Neurology International 2019; volume 11:8198 Dropped head syndrome due inflammatory polyneuropathy (CIDP),11 to neuromuscular disorders: neuromuscular causes include myasthenia Correspondence: Ahmet Z. Burakgazi, gravis (MG),12-14 Lambert-Eaton myasthe- Neuroscience Section, Department of Clinical manifestation and nia syndrome (LEMS),15 muscular causes Medicine, Virginia Tech Carilion School of evaluation includes primary inflammatory such as Medicine, 3 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA polymyositis,16 scleromyositis,17,18 isolated 24016, USA. inflammatory axial myopathy,19 primary Tel.: +1.540-521-4592. Ahmet Z. Burakgazi, Perry K. E-mail:
[email protected] Richardson, Mohammad Abu-Rub non-inflammatory such as nemaline myopa- 20-22 thy, mitochondrial myopathy, congeni- Key words: Dropped head syndrome, neuro- Virginia Tech Carilion School of 23 24 tal myopathy, FSHD, and isolated neck muscular disease. Medicine, Roanoke, VA, USA extensor myopathy (INEM).19 Contributions: the authors contributed equally. Conflict of interest: the authors declare no Abstract General approach: clinical mani- potential conflict of interest. festation and evaluation In this article, we discuss the clinical Funding: none. approach to patients with dropped head syn- DHS occurs as a result of weakness of drome and identify the various neuromus- posterior neck muscles. It usually disap- Received for publication: 11 June 2019. cular causes of dropped head syndrome pears with supine position. The common Accepted for publication: 18 June 2019. including muscle, neuromuscular junction, chief complaints are “chin on the chest” and This work is licensed under a Creative peripheral nerve and motor neuron etiolo- “difficulty maintaining a forward gaze”. It gies. We aim to increase awareness of Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 may contribute to dysphagia and has cos- License (CC BY-NC 4.0).