * U' EXTRA for tution cordially invite* tystematic savings your account. assurance of long wear and undiminished , II lull 0 IUI IllulllllgO* t I good looks. Savings Accepted Daity, 6 to 4; Friday Evenings, 6 to 8 AH Manhattan shirts conform to ihe high standard of" Dr«is *hW« in a wide variety .'of itylei, Summit Federal complete washability and color fastness set by the eoten ... rSIM- $*.S« Savings AND LOAN ASSN. American Institute of laundering.

A Mutual Savings and Home Financing Institution Open weavei , . . waihdbU tropical 22 B««chwood Road • Summit, N. J. rayons .. . iV>ft sleeves .. . long ileaves. SERVICES: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS CHRISTMAS CLUB • MORTGAGE $2.95 • $l.tS IOAN5 • REFINANCING MORTGAGE LOANS • MONEY ORDERS TRAVELERS CHEQUES A full assortment of ties'. . . regimental *«*. neat silks . . • smart bold patterns YOU ASKED FOR THEM! . . . nylon grenadines . . . $1.50 • $5.00 Here They Are! TWO FRENCH FILMS (Complete English Titles)

"It's the Chevalier of old! ic's delightfully entertain- ng! This French comedy i3 'a tasty as French pastry!" —flew* "A frothy film farce . . . Customers will exit laugh- ing!" --Post "Chevalier is roguish and •harming . . . gay and devil- sh as ever!" —Compass Basque shirts by Manhattan . . . with col- Chevalier is the perfect lars and sweater cuff* ... the popular mlevardier ... his spirit i« crew neck . . • in cotton knits . . . fwo- Tflh and young!" —\Jorld Telegram ply lislei . . . solids , . . bright stripes. "Frotfiy and amusing!"—Cue $1.10 - S2.9S

MAURICE Light weight summer pajamas . . . cotton broadcloths and seersuckers .., nylon and CHEVALIER •catate . . . regular and knee-Ungth. Hl« Flr»t Gay Mu*lcol-Com«dy Slwt "Uv# tmJm" end "Mtrry Widow" $l.il - $10.00 In — Handkerchiefs 'of high-gradt linen or cot- "A ROYAL AFFAIR" ton ... Initialed, plain or plaid. IO«-7i«-$1M ANNII DUCAUX - SOPHII DISMARITS : — Mm ~. TWO OP MANCf S O«IATIST STABS

ThtKtranpit ^* f.Tlmm SUMMIT Oelly tAM, It STRAND \L:* • *# mt Mtmtor of Summit Am (humfnt . mm is u'- THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. JUNE I, l»$0 aad Mr*. Paul Qneley, win be Scripture*" by Mary ,Baker Ed4y n Tht Community Church Application* for Daily Christian Science Methodist Church chtrg* of th« entire school B I'niUrtaa include; b!« will be presented to thV-i "Hie exterminator of error Is CHURCH DIRECTORY Rev. Jacob Trapp Biblt School Now Rtody Lecture Reveals Lists Program for grade ehildrta who will be pm" Springfield and WaJdroa Avenue* the great truth that Cod, good, is RrgUtrmtion Minks for tfec moted to the junior, department the only Mind, and that the sup- Dkily Vacation Church School, Children's Day; At the ckwe of the service men,. 11 m r r and Sunday—11 am, Service and posititious opposite of infinite which will be held In the Mrth- Proofs of Healing.. bers of the nursery and kin > tributrd thfa w«ek by the Sum- morning worship service. Each Sunday, 11 am. Worship "smi perint«ndeat, will preside. . \ tiic Spirit of Science"; Nursery! mit Council of Churches. Par- living as revealed in Christian church school department will a; sermon 'TW Importance <.f Mak- Fountain Baptist Church listed by several young peopit < ! u/id *lory groups in Community j First Baptist Church mU dwlrint to enroll children Science, declared Harry B. Mac- demonstrate work don* during ing s Pfci*ion." Rev, l-eon C. RlddlrJi the senior department. The iaaj- I Houw. . | ,R*?, Dari* S BaraweU, DJI. from four y««ri through aixth Rae, C.S.B., of Dallas, Texa*. in the school year and the thtmt of , • • • | grade levels are. requested t« ment of baptism will be admin- St. Lukt'i R«l.""Episcopal Sunday 8:,V> a.m., Church a public lecture here last Friday, the program will be "I Will Hear St. John't Lutheran Church Sunday — >:*5 a. m., Churthj «*mplete sjid mall the forma M What God, the Lord, Will 8p«ak." istered by Rev. Jenae Lyons pa*. «»ihr>f>!; 11 am, Worship snd ST- June 1. CHurch W, a Hlturun, Pnll. school closing program; 11 a, m,' The caroi choir, under the di- tor, who will receive some of tRf mon. ' ,!r«tu.< find l*ittV Children", The staff of teachen for thi'i R»». Frank C Worship and sermon; Nursery, One lady known to the lecturer rection of Mr«. Irene Dodaon, >» Park, Hilltop area. j Monday—7:30 p in., Boy Stouts. Sunday. 9 30 am., Sunday Whool; ep.m. Youth l p.m., Choir This and other actual experi- Today « p.m. The Martha Sunday —10:30 •m., Firnt Baptist church sjchool will ences of healing were related by Sunimll Am ol ( Mrnhrr nf ('nminmt Group will show n technicolor athool; ll a.m., ChUdren'*'D«y hold it* closing aervice. Ted Men. Mr. MacRar in Su-nmit Hlah denhall will preside at the service, HINDSIGHT movie of Scandinavia; refresh- •ervice, baptiam. School whore he spoke under the which i* being planned by the ment* will be* served. auspices of the First Church of Saturday-'Z to « p.m., Church boys and girla. The Senior High N. P. Methodist Church young people will be the choir. Christ Scientist. He came to Sum- How often you hear people aay, "If my foresight had been School picnle at "The Birches" In mit In the course o' a national as good as niy hindsight, how happy I would be for perhaps Echo Lake Park, Westfield. Rev. Reece R. HU1 Primary children will lead a lit- any of Thanksgiving, and kinder- tour as a member of the board of the accident would not have happened." Sunday — 9:45 a.m, Church Today—8:15 p.m., Senior choir lectureship of the mother church, school; special offering for Chil- garten children will sing; a call to Foresight is the ability to look Into the future and s«i rehearsal. worship. Junior, and Junior High the Firat Church of Christ, Scien- clearly what Is likely to,happen in a flven set of circumstance* dren's Home in, Janwrtown, N.Y.; tist in Boston. Massachusetts. The 1! em., Communion. Saturday—10:30 a.m., Epworth young people will sing The Lord's through reasoning of cause and effect. title of^ hi» locturo was "Christen Wednfladay — 8 .p.m., Martha choir rehearsal. Prayer by Malotte.- Rev, David K. Eyesight lets one get a clear Image In the mind of present Barhwell will tell a story and cer- Science: Us Revelation of the Group meeting In the church par- Sunday — 9:45 a. m. ChurGh surroundings upon which the eyes are focused. While a tificate* of promotion will be 'Healing Christ." Ion. school; ll a.m., Wonihip and ser- person may have good eyesight or With the aid of glasses g«t awar.ded by Edpar B. Young, mon. "Gateways to the Kingdom" Further explaining how the'lady a plain vivW Image of something within one's vision yet may chairman of the Board of Chris- The Methodist Church Baptism of children at the serv- was healed of tuberculosis in its fail to comprehend quickly the Importance of what has been ice; 7 p.m., Youth Fellowship. tian* Education. , acute «tag<». Mr. MacRao said tb«t Our funeral !Home at 309 Springfield Avenue Rev. Jesse II. Lyona seen. In a similar way a person may hear keenly a flow of the practitioner worked from the words and fall to comprehend the meaning of what has been Today 10 am., WSCS officer Missionaries Home standpoint of thr conseimtsnesji of said. QUIETUDE AM) PRI\ AL'Y, WITH ALL THE Summit Jewish Center the alines* and perfection of djvine training at Grace Church. Nutley; For Year'sfFurlough Hindsight enables one to review the past In reference to 8 p.m., snnctuftry choir party nt Aai-on Mmwkof, D.D., Rahhl mind. Cod, and His idon,.manias ATMOSPHERE OF A PRIVATE HOME Rev, and Mrs, Mcrrcl P. Cal- present conditions. This often results In an entirety different Kobrrt Woodwnrd residence, 47 67 Kent Place Boulevard taught in Christian Science. lawny and their three children, view as to what ahould have been.done. t Norwood avftmc. Today 3:30 p. m., Rdigoua Sharon, Susan and Joy, arrived "It wa* r«isonVd .spiritually," In this high speed world> In which we find ourselves, Saturday—B a.m.,. iYouth••• Fel- h* continued, "that the material school class. Thursday, June 1, from Beirut on everyone Is called upon every hour of the" 'lay In their rela- E. P. Burroughs & Son lowship beach party; 7 :30 p.m. symptoms terrifying «s they Tomorrow — 9 p.m., Evening the S/S Excamblon of the Amer- tionship with others, to make quick and *ecur»te decision! Yquth Feilowahlp skating party. seemed to be in reality meant service. ican Export Lines having flown baaed upon what it teen and heard. Funeral Home Sunday—0:45 a.m.. Adult Bible nothing. They were but trip false class; 10:45 a.m., Children's Day Sunday—10 am,, Religious school from Baherln Island in the Per- Many people are partially blind In foresight, eyesight and class. sian Gulf a few day* previously. testimony of the five mortal ZtttbUthtd 18?0 processional; 6 p.m., Youth Fel- sriUM**, which never tell the truth even hindsight when it comes to seeing what may happen, it Monday .1:30 p.m., Religious Rev. and Mrs. Callaway are lowship meetings. about man, the perfect idea of now taking place or would have happened under a different - 30<# Springfield Avenue • Summit 6-0259 Monday-8 p.m., Official board School Clft.H.1. missionaries to Arabia under the set of circumstances. Southern Baptist Foreign Mission God. What appeared so vividly, meeting. V" 8 p.m.. Adult Institute. In driving automobiles, airplane! or even in crossing the A. Rurrougk* Roktrt B. Kohr John DmuiMm, Jr. Board and are on a year's fur- aggressively,, and frighteningly to Tuesday- 12 noon, WSGS or- street through rapidly moving traffic, modern man needs a lough after having been in Jeru- those senses had to be recognized ganizational meeting nervous system thtt Is alert and capable of transmitting tele- Friends Meetinq salem, Beirut, India and Arabia in the light of Truth m dark vision messages to the brain with the greateit speed and The Summit Meeting of the Re- during the past five years. images of mortal thought. They Oalces Memorial Church accuracy. • ligious Society of Friends (Quak- Mrs. Callaway Is the former had to be seen as having no reality Mnthodlat ers) holds its meeting for worship Beth Fountain, daughter of Mr. In God nor In His Idea, man and Think how important it is therefore to avoid the habitual Rev. Nevle Cutllp on Sunday at 10 a,m. in the YWCA. and Mrs. Gulon H. Fountain of the universe. This false plea of use of anything that may even remotely affec* the reason or Today—8 p.m., Choir rehearsal. Sunday school for small children Long Hill road, Chatham Town- mortal mind was overthrown or these various ktnda of vision. One does not need to look Sunday — 10:30 a.m., Sunday ta held nt the sam<. time. Visitors ship, cast out of consciousness under long or far to see people who are blind to their own best school; 11 *.m., Children's Day are welcome. the continued faithful mctaphye- interest and that of their fellow men. 'service and bnptlsm; 7 p.m., Thomas Jefferson, the. third ical work of the practitioner, work There are a number of products habitually used in large YOUR ! Youth' Fellowship. Calvary Episcopal Church American president, employed a that declared the allncss of God, quantities by nearly 00% of the population such a* beer, wine, good, and revealed the nothingness | Monday — 8 p.m., Woman's Rev. E. F. Francis dozen man on his plantation to whiskey, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate and FA MI LY I Council. make Iron nails1. of the evil malady. colas that are slowing up the transmission of messages to Today —- 10 a. m,, Holy Com- the brain and back to the hands and feet and consequent!/ Christian Science Church munion. Interfering with foresight, eyesight and hindsight. Proudly displaying i nimc you love in tnduring granite, the Tomorrow 2 to 10 p. m., An- If you happen to be one who has acquired the use of any monument you select will symbolizt to coming generations thine "God The Preacrver of Man" is miarVillage Fair. First Church of Christ, Scientist or all of these dddictives, let someone lead you to a better 'things thtt Int on when lift ii ended. the subject for Sunday, June 11. SaturcTay — 11 a. m. to 10 p. m., 292 Springfield Avtnu* Summit, New Jersey way am) prove to yourself that by avoiding their use your •Monument! sculptured from Select Birrc Gr»mt« weather tht Golden Text: "Withhold not Annual Village Fair. mind will be clearer and more alert, your health will be bet- •ft»in| yeiri clunly, retaining the chiucltr of thii most noted thou thy tender mercies from me, Sunday-- 8 a.m.,- Holy Com- A Branch of The Mother Church. The trirat Churth of Christ ter and life will be sweeter and longer. There are plenty of memorial none. O IJOTA: let thy loving kindness munion; 11 a. m,, Family Service. Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts people who have had this experience and will gladly shov At Memorial Craftimen, it it our purpose to advise /a*AB^|7| Hntl thy truth continually preserve Wednesday — 10 a.m., Church you the way. me." d 1961 thee: because he trusteth in thce. Graduation Parties Christian Science Reading Room Summit, N. J. NTANI.KV itURNER, Owner Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for Optn»Faeed OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 40S WIST FRONT STREET PLAINFIELD o-070o in the Lord Jehovah is everlflst- J40 IPR&tGFlKLD AVENUE Write for free booklet. ing strength:" (I*a. 26: 3, 4> BtmhUl Upon Rcqurtt >sn dally II to 4:90 axcept Buadaya and noUdtm; also Friday evr- Correlative Pftausagei from "Sci- SANDWICHES 2ngs T:39 to tsM tnd afttr tht Wtdncsday mwtlng. Llteratur* on ence and Health with Key to the OhrtotUn Solenc* m»j b* nad. borrowed or purchased. $3.00 per 100 spread with h«m, ihrimp, tuna, roltn roqueforl^T?'. t P'themt<>. . emm and I'M Municipal Parking l-ot — Maple Street — l"i blocka rear of First National Bank *Ise r»kn, rooktftt, nors o'ovufrti, §te. Call Millburn 6-0228 To Order From MELLIE WEISS ^ dee t6e 4ty/e-4far c/tm aM-dtar &m^ •. ifie new (Stietmfet U Taylor St., Militant Opp Washington School BelAir HEALTH is a HABIT Which of the 48 Stars in the • Y«i, Httlth !• a habit—a jrW habit. Uyimr health Jin't "Stars and Stripes" represents New Jersey? all its houtd bt, now it the time to do something about it. $** N«f Day, Junt 14, reminds us that New Jersey has rour phyildin. H« will htfp Its wit sp«dal star on the Hag of these United you to gtt on th« Health High. Stcrtei. It It on the very top row, the third one from way. And of coum you will waat» bring his prtjcription the Itft. It Is symbolic of Hit fact that New Jersey httt for cartfal compounding, was the third state to ratify the Constitution, The Hrst National Rank's symbol of protection and com* It's the only car of its kind in the entire low-price field! munlty service (see above mural) also goes bock to CharilnVi Cut Km «> *»». Revolutionary Days. June 23, It will be exactly 170 Summit, i, Him it the moil beautiful Chevrolet ever built— own the livclieit-looking, tovt!k!it-I©ekiii| cor years ago that minute men en leacon Hill gave •vnti turn ii the magnificent new Chevrolet /!«•/ AM on the toad! General Washington the warning signal of tht op- H«rc, for the flrit time in the low-price field, But come in and find out alt about the Jf«! Air ll l car that combines alt the dn*h and jaunti- preach of the Irltlsh from Staten Island. It ltd to ft»r youriotf, .. |ti low-lined, youthful nlfhouetta new of • convertible with the comfort and , , , Us wide side windows unobstructed by *ny the glorious victory at tht Battle of Springfield, itfcty of an all-steel body by Fisher, The new post . . . the exceptionally generous viibn from Chevrolet Bel Air combine* fresh brenth-taking its sweeping rear window , . • Iti tparkUni cofct baauty of design with all the traditional Chevrolet harmrinie* ... the rich bltndingf of Iti lututi" THE Now She Shops advantage* . , . makei it fxmlbte for you to mmly appointed Ctmbintninn of Autimaik TnfumMtm *ni tO!t-h.f. F,nginw optimal 01 ttfn t(nt. AND TRUST COMPANY OF SUMMIT "Cash aid Carry" WltKnui Painful Rarltaeh*

tin* Mfct pit IF nt Hn||l*f b.i-ksrK.... l««l t M pop IANKINO HOUW MEMBER mmtr, H.M«'*"« *"4 ««•* M »• R)|tt>W « tMnt«tm» *•*••!*• •1*1' Mltfl FEDERAL DEPOSIT 1mm »<»«t Mt44«r jrtOatlnnt AIM (» »4 CHIVWOLET IMiUlAMtt C®l(*d'lAtl@M

FEDERAL RESERVE ?*mm, Avn'l •»(», f-» tVun't fMto, • Mttti SYSTEM ,.>r Inhm tnA •!»»#• 111 tpifttitK Avtmif I****, N, I, DoArs hut OYIH A QUAHTH OP A ClNWIY Al A CMIVIOUT DtAll* fafWMMJT HtHALD, THUMOAY. JUNE I, H50 Ptft 1 to featured In the June Ameriom council; PeU.r PattUon, «ixtb form tre*#urer; ChrUtopher Tatlock.' {.Franklin p]»ce. were «board Tranj Author•fffwy Maffazine. The atory dealt with a Locd Students Elected ptuMeageri c»rr!Ml on a stogie rtg- vice president; Craig McCMland, f snd John Willed H. Tempi* of IS Dunn- real-eatate aren{: and a beautiful Explorer Post 62 Cb» Officers °™ • World Airline*' iuugu'ral .train- u laxly scheduled airline flight. fifth form- president; Roger j Luther- »ixth *rade prwMwt in drive, i« the »utiKW ^ a story blonde who wanted a house in At the recent cl*»s election* at •contin«n!al Conjtr'.lation aky ' Sta

Dtlicioui Sarvtd Hel or Cold CAMMED Will 11 KUOL VE8ETAILES KOSHER STYll SONEUSi OALL GREEN ASPARAGUS <»« 21e Fancy Full-Breasted Brisket Corned Beef - - 65c Tender and Plump MORREll'S PKIDE QUMA BEANS •• 19e SLICED BACON "„ -., 53c hinfix Meats of QRED KI0NEY BEANS - • >< 10c HEN TURKEYS Smalixi In Ittoin III fin« Havor flip .N>« lots of whit* meat 5QUA« CUI FRESH CAUOHT GFRENCH GREEN BEANS 2 <« > 26c lb SLAB BACON - • > 43c BLUE FISH - - "< 29c 45c Any lift pitta cut en d#iir*d fRtSH CUI IJWAX BEANS - - • - 2 -• 25c SELECTED FILLET HADDOCK O9c Avtraa* wtighl 11—16 lb«. LAMB'S LIVER • • "• 39c FRESH CAUGHT (JSLICED BEETS • • • 2 - 21o lh SflCtD lilittd) FLOUNDERS - 23c QSH0E STRING BEETS - • - 10c LUNCHEON MEAT ' • ^ 25c SFUCIfD HfSH fRESHtY CUt FLORIDA SHRIMP ••> 69c Q SWEET POTATOES • • 2 »-. 17« CHOPPED MEAT • "• 49c

LARGE VINE-RIPENED CALIFORNIA So Soys Mr. Petetrson, Vice Prtsident

of the Citizerjs Trust Company. CANTALOUPES

Mr. Peterson is In a position to know, for he handles not only col- CRISP ICEBERG lateral loans, but many other types of business loans. FROZEN FOODS LETTUCE - CIAS !?-•» p»>f 15 ORIfN SIANt ll..n(h ilylt) -- ICVol p Question: Who can mak* a collat«r«l Joan? TENDER YELLOW LARGI SUGAR SflNACM - H-si fkfi COIN OM COi Answtr: Anyone who can produce Jood collateral for the loan. } sort to a pVo j SQUASH - 2"- 19c PINEAPPLES - 25c MIXfD Qutstlon: What is good collateral? !| [ JTINT WHOLE BEETS - • «- 1T« i . Answer: Bank books, stocks, bonds, insurance policies or any collateral of ODICED CARROTS*' - . - - 1(N sound and marketable valife. i ( jCREAM STYLE CORN . . - fOt Question: What is the interest rate? || (JKERNELETTES • • - I »«!3t fOR ONI WIIK ONLYI Answer: This is fixed by the amount of the loan and the type of collateral, It ifWIR „ jVEQETABLE SURPRISE 7--2U is lower generally than unsecured loans. 5c COUPON NAVE GOME TO HUBS! | i GARDEN PI AS • • • I-"•tit Question: How long is required to mal^e such a loan? , []PIAtin


Federal Dtpeill lniur«nee Cti Fnwli

PMpei wm vejfi vsMniifi n» THI SUMMIT HiMin THUMBAtt JUNI t. cant Mparatc aftadas and »» tax be small comfort to tb« 28,000,000 London Mvwnl months since, ha bought tfcU'tte Ru departments and problems. Parking must be reported that torn* at bis English oa some sharply restricted saala; American! who may dW in tht believed »o strongly ia the vt'ft DEATHS friends with long service ia Mos- ratted to a level of community service. No we want world police and Inspec- opening atomic assauH to know (Continued on page ?» " Mr*. Thomas Daly that an equal number of tht longer can the problem be handled by the Mrs. Jane Barnet Daly of J7« tion force* powerful, enough to SUMMI individual merchant who sets aside a small enforce disarmament and to halt enemy will promptly join them Morris avenue, died Saturday, June across the River Styx. 3. in Overlook Hospital after a aggression anywhere in the space on his property for the convenience of In modem time* we, have at- long iilneM. She was born ln Belle- world; Ve want an executive his customers. He helps the over-all prob- tempted to prevent war by the ville and bad lived here for the body, perhaps a veto-lesa »ecurity use of two major devices: first, Ntw )*n*t •tuaeal lem but can never hope to solve it. He—and last 35 years. She wu the widow council responsible to the world the balance of power, which the resident who depends upon the local bus- of Thomas Daly. .•• Mjembly; and we want a system failed disastrously in 1914; and, Mrs, Duly le«vwi three sons, Eu- of world courts having jurisdiction •*« ivm is* iness district for his economic needs—require second, collective security under Auait iui*»« of CttwiisttJes) ^ gene, John and Thomas, Jr., of to interpret and enforce the UN' ample' and convenient off-street parking as the old League of Nation*, which (COEtmains Tn» summit Summit, all employed in the Sum- Charter and- law# enacted under exploded in 3839. Now we seem much as he requires good schools, good play- mit Herald plant, and three it and to try offenders against bf to be baaing our security on a , i Bank 8tr*#t. Summit, In BUJBDOU. grounds, paved streets, sewers, police and daughters, Mrs. Virginia Evans of the peace of the peoples of the t\%tM matter October precarious balance of fear, with- Newark and the Mitweai Mary and fire protection, and all the other services earth. out any real confidence - that rt Sr»» h Fortx* act) C*rl 8. Hiil«$_ Elisabeth, both of Summit.. The that go to make a community desirable. In brief, we want at least a will work either. ID »<]**&<:• latter also i» employed at the Her- rudimentary world government Back copM 10 It might be well to add that community ald. She leaves.also three sisters If the solution is government, S- Garis Bdltst which can stop a potential Hitler, Norman parking should only be adequate for the and three brothers, Mrs, Mary as I believe it to be, and not Be*trie* It Arthur AsJvtrtisisf bring him to the bar of justice Publisher community. Summit does not want parking Luiouiak, Mra. Bertha Hett, Mm leagues or alliances or a balance Carl S Hulttt .., and h»ng him, if necessary, be- of power, nor yet a balance of facilities greater than it needs. It does not Loulaw. Burke, John, George and It it tarneuty rtqurafd thm fatau !•* •«*- Howard Burnett, all of Belleville. fore our civilisation has been fear, then the obvious question is, ((return 6f $ubmiHmd •• «uly ia iW A aim to set itself up as a metropolitan shopping The funeral was from the Me- turned into another shambles. 'Will Russia enter the kind of poiiifWe. Copt tttritmd «/l«r 5 p. M area. It only wants convenient and sufficient Namara Funeral Home, ? Summit The world quite patently if not limited world government we MOTORISTS FROM ALL AROUND SUMMIT mot /in«» lo fc« ttmilterl from Thurtdmy't ism*. parking for those who-live here plus those avenue, at 9:80 a.m. on Tuesday, a community from the point of have in mind?" And my answer All Utlmrt to tk* editor mmmi a* tignmd mmd has to be that I don't know. in the general area who are drawn here geo- thence to St. Teresa's Church view of religion, or sociologically, DRIVE HERE TO SAVE ON FINANCING mam** mill ev fmttiithmd mnlt— n all Dtptrtnuots - •uasatst Burial wu in the parish cemetery. munity In this one respect; all I do. And we cannot know until u general disarmament and limited live, or bank, or buy your car, find out, BEFORE you sign the pur. THVRSDAY,nrsm t of its peoples—Including the peo- Lock Your Car! Harry E, Butler world government, plus an over chase agreement, bow much Smaller your payments will be by financ- ple of Soviet Ruula, who are only ing through... ,. ' I Lock your car. • Funeral services for Harry R. now beginning; to recover from II settlement of the cold war, Parking Authorities That may appear to be a routine sugges- Butler, 82, who died at his home, the fearful ravages which they shall have been offered to the In these series on community parking we tion, even a needless one, but mounting auto 06 New England avenue on Friday* Buffered at Nazi hands—all the Politburo. June 2 after a. lone Illness, were have on past occasion! made several mem crime records prove otherwise. earth's peoples hate war and fear Let me make my ownattitude Summits FIRST NATIONAL held In the E. P. Burroughs sc war and would banlah it forever CORPORATION tions of a Parking Authority, or a parking perfectly clear. I loathe the Rus- MEMBER rtnntAL DKPOsrt OF the thousands of cars stolen yearly a Son Funeral Home, 309 Springfield If they could be taught how. sian dictatorship and I do not avenue on Monday afternoon at 3 agency. Some explanation is due at thit great majority are left unlocked, with the have even \ the slightest stomach o'clock, conducted by Rev. Elmer What would be the result of a point on the subject of a Parking Authority, for socialism |Ln any of its forms. keys dangling tantalyzingly from the switch. P. 'Francis, rector of Calvary Epis- world plebiscite on this question, not excepting the variety called which is actually a specal board or commis- Many of these cars are recovered later, scarred copal Church. BUrial was ln Rest- "Shall thla planet be 90 organized sion established to handle • -city"* parking and damaged by vandals, or with radios, ex- land Cemetery, East. Hanover. at to provide a legal basis for as- "creeping'' socialism. You see, I suring peace?" If *uch a plebis- am a Wall Street lawyer and program. . „ j tra tires and other accessories missing. j Mr. Butler, whd formerly lived S on Overlook road, was born in cite were honestly conducted, also, Heaven help me, a public- A Parking Authority is not a method of Police blame much of the increase in car New Zr-al«nd and came to the would there be 1 vote in 10,000 utility lawyer, and I am deeply financing but is rather an important re- crimes on youths'out for 'joyrides' or merely United States when a boy, had re- against that proposition? Would proud of my modest membership bent upon vandalism. They lay much of the sidrd here for the last fifty years. \you vote against It? in the financial community. Fur- lated matter for it does, in many instances, \R«ymond Swing haa aaJd re- thermore, I have no desire to go have financing powers. There i* a precedent blame upon motorists who fail to lock igni- | He : (i former cashier with the ; Now York Life Insurance Co., and cehtly that "the. greatest revoluj- on living in a world which has for creating a special parking agency. There tion, windows and doors before leaving their j retired 17 years ago. He was a tionary fact ,of our times Is this: lost the great freedom* we Amer- are numerous special agencies for other .nu- cars even for just a few minutes'. They point [ members of Overlook Lodge No. that th* effective primary mili- icans cherish. But I vvould not tary defense of civilian popula- Evary family needs clearly defined merous important municipal purposes such at out that an unlocked car is a 'joyrider's meat', 163, F&AM. His wife, Louia* S. have it* on njy. conscience that I EHis Butler, died in 1943. tions and areas against destruc- have failed to do what an indi- funeral information before it is port authorities, bridge authorities, mosquito he doesn't even have to break in. He just tion by a foreign enemy he* be- vidual can to prevent shedding called upon for decisions. It should control agencies, sanitary agencies and flood- climbs in, turns the key, and the car is his Mr. Butler lravcs a daughter, come Impossible—Impossible in the blood of my own or my have all the facts concerning the control agencies. Parking Authorities have until it runs out of gas. Police can't control Mrs. Dorothy Graves of Charlotte, Guatemala, Imooesibk in Russia, neighbors' children Jn a war with N. C.; a son, Kenneth A. Butler of impossible Ln Ireland, impossible cost of service and merchandise that come to be recognized as equally important, such a situation: Soviet Russia which might con- make up tht total funeral expense. Chicago; three grandchildren, and In theae United States. Oh yes ceivably be avoided without com- two ..sisters, Mrs. Julia Brownley and special enabling legislature has been Lock your car, then, every time you leave we have a species of secondary promising our principles. passed by many states, including New Jer- it, wherever you leave it. And you'll be doing and Mrs. Frank McGill, both of defense. If we are attacked, we Denver, Col, Albert Einstein has declared tey, to assist in their formation. your part in helping cut down vandalism and can retaliate devastatingly and we are now relying upon that that an offer of world govern- RobeM D. Brough / A Parking Authority should be an official the mounting number of car thefts. Frederick T. lUwvet power of retaliation to prevent a ment made to the Soviets in good organization which will act for the municipal- Frederick T. Reevea, a resident potential aggressor from waging faith would work a kind of Funeral Home what he presumably will call a ity and under its over-all control in dealing America in Penstonland here for the last 48 years, died revolution in Russian thinking. Monday at hit residence, 856 preventive war. But if our ad- And when Thomas K. Finletter, SPRINGFIELD AND MORRIS wth its parking problems on a comprehensive "Lovers of Alice in Wonderland can get a versary decides to strike first and Springfield avenue. He wu former- Secretary for the Air Force and Summit 6-0218 community-wide basis. It should be created chuckle from time to time by reading the ly manager of the Charles F. M&tt- thus obtain the overwhelming a former vice-president of United advantage of the initiative, it will by action appropriate to each municipality's Bulletin financial editor's column. For the la?e Siles Co., New York City World Federalists, returned from powers and organizational structure. Gen- editor occasionally fits a current problem in- fish exporters and importers, be- to Wonderful language. He did it recently on fore his retirement several year* FAMILY TMMAT. Tfity'lf off ho* hit fo Ah roomy 4-rfoof erally it is believed desirable that its mem- »B"'o. bership include the key officials having closely the subject of pensions. $«fon with s*n«r«ui Ivggog* ipot* tar Mpt. Shawn tort ll ff A native of Hoboken, Mr. Reeves JPIC/Al. Join* tody l/p* ayaikbk elta in MM SUPt* t*riu. related responsibilities and certain represent- "The Carpenter asserted that in 25 years moved to Summit when a child. r / atives of business property owners, business- youth would not be able to bear the old man's He is survived by bis daughter, men, important civic groups and the local Miss Janet Reeves; his parent*, pension, but Alice assured him that he was Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Planning Board The Parking Authority may; wrong.Youth would be able to do it by in- «nd three sisterw, Mrs. Janet Far- have staff workers and the powers necessary | flation. The White Queen was mystified, and rell, Mri. George Pearson, and to handle the city's entire parking problems,! asked whether Alice meant 'youth will bring Miss M«rie Reeves, all of this city. including the power to raise needed funds. i tomorrow today'. Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. from thr Robert In order to create such an Authority, it will I " 'No,* replied Alice, 'the present will dis- D. Brough Funeral Home, "535 generally be necessary to obtain state aid. count the promise of the past and pensions Springfield avenue, with Rev. Rich- Although such state assistance is not absolute-j will get smaller'. But the White Queen ard A. Rrynn, pastor of the New ly essential, it is considered desirable so that j objected; she thought pensions were getting Providence Presbyterian Church, nfflrintiong. Burial will be In Ffllr the powers of the Authority will not be thai- bigger rather than smaller, Mount Cemetery, Chatham. lenged. A Parking Authority, to be workable, " 'It's simple," Alice explained; by 1975 should have the power to: Congress will demand higher taxes to pay big pensions. Union contracts will require LETTERS 1 Lease, purchase or otherwise acquire land Drfendi World Federalists and properties, including power to take high employer contributions to pay supple- Editor, Summit Herald: by commendation, and to *ise tax-for- mentary pensions. So unions will demand I shnll be deeply grateful If feited properties. higher wages to help workers meet high The Hprnltl would publish my 2—Obtain funds necessary lot financing its ; taxes. The corporations will demand hipher roply to MIM Mary Petrie'a lettr.. Stncorply yours, 1 rm#>rationoperations including the making of studies prices to oapavy hiehehigher taxes ananrdl der«! govrrnmrtit; Normandy, you slip into its front seat—every cars—how buoyantly road-free a sell under suitable conditions. Buick is. 6—Sell or otherwise dispose of property no of it« opinion about newspapermen. It is no Rrittftny und Burgundy were al- sweet and ea»y mile you travel longer proper to regard journalists "anrl par- inont rnntirumlly at wnr until in it. longer needed for packing. thpy were ^!end«*d into France; Pntw ticularly editors" as "a bunch of scruRs." 1 at Mrfra (M( «ii>ntmn Into a A Ha*f*fmM> Atwttnlttr •htm h» *ald to less unofficial such at • Parking Committee. onr of our npfnhftm, "I grt It; swresr moi, tnm 011 Its membership should by all meant include ill w# «ppd I* a cort«, a rop and tottty 0li1* rimt, In* • representative of the Planning Board Wan* Ordinarily the proposal for federal li- n rourl," ning Boards usually hive in ftww filet many censing of movies, advanced fey Senator John We t)nit*f! WorM rM»«r»liita of the basic data which a pit ling commission •on of Colorado, would! be considered to pr«- proi»«»#! that Ui* UN ht tr*nf»- will rtttd-* such as growth and dtvttopmtttt that it would scarcely merit mious Int* a world fovBrnrncnt hut «qVnttat« p*y*K»r information, automobile ragtttratton data. But in thin day and agt it would | ,"„' In IIH0 with the m»p« classifying land «§•§. mi *•!«#• mi stem to b# more true than ever that ttemal madp. hy future development proposali urttsth often vigittne* ts tht price of liberty; ill sorts Tyrlfnfg Jiim « f«*w ba*e received official ftnetiMt. Tttott of scheme* tft flying about and most of w# Off*' thf» n»ff««tty for In charge of planning §etWt§e» usually tMtvt i rttsarmampnt -.- mtiltl * tatwmi di« th«m, w!ld-eyed though they be, threaten ir}niment-~of ill th#» nW«it» of wttltti if ifitermitkw #tt itiitltfi «fetefc,'4« ttm %m curtailment of our precious Artier!- SUMMIT BUICK CO. the e»rth not Itnd thtmselvt* to reports, m«f* or or which for t«rn# reason have nm ttttn rt~ Th# «sai*st wty ,t«i dtmollsh the Senator's emits*. W» «¥»nl a tmlmG tfn rh«rt#r which Franklin Flaie* Summit, H. ewd»d In auth form wt»uld b* »o ««ttnd it into somt th# Present day pattting and traffic i* too of ttpfttwfim in which It would quickly nt th* and win f»rovl4* for important • municipal matter to tw tf*«t«f Irjr tw r*due*d fo in innurnity-Mitith 11 tht ban their ftiwlahfhimt; w*> want m casual met** Ptfttiitg It • «effn*tt nttfnitip§! f g of Pilgrim's Progftti''' on the ground \ r«apon*iMHty and M *mh itomM t* tafit (t* Atfmm dttt Hunvtn, 1ft iisthor. had dent time in sphere <-itr.*rv»a# th* in Important*} equal tn etfet* Jitt. *>tMu>* trf THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE t. t»SO I HTPPC **#* w**" *!** to* Wast as you, u I would ask any Ameri- of United World Fe I «*»** tell you that a did you last talk to Joe?" lowing passagea from an article u It is only fair to «ay that th« written some montha ago by " ^^ U the beat interests of Russia chanoei probably are agaiiwt Thomas K, Finletter, Secretary of ITS OPENING WEEK I and its rul«», and which will RuMian acoeptance. If I were the Air Force and a founder of I nuke it possible to rats* stand* making book upon that proposi- United World Federalists, ia com- j WOMEN |*rd* of Uvfiif throughout the tion, I would give aubstantial oddi menting upon the famoua Fin- !_._ i||i«l«is tff TTT-ntf*"*'''1 •* water rises fcn a lock afain*t a favorable answer from letter report, which, aa you will | iwiU be acceptable to the Polit- the Kremlin, but even the slender recall, recommended the develop- buro. But I am incilacd to ask pcwaibllity of achieving peace ment of a 70-froup American air AT THE NEW throu'gli world government pre- arm: aentj a hope so dazzling that the " • • Our military policy is erfort* being made to lead Amer- only the' negative side of our i ica la that direction certainly foreign policy. It will give u« nierit th« expenditure of ray mar- only a short time to do the ginal time and marginal energy; positive things which will pro- ye«,, and marginal money, too. long peace; for it ia Inflamma- Curtis. If, M you say, 'The fate of the tory, By Its nature it can be ESQUIRE world liei in Rosaia's hand*" and only a temporary policy. Time .'rf •••* if, ai you •uggeurt. It is "ridicu- is running out, and we must loiuT to imagine.that the Polit- make haste with our politics buro would accept even a limited for peace. • • If our Air Report Become a Secretary world government, then we ob- is to be of any service to the viouily need not leas than a 70- country, it will, I hope, make Men's and Boys' Shop* aTAET TRAININQ JUNE 26 group air force, plus equally for- ^ refww fe» • frrf«rte4 aeeretarial position in a bmA- it doubly clear that present mttBC fMi — ntim, merehaaiisinc, advertisinf, eto. midable land and naval forces, world political institutions and •*»« acoelentod coorses for high school plu* the complete rearmament of relationships are completely in- «•» Dlstinfwishea faculty. Per- Western Europe, including CJer- tolerable; that the United States serrfcc Bus aocommodatiNiB. n»any\ and plus also, if we really must stop thinking in term* of OUR OPENING SPECIALS ARE REAL MONEY-SAVERS I Wttu Csmllausit Cesasitttse f »r cstalef wish to prepare, the redistribu- what cannot be done; and that tt rY««s«ct &r«««, £e*t Orws-e, A./. OHena;* I tion of our urban populations and it must instead focus 1U entire FOR THE MAN OF THE FAMILY . . . OttMT •srsiilty •rfci»ba Mtw Tort IT, 4» L*Hast«B the decentralization of our in- foreign affairs policy on ellm? WMta flala* «.*.,» Gran* SU dustry. Of course the coat of inating war as an institution of ch a program would be astro- human affairs." >mic«l and could not be accom- I am deeply grateful for your STRAW HATS ...... 1.98 DRESS SHIRTS . r ,..,... 2.15 bed without converting Amer- interest in the world government SOCKS ....V...... C/....., .S5 BERKUJV SCHOOL!into a barracks state, with problem. SUMMER SLACKS .'. 4.50 th« limitations upon our ba#ic Cordially and sincerely yours, freedoms which that ugly concept A. J. G. PRIEST. SPORT SHIRTS ...... _£..... 2.50 implies. POLO SHIRTS .... :V.\;;.... .1.75 NYLON SUITS ...... 23.50 Perhaps that in the w»y we PBA Baseball Notice Wfctrt J Whet You Wont In— must go, but if we wl»h to Junior High Boy» Interested In quicken the conscience of the playing in the P.B.A. baseball world, if we wish to equip our* league this summer are asked to FOR THE:_IOYS • • • selves with moral armament as turn in their names to the BoaTd well as military hardware, then of Recreation Office at Memorial POLO SHIRTS 1.4t the least we can do \B to offer Field. SUMMIT limited world government to the ALWAYS CONVENIENT PARKING Practice and play will begin, Russians and mean it. Inciden- next week. \ DUNGAREES ...; i...... 1.2S " '. tally, there could not well be a more effective weepon in the cold war than an offer of limited SOCKS ;. .3* world government made to the ONE Russians in good faith, an offer which would enable us honestly SPORT SHIRTS '1.4t WE RACK UP iACH OF to say to'the Russian people that CLAIM WK MAK5 their leaders could give them but- NfW JERSEYS tRV OUR COAL ter Instead of guns, a consumers' economy instead of a war econ- HOPALONG CASSIDY SPECIALS I LARGEST omy, if only they were willing Wa'r* rMdy with •xtr« Wiah to accept the one proposal which for your Summer ncadt HATS ...... 1.95 SOCKS ...... APPLIANCE can provide security for Ivan $ Ivanovich In Moscow and Jack LOANS 25-'5OO SPURS , 1.00 POLO SHIRTS DEALERS McKay in Glasgow and John MAO! IN ftfCOUD TIMII Smith In Kansas City. Phon« John Broiey today Your lack of confidence in legal DONT MISS THESE AND MANY OTHER processes is interesting, but it hardly requires any comment SU. 6-6120 TERRIFIC VALUES AT THE NEW For Immadista from me. A* for your suggestion Action! that we United World Federalists Lomni to Both Men & Womtn! "start now by working on Rus- Lie. No. 736 1 sia," let me say as gently as pos- sible that we already arc extend- Esquire Men's and Boys Shop ing ourselves and our resources lr. our effort to make our follow 325 SPRINGFIELD AYE. American* understand the reali- EASTERN FUEL CO. (HFTWEEV KINGS AND SCARS) ties of this grim moment in hu- M41.N OFFICE ASD SHOW BOOMS* M3 BROAD STREET man history." FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE Maia Stat« Opea Every Evening . Your final implication Is tha| "appeisement' In the hidden Ilm — 12 Bccdiwewt Read Phone i Su. 6-0006 EAST SUMMIT HARDWARE GARDEN TOOLS • IULK SEED PHtmiZER COOK ft DUNN PAINTS • HARDWARE YOU'LL BE MONEY AHE/W WHEN YOU HOUSIWARK Open Sunday Morntnm IN AH 0LEISM0BILE 101 PABK AVENUE SU. 64)132 MAKE A DATE WITH A "ROCKET 8" FoimkheUa's Department Store SPECIAL KEDS ft GOODRICH SNEAKS MBI'S & ROTS* — Rtf. S3.7S

NOW 2*95 A OMLU aOTOM VMM • ARROW SHIRTS • MISSIS • WDIIS' HOSI • RARO CORSITS • SILK LIMOIRII PARK AVENUE Stl. 04109 EAST SUMMIT DELICATESSEN K K»OLI0 Hf THE WIATHER— SUMMER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! OttOEK NOW ... YOUR FA VGBITK HRANnOFBEKRORALE * CAUSU. 6-4493 tXirfflSSs^itttf AIHWOM ««MIH onM tiM • ti«a N«w *|l" If l»w#f prl««d ftr "MI mnn •« Now TW «*B *«** Anwrfwi • top pw» th!§ hi| fnTfiMtirn alar-'-at ihfs If»t*ft«t «*«•! *v«rl ' pfwwlon plant g$wa ymi fr^atw Ami jmtt "W" it • »IW lnvfilw«wl« |i«»Mnf M ~ lAHHELU'S MARKET it* fammii **Ro«k«t Kn|liii if •JHMW! Th»f*i w» w«r« b«|« tm twif• I" ffmw! OMt» iwi why ynur Mvirtjli If* frfit It km** prtMiil yw At\i§ •« **H8"t Try tMi SP1CIAL H>* IMS WIIK ISm. wnflrtth** thin if«, OUmMUH p§eh«rf, mhu-pmlud mt ttdtft WOM OUR UpUOR STORE \m\ UM • rtiu /w i ikriUlitg "Item" rt*l OLDS MOBILE MHVILIGE WHISKEY 1 mamm wmaumvmM tm A tm wumm m • mm * m ©i« PHONI TOUR NIAIII? OtDIMOIIH OIAHII 14,41 fkm Summit $*lfM§ SPRRCO MOTOR C0.» INC. w $ttU 11/ MWW AV&NVK »#./, «, MITM 1.

; % -. •K =A-^J- - r r - spiastvVsfei THE SUMMIT HiRAtP, THURSDAY. JUNE Itrfcutoy Bravft BtaT Church Guild Playground tc Newark Royak, 4*1 Plans Costume Design Berkeley Heights TOWNSHIP — The B e r k • 11 y Holds Dinner Bravea recently took the meuure Prize Won by TOWNSHIP—Diamond Hill Start 8-Week of the Newark Roya.la, behind • For Girl Scout Church Guild, met last week at the Gill Scouts Win well pitched game by Johnny Tu- home of Mr. and Mrs. M*rk Mr. riano, who pitched three hit ball. July Day Camp Columbia Student TowMend, Diamond Hill road. Session, July 10 The Royal* averted a shutout by TOWNSHIP—Jamei Gartl*i»a, Mra. Herman Wilde, chairman, Varied Awards ' TOWNSHIP-Sumraer play. %mTlng ,u loM TOWNSHIP—AU thi* la*t we«k TOWNSHIP-A Girl s,„•., ln the last the teacher* of Columbi* School, 13, eighth grader in Columbia announced that the committee had ground activitit* will begin here innjng Court of Award* was held TtdZ oard Completes Commencement at Berkeley Height*, were distribut- School recently took top honors completed plans for the annual Juiyy 10 end last eighg t weeks, dinner which was held hurt night day «t Column s^^ ^ ing to ell girls folder* giving final among Junior high entrant* of brownies, scouts end their « , •Towj-ship Coromittei-man Chark* ^ r hj »b r information about the Girl, Scout New Jersey in a costume designing at the William Pitt, Chatham. r w gtudy of Tws'p Columbia School M Monica said Tu€»*lay. | Btich«n«. 30 3 0. 01 Koicra, cf 4 0 Mm. R. J. Brittain, Twin F«" 0 Oj Wllllimi, e * 0 Day Camp to be held on July 11-14 contest sponsored by the Metro- Rev. Arthur A. Schuck, pastor, ell road, greeted the group Kat N The program will be held daily B»™h'«it. » '» 0 0! McCu«k»r. If 3 2 and July J8-21, Tuesday through spoke. Rev. and Mrs. Roger Evans KUMtl, lb •' 3 1 'II Ur«n, 3b 3 1 politan Opem Guild of New York bearers were Lynn Naaon, Q^, Set for June 19 - from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Co Friday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. of Hackettstown, were guests. ionimj Needs :umbia School playground. Activi Bnvrnko, cf 3 U 2 Tomue'tl, H 3 0 City. His prize-winning sketch in Hentt, and Janet Griffin: and .J •"TOWNSHIP--Following « pub- TOWNSHIP-n t-xt-r- 20 1 0 0 Puqualt, lb 3 I The campers will meet at Camp Mrs. Towruend presented a skit tics will include craft work, *j>orto, Hudock, rf 2 0 0 Wrriicr. 2b 2 0 0 water colors waa a a design for a color guard consisted of Mar-VJ ye meeting Friday night, the cmea for 40 pupil* at Columbia Huravk, c 2 0 0 Mutucco, rf 1 0 Lion, Valley road at 10 a. m. for and new officers were inducted. day tripe and u weekly contest. 10 costume fqr the heroine of the Blair and Linda Seija* ri flanning and Zoning Board corn- School will be held June 19 et 8; 15 D Nlckoli. p 2 0 1 DflDucir, iit 1 swimming. At 11 they will be taken Among the chairmen who re- recreation Turiaoio, p 3 0 Brownie promise w«s p.m., in thf »rhoo! auditorium. *"«» by bus to the camp alte behind Co- opera, "Aida,' ported at last week's meeting gU(n hy its romidiration Monday Helen Dubok and Patty iw 23 t 3 Tolatt 2» 4 T lumbia School. Dismissal will be James, who entered Columbia Total* were: Altar, Mrs. W. V. Dunk el; •end. township. Newark Roytlf 0 0 0 0 0 1—1 at the camp site at 4 p. m. School in September of 1M9 after community service, Mrs. Muk Baiu 1 uc»u«y. Berkeley Bravt* 12 0 0 0 Among ththrf decUJoni reached! Alfred eldinger, ctaw pr«»d.-nt,.| R«"»o received a B. S. degree in E. Van Allen, the bus operator, attending schools in Valley Stream, Townsend; world citizenship, MM. Investiture service for Br<>•*•„ P ,he inclusion in Claw A 15 |corae thf guefe. CaJI Shaf-| >duc«tio ,at Newark Teacher* CJol- has agreed to make stops in the L. I., was encouraged to enter the Ralph Urich; membership, Mrs. Fly-upo wa» conducted by Mr, wu w)1!we andn a rnairter's degree in edu- Zon'e of all tovsiwhip land east of' frr end David Hoflti-rling, rntra- j 1^ and a master's degree in edu- morning, picking up glrla beyond contest by Miss Lucille Opperman, Irving Re«*e; program, Mrs. R.Brittain and Mrs. S. E. 6um» Diamond H.H road. Some of this brre of the graduating does, will cation at Seton Hall He te&chw No-Hitter Hurled walking distance. art teacher at Columbia School. Brownie leaders, who pr«, i'i P. Vincent; hostess, Mrs. Stewart m fifth grade at 18th Avenue School, He is.a pupil in the home room was in A12 Zone. Thiff will mean speuk, Gi-rtrudt" Fuchs will pkiy All girls age 7-14 may register. Beekman; and exchange, Mrs. W.the girls with fly-up pins, «nd re. Newark, of Teacher James Robinson, and that the Grn»*man development the piano and Eleanor Johr.r upprwa) will sing. The school bund, und<-r By Art Larson for quired. The fee will be $2.25 per the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mrs, Reese announced the Guild 74 r<*epectively. The Brownie "v. from the Board °* Adjustment of MW Lorraine Omowr gwat the College of St. Elizabeth. week which includes milk each Gartland pf-Mercier avenue. had increased by 27 members dur- ups were: Patty Allen, Brc^a for an exception to complete hi.« j She formerly taught at Dumont The prire-winning drawing ha* wi]| day, swimming, bus fare, and pro- ing this year. Schulz, Martha Blair, Gail Nason I Mrlif-r plans to join Ridge Drive High School nnd is now on the fac- Berkeley Braves been retained by the Opera Guild Thi program- «!.*> include prf i TOWNSHIP — For the firat gram material. Mrs. Reese announced the Guild Peggy Hartig. Betsy Gambrii-' east Some of these lots may !>'•m-nUition of the class gift by Marie j u!t* at Unicm Hi«h Sfh°o1- Medical examinations' will be and placed on permanent exhibi- had made a" profit of $75 on theHelen Duboia, Frances Altcn, Ca^ as low a* 13 000 jwjiwrc ff«t time at Columbia Field in Berke- tion at the Metropolitan Opera Bryan. Bothwell «nd Board of E<1- ' ley Heights, faiui witnessed a per- conducted by Dr. Anthony Bebblno thrift sale held May 6. ol McKni-ght, Mary Ellen Patrick A group of residents living on House in New Y"ork. After being uration President Schwartz will fect ball game, when Art Laroon, on July 5 and July 17 from 9 to 1. Linda Seija^ Ruth Meyers, Shirley Sr.yder avenue were prownt Mon- selected the sketch was shown to pr*ti plant (bottle caps.* held Jum» 15 at 6:30pm-. in th« j ing-May 31 at the home of Mrs. swim suits, cap and towel, and a school children, the week after Of Car Drivers ( srhool caU-Utin. Moth* r.f of graci- David Kuehn in~ Sycamore ave- score" but the local boya found year encta. ,Twn residents: Messrs. Jensen the range in the fjfth and scored "nosebag" (picnic) lunch. Columbia School eighth graders TOWNSHIP—Motorists In New and KurU living on Mountain av- iKitr* will prepare and «ervo t-h<- j naCi selected three plays for the The camp staff will be as fol- had taken their annual trek to New Providence Township were re- Mias M«ry Lou William*, Hi-id meal. The faculty and member^ of coming year. They are George in every inning thereafter. Rob- er.ue near Park avenue protected ert McCu«rker had a long triple lows:-- - ..•-..• York, for a Metropolitan Opera minded today by Charles M. Mon- director of the Plainfielct Area f Z the Board of EducAtion will be Batsori'n "Hamshackle Inn," _ proposed rlMignatlon of for and double to his credit. Camp committee chairman, Mrs. performance. ica, chairman of the local High- Council, presented attondanee A 10 to ft motion north of Mt gueatn. October; Hcnrik Ibscn'e "A In addition to having hLs entry way Safety Coordinating Commit- •tars and five and ten-year num- will end Jurif 21. Rupert Fuchs; camp director, Mrs. avenue to River road and from House," for Winter production, Newark Wravn Brrkelry Itraviw S. E. Church; water front director, placed on permanent exhibition, at tee to be alert for violations' of eral guards. PlalnfMd : avenue west to Town- and -V. Hugh Herbert's "For Love Mb' r h abb A.BrsrVh, rf 4 0 0 N.DeFr'o, !H Mrs. E. S. Keder; registrar, Mrs the opera hounc, James* recogni- the New Jersey Motor Vehicle and Helga Gruendling waa the only ship line. Their deeds rail f»f a BilikensHand or, Money." for April, 1931. Earl*. If 4 0 0 Wllllamf. c S Walter Hartig; coordinator, Mrs. tion for winning top honors in Traffic Law which lead to pedes- recipient of & ten-yeae.-pin.* Five minimum of 14.000 square fret The casts for "Ranwhnckle Imi" P«vl«, lb • -O 0 McCu>k«r. II fi 1 l Troop*, cf 3 f) 0 Larto'n, p W. B. Slifer, Jr.; business manager, Mew Jersey was a year's subscrip- trian accidents. During the pest year pina were awarded to Bev- and they prefer A 12 to A 10. «nd "Ifor !>>ve or Money" will bfl flrnlfi, c 2 0 0ITORI'Mf'tl. •> B ]• Mrs. R. J. Brittain, Jr.; counselors, tion of "Opera News." two months this community has Berkeley Braves Thftm'on, 3b 3 0 0|E.DpFVo, rf 4 erly Btechoff, Nancy Howard, (iio.<*n Sunday and June 11 «t 8 Jpthro. 2b 2 0 0|Turl»no, rf 1 0 0 Mrs. R. B. Weatherby, Mrs. H.S. James has shown talent in draw- participated throughout New Jer-Lynn Rulison, and Carol Johnson, Radio and TV Store p. m. at the homt? of Mr. and Hlnrs. Jb O 0 0IP«»qu»U. lb 4 2 1 ing and sketching in poster work, sey in a coordinated pedestrian Jsf Loss, 4-3 12 Riggs, Mrs. B. A Fay, Mrs Douglas Proficiency badgoa were awn« 4 to 3. Petruoly for tlu> BIN--I Three one-act play* will be Kime, Mrs. G. C. Kerr, Mrs. J. H. received int public schools. of Minnesota) opened this week Nrwark Bravr* .000 0 0 0 00 0— 0 must keep in mind that funda- Miss Emily Breene, Senior Scout Bf rkf lpy Bravea 10 0 0 2 2 5 1 x—11 DuBois, Mrs. R. Fuchs, Mrs. M. L. Following his graduation this kens went al! striking out I given in a January family night mental requirement of the lawleader, accepted two ne Senior on 422 Plair.fi<-ld avenue, Berkeley Weber, Mrs. G. E. Wrigley, Jr. month, he plans to enter Jonathan w a radio and television store, thf IS and allowing 7 hlUi, while Wer program. The Pfbble Players; Jones Awarded Varsity which says that "no person shall Scouts: Gertrude Fuchs and M ncr went thp route for tin ; the drama group's junior auxiliary, Dayton Regional High School, drive a vehicle on a highway at first in the town«hip, An Instruc- Golf Utter at Rutgers Springfield, as a college prepara- Garcia. Senior service pins ^-en- tor In radio and television at the j will prejwnt one of them. L. J. MacGreqor Renamed 1 such a speed «s to endanger the awarded all Senior Scouts 0! Blllkrna llrrkrlrj Hntvr* Robert K Jon«». Jr. of Beech tory student. He has two brothers Jersey City Technical Institute, r 111 ad life.limb or property of a person,'" Troop 22. n; N peFr'n. nb ri «nd a sister attending Columbia Mr. Reisman moved his btisinrsH AnMn. rf H ."t Spring drive, waa one of 320 Rut- To Jersey Central Board the chairman declared. "Drivers Ottftlirvr, th 4 |i\Villl«m». r n Blue Farms Meeting gers athlete* who were honored School, here from Nc>w York. A votoran, : J.ftmmii. :ti »• McCimkrr. ir :t Lawrence J. MacGregor, presi- must realize that unreasonably Higher-Priced Residence , 1 '" <)' l.nrlon, '.M> 4 Set for June 19 at the annual winter and spring dent of the Summit Trust Com- high speed la one of the most pro- who ni-rved with tho SiK-nai I!'"" '.'"' o •ijTomrnif'tl. m 4 1 ! Mr. MacGregor was also ap- Market Active in Area ' Corpn, h* waa formerly aMOciatrr] ivtmniy. . ,p 2 :i; Knlb. th 4 i I TOWNSHIP-The Blue Moun- sportu banquet at Rutgers Uni- pany, was re-elected a member lific causes of accidents—notably Knftpp, RS f>' 1 illK.IHFf'o. rf ,1 .": tain Farms Association will meet versity on Thursday. The Summit of the board of directors of the pointed to an executive commit- pedestrian conflicts—and that ac- More than double the number of with United Tranfiformor as a lab Aputo. It i I 11 rtngiTS. et 4 [ tee consisting of E. H. Werner, fine residential properties m technician. Ovi-rh Kli, rf .1 ti d Wrtnrf. p .'! 11 June 19 at the- home of the presi- man, a junior ftt the State Uni- Jersey Cwitral Power & Light Co. cidents occur only when someone northern New Jersey offered Mm RflKtnaii ia-also a RradunU- JMaJiuio. rt 1 "Idcnt, William Brown of Ridge versity, was awarded a varaity afTfhe annual meeting held May president of the utility, and Ed-does something the wrong way." I ™^ ward Morehouse of Princeton. through Previews Inc., have bcrn of the University of Minnesota. 35 7: drive west. letter in golf. 25. All officers were re-elected. Chairman Monica stressed that sold in the first four months of five principal types of accidents this year as in the same periw! of account for three-fourths of all last year. Dollar volume of New traffic mishaps in New Jersey Jersey listings which sold at $25.- year after year. The'f Ivc are: same- 000 or more this spring is up 2"? direction and right-of-way viola- per cent over the same period in tions, speed, failure to keep right 1949. and improper turns. All have been subjects of etate-wide emphasis "Somerset, Morris" and Mercer programs in which New Provi- counties arc the most active arras dence Township has participated. for the sale of good residential Beautiful model of a great idea! properties," aaid the firm, "Brok- "Through « better understand- ers i\i these areas to whom we ing of traffic problems by both Look, and you see beauty! New trend-making, pace-setting beauty inside and outl Then look deeper. .. beneath the surface! There's „_..„.______have talked within the last month pedestrians and motorists, cooper- confirm our own experience that where you find an even greater difference! Great engineering—solid quality of construction. The great Chrysler idea that means new pleasure ation In traffic should not be dif- gales of higher-priced homes and ficult to achieve," said the chair- in the comfort of a car... new satisfaction in the durability and safety and convenience of a carl Look closer still! At the workmanship ... at inquiries for them are at the high- man. "Pedestrians, to do their eat level of the past three years., the quality of the materials... at the value all tin way through that only Chrysler offers. That's what you pay for... and that's what t toward solving this ever- Price levels are holding well, about growing problem, must govern pays you back! Come look .., take the wheel... drive... there's nothing like this Chrysler. the same or possibly slightly below their actions in traffic at all times last year. There arc actually rmt BtTAUTIFUL CHRYSLER NtW YORKKft CONVERTIBLE .. .TOOAYTI STTVUt CLASSIC by the caution and courtesy they enough desirable priced-to-thp- expect drivers to practice in the market homes between $40,000 «nd operation of their vehicles." $75,000 to satisfy the demand ' Besides the chairman, the fol- lowing are serving on the local "Somerset, Morris and Mercer committee: Chief of Police D. V. counties are benefiting from the Russo, Jr. and N. J. Eick. fact that more and more people are willing: to commute and that Reasoned commuters seem to bf willing to travel further than they rrors Pave Way used to. Many of the buyorj arc New Yorkers who are moving nut of town for the first timr, and a or Smit Victory very sizable percentage arc proplf who arc leaving the closer-in sub- Over IAFC. 9-8 urban New Jersey areas for more Seven errors afield by the open country." Italian American Federation paved the way for 9-8 victory by r.FOAI, ADVERTISEMENTS J. K. Smit in an "A" Softball NOTICE , TAKE NOTICE tha Domlnlrk Pm" League on Memorial Field, May Delia has applied to the Towns'ilp 31. Thrw of these IAFC errors Committee ol New Provldenc Town- ship, N. J. for a Plenary Rc'dl i'i«- committed in the fifth allowed trtbutlon llcerwe for prernlf.es sitnat'" Smit to rirti rtvpr three runs on tn PlalnfleW Avenue, New Provl'l'nc* Township, N. J. two singles. Cashin kicked ln Objection*, if »ny, should he nun' with two timely doubles to ky nmMllntely ln wrltln« to wniiinn < Russo. Township Clerk. }\nW ) the groundwork foe two runs. HM«htii, N. J. DitPd: June 1, 1950. J, K, Until <»> j i*rc; <»» (Signed* ab r 11 T »t» T DOMINIOK PAUti r* ,s j3 r»«J\ln, Jb 4 2 31 I I $3*1 r rf?*-1 P»mh*]it>, <• 4 n Z|PI*ttiHI, »h 8 fl 1 Apt««-y, if BO 0!M» Mor'lffl. rf 4 2 0 NOiiiCE ' AUntrn, Ih 4 llilWUian, rf 4 0 TAKE NOTICE thut Ch»ries I.» »'^ ntirioir'n!, 3b 5 llPfrcw, <• 4 10 h»» ftppllfrt to the Township (""^lil. I.uH'n'vlr, .lb J 1 Mo.Mofo. Ib4 I I te» 0C New Proridenee Town»l>lp. f" /• C«pii(i*l, •< J 1 J.IInf*, 2b 3 n 0 for ft PK-nnry Retull Con»utnji!lon iy Ronnnno. rf 4 Zflltl, '»< 1 It 0 cerwi» for prenilMn ultuntfd *' '!";!.„ Ktitmlrk, p 4 1 AKIrrn, If 3 1 1 .id plilnfteld Or«!l!, rf 4 2 0 3 2 0 Pr»»lcJenc« Townnhlp, N. — tlon«, If «ny, »ho^. JO M t »tely In writing to *MW, Town»hlp CJlerk, Htlghti. N. 3. ) o i * a n o i d: Jun« I, J950 T*m h««» Wlf - C»«hlri f «81gnfd) CHARIiM I<«f Oak«s Memorial to Mark Chtldrtn'i Day Rodio tt T»Uvl*ion Children'* Dny will be ob»»?rvH Bonded Repair In Onkwi Mcm«r>ri«l M«th«d!#t «'onfr«(" Churrh Bundny *t ll ».m. Ml*« um Byk.om I* rh«drm«n ajmitt«d In by Nimm Sykorii, Mrs. J»»MI IMn Mm^. (Imlr t AHIO RiMlio mtri <*C dewmHond (• H F John- B«Hc*ky Co, ton »illng th# country* theiVi built-in valu* «|MMMlt. S«f*«f*jiM»<» part* f«r IflWM" W»" twdhKhNi 'Cmtmr-mm Pm*t**$ , , tan tm4 C<«rr)rln«-tho|r ntrt n!1« for im 9Hmritloti nf p»«# «n4 woffitn Mi ehlMrm't tloitm, Mi

Ml hm MM f tttuM, MEYER-WERNER MOTOR CO. HwUm, It H t, amm mmm i« mm m am At it A j Ail* THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE. I. I9S0 m 9 HighDepartment r» ,Gregory _, of parmu. making their profei-, 17, a Church School pknic for the Children's Day Set Badger, superintendent.- will co-' *'iCm '°f faith, and promising to | children 'andI their parent* will W ordiiwte the prcttnuiiun, a.nd give bring thi:r rhiidrrn up in the i held at Oakwood Park off Com- nurturf- and admonition . of the ; mrnwealth avf-nue, from two to «x lforoiigh For Presbyterians the word* of welcome to the j>«r- I^orc'• Awards -»-;;i be given for '• p, m. Game*, content, prisea, aad en:a. The Sacrament of Baptifm perfect attendant-*. *ince RaJIy Day ; fun for «!! .are in *tore for tht af* wit) be adtnin^sifmi by ' K.\ last Fa-1: ' ternoon, w.Wch will rnd with a At June 11 Service Richard A- Bryan to lh« children _, On th<- following Saturday, June , picmc^box supper. BOROUGH-The Church School United Vacation Boro Junior High of the Presbyterian Church will hold iu annual Children'* Day Service of Worship s.t ?!e¥«n Church School' to To Graduate Class o'clock next Sunday morning. The theme of the aervice U "My Wit- Commence June 26 Of 32 June 16 nesie*." and will present the work of the school by th» children in BOROUGH—ThUG e tfairt annual BOROUGH-^Junlor High School Vtion Church School" graduation June 16 in Lincoln each department over the pa*t j ,rBltfti U> Window Shop, Mapl* »tr«ii> their name, their children'! W('Mjvllb-| 5 0 0 ««hrt. it • ft I 1, mf Amedeo Rugglero, Vito Sabia, 8—Thura., 8 p.m Arnerican Le- rmes • ' • . ' • • N . - . . • names, «ge, address, phone num- K.ntrfo. rr « a s| vuntii, ib « n n Carol Smith, .John Stcplp, Patricin gion Post 433 will meet in the Boro Softball N.Hfrr'e. P 6 0 I\"9*BV4", t> 3 « t • .. school grade, and Church Turiano, p 1 0 It "C»rr*»n," p i e l; "CT—Aiw4eher*i—!Sc day. war nf Firit Natlnnal Rank, Mapla str»»t •ntruira. b r Westbrook, Sally Williamson, Jo.*- Fire House Hall. School attending. Mrs. William J. BOROUGH — Carlonea poated I Proc*«lnt 1 e-ph DelMonte, LoiaKubach, Jamc* 8 -Thurs., 8 p.m.—The Pftca Club "D"—>d}aeent I* (irand I nion. DeFnrest entranca. METERED ana, twa and tar«* their second straight win in u Tot«1» 43 « 13 i ToUU . Ohan. 18 Grant avenu«, Murray McMahon, " Jean £liotw«ll and Auxiliary will meet in the Hil! is the regUtrar, and will Club House, many starts in the Boro Softball Brtvei . ~i. J'"B" f> a a S~ Spohiortd by the Summit Arts «f th« Chunbw of femmerr* . Nicnolas Prooaccini. New Pro, 0001011SO ULk* regtotwtioru (Su. 8-4262M.) fl—Fri., 6:30 p.m.—Senior P.A.L. League by defeating Perilloa, B-8, Mrs. Ohan will atoo eerve as reg- May 31. JK. Smlt went eight In- baseball—Qakwood Field nings Monday night defeating the ificred nurae for tb« echool. Bonnit Bum 12 -Mon., 6:30 p.m.—Girls soft ball TOWNSHIP -AR of Mfly 22 Paca Club, 11-10, Apatchy hit for - Oakwood Field. the circuit for Smit. Mo Graduate June 10 there were 289 patients in Bonnie 13-Tues,, 3:45-P.A.L. Boy's Jr. BOROUGH -Mise Jean Radtke, Burn Sanatorium, Scotch Plains, Ixwgue Baseball — Oakwood Jun* ft Ktaiullnt* daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Laurence it was reported yesterday by the ' Field. W. Sanatorium. Ten of the patient* Tarlonf* .. .. 2 V. Rftdtke of Springfield avenue, 14—Wed., 12 ntvon—fhe-Afternoon ,T. K. Pmlt . 1 NEW PROVIDENCE are cardiac cases, the other* tu- Group of the Wfi.CS. of the Perlllos 1 N'cw providence, will be graduated Alrro o from Lawrence College, Appleton, berculosis Cflflffl. Methodist Church will hold its I.fglon . . :.. n o YOUR COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTER — WHERE PARKING IS NO PROBLEM Wis., on Saturday. annual picnic on the church P»c» Chib grounds, followed by a Pledge Jun« IS Clamc The new art center at the col- WSCS to Hold Picnic limit vi. Prrllloi lege, made possible by a gift of BOROUGH-Thc annual picnic Service. Jlunii 13 Gtntt 1.1 - Fri., 6:30 p.m. -Senior P.A.L. I'ara v», Cwrlonn 5260,000 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles lunch of the WSCS of the New June 14 ()»m» t H Worcester of Chicago, will be Providence Methodist Church will Boy's Jr. Lo«gue baseball— I.pglon VJ, Alrco Oakwood Field. All tuifi [.l»yrd at Otkwooil I dedicated commencement week. be held June 14 at noon at the starting «t 1:45 p.m, . SINCE 1914 A SAFE • Miss Radtke Is co-social chair- 17-Sat., 6 p.m.--Joint picnic sup- church. Mrs. Clifford Borden will Prrlllon Ckrionrn man of Alpha Delta Pi, social com- lead the clcvotione, Hoetcws will per-Methodist Social Club PLACE TO SAVE find the Evening Group of the «h r mittee and a member of the Ger- be: Mra John A. Boycc, Mrs. Ar- Ailocro J 0 0| Uulr A. V. MAZZUCCO < n (l! Carlone man Club, the college choir and W. S.C.S. on the Church Cnrillllo nold Oppenhcimrr and Mrs. John Grounds. . . Plena 1 r«rtot Win* QrocariM radio players. Laflaplo « .1 1 Cublnon 01 David.*. » 17- Sat., R p.m. Pae« Chib Social :i 0 ijcjurnn 1 n Mr. and Mrs. Radtke plan to :t n nj llfffrrnan 2 2 8|. Delircrirt Cold Cute Meeting in tho clilb house. l.lquora travel to Wisconsin for the com- Mmxlntft '.' (1 II lArnrr * 2 1 HILL CITY SAVINGS At Business Conference ,1 n • «| Ayrrs Thn ralemlar of event* in * a. rinnii 1 1 1 Mailr Daily ni(-ncemcnt exercises. 1 I rM»xw»ll inn Be«r Frown Foodt Don G. Mitchell of 2M Oftk Ririgr weekly feature sponsored by the- Ifisrno t (v 0 AMD LOAN ASSOCIATION W> Sell H avenue, president of Sylvania N*w ProvlrlenfB Civic (Jroup. I Mmwirro 2 1 2 Heraheya | Qfllormlnl o Secretary and Janitor Electrical Products, Inc., wa.s e Any organisation in Ihf BornuRh i TnnaccoilP Bnrrein of Irf^freum . Sought by Boro School member of the panr! discussing vvlshliiR to have d:iten listed 3 <' Sndu * BOROUGH The Board of Kdu- "High Levol Employment" at the Khouhl rail Mrs. Douglas It. Ma'dorm* 1 " NEW PROVIDENCE OFFICE C«ntral Av«nu« oM Soutti Street < aUon seelcs applications for the second annual New Jersey business Ryirson, Siitnitiit 0-2943 at least Tntalu V TolsU 31 SU. 4-3314 position of secretary and also conference at Rutgers College on our week prior to publication la {• (I 8 0 0- B janitor for consideration at its Tuesday. Mr. Mitchell represented thr isnue of the Herald In which Ptrlllo'a 1 n l 1 0 3 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE June 19 meeting. the viewpoint of industry. it is to appear. J, K. Mmtt Faraciuh Bernardo's Service Station 3 ft i PaanbcHo 2:1 Ocnnfltl 7 f, _' NEW PROVIDENCE IASEIALL CLUI vt. Kopp 0| Ktrrlgnn < I and Garage Allner« Z\ ; Toul* *i 10 Springfield Ave. Now! AM for pmn Club 2 tl 0 t 2 S 0 New Providence Hardware ,1. K. Bmit . 2 0 0 0 7 O 1 New Providence SU. 6-1845

N.P. Nine Edged and Paint Store '•A STITCH IN TIME Lawn Mowers Sharpened SAVES 9" <*1%^ Y»$, fhere's a Math AiiHyf By Berkeley Braves Order Your Next Winter Garden Tools — Rakr* — Shovel* for every income—thn« gnat Cod Supply Now lerlei covering all popular In 10 Innings, 6-5 Garden Seeds — Grain Seed price rangoil BOROUGH The Berkeley Springfield Av». ami SouHt St., New Frovidenct Braves added the NPW Providence No wonder America's switching to Boys Club to their list of victories Sit. «-31 »0 — N«Kf to Pwt Offiet GARDEN SUPPLIES & TOOLS Nash at a record-breaking pace. by be«Ulng them at. New Provl- K- POWER AND HAND MOWERS There'i a Nash for every income— FOIT PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE NOTICR SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS built with Airftyte Construction for RELY ON SWAN GUARANTEED HOSE comfort, safety and economy that's TAKK NOTICE thdt th* Pact Club Sa* tht Rambltr Newest Nash Airflyte—sensational h«« upplled to the State Dtre^tor n( INSECTICIDE AND SPRAYERS kiW with ordinary construction. th»» Alcoholle B«v«rig« Control Dlvl- Rambler Convertible Landau. Up to 30 ilnn. ineo Broati (!trt*t, N»w»r)t, N. J. FILO NEWSDEALER mild per gallon at average highway for a Club Lle*naa for premisw sll- Mgrnina - Afternoon Sunday speed! Smartest, safest, and lowest' u*t«d at Mvlngaton and Marlon Avr- L W. BALDWIN CO. n«M. M«w Provlrt*n«« BotouRh, N. 3. priced 3-passenger convertible. Open The narriM of th* officer* "f this Delivered MURRAY HILL car thrill—the safety of a sedan. Club snd th« o(fle*i thuy fill respec- New Pravldmct. N. J. SUmmit 4-5947-M tively are: Fret Delivery Su. $'0073 Pr»«ta«nt, Cottmo Corrtlllo, Fmirth 8tr««t, M«w Providence Borough; Vlff- Pratldunt, John Dantl. William Street. N«w ProYltlenc* Porfwuh; Rwortllna; 8«cr»tary, Jr««#pti Corrtlllo. Fntirth 8tr»«t, Ntw pro»irt*nc» Borough; Cor- DASCOLL'S WIEDS FOOD STORES responding 8Mr«tVT. I'OtlU Currn, itlth Btr««t, NSW Pr«v)(lpiiri> PnriniKh; Financial fi»«T»t«rt\ .fnm«>it It t.'tirro, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Sixth Btrrft New ffivlflcnri- nnrmmh; Tr*aaur«r Ralph PurUplono, Union AND DELICATESSEN BtrMt, N»w Providenre Borough; AT ONCE Chairman of th« Moi»» OemmlK»«. Open Sunday* li Co»i»!lo (Liquor Board). Firirt Springfield A*e., N««r %mn% St. Springfield Ave. tr, Ktint-at-Arm*, B»m Piuomllln, llnlnn New PmviiMMS' Ntw Providence SU. 4-1013 Itr'tt. New pmtlrt^nf* Borough fh» mniN nt th« f.rti*tnna, HI m*l*lnn S«. 4-2243 1)1, Mapl , ,t ;vAntliony (l|nr- iHigfti rJfmUtili*!t Rniatn, I^aliw Street, Townahlp of New Pro*lrt»nf*.. OHJfeMon«, If »nv, nhrmlrt hit marit lmm«llat»l)( In wrltlwn tf» thu 8t*t« W« nf 1h» nifliMni! of 5 Hr. Service t'ontrttl, lMt» nr" Irwiqht In Itfor* M & M I. Jfti*. 10 A- M WI1NHLY ST01I FOR U roomiwt In ill price cte»*~ M-» EXriRT TAILOR 3*' «fcllver» over 25 mile, * Ra|lon it RtASONAILE lw nut — WINB — LIQUORS »p! highway speed. Set the Air. RATIS '«« ^-lining Hmt, Weather MANY NEVER lH ""»«lS( 4.wheel coil iprlngi, ftfrt fit AntkmtttJml COURTESY Ptf Delivery Molt modern of Amrta't fln##t SUSPECT CAISE jVo ^arfro Chttre* CLEANERS IU. 4-1071 luxury ittftriort.,, For # Ifttwr Stroke OF BACKACHES SU. 64334 *••*(•• Or IhrUmrtt eflglftt. Now Hydrt-Milte Drive, nf 'Hinri m iw Ait BERKELEY FLORIST BERKELEY BAKERY AARDIN IllOi HOMIMADI IRIAO AND ROLLS #IAil SIIA «MMM, • mm «•», *rf TOMATO mm fpiwi w«t« nm t. M LEONETTE MOTORS HI t IMIICHCIPIS ~ SHOWROOM li'n *w« rnoNi su. t.3«st # PARTS mm. Avt. SU. M27t IROAD STRUT SUMMIT AVI. »»4«r) A €m$ktt Atmrtmmd Of Imported A SUMMIT, NEW JIRSEY DOAMS PILLS Al&*r THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE t, ifSO iisa Fetrmeco. amolnetu PeUaeooro, the Senior High School ait M»«ct» that Ja- potato Andrew Pleont, 8rJ*U Wuaaa, aaaa ,t is,». fivy e.-. c*B>piet«* »^ij M#n*#r$ Ask MM. r. P. Saeco wviewad Ov*r- Fo&aio. Roderick Forttee, Komaa Pott, Secrtfariil Training fett potato**, including the potato Margaret FreatUrgairt, lAurenet ftadt- aphid, kief bopp*r, «** beetke and protection with one application #tr#et'» book, "The Mature Mis4." it ' Increased YWC A kt, Jr., O*c*t* »M»U. Hobert R«iM. } She aaid that the challenge of Uu Wtaulow Hlchmond, Jr.. BUlMbeth RUlo, Program 20th oentury it that of maturity Jowph Romach, Ruth 8a»m. ui- and that the individual today can- Uftrtlyn Sunpeon, Ian Suadenon. PROMPT SERVICE Increased emptMuLt in the YW- ICarr BauchelU. Lawrence Scarlnct, Jr., I CA erti prof ram and additional not be *c!f-contained. JawetM SebtcpfM. Rita 8h«rry, Junu Ba«ic linfcagcw for the develop- Bhllllng. Unda SnotmaEcr, Barbara j activitiea in Uw Houatfwivaa Hoii- ShotwtU, Ju>lc« Slfltr, Andrew Socco- SPECIALISTS • day program wejre two augf«•*'*>»• ment of individual* arc: 1. A de- d»to. Charle* SpUa. George Stark, sire for knowledge 2. A mat«r« UUdred fiteeU. Joan ^ternkopf. WU- SINCE 1921 ' made by m*mbem »t the recent Uaa Btorti, Prank Strouw, Howard membership meeting The Board mind willing to accept rejponai- Tiylor, lUllard Taylor. Jr.. Ruth Tay- SALIS • SWVICf • RETAMS of Director* had asked the mem- bHity 3. The ability to see oneself lor, Richard Trowbridge. James Turley, f\atliarine ber* for Mggcetioa* which would f in relation to a group 4. A philo> Angelo Vemuto. Jr.. Chwlt-i VUnall, MONTCUIt TELEPHONffttO. 4.2277 Verla Walter*, Joan Wcrucrt, Robert guide them in eabablwhing th« i »ophical attitude toward life which WUU, MeUJcent Whltiock, Ellen Wik- ; indtidta concern for otfcer people. btrg, Otorge WillUnu. D»»ld WUllatn- l»60-3l program. Mr* L. W. Coi- CMICA60. B0»T0N. ;„ , Mrs. Sacco developed the idea that ton, WlUUm Wilwn, Anthony Y»n- MORRISTOWN lim, Jr., led the dlecuajion. notu, Marianne Yannotta. The member* eljo urged the the central conception of democ- 14 PARK PLACE . . .V* NEXT TO LOFTS continuation of clubj, c!«me», can- racy u» that it i« the person u a teen and informal program* for p*r*on in society that count*. DIRECT MAIL METERED MAIL HOW TO mOTOSTAT COPIES TELETHON! ANSWHIN6 SEIVICI «u»a. STAMPS BUSINESS SERVICE BUREAU 95 Summit Avemw SU. c-2657

Fuel and dollar-saving never before possible! BOUND FOB SUMMIT—Four of thi? five members of the Victoria Troupe, trick riders, are pictured here. They comprise one of the five acts to be presented at Memorial Field July 4 in a circus that will "I HAVE SEEM IT! highlight the city's annual Fourth of July celebration- ' ' GREATEST ADVANCE IN OIL HEAT HISTORY!" 4OHNI.KINNWVI

Robert DeMucclo, Albrxt DiRleuzo, SHH^I *• 91^1 WvV^eTe^VW 4 Nancy Oes Reis, Jean d'Este, £dwtn new... Class of 1950 at | Dlttmar, Leslie Dole?, Jan?t Doughty, Jean Edwards, Margaret Kick. Dorothy Emerson, Sandra Estep, Madge Evans, Angelo Faccla. Darld Paherty. Jean PRESSURE Summit High Lists Ftildman, Mario Ferraro, Frank Flco. with Joan Fischer, Victoria Formlchella, Kirk Fourcher. Shirley Francis, Joseph SEALED Membership of 188Gallltclll, Fortunato Oallo. Tom Gal- THRIFT lop, Lucy Oamblno, Robert Gannon, UNIT The commencement program at Louis Qarglulo, Donald Oeddls, Joanne the annual graduation exercises Genna, Rosemari*> Olustt, Edward ! of Summit High School held Tues- Ooomrlglan, Ouy Grasso, Donald Oreen, DEALER'S NAME ' day night lists a clafos membership Lafayette Orlsby. Maud Grlswold. ; ANO APDMfSSHfJtf i of 189 a* follows: Shirley Hagen, John Hanlon, Kath- leen Hanlon, Edith Hanson. Richard CLASS OF 1950 Harchol. Chris Harding, Gwendolyn «U> NEW COMPLETE UNITS £ John Ackcrman John Allen, Diana Hardy, Joan Haywnrd, Maryann Hem- Anderson, WUhelm Anderson, Thomas enway, Janet HrrbUon, Sarah Hlckok. Armstrong III. Constance Badgley, Margaret Hill. Bruce Holllater. Joan Elizabeth Baker, William Barker, Jr.. Irving, John Jahrles, Marlon Jackson, Arthur Barry. Roger Behre, Margaret Carol Johnson, Aram Kasparl«n, Irene Setts, Donnta Blrchard, Jtan Bobta, Kelly. Warren Kenncy, Joan Kejrner. Charlotte Boehs, Janet Bolce. Joseph EASTERN FUEL CO. MUHP Kuchta, Margot Langhorne. Bolash, Gloria Boorujy, Thomas Boor- Robert Leech, Dorothy Leonard, Thom- One of New Jersey's Largest Appliance Stores ujy, Mary Borkoskl, Oeorge Bovlt. as Llddy, Patricia Loaty, Dana Low, Constance BretvoRel, Dorothy Brown, Patricia Luciano., Main Office and Show Rooms 233 Broad Street Morton Brown, Olorla Bruno, Doris Jean MacDnnlels, Elizabeth Mac- Burnc t. Mary Callahan, Anthony Lchose Michael Madonna, Marmella Main Store Open Every Evening Phone: Su. 6-O006 Camp»no. Mary CanReml, Anthony Malli>o. Richard Mathlesen, Theodore Caporaso. Belle Carbone, Richard Car- MathlBon, Donald Martin, Constance bone, Theodore Carlson, Joan Caruso, Maxwell, Rosalie McCarty. Foy Mc- Noreen Cassldy. Roie Church, Mary Clellftn, Valerie Mellllo, Albert Miles, Clttadtnl. Chandler Coddlngton, Jr. John Miles, Odette Mohni, Gwendolyn Ronald Copsey, Edward Corcoran, Ches- Moore, David Moron^y, Nancy Moyer, ter Cornog, Jacqueiynn ;Croot, Janet Gordon Murray, Virginia Naef, Robert Cross. Mary Croyder, Esther Cueclnl- Npff, Gus. Nelson, Marilyn Ogden. j ello, Ir^ne Cummlng. Mary Cullfn. Mary Olsrn, Alice Paj'n«, James Pecca. j Geoffrey Daniels. Victor Dellomo. Mlcklllna Preca. Elaine Pellet, Mlche- ...with an Electric Home Freezer Dv.mtivsf rations Now I More than a money saver—the modern Electric Home Freezer ushes in a new way of living. A way that puts a whole menu of delicious meals freeze and Store just minutes away from your table. A way that ends bad weather shopping SPRING SHOWING /^ of Frigidaire Appliances over 300 lbs. ... frequent trips to the store. SHOWING Food in this New With an Electric Home Freezer you buy in thrifty quantities at the height of the season when foods are best and cheapest. . . serve when they're an out of season treat! And you enjoy such new conveniences as "all-at-once" baking. Prepare an entire month's baking in one day and pop it into your home freezer—it's ready when you want it! FRIGIDAIRE RIGIDAIRE But this only starts the story, Get all the facts on Electrk Home Freezing. Room Air Conditioner 8.8 cu.ft. Food Freezer Set /our friendly local •/tcfrici-J cfWtr today I Other Sizes in Hand 18 cu. ft. Jersey Ventral Icower & COMPANY

NOW ON DISPLAY- • HOTPOINT SUMMIT RADIO • PHILCO OPEN Electric Horn* N lumbing n«*d«d, no floor FRI. p Jot plac* in window, plug in NITES to "'a'"1 outlet and «n|oy cool, clean • SU. 6-1778 Pl«« ln Kvenlng Hlltmnlt SUMMIT Atk §mt fill %urvyt Look Outfldo! Look Intldol

1 YOU CAN'T MATCH A FtlOIDAIRH FOR HOTPOINT, FRIGIDAIRE AND GIISON HOME FREEZERS Ym wtn'i maith « Frlyltltilr* EASTERN FUEL CO. Main Otftr* «M Wwiw tUmM: •' / • EASTERN FUEL CO. 111 IR0AO STRUT (, IIIipCMWOOO Mate Ofttet mi (*#* %mnmi •fit*! r. K'. ;» " • . i til wmm if, ROAD n mn wn mm TKUKMHION uhw to RADIMiUJMMtM O SALES CORMttAMftff P MAtff iVIMW OPMW f 4 wt UTAIUIHW itn Of Hi IWHT Bass Season to Pantry Open June 15; Strained or Chopped A*Fs , Hew Rules Listed IJfcbn Baby Foods Prices >,e* Jersey's annual basa «ea»n- «;li open on June *3 to attract ' ..'juiinds of licensed, anglera to ! i'.'e numerous lake* and stream* ] ^ the State to engage in the fine j We House'

nr A Heaton Underhill, for- merly of Summit, Director, Fish Evaporated Milk the Guesswork Out of ysd Game Division, 8tate Depart- Tharc'i f\ fall AQ ment ,>of Conservation and Eco- f nomic Development, reports wide none b«t!er! dmt cini M() t '^tribution of over two million voung black bass averaging four Vegetable Shortening ',r''ies from the world-famous Hickettstown Fish Hatchery dur- rg recent years. In addition thou- Spry sands of adult bass have been j Tib. 91 31b. QCf r,c-ued in closed reservoirs and I Can c gatt-holejs and transferred to open 1 Dl anoDr uittcrs. This should be a good bass j f:;h;ng season. •. | The season will extend to No- Red Heart Dog Food vember 30- All fishermen are asked 3 diets . . . A, BandC t ,0'nnte bag limits and the legal •••'S't of the fish to be taken; during lib. .•-« open period, ' cam Under new regulations approved j ..•„.. thi State Fieh and Game Coun- ! rrade a mistake ',-• !aii. March, the legal length for I Lo Flakes 't made • •:'rgc. mouth (Oswego) ba&s during a any i;',f new reason will, be twelve price rchc;. Small mouth black base, For duhsj and fine fabrics diierence the nine inches long, may be taken marked Icsally." The minimum legal size let w of Calico Bass and Crappie la six pkg price you I inchc£. Daily catches permitted ! are ten in all of large or small Lux Toilet Soap niouih black ba&s; twenty rock For toilet and bath bus: twenty in all of Calico bass and Crappie. . j rag. Dr. Underhill cells attention to 3 tne law which makes it unlawful., to take, catch or kill in any one di>- more than 25 in the aggregate of fresh water game and food fish. Lux Toilet Soap Largo cake for bath usa largo IF YOU NEED 2 Tangerine Juice is oz.««2 f~ 25c 46 ox. CM 29« Airline Prune Juice • • • . qt. t><»». 25« A LCiAN Swan Soap Bib's Orange Juice for t>«b.«» 4 oi. c«n 10 for 93« For dishes, laundry and bath Eight O'Clock Coffee Miid & m.ibw i it>. b«g 67« T«inf«r •. • Attractively Priced m«d. Red Circle Coffee Rich & fuii-bodiad i it>. bag 68« / More 3 cakes , » . than the Bokar Coffee Vigorous & wmty lib. bag 69. c«nl5« Pork Chopfl *e and 1I1MI4V «utf ft>. 49« Boneless Veal Roswt Should *> 69 60<}, SO. 630. 44.17 Binso Royal Gelatin Desserts • • . 3pkg« 19« Loin Pork Chops c#«tw«iii »>. 79« Smoked Pork Shoulders WoHtu* b45« Fine for all your laundry Premium Saltine Crackers Nabisco 1 ib pkg. 25c THE SUMMIT Pork Loins W1i»b er either he* Ib. 59« Sliced Bacon $i.^yf.*)4-w»r^ir«i 2 »ke« 59« CheeZ-lt Crackers Sunshine. 6at. pkg. 17« TRUSTCOMPANY Fresh Pork Shoulders s^e* »> 43B Smoked Beef Tongues Short «r b 53« Del Rich Margarine i-z color pa 1 n>. 33c FEDERAL DEPOSIT Beef Short Ribs navorfui, ee*Mmiui R>. 49« Frankfurters : fc 57« INSURANCE CORP 6«IdDust DeXO Vagelsble jhorltning 11b. cm 27c J Ib. can 75c Pot Roast laaetoN eieek-n« f»t a 25« Claridge Frankfurters • • . • 10 oz. CM 43C Chickens ft> 43e Meat Loaf »><•* »» 59« e *>•• Chopped Hani Armour or Broadcast t2oz.can47 Leng llttn^'l NneM Ib. 35< Pressed Chopped Ham Mc^ it 79« Colgate's Vel Rock Lobster Lucky Star S!4 oz. can 39c Beef Liver *>. 69e Bologna or Liverwurst « . • • • * • fc 59c For diihes, itockings, lingerie etc. Alaska Pink Salmon Coid su-m i b. can 39c Luncheon Meat *'*•<« Salad Dressing AnnP«9i pti«r27e q» iar47c -Fine Seafood. Corned Beef Henri Spaghetti Sauce • • . , «or. can 14c Fancy Swordfish h. 55c Fresh Scallopa i> 59c Smur-Rlgfit leef with tw two tttcial Mkim rare Colgate's Fab Tomato Juice or21c 46 or. can25c Bonelew Brisket Beef. . • . a • * 79e For th» family wash and dishes Flounder Fillet he* *>. 49« Freth Blaef ish n> 25c Ann Page Beans 3 v»f,,t,»i \ h cm 3 'or29c Plate and Navel Beef •> 29«

Marcal Paper Napkins T..ll2 * pkg. «f to 2 far 19c Marcal Toilet Tissue 3roii*28e Palmolive Soap Reynolds Alum inum Wrap . « *. roil 2 for 49c For toilet and bath Wrisley's Toikt Soap In rtuiabl* plastic bag 10 bar* 59c CANTALOUPE 3.:°., 22c Daily Kibbled Dog Biscuit 2 M> b,, 25e s u> bag 59c For a place to dine Junf i« Dairy Month . . . and A&P That's really fine.. Palmolive Soap Firm, rip* mi full of luscious fla- in fflebratinp with a bi£ stock of Urge cake for bath usa vor and juice, Enjoy them often! country-frcih foods at thrifty pricetl IOOK IN THE 2 ir, 2ic 37 Fresh Cherries *»«> -. Wldk K Fresh Bailer • Cashmere Bouquet Florida Oranges "" A dtlitattly perfumed toilet »o*p FWM lo«el htm §lieed %mim This flaky-trusted, apple-packed pie, Iceberg Lettuce Sliced 4n»<"fi«an in a reusable tin, ii fre#h from Fresh $eet§ New «re# Everfthing from a quick the oven, like all Jane Parker treat*. white Muemter Cheese "ndwkh to * iumptuouj Table Olerjr Baby GOUCUM hm 4*m*m J>»nqu« can be found umter Super Suds Spinach R Irish Raisin Bread <«^«• mi wh© MIII If;;. lit FHOSTKO FOOD mm^wm * * -

. orhowb WtIfi ip.lUd «., Ol"HWjfe «f ttllCil C«>fH<»<«tf»M-Mtnirf» M«ld 4 eg, tm %9i f #»NSUfT YOtH asmmm $oap Blended Juiee MI***MM« im.m%% fm tKe launilry Mixed Vegriable.

21 SUMMIT AVE., SUMMIT FREE PARKING -'., * *. s* * ADJOINING STORE mvw*A*a* V THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. JUNE I, I9S0 It line aUtioa At the corner o; s {•quare dancing will be featured. taken on option by Warner ••* -••#' Square and folk Call* *»: Frank K*ltm*n, weat»rn: Far Brook School i Brothers for a screen version. 188 Graduate W.LaytoflHaB Bland Appoints field and Chettnut avenue William Leedale, Mutera; Jojeph 1 Writing under her pen name* (Continued from P«se 1> In * r^aoiuthta Common c D 9 T|I (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) paid tribute to"Waster M j A spokesman for the Board of ' Anna Pcrrott Rase, Mrs. Wiifbt in revenue, wefe granted. A public who died on May 29, JI, A *$u*Ks and tolk dunce will." b« Teacher's Book program of cooperation between toniffet mrting at I pr& onRecreation »»id yesterday that the | has described how the and her hearing will be held at City Hall *u sanitary &n4 plumb- 'th« t*nni* courts at Memoriat 'conunuauce of the d&neei will dV I husband have raued three adopted the University of Newark aad on July 5. on an application made specter of the goard ,,• Field Just off Aah'and • road In prnd on lh*> interest and attend- May Be a Movie children in addition to three of Industry during World War II.by the Broad Investment Company »ince 1927. A copy wae forv «ncr. He urged everyone to eome.j SIri. Anna Wright, member of for a permit to construct a gaso- to his family. xasepf nun it will be held m-thr i their; own. A recent review by At the end of the war, he was _^ .y\vC-A «.JdiSorium Thr He ad<1<"<1 that *quare danrpa wlllj the faculty of Far Brook School, named coordinator of veteran*' ttHHail be arrangfd lat<-r (or children u: Short Hills, hats jiwt announced ! Ernestine Evan* in the New York Wfair, (oi"a»« Ktf »»•»»« amount was -awarded Mary Grace Hedlund, now reside at 17 Sauchelli who will attend the Es-Valemont Way. They have three with the oil burner, now we eftjoy a more even heat with the WINKLER than sex County Adult Technical sons, Philip Layton. 9,; Rkhard \4IT? School. The purpoae of this schol- Hedlund, 7; and Walter Randall, arship is to assist a pupil of 2. They. will soon make their we ever realiied with coal—" ' ability and character who is plan- ning to attend on« of the trades home in a Camden county com- in securing preparation at a munity. yocational school. Professor Hall has been active jn Summit's community affairs, i Mr. M.M.C. Other . scholarships previously COMMONWEALTH 'name and address on request being an elder in the Central DID YOU KNOW? announced include the following: Presbyterian Church, leader in WATER CO. Constance Badgley (New Provi- the recent Overlook Hospitalf That the WHITE HOUSE was dence), partial tuition 'scholarship fund drive, and a. member for . without l bdih tut until 1850 ?. o! $150 and a working scholar- Precision three years of Summit's Lay %mmi liteu ship; Ccnetance Breivogel, a pres- Committee on Education. Watch Repair... ident's scholarship of $600, $300 each year by Monticello College; For dependable service, Mr. Carlson, e State of New Jer- 9 Big Pays! Share in the Special Savinqs Today! have your Match cleaned sey full tuition scholarship at and adjusted once a year. Upsala College; Dorothy Leonard, If you hnviMi t had this done a partial tuition scholarship of lately, nee us today! $275 a year for four years at ^ inkier- STEPHENS-MILLER CO. Syracuse University; Miss Pellctt, Low Prmure the Rcae Memorial Scholarship of Oil Burner 38 RUSSELL PUCE SUMMIT 6-0029 $175 at Drew University, and Miss Eugene Jung f Sherry, a scholarship of $100 from the YWCA; also the College Club • Free Heating Survey Watch & Jewelry Repairing scholarship of $400 to Mis-s Leon- '•••• with • 4 Hrrrlmoofl Road, Summit ard; $250 each to Miss Pellett and • Free Combustion Efficiency Test Wlnlder Low Fr«»»ur« Oil Burner Sl'mmit 6-1386 Gwendolyn Hardy. The College Club )B also giving six other • ••»••!•••< I1II HIM Ml scholarships to girls now attend- ing college. William Stortz of New Provi- dence, who will start Monday SPECIALLY BUILT! SPECIALLY PRICED! SIJONOIHOUOHTO with Ciba, received the First Na- IVFfOkT CAR WITHOUT TIM* tional Bank &[ Trust Co. of Sum- Re u ar mit, award of a U.S. Treasury Bond, Series E. for $100. This is Save $20*°° 9 ' 'y awarded the graduate of the Business Preparatory Curriculum who makes the highest rating for three years. ELGIN 5 H.P. TWIN Emily Bensigrwir Memorial . The Emily Beneinger Memorial prises in business preparatory subjects were awarded as fol- .88 lows: Mary Cangemi, highest rat- ing in stenography and secretarial 99 $19.98 Down. practices, $10; highest rating In bookkeeping and bookkeeping practice, $10; and highest rating $8.00 Month en Sears Easy Terms in business preparatory social (Umal carrying charge) studies, Maureen Cullen, $10. • SPECIALLY MADE TO GIVE YOU THE POWER, SPEED, The Anna Peck Moore Prize In SERVICE YOU WANT . .. SPECIALLY PRICED TO SAVE Social Studies of $10 for excel- YOU EXTRA DOLLARS! lence in scholarship and construc- Priced low? Yes! But—not one ounce of Elgin's mechanical tive' participation in citizenship activities * in the school was perfection has been left out! Here's the thrilling, dependable awarded Janet Boice of Newoutboarding you've always wanted ... at a price you can Providence. easily afford. See it today, save today, at Sears. Mario Ferraro was awarded a Would Be 1.79 partial tuition scholarship end a SAVE 1.98 Special Item working scholarship at Knox Col- lege. The D.A.R. certificate to the most representative girl citizen as chosen by the girls in the sen- ior class was presented Madge Evan* "What In Education?" D.S.R0YA1S Dr. Fred Holloway, president of Drew University, guest speak- er, spoke on "What Li Educa- m m inifw tion?" Quoting John Comeniira, 17th Century scholar, said educa- tion embraces "knowledge, con- Crusader Bike Tire Steel Casting Rod Economy-priced Bat trol, and direction. The «peaker 26-in. Size-Black Sidowoll declared knowltdgo U bawd up- With Precision Tapered Blade Special Purchase—This Sn'« on the "n«ed for adequate con- Now So!# Priced . , , , 1.29 A Buy At Just 4.97 Softball Type ...... 49C tent upon which future choices An •Kcaptlonal buyt long-w*aring, be ?<*c in rriulur *«"(k "• durable con«tructlon. Firmly vultaniicri 9. C Higgint dtp«ndobl« quality, 1 and decisions can be intelligently *»H*t mill tills Mtlngt' MM hutk1 »r«ad and eortl. 36*J.!23 il «. Sav.l llghf Up octiofi. Comforlabl* polm- hardwrxxl. smoothly wndfrt I" ' based." He explained that "One* t krown outlook on life is predicated upon curvad piitolgnp Handl*. luy tedayl LOWEST COST PER SAFE MILE both the depth and breedth of ONE TIME RUY our knowledge," SAVE1M 2lcS AVISOS About control, Dr, Holloway »ain tn »poul in mvi-r fitrnn »*** With new 25% SOFTER and SAFER RIM! p hum* Tritll il*M tf»« lift »•*»« M ufmntt *»l*ty Th« Rftftan*! High ffchonl rim* Pknlf Jhr§mtetmwmdUmmtptPtttfHm of 1MB will hold * rlftnn rrilnlnn nil Jun« 3* at 1 JO p m *i th* rmi Inn, W« S.9S T7r* feofvrti ntvy boww tmforel t'nion. M»mh«r« * • »r I T MII U WIT IP I lATBI lUI iii COM Pk tt Y Irani* with « 0*4 "* Everett T. Spinning p pi*t#ii, iNMMfft, A *»*! N, J, PERRY T. BROWN Am III. *-3I« ## Wmhwmi DMrUNTly*!*9.. THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. JUNE I, It SO hat fceea a more mafnificent juniors years at Pingry. Two Ptngry Schdcrddpt the candidates character, tafia- secure t%M partieuUrs fcy writing CoLTwomUey exhibtkion of laduitrlal genius The scholarship will be eoatin- f ence and leadtrsoip. and. Individual guts. What our Available to Local loys ued through graduation, pro- i *r UJrphonmg the school ia 8Us> vlded the winner continues t<5' S, ParticipatMB is emtm-rarrje- Military Might, in boys did, starting with stove pipe* It was announced this week by ular activities. abetk - * E lAurence Springer, headmas- make a good record. j and wooden gum. will b» a «aga The two most vital needs of not here to play, to dream, to ter of The Pingry School in Elis- The qualification* for the schol- *. Financial seed Jor the »ca*i- America today are "spiritual re- drift We have hard work to do •ung through many generations. abeth, that one or'two echolar- arship are listed u follow*: birth and militant Christianity the and loads to lift Shun cot the American youth proved it had ihips would be available for new 1. A good academic record ki Al) candidate* tor * etaeJanalp ANTHONY HMIA one hand and material military struggle. Face it. Tie Cod's 4 will take competitive -Tmme the stuff and ability to take it boy* entering the school next present echool. It is expected strength on the other." This wte that a boy will be at least in the h<"»» at Tfae f^ngry ftrhwt en J«Mfa« ittmiwi T. the opinion expressed by Col Ool. Twombljr, a veteran of Col Twombly took a pab* at September. The ecaolanhlp fund upper third of his clasj In order , Saturday, Jim, n. xke :«u s>e- BEATDIC Edward B. Twombly in an Me- World War I, emphasised that Congress and the people, asking, ha» !>een donated by the Dramat- to be considered. |in promptly it |-*s. ^tn. i SHEET METAL WORK morial Day address made at these arc the duties to the men "Doti anybody listen to what the ic Pub of the school and Is for 2. Recommendation of princi- continue ur.u: «*,-'.y afbernoos Etonael Park . w4«>, were being, eornmernortud Veteran 'Ki* to .*y*~the guy wno •boys entering the freihman or pal or clase «dvi»or tettifyins to Thwe who are .nt»rt***4 Saakmtt 6-74U4 Deploring the 'tolly of allow- on Memorial'Day. He added'that faced the bullets—the guy who ing the great Russian bear to their sacrifice should mrt be in vaio. *aw hU buddlei fall? Jfcey do', grow" and the disintegration of not. Congrtss says let's throw! the wartime army and navy Col. , » pointed out that following them a few dollars and maybe; Yet our Dsiry Products are now being delivered t« Twombly declared, "We are World War I the United Steus we can keep them quiet." disarmed and "contentedly settled yog frem our f«rm o« R0«*e 10—Morrtt Hsini—-the back In the pursuit of worldly Reminding his listeners of the pleasure* and dtaeatisf&cilons." duties to the de*d, Col, Twombly home of ene of America's lergeit deiry herdt of over continued, "There are two things He asked, "What did World which we 'mint see to without 600 head of purebred reo,;ster«d Guemeyj—the tsble War 1 prove? Did we make the either one of which the oth«r world safe for democracy? What milk of diicrlrmnstmo, co"»uwef—Isbo^story controlled mu«t fall The Church rarely ON THE IOA«DWAUC ATLANTIC CITY did World War II prove? Did we attain the Four Freedoms?" sees the need of the one and to 9ive you the quality . . En|oy refreshing oceon dips from our exclusive U«... often deplores it The hard-boiled Guests may bathe direct from their rooms without He said, "Sadly the answer is realist rarely sees the need of the extra cost Relax on spacious sun decks in the spar- No. How many of ue realise," he other and often scoffs at it Peo- « fun kling sunshine ond salt sea breezes. Delicious meols Mr. J. MocDottqofl. who has lonq been served in two dining rooms. Varied hotel entertoin- aeked, "that we are still at war? pJe in general don't take the trou- ment nightly. Centrally locofed No peace treaties have been wade ble to think of either, Again let coflnecfed with the dairy industry, wW be glad KV— mmri ot Park Place. and if they had, we have no me speak my very personal belief t ft. LT>. asaurance. they will be observed." that neither can succeed without to hoaate your order. Co* collect — MorrU- TtlipAiwi* Atlantic City S-litt Stressing that the people of the the other and that neither Is United States must make them- inconsistent with the other. rown 4-3548 or send order via mail to Hie •elves spiritually and physically, "The two vital things ar« militarily strong to gain the eplritual rebirth and militan fofin. ' . ' •• . '' • respect en£ force back the pow- Christianity In every-ooe of us or " ers of Anti-Christ, Col. Twombly the one hand and material mili recalled that the ''thunderstorm taf*y strength oh the other, tn blow of World War II, was alle- money changers in the ITemp! viated by "the grace of a last did not retreat only because o ALDERNEY BROOKLAWN FARMS ditch stand by the EnglUh." eyers ChristW righteous indignation, th •* MOUTf 10. MORRIS PLAINS NEW JWSIT Praising American efforts, he knotted rope In hU strong right , declared, "I doubt if there ever ; -CLOTHIER-HABERDASHER- hand west also needed." FORMERLYSAMUEL-MEYERS 358 MILLBURN AVE., MILLBURN \ _L___J_^____^_J_____J___.. *__ Father's Day Sup^r Specials HANDSOME, HAND MAWS ALL OVER PATTERNS TIES *•* S1.5O-$2.0O 97


SOLID COLOR BASQUE SHIRTS U+%\M 77 2 for $1.50 \ SKIP DENT SHORT SLEEVE *|.S7 SPORT SHIRTS Pastel Colors Rea.. $2.50 I Do MEN'S WHITE 57 DRESS SHIRTS 2 T MAY HAVE BEEN but a decade ago, heart—for success is a jealous master smiling boys in uniform'stand, fcatt b Reg. $3.95 or it may have betn far back in the and exacts great servitude. hand, to deliver the proofs of remem- brance. And along with the beautiful "Twenties" . .. but sometime, some- But not when the Junetime comes— where, a young man stood in the soft flowers, and the boxes of candy, and ALL WOOL GABARDINE and, with it, that anniversary of the countless other gifts, some of those light of a Junetime morning and another June! { repeated the words—"I do." brides of other Junes will receive the SLACKS Then the work-a-day world, with its titles to new Cadillacs. Reg. $15.95, All Sixes, Alterations Free Since that time, he has fought—with- many tasks, is cast abruptly aside; and And, for them, there will be no other out interruption—for the place in the sentiment—pure and simple—rules in June like this—save one alone.' world he wants his family to occupy. TROPICAL 77 his heart once more. As your Cadillac dealer in this com- SUITS 27 And it well may be that, out of the ' And, because there are so many munity—we've had long practice in the struggle, he has lost just a bit of the thousands of him, doorbells are ringing art of keeping secret*. Why not come i Alterations Free sentiment that used to abide in his this June throughout America ... and see us today ? You can Oust us not to tell!

COTTON AR6YLE SOCKS 55 2 Pr. for $1.00



• Redu«d ont-dajr round-trip Iiftf art rum in tatWMi Lackawsnru •tatkma, Dwsr and Mat, Ntmrb ajxl Vm York and interrowJUU station*. •tfiet»d HMrfji ticket fares aleo art r*4«et4 A« formerly, Uiete tlck«U are net food on to or trm N«w York or Newark on mah hwr CNl SataHaT*, StttMlty* »r>4 holMajrt, in4 •!•• i flthtr ttiiii Jf *w York Mek«t# an food on «H tinlwi. Cmmti; toekl tJckit aiml fm IXAMPlll OF lOUMOTtlf

ft Ntw Vetk f* n turn i SPERCO MOTOR CO., INC. Lackawanna Railroad i'y ••<..,.,

,/««•*•:••• v THI SUMMtT HttAU, fHURSDAY. JUNI I, I*H

tho»e from city attending mtt Rob* 723 Hew York «« Cross 22 Area loyi Sffn Up ] bert Knawlm, Robert Tomb, Lwry St. Teresa's Members Used Overlook ! KABH-B, Stephen Cobuta, David G. for Camp Wawayanaa A total ot 733 member* of Asso- Twenty-two Summit art* boj» Brown, Wiltiam W. Brown, John Adds New Books ; ciated Hospital Service. New h»v.e •t»n«d up tor C*tnp Wtywmy- Robmjon and Allan Lawrence. St. Teresa's lending library yes- and*, YMCA cunp located n An- : Boys from Chatham. Springfield, terday announced that the follow- Turk** Bra* Cross pl*n, war* h ' • Perfect Score for Colleges bers should bring a picnic supper FUEL CO. SUMMIT SHOE SHOP Until we reopen our suburban-Studio, we would ., MIRRORS RESILVERED Seniors at Kent Place School with them. Dessert and coffee will Main Office and Show Rooms SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY deem it a privilege to continue to serve you from our TABLE TOPS planning on attending college have be served by Mrs. Crone. A car 233 Brood Street been accepted 100 per cent by will be at the parish house at 6:30 schools of their first choice. Phone SUmmit 6-0004 / 414 Springfield Avenue, Newark Studio. TASLE PADS p.m. to pick up late-comers. Colleges selected by the seniors Main Store Open Every Evening / Summit, N. J. VENETIAN BLINDS include Wellesley, Smith, Rad- Orange trees are evergreens. cliffc. Vawar, Wheaton. Mount -. . Sincerely, . WINDOW SHADES Holyoke, Barnard, Connecticut College for Women, Sweetbriar, 9 DAYS OF SPECIAL SAVINGS IN TIME FOR FATHER'S DAY! Cornell, Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, Oberlin, Middlebury, Wells, NJ.G, Michigan, Pembroke, Simmons and Western. SUMMIT GLASS Despite the rich iron ore de- & PICTURE FRAME CO. posits of the'land, North American Indians are believed to be one of 495 Springfield Ave. SD. 6-0S65 the few primitive peoples that never refined iron. \

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* Special factory purchase make* Everybody we've talked to, says this is the M-; lab low price possible test tire dfeal in town, for gooa tires, at a great * Safety-tread construction value price. Yes, that's our trade-in price—for • • Tooth bonded-cord carcass en* ejlueeriuoj—^ceat safety 2 Tire-Triumph tires, 15 months guaranteed. * ALL TIRIS MOUNTED—AT NO Construction of all first-quality materials. Snap BCTRA CHAROI up this deal now! go hand-in-hand at Public Servfte

Sturdy Top Carrier SiMATIONAl WW PW«I Public Service It proud of the educational program Rw en Cor Safely, Securely • available to its employees, Since 1922, there Ixtro low Price 5.44 BATTERY M#wt Cmtwy wp — 300-»i. •••%. have been more than 26,000 enrollments for special clouts Months • In accounting, public speaking and various Reg. PRICK $H.H Guaranteed elementary courses of the tltctric ond gas buiineti, This has been of great benefit to the employees, the company and New Jeney.

r'\ Sftflg a food eitittii meant doing many things. educational program it one more woy of toying •hat we bf lieve In this great State, ALLSTATE PREMIUM QUALITY Compounded Motor Oil

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ttl f mm mmt mrm i^w ttmt, §m HUMnm THE SUMMIT H&A1P, THURSDAY. JUNE t, 1950 lift MB output of tin pUte city in Israel Day, Mr. Otjterberg pointed out an important war, and we cannot , voted to the sorry The Old Guard Memorial Hymn buwnes» of; ..Originally .competitor*, the radio I combined into a sfagfc ABierioMt miU» would! make OW Guard Takes tfaat "the grave of every fiero re- a second time permit any group | bloodshed. Man was rot created and the- phonograph »-eaee. He cited the threat of the time haa come in this cold wer steamship "Argentina" of the attendance was 94. ing flower* or otherwise idecorat- "ruthless rabble-rousers wiio call ; to turn to our Almighty God in Moore-McCorntack line*, was the Next week Dr. Samuel D. page ing the graves of comrade* who j themselves An:tcie«m»," the threat ! prayer and ask for the guidance feature of the Old Guard meeting i necewary to eradicate rhe.caiK.es of the New Jersey Bell Telephone died in defense of their cjountry," of the who twnnot on May 50. Thf story of happy Co. will talk on "Television" and the scope of Memorial Day hew "keep pace v,,Xh a rwpifHy ch&ng- ; of war end enable u* to carry on *u> days anr'(i," and the tjirt-al of the . He created u». Not a'.onr for our- hotel was punctuated with pic- intent; we now on Memorial Day CcRiLmunis't Party. ' selves, but for 'the race of Anurs- torial visits to Rio de Janeiro and j 'ane yet unborn." other South American port* and honor the dead of all wans >n which How, aeked the speaker. *rt we this nation has> been involved. the island of Trinidad in the Carib- Kiwanians Hear to rombat this three-fold thr««t Local Artlit Wins Medal bean; while Carl Finkle of the Terming Memorial Day an oc- to our r*-aci>? First, by wattiling steamship company, in aruswer to casion of deep persona] \ interest our votes - not only at the general At Notional Academy questions, explained how such trips Delegates Tell to every one of ue, Mr, Osterberg elections, but at the primaries a« I Miss Lesley Crawford of 24 are arranged.. emphanized that the heroic dead well. We have noway in the world, R;dge road received ttu- National On Tuesday Morris Mayer of the are not strangers to ua, or »hed- Mr, Osterberg admitted, of'making Association of Women Artists' Far Hills Inn, with the aid of col- Of Convention owy figures of htotory, t;»ut close our governmental representatives medal for graphic aria at the cur- JiftUh »to*l blight. personal friends whose unmarked i 'represent us, but we. do have the rent, annual exhibition beinir hpld Sor drilling. ApP»«d <» ored movies, gave impression* of Two Klwaniana of long-stand- ings service* to < the community graves are aymbolized by the shrine powor to remove them at the next at the National Academy of Design <,&«•» to any rtilac. (in- his recent visit to Israel. Among other things, he said that this and to their club shared the speak- of the Unknown Soldier. Although election. This nation w«u«» built,' Galleries. 10S3 Fifth avenue. New by mchittirti. Uwd er's stand of the Summit Kiw&nU each year, he cautioned, we honor York The show will remain, open • patm.r.u small country, west of the Jordan he declared, not by politician^,- but River, has practically no Commu- Club luncheon meeting last Wed- those who have died in the struggle by busing** nu-ri; 'the- wtli-bting through June 22, with 5ml works on view. Mid by nism and is a true republic and nesday at the Beechwood Hotel for freedom, we must not forget of the country, then, ta more dc- that English prevails generally, al- Joseph "Zeigner, the club's delegate that the reaT .fight for toe ideals t ujxm basinet! than on Muss Crawford has named her though Hebrew is the language to the recent Miami convention of and principles of the Declaration bureaucracy. It is up to the voter, winning print "Quartet '-..Two E. L FITTERER common to most of the Jews-who, Klwanis International made hi* of Independence Us still, going on. tlie speaker added, to set1 that other members of the Summit Art | like the speaker's relatives from official report to the member* and In a sense, said the speaker, real brains and int<*tinal fortitude Association have exhibits in the , t,i'jiofe'Hm • Carpel! show. Hart well Priest of Oak Ridge i 1 Austria and Hungary, have come this is a herder fight, a war of is put into governing bodus instead 4 B<«cnwood R** *, Summit, N. J. John Osterberg spoke briefly on as refugees from many lands. Mod- the dual significance of two im- nerves, a cold war, with none of of mere politicians." ; avenuo, and Mary Bugbird of Short ' Summit 6-2241 ern Jerusalem, Re" said:, is a fine portant May holidays, Mother's the urgency of purpose or drama "Twice within a generation," I Hills, . . ' I city of 'about 120,000, but he con- OBNER TUB UNIT $6.25 Day and Memorial Day. of mass air attacks, the chase at Mr. Oeferberg continued, "a great Among: the novelty foodit there sidered Tel Aviv, with its 330,000, Linking the spirit of Mother's »ea, or face-to-face encounters with war ht« bt-t n. fought. The produc- the most modern and progressive i* A .«ohd vinegar which rarmblc* tECESSED TUB UNIT, $6.75 Day with the purpose of Memorial an armed foe. Yet, he added, it is tive power of man had to !>t> d«»- 1m ti-xtunr. GRADUATES OF ALCOHOL FACTS

for the fashion netcs of the season ••: •. ••• A • riOSGillClCl S most fabulous styles land fabrics of the season Even at their lusual higher prices, Henry's dresses have a twice-the-price look. Noic^you get his hits of the season for an unheard of 8.98. Cotton broad- cloths, Egyptian pima voiles. Solids,

pin dots, fiorah, prints. Siwwn are You can order.the circles -houn l»y Tclcscrvict: or mail, please but 4, come, s&e others just as exciting. give second color choice. Better Dresses, Bain'i

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•- Solid ?oil« in green, brown, O »«vy» <# girty. Sls«i 10 to 20, Oi

h. Printed cotton voile in gr«tn, r. Pimii broaddolli in li^lit IIIIIP, df, Dotted! toil* in green, l»r«wn, fl AQ browa, «r nt^r.' Sitti 10 to 20. lilac, mai«c iqua. Sisei 10 to 20, , or pny. SII«I 1« to 20. 0«!w


« f * * * C«ft mm Ttfctttvttt nawtif #>H> tm tim* mi t tintftf your titiftil liftilNlftf T«lt«*fvJc# numbir MOITiivOWB m t, i« ••••' THE SUMMIT MUAia.\tiUMPAY. JUN£ ». IW> "' ' i muu^m. ^T"^

JuC 8,id.Ei«y. Couple Married | Betrothed [Margaret Lolatte, ;_J^arne£_..^'^'^^'Tut^wlJ ^^f^*^

H» BartJ^PortiJe gS-.er //I Kentucky WiH j ^^^^^^^H^Hf *^ejlW

1 Nort* P.ur.f^d. fa- «« *t i r. H-^rt .*«.» •»»«*»« tbt I ^•S^^^^^^B { J'ST"" JtJ ^ STM^ ^K <^^K'^ of the teen-ait tnmd will O0*n « MitoUaU •»• Jo« Tftomu. .Ruth «f . Roadie Park ,rr ,r;;

Rev r Ur a nuieelkUwoM tbowtr i!, Mn Jo>,, N K(Spke ^ g^^. j ^^|^H^^^^^^Hj «»««*• - E***™ •»• Flaming F^^^^^QB^B^R' turn any which can not be uied to St. T«r«$« S PTA to Hold j of Es»-x road. 8(l,|.nr,JtJ1>ae.m<|ubflataEnf(irI^H^^^^^H|^H) M« Oaroiyn Birofka of » La- >• | ^ JS^t thVaL^woi H«U'X PORTRAITS * the enon o* :» Orchard S* w.-.o w.:: ,># ^egroom H^^nH , «ayett« avenue wa« tnaid of honor. , i!M$ES&, J*, : - p;ayed by Carol Bill. Ml" HUt. «•*» P»rtX « Beediwood H«U ;Q r\Jf\ I KAI I b * U honor atuB«a»t *t *-, we4*r.g. " V . ^*O «ore a fwn of ,*•« ^^Q^^^V^B Bridesmaid, were Sliu Peggy Ar- UfMMMS, fa > . ; who graduated Tueaday night from « Saturday night PrUe. will be X .w ? b f WM ho&i at her h«:r.««S a «::*•..,,,, ^.^ -:M rf, «{, wnh • .', -'^BP^HHr. iJll • "> « P»U~on. cousin of the |i i ¥|7>; ^. ''. . I Summit High School U m&klai her dmributed, tacludin, a Uiaue V IIN , bnde< af)d Ulm P «llaneouiahw»erfof Slj*Pi>r-.:r.f-.i..^ y/jr, c Cb&r.tiiiy lace. « •-^^BRBPIV - W"M ' R*»- *tykowi*i of ,.'** , W&U- • ' | initial appwrar.ce at the Play- -onKue, silver p;att*r and d^h, |U HII ^ i « ; ;i r;u«*U wtr* former •cr.ioirr*-^ *~t* «r<. .jeeket and' full fk*tt 'JrW9&itf&fo'%m y # ,/I'rSammit avenue, Patricia St*rgiej Jt' , 36**-* • • ".(house. Geoffrey Dariieli, another «t of California pottery dUh«s, jN Wli-O * : of tb* brH*-el^ cr.-f f'h** 'r.»r^ gr.»V,!» * .arc* pink h<>r».;m.ir j' »»S%^p^/ / *\M of Umthewn w«ui flower girl. Budd W,• \ ,--S-t\ • - j new graduate, will piay Dexter lurfage, photograph, baaket of Q • FROM A SiTTINS OR * !rr>m neighboring towrj **• trsensed with tiny flower* ar.-l! *mWffi;?*K '"%&**•<•.>* ' ^, I»l«tt*-of Summit wa» be«t man. a^^fcfe^jir -.--•/• ' -f I Franklin, Jean Shaw Henry, who cheer, food packages, and other*. ;Q YOUR FAVORITE * _ . ^,r r^ii.ti gardwsiu. Th* matrsh f»f • .* aV: '• . *" \^ -'-.' < Ushers were Anthony Arhan and SHHttE^L^gL^" < • - ! was last eeen in "John Loves Mr*. Fred Dougiaa is chairman, iy PHOTOGRAPH ' ^^ ^^ s-5-Ror *«J fo*'r,«1 in blue le ^ j,. . , .. J-i» * w.,:ia jWf.Ph Hughe5F^>! paterion. ^^^^BBHSP^^-V • ,- : Mary" is taking the role of Mr*, aawkted by M«. Henry Gujmer. U AT THE &TUDIO f •• * - >s <- s ^*^^~^^* ~~ > * V w»r taffeta with which the iiorej MU» Dolor« J. Moll : The bride wOre ^ gown of iin- j^^^^K^%'«,' ^*''''. • ! Archer. Mrs, Henry haa been di- The PTA will hold a js-pecia! ,N ' * • f ... CllCtC A \ * *rjre >»*'Jf»: *tr«w hat. navy ;/"%-.#-.-__ I /-/o// 'ported French lace, "'over taffeta, JH^HK- .">*;"''"' "' ! recting the Morrialown pkyer* this meeting on Wednesday, June 14 •{) Jijlttc A \A/ol!n ' uy U CJ n f IM ?V?IC.*U J V-J» a'-/*«4r:M and* corwige »fi ' ' **. I '"", : ^de by h*r honor attendant. Her NKOTHI ' • '* j yoar. Polly Kitching,* .playhouse in the recreation hair. X "', ' , , " j ; I yf^Jf / pi ^ Richard A MoriOn ««ng*rtlp veU WM attached to a ?• JraaKt - ' ; veteran, will pUy .Louise; the At the last meeting M'ra. John'X 447-5pringfield Ave. ii u T J I i'lifll V. . Lv an* Mr«.Orl* are «>'-ndin^j '*•""• • "i v"n nf iririjr' V- -rmr'iri tr " .' rWp '" ' . Archer's maid. Another new com- Qulrk was ejectc(I prcaident. Mrs U 'Strand Theatre B.;? > < I m^nBM I *"':r '*******>* »" K"'tUfkyi ^eCO/ne f nodded • <*"*<* r«« »^ *tephanoti»: jte*.*'*. *'-.. '< /^'i «i».JudyCronln, whoplayeMU- Douglas, ' vice-preaident; MM. J* iQ OPEN SUMvn t T ; r:Vls bar:k #VVVff i 1 1 >^B^Tj^K^ / -*y "*' - ^ ^ Summit | * !* . .'•"Jf**^*"*' • ; A»t r tw0 weei« motor trip ' *mk\ ' '•*. "nZ/i • dred Pringle. Miss .Cronin hvt v n^^a. g,,,,.,.^. Wr_ x.Vo n ^A ,' FRIDAY «••'•-. ^ y ! Edward Kafla A!!en «^SSK-C-. #^ I :B W«t Orange>tfi July a. Aftw I J.-Bindley Hoff of lMTa:ip»ueet! "* McBrd.' ij ft zreduat* of ^HBSKr^**$T *'"' ' Campbei;, I • ' ^S= •••^X^ • •-( *«'-«h.th.rP^rt.-hftm^the announwd -the «g^n»m of ; •• • - * B^%f^' ' George Kanouae. Clark Warren.!;. T iJ e : 1VI Jrarme <3^ >h I ' *-' **"* '* * Oern.any their-, daughter. Dolors '• DVved by Ciba Pharmaceutical ^HHtlfl^^ * Betty Dederer. Virginia Kanouae, - •jt , * ~m^ I »h»r» U Cr,r;r w,i: ^ oh an ex-; to Richard Allen Morton, wn of ^-> xir McBride k a Graduate BMs • Donald Steinbrugge. Joe Boak. JII, : ' - Ujr J fflgPHotiCROSS^ffe /. vr.i*j t'.ar •>? 'itjty (or twyf*rftjMr. «nd Mn», c. R Mouon of J*: f; . **• .„ ' H ffh i ^Hf^W' I and Caleb Hill ; We Are Proud To Announce fKrT r*ij> !<^ v - ; », . , , • o' Aibert-O. I arrwn- H;jh acnooi. Sy^^f V ' ' r I ' • • ' " NF I I \ ^ , -.; r . c, . ,^nyar«ve.- • i Alabama, and apent 5', year» in-•. • . ••• * " j.i'*« A woun j The production staff include* ; i 1 • U- - I Couples Club to Elect . Tne |prwpcctm" hrM* « a gr^d- :

I NORCROSS I. tr^Tu^.y*t«:Mpr». .toekUf ,,.y Secretarial .^clvool. Ea.t Or-";.. rCI\.^VIN/AUJ ^ ., 'i manager ia Alan Mathtaien ana ! I nC AmT mCUOWeil JnOD \ / -,ffl*ri f.r the foming y«-ar, and!an ^. . Mr. anfi Mrs. Raoul Collin of \ tionerl social, fraternity. Mr*. Erik- ; th(? ^t WM deaig.nc.d by Upton j ' - "' ~ V-^^s X->-^^—y '•« ; :*« » «mffi«"r outinje. and> j Mr. Morton. «{*ir> o grnduate of ; Bank street, left Sunday Idr^Pane | aon is the former Kascy Watson | Thomfla BprnargCowpcrthwaite w ••• . « Beechwood Road Summit f*:! .prr.jrmm. Thoma* Trior, j,wH- ; Kumtnir High School, '• flttttfdfd-i on^ an Air Fmnce plane from New i He is connected as an engineer ; jn fha of|ightin g in charge of - . -,^nt, «:imnd;irt the inr,Ungini,^fay^,p Coll^. Hpw a mlej. lYork Inti'rM^^^ . •. SifiCiel < «&*• T?* *•'•> h<•.I'.TVf-d by |YmU | thKr way to Belgium where Mr — ., i Blank, PaupTitaon, Archie Mur- ; StOtlOnerV ShOD --»m>«w wmm:tN ui<'lu>linx! •._ collin came from 45 years ago. ! Mr. and Mr* Alf J. StromsteJ my Sam Ben, Bob Glass Walter " w * • , ,A i *r Pli0T- Tr"n BrtnnMn' Ja>« Csll*.*** C\.ik Thev plan to return to the state* I of Sherman avenue had as the.r ^^ I. : V m Spr,n«f,.M A». ftonr;),, Biir H^ ani «>OrNJ. «-3t»l H.immH, N. I. Mor.rr ^15 ",J ^ C 1 J ' ___ their son Thor'a fiancee. Miss ^u painting s in cnarje or t. •....— •_ ___ -._,... _ | PreSldentS Feted \ Ml« Marie Colette Kernan, j Florence Shower., and her parenU, Ho" Dav«. edited by Jack Rosi. :. , . . • J n Th ma8 Susan vl 1 P00OOOOOCDOOOC<>3OOOOOOOCDOij ... , id a nter of Major and Mrs.Fran . Mran d Mrs, Robert ghower., of ™ T° ' n P* f' J* * ; ( Cj At LUnCneOn :,.,, W. K,rnan of SpringfleldKenilorth.Ill.- Davis. Jeror Dav«, Frank Daa-j THE STORE WILL NOW BE CALLED 1 ) U\1CUC(\CY THAID^ • ' ' 0 Twenty m*ml*™ of the ne^ly ! avonu,, New Providence, has re- | »eS. Jack Pj'Ie. Margaret Runyen. • ) niltntUtlX tnAlnj jjiform^ crmlve arts d^irtm.-nt.tiirnH home following the coir- ! 'Dr. G. A.1 Morrill^ofCanan-I ^ ., F..W ,,«n(,y ,„ UFEm .9«iB. fe^r'sH'siK ^^ 'MARIAN DUNSMORE SHOP a Elllott Da iS J j. , j . . •• . i A vi«rif« «nH »hP n(,«iv .'.Wud they flddresacd Kue.sts at the Prc;,- "d ^ - Chairman of) r n th < are displayed in our studio Window. Uj "* ™' * ^rl * ^'^ ''£*Z\ Mr. and Mw. rjouglaa A. Bmitl. byt;rlan Church dinner in the the properties committee i* Jane! { P I ft' ^ J^ «>'Summit avenu« were jrucsts las: i.,r Room Glaw assisted by Helen Beattj. , U M.O .sr-r-ri, -nrriv IIITPMAIM« A! at Oinoc Br""!< 'ri"-H'iil-v rhc ! w«* of Mrthd. and MMm . ft. Lcroy " ". Mary Maroney. MEleanoD r Simpsog n | . 8 BETTY TELFER . INTERIOR72»« m***.<*«*•*• 1 1 1 1 (IXJOOCXDOCXXXDOOCXXXXXXXXXXSI'W !' 'o'nwi ^P "" "-" ' ; of Hohart avunu,. wii .?ave Sat- , ^ n j : • • . di desirable assortments . ^ -.-——. . R,pre«.nt»d at (hi., luncheon . untay for M.ddlebury College. Mlu- intn e Crone.a r.creotloa room to Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Qxrte ' ' .OUe Ultt OMiraWe assortments v«r the nwiy cwit.-d Music Di-j diebury. yt.. to attend the gradu-1 |ce Wcgtern -|t |e e andMn j Lonis L acher of i will be earned as formerly. ^.^^^ ivklon under the kadewhip of | atlon of their dauKhter Mary whlci. ! danclnKi Mr fm(JMr s aoM Ijafayc,.tt(>i ^ werc guesU| n} " r^ftnl ^limmpr ^^^la. IM* Unmard Berman. and the j will take; place Monday. She wil j fc .c k d in Boston- Hotel Suburban while attending. It will be Our Dleasure to serve UOOI OUmmer ^ :7mlH| »to<> n™ Cr«ft f!r"uP which 8Oe)1 I ?tUr" ^ZT VI T J" Their daughter Eli»beth ia home the Madison dog show. W pleasure tO Serve ^J

, JTW^r^Xm i l«to «(,«!on in thr- ( Ui nnrt.-r the i 'Jay night. Bill Edgar lw» #.- (rom Curleton ColieKe) Minn, for — I JTOU and We assure yOU of the Beauty, f^ «• IJ^^Wi^^1" S"Zi."tr£ JS,"!1. W^i • •»»' ««—• «-*- •»<• jUP ^fc, gy the «rt of making d<«' 'Ix- Cr - - '' ,< : Oa.utyi.lon f thc rt (.rouP for the mflgna cum laude from thc Col. Tueaday ^ Mary ^^m Col. SyraclweUniverfllty over thfl week. = / ^ggUj ' : y M 312 SSTlMfl^ A*»., Svmmif I T, f * /, « . . lege of Engineering. Syracuse Um )eg& gtaunton, Va. She' hu M end. Their daughter June received 5 - ' ' '-Ji^^V|. V " t'i- ' : co cMlr of : - «^ . . I > - ™*"- "«*«""•''' ver-lty. He to « member of the hPr toUM fUMt for fwo weeto H her bacheIor.a defree fiom lhe = , r ^ . . J^d^fc* " -..,-\/-TS .. ' | lMMttl«IWtof $M. 4-WI the day were Mr». Mount Mr*. Syraciwe Chapter of Tau Beta PI. cIi«amate. Mi*. Julia Scarborough College of Fine Art.. She wan on = ' ' '^•MK<-<^" ', , ' .j Jwn :: : Cunningham, and Mr* G. national engineering honorary no- Of Jack»onvllle, Fla. the dean's list for the past two = ' - • - .', ',W|K" '" '> V .'- ''-V ; , . Folk* Swnnaon. ciety, and Alphft Tau Omega, na- '. *,-Vr *' •;; '•>,* § ." „ - • and MiM Francea Day and Mre. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Scrihner of 5 '"V" i& ' • 1"ajl*S^^Pili^^/';'* v '* "^ ^ jf ^B^ M ^ M^^ ^^^ ^M ^ ... _^ __ — • C. J. Andrtwa of Norfolk, Va., 611 Springfield avenue, who arc £ ' ; '.^W' •'• *^gf ir^yW^iftMtmAihTlft 5 # JVM##J«J14i' mUM M^ B^ B JKm Mm w'rr g(>Mt11 ^Hot "Siib "rhan movln«t to Mientown, p«., n» «oon s i^iiM^^^M||iflHHHK^R-' - ^V m BB^M^M K-~. M. ** B B ^mB m^m m^m m m^m ^m^ while attending the Mfltllson dog «.i ichool is out, entertained their £ I^^HiHoi^i^^^^HP^Hi^^^ = how fr| nd at ^ mMm^mmT^^ ^k. ^ MMV M_M^^mmmUm * - « « » mckuii party on s H^^EBIHBi^^^^H'i'l^ml^^ = Z^M^^W^Jm^^Mm m Jm^m BKwBKBJ&B^ Saturday. ' = ^^^^ •iiihrTl^?T 1 * m/m^/r tw mm mtm ^/J ml mm Jm mm mf Mm (Mmf ^tfmttf Hill«ld* avenue hu received the William H. WiUon, son of Mr. £ ^ft^^^^^^CTf^^^^^^^^^k I ^^^ Nu Lambda Kappa annual literary and Mra. Harry E. Wllion of S3 £ IBSSHHH^^^HHIMII^ C Of AMY fUUSIZE OPFN CAR ^ AND A SWEETHEART TO DRWI EHSSS r S^dSH i Hffli^^^^^-^- i president of Nu Lambda Kappa editor of the yearbook "Colonial S %^^wf^^^araH^^^^^^H^^^^< j = ' . Lltertry Society tor the coming Echo" for the year 1W0-61. H« ha* 3 "^^Mj^L"-.' •**''u^^HHHpV j \

_ •w-i-wwww^ • colleie year. done iporti cartoona for the i«3hool § "fljfr. > ,?\ ' '•*S5^^^^^^^*^^^ ' ^ i !? . ' . t wmtSfir- ~~—' * —i^^SSS* ' " " ' • magazine durlnf the pait two § V?*TPiK^/ . '' jPr^H^V'* y » f*W>'. ; r n< J<>hn Pi r Munn veBr : I ill ,'.. Mfl |wV ** ' * ' 1"' * ' "' H« will «tudy at the Stu- g \ • ^*/tMiP**'***<*. j» > . ^^^B * " "*"' * ^BBH^^^^^^^B^^B^BPlllfjiiS^MBiBIWHWiP wl11 *" th"n Kn tfl WellMlry Col- Mr "nr>Mri ! Frank Danleli of | ^Hkku«'i «i • >„ _ •' A^^K . * ' Ifit to RUend thfl M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^HyH0Bff^^SZB^ilHIHHHHHHHHK^HfiBBB^ SrRdiMtlon on Firkvlew terrace, wll| appear | ^^^^HnjB^J\V«r ,',>9|% ' '- ^ j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MBBBtMB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BMii^KBSII^^Pil^ Tueaday, June 13. of htn fiancee, nn tll(* 'rv program, "Ohuek Wag- s ^^^^Htha^,'''! 9^H ;'»'" - ^^^^^^^"^HPRHH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^S^^^BkMlHRHHI^fllBk Ml"* Jo*nn Outc«ult, *\*o of on<" '>v«>> OBB thi* evening at R S ^^^^^^^^^^^Hfe|BwHV ^Hl .^*' \ - ^H^^HkV^%W^i|f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^H||^|^^^"^^^^^^«^HBW summit. nvinck, Bhe win H«V« with her £ ^^^^^^^^BUra C;>' 'r% i • ''•^^^^^^^M^B^h^^Pf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HB^^^^^^^^H^pM^^^H||^^^ —- — her Bhetlnnd «h«i

,^^^^^^iI«F-^i <1*y visit or* at Eaitnn and Alien- Kennel Club «hr»w» (luring this p«*t 5 B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H|^W ^j^^^^p^ J i # ^^1H «L& « ^B^B^BIB^. "*' !j|NuyHB^B^B^B^B^BaB^B^BT m^ ^K\ ^^H*"*" " "" "fij £Q 1 town, PA. Th«y Mp«nt iiorno time winter, nn.i Duity, nivnM by § ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L ^H^^ : ^1 IvPV •^^^^^HBtl^^S^^^^^^^^Q^^H MWWW ^— . with h«r parent*, Dr. nnd Mr*. Frnnk Thrill, prtnlrtent of th* I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•H^«^^H|^P : V VM» ^^V^^^H^^^^^^^I^^lPHHBtJil^^^l Vv^^^H •^BBMBaHI^H^^^^^^^^V CharlM Relts of Stain Honpit*;, Ml'' •'''"'•)' Ompantnn Dag Train- S B«B«B*B«B*BwB«BwB«B«BBWB«B«BBB«BBB"*BiB^ : V \|5r ^BW ! ^ • Y>g^|w ^^m ^^^^^^^^^^V Aliontown. whsre Dr. Relic !• 'nK ri1111 Ah# will r1«monatrat* £ ' *BBVHBW ^^^HBBBMBB^^^^B^B^B^^^-^. V ^S5^^BW ^B^B^B^B^P^ th# pathninglat. Mn, miiflh, the Hl" vn!n# nf ring training to the I ,_„_.« .,..-„ _.,..,.. ^ «. . j „ ,(,, \

^^^^^^••••^•^i^B^^^^>gJj^-g^^^M^^^MiPPPg(P»»Pi' hUtolog(a|t at Mmk InatttuM for M ; --•- I hHMiHwalli ar Spring Lad*, wearing COLI OF CAll ' • Tilt I*.*, — ^^^XL******. ^ . IX^JSZS? ***"** « Onv.ni^^^.n il ^«NIA'S W^.rf.,1 -«ri^N •* «** %% /BU^H Vf ln>m *mi «^^4.fcti tht new .hie rhltn* <|u»lltie« on «nv road. p^^J^^^CTK ,. DATES* inTirittM '* **"' ^ ^^ ^ ^ ' O^JKtmmm *%* MfW. ., ihtm t« ilt« writ- «h*fl y«ra look it tht JMpmr'i I JtlTT.I.1!^L J|JW1 ' W.WWWM1. M * • dffl^mmm ********W3.:.Mmm*- -w** A«Vr'«u »/*#w-^uii j , ht. . ijm JLi^r >H P*ny I LA ll^U* XL^lfc WnB^B^Bv^lV * * # li^^Aiiii ll akm Mii'tMiii * ^.^^^.1^ *» < H ^^•^bS H ••«w"w ^^•w^va j THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE I, I WO College Seniors fitftt Pener Three Are Prospective Brides Gene Edgar Plans Plan September Is Fiancee of " f ; an- ^lttce the *E«»««B«»t ©f then Edith to Thomaj L, Beck son! of nounce the engagement of tarsi- j'a-»!i«r. AW*** Lffiiae-.to Thm I Mr, and Mrs, B. C. Beck of Tulisa. daughter, Gene-Preacott Edgar. 11 Bff«ret«» ©f 36 Okla. | John Gillam Irons. Jr. 'ion oi Pro*-i4ea<*, Miss Perier, « graduate of Sukn- It' L. tcn { mit High School, attended Vir- Dr. and Mr*. Irons nf B>nnmj;i(*n, }

p-r. Jt-rvif, N. Y m& School ginia Intermount College, Bristol, Vt r.'i"sew York State .Ajricu,tural Va,. and graduated from Baifci- M;u Edgar m A i" 'x~f.-iiB.leti iBJastat* *t Delhi ism School «f Modeling, New of Rear • Admiral and Mra, Regi- York City. Miss Ferier Is a grad- nald R. Belkn«p of N'vw York and y Y. ^ uate of the American Ah'li^ei Madieon, Conn, and of the l«tr, J e^'mno-.t Ht£k SchooS. served three Stew&rdcsa Training School at Rev. and Mrs. Wiil.uri J. B K>J- !'^,r, ;rt th# Army in the Piteini Chicago, III., and ha* been fly ng gar of Philiidfliihia Sii. nttendol .ji >r %& ' «jr* now, WN - the First Cavalry Division, se|v- working in thr Huntiivton Me- trirnmirtg or cutting. Bring OUT your Mi** Kdrth Pfrirr MIM Janrt Simon • - Mid* lien* I'rewolt Kclgar ,^rs at" West. Virgin* W<»H-yan ing 18 months in Japan. He>tl)en morial Laboratory at Ma.tsAi-hu- natural beauty ard flatter your fea- attended the University of Iowa setts Genera! Hospital. I! ^ton tures to perfection, !.-•/ atii «P«t U> *«* nnarrKQ pnd will resume his etudies at Sons of Poland Plan Great-grandson of Herald . Mr. Irons is the gt.-indwn of Oklahoma A. and M., StiHwater, John Irons of Cornwa- \ t. and n s^ty Graduate Nurse SUMMIT 6-1680 Okla. •'•'• Sunday Bus Outing Founder Is Engaged the late Mrs Irons. He >• n gmdu- '\ Mr, and Mrs. Herbert H Hop- Berkeley Heights Couple Branch 100, St. Wojeieck. Sons Bride-elect of ate of the Berkshire S> Imol and kins of Washington strut, Morrus- of Middlebury College, -mil plans of Poland, will charter a bu,s Sun- Married Sunday Frank J» Guida, Jr., R.N.Whitesell,Jr. town, have announced the engage- to enter the graduate .<* hool of ) day for «m outing at the SSP ment of their daughter. Maryann. The wtd-iLSg «•' Ms&* Jliidred D. Mr. and MM. Frank Simon of Tufts CoJIege for. n , ilenti^try ;\ CumaiAflB,. &*uttn*i; of- Mr. and Camp in Randolph Township, near to David L. Smythe. .son of Mr. course in the fall' He .served with }[ A. Bernice Grady Maple street, Murray Hill, an- and Mrs. Victor 1). Smythe of 76 Mrs.-C J. DaataaaaB &t Columbia Dov.-r. The bus will leave Chapel the Army of Occupation in (jer- HVFPU- &?rkeC*y- Heights, *nd noune« the engagement of their Division ftivnui'. mnny. Married at Moss and Broad 'street* at 10;30 a.m. Fr,nk K. ErET. saai of Mr, and- daughter Janet la Raymond Nash Mi.v.< Hopkins attended Morris- The wedding i« hoing pumnod the marriage of Mbs Those wishing to make reserva- town High School and i.i employed, jl'rs. Charles Er»y_ «tf . Mountain Ber-nice Grady, daughter* of Mr. Whltesell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. for "II livrf Quality I* l.ong Remembered?* tions m«y telephone Mr*.-Andrew by the Now Jersey Bell Telephone avenue, took pile* Sufiday' at the.. and Mrs. J. P. Grady of Ruther- Whi,teseil of Walker rcwd, West Church oj.tfe*- littlf Flower. Rev. Co. Mr. Smythe, who attended ford, to Frank J. Guida, Jr., «or. Rosol, Summit 6-7385. Orange. Summit High School, left to serve Joseph P. F*&w» aSfe-Iated and a Spaghetti Dinner at 16 Maple St. **°* '. Summit, N. J. of Mr. and Mrs. Guida of 25 Weir During the summer the organi- three years in Japan. He is the rV-potion. falfewwJ •* St- Marys Mis» Simon, a graduate of Sum- Legion Home Tonight nut street, was celebrated at a zation will meet on .Saturdays-in- mit High School* graduated l«st great-grandson of David M. This evening ^frum fi to !• i\ K«t, nuptial mass Saturday morning stead of Sundays. The next meet night from Orange Memorial Hos- Smythe. founder of The Summit lias Eriwitie* CiaunMii was spaghoiti dinner will (>•• ,-icived in St. Mary's Church, Rutherford, pital School of fJursing. She will Hewld. He i.s associated in the j,t>r Sf3ter"J bofflor • Iteudant. ing will be this coming Saturday nt the American Legion Home, Msgr. Charle.s W. Tichler offi- remain on the nursing staff-of theJ tile bu.sini\ss with hi.s father. ' Bri ««• Miss .Marie ciating. A wedding breakfast U'n.- at 8 p,m. at the home of Mrs. Jo- H Elm street. The public is in- hospital. he'.d at the Old Homestead, seph 0)«.* Signe Westltind Will prr- gown with a stand-up collar of E Jd Co. «ent her pinno pupils in n public point Venice lace, which «tl.*» The bride » a graduate of Re- Newcomers Annual No date has been set for the recital tomorrow at 7:45 p. m. at trimmed the shoulders and waist- wedding. Brayton School auditorium. ! gional* High SCJMOJ *ad is em- line. A Dutch rap of seed pea. rIt* Supper Dance to Anyone interested i.s invited to ' u'ovpit at the S*ttiv<-riziiig Co. Mr. held her French il|usion veil ami j att(-nd the mffair. Erny served •>':: yvAirs an the Navy she carried a prayer book with Offer Door Prizes HIM i5 emptov-'fE ** She Theobald Local Soprano orchids, rosrs and lilies of the Mrs. Gustav Schwab, chairman FOR WEDDINC PRESENTS [ri.iiis-Tries. Keaety. valley. of the Newcomers Club supper Sings "Violetta" 1 Sisterhood Will Mrs. David Hardin wes matron dance to be held Friday at Masonic of honor for her sister, whoie In Verdi Opera Install Officers For Summer bridesmaids were her cousine, Miss Hall, has m«dc final arrangements Joan and Miss Ruth Smith. Mau- for a ' gala evening, Supper will Miss Anna T. Woodward, daugh- Tuesday Afternoon KIRK TOWLE reen Grady, another sister, tytu* be served buffet style from 8:30 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K Officers of, the Sisterhood of Charm - . • flower girl. Dominic Guida of Woodward of 47 Norwood avenue, until it) p.m. by the New Hamp the Jfwi.sh Coniinunity Center for -Summit served as his brother's sang the role of Violetta in the shire House. Mueie will be fur- the coming year will ho installed best man. Ushers were NelfiKin production of Verdi's opera "La WALLACE GORHAM nished by Bud Laird's orchestra nt a luncheon meeting- nt the Popp of North Arlington fcntl Traviata" at the New York Col- Richard Grady of Newark. ; starting at 9. lege of Music in New York City Hotel Suburban on Tuesday, June Sponsor* have donated the fol- 13. Mrs. Seymour For man of After a wedding trip the coiipic on Sunday evening. The opera wa.-i LUNT REED & BARTON lowing door prizes for the affair: presented by the opera cl«s« of Morristown will.he n guest speak- will live in Hflrwood avenue, Ber- a car lubrication from Perry Prof. Leopold Sachse, with Sieg- er and installing officer. keley Heights. Brown's ICsso service station, a fried Landau conducting. Mrs. Matthew Zeigner will' take The bride is fl graduate of1; St. WATSiDN INTERNATIONAL luncheon or dinner from the New over the Iradi>r»hip of the organ- Mary's High School and is em- Since her graduation from Pem- Hampshire House, nnd a Chinese ization us president for her second ployed by National Cold Storage broke College in June, 1948, M'si. porcelain bowl from Hunter's Woodward has continued the study term, nnd will be assisted by Mrs. in New York. Mr. Gukla is a grad- Candle-Light gift shop. of voice with Albert Barber of Robert Selignmn nnd Mrs. Herbert uate of Summit High School ftrio New York City, with Italian and Karnm, vice-presidciits: MB, Sam- is with William Kindsvogfi *Jo., The committee assisting Mrs. coaching lessons from other teach- uel Kessler. treasurer; Mrs. Mor- LENOX WEDGWOOD Newark. Schwab hue been assigned as fol- lows ; Mrs, Wayne Lorenz secured ers, and last fall, after an audition, ris Blum, corresponding secretary;- was accepted for thr opera class Mm Philip K«:ke[, recording sec- A cool, HaHering the orchestra, Mrs. Floyd Kerr BOOTHS FRANCISCAN Bridal Couple to has received old newcomer reser- tnught by Professor Sachsn. Miss retary. and permanent .. . person- Woodward has studied the roles of Live in Summit vations. Mrs. (.'corse Engclmen The irivoentiim will be by Rabbi alized to Ycui at only our and Mrs. Edward Johnson have the Countess in "The Marriage of Aaron Mauskopf, and a musical experts can do, it! Call lor Mr. and Mrs. John Gianniikis made- newcomer reservations. Dec- FMgaro," Toaca in ''Topra," Sophie program will be presented by Mifls an appoifjfwen* today! who were married Sunday at St. orations ore in- charge of Mro. in "Dor Roeenkavaller," and wii! Capitola Dickerson «nd Richard Jame.x' Church, Newark, and are Bernier Keith, Mrs. O. E, Mar- presently begin work on the role Mautner. on a wedding trip to Florida, kvil! of Marguerite in "Faust." b«ch. MM, John Dickflon, and Mi3. Mr.". Alfred Miller, chairman of make their home in Summit. The Perntomnt S 4 {% S. G. Tri-inbicki. Boiitonniere.s arc Those attending Sunday night's the committee, has been assisted Bridal Register - Phone Inquiries Solicited bride .va* Miss Chrysanthf. Kar- being made by Mrs. Hugh F. performance from Summit were by Mrs. D«vid Kahn, Mrs. Herman miris, daughter of Mr. end llrs, Kelly and Mrs. O. K. Marbach Mr. and Mrs. Edward N.iramore Du»iek, Mrs. Siimucl Kassler, Mre.- Summit 6-3305 John Karmirls or Washington Mrs. Schwab, Mrs. W. Knap,) TEMPLE'S of Beverly road, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Simon Cohen, Mrs. Maxwell Bovit, street, Newark, and the bride- Bailey, and Mrfl. Hugh A. Etibatik liam R. Woodward of. Eeechwood Mrs. Matthew Zcigner. Mr.«. Rob- HAIRDRESSIMG SALONf groom is from Chatham. ; m«de Brr«ng:»Mnol, ftttonded 39 BEECHWOOD ROAD, SUMMIT, N, J. Lond«n for exclusive creations.. Rutgers Univct-iOiy «nd .wrved with Window Shades (Jj.ixt iirniiml tbi- c^rnfr Irmu she Siunrnlt TrsiM r Select your next winter's fur the 15th Air Force. He is with jacket while prices are low Furs Timber Products Sales Corp. by Delia carry a 20% reduction. A f«ll wedding i« being planned-

Father la King for n day an FatherVs Day. Remember your Dad with « thoughtful gift. The Siegel Stationery Store ha,s -wal- lets, key rings, pen and prrjiil sft». PHre# to suit any purse. ONLY * • • • 1.98 Cory makes fl portable diflli- wHsher that is a wow. See them Until NOW, print window shades ut the David J. Flood store. Mr. Flood ifl top man r>n all electrical $5.00 equipment, ITe's n goViH frlrnd to hftvp when RBflgets net up Th»t is • sfMcUl qroup of our newly arrivtd,

Col\*ml»Mi printed tlt«tj< of Cornell, wed known fabric designer, pletiires this jwimmer. You run get film* and hnvr them devi'lopi-d , youthful Unlimited wn. All Dnyli'* Furniture of Ch»r«fl»T IA nntton- I'rrnrrviT will,gi\«' it ti» HM lit Imiiww witli rufflrd n «l!y hrandml m^rchandlur, Whr-n you, It'* 0)** fltiiiit» s*»fkln(( furniture *hr»p, Iioyl*-'*. ** I • * # lliing on two (t'ri f Trim! Ruhr Hhtvp in doing * rrwitlf <•£•_»•. lurtdofflrc btiRln«M In wwldlnn t«kMi, If you nr«> sntli'lnntlnf th«« one'of m«ny «•*.« (MM ««•««-! ruffled gi-Ml. i»v*»nt, h«vf Trfwl ni*li* you rnrta»i»». * truly wwnrtf«rf«I i:r#"»tlnri. , IVrfwi (If Mnrai, far tmtitvm to m rumpm filly 8fl<»rt « wippfr ni *Hfc b*kc nf Ihflr twtjf atlidi ««f * fin** nf too), u«# (>«ftMftttl«4 from THE UIMMMV SHOT th# B\tttim\t T 0 of idiwwit truM SUMMIT Pl*ltl h«W It IA rmvt If THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. JUNE I, Scientists Plan CompM«f College j They Earn Degrees at Various Colleges five Summit Young Honored Mi$s West berg Course With BA Degree ' Men Graduate from Picnic Sunday at Amonr the S»«^t Briar College . Is Stafford Hall (Sweet Brsar. Va • graduate* on ' Brown University Monday was Mi** Anne Po»t May Queen I Five Summit young men were Seeley's Pond Hubert, who received the Ikthe- Member* of the Summit A*»ocia- j among the 1,100 rtudenU who Miu Margaret West be - ,-,, .'. lor of irti degree- .. ! were graduated from Brown Unl- Pearl street war crowned M* tlon of Sr:«T.tUt*. prospective Ml*i Hubert, a graduate of member* and thisr famihea ire , vf ratty, Providence, R. I., at lt» Queen at the annual *prin? c*^ Summit High School, i* the ' 182nd commencement exercise* held by the students and V'''* .nvjtec to sliinii a picnic Sunday daughter of Mr and .Mrs Philip on Monday. Thi« wea the Jargcat of Stafford Hall at th/',,.'-/' at SwWy* piir.d :n the-Watehung A Hubert Of 2 7 Lenox road She [-r^Ati'in, n> ,ir the end of Glen- c;«s» ever to graduate from Suburban, Friday evening jj*v nNijori'4 in psychology. She has Brown. Tho«e receiving degrees Weatberg waj crowned hv jj'^j b*en t member of the English June Hull of Union, whr> w^* Thf affair wi begin at I pm Club, the Friend* of Art,'and the , were: : 1849 May Queen of Staffr,rii nl'' w;;h ba.'«hn for children, .college fhapter <>f l.'nitrd World ! Herbert R. WiebolfJt, son of i Mr «nd Mr#. Herman U. Wiebold; Miw Westberg and her an. !,;;,„. nilurr «i:i( tor the young (wople, FYdf-mlkt*. Ml** Hubt-ri aiso , were selected by a . tud^t c'^' , and also gimcs J of 18 laurel avenue, bachelor of s hor»t*hf>'-- gitnu- served lhi«. year on the *tud''nt mittee in cooperation w;r.. ,^ for thr women Pmejs will be art» degree. He U a graduate of funds committee, which conducted John Robert Powers Stud 0 •*-ardeii to ti.l winner* Summit High School, playing on R a auccnsful community drive for New York City. ' Giif*u> are" i*hffcc«r team four year* and »>» n foftd rups »nd f?;n»sp#, Tablr< were designated for *tud<>nl re- serving a* co-captaln in'hla »enior Mis* Westbe.rg's court .Ir.r 'Hr. • rid firrplan'* havp bpen. r<*»r-rvf>d year. He was atwociate editor of Misa Joan Dannehower of w^. »nd coffer and isnft drink* will bf lief, cither in this country or.'lse- i'-here', aporU on the Brown Daily Herald field. Miss Geraldine K^n ,[, provided P-ipper time will begin at i Mr • Wleboldt was vice-president Cedar Knolls, Mis.s Joan skr^n' 4:30. Rev A Powell Davits, formerly 1 AJSIM Port Hubert WRADLATING on Memorial Day Marguerite Anne Brown ! of the l«tterman'» "B' ' Club as « Miss Margaret We»tberg of Short Hilla, Miss Patr'irl minister of" the Community Cross and Mlae Jerry.Reyno'dj". Mn \V .1 M>>J M Aahwood Church hpre. now of All Souk. from Stephens College, Columbia, senior: a member of Delta Tau •venue. id UitiJif rexervatioru, Mo. waa Miw Phyllis Ann Steel*.- fraternity and ita recording eec- Summit, and Miss Barbara Tm: VVajhlrjs!f>n. [>r*arh»-«l the haeea- •mpns of Madison. whitn m»> tir mndi' by .caning ! laureate, ; . daughter of Robert H. Steelc of ri lary during |ii« «oj>bomore y<*ar. Entertains 100 Summit «i4-i!-M Transportation. ISO Summit avenue, MUw Steelc Anthony J, , Combias, »on of The program included".^,.,,. ws!l bt «vai!»b;e for tho*e wa* awarded an Associate in Arts John T- Corn-bias of 21 Ruthven Guests at May apecielty numbers. The E«vm it. Williston Graduate degree. place, bachelor of arts degree. A Frank Thompson Camp, son,of Steppers of Madison' graduate of Summit High, he was Birthday Party dancing and ainglng. There »rt «bout 30 million ton* Mr and M». Frank Camp of ISO a member of. Phi Delta The'ta n' *t*ei on iht aland nf Manhat- 1 Oak Rldgr avenuf, was among To Be Graduated Sunday j Arthur Manser of 74 Mountain Rflnkin of Bernard.»vi]]f ,.,j fraUrn'ity. 1 the 61 seniors 'graduating from Mi*» Margurrite Anne Brown of avenue, who retired from the hard- Thomas Hughes of New pmv[. tan, New York. W p-er rtnt of Martin L, Jacobs, "on of Mr. i • . which air' in *k >:<»<• raprr« «nd . vVillrston Academy, Eeathnmpton, 157 Maple Mrer-I, will rc-ceive her j ,« ., . . , ,.«iware business several years ago, dence a«ng. Bill Jacobu* nn'd hs nnd Mm Henjamin tJacob* of 127: . • ottier building*. MBK?., on Sunday- rniciielor of arts degree frorn Car- band provided music for th* leton College, Northfield, Minn., Summit avenue, bachelor of arte U^o a birthday party to about 100 ^ at commencement exercises which degree. He wu a member of j of his friends awl their wive* on | The|Jrosr-am rommJttp;, in'. , will br held Sunday, it wa» an- Faunce House Student Board of Monday night, May 29, at his home.; Donald Brower of Mariism, a'. nounced yesterday by the college. Governors, and the Tower Club, Hc wag Aasigtcd in receiving by his man: Miss Crow and Mks :RH.. For Summer Charm Miss Brown is the daughter of V social organizations; thi daughter, Miss Ruth Manser. The Faitoute, both of Summit: B^-r'p •• Mr. and Mnw, Charles W. Brown. Club, student-facult„.„ y „ discussionj . . event had a double significance, for Murray of Madison: Miss Viv,i- \ group; and the HUM Foundation, ; , A cool, flaHering haircut Mr Manscr and )la daughter have Lyons of Short HiH.s, \\'a:;r.r To Be Graduated national undergraduate religious) reservations for H plane trip to Kingsbury of Netcong: «nrr M. " «nd p»rm«n«nt . , . parion- organization-for Jewieh «tudenta.-:Loa AngeIes Iater thi8 month,' Alice Hemmings of From Bucknell .'....' A graduate of Summit High, hc «lii«d° to You at only our John H. Evans of 113 Summit the dean's list for high j The' hohie was r.twly decorated j avenue, wil be a candidate for the jfor the party. On the mantel were •xptrts cm do it! Call «RADUATI»-JohB D. Reynolds, scholastic standing in his senior Girl Scout Camp degree of bachelor nfarts at Buck- GRADUATES — Mary A. Velie, Scores of > birthday cards .from son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Rey- Mr nell University's lOOth annual com- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton ' ' . I friends, • many of whom are m*m- , today for an appointment. nolds, of 9 Prospect Hill avenue, mencement exercises on Sunday. G. Vclie of '86 Mountain avenue, Joseph M. Waltert, Jr., eon of ;bers of the old Guard> wUh whlch Staff Made Up 0/ yesterday graduated from the Evans, who is the son of Mr. and graduated yesterday from the Mr. and Mm. Joseph M. Walters ;Mr Manser is affiliated. Nelgh- Valley Forge Military Academy. Mrs. \V. Kelton Fvans, is a mem- College of Saint Elizabeth, Con- of 54. Halsey street. New Provi-inor3 joincd in tllc celebration of College People Enrolled' for the last two -years at ber of Kapa Sigmij social fraternity. v'tfit Station, Miss Velie received dcnc«, formerly of Summit, bach-; Mr. Manser> 83rd birthday. tht academy. Cadet Reynolds will c!or of arts degree; member of The staff for Camp Wanou, thr % the B.S. degree in chemistry. The Thursday Luncheon Club of Summit Are*. Girl Scout camp CAROUSEL be among the 27 junior college Brownbrokere, undergraduate or- the Old Guard, of which Mr. Man- Graduates from N.J.C. .at Lake Kanawauke, N. Y, j sophomdres to receive his diploma. ganization, producing musical ser is a member, brought an um- HAIRDRESSERS Mi<« Marian L. Bower of Berke- almoM completed for the . (• iCluh and International Relations r Syracuse Graduate October, haa named MM. W. A. Peddie School, Hightatown. i esteem in which Mr. Manscr is held retary for tile Summit Arui, a..j ' IChib. She was a dormitory' chair- Schumacher as summer collection •by his associates, and beat wishes. be the busineM manager at :•,» Dona'.d H. Do WILL CONTINUE After graduation from Summit Miss Flanagan, Brownies Repeat Program England avenue, and groups' of The marriage of Miss Marjorie the opening. On June 17 nnl :.< High Sehool he served two years A Beaver Graduate sorters will work together there D. Lester, daughter of Mr. find the camp will be partially «(-t ,? in the Navy as a radurmiin while THE REMODELING SALE MLs» niizabeth Flanagan, diiugh- regularly throughout tfie summer. Mrs. Harry E. Lester of Sylvan j Brownies of Washington School by a group of the parentH nf ;• «- aboard the U.SS. Boxer in the ti>r of Mrs. H, C Flanagan, of Anyone in Summit or nearby nvenue, Leonia, to Timothy Prout, j rnight have hung up a sign "Show cnt Scout*, who. with the tK-.:- , Pacific. r THERE ARE VARIOUS ITEMS Beech Spring 0-sirdeus, was gnithi- who has book.1", uheet music, or son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Prout Continuous" when they entertained ance of «ome Boy scout.", fci'.f * 1|> college he won active wi flted Sunday from Beaver College, plionogmph recordsi to dispose of of 18 High street, took place Fri- the girls of the second gmde who arranged to erect tent», fit n STILL ON SALE campus polities and Sigma Nu Jenkintown. l'«. Miss Flanagan during the summer may call Mm. day nt All Saints Episcopal Church, will be Brownies next year antl bod*, and locate other nec-fwiry fraternity, and in the latter he received the degree of bfirliclor of Schumacher ot Summit 6-1819 or Leonia. Rev. John R. McGrory their mothers Monday nt the equipment preparatory to the offi- participated in the Glee Club, fine arts after majoring in com- officiated school. cial opening on June 2fl. (MA. CONTRACTED ITEMS EX( KITED) it tr-rfrntcrnity athletics nml sev- lirr committee members nt 5895J mercial design. or r>3!MiJ for prompt pick-up serv- MisB Janet Lester was maid ol An original playlet and a va- eral house committees. Mrs, Doild riety of musical numbers which in- ice or may deliver directly to the honor for her lister and the bride- and hrr nephew, Richanl Hazen of groom's father served as bent man, cluded violin, viola, accordion and Couple Win Week-end Story League Ends barn, In Short Hills the contribu- USE OUR THREE WAY PLAN New England avenue, spent the The bride wore a white summer voen.1 selections as well as dan<:e At Eaitover Inn w^ek«!nd in Syrneiisr while at- Season with Luncheon tif>n.-» may be left «it the Racquets number*", made ,up the marathon suit and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrfi. Elmer Burnntt o' CASH, CHARGE, OR BUDGET tr-ndini; the graduation. The Summit. Story League will Club. Tho mnid of honor wore a pink program. For the benefit of late- ronclitde iLi year'.i flctivitles with suit with H corsage of white comers the children enthusiastic- Plainfield avenue, until recrnt:y Will Graduate June 12 a ef>vercd-di• 449 Sprinqfitld Avt. Summit, N. J. of story hours «t tho city .1 to S p.m. All interested in visit- bnrt College nnd is now studying The energetic participants were daughter of Dr. and Mrs, John plnysxounds rlitring the summer ing the camp «re invited, fiaid Alice with Al Clothier and h:« L Sly of 109 IJeechwnod road. for hi.-? PhD. nt Columla Univer- Carol Ann Banker, Theresa Bace, months. Brundapc Mnrsh, director. sity. Patricia Cardone, Marie. Ccrciello, Band, preapnted the gift to the A marionette show nnd miuaic After a honeymoon the couple Jo-Ann Church, Sally Collino, Bar- winners. Two Summit Women will be provided .'or entertain- will live at Cold Spring Harbor, bara Connelly, Barbara Gardnoi, The last meeting of the vmr- Officers ol Vassar Club ment and guides will take visitors Long Island, where the bridegroom Nancy Lre Jaycox, Caroline LJ- ity was held lnst night at !h<- Mrs, Stirling Tomkins of 29 through the nature trail*.• has a position at the Long Island pore, Joan Osmulski, Joan Pan- Community House. The, home of Mrs, C. (J, Baldwin, seum nt Trenton through June 18 Madison. Mrs. Henry, M. Wilson Welitii includes by Invitation the work* of of Mftdl.snn wn.» nnineii priviflrnt three Summit artists, Martha Ber- mported Frertch Brass Trivets Wonderful, nnd Mm, R. W, Kixmillrr of Chit- r* n ry, Lesley Crnwford *ind Alf J. hum, secretfiry-troflsiircr. The slotr* Stromfltod. The show rrprr.ipnl.H On Miniature Castors .... 6.50 WH.t presented hy Mrs Kohrrt forty-three towns In (he state, Keller of Short Hill*. which gives Summit n v?ry high walkable Mrs. J. Buckley BrynTV nf «i rating with three artists, it w«* (!nnof nrook pnrkwny rVpnHcd on pointed out. the rreent nlumnnr eounell meef- The exhibition Is open dully from The Book Shop Inr 9 a.m. In 5 p.m., Rundnys from 2 MEDIUM Toa was nerved. to f\ pm MABEL CARTER 134 Springfield Avtnu* . . Summit, N. J Former Residents BIRTHS HEELS To Visit Friends 'Her* To Mr and Mt,». Frederick Best Ll. Col. nncl MM, Willnrct Isnno?:, of Springfield nvvntie, HrrkHey formerly o( West minuter rood, HelKhtK, n son, horn Mny 11, FOR THE JUNE IMDE; now of TucBon, Arlr.i left for non- To Mr. nnd Mr«, ,|. Hnlc rnltrr- well, N, M, Ifwt Frliln.v, to pii'H mr\ of in Ulvnrhend nmd, tterkr'ley CROWN DERBY, DOULTON, WORCESTER, tip I heir wn, Wlllflrrl, Jr., n, rnrlet Ilelflhtw, « «on, horn Mnv 22 nt New Menleo Military IRISH BELLEEK, ORREFORS, STUART. To Mr. «nd MM. Wllllnm Taylor Come in. WVvf the liters, «nr| then t« drive of 4 Olenni'le nvpnur, n sun, Horn •rlrttion .in tcnvn of lovely *tylrV ninjr lo ftrrlve in flummlt Thix h That Talked Ahtytt Mfly 3,1. Col. nnd Mrs lunncn will vUH f) , r TV» Mr and Mr* Clinton v«n m the smart,'walkftbte tnttlium nnd Mrs Frederick liiim, nt-rt. rvf GO EVERYWHERE The Melroses Natln of \M Rrnt P\n,,' B(>iilev«r«l, Chflth'im for « few flny« r*ntlet 10 A. M ~* p. M, heel. And thfy'ff JM Ctnn * *nti, horn M«y 2,1, ftnfl th« Mltlt !>i> Usury plater, iluritijt her *\*y here Nc«f vwir' nhr plans to ftltetid |ltf> Mill GOOD-LOOKING GLASSES of Arlionn, AbnUt the ^ $21.50 the f*mlljr *!ll *o l« their ASK YOUli"lYl7!!YSICIAN home n\ North mmt ADVICI ON Children's .CfDeucBter Dell Shoe Stores ALCOHOL TROUIU7 SUMMIT A!,roi!OIH« AN© PAINT CO m nmmmm* AVKH SUMMIT, /v,/ t Furniture Inc. l«l,llfl, on IM ••« m 410 N|»rlnKfiHd AVrium mtawmm NftWMfe N, I. mmnn "S ' THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSPAY, jJUNE I. 1*50 Graduates on Monday "Alice" with M«nift*ld, vioiinut, played softly |T €* A 1 C Among the 1,100 students who Lafayette Confers Degrees Dancing Groups ; 1 «..> .^e\in» wi.t be on the) »••• ThonftM B Original Musk were awarded degreea at the ' •»fhool*uff«Ha;n next #eas«n with! Clarke, »on of Mr. 182nd commencement of Brown Unite for La\f dancing in th» morninsr «u •*•*>!! x"1 iIr' ^ «er.y S Clarke'of *-t far Brook Finale University, Providence, R. I., wa* ii» t11^ H'-.-rrio/in ' i'i'tr M ;. .1 . j among the W Spring Recital T« R. r j J. J \A J ""••'•« »ni w.l gr*A\mt« this A fUn week of activities at Far Mk* Dorothy T. Oallandtr of 150 The dancing claw** of the cre- 10 Be Graduated Monday Saturday from Bair Academy at 5,00k School, Short HilU, will Beechwood road, who received fi K \ , to a climax at 8 o'clock to- ative »rU group for pre-schooS From Cornell University • *tf>*R I- •* , be th* achooi'i nW the degree of bachelor of arts. ' \i"* • 'rrrow (Friday) night with grad- childrenand the apocial aftermvn A-f-.-i 'i (vi • . P ..1 M- !• comm< ncemeat, Miss Callander, a graduate of dancing claim at the Child Garim M - V , ,' , K (-„• i • ' . .i A rnfmb'>r of th« Wp,b-- 'gt>n exercise* and a presen ta- Summit High School, is the daugh- lon of the graduation .play "Alice of Music, 15 KrankMn pU

n a/h r K.i; ;..t [» 'n \{<. | 'n wonderland." Following the Callemder. their teacher, Polly Nevtnj, laM h.« },,-,.,'(', , . HI i'.-' , v graduates, alumni and friends a Thur§d»y afternoon at the hern' ^ E /o r aw.«i DrfimAt.r* Club. CV; join in a square dance. of Mrs. G. M. Hubbwrd. Jr of Mary Sue Santoro of Short HUla Receives Diploma Today 155 Hobart avenue The «ffn'r Jj'piay the part of Alice. Other* Edmund Kirkwood Summtrsby, could not t>« held in the gar), n .„the cast includ* Timmy Gilbert »on of Mr. and Mr«. John Sum- a* planned because of t«:n MM* ind Donald Schwaw of Summit; mer«by of 11 Ferwwood road, will Alice Brundag* Marsh, director of Richard Pratt and Carolyn Ayer«, be graduated today from Middle- UM school, and Mri Hubbard KOnhuC Berkeley Height*. sex School, Concord, Maw. The grteted the guests Miss June Original music for "Alice in exerciwi will be held atll;30a.m. Kramer played the piano for itw DRY CLEANER Wonderland" wa* composed by in the campus chapel. dancing and Mist |ioi>.; ohrig Far Brook children. Carolyn Ayres and Mis# Judy M.*;*;; danced with the children Of Berkeley Height* wrote the designed and constructed by the Garments Called For & Delivered! pI<>Iogue and the 8th and m children. Miaa Kramer, who n to j», roar- rsd«s a* « group* composed the On Monday the entire school i"ied Saturday, received « red ro»« 557 Morris Ave. Summit, N. J. Lobster Quadrille" and "Beauti- hold a steak roast on the school Gordon A. Pott Arthur E. iUaho John T. Ellis from etch dancer and a s.r; from SU. 6.6137 ful Soup" number*. Larry Oncley grounds, Wednesday afternoon the three CUMJH-*, whi> i'hyilis of scotch Plain* will accompany "Alice in Wonderland" was pre- Mansfield, pianist. ami Marion tiit musicsl number* on the cello. sented for the younger children Thp play was coached by Mr».and this morning closing exerciaea Six Local Men Winifred Moore, school director, for the school were held with each «s«uited DV Mrg> p|iul On(!ley *nd grade contributing something from j Graduating From M;as Kathleen Hinnl. The »et* w«re their year's program. Lafayette A bit of family advice Five Summit and one New Providence students will graduate from Lafayette Colleger Eotton, Pa.,, tomorrow Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, president of the United Nations, will give the address and will receive an honorary degree of doctor of laws. Graduates from this' area are: John T, Ellis of BIO Springfield avenue, bachelor of arts. Mr. EllLs ia a member of the Maroon K«y, society, Newman Society' and Hibbert \V. Moan, Jr. hockey team. - Robert MacQonald, Jr. Robert MacDonald, Jr., bachelor We have a complete collec- of science in metallurgical engi- tion of unusual and attractive 25 Students Get neering. Mr. MacDonald is aleo Awarded B.A. From gifts for men . . . practical Griffith Awards a member of Maroon Key and the Washington Stale John Marltle Society. and personal. From our large Twcnty-flve Summit students, Walter Edward Glasser of who qualified in-the 1930 auditions Hibbert W. Moss, Jr., 02 Beek- Blackburn road was awarded a variety you might choose a man road, bachelor ot arts. Mr. of the Griffith Music Foundation, bachelor of nrts degnv at Wash- watch, a ring, a cigarette Mos.< is a membrr of Alpha Kap- ington State College graduation received merit awards at a pro- pa Alphn fraternity, Earl Orwig case or lighter, a pen and which was held May 28 at Pull- gram held Sunday at the Mosque Society and the college band. He pencil set, emblematic or is also included on thp dean'* list. man, Wnsh. He majored in his- Theater, Newark. Mm. Parker O. tory. fraternal jewelry, a tie or Griffith, president of the Founda- Gordon A, Pott of 2- Silver Lake money clip. If you desire, drive, bachelor of science in ad- tion, mrvde tho presentations. Local Girl Graduated we'll have it engraved and ministrative engineering. Mr. Pott Those receiving awards were: is n member of Maroon Key find gift-wrapped. Noel C. Anderson; Barbara Bart- wa.i assistant manager of the From Valparaiso Miss Alice Henser, daughter of ley; Kathleen Burke; Lee M.basketball team. Otto C. Manser of 1034 Springfield Arthur E. Rnabe of 5 Shadyside Chegwiddcn; Nclda Cuff; Nancy avonue, wn« graduated Sunday avenue, bachelor of science degree Culbcrtson; Dele Culk-n; Kitty A. from Valparaiso University, Val- in administrative engineering. Mr. Doran;( Constance JSberhardt; Ran be is n member of the New- pnntifo, Ind. • Miss Hanser, who majored in geography, w*w award- Expert L Rosenstein Expert Janet A. Gflge; Barbara Camille, mnci Society, yachting club and the track team. ed a bachelor of arts degree. She Quality Jeweleri for 23 Year* and Eugene Gargiulo; Junet anil is affllifiled with Alpha Phi Delta Watrb Jewelry Marion Oargiulo; Suzanne L. Hen- Robert C- Porter of New Provi- and Honor Council on the campus. 420 Springfield Ave. nessey; Lyn Johnson; Robert E. dence, bachelor of art.*. Mr. Por- Repairing Repairing Summit, New Jersey Knowlton; Sally J. Maclay; Cath- ter was a member of the Lafay- erine Mouquln: Sydney A. Sharon, ette staff, Marquis staff, Knight* Summit Girl to Graduate Linda C. Shoemaker: KaySpitzer; of the Round Table, Scnbbnrd From Montclair Teachers William Ware and Donis P. and Blnde, Alpha Phi Omega and Werner. Phi Delta Kpsilon fraternities. Leonora DeLukp. 22 Mountain avenue, will he among the 480 siniors to be graduated from Montclair State Teachers College nt June commencement exercises. Mis» DeLuke, who majored In Pleases Those Who Appreciate the Finest «octnl studies, has been active as a member of the International Relations Club, and Sigma Delta ... Especially June Brides I Pi, women's cultural organization Seton Hall Graduate Anthony A. Leonett, son of Mr. When you buy at Zeigner's you invest your furniture and Mrs. Joseph J. Leonett of 2fl Park avenue, graduated Sun- money wisely. Here you select from a big stock of day from Seton Hall College, whlcn | held its 94th commencement. Mr. Lconett nwjored In busine*» famous brand names. Names you can depend on for management and received the bachelor of science dejPfS*' Hi finer quality and lasting beauty! graduated from Summit High School in 1946. At Seton Hall he i was ft member of the Knights of LEES CARPETS i Setonin, the Business Club and i was; on th<» dean's list. He ex- IMPERIAL TABLES I peets to go into business. SUGH REPRODUCTIONS Graduates Cum Laude Miw Anne Marie Bobiw, of II HERITAGE FURNITURE High fftrret, was graduated cum •»*.? laud* with #1 bachelor of artu de- WHITNEY MAPLE gree from Bryn M*fl»y. Mi«j» Bobls PINECRAFT CREATIONS Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen, Hobi#, Mi<»* RohiK, who m«]nrM In psychology, woj» prcp«rH by the j Hor*ier M^nn Rfhfml, N^w York, j SPECIAL FOR nnrl St. Mnry « in-tfii<-MountAln»' ! in New ifftmpflhirp. She w*i« In JUNE BRIDES I the Rryn Mn»r rhririm nnd wai I prpMrlrnt of her dormitory, R*d Beautifully Covered j hor Hnll, Comfortable Odcftnional Chair* Awarded Liberal Arts Degree for Albert T, Utileii 2nif, «f • Hnwun L. • J SALE! WAK Awarded t two yenr e*r- tl'fleati* In liberal mta from Ch«mj»- Summer Furniture Now On IH*plny Inln Cnllf>(»! In e»nvnc«tlnn mtif rlsM held rrid«y at riatt«burg, *«•*•» . r«»| Cant • Old Hickory M. Y. Summer Pastels lr*N • IN WMH • Aluminum two Ifsthiri, loth Phi Beta Kappa, to Graduate In Cool and Crispy Butcher Rayon Two Hummit hrfslh#», hfHh of Ph\ llel* Kapp* h«n- olMIr fruternlty, #111 he li FATHERS DAY, JUNg 1 4**l|ree« loinnrrow at I hi' I #3-"" , Vu, They <»r». f)«vli| «. We've a Wonderful Selection of ', C.tnyArr. *ntw nt Mr Mm. Hurry A frnyiiwr of 41 K*nt f'lao houkivarfl You'll n*vf>r b« «uitl«flwl wtth »m nt (lir«w, init you rtmliTt ftt tlili EA S Y CHA Ht S 129.75 up In ad(tHIMirttlv rnlnr* , , . In !*!«*• memher t*t th<* v«fMtr traeli anil rnyon Initrhcr rnvntt, Rf- iintwr »(|i»*rtw He WM nt thi> Mrtnnf r«m (Muh, Alpha ton*, Mltk. Joseph Zeigner & Son, Inc. fhi Wur, l«»mon, li)Ua, llfcvy, Ww* II to !& CHiw Our I *\m WM i m#mn»r of ihi DICORATOHS tNMtl t«affi till |K« M^fiafHIffll Mnit nnd Ptmnr Orthn Filial CSui, A tinvy vi|#»*«, h« #•* Slat* Swnnd StyU nnrf Color Choice FURNITURE - I1DDIN9 - LEES CARPETS n( fh* Am*rl««n AVI, UPHOLSTEMN* - CABINET MAKING - SUMMIT 6-0031 «« t miflilfr el f hi mm. THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. JUNE I. l»50 Records Fall, Sports Club Wins IB-Inning Tilt, 1-0, Mickens Fans 3] Comog Mo-Hits Gruman Yanks Newark and Jersey Drop 1-0 Sports' Sidelights Mil-bum, 7-0, to Hold Sway Over Games to Sports Club Sunday DOING BETTER THAN ALL RIGHT Assure Loop Tie Summit, 2-0,2-0 Chat Cornog unlimbered his Two records fell in the State Softball League in a double Despite the depredations of the weather man (who is louse Before * disappointingly header under the arcs at Washington Field, Sunday n right arm Friday in preparation crowd of 400 fani, Summit Sport* from 'way, back, and that's probably the nicest thing that's for Summit High • Greater New- Club dropped a double-header to first record to fall was one of game longevity when th been said about htm in some time), the scholastic baseball ark tournament start on Monday Grumman Yanks of Long Island, nightcap went 18 innings before the Sports Club tu5 by hu$t« hU second nfi-hit. no- J Friday at Washington Field, back ML Carmel bt Jersey City, 1-0. The other record season in this damp district has been one of the most in- U run game\in the Suburban Con- each game by the identical score felfoil i.n this. gamo.n.e «..wa.s «kth.e strike.».!!,>- - ~~ teresting since prewar days. More than that, it has seen Sum- ference. Cornog mastered MiH- out record when Jimmy Mickens, of 2-0. Inability of SpWtj dub three hU» off Ed llkhalow,.. mit High School's nine under the tutelage of that veteran burn, 7-0, the triumph assuring hitters to do any effective itlck the Sports Club star, retired 31 the winning pitcher. Summit of at least a tie In the visitor* via the strikeout route. work was the basic answer to both U Left Stranded coach, Elwood C. Comog, doing considerably better than, what Conference. Having won their evening inau- Iosse«. The losers received two ex- In the 18-innkig classic, n mt. with being invited to the Greater Newark Tournament, the The *enlnr righty notched his cellent mound performances, In gural agairut Woopa-BotnJck of were left stranded, eight by th'. other no-hitter against Glen Ridge Newark, 1-0, the Sports Club at creme de la creme of New Jersey schoolboy diamond events. the first game from Jimmy Mick- Sportt Club and five by 'jerKV lust month. He struck out nine ens, who fanned 10, and in thethus writing boasts a 5-4 record City. Againit Mickeru only , Before the season was a month old. Coach Cornog, along the aeven-inning route while for the present season, including on nightcap from Ed Michalowski runner reached third. With m with other schoolboy coaches, found himself knee-deep in walking two and hitting one bat who retired ieven via the strikeout non league games. away in the 15th, Mike Matturo postponed .games. The situation worsened .rapidly; a fewter Friday. route. Newark's Stan Kra*iiuki, a for- tripled to ck«p left. How^vw - Summit could muster only five Stephenton Supreme mer Sports Club twirler, had Mickens retired the next two'bit! weeks later he found hrrmelf waist-deep. Playing whenever singles off three Miller pitchera, The only Sports Club sticker to slightly the better performance ters on strike*. but rrrora and a host of walks in the first game holding Sum- possible, Summit got in enough games to establish the locals solve Roy Stephenson, the famous Pete Surhoff, the losing pitcher tent seven runs home. Five of the mit to a lone tingle by Eddie Grumman chucker in the nightcap, in the nightcap, prepared the w as one of the best outfits ever ^represent SHS on the dia- runs were unearned and the other Twill in the fifth inning, which iy was Jack Lawrence who had two for his own downfall by hitting mond. two came on walks with the ba.v» didn't figure in the scoring. t for two, a double and a single. He Emil Babulaki, the SporU ciub> loaded. Triumph in the Greater Newark fixture, which is tanta- garnered Summit's only hits in Summit's lone tally in the first giant catcher, in the 18th. Though Summit H) MHIburn (8) this game. Princeton Jack also game came in the first wining-on mount to the State championship, regardless of classification, »b r h' »b r ti Lefty Pecca hit him with a batted DMti; in « i 2 nurrgton, II i o o reached base when he took one of three successive passes, the first ball, Pecca reached second M$ thf is beyond the reach of Summit , . . yet withal it has been a Bovlt. e 4 0 0 PMkow. ir too Stcphenson's fast onea on thebeing to Pete Murziiuki. the lead- Cul'rtjon, cM 1 « Wjmn*, rf 19 0 play and moved to third On grand season which will come to close this week, whether or Stortz,, 3b 0 0 O'Wouters,, r f 2 0 0 shoulder in the sixth. off man, (A wild pitch allowed "Leg$" Pecca'a rtngle. Successive Moroney, rf 3 0 l'Reu'lnger, u 2 0 Fowler was the nemesia in him to score. Newark garnered walks to Mickens and Murzmskl not. simply because school closes tomorrow officially for theMad'nna, 1b 3 2 lO'Hiri, r 3 0 Michalowski's side in (he nightcap. *J year. . ' • ' • •- ' •• Swtck, u 3 3 OjFreeaur. 2b 0 0 O forced in thelone run th» Cornog. p 3 1 I Ront'thal. 2b 3 0 0 Hitting two successive triples and game, COUNTY ATHLETIC OFFICIALS BEAMING C»mp"no, 3b 2 0 ffRdlly. 3b J 0 0 scoring both runs, he was a con- Scbo'ater, tf 1. 0 O'Bnndll. 3b 0 0 0 stant threat, coming home the first SHS Nine Gains Coming Oamr* Officials of the Union County Interscholastic Conference T*ylorl , et 3 0 fl'Kahe. cr 2 0 0 r«»y Cl«y DIRK*. Sb 0 0 Ot-owery, p 18 0 time on a beautifully laid bunt by Sund»y—Jirieyr City and are beaming! They have been beaming ever since a fortnight I»-Eaton, 1, 0 0 Newark Her* ' IBuehanan. p'(V O, O Sommcrs and scoring on Moratt's single for th£ second. Conference Title; Wfdnnday—Perth Ambov mil ago, when the findings of a special committee appointed by Dr. I Brown, p 0 0 0 Jenty City Htif In the Inaugural, Weiss doubled >>nark CO | SportaCluhin A. L. Johnson, county superintendent of schools, were an- Total* 27 7 5 Total* 20 o o*'111-POUND PUGILIST—That's James Peeca, 5" 9", 19 year-old Orchard with two down in the fourth and »b r hi ah r k nounced at a conference meeting. Naming of this committee street pugilist, who received his diplortia Tuesday night at Summit Highj. Chiefs Here Today Miller, lb Z O 1| Uuni'ikl. 2h I i n Sultovtky, If 3 0 01 Tannotta, 3h n ii n to investigate the U. C. I. A. A. was requested—and the re- Xurn ooooooo=» School. A veteran of tho Newark Golden Gloves Tournament, Pecca is ' , . ,, Summit High's nine, which was Barnett. rf 0 0 0 ] Klvlen. rf A n ,. Errors: Madonna. O'Hara 2. R*UI? 2. cent Bahlmm, cf % O 0| Trlolo, n : » u quest came from Hillside. It came immediately after a tiny RfUtllnjirr, Bufflngton. Umprlm: seen posing with his second and fellow-SHS graduate, Richard Portlnc! ^ Mtckens got himself In eliminated Monday in the Greater Kuni, t« I 0 O| Larwrencf, lb 2 n n tempest blew up in a teapot containing a basketball game and Smith. holding on to the punching bag. Pecca. credits the latter with being aj introublg e to start thta game by walk- Newark Invitation tournament, Stetnb'rs, 3b. 3 O O| Twill, cf 1 « i! help. In his ring interest, which has been mostly centered at the Summit gained some solace when it offi- Zwll'n, rf-cf 1 O O] Babuliki, r I n „ in the conference's junior varsity tournament. on nn error by Cheeso. Ankllo, c 2 O 1| J.Pe'a, 3b-rf • 2 n n YMCA, Pecca has come under the influence of Norman Thatch, an sacrifice scored him. cially clinched the Suburban Con- Rubin, 2b 2 O l|T.P*cc«, If ? ci What made such good listening and such excellent read- Spring Lake Wins SHS alumnus and Golden Gloves stellar performer in 19*8, together with) ference title as second-place Cald- jj league enue, with his horse. Handspring, '• Summaries of the Wat,"hung j Sports Club 000 000 0—0Madison ( . Baxter, lb 7 O 11 Trlolo. ss 7 n • s OAMR Mlllburii * I Baxter, c 7 II Oj Lawrence, lb T n n rather than abide by the order of the conference executive traders' attack, while Finm-gan won two firsts in the 24th finnunl Show Hist the fallowing other |f>rummtnVa ^j> Spoils Club (0) « j C.Cutone. 2b S O l|Twill,cf T i> ! Glen Ridge ! committee to replay the last thirty-two seconds of the game nnd Wiatroski collected a pair of | Watchung Riding and Driving places for local riderv: ! ab r h' ibrh '• Surhotf, p 7 o o nabulekl, e r> « i Ciub Horsp show held Saturday Open jumpers- second, Mitch- '£oI»ndro.Jr 4 0 1Ynnnotta.Sb 3 0 0 .f.Cutone. rf 1 0 O|J.Pecca, rf T i : with Regional. Hillside's Board of Education went on record as hit* apiece to lead the losers. Burden, 3b 4 0 1Murzliwkl, 2b .10 0 Tucclno, If h O lj T.Pecca, If n n ; Corby'a shook off their hxsing and Sunday nt Watchung Stables, A.H.SA. Medal Class, saddle Hutnlck, rf 400 Marshott. ef 2 0 0 M'Dc'ott. rf » n O| Mlckrns. p « n v lauding various school authorities for their sportsmanship Glcnsidc avenue. The.se were the , second, Schroeder; working Fowler, 2b 3 2 2Lawrence, lb 2 0 2 Red Sox Play at Kellner, 3b S O Oi way« with a convincing 1,1-1 vic- Snmmers, cf 3 0 1E. Twill, rf 3 0 0 in the matter. So it was gratifying to the conference officials tory over Bell Labs. Dick Roby $150 jumper stake and tho jumper hunters, amateur open — second. J. Pecca, rf 10 0 Totala O 3 Totals ntt. ?b n n fllBabulskl. c 10 0 (and to us, since we had taken a dim view, in print, of Hill- was the whole show defrti.*ivHy Bourne: third. William Bodn-- Jersey City . (KK> 001) 00() 000 (inn "(Hi -n. lb 2 0 1!Trlolo, If 10 0 Sporta Club . 0O0 000 000 000 OHO I'M as he twirled a three hitter, with \ Don Bourne of Far Hill.", for- wi'Lsor's rli.™. Lucky Strike; nn ••> 2 0 0'Oasslno, U 10 0 Chatham Sunday in side's view) to digest this paragraph of the report: , mrrly of Summit, with his firny iumpcr.-i. Professional Horr i" •'•'•' 3 0 0' Fox, «s 10 0' Base, on balls—off Surhoff 5. off MUk- his team's 13 hit attack piling up r'.ionson. p 3 0 l'Chesso. ss 10 0 ens l Double play»—Kellnea to Maircxia, . "While the rejection by Hillside of the decision of thethe runs. i Friar won the $100 \vork\in hunt*- Oh'iIVr.: •• Trophy," third. Mite". !': iMtchalowskl. p 2 0 0 Thiee base hit—Matturo. Two b»e hii - oprn !' o r -i'- * "• n .- h i »\ "•; ;-.:•'' Choo-Choo Loop 1. I'ccca. basketball committee might in their own judgment be justi- Stephens-Miller, tied for the '' st-^ke. Toisls 28 2 71 Totals 21 0 i league lead with three win* and! Thc "how - ""ractrd ahout 200 SehrocV -• fifth, ." •:,.•.>• ".: TW; Chatham, after playing two fied, the further rejection of the same decision by the execu- i > '••-••"nan Yfmkl 000 101 0—2 no defeats, Roofs and FlynriVi j ™l_rjr* an» . .. morning when the heavy rain had b.g. Punch nnd Karen. SHS Nine, 10-1, in Boll or Dick Watrous. j KEEP IT OUT OF THE PAPERS made footiug uncertain. Some-thing New Added The Red Sox's game at Maple- Loss to Regional a POH In taking two titles, the saddle In the final workout for the wood la. t Sunday was postponed Two Summit High pitcher? Somewhat disturbing, however, is the part of the re- and hunter. Miss Carol .Iron j hunter seat, something new wnsNewark Tourney because of wet grounds. couldn't get the ball over the \ port which suggests regulations for the method of handling Km.*** of Elizabeth engaged in a j added to the evaluation. Deter- June S Standing! plate in a pinch May 31 at Mem- The jinx which usually follows W morial Field and Springfield Re- future controversies, as follows: Hardware Tops li'rn rontiv-t with Skipper Sc'irot- i mined to jfi< thc youngsters on Maplewood 2 licr of Summit, who lias been i -i hons:1 which wither was frimi- no-hit pitchers caught up with Mnuntnln 2 gional upset the home team. 3-2. "When any question arises that cannot be settled ami- ol(j | Chester Cornog and his Summit Red Sox 1 Summit'* defeat was its second in Super Service working both sides of the hor.se- 'iiir, the judges called in Madison 1 cably and without publicity by the coaches or by the principals miwship field for three seasons. Braydon, a common bred ex- High School teammates as theMorrlstown 0 13 games, while Regional has won of the schools involved, the heads of these school systems are Wiffi 2 in 7th Their ratings nee-r»awed back and Army horsr of Watchiing Stables locals took a 10-1 ehellacking Chatham 0 seven and lost five. Summit Hardware posted its forth each time they met inSchool string and the horse from Nutley High on thc letter's In the second Inning- Regional to settle the matter without publicity." field Monday afternoon. Mis two Result* Sunday first win tn four starts by push- Watchung's two-day show and it turned in a good performance as Mr Lakes 10. Madison 2 filled the bases against Chan In each instance, the words "without publicity" are un- ing across two runs in the sev-was either riders chance, as they n stranse foil for the children's previous times out, the last of Red Snx at Maplewood Coddington, Summit's starting which was on Friday against (Wet Grounds) derlined. enth to defeat Super Service. 5-3, went, into the final ride-offs of demonstration of sitting a leaper. Chatham at Morrlstown pitcher, on a single and two in an "A" Softball League on Me- each division. After each finale, Millburn, Comog chalked no-hlt- (Wet Grounds) walks. Coddimgton then walked Also: ters. Apparently he wasn't rested , June It Game morial Field, Mcciday night however, it was the Eli?/ibeth girl Maplewood Rt Madison Bob Rogers and Frank Viccndcsc, £ "In the event that the queston is of such a nature that the To start the final inning Roy who was pinned with the tricolor Jersey City TODS from his effort against Millburn. June II Garnet forcing in two runs. Codding" heads of the school systems involved cannot come to an agree- Pease work Super Service's Bill After Nutley had pummelcd Cor- Summit at Chatham wag relieved by Dave Moroney nog for a triple and two singles Mt. Lakes at MorrUtown ment, then the matter is referred to the executive committee Leedale for a walk. A wild pitch but Moroney walked Al Zimmcr, put the runner on third arvl a in the eighth with a base on balte of the conference for solution. The decision rendered is to be Sports Club, 4-0 forcing in tho third run, before single by Coon Cattano put himVan Cise Wins Extra bn.se hits proved thr un-sandwiched in for a total of four he could get the aide out. accepted as final and no publicity is to attend it." The last six acres* The latter'* brother Bo. doing of Summit Sports Club in runs, he wo-i relieved by Dave SHS Harriers Win Moroney at the start of the ninth. Moroney was in top form nfli r words are underlined. also singled to left, putting Coon n State Softball lyngue game that but Summit could nevr or. second after which the ad2- Tennis Crowns Moroney issued two base* on 'All publicity concerning any controversy is to be screened Ollie Van Ci»e won two crowns against Jersey City under the fires catch up. The home forces jewrd vanced runner tallied on Bon- Washington Field May 31. AI halls, hit a batter nnd allowed 2d Place in 32d and issued by the county superintendent of schools and by as the f\rrt of the rinnun! Sum- | their two runa In the top half of tempo's single through mit Tennis Club tournaments were (loubl°- " lrio of triP!('!t "ntl a ' two singles with a trio of runii the second when, with the h.isr.i none other." Three walks, a wild pitch, two 1 1 1 pirtyed ever Memorial Hay week- hnmor did the work. Ed Mlchnl- coming across. NJSIAA Meet filled, Joe Dasti.drove a sine -' t' stolen ba* sin- (3) | Siiimnll May in the mixed doubles finals, Sports Club managed to put to- r nnd seventh and wore limited to gle, the latter going to second on Field Championship* of the New «t> r h »l> UNDERSTANDABLE BUT HARDLY WORKABLE three scratch singles by ffn «;fn|- 6-1. *•>-!. Earlier lie hntl teonied gether three wattered hit*, a brare Jersey State Interschola«tic Asao* J,', > n on r>«iti, JH < " with Bill Cilson f"> win the menti of singles nnd ft double, the throw-in. Culherston followed 2 f» piCulbr'ann. If < " cintion Sattirdafy «t Rutgers Sta- Wanko, If .1 f» 0 Btorlz i " Jfriwy City Sports Club with ft single which placed Bovlt! Knowing the typical 'school man's horror of seeing any- ; doubles. Tomss't). •• 4 f> OiMo'nfy. rf p I " nb r tv nb r h „ ,nir i dium, New Brurawick. l A Holder's choice on 2 1 01 Bovlt, '• ' " ^! The mixed ilotibles' fn'ent vvn« iMnrliio, cf ;i 0 0 Vanottn, ]b 3 H " ' "' !l thing in print which possibly could lead people to believe that Kb r h' Moronr-y scorfld Bovit. Eight member*! of this year'a FfSta. rf 2 n 0 Ma'lonim. Ih * Bmnnon. ef O t " peRmw rt n: headlined by the presence of ten ) •>, fl t Pox. 2h 2 0 1 Patqual, rf 1 n oiflwick.«« '• " school men are not infallible, we can understand the "with- l*ea»; ft S t liPtitnil »« ptr!«enrc „.„,,,,.,., ... :l I 2Trln!o. ef 3 0 (1 wqund m«de the trip with five of Murray. 3b 2 1 II Cornog, rf ? j W fleditii If a o n R kh'tn, Ih JJ| hu.ahund nnd Wi'r tromhinations. |nnxt«-r. <* I I '.'. Mnn-lintt, rf f) 0 0 Ntimmll II) I .Niillry ll«) KnnnJi, lb 1 1 niOimpnnn. ,U> 3 ' put publicity" angle. We can't believe, however, that the very McIVrnntt If 4 I 2 t nwrfrirr. 11) :S (1 1 all r b! iih r them placing 'or a total of 18% Knebfl. •• 3 »' t>»r,il!n r n\ «« Well njs nther C'iMipl I'lav nngfrs. rf I o ol.OoiirtlnK'n. I> " " wise men who drew up the report actually think this part of C Okl'no. 2h 3 M A»t»»n if II n Rurhoff, p 7. I (I Twill, r ?. n n na«H, "It 4 0 1| Knimt, rf 5 1 points. Jack Allen was the bright If ? n l rtovlt, r (12! Madlnnr. !h J S B Cut'nn. lb n 1 "r*nn«»»». r I (V it wai» of high calibre, spot for Summit. He captured flnit the plan is workable. Onfftify, rf O f lWm. rf n n) climaxed by the finnls. The Van lM"fJ». ."' ]\ fl 0 T. rcrcfl'.-lf ;• n n ('\t|b<>'8' lllff, Ih 4. 1 > Stories detailing the activities of our schoolboy sports II nnd the 220. Bob • SlatJ»" Copsey Mmrlnski. t II nMwlrk, m ^ 0 1| Cerrun <• 4 1 7 II 7 4tH»*trady fni its opponents, While Bummlt 2 n 0 ft o -n heroes, while naturally interesting to the heroes themselves t» Heitrtli p J M )i'Uiwrvli-« 1 ft 0 t o n t .lorary Cltv J 0 J 0 fl n fl - 4 the games or the meets or the tournaments frequently have. Ci*m tm»k ftiivflntrtge of their Sport* Club 0 fl 0 0 0 0 ft - 0 f^nrnnj. |i Tlie remaining 2'4 point* were dreatrr *t«»fldinns>i to opponent up Dotihle* J PPITS, MnUirro; tUren ;quiri>d through Sonny Dennta' KiwonU UoqiM S«t hum* lilts Msturro llnxler. McDcr- TolPftd M Ti>(»l« X?> 10 II When coaches air their differences in public, when rivalry the count for plnccrnrnts. They fifth in th« mile and George To B«qlii Practice tnfilt lloirn* nmx --Mrllrrmott. Krr«r« Humtnlt n n n n o i o (i tl 1 boils over and threatens a strain on relations between schools, were never' head* i! in the fir*t -Rnxtir, Yuno'tii, Fen Btrtifk out. SmithV tie for fourth In the pole, With four teams, nmmely the #et,lThe second i»rl WMS « renl bat- hy Mlrkrrm B. MlehHloWdkl ;t. Burlwff, when losing coachev (ilfiticr Cfm bv Biirhnff; Sur- vault. The tatter jiMt mimed the Apnche*. Etencon Hill. Blarkhtiwki tli*. with the iwut* fllwny* in doubt M»«l«i'ii. Flrmm <'iirni>«nn, Torn protest* ... these developments furnish the meat for the«nd New Pr<»vld«ire Boys' Oub hitff tiy Mlclialowakl l)*nr* on bnllN-- '!. Struck niil bV Cnnmn 4, Mw»l#fi II. school record for pole vault, until the finsl game. off Mlrhntowdkl J, Burhoff .1. UmprlM Iltt hy pHrlieil tmtl -Marhlnr|»t» tiy C'«r Finale for Renlon r S men tier stories. \ In tho fold, til* Kiwnni* Bwveball l.cmh, Rcrk nnlt, lilff* liv Mnronov ntnn l!»H#4 In «MI pnpiire ynur »on or will begin practice neat Mornripy, T»m 1, tltlfn I. Fprmrn R. For Allen Opiwy, J,ow, Norm«n Dr. Johnson'* special committee would have none of this MdPtfrd 1 W(r*l*n Hfl**« Mftf*>*»*v, T#ro, danpiltr for next trrw 1Tin|)lrf« llfmiliow, I Pott ("Little Mildred"), t^fnyette reported, much less commented upon by the likes of us. Aciusl l«*giM» p'*y will begin (!ri*by and Rog«r Behre, •!! • CO-EDUCATrONAI. • In the near rutur* with gamri to Stat» Softball •*>niori, It w«j» their fintl«! In ath* SCHOOL PEOPLE ARK DIFFERENT, BUT— hp pl»yi»d on M«id«y und Thuw« L«aqu» Standings l»>tl«! «>mpptHlf»n fur Hummlt day evening*, High, School people are different from other people in many wayi, ytt they have nomething in common with the rest of the 'urtimlt In hi* winnlni two flrmla, lAlen .(UK* TENNIS RACQUETS I world: Th#y lik« to »e« nict things about themselves or their 1 tchooli or their ttums in print. They like a lot of publicity 1 RESTRUNG r»i>th 0 flrMly) the school rword for th* mil* In 4.4f» in p)«eln« fifth, th* concerning their athletic •ctivititB beciilie publicity helps at ght'i tfkm* th# gatt. Newspapers, in this respect, can lie very nice. Summit «i ,fi>r«»r winning tlm* w«* 1:11 Rmlth'a 10 lttnt> 11 {M ft » In w«» hm beat lulu hi yt City it But ntwipuptrt can go too far, Ntwspaprr» can get the k Allftt r«n fjvp r»roi S^iiirdwy, In- Imidt ttoriei of what goes on when school men disagree and INN* 14 nimn ilurllnf hcnt«i. ml-fin M five nr-n. Oiprnin Pnll t«n * ton n»irt ntrtltiR «t * IS creditable %m, However. h« ««• We'll b* glad to u«c any new* iaautd by th« county «up«r< HHMT SM-rtr* n HM* If O*m» «8,f>00.fli(>0 pro »r«H In th* Mint h#«t wltlk inttndwnt. But we. can't guarantee that that's all we'll print by R*y W*ll*r Bf Union, lf*ti«fMl Hm* 1* «•»• SPORT li TOY SHOP concerning any pottible futurt bthlndthe-scene activity In Av«. ftHMMil I-TMI h«,v# Him U mm fr#l»ht train 1.8M ml|M \m* With woft the •dieta itic ipont. SO t«t)» In tteh Mr, M0 in i;»4.T. TUHUMMIT HIKA1.P. THUHSPAY, JUNf I, 1158 the Select and U»e LamphghUr. FiJlie* «n4 mare* coming mort Handicap Awards and mare'inta tfatir ow »t Moo- Summit Wicks a mouth Park, «» to b« IMB in tfct Rejr*t, the Molly Pitcher end the Set in 47-Day Monmouth Oakj. Th« Regrtt h©»« ors the memory of a New Jersey j 137 VARIETIES Monnwuth Season bred, only filly ever to win tht To Chatham, 9-1 f(W Kentucky Derby, while the Oaki Sunday alurnoon the Summit N'omirj«tl«»« Monmouth attracted top three-year-eM fUllta, ,k's rich vr*y of IS added Wicks journeyed to Chatham ud pa including Next Move, heroint of ft!! is defeat to a 9-1 count be- n.cnev fUkei' !»*¥« closed with OF CHEESE AT GRAND th» recent Coaching Club Oak» it hind the BO hit pitching of Mel "p-tctio*!ly •v«»>y f*od home in Belmont : Head. The Chatham ace ttruck t-iininf *moBf the entrlw. A to- - out 13 Summit batten, but was la! of SISS.WO will be di»tribuie4 The Oceanport and Runuon uth Handicaps are sprint classic* for ' wild In spots and walktd ten. I,., the W!oi'K»«> Park Jockey the rapid-stepper* white those who • Only os» Summit batter hit til* CHBBSB-AUK/NPS ,, jn handicap awards during Cl h fancy a distance of ground have I ball to the outfield t«e 47-d»y *ummer teason which it parceled out in tht Salvator ' Chatham's big inning was the ADms Jun« I* ••*<* continue* OF cHeese " SA/S WAITER Mile, the Long Branch Handicap fifth When they scored 5 run* on tKfouih Augu.t », nun) attractive and the Omnibus. one hit, four bases on balls tnd r-1 'takes star* of all age brackets. four error*. The Only inning that FAMOUS TSUViSiON STAR ANP RBOULAR. Keenest interest will surround A final tabulation of stakes nom- inee* is not yet av*i!ab!*, but an, tht home club didn't it-ore was t -x Monmouth Handicap and the ; th« thud 6RANP (/MO// CUSTOMER, *ANP yoUJUST eerly riffle of nomination* finds Choice SUke», a pair of 125,000 leader* of all divisions ready to \ With the bases loaded in the fver.u which feature the' seulon show their best epeed during the | sixth inning due to three free CANiBiATW*6RANPUNiONPAIRY - f,f sport. The Mbnmouth'finds two | pa**e#. Red Ryan scored the June 16—August 9 season. frrrrer winners back in the Hats, • Summit run to spoil the shut out- T!,rfC Ring* and Round View, Ryan had a big lead off third while the Choice Stakes, restricted County Tennis > and scored when the Chatham '•to'the three-year-old colony, has catcher tried to pick hirjn off. The ,;rsvn the Kentucky Derby win- baS! got away from the third Middleground, his arch-rival Play to Start baseman asd Ryan brok* for Prince., the Derby trial win^ home •Hi!. Next Monday r.r B!afk .George, Ferd and many Play will start in the Union Summit Wolttr Horlihy Mher.« of the age eet A final tab-. • ft > F«m«u* T*f«ii<*i«n Star County Men's Ladder T«nni: « ft r Hfsd if I 1 u'ation of nominee* will find this Pr*»>k, -rSb 1 paoTij Choice an outstanding re- Tournament on June 12 at War- G*MU*. St> 4 1 &hf*f»?n, tf >.-.- '', 1 Ipaujrural running in 1885 at the 3 .2 1 i P';H- .Monmouth Park,.. ,_ . Park Commission has announced. a N* «.-» p z n: H.Hrsior. < Entries may be made with George • P. Kli-mn tf Thp northern. 'Jersey track pre- E.Hatt0Sr. 3b r, 1 t AHO* I Tr»ngrov», If 1 ft 1 lb fKrny. 1( 1 n o for only Q/ tautkeri Firms lb OUTWARD i O.Twill, p 2 0 I Green Beans ] 7, Romaine ; Totaii :s 3 »! Tetan !!._?_? With Purchase of Any Two Flavors mm! SCOTT-ATWATER i'KSmii H»rt*»T* n~cT'n~n~~s~'nZ.'3 GrMn Topi I Twtll Marking 2 0 O 0 4 a-6 PENGUIN Cillftnil.-Full Podded lbs 5MPOUTBOARDS Franklin School Holds BEVERAGES Fresh Peas 2 29' Scallions 2 9 Annuol Hold Day At Regular Prke Two aoftball games, played by Pascal Celery < > 25/ Fresh Radishes «• f mother and daughter teams and i father vs. son, highlighted the ALL 3 A,28' Artichokes 19/1 Florida Limes 19/ Watercress 12' ! 16th tnaua] Franklin School field | day held Saturday at the piay- j ground. The program was under ! the auspice* of the Fathers' Rec- All Four Shift reation Council. Proceeds from Gr»4 Us!n "B«tk«J kf Bmd" Qualttr Makli >r* "Tailor- models hove the the affair will be used to pur- Mad*" f*r !••• watt* amd ktwart pricad *i low wid« varialy of jrour favorit* Brand N»m« j 1815 by screwing old muaket bar* Old Gold Cret*ri*« available in Grand Union markatt at low prirei. Tea Bags 88 Glonsido Ave. 6-5802 ret* together. carton | 0*7 of 10 pkgs. laiUl N*w Jen«y SlorM On!/ ef25sO|/ of so 155/ Campbell's Pork and Beans 3cam [>«orf— Foncy m 32^ Saaerkrait i Boned Chicken Th* Family Next Door Libby'i 14 oz Peas a«l Cirrols tin »• 19/ Claridge Hamburgers can Tuna Fish c r»«. jonkot Shtrbtrt 1 *e«. 29/ Chocolate Bits 15 oz -19/ 0 & c 11/ cans Pillibiry Flair Potato Sticks , Menner's Spanish Rice 2 No 300 Sorters ItIM Dog Food Kadota Figs 2 cans 25< Baby Food No 2 Str«ir»td i |« Jyrw - Brand 2 2 25/ Pie Cherries can 27' Chopptd B»l Man** fi 1110 Nsclei Pyre Olive Oil . ' Kitchm larlta 17/ Mayonnaise :29< Fliko Pi« Crmt . < Ml 16/ I,. pit'crisWFwiiip' 23/ Wito-Mrt'itel 24' THREE FINE COFFEES

Eirly Horn 65' 4 t«» 67/ Broad iaf^-Votf'i bolfoff wolf 69/ 2 Pr!r«* Iff•*••(,» •Thtt'i good *dvkt. Allowing ti«* Murltttt in Thi» httwtta call* given other* ffn tb« party lm« an opportunity to noakt of recdv* tkthcitlii. That'* bf IttB * JJ«wI neighbor. Ivory Flakes PalMollve Soap Swift's Draft Splc & Span But (facing calli h Important to -p*, Mild tiftt pdf, l#« pi 9 TOO—for It permit* oth$t$ to muh ym, ClOMir *m of courit thty can't it ymt line k constantly in me. Spacing ctlli h 26/ 3^22/2^21/ 69/ 26/ WtF tf» food party line service . ^•«H wiilifigiteii to »!#•*• lilt IMP 26 ^ Ld 3 20* Ci»fc«tr. 3.23/ promptly Jn caff of emergenclt*. mm TILIFHOfW COMMNf AT THE I.RWn 1 \IO\ SIIPEII IIARKET \l %H YOU Uftfet oni Summit Storoi OBM TW»o«y oHel Hdkiy Ifonlufi Unrll f$00 h If. / SUMMIT, 14 ihPmm* Am* — UNIOM, 1044 Sfttftttwtf Avt. - MILLBURN. lit MiMwm Am ^ THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1950 PO* SALI StRVICB OFKRED USED CARS Fd $AJJ USED CARS POi SALI LOST TOO LAT1 TO CUSSIPT* ., J-BOC8EHOLD OOOD6 OLDS, 1W» •**«». _rtM#m* CURL'S (la**** OB Wbittradc* Road, POUSAU Morris Ate, Summit. Jua* 3. Bummlt 8-7281. WAJU4L OMLOKW. fcPOS AND GOOD USED CARS 1478. CLASSIFIED OK, REFHIOIHATOH. « cu. ft,, food CPHOL8TKBT PRICED RIGHT PASSBOOK No, JU22, Th« Summit 1946 DODGE, 2-door. radio, heater, Tnut Co. Finder pis*** return. Pay- conditloa.^JWJJS. Summit 8-0163, LARGE Sofa, Suamlt «-?02S.w ELECTROLUX rtMg«r*tor. Perfect THE WALLSASTEH WAT. liuld drive. , Excellent condition ment stopped Mo muss. »Ue_u. odor or nol*« !M1 Ford tudor ied*o $250 throughout. »»5, EveningEvenm»s between time Friday. ** condition. M». Mliiburn 6-40S7-J Call OtUng* 4-333) for e»tlm*U 1S41 Buick sufxr conv. club coupe 650 SUALL gold croM, Friday In Summit 1»37 Ford coup* - 17J 7 and 8 57 Baiter street. Sprttigfteld. shopping center. Summit 6-6460-U. 4 WICKER porch ch*lrTwJir* .S48, 7 cubic MS Ml. 8-0438-J. ft, Pood condition. MUlburn 6-1311. 1939 Packard opera coup* 225 eushlon*. Short H11U 7-3492 home cleaning. J 1937 Studebaker sedan 125 j . , dui. Good SPALDIWO catcher's mitt, model 102, (4-lN-l 'CLASSIFIED COMBINATION) Cleaning Service. PLYJtotLYMOUTHrH . i1940m . 44dt)od te st Memorial Field. Finder pleas* id- t—MISCELLANEOUS ~~ TABLES, cites top, blonde. $23 * pair' 1844 Mercury tudor »5 mechmtcal condttloa. 4325. Ml. .-JIUHJ ID til four of the newspaper* listed Walnut or mahogtriy. $10 each Mi< 1147 Oldsmoblle club tedtn vite me and wlU com* and get It. Adverting*!:' m-LANDSCAPE GAKDENINO 0971-M alter 5. Reward. John. Schwarr, Summit 8- f ;.!v ictfii friiti per *o;d. 6-0065-J. (hydro) .. ..* 12»S SALE 1947 Packard tuper clipper sedan 1350 9« Chevrolet Club coupe, radio sad 1831. MINIMUM CllAHUk 10 WOKD5 - 70 CENTS - CAtoH WITH OHDKB LANDSCAPINO-OARDKNEK ' at low1643 Hudson "8" Commodore FRIDAY. 1-4 pui. Ceramio, - condition. IM or b**t offer Sum- cost — Spring Cleaning — top toll. heater, new tlre», original owner, SMALX brown wallet In Summit. No SUMMIT M-KALD ie<3*n .-»_^1375 molds, (Up, greenware urdf*"~~* mit e-2142-W. Summit 6-2207. 1947 Chevrolet Fleetiine Aero SOuth Or&nge 2-5151- Identification. Summit 8-5302-J. Mr*. over glawd paint—liquid and --T"' bu I DUO-THKRM portable oil burner with j LANDSCAPB "contracting, lawn* and »ed»n. loao 0. A. Lovell, » Whlttreds* Road, BtUU, poets. eone«, and kllr.s 4." 1938 FORD fi ton sedin-dell»ery; Summit. circulation air attachment, automat- 1947 Ford tuper deluxe sedan 995 good looking truck. Summit 6-4079. off. i/ha. John I. Croot. 15 V»i, n4, 8F«,.,OHEU> em. gardens plowed, graded and eared 1947 Ponttac conf. club sedan PI., Sumnin J-0485. ' •*" «.SHORT an.1^9 TEM ic oil »hut-off. eten beat distribu- for RotOMller. Frtd L. V*u Wen. MONET, two *K> bills. In front of 30 tion B«st off*r. Chatham 4-5789^ (new engine) --.- —J25? i"BUICK, 1937 Special sedan. S. As H. Summit Ave, or near The Blue Lin- , Mill our u 8-1300 Typographies) Summit 6-2815-M. rolui WASHlNcTmactilne,~wnage7Ty~B*~£x^!"LANDSCAPE gardener, put In lawn. 1847 Pontlsc torpedo *edan 1200 j ^ ExCfilent mechanically. 1 new tern. Summit. Liberal reward. Mlll- • loun oi rrtiu-s ID <*»P* ' "* tires. Heeds i»ome body work, oat lngton 7-0243-W. FOUND (fllnit condition Reasonable. Boy's transplanting, remove and trim trees. TEBM3 TRADES tide 166 No. HlllsltU Ave.. Ch*tbani ; « -^^ ^'BE IN BT 0 P. It TUE8DA* bicycle. 28 in. $15 Summit 6- Expert. Fair prices. Veteran. Mill- JOHN L. DIETCHE MOTORS. INC. 4-7439-M. summit ^ 1 bum 8-4226-K. CHILD'S green corduroy jacket »nd U«#u» Dotlc*. Soeui 275 Main Street MadUon hat. Uoran, 208 Acsdtmy Street, HerUd. if w? (toTu FOR SALE I WALNUT bedroom set, singly bed. i HYPER humus, plot mon, top soil. South Ojrang*. HELP WANTED FEMALE seeds, manure, Belgian block*, etc. Tel. MadUon 6-2737 Open tve*. 4 Sun. I—AMIUUEI Colct&pot refrigerator. Easy washing FOR HIRE ii « . J ii machine. Mahogany dining room. Appolito'i, 98 tlain St.. 8prln«Iield. StTNDAY, May 34th, dark rlmmud Bi- •UT UNITED STATES Mlllburn 8-1311. WILLYS, Overland, 1939. coup*. New PONY and Pony Cart rented (or chil- •mail table*. All excellent condition. dren's parties and Ml focal «y« glaaats SOuth Orang* 3- U A 'liQLf ("u."* t«ble» Din- Mlllington 7-0109. tire*, heater, good condition, b*ai occasion* I'l '» ii »*ir ^»ny < radle. C«U Offer. Summit 6-204T-J. SOutb Orang» 1-3339. 0958. SAVINGS BONDS (, ,, • i j i *i It TWIN beds. n»h«.«Dy"«»7Sir7hSr: »-«ASOW CUWTK-CTOM m t oi,)kftl niK«. table top range, desk, clothe* locker. . JOSEPfl EudUl. M-ton-ContraCtor Ir '.' if a ttr size*, both KOuth Orange 2-8823 ^ ; j atone, brick, ildswtlk*. All ' HI fi 11 I t iitrrrti,' Dutch ! POItTABLE radio—Eiiiersoii—ExcelTftit" concrete work BO 8-IM1-J. i j. 29. condition. Nf* Battery V*ry rea- ALL kind* of itone matonry Brick "I i-.le S J *onabl«. Summit 6-4430, 0988-W. work, stoops, date walk*, etc. Call Emu BauchelU, Summit 8-M59-W. k »• 1HI AlitlqueA. 17 STAINLESS top cabinet type sink, 1100; REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED r> M •»'••• >r , ,;P. X J 21 ru. ft. deep freezer. 3/4 hp unit, i ! H.ti1 i I i r, likcidrr- t225; « ru. ft. U E. refrigerator, *50- »—MISCELLANEOUS KM in \l ' r,—WESTFUBLD BUSINESS couple need 3-3'* f i. -f-fi'| inlt'tray 9 heat furnUhed to IIP, Ztttt ml *'"-•'• _; ^ • . mil. Summit 6-7291; 239 MorrU An.. IHT Qiialr. ' "SI ,[)f,f Antiques. IV r n 1 l u n 8 2 < CHOICE U8TINOS 111,800 up CHATHAM couple with one child rt^ 0 ' ! O-ange, N. J POOL Table, excellent conamon. AlT|. ^P .l .*ii5!?j_¥ . JlS. r _ :L ? -_. HOME WITH AN INCOME ! COUNTRYSIDE REYNOLDS A FRITZ, Realtor* perately ne«d three to four room accessories. Will sacrifice. Summit. 6- HORBE8 boarded, private box stalls, •Rolling Uwn», »e«luded play v»rd. apartment. Elizabeth 5-8760 f. j. S J W5fl. j $37.50; no grooming. 17 Tooker Place. 302 E. Broad St. WMtfleKl 2-6300 R fr Two »pactou» apartments. 1st floor: OOUNTRY3UMS U distinguished p. m. .d I j Springfield. __ __ 3 fooms and large screened porch; community of small estates adjoining Members MultlbU LUtlng Bjiteia IMMh A—^Al I IIONb «_-MACHINE*! FIVE room apartment, in or~ncVr I I I HAVE~youTTpi»ylng'*"»nd trimming 2nd und 3rd floors: 7 rooms, porch. Summit. Mlllburn: responsible family. M::- SALE AUTHORIZED OEALEnS Wortblng- | done now by A well-kept home for family living. Noted for unusual beauty and RIAL ESTATE FOR RINT burn 8-1381. tno pumpa, air compressors. Btur»- SUMMIT TREE EXPERTS Franklin School DUtrlct. A fine In- charm, congenial people, excellent ! s 1 r«fili .. Pi t> Ant'ci ir» Nell McAllister Summit 8-4252 vestment (garden apartment zone), at school -facilities, convenient (hopping ROOM home tn Summit, 2 til* WOMAN want* apurtment with tench. 1 »ant blowem, We»tinghous«, Cen- MI A IS' •. J UW bi < rfif'd Ave. tury. 0 8. Etctrlo motors; eons- $18,500. See this today. It won't last. and commuting. batht, nicely furnished. In good, resi- en, bath. Vicinity Summit chii- Cdl1»ell N J HILL CITY TREE EXPERT COUNTRYSIDE homes In their lovely dential aectlon, near achool, bus ham* 4-3648. plete stock pump*, air compressor* HOLMES AGENCY - REALTORS Bettings along the winding roads really ' I !i . »i! \\ .'M uliiic 7 30-11 00 pulleys, motors, fans, blowers, unit Pruning,* Oarttj Wqrk. Transplanting. Established 1896 and station. Call Summit 6-1S37-M sparkle with, beauty amidst tall tree* between 9 and 11 a.m. P M ^l lij f-> A. \i 'nrlin funiltim-, heaters, Uthtlng plants, KM entfni*, 8tJ 8-1553-^ 45 Maple Street SUnimlt 8-:.*542 and rarnbllnst brooks. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED I ' I! . tun < tii • i fuun vases; brlc- Fairbanks, Moor* and Goulds well wuoooaT IRON FORNITOBI a i ilc piiiiMi't •> loppcr, sll- pumps; a pump for «Tery need; also In COUNTRYSIDE homes are built PORTION of private home. Business Factory Repaired and Reflnlshed to meet Individual requirements at couple preferred. July 1. Short Hills TWO women, research workers, dfs;:c ii > . l( uicltt rU of Items. automatic electrio water hesjeri furnished qusrtera with bath *:•* Wi'AIW ' Central Eteetrlo Equipment nn ISA ANOLEJBON SHOP^ Ml 8-0361 DROP prices that range from $22,000 up, de- 7-3199 t fiirtrir \ i 'ifjiurr fJaldwfll fi- WE CLEAN and~wnx floors. Chimney. pending on size. kitchen privileges. Mlllhurn »rn" ItiMi-rliMi r, io-r3(l P.M. day of Mulberry street. Mlllburn 2-7420. Mlllburn 8-0915, S a.m. or 12-1 *Vrt rti Hi furnace, und fireplace cleaning. Call Livingston 6-1078. EVERYTHING W. W\pREWRY, Builder days. • *—M1HCBUJINBOUB LOT FOR SALE 'LEADERS and KUtters repaired. No job Rush to see this solid brick and stone Olf'lcc: 400 Mountain Avenue WIDOW" golnK to bualnew would :-!it» J—lilt VC I KS ROUND Oak gas rBnge: steel cabinet: too small Ask for -Ctiarlle, WA. 8- English home; only 17 years old with Tflephono Summit 6-O012 or 4338 REASONABLE 60 ft. lot. East Hamp- 1-2 roonvs In home of widow com f window fun; end table; mahogany i beamed' celling studio living room, ton, New York.' Telephone Summit panlon, high standards Crania^: i l I"* t 1IAIN drUc irluflf, usrd six 33 J7 ' _ __*____, ' dlnlntf room, modern kitchen, break- ft-5283-J. 8-S322. , iii'h i iiii'iilt A-14B5 bureau. Summit 8-B988-R. ~I>ELIVKRY"SERVICE ) i i fast room, library (or bedroom), lull LET'S BE REALISTIC BUSINESS girl dejlrtt lurnlshed roon I-II NEW Providence, Laurel Park, 3 extra II U I! illll S *• i!. Ainu h|( \rle full size; OAK dining room furniture and Ben- 1 p^nC'ELS picked up and delivered, tile bath, sun porch and open screened This older home needs decorating; with kitchen privileges. Call Summls rtiv wi.hw Rnmmii lun.SM < Htlywh(,rP| anytime. Call Summit 6- large lots. S minute walk to station. * ii ,• I", rl'i in rii (t i tiiiiltluii rt_M)i ible Sum- washer. Summit uofCh. Second floor: 2 larse bedrooms, and fixing; BUT It's . tolld, hat a fl-1798-J. X i > II.,- i lit t 4. i7 It Short Hills 7-3231. » -l -fl»r' i F W7 M ercd i t h"-^ M il 1 bu rn"6-0104 :i:i94-J, for nefvlce and low rate*; tile bath with tub and shower stall, new roof and good heating plant; (HRL'3 ti" wheel, balloon tires. Very 48 Spring St.. Mlllburn — Kst. 1913 dressing room. Maid's room and full contaiOK 12 rooms, 2 baths. Just 4 RESIDENTIAL lot 83 x US tn Maple- ItfMfoiuihlc, SOuth Orange 2-0881 A TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE bath In b»stmer*.t, oil heat, 2 car ga- blocks from town In fine section. WANTED TO RENT 'iit.sfTl^s I- WINDOW SHADES j rage Beautifully landscaped. wood. SOuth Orange 2-9823. 4 -Rflitlis Id 'fru :ic• I'hoiif- hfu r"i 3ij p.m. VENETIAN BLIND3 ', Owner 1* realistic, too, asking only B«Mwood Porch Shades. Curtain Roda \ Are you away from your office or DON'T MISS SEEING THIS HOME $13,000. Want a bargain? COMFORTABLE home In «-3I3i. . BI<;YCLK 26" Monarch deluxe SOuth Priced under »30,000 for qulqk sale. OFFICES FOR RENT residential area, executive permi- MAID, white, gfimal hoi«*wurk. Or»ilK« 2-0958 . : n.nnmd _,»v»Bracketsc,.»,, „-.....Awning» .v^,Ropec „...and . Fix Place of business often? Are you * HOLMES AGENCY - REALTORS nently located In New Jersey, young- Sn Jit Jsfjnre Jun.« to October. tures. SPECIAL: Aluminum Tubing i busy housewife going shopping or nave est child high school age, win con- ilrrsll^heH Excellent Chairs for lawn or porch — 19.50. Established 1898 OFFICES, single or suite of rooms. Hill* 7-284J. ronditloh Bargain (2000. Short Hills lu attend n meeting? Are you looking 45 Mapl« Street - BUmmlt 8-1342 Contrail; located. Call Summit «- sider rent up to $200.00 monthly, n- STROLLER, Th»yer, aqua, chromo trim for employment antf need an ad, but Use Roller Skates tended lease If preferred. Box 501, INSPECTOR Of flsilshtd garment*. 7-3955, hnvo no phone? Then you need a reli- 2739 or your broker. Btfidy *forK, Apply'Ii. L. Seiilo«»er, Fine condition. Call Chatham 4- If you must, but hurry to «ee this Mlllburn Item. 7707. able secretary who Is accurate In tak- delightful, delectable, adorable three NEW MULTIPLE— 2 Walnut Btrrrt, Summit 8-3200. J—CtOTMINO ing and deltverlng messages, who haa VERY desirable office, approximately SMALL house or 4 or 3 room apsr • PlNG-pons table, standard slzr, never level house. Truly of the stuff that 800 sq. ft. Apply Fruchtman's Pre- ment for couple within commiitiaa a clear charming voice, and pleasing dreams are made of. Three lovely bed- LISTING No. 533 WANT ED—MALE ' I1IK ROBIN HOOD Shop. 2 Taylor uaed, $12. BOuth Orange 2-7416. telephone manner, to receive and scription Center. Summit. distance to Murray Hill. Summl-, i Sti(r"t MUlburn, sells used clothing rooms, two beautiful tile baths, ultra- preferred. South Orange 2-1174 HIGH choir, sepur&tfts Into tftblo nntl handle your calk. 24 hour service given, modern kitchen, hreathtaklnsc recrea- ABE YOU over 4f>*» Ambitious? f'»ti of better quality for every member also low monthly rates. Call Summit Older home—choice section of Summit UNFURMSfiib 3 bedroom uf I he family. MlllburnJl-4138,* rhalr. perfect condition »10. SOnth 6-6965. Ask for Miss Alkens. tion room with fireplace, large living ynu.sell'? — Tlirn we have H plare Orange 3-0713. room with picture window. Lovely lot STORES FOR RENT year lease. August 1. New York ex*-*:'- • fftr you i.t-ads furnished. Call Kuin- , BOYS 1-fvrrf.lblM topcoat, blui>, $7.00. on plot 200 x 300 with aeveral line tlve, one child. Box 69, Summ; * In best section. Only one year old. STORE for rent on Springfield Aft. _jrnlt"«-MK>2. __ | Also imvy lilue Mitt, $10.00; both size 31—MOVING—STOBAOB Brick and frame. Owner transferred. Herald. 14 •* Short Hills 7-3IB7. SEWING MACHINE old shade trees. This frame dwelling SIxe 13% x 50. Appl? Brown Hard- BOV, over I« hmiiv. Hi work on I LIGHT TBOCKINO Thin is worth more than asking price ware and Supply Co., 480 Spring- COUPLE desires 3 or 4 room a pa:- • Saturday!! aji'l (I irlns vnrstidii on COTTONS, dressy niul sport styirs in Beautiful desk modrl. Just like new. 8, O. 8EARLE8 it 8ON8, 304 Morris of $30,000, with a new roof, has five bedrooms, field Ave, Summit. ment. Available Sept. I. Summit t-' private rsi'ite. SerU.s wurKIn,; pii- crisp sheers. HICI;-1*"/ RliiKhsnis ntid Reconditioned by factory trained re- avenue 8prlngfleld lit 8^07WW 0323-W between 5 and T_ p.nv pers ' Dixie D*iir Farm, HilUlite Ave , populftr pleolays for TEENS AND pairman. Guaranteed (or one year, three baths plus storage. Needs tome f.'hatham »95. •K-PAINT1NQ-DKCOKA.TINO SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE WON'T somebody rent ua a first r.-, YOUNG TKKNH Irom .15.9.1 lit EDITH second floor of a large hoim ;r, BE SMART modernization. The two car barn at- CLARY Multiplier Corp. t>t». » career ; JIIU.'.S, 219 KLM. W&HTFIELD PAINTING—PLASTERING CHOICE 8ummlt before September? Ph.or. < type *ales poiltlun ftir innbHiiiUh, ex-*' Singer Sewing Center Take our advice, this la a Rood buy! 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 tile LAKE PROPERTY _ Summit 6-1513, perienced young salesman, 'M to "i"},4—FAItM PRODUCE 387 Springfield Ave. PAPERHANGKNG rear of property offers excellent space selling to business men In thin area. \ INTERIOR—EXTERIOR baths on second floor with large liv- Lots or. Bungalows COMFORTABLE home In attraciji Msn selfrted imut im-et. r 1 • 1 d ic- ' .,._,. „., SUMMIT 6-6278 ing room, dining room, kitchen break- above lor studio or children's play SUNNY POINT residential area, Executive pcrr.HMi Ofl Season Price* Best Material* fast room, solarium on first 2 car at- ently located tn N. J.. youngestch!. d qulrements. sln^e iw>sltion. i-un lend «-'ARI_)tN_plsntn-PlowerlnK »nd "feKe- HAWAIIAN Ukulele—Instruction book. Lake Wallenpaupack to lmpoitaiit niiinacemi'iit rcf.pon- tahlf FI;»t« or by the dozen. MHC- BOB FABRICATORS tached garaue permanent drive nice space. Price .$25,000, high school age. Will eoiutlder few ^Ib'illtlr.n in "veHK! to coiiif. Mo(l('.t. dnuiild Florist inf.. 5 Hnyre Bt rldlnK habit, rltlliiK boots, cortltia CAREFULLY RESTRICTED up to $20O monthly. Extended ir«-« Hpanlsh couruf-. tea wniioti. walnut J1B2 Morris Avenue Union, M. t, lot Only $21,500. Don't mlas this—It's a »»lary plus gc'iproui, I'Oininlssinn To i'hoiif BinnriMt 6-02O9 - 0M&. Call Unlonvllle 2-3688 real bargain. Phone: Allentown, Pa. "45S If preferred. Box 60, Summit Herald start with lntentive tralntna dm lust : NEW rrop pure Vermont maple syrup chc«t,, cot, drcbsd exterior work, work- OBRIG, REALTOR Allentown, Ps. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REN', manBhlp Ruaranteed. Reasonable. Brosd Street. New»rk 2. N J j c( pine rustic r.edar »nd hemlock quet, gl»M galad set. hamper, cur- 21 Maple Street. Summit, N, J, Let Your Neighbor Pay LARGE front furnished bedroom, eta- tains, spreads. No dealers. Su 6•- Pted Pleper. 1 SprlnRfteld Avesnu*. for your house. Duplex—8 rooms, bath, Springfield, N. J MJUburn 8-0709-R, Summit 8-043S - 5868 - 2798-M SUMMER HOMES FOR RENT trally located. Near transportati-,i, Help Wanted Mele and Female, WKIIITMAN'a' FARM 0041-J. screened porch each side. 2 car ga- Mlllburn fl-1923-M after S. nei'iinrrKvllle Ko.id MorrlKlown HAWAIIAN surfboard; -2 Vrnrtlan Want Economical Living? rage. Individual furnaces. Low taxes, VACATION cottages for rent. On beau- Cpbks~flrst flof)r-|?enfrnls; cDoklius. i J. D. McCRAY InvestlRate this fine two-family decontrolled rentals. 3 blocks to sta- LARGE front room, private b,v n, fpuplr*. caretaker*, yorrirneri*, Top blinds, 3 ft. and 7 fl : 7 ft. ptirrh tiful Deer Isle, Maine. Light house- 4A—f screen; new thermostat nnd control; Painter, Paperhanger »no Otcormtat house. Bent one apartment, use the tion and town, Brnyton school dis- keeping, fully furnished. Phone business man. I Parmley PI.. Sura' p«y For help nr employ inonl. phone . other youtaelf. Good condition, (rood trict. Asking $15,750. mlt. Agry. 20 Washington St., coiil hot water heater; Buffalo robe; BV 8-0346 Short Hills 7-24M-J or write J.E. IS INCH length cord wood. Seasoned billiard balls and cui>: kitchen stool; neighborhood, good school. See Hay- Knowlton, 2 Exeter Road, Short Hills. _; _ _ nak and hir-Rory. Ideal Qardtna, motorcycle boo In; girl's riding boota, PAINTINO - DECORATING mond W. Stafford of THE RICHLAND New Jersey. 2 ROOMS tor single person or coup.i, 6ALER: REAL EBTATK: no experience MlUMirn 8-1907. mechanical tools. Summit 8-0440-R. PAPERIIANOINO GLEN-OAKS,AGENCY, Rcaltori COMPANY, Realtors 28 Caldwell Ave., Summit. needed If you will worK; best com- INTERIOR — EXTEIMOR ATTRACTIVE room, Ideal for cotipjf 4-B-rERTII.IZEK FEW famous RlnTiE hyHridiwrt Hair SCHMIDT k I ANNWEim 100 Bprehwood Hd. SU.- 8-2025-029S 41 Maple Street Summit 6-7010 ml»*lnn nrrBneement In nren: cur ON quiet Sussex County lake, cot- Kitchen privileges. 27 Walnut Streel, esucnUnl Hox 10, Hummtt Herald. Croft Iris, MUflt he «pen Thtirnday Call Unlonvllle MISS Summit 8-6527-M. TOP SOU. AND FILL DIRT Btid Friday to appreciate! thp blooms. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ALL BRICK AND tage with four bedrooms, living DONT WI11TF. l<8 IF you like to punch i Mlllburn 8-089O 77 Claremont Avenue. Mnplewood. THE EUCLID, 18 Euclid Ave. Aur.it- a time clock und work for the other I J2A-P1ANO TUNING Sunday 2-6 P. M, room, dining room, kitchen, bath- man. DO WRITE US IF you would NJ SLATE COLONIAL tlve, single room, near all tram- 45 Valley View Ave.. Summit, a br&nd The charm and dignity of red brick room and larga porch: hot and cold portatton, refined atmosphere. Sum- Uk« io go Into a business of your V-rURNITUBE A COMPLETE plsno restoration serv- new, sparkling white colonial on own. Buy en Credit. Write Raw- CHINESE ruga, 8 x 10 grey, 9 x 12 ice. Tuning, repairing, rebuilding. and old wmiamsburg. Center entrance, water and electricity. Canoes and mit 6-0140. bluiF and cream. Double bed, box lot 105x203. Ideal location near train High's. 0ept. NJE-BB-256, Chester, j goFA. m»roc>n. in exeellent condition. Harold Heuer. Te«h. UNIonvlll* J- and Franklin School. 6 large rooms. living room, open porch, dining room, boat. All or part season. References. LOVELY room for refined buslnpii J Bureau, SlriRle bod. box 8431, science kitchen, powder room. Second '•• ' Call Siinunlt 6-5334. nmttrp«s. SmaU mnhosany 2 tiled batha, lat floor lavatory, much Box 71, Summit Herald. person References. 8ummit 6-0063 z closet space, 3-car garage. Thorough- floor: three large bedrooms, tile bath j OVKH— Muffed chair $800, single bed bookcase. Large round mirror. Short 3$—RADIO REPAIRS Oarage, automatic heat. Built just FURNISHED room with running wnt«, IMPLOTMENT WANTED Hills 7-3014. ly modem and livable. Superb con- I $6 00. Maple sofa $10.00. Summit 8- struction and planning. Directions: pre-war, Near school, park, ana bus. EXCLUSIVE section, West End. Long IS Woodland Ave., Summit. BABY-SITTI NO., anytime Elderly | 3:t!»7-W. RUOS, Chinese hooked rugs, best turn South at Hotel Suburban on «2l,500. Branch, N. J. Four-bedroom home, 2 ROOMS with kitchen prlvlles«i woman, experienced with children MAPLE desk, mahogany vanity and quality, nil wool. We are selllnc pres- UADIO8 REPAIRED Blackburn, continue 1 mile to house. two tile baths, first floor lavatory: adults. Call Summit 6-6423-J «[•*;; South Ornnga 2-8017, mirror (vanity ran be used an deskl. ent stock at 201*;, le«s than regular Dav or Night Service JOHN H. KOHLER, Realtor quarters for help; 18 In. television 5 p.m. SUMMIT 6-4079 HOLMES AGENCY - REALTORS 40 Beechwood Rd. SU. 0-6550-4(11(1 Vn. general trucklnR, call 8um- Avery Fisher radio. Short Hills 7- prices. Dutch Oven Antique Shop, let Convenient to clubs, beach and LA ROE front room, one or in» mlt 8-1130, Wray and White. 2f>45 Route 29, Mountainside. N. J. All Work Guaranteed Established 1898 railroad station. Beautiful grounds. adults, private, convenient W 45 MBple Street SUmmlt 6-1342 A Home In the Country Phone Long Branch 6-4325-R. EXPERIENCED . high «ch'ool fifrl. DAY brd, dining room table, reed transportation. Breakfast optional 10—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 41—CESSPOtH, CLEANING Here'? a perfect set-up for the cas- mother'* helpiff for auminrr. Summit re»rg esiperlence. Bummtt 6- j WciODKN kitchen set. staliilem steel Citation. AKC registered. Short Hills second floor and an extra spare room Stafford. Phl.n« OR 3-2823 Eves.. OR S-S2M Ml£dBORN7"newly furnished" ma;-* 01B2-R, toi) taMe. four rlmlrs -slilv, puds, 7-3627. REPAIRED on third, It la economical In first cost GLEN-OAKS AGENCY, Realtors bedroom, 4 wlpdows, near bus, train. GENERAL hausrworker.* Mondays and cos! »:!!», sell for $25 South Orange nnd upkeep. Owner has reduced price PRIVATE party needs tttree bedroom business pcoplR One $8.00, two $11 r* COCKER Spaniel pups, A.K c" Excep- W.Beechwood Rd. SU. 8-2025-0295 home. Prefer large grounds In «rea TtiMdaV*. Summit 6-WM-,? tional pedlcref, pet."* nntl *how CARL GULICK for action. Liberal financing. For de- Kitchen privileges If desired SOir» Fot.I*BFO walnut rtlnlnis room set, tails call west of Summit, May be old or new, Orange 2-9453. _ EXPERIENCED unnmi vi«h«-« il.-iv* t-^blc buffet, rhlns rloset, *lx chairs. ifrndpeel*. 531 HhnckHiT\BK", Fipericnml Summit >'•- MUST sell corner lot on Mountain APARTMENTS FOR RENT ie«4. KMTHKN set with four chnlrn. «fO(l IIA—UVRSTOCK WANTED TO G. I. SPECIAL Ave., Berkeley Heights. Make offer SOUTH ORANGE Center, coin fort sK' RFLIABLE titan or women <1(!»nv hrdin'iin fft. twin Both R years Oentle nnd sound Two walking distance to school*, stores and 3B-BEDMINSTER LOCUST GARDENS i**ed>t. Imln-a-beri, t*o end tahlru. we I'AV higneit c»«b pnc** (or »ny. station, quiet street. Prlco J13.00O. JOB Wanted for June Jul? and AVIRIIM Western outfits. Phone Prnpack 8- Locust Drive, Summit gentlemen, large front nfirf>fni, nisi Lr-ivmit for Europe. b 01P9-W. thing Antlquet, china, il'ver. brlc- Shown by appointment through this COUNTRY plots on new private road, Two Sumnil! Htjn gld ^ratlunte* t-brae paintlngi, niRB Tour *tUo office. Large, bright, cheery rooms, modern semi-private b»th, near tr^n'r^ri'*"- With oil" v«-«r 11r rnllffCf Office wnrk, choice neighborhood, view In four kitchens. 8 ft. refrigerators, automatic tion. SOuth Orange 2-0^" Wore, nilndiiu and ttit'irlna rhililiciil :i PIECE hrrirrmm nulii*. bo* * IJ—RAniOS—TKIKVISlON ~ content* our specialty. H. McK. GLAZBBROOK directions. 1 mile to Par Hills sta- washing machines and gaa dryers, spa- e1,'- Telephone h\in>mlt C-fiillT fmn- BUMMIT AUCTION ROOMS tion. Broo^, pond sites, l'i to 7 SOUTH ORANOii^S^otTanfl Ro.iri^ 1 and ma!tre™J' i f-;;waM limn 4-0811. PMILCO radio «nd i 47-49 Kiimral* Avn. acres. Priced B.I low as $800. 3Vj and 4 rooms available. StTmmlt «-31l8> .__ __ 332 Springfield Ave. Summit 0.(5950 THE V1LLACJK REALTY ASSOCIATES B. E & E O. HOUSTON also slngln room, kltch. n p-r-ii - " HIDULK-agrd baby tlltrr. Rell«bl«t i MAIIOLiANV Ourrn Amu- tllntnu Suintiilt 6-123B-.I Eves. Short Hills 7-29S9-M - Su. 6-4610 Bt Highway 32 Basking RldRe, N. 1 ond parkliiK. SOuth Or-«any mirror, dinette table $t) ''ratile mndel te|r- : •*<>(i!l ronrlttlmi. Chatham 4-3(125, ^HISl^WORTH" MORE!" CURTAINS »nrt laundry ilon* »% home ! 1 H m. to ?, p.m. AGENT ON PREMISES Bummit 6>044Uir- vHHui set, never used, fjs Blunt Sturdy older house In good condition. room, private batli, i>rUn"- (iule tnblr 1ft In « ?R In , »«. \i|i- Hill* 7-2921. MV wife and I grew tip near here ant) for bu»in»*s Rfntlemrn. nr.ti" K3CPERIENCDO tttimsn wishes tn do | WAN'1'KL) to tiuy UlBmotMttT COIOTMT Oood neighborhood and fine htgf lot. hol«ti«red occnstonal rhnlr. $R, c»k Stone*, fluid Jewelry and W»teh»#. Miikc offer.under $15,000 through Ray- after June fctatluatlon from Prince- fc W. Board optional, south curtdlnt. »t home »lsi> isiindry e«m« 1 PRIDE!OF OVVNERSHIP" 1 ilcsK, $H); (it'eMiiiiK table and Authentic Apprnlsuln JEAN R TACK: mond W. Stafford of the ton, would llko to come back. Have 2-8821. •mil ».6O«S-K SIIIVJCIS OFFERED Is redecteil In Mils trim hotwe on lot you four roomx for us and our dog? Certified OemoloKlit. 7S yetrt 11 GLEN-OAKS AGKNCV, Kraltnrs 75 x 135, Fruit tieca Mid complete WOMAN w«n!s FOR HIRK Write P. T. Pope. 414B Devereux and l*rlda» TABt-K. ftmlrji, chest (>f rtrnwem. Wiuinm at , Mew»rk. N 3. iMiirtscnpliiR. 3 heciroonna, 2 on first near bath, prlv»to lidtne, vniius "• ': work Bummit 100 Beechwood Hd. SU. A-202S-O20S Ave, Princeton, or call Princeton ness inmn or student. ff|!fiI', l«uips, Kitchen utPliallf, vrrv rensoll- NEKD A TRUCK OH PASSKNOBR OAR? (K)Ol) PIANO want.d. fUelnwny~o7 llnor Striker heat, one car garage, en- 1967-M. OIRL «L»hr* iwo * M week raring shlc 504 Lfvlnettton Are.. New Provl- slnillur (iraiHl or mnnll Instrument. ~ 'CHARMING AND 8ECLUDEU " rlmetl porrhej. FKcellent neighborhood buses. BreRkfaAt optional sow)' « ' for rhilflifi! KfiK-rni tinii^eviiirU very | (leilre Hfltutduv s»d Hundn.v, II) t" Hert»-Driv-Ur-Splf System Btntf* juice. Hox «4, Summit Herald, Brick faced Colonial In park-like Trice $14,000.. TWO buslnesa "women. 3 roomi «nd snge 3-1817. g»K»d r»teiMi«-es Unlmnlllt 2-3n63 Harry H Clifford, Licensee setting, bemitlful garden* nnd trn-i. bath, South Orange, Box 51, Newu- %'SNiSHib or iinfurnlshMl r;i,''"H • fter (> p m IM'N collector WIPIIM to purcliftM 1 j ONB frlti. one ymith'i bed. clilUtu Rensomible mten with KH». nil mid guna »nd revuiweni, modern or «n- permanent driveway. Plrsl floor: Inrt-e MILLICENT UNDERWOOD Record, Msplnwoofl, N. J. share with couple. New lu-m * " MOTHKRH hrli^r m hi'iiir I chiflerobf south Ornnge 3-11101 lnsurdiicii included tl PPnlr prtoil t w p»lld d S 9-tHOS9tHOS living room with lovely noreened porch, Realtor of 70 bun, tr»ln. Reasonnble \.o:ii « Phdllf Sunimlt f 0444-M 51 Maple Street Summit. fM35« ovpfsicfd rtlnlng room wlih break tnst " KENT^GARDEMT only. Box 73, Summit Item 1i )nh s« inutlirr'n helper mnple deik and chair. Uvtntt room We liny and iiell We »IMI buy bnth; two other twin brtl Now rentliiR for Immediate, occu* dltion, 74 River Road. Hit, «•«•"• • €•11 Orutifte 4-172't pim-es i»ntl mlmellsneous KOuth Or- LOUIS MELLUSO rooms with bath. Two-rar attached «»• nancy nuw deluxe duplex five room nrpetitry, tlterstlcm* Cabinet wort CAP1I pulrt for use<1 hooks, cut gl»»», R ROOMS, two family house. Apartment** featuring all appnlntmcnti t»l«l rare. This property in well worth your App"'"'"" Place juiu-ir wants |ob K Pre* e»flinfite» Hunimlt A-39711 ll l fifurniturest, etct . N o untll - •ton Ave., New fro-slrtenfr, I. tor better living. OartKM and parking new tmnsportRtlon. for chil-1 ilMtlng month June Kntlre j walnut bow end bed, no que« Win (jdll. Old nook Hhop, 18 Inspection. rai'llltlen nvnllabld. Within walking dis- 8|irlii|-* Street. Mr>rti»to«n 4-1310,' Hff Aiiaftn Itelniontf, 3rri! Strdet, day. luir M»j. "/ ii'iiinii* Uef«- H'fltiit* or miiltfeM.. clilffernbe i'l 9 H. McK. GLAZBBROOK New I'rdVlilrnre tance of station, but st door. Kent TWO attractive"Mngle rooms. /•_''* tticm whanged Cull Huinmil «- i x 12 figured nrg W Cull summit «• (,'Afli (mid fin itnmp or •*»ln rolltc- • l.io, with private bnth. Kltrheti i>'iu • p Cliit W M -n» II'IK r.f fiiinunli Hrrnld Realtor Onr»ge Sunmilt B-1S1!> l.U NJIIIUKII'M Ave SitininP n fi'l.VI M1OH . '•tpei|rni*'*rt, R»cre»tlon Rnoim litlrl liar* Opun for Inspection Dally nnt'lii r nutiic dmi with nulnp* Hinn- TAiri Y "AKhi-ntti Imv fiiillnii'i. liouie r.srt fillmt Hill* 7 'JDAO M •- Sn fl 4(11 n wionr Acnri Rn6M~7o7""gfntlpriifin. rniur pivillnn enrhvitTH ' lilldreii Addttlnti* f 1 •!H1 R-.UA I-W lii'M i|Ml!-.lll>IH«. (Ililirn. Mr Call mi IIAnNWHU' JIAT enter In reslfl«nt,l»l s«:tlim " With fN>i*tlv at tuiMinct trdfii! Mlil" Mlllhtirti B II.1J « AKrartlvr •(>!•! * |l \,1-«.CI nultrrM Rkcrllent ciiirtl- i "BTKN(;K1". WR PAY OA'ill Im »"Ut u>»n lt>* 9 looma •nd "-' hi>tli* '<>ll Inn m r, Renting Agents • I--I- Ml Onrpentrv, rrpulrn sllrrnt t .in. ,rp PHI MoUKfi WATI.n TltONT *hny» »nd glrln mrr* r>iii>:n\innit lure »ntl(|iiM< «ll*er, tMH>k«. 7 r»i KMHH""-, wi'llint p >"l Cuiilil l>« i'reein, mMlirt!". |>nrrlie^ r-u 't in» brm4 pntntlngt wntk* r»r utt f'OTI'AMK mi 'id \ l«0 plfit wheie you Rntn* rtwl'f t'*(1 !H)i«" mill i'inir mutlflit fliiiilovltieiil Kt i, Mitple r<- Tel Hnmmlt 0-i»9fl kltrhen mirt h*lh, Bouthwmit ex- will buy »f>nr attle eont««t« JORH-ItKCK SCHMIDT lltllllv Ir.nm, linli'li nVMlii'illlMIt WKtrr. Ml (I- linj t*M i|t Ifull v ilrri'fnt f rl. ««hri;tn-; t||p posure. Bo« M. Summit Herald Kiln with flilim «p»(M fS COMPANY | rIr...tK tffino Alwi fnml-iln-ii ititt«^M. ROOM AND IOARD ( P i-UlrMy nt-tltt tnr WcoMMOlMTfoWB*""for_ ejrlerlv r Put* Hm» isi*»|m out Ml" |i,,, "till MU|* MM n Ilem. II Ilnliiii Plaie 'inn, * '"•' I I-Hll'liiii- Intt lei'iii F!<"-« br|( nctr flfll |.i»l> |Ao. Hummlt turn In roiintry home Hr. Jll.1 HARl K-fiVMt ntrl, DIAMOND AFPRAISIM (own 'I•!«|ih(nn> FiliUy IIMHIIIIH n ibl* A l»wrt s', "'I klo X J'M) prlvst* r.|.r«"tHI! instill p inotritt npAN(»K aithlet n*" p IMftOYMIHT |»«U1 MH'h,iri> ttJIlin rttpH*rnlr.nl|r>n Thu l*n enr h*» til t»1»dt. 4 rnnma J mlnntt« tfi Irnliu, (Vnflrlri m .,\ h«t m»in ft fl7 ti n r»«c ftf pfPK"-fty oftem i>«r*ll"n) t tl«y WOO0LAND PROPERTY « 10 p rft Sf>i|th nt»t(|« 1- I »]| MitmtilU Bring M»M. ftttx*. M*4l*n(i SMAI-1. ''I|H *(»h«», to *h*r* 9 in 13 » m. WfLI. «h«*t*n »' f Ilr lined v»"t HIV! MIMbtirn oil to*** 1 «•*•• f»r*t*. q«!t»* •* Prorldtnc* Mv. l«(,»lf.ti «4ttp«. p

»KH«I fn Results l «»m#*-!fin p|f>»M ti vrim* nak •tore 1111 n#«IM Wi!** nntt*Tt pf North J»t*»» •AJOHNBONH , t f'tli 1«rMe«llRr*. mil Bpr|n»fl»ld Av* ^ffOBBU friinlng iwhwt ihitH Rill* httti. h on Mlll- lrili A Ritpslf If Huaranlt At*niM ttUMBilt i *•#, iummli TH1 SUMMIT HtHAlO, THURSDAY, JUNg I. IfSO met In that city and the others at 23 tlon, Mm, T.F. MacMaater li the LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS the southerly side of Springfield Are- Lincoln School. leader of the former and Mr*. Ar- nut), thence i«f along th* cer.ter of high f rade j Stet* pjftnti m thl» coustry mn Girt Scouts Plan NOTICC TO CRKDITOftS ltn* of Spricgftela Avenu* north Alloy *tee'i» «r>: n*t"i# The other troop*' ceremonte* thur Smith of the latter: I for premUe* located on Camplowa {prsdac* «!nsc*t u much «t*H m •STAW O» SARA P LMJTHICCM, ' Drive. Berkeley Heifhu, H. J. seventy degrees ho minutes rait forty & big bombfr will be a» follows: Franklin and Brayton Troop* 9 and i >vlll re- ' O&jejftsons, if any, shouis be (pia* four and Mventy t'.x hur.d»dths feet ixr rt-Mr. i,t the world pat together.' Dtc«M*4. to th* point or place oTTSegkudng And Participate Washington at Franklin School on ceive their winpu^ndioatlog their Punuant to the order of CHARLES '.mmedlattly in writing to Wstllaft* C, 8*1(1 description being arcordlnn to re. "flight" fronjugjowniM to Olrl A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the County RJMO, Towoablp Clerk, Berkeley Store* Stores Monday at 3:15 p.m. with Mrs. of Union, made on th* sixteenth day HelrriU, N. J cent *unr*y m»de by J J Kent*. C E Scout*. They ako wfti, receive pin* Si Surveyor. Summll. K J Open FRIDAY NIGHTS Whitney Jaeger in charge; St TVr- of Uay, A. D. 1930, upon th* applica- Dkted: June 8. US0 There I* due approximately I3S27 09 Open In Awards Court which must be worn ufwicle down tion of (h* uud»r*ljned. a* txecutor* (Signed) MAJW3ARIT KaXtAR ee&'s, Jefferson and . Brayton *t of the e*Ute of laid dec«Med. notice 1: " " ' FM with Interest from. February JO. 1943 til 9 P, ARE Girl Soout unit* TUeadty j until they have done a good detd. md cost*. 9 P. !HL Four 3:15 p. m. on Wednesday at.Bray- U hex toy glr«n to the creditor* of CHARLp E AYERS 1 Their leaders are Mrs. W. S. Stern* aald deceased to exhibit to the sub- SEALED PROPOSAL* aMdtd off the area * animal j ton School. Mrs. Grant Lavery will scribers under oath or affirmation A i ' Sheriff and Mr*. Carl Frosch. their claim* and demands »g»Uu>t the Ooldhor k Friedman, Attyi, SUMMIT SHOPPING NIGHTS u Md urt be in charge. TH« Bo»rd of Education ot Summit, 1DJ. At SH CX-»7-A vvf Providence, and Lincoln, and Jefferson Troop 26 will receive Brayton Troop* 14 and 21 and St. proMcutlnf or recovering th* same sion of the Junior-Senior High School attlnct the *ub*cr!ber«. Roosevelt und Junior High of Sum- attendance flower*, signifying one up to 8 pm, D8.T., Tu*»d»y, June 10, Terea***, 13. BLSIX BOOABDU8 and '.SJO, it which tlm* said proposals will „, t The New Providence group year'* memb&uhip in the organiza- TtDC SUHM1T TRUST COM- t>e opened at » special matting of tht Mat. 2- P.M. PANY of Summit, N. 3,, Board of Education hi th* Sosrd of- Finance Men to Meet Enccutors. iicr. Municipal Building. MY SON, Eves. Krom Several Summit residents will SCHM1D & BOURNE. Attorney*, All bids must be in accordance with SUMMIT PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE 381 Springfield Avenue, the general specification* w^ich m«y MY SON' T VM. attend the iprUig meeting of the Summit. N. J. be secured st the Board of Education teeth Ficktd Up mi DdWercd New Jeriey Consumer's Ftnanee 51-33-l-J-3-<}BW3w ttmi 17 B0. office. Proposal* sr« to b* marked, Also im't. Every NOXICI sealed, and *ent to the Secretary of "HIRED WIFE" Anywhere In Mctropollrgn Area. Aaaociatlon to be held June 8 at the Bo»rd of Education. the Knolls, Boonton. •Sal.- - Sun. Call SUMMIT •-3394-J For WHOLESALER'!? FORM The Board reserves the right to so Those from thla city planning on TAKE NOTICE that E*a BalUh and cppt nr reject any or ill bldi.. Qeorge F. B&llih, trading as Bmllt-h By cuder of the Board Of Education Service and Low Rates. " being present are D. P. Miles, W. Beverage Company, has applied to the WALTER 8. EDDY. W, Wallace, J.V. Brosey. KG. State Commlwtoner of Alcoholic Bev- Becmary. erage Control for a State Bevertge Dla- '_ Feet: 13.24 Sims, George M. Williams and J. trlbutor's license for the premttea A. Schilling. tltuated at 923 Morris Avenue (rear) NOTICE Or SETTLEMENT" Summit. New Jersey, and to main- BUSINESS tain a warehouse at 5 Lafayette Ave- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVl/N. That F'rt,. Sal., June Sun., Man., June 11-12 ""'•• Thuft„ l LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS nue, corner Morris Avenue, Summit, the account ot the subscriber, Executor New Jersey, and to maintain a •ales- of the last Will and Testament of THK H NMIlsT FILM room nt S22 Morris Avenue (rear). I KETH E WIKANPER, deceased, TERROR ifillti (he DIRECTORY Summit, New Jersey. j he audited and sfdted by the Surro- . IN * YEAR>: ESTATE OF ANNIB O8BORNE NICH- | R«tt\ and repo^MNi for settlement to wild Pacific! ANTIQUES : FUNERAL SERVICE OLS. Deceased. Objection*., If any. should be made I the Union ("ounty Court Protiitf BOtUHT AMD SOLO Pursuant to the order of CHARLES Immediately In writing to the Com- Division, on Thurtdsy, the 13th day of WAMTCD ANDREW A. McNAMARA A OTTO, JR., 8urrog*ts of the County missioner of Alcoholic nevejURe Con- July, iisxt, »1 10 aro. AUCTION ROOMS Funeral Service of Union, mide on the ilxteemh day trol, 1080 Broad Street, Newark, New Dated Jvine 5th. 19S0. CE Jerney Summit 6-1387 of May, A. D., 19J0, upon the applica- Dated: <»une 1. 1950. SETH V. W1KANOEH 43 Summit, Avenue tion of th* undesigned. »« executor Executor »nd executrix of the estate of said de- EHA BAtlHH. ALEXANDER O. SPI&ICER, Attorney. OKOROE K BALISH. Summit 0W9 LAUNDRIES ceMed. notice 1* hereby given to trie 15 Kxchange PI . Jersey City, H. J. SU51M1T "AUCTION ROOMS creditors of mid deceased to exhibit to 77 Kent Place Boulev&rd, oaj^'iw Fres: 17, CORBY'S ENTERPRISE the subscribers under oath or affirma- Summit, New Jersey. 47O Summit Avenue tion their claim* and demand* against 52-1 ^;• F ~~ NOTICE Or' MBAHING LAUNDRY. INC ^_; _ Telephone Summit »21U th« estate of tald deceased within «lx NOTfCE OF SETItEMENT~ 27 Summit Avenu* months from the date of Mid order, NOTICE It hereby given, that appll. or they will be torertr barred-from eatlcm has been msdr by thf Broad Summit 6-1000 NOTICE IS Ht-REBY QIVEN". That APPUANCB8 prosecuting or recovering the tame the account of tlie subscriber, Executrix Investment Compuny [or a pt*rn»lt to against the subscribers. of the Last Will »nd Testament of cont-mict » easolln.' *tatkm »t the EASTERN FUEL COMPANY ^WEBT-KLEEN CHARLES 08B0RNE NICHOLS, LOUISE M. KINNEY. deceased, will be corner of Sprlnsfif-ld and Chestnut 15-21 Induitrial Ple.ee CHRISTINE N. KITCHrHO. audited tnd stated by the Surrogate, Avenues In the City of .Summit. 133-339 Broad Street N. J and that the Common Coun- Summit 6-1711 ' Executor and Executrix. and reported (or jettlernent to the Summit 6-OOW SCKM19 t BOURNE. Attorneys, Union County Court. Probate Division, cil will give a public hearing, on 382 Springfield Avenue, on Thursday, the 29th day of June, said application at a .regular-meeting MATERIALS Summit, N.J. next, at 10 AM. of snlcl Council to be held at the City MOTOR BTOKER8 S1-5M-3-J—o» w5w Few; »7.M. D»ted: May 'Mh. 1950. Hall nn Wednesday evening. July 5th, EASTERN FUEL COMPANY ' FRANCES K. TYSON, 1050 Rt 8:30 o'clock ID.S.T.) " ; Executrix Dated June <5th. 1950. JS Rus««ll Place 233-239 Broad Street Schmld & Bourne.. Attorneys, • WILLIAM R OILSON. mm Summit 6-002* Summit 6-0O06 382 Springfield Ave., Summit. N. J. • • . City Clerk. NMN 53-l«2-5—0»w4w Fees:—17. Juno R . FVGS—ta.Id WM! * PH\ of June, next, at 10 A.M. And Vera Zopll. defc»d«nts. Civil — A ltn' — SAXES A SERVICE Action Writ ot EXECUTION. R« ni&deii rig —Repair*— Dated: May 25th. 1950. By virtue of the above-itattd writ SCOTT BRADY ARGENTINE Gtntral Carpentry EOWIN C BURR FRANCES K. TYSON, of Kxrcutlon to me directed I shall ex- MONA FREEMAN Irons & Oonnell Executrix pose for »*1« by public vendue. In the 484 Springfield Ave. Su. 6-2862 Make a personal loan at Schmld it Bourne, Attorneys, District, Court Room, In the Court Sutcmtt 6-2647 3Bfr Springfield Ave.. Summit, N. J.'" House In the city of Klltabeth, N, J. on I WAS A RENTAL SERVICE Hieie low rotti 52-1-2-3—o»w4w Fees:—$7. - WEDNESDAY. THE Jljt DAY OP JUNE, A. D., 1950 with ci r Amount It Mas. it r»y- israr- SHOPLIFTER GEDDlS CHAIR NOTICE TO CREDITORS »t two o'clock (Daylight Rlti BrolhfM Building & Alterations ol note total raMits mrata In the nfternoon of esld d»y, RENTAL SERVICE Cift atflMTlTTt OtMW Ouch to merely fey telephoning Market 2-0625. &z4 DMNWK V*)t« ', • „. * i Mittty 1 '••'"' • >,, •'*• Mkk.y I9mm Vmto* ' ••-' Hut a 1» NO COVW ****** MNTIKK WKKK STARTS Tttt'XS.. H'SK. it Banking Company SUIAN MY FOOLISH HEART MAYWAI0 THE SUMMK HERALD. THUKSOAY, JUKI t. ttiO —

LS^t. r»- Ixfni Cri«#N*orby forg* Lettuce ICEBERG h««df For a Superb The perfect stort for ony salod! Crisp, tender, large headt. Salad V»0 Frtth Vegetable SaUtd Fmturmi! Outstanding Fresh Fruit Values! 7-Minit LEMON ar Hom-de-lite Fresh Cucumbers 2 ^ 15c Golden Ripe Bananas » 15c Complete COCOANUT Mayonnaise Jerseyy Radishes 3 *-** 10c Calif Oranges ' 8-49c Pie Mix '• :'23c to CWM rt« Fresh WWatercres s *•*1155c Grapefruit ^ 2-19c Scallions .HJS 9C Florida Oranges ^59c China Beauty r33c 15c Juky Limes 15c Chow Mein Our /! f»«llly. Boston Lettuce '5t Smart*. Dinner *£££ 47c JIB* rwftwl rMttnl A ltd I. item p Swanson's Large i-veet Caftfornio! For dessert tonight serve cantaloupe* with Dairycrest Ice Cream! Boned /urn Festival Feature! Chicken ^ 47c 33c Week-end Grocery Specials for Tatty Salads! IHH fMthrtl Futml Al AN Atm Mukiln 2 CHICKEN OF THE SEA LigS* Meat Swanson's r Glendale Club Cheese Food X' 21c bl» This Week-End Only! Red Label, 7-ox. can 35c c - Tuna Fish Chicken Mild Cheese "" ». 45c Eat Mor* Eggs far HtaHhl Salad Dressing 16-ox. Rich In vitamins and proteins, low in price! This Wcek-End Only! jar c Fricassee 'Jj" 47c Colored American """i. k>, 87c l Miracle Whip 29 JIM fMthtl Futinl Try t Cti In! mm> Gold Seal Eggs \T/£L.,» 55c Swiss Gruyere '' "£. ,>„. 35c All white, grade A, strictly fresh. B^fl^^iLrA^jt DEL MONTE or IDEAL BRAND 29-os. §w i^©9Cll©5 Sliced or Hoi vet, Week-End Special! con c Swanson's Swiss Cheese S'k * 65c Gold Seal Eggs tf£*.., „ 47c 22 u Boned Turkey Shefford Snappy >- ••" 20c Silver Seal Eggs -°"Z*., w 43c Large Shrimp OUWP"DI -.47c MazolaOil S 45c Asco Bacon C 2 £ 59c KRAFT MIRACLE JIM fMltnl rulml tuirf Cottage Cheese —". 15c 00 MD A1ASKA . Princess Margarine .lv - Icy Point Salmon S-ai. ta* 39c French battla Aged Cheddar »65c HARRIS Red Cheek Mb. Brim* White Crab Meat can Cider Vinegar 19c Muenster Cheese »43c Blue Bonnet 2£L lb. tartan Asparagus "*"',» „*«. 33c Stuffed Olives ,of 23c Apple Juice NwU# •an JV. beHk I 7C Philadelphia Cream Cheese ££. Zv 2 Potato Salad 1S-«i. can Dill Gherkins """"' r>, 14C ^ 19c JIM Ftitlnl rMtm! Al All AMU Asco Coffee wT, 68c Fruit Cocktail'"" tan 03C RICHER BLEND. Ground fresh to order. tutdatw Frtih From Out Grapefruit SactUnt 2 23c B-V Own Ovem! UPTON Tamata Wincrest Cdffee £ 66c Soub Mix Vtf. with P 3 35c Extract LIGHTER BODIED. Tops them all! J LA- UHOH Jli-at. Ol ^ Virginia lee v Sou Mlx 3 X 32c |.r OIC Smabrook Baby Ideal Coffee — '-£,„ 73c P CHE —F - l«^i. Mn 21 C <••« FMIIMI UUwnl •• Stlt it All JUstti FROZEN Nut Crunch Marshmallow HEAVY BODIED. Tops them all! Ravioli with MEAT SAUCE Spaghetti ZSSZS**- «•» 21 c Charge Dog Candy Limas Bar Cake •«»• 39c TATO-MIX FOOOS /un» Fetiital Feature! Rich moist devil food c«ke topped 12.0.. ^ C - with » delicious nut crunch. The Miracle Meet 7 *""• l^r Hormel's Spam 12-ox. can 41c *• pigs. «V«#V Virginia Lee Sticky June Festival Feature! Perfect for sandwiches, salads—keep a supply in your pantry! Inl It'i NIIIIMII Trf • tabu ••al Tender baby Hmas , . . fairly bursting with f*rm-fr«h Gold Seal goodness! Once you tsste 'em, you'll w»nt mort and P NaUtt* mor«. Buy two boxes today. Special this week! Cinnamon Buns O M>35C UISYS fHlvxa loulUA lall Rilz C rack t re 32c Plums J0-a«- can 23c MilkEvop. 1L ca"m" 23c Egg Noodles Delicious, tender sweet dough extra rich in cinnamon Ml MONTE IKcaa1 MUIUHJ SIARROOK HUMS Q_ URDU YE and raisins. Tempting caramel coating. ,kffc Macaroni *• cam LJV packag. reas , oc ,1.,,. ^,. Pineapple Z" 33c SWEETHEART TOIIIT Flw, «Wln w «l >o absolute guarantee of oven freshness! French Fries " " ...^*. 19c Flag Pussy French fried potatoes tha way you like them I Jesco CANDY Swan Soap Cat Food Pine Soap ROCKWOOD RUM t Mint, 3 •£: 23c ioc Acme Sov-U-Trim removes Choc Wafers 31c 2 r; 25c It* F«ith«l rntini Tft* e«r» MEATS much surplus fat before *£* 25c ROCKWOOD weighing, giving you more Al-Po Cubed meat for your money! Bridal Bouquet Nonpareils'X' 31c Silver Dust Meat Dog 27c Toilet Soap CHOCOMTI with frta Food -T 233 c Terry's COVIMD rratmt Tr» • Cn 4 •*« 23c Assorted Fruit .Si. 53c Extra Fancy Fowl »> 39c with fna ihh tawcN Strongheart Rt«dy-»or-tht Tot Drown fowl lb. 51e—An •qud valut! Thins J£l 39c Dog & Cat lb Hershey's Waxtex Toilet Soap M & M Chocolate Wax Paper Food 3 '2T 25c Smoked Cala Hams 39c FMMM ItalHyl «k» Fir •«•' Covered HS-ft. Serve c tasty, economkol, easily prepared smoked cola ham for o change! ££. 4—"28c rail 23c Hunt Club Candy JX 23c Cliinalene Dog Food Fresh Ground Beef Fresh Shrimp •» 69c I Bowlene Rib Veal Chops IRISH /MM tmttmA fmtmni 4l AH Arnmtl 3 Little Breast of Veal —immtdiottly frested wh«n caught, No fui*f no mint; oil fo<^/ "o *«•• ^m^Y *or tht P011' Kittens Assorted Cold Cuts Fillet of Haddock Swift Household Cleanser Midget Salami Teddy's Clams 39c NlWl S«Mi Fridays Purpose Morgan Klear-Vu BAB-0 Parson's Sudsy Speed-Up 2 Dish Cloths Bowl Covers CLEANSER Ammonia^ 21c Glass Wax J iMMltyt *»vC n» im mm tm m

HUM RINSO Lifebuoy Lux Flakes Lux Toilet 14 Prict Suit 26c Health Soap %mp 3 •** 22c * §•*«. II* 3 X: 22c p jifi •AW" (W""t "' 21c