Administration of , 2013 / June 17

That’s why I try, every day, to be for Mi- That’s what matters most. When I look back on chelle and my girls what my father was not for my life, I won’t be thinking about any particu- my mother and me. And I’ve met plenty of oth- lar legislation I passed or policy I promoted. I’ll er people—dads and uncles and men without a be thinking about Michelle and the journey family connection—who are trying to break we’ve been on together. I’ll be thinking about the cycle and give more of our young people a Sasha’s dance recitals and Malia’s tennis strong male role model. matches, about the conversations we’ve had Being a good parent—whether you’re gay or and the quiet moments we’ve shared. I’ll be straight, a foster parent or a grandparent—isn’t thinking about whether I did right by them and easy. It demands your constant attention, fre- whether they knew, every day, just how much quent sacrifice, and of course, a healthy dose of they were loved. patience. And nobody’s perfect. To this day, That’s what I think about when I think about I’m still trying to figure out how to be a better fatherhood. And if we can do our best to be a husband to my wife and a better father to my source of comfort and encouragement to our kids. kids, if we can show them unconditional love And I want to do what I can as President, to and help them grow into the people they were encourage strong marriage and strong families. meant to be, then we will have succeeded. We should reform our child support laws to get So happy Father’s Day to all the dads out more men working and engaged with their there, and have a great weekend. children. And my administration will continue to work with the faith and other community or- NOTE: The address was recorded at approxi- ganizations, as well as businesses, on a cam- mately 5:50 p.m. on June 14 in the Roosevelt paign to encourage strong parenting and fa- Room at the White House for broadcast on therhood. June 15. The transcript was made available by Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned the Office of the Press Secretary on June 14, along the way, it’s that all our personal success- but was embargoed for release until 6 a.m. on es shine a little less brightly if we fail at family. June 15.

Remarks at a Youth Town Hall Meeting in , June 17, 2013

President Obama. Thank you. Please be unite Washington around things, and they seated. Please. come to visit on St. Patrick’s Day, and they do Well, hello, Belfast! Hello, Northern Ire- it in a single afternoon. [Laughter] land! You now know why it’s so difficult to I want to thank the Secretary of State for speak after Michelle; she’s better than me. Northern Ireland, Theresa Villiers. To all the [Laughter] But on behalf of both of us, thank Ministers in the audience; to Lord Mayor you so much for this extraordinarily warm wel- Máirtín Ó Muilleoir. And I want to thank all come. the citizens of Belfast and Northern Ireland for And I want to thank Hannah for introducing your hospitality. my wife. We had a chance to speak with Han- As our daughters pointed out as we were nah backstage, and she’s an extraordinary driving in, I cause a big fuss wherever I go. young woman, who I know is going to do even [Laughter] So traffic and barricades and police greater things in years to come. officers, and it’s all a big production, a lot of I want to thank two men, who I’ve hosted at people are involved, and I’m very, very grateful the White House on many a St. Patrick’s Day, for accommodating us. for their warm welcome: First Minister Peter The first time Michelle and I visited this is- Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin land was about 2 years ago. We were honored McGuinness. I spend the whole year trying to to join tens of thousands on College Green in

587 June 17 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2013

Dublin. We traveled to the little village of 1796, when George Washington was still Presi- Moneygall, where, as it turned out, my great- dent. great-great-grandfather was born. And I actu- So today, names familiar to many of you are ally identified this individual in this place only etched on schools and courthouses and solemn a few years ago. When I was first running for memorials of war across the United States: office in Chicago, I didn’t know this, but I wish names like Wilson and Kelly, Campbell and I had. [Laughter] When I was in Chicago, as I O’Neill. So many of the qualities that we was campaigning, they’d look at my last name, Americans hold dear we imported from this and they’d say: “Oh, there’s an O’Bama from land: perseverance, faith, an unbending belief the homeland running on the South Side. So that we make our own destiny, and an unshak- he must be Irish—[laughter]—but I’ve never able dream that if we work hard and we live re- heard the Gaelic name, Barack.” [Laughter] sponsibly, something better lies just around But it pays to be Irish in Chicago. the bend. So while we were in Moneygall, I had a So our histories are bound by blood and be- chance to meet my eighth cousin, Henry, lief, by culture and by commerce. And our fu- who’s also known as Henry the Eighth. tures are equally, inextricably linked. And [Laughter] We knew he was my cousin be- that’s why I’ve come to Belfast today: to talk cause his ears flapped out just like mine. about the future we can build together. [Laughter] I leafed through the parish logs Your generation, the young generation, has where the names of my ancestors are recorded. come of age in a world with fewer walls. You’ve I even watched Michelle learn how to pull a been educated in an era of instant information. proper pint of “black.” You’ve been tempered by some very difficult Audience member. Whoop! [Laughter] times around the globe. And as I travel, what President Obama. Who’s cheering for that? I’ve seen of young people like you around the [Laughter] world show me these currents have conspired So it was a magical visit. But the only prob- to make you a generation possessed by both a lem was it was far too short. A volcano in Ice- clear-eyed realism, but also an optimistic ideal- land forced us to leave before we could even ism; a generation keenly aware of the world as spend the night. So we’ve been eager for a it is, but eager to forge the world as it should chance to return to the Emerald Isle ever be. And when it comes to the future we share, since. And this time, we brought our daughters that fills me with hope. Young people fill me too. with hope. In particular, we wanted to come here, to Here in Northern Ireland, this generation Northern Ireland, a place of remarkable beau- has known even more rapid change than many ty and extraordinary history, part of an island young people have seen around the world. And with which tens of millions of Americans share while you have unique challenges of your own, an eternal relationship. America’s story, in you also have unique reasons to be hopeful. part, began right outside the doors of this For you are the first generation in this land to gleaming hall. Three hundred and twenty-five inherit more than just the hardened attitudes years ago, a ship set sail from the River Lagan and the bitter prejudices of the past. You’re an for the Chesapeake Bay, filled with men and inheritor of a just and hard-earned peace. You women who dreamed of building a new life in now live in a thoroughly modern Northern Ire- a new land. land. They, followed by hundreds of thousands Of course, the recessions that spread more, helped America write those early chap- through nearly every country in recent years ters. They helped us win our independence. have inflicted hardship here too, and there are They helped us draft our Constitution. And communities that still endure real pain. But soon after, America returned to Belfast, open- day to day, life is changing throughout the ing one of our very first consulates here in North. There was a time, people couldn’t have

588 Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 / June 17 imagined Northern Ireland hosting a gathering to choose to wage peace. Over the years, other of world leaders, as you are today. And I want breakthroughs and agreements have followed. to thank Chief Constable Matt Baggott for That’s extraordinary, because for years, few working to keep everyone safe this week. conflicts in the world seemed more intractable Northern Ireland is hosting the World Po- than the one here in Northern Ireland. So that lice and Fire Games later this year, which when peace was achieved here, it gave the en- Dame Mary Peters is helping to organize. Golf tire world hope. fans like me had to wait a long six decades for The world rejoiced in your achievement, es- the Irish Open to return to the North last year. pecially in America. Pubs from Chicago to Bos- I am unhappy that I will not get a few rounds ton were scenes of revelry, folks celebrating in while I’m here. [Laughter] I did meet Rory the hard work of Hume and Trimble and Ad- McIlroy last year, and Rory offered to get my ams and Paisley and so many others. In Ameri- swing “sorted”—[laughter]—which was a po- ca, you helped us transcend our differences, lite way of saying, “Mr. President, you need because if there’s one thing on which Demo- help.” [Laughter] crats and Republicans in America wholeheart- None of that would have been imaginable a edly agree, it’s that we strongly support a generation ago. And Belfast is a different city. peaceful and prosperous Northern Ireland. Once-abandoned factories are rebuilt. Former But as all of you know all too well, for all the industrial sites are reborn. Visitors come from strides that you’ve made, there’s still much all over to see an exhibit at the MAC, a play at work to do. There’s still people who haven’t the Lyric, a concert here at Waterfront Hall. reaped the rewards of peace. There are those Families crowd into pubs in the Cathedral who aren’t convinced that the effort is worth it. Quarter to hear “trad.” Students lounge at ca- There are still wounds that haven’t healed and fes, asking each other, “What’s the craic?” communities where tensions and mistrust Right? [Laughter] Hey! So to paraphrase Sea- hangs in the air. There are walls that still stand. mus Heaney, it’s the manifestation of sheer, There are still many miles to go. bloody genius. This island is now chic. From the start, no one was naive enough to And these daily moments of life in a bustling believe that peace would be anything but a city and a changing country, it may seem ordi- long journey. Yeats once wrote, “Peace comes nary to many of you, and that’s what makes it dropping slow.” But that doesn’t mean our ef- so extraordinary. For that’s what your parents forts to forge a real and lasting peace should and grandparents dreamt for all of you: to trav- come dropping slow. This work is as urgent el without the burden of checkpoints or road- now as it has ever been because there’s more blocks or seeing soldiers on patrol; to enjoy a to lose now than there’s ever been. sunny day free from the ever-present aware- In today’s hyperconnected world, what hap- ness that violence could blacken it at any mo- pens here has an impact on lives far from these ment; to befriend or fall in love with whomever green shores. And if you continue your coura- you want. They hoped for a day when the geous path toward a permanent peace, and all world would think something different when the social and economic benefits that have they heard the word “Belfast.” And because of come with it, that won’t just be good for you, it their effort, because of their courage, that day will be good for this entire island. It will be has come. Because of their work, those dreams good for the . It will be good they had for you became the most incredible for Europe. It will be good for the world. thing of all: They became a reality. We need you to get this right. And what’s It’s been 15 years now since the Good Fri- more, you set an example for those who seek a day agreement, since clenched fists gave way peace of their own. Because beyond these to outstretched hands. The people of this is- shores, right now, in scattered corners of the land voted in overwhelming numbers to see world, there are people living in the grip of beyond the scars of violence and mistrust and conflict—ethnic conflict, religious conflict,

589 June 17 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 tribal conflicts—and they know something bet- Even a century after we achieved our own ter is out there. And they’re groping to find a peace, we were not fully united. When I was a way to discover how to move beyond the heavy boy, many cities still had separate drinking hand of history, to put aside the violence. fountains and lunch counters and washrooms They’re studying what you’re doing. And for Blacks and Whites. My own parents’ mar- they’re wondering, “Perhaps if Northern Ire- riage would have been illegal in certain States. land can achieve peace, we can too.” So you’re And someone who looked like me often had a their blueprint to follow. You’re their proof of hard time casting a ballot, much less being on a what is possible, because hope is contagious. ballot. They’re watching to see what you do next. But over time, laws changed, and hearts and Now, some of that is up to your leaders. As minds changed, sometimes driven by coura- someone who knows firsthand how politics can geous lawmakers, but more often driven by encourage division and discourage coopera- committed citizens. Politicians oftentimes fol- tion, I admire the Northern Ireland Executive low rather than lead. And so, especially young and the Northern Ireland Assembly all the people helped to push and to prod and to pro- more for making power-sharing work. That’s test and to make common cause with those not easy to do. It requires compromise, and it who did not look like them. And that trans- requires absorbing some pain from your own formed America, so that Malia and Sasha’s side. So I applaud them for taking responsibili- generation, they have different attitudes about ty for law enforcement and for justice, and I differences and race than mine and certainly commend their effort to “Building a United different from the generation before that. And Community,” important next steps along your each successive generation creates a new space transformational journey. for peace and tolerance and justice and fair- Because issues like segregated schools and ness. housing, lack of jobs and opportunity, symbols And while we have work to do in many ways, of history that are a source of pride for some we have surely become more tolerant and and pain for others, these are not tangential to more just and more accepting, more willing to peace; they’re essential to it. If towns remain see our diversity in America not as something divided, if Catholics have their schools and to fear, but as something to welcome, because buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we it’s a source of our national strength. can’t see ourselves in one another, if fear or re- So as your leaders step forward to address sentment are allowed to harden, that encour- your challenges through talks by all parties, ages division. It discourages cooperation. they’ll need you young people to keep pushing Ultimately, peace is not just about politics, them to create a space for them, to change atti- it’s about attitudes; it’s about a sense of empa- tudes. Because ultimately, whether your com- thy; it’s about breaking down the divisions that munities deal with the past and face the future we create for ourselves in our own minds and united together isn’t something you have to our own hearts, that don’t exist in any objective wait for somebody else to do, that’s a choice reality, but that we carry with us generation af- you have to make right now. ter generation. It’s within your power to bring about And I know, because America, we too have change. Whether you are a good neighbor to had to work hard over the decades, slowly, someone from the other side of past battles, gradually, sometimes painfully, in fits and that’s up to you. Whether you treat them with starts, to keep perfecting our Union. A hun- the dignity and respect they deserve, that’s up dred and fifty years ago, we were torn open by to you. Whether you let your kids play with a terrible conflict. Our Civil War was far short- kids who attend a different church, that’s your er than the Troubles, but it killed hundreds of decision. Whether you take a stand against vio- thousands of our people. And of course, the lence and hatred and tell extremists on both legacy of slavery endured for generations. sides that no matter how many times they at-

590 Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 / June 17 tack the peace, they will not succeed, that is in States the chance to travel to each other’s com- your hands. And whether you reach your own munities and learn from one another. outstretched hand across dividing lines— Now, one of those young people are—is across peace walls—to build trust in a spirit of here today. Sylvia Gordon is the director of an respect, that’s up to you. The terms of peace organization called Groundwork Northern Ire- may be negotiated by political leaders, but the land, which aims to bring about change from fate of peace is up to each of us. the ground up. Where’s Sylvia? Where’s Syl- This peace in Northern Ireland has been via? Is Sylvia here somewhere? Where is she? tested over the past 15 years. It’s been tested She’s here somewhere. Well, you’re here too, over the past year. It will be tested again. But yes. Some guy just waved; he said, “I’m here.” remember something that President Clinton [Laughter] Which is good, I appreciate you be- said when he spoke here in Belfast just a few ing here. [Laughter] weeks after the horrors of Omagh. “That As someone who got my start as a communi- bomb,” he said, “was not the last bomb of the ty organizer, I was so impressed with what Syl- Troubles, it was the opening shot of a vicious via has done, because a few years ago, Sylvia attack on the peace.” visited the United States to learn more about And whenever your peace is attacked, you how Americans organize to improve their com- will have to choose whether to respond with munities. So, after she came home, Sylvia the same bravery that you’ve summoned so far rolled up her sleeves here in Belfast and decid- or whether you succumb to the worst instincts, ed to do something about Alexandra Park. those impulses that kept this great land divided Some of you may know this park. For years, it for too long. You’ll have to choose whether to was thought to be the only park in Europe still divided by a wall. Think about that. In all of keep going forward, not backwards. Europe, that one park has got a wall in the And you should know that so long as you are middle of it. moving forward, America will always stand by So Sylvia and her colleagues knew how hard you as you do. We will keep working closely it would be to do anything about a peace wall, with leaders in Stormont, , and West- but they reached out to the police; they minster to support your political progress. reached out to the Department of Justice. We’ll keep working to strengthen our econo- They brought together people from across the mies, including through efforts like the broad communities. They knew it was going to be economic initiative announced on Friday to hard, but they tried anyway. And together, unlock new opportunities for growth and in- they all decided to build a gate to open that vestment between our two countries’ business- wall. And now people can walk freely through es, because jobs and opportunity are essential the park and enjoy the sun—when it comes to peace. out—[laughter]—just like people do every day Our scientists will keep collaborating with in parks all around the world. yours in fields like nanotechnology and clean It’s a small bit of progress. But the fact that energy and health care that make our lives bet- so far we’ve only got a gate open and the wall is ter and fuel economic growth on both sides of still up means there’s more work to do. And the Atlantic, because progress is essential to that’s the work of your generation. So long as peace. And because knowledge and under- more walls still stand, we will need more peo- standing is essential to peace, we will keep in- ple like Sylvia. We’ll need more of you, young vesting in programs that enrich both of us, pro- people, who imagine the world as it should be, grams like the one at Belfast Metropolitan Col- who knock down walls, who knock down barri- lege, which teaches students from West and ers, who imagine something different and have North Belfast the skills they need for new jobs, the courage to make it happen. The courage to and exchange programs that have given thou- bring communities together, who make even sands in Northern Ireland and the United the small impossibilities a shining example of

591 June 17 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 what is possible. And that, more than anything, I have confidence you will choose that path, will shape what Northern Ireland looks like 15 you will embrace that task. And to those who years from now and beyond. choose the path of peace, I promise you the All of you—every single young person here United States of America will support you ev- today—possess something the generation be- ery step of the way. We will always be a wind at fore yours did not, and that is, an example to your back. And as I said when I visited 2 years follow. When those who took a chance on ago, I am convinced that this little island that inspires the biggest of things—this little is- peace got started, they didn’t have a successful land—its best days are yet ahead. model to emulate. They didn’t know how it Good luck. God bless you, and God bless all would work. But they took a chance. And so the people of Northern Ireland. Thank you. far, it has succeeded. And the first steps are the hardest and requires the most courage. The NOTE: The President spoke at 9:58 a.m. at the rest now is up to you. Belfast Waterfront Conference Centre. In his “Peace is indeed harder than war,” the Irish remarks, he referred to Hannah Nelson, win- author Colum McCann recently wrote. “And ner of an essay contest sponsored by the U.S. its constant fragility is part of its beauty. A bul- consulate in Belfast, Northern Ireland; Matt let need happen only once, but for peace to Baggott, chief constable, Police Service of work, we need to be reminded of its existence Northern Ireland; British Olympic gold medal- again and again and again.” ist and “Freedom of Belfast” honoree Mary Pe- And that’s what we need from you. That’s ters; poet Seamus Heaney; , former what we need from every young person in leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party in Northern Ireland and former Member Northern Ireland, and that’s what we need of Parliament of the United Kingdom; former from every young person around the world. First Ministers W. David Trimble and Ian R.K. You must remind us of the existence of peace, Paisley of Northern Ireland; and , the possibility of peace. You have to remind us president, Sinn Fein political party and organi- of hope again and again and again. Despite re- zation. He also referred to his cousin Henry sistance, despite setbacks, despite hardship, Healy. The transcript released by the Office of despite tragedy, you have to remind us of the the Press Secretary also included the remarks future again and again and again. of the First Lady.

Remarks With Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, President José Manuel Durão Barroso of the European Commission, and President Herman Van Rompuy of the European Council in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland June 17, 2013

Prime Minister Cameron. Well, good after- launching these negotiations on a landmark noon and welcome, everyone. Welcome to deal between the and the Lough Erne. United States of America, a deal that could add I always said that the whole point of this as much as a £100 billion to the EU economy, meeting in Lough Erne is to fire up our econo- £80 billion to the U.S. economy, and as much mies and drive growth and prosperity around as £85 billion to the rest of the world. the world, to do things that make a real differ- And we should be clear about what these ence to people’s lives. And there is no more numbers could really mean: 2 million extra powerful way to achieve that than by boosting jobs, more choice and lower prices in our trade. And there’s no better way than by shops. We’re talking about what could be the