Prof. Dr. rer physiol., Dr. h.c. Ulrike Beisiegel born 23.12.1952

1971 - 1974 Studies of Biology at the University of Münster and 1974 - 1976 Studies of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marburg 1976 - 1979 PhD student in biochemistry and human genetics with Prof. Gerd Utermann, Institute of Human Genetics, Medical faculty, University of Marburg 06.04.1979 Dr. rer. physiol. (‘magna cum laude’), at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marburg (Topic: Isolation and Characterization of Apolipoproteins) 1979 - 1980 Scientific assistant in the Institute of Human Genetics in Marburg 1980 - 1982 Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Drs. Goldstein and Brown in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas, Dallas 1982 - 1984 Scientific assistant in the Institute of Human Genetics in Marburg 1983 ‘Heinz-Maier-Leipnitz Preis’ from the Ministry for Education and Science 1984 - 1996 Assistant Professor (Akademische Rätin bzw. Oberrätin) in the Medical Clinic of the University Hospital -Eppendorf 03.07.1990 Habilitation in Biochemistry at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf 1987 – 1992 Part of a Concerted Action in the EU-Program ‘Medical and Health Research’ with the title ‘European Atherosclerosis Research Group I and II’ 1994 - 2000 Scientific Head of the DFG financed Clinical Research Group with the topic ‘Triglycerides and Arteriosclerosis’ at the University Hospital Hamburg- Eppendorf (Clinical Head Prof. Dr. H. Greten) 21.5.1996 C3-Professor for the Clinical Research Group at the Medical Clinic in the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf 12.10.1996 Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Umeå (Sweden) 1997-2000 Part in the Concerted Action ‘Lipases and receptors as determinants of lipoprotein and energy metabolism’ in the EU-program BIOMED 2 1997 - 2002 Projects in the SFB 444 (on ‘Basics of neuronal Communication und Signaltranduction’ and in the DFG-Research Group on Alzheimer’s Disease October 1999 Offer for a full Professor position as Chair of Biochemistry at the University of Graz (Austria) Since 2000 Member of the Review Board ‘Biological Chemistry and Physics’ of the DFG Since 7/2001 Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II: Molecular Cell Biology at the Medical Faculty of the 2000-2005 Member of the Ombudsman of the Universioty of Hamburg 2001-2005 Research Dean of the Medical Faculty at the University of Hamburg 2002-2005 Chairperson of the European Atherosclerosis Society Since 2002 Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Leibniz-Association Since 2004 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine 1997 -2006 Member of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 336 ‘Molecular Endocrinology – Molecular Metabolism’ at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf Since 7/2005 Chair of the Ombudsman of the DFG Since 2/2006 Member of the ‘Wissenschaftsrat’ – Advisory board to the German Government Tuesday, 27 February 2007