Lincoln Park Jewish Center Deeply Mourns Torah Theft by STEPHEN E
WESTCHESTER October 2020 -- Tishrei- Cheshvan 5781, Volume 26, Issue 10 1994-2019 JewishWESTCHESTER COUNTY’S ONLY MONTHLY JEWISHLife NEWSPAPER Lincoln Park Jewish Center Deeply Mourns Torah Theft BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN the robber was wear- of the building. ing a Harvard Univer- “The Torah had a white cover, Lincoln Park Jewish Center, sity tee shirt, had a commemorating Board Member Sid- Yonkers (LPJC) suffered the loss of a beard and appeared to ney Goldman’s 90th birthday,” Sch- precious Torah prior to the Yom Kip- be Caucasian. weizer continued. “The scroll’s fad- pur Holiday, according to LPJC Presi- “On the day of the ing lettering was recently repaired. dent Jack Schweizer. theft, he first came in Our Torah is approximately 100 years “The incident happened on at 12:50 p.m. then left old. The Universal Torah Registry was Friday afternoon, September 25th, the building. The sur- queried and the missing Torah was about 4:50 p.m.,” Schweizer noted. veillance shows that not recorded. “The perpetrator took the Torah and he went around to the “It is an ongoing investigation. a Tallit in addition to a laptop com- door to the left of the The Yonkers Police are looking into puter, guitar, and articles of clothing property and walked the case aggressively and the LPJC belonging to a LPJC member. around. He probably community is hopeful that the Torah “The alleged thief changed into scoped out the build- will be recovered and the perpetra- the clothing, dumped his initial out- ing for a means of tor apprehended. Of course, the Con- fit into a trash bin and left approxi- access into the syna- gregation was very upset, especially mately an hour later in which we have gogue and found a since it was just before Yom Kippur video surveillance, at 5:50 p.m., short- weak point.
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