18th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2010) Aalborg, Denmark, August 23-27, 2010 BAYESIAN INTERPOLATION IN A DYNAMIC SINUSOIDAL MODEL WITH APPLICATION TO PACKET-LOSS CONCEALMENT Jesper Kjær Nielseny, Mads Græsbøll Christenseny, Ali Taylan Cemgilyy, Simon J. Godsillyyy, and Søren Holdt Jenseny yAalborg University yyBoğaziçi University yyyUniversity of Cambridge Department of Electronic Systems Department of Computer Engineering Department of Engineering Niels Jernes Vej 12, DK-9220 Aalborg 34342 Bebek Istanbul, TR Trumpington St., Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK {jkn,mgc,shj,tl}@es.aau.dk
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT white Gaussian state and observation noise sequences with 2 In this paper, we consider Bayesian interpolation and pa- covariance matrix Q and variance σw, respectively. We also rameter estimation in a dynamic sinusoidal model. This assume a Gaussian prior for the initial state vector s1 with model is more flexible than the static sinusoidal model since mean vector µ and covariance matrix P . For a non-zero it enables the amplitudes and phases of the sinusoids to be state covariance matrix, the dynamic sinusoidal model in (1) time-varying. For the dynamic sinusoidal model, we derive is able to model non-stationary tonal signals such as a wide a Bayesian inference scheme for the missing observations, range of speech and audio signal segments. We are here con- hidden states and model parameters of the dynamic model. cerned with the problem of performing interpolation and pa- The inference scheme is based on a Markov chain Monte rameter estimation in the model in (1) from a Bayesian per- Carlo method known as Gibbs sampler.