PRIORITIES BRIEFING the Legislative Environment in the Second Session of the 116Th Congress
PRIORITIES BRIEFING The Legislative Environment in the Second Session of the 116th Congress . Presidential election year . Affordable housing crisis reported regularly in the news . Many Democrat presidential candidates have housing platforms . Increased partisanship in Congress 3/8/2020 Legislation to Enact NCSHA’s Tax-Related Legislative Priorities . Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, S. 1703/H.R. 3077 . Save Affordable Housing Act, S. 1956/H.R. 3479 . 4 percent minimum rate standalone bill (Soon to be introduced in Senate, no House companion bill to come) . Affordable Housing Bond Enhancement Act (Soon to be introduced in Senate, no House companion bill at this time) . Neighborhood Homes Investment Act, H.R. 3316 (Soon to be introduced in Senate) 3/8/2020 Senate Finance Committee REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS Chuck Grassley, IA Ron Wyden, OR Mike Crapo, ID Debbie Stabenow, MI Pat Roberts, KS Maria Cantwell, WA Retiring Michael Enzi, WY Robert Menendez, NJ John Cornyn, TX Thomas Carper, DE John Thune, SD Benjamin Cardin, MD Richard Burr, NC Sherrod Brown, OH Rob Portman, OH Michael Bennet, CO Patrick Toomey, PA Robert Casey, Jr., PA Tim Scott, SC Mark Warner, VA Bill Cassidy, LA Sheldon Whitehouse, RI James Lankford, OK Maggie Hassan, NH Steve Daines, MT Catherine Cortez Masto, NV Todd Young, IN Ben Sasse, NE 3/8/2020 House Ways and Means Committee DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS Richard Neal, MA Judy Chu, CA Kevin Brady, TX Darin LaHood, IL John Lewis, GA Gwen Moore, WI Devin Nunes, CA Brad Wenstrup, OH Lloyd Doggett, TX Dan Kildee, MI Vern Buchanan, FL Jodey Arrington, TX Mike Thompson, CA Brendan Boyle, PA Adrian Smith, NE Drew Ferguson, GA John B.
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