Dragos-Beniamin Pantiru Software Developer, Bucharest,Romania

Phone +40 773343693 E-mail [email protected] Date of birth 1993-01-13 GitHub https://github.com/beniaminp LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/pantiru-dragos-9b903b9b/

Software Developer / Architect, +3 years of experience, build solutions for aviation, telecom and banking system. Helped company improving software solutions using new technologies.

Key Skills : Java, Scala, Angular2, BootStrap, CSS, HTML, JS, TS.

Technical Skills Java Technologies: J2EE (Servlets, JSP), (Tomcat, OC4J, Jetty) JMS, J2SE, Maven, Ant, Android; Java / Scala Frameworks: Apache Wicket, Play Framework, Spring, Hibernate, JSF 2.0, , JavaFX, FXML, EHCache, SpringBoot, Anorm, Slick; JavaScript: NodeJS, AngularJS, Angular2, jQuery, Ionic Framework, TypeScript, NPM, NG-CLI; Database: Oracle, PL/SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, ElasticSearch; Webservices: REST, SOAP; Agile Development: Agile, Scrum; Web: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, CSS3, BootStrap; Extra: Scala, SBT, PHP, Jenkins, Android Studio, Eclipse, SpringBoot, CVS, Git, Jira, Oracle MAF, Networking;

Career History

Software Developer, Advantage Software Factory - Bucharest, Romania January 2016 – Present ● Building software for telecom and banking systems, Mobile, WEB and PC ● Helping Business analysts to provide real solutions for customers ● Maintenance and improvement of current software, resulting a faster product ● Helping other developers in finding quick solutions, for faster development of the product ● Participation in creating the architecture of the software for a better performance ● Participation research for best technologies to be used, for faster development and a better product

Software Developer, Rohde&Schwarz, R& department –Bucharest, Romania January 2015 – January 2016 ● Building software solutions for aviation system ● Helping Business analysts to provide real solutions for customers ● Maintenance and improvement of current software, resulting a faster product

Education BSc in Mathematics – "Universitatea Vasile Alecsandri" of Bacau, 2011-2014 I studied Mathematics and I also had Computer Science modules like ++, Java, PHP, DB. Mathematics helped me to improve my programming logic.

Interests I am a member of Java Developer Group from Bucharest, I am interested in new technologies like SCALA and NodeJS. I like to create small projects in my spare time, to learn new technologies on market. I really love to program new apps and to improve my skills. I always want to be better than yesterday.