RDMA Container Support

Liran Liss Mellanox Technologies Agenda

• Containers 101 • RDMA isolation • Namespace support • Controller support • Putting it all together • Status • Conclusions

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 2 Containers 101

• A server- technology for running multiple isolated user-space instances • Each instance – Has the look and feel of running over a dedicated server – Cannot impact the activity of other instances • Containers and Virtual Machines (VMs) provide virtualization at different levels

Virtual Machines Server virtualization VM1 VM2 Containers “System call” VM contains App App App App virtualization complete OS + App OS OS OS Container has only App + libraries

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 3 Example: Docker

• Open platform to build, ship, and run distributed apps – Based on container technology • Main promise – Easily package an application and its dependencies • Regardless of the language, tool chain, and distribution • Layered images • Large application repository Docker Image – Basis for further specialization App App – Deploy on any Server Math libs layers • Regardless of OS distribution gcc Lustre • Regardless of underlying architecture OpenMPI Base – Lightweight runtime OFED-2.4 layers • Rapid scale-up/down of services RH6.5

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 4 Linux Containers = Namespaces + • Namespaces • cgroups – Provide the illusion of – Restrict resource utilization running in isolation – Controllers for multiple – Implemented for multiple resource types OS sub-systems

Namespace examples cgroup examples Name Description Controller Description space blkio Access to block devices pid Process IDs cpu CPU time net Network interfaces, routing tables, and cpuset CPU cores devices Device access ipc Semaphores, shared memory, and message queues memory Memory usage mnt Root and file-system mounts net_cls Packet classification uts Host name net_prio Packet priority uid User IDs

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 5 Container IP Networking

• Common models • Building blocks – Host (e.g., Mezos) – Network namespaces – Physical interface / VLAN / • Interfaces, IP tables, netfilter macvlan – Virtual networking • Container has global IP • bridge, ovs, NAT – Bridge • macvlan, vlan, veth • Container has global IP – Pod (e.g., GCE) veth veth • Multi-container unit • Global IP per POD – NAT (e.g., Docker) veth veth – Tunneling Bridge0 eth0

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 6 RDMA Isolation Design Goals

• Simplicity and efficiency – Containers share the same RDMA device instance – Leverage existing isolation infrastructure • Network namespaces and cgroups • Focus on application – Verbs / RDMACM – Exclude management and low-level APIs (e.g., umad, ucm) • Deny access using device controller – Exclude kernel ULPs (e.g., iSER, SRP) • Not directly exposed to applications • Controlled by other means (blk_io) • Subject for future work

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 7 Namespace Observations

• Isolating Verbs resources is • Namespace determined by not necessary interface – Only QPNs and RKeys are – Physical port interfaces of PFs/VFs visible on the wire – P_Key child devices – Both don’t have well-known – Additional child devices on same names P_Key • Applications don’t choose them – VLAN child devices – macvlan child-devices • rdmacm maps nicely to network namespaces – IP addresses stem from network interfaces Conclusions – Protocols and port numbers map to ServiceID port-spaces • QP and AH API calls should be processed within a namespace context • RoCE requires a namespace • Associate RDMA IDs with namespaces for L3L2 address resolution • Maintain isolated ServiceID port-space per network namespace

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 8 Resource Namespace Association • QP and AH namespaces – Used for RoCE L3L2 address resolution – Determined by the process namespace during API calls – Default to Host namespace for kernel threads

• RDMA IDs namespaces – Used for Binding to ServiceIDs and solicited MAD steering (see below) – Determined by the process namespace upon creation – Matched asynchronously with incoming requests – Default to Host namespace for kernel threads

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 9 MAD ServiceID Resolution

ib_cma Lookup NS

ib_cm Get cm_id NS Get netdev NS

Match ServiceID Match cm_id Match netdev by by Host NS Lookup NS VLAN/P_Key, IP> NO YES YES NO Is IP CM ServiceID? Is solicited?

CM MADs ib_core RDMA cgroup Controller

• Governs application resource utilization per RDMA device – For a process or a group of processes

• Possible controlled resources – Opened HCA contexts – CQs, PDs, QPs, SRQs, MRs – Service Levels (SLs) and User Priorities (UPs) • Can’t mark individual packets in SW…

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 11 Putting it All Together

Net NS: 1 Net NS: 2 Net NS: 3 cpu: 10% cpu: 20% cpu: 30% QPs: 10 QPs: 50 QPs: 100 CQs: 10 CQs: 50 CQs: 100

App A App B App listen rdma_id: listen rdma_id: TCP port-space 2000 TCP port-space 2000

ib_0 ib_1 ib_2 Linux eth0.100 eth0.101 0x8001 0x8001 0x8002

IB core eth0 IB HCA RoCE HCA

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 12 Status

• ServiceID namespace support for IB completed – May be used with any IPoIB interface or child interface – Patches sent upstream • Coming up – RoCE support – RDMA cgroup controllers

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 13 Conclusions

• Container technology is gaining considerable traction • The intrinsic efficiency of containers make them an attractive virtualization and deployment solution for high-performance applications – E.g., HPC clouds • RDMA container support provides such applications access to high-performance networking in a secure and isolated manner

March 15 – 18, 2015 #OFADevWorkshop 14 Thank You
