Doha Islamic Youth Forum Begins Today

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Doha Islamic Youth Forum Begins Today BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 Qatar-UK Higher trade volume Organising up 3.6% to Committee reach of Beach $2.9bn Games in 2018 formed published in QATAR since 1978 SUNDAY Vol. XXXX No. 11237 July 7, 2019 Dhul-Qa’da 4, 1440 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals In brief Foreign ministry holds talks with UN team QATAR | Reaction Qatar slams bombing of Doha Islamic mosque in Afghanistan Qatar has strongly condemned the bombing of a mosque in Ghazni province in southeast Afghanistan, killing two people and injuring Youth Forum others. In a statement yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs reiterated Qatar’s firm stance rejecting violence and terrorism, regardless of motives and reasons. begins today It stressed Qatar’s total rejection of targeting places of worship and intimidating civilians. It expressed Forum to provide an interactive Qatar’s condolences to the victims’ families, the Government and people platform for young people to exchange of Afghanistan, wishing the injured a speedy recovery. ideas and discuss different issues The Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised an open discussion session yesterday with the United Nations Alliance ARAB WORLD | Unrest of Civilizations (AOC) delegation, currently visiting Qatar. The delegation includes participants from Europe and QNA Sudan ruler vows North America. HE the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lolwah Alkhater addressed the discussion Doha to implement deal session. Page 2 Sudan’s army ruler General Abdel he Doha Islamic Youth Forum Fattah al-Burhan vowed yesterday kicks off today at QNCC, under to implement the power-sharing Tthe theme “Youth is the power deal agreed with demonstrators, as of the nation”, which is part of the the protest campaign cancelled a activities of Doha, Capital of Islamic nationwide day of civil disobedience US quake-hit assess damage, Youth 2019. later this month. The ruling military Organised by the Ministry of Cul- council and protest leaders agreed ture and Sports, the forum will con- on Friday to form a joint civilian- tinue until July 11, hosting about 90 military governing body aimed at brace for more aftershocks young people representing 56 coun- ending the country’s months-long tries of the Islamic world, including 20 political crisis. Page 9 Qatari youth. Reuters som requested federal assistance people some 200km northeast of Los The forum is organised in co-oper- HE the Minister of Culture and Sports REGION | Politics Ridgecrest, California and placed the state Office of Emer- Angeles. ation between the Ministry of Culture Salah bin Ghanem bin Nasser al-Ali France-Iran N-talks gency Services (OES) on its highest Ghilarducci said there was sure and Sports and the Islamic Youth Co- alert. to be a signifi cant number of after- operation Forum, the youth wing of the our bet on our youth is a basic value by July 15 likely igh desert communities in “We do know there were a number shocks, including possible powerful Organisation of Islamic Co-operation bet, emphasising the central role of French President Emmanuel Macron Southern California yester- of injuries, but most of them I would ones, and advised residents to ensure (OIC), and under the supervision and youth”. said yesterday he and Iran’s President Hday assessed damage and characterise in the minor to moder- they had necessary supplies. organisation of the Qatar Center for The motto “Youth is the power of the Hassan Rouhani had agreed to braced for potentially dangerous af- ate level, and no reports of any fatali- “We want to make sure that peo- Cultural and Heritage Events. nation”, will be the theme of Doha, the seek conditions for a resumption tershocks from a major earthquake ties, so I think we’re very lucky there,” ple over the next 24 to 48 hours are Issues related to youth including Islamic Youth Capital 2019 through- of dialogue on the Iranian nuclear that shook buildings, ruptured gas OES Director Mark Ghilarducci said prepared and cognizant of what to good governance and transparency, out the year. question by July 15. “The President lines and sparked fi res near the re- at a news conference. do should more earthquakes occur,” importance of sustainable develop- Dr Issa al-Hur, Chairman of the of the Republic has agreed with his mote epicentre of the second temblor Ghilarducci said there were reports Ghilarducci said. ment, youth and social media, and Technical Committee for the Doha Iranian counterpart to explore by in as many days. of building fi res, mostly as a result of Overnight the centre of Ridgecrest diplomatic simulations are among the Youth Capital 2019, said the forum will July 15 conditions to resume dialogue The powerful magnitude 7.1 earth- gas leaks or gas-line breaks. was quiet, except for the occasional major topics on the agenda. be a great opportunity for young peo- between the parties. Page 9 quake rocked the Mojave Desert town State offi cials said all roads dam- rumble of aftershocks. Some residents These discussions are accompanied ple to exchange ideas and discuss dif- of Ridgecrest south of Death Valley aged by the quakes had been repaired could be seen sitting on lawn chairs by three workshops. ferent issues. National Park as darkness fell on Fri- and reopened. in the darkness outside. The garage HE the Minister of Culture and He said the youth participating in day, jolting the area with eight times Violent shaking also caused wa- doors of many homes were left open Sports Salah bin Ghanem bin Nasser the forum will discuss various issues more force than a 6.4 quake that ter-main breaks and knocked out with a car parked on the driveway. al-Ali described the Doha Forum for that will be presented at the forum, in struck the same area 34 hours earlier. power and communications to parts The sprawling US Naval Air Weap- Islamic Youth as “a unique event” at addition to the workshops where the California Governor Gavin New- of Ridgecrest, home to about 27,000 ons Station China Lake just north- this particular time when the Islamic “young people will discuss the prob- west of town was evacuated of all nations are facing many challenges. lem and develop solutions to these non-essential personnel following The forum will contribute to the problems by themselves”. the quake. promotion of cultural exchange among After these discussions, Dr al-Hur The facility, which at more than young Muslims providing an interac- said the youth will be trained on the 1.1mn acres is larger than the state of tive platform for youth coming from model of the Islamic Co-operation Rhode Island, reported no injuries. diff erent Islamic countries to learn Organisation summit. This will help Authorities were assessing any dam- from and about each other. young people to gain leadership skills, age to buildings or other infrastruc- “This forum is an opportunity to identify the nature of the problems, ture, according to a post on the base’s empower young people by expand- and how to address them by fi nding Facebook page. ing their participation and initiative, appropriate solutions. Friday’s earthquake was widely felt building capacities and promoting Aisha al-Mahmoud, Director of across Southern California, including cultural diversity as a value on which Public Relations and Communication greater Los Angeles, where shaking in to build joint ventures and to connect at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, some areas lasted about 40 seconds. young people from other countries and said that all necessary preparations for Low-level rumbling extended as far cultures,” he said. the forum have been completed. north as the San Francisco Bay area The minister added: “It is not pos- The Ministry of Culture and Sports Firefighters work to put out a fire, the morning after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake and beyond to Reno, Nevada, and as sible to achieve sustainability without has provided all the necessary resourc- struck in the area, yesterday in Ridgecrest, California. far east as Phoenix, Arizona. the availability of these elements and es to ensure success of this forum. MDD to host Huawei’s Smart Experience Centre sheireb Downtown Doha, the ing into the country the latest and that international companies have in increase our footprint. We are excited smartest and most sustain- smartest technology solutions. For our infrastructure. We are very happy that our collaboration with Msheireb Mable fully built city district in Huawei, this co-operation with the with this venture and we look forward Properties will further support us in the world and Qatar’s destination for national real estate developer will help to announce it’s opening soon.” achieving this goal.” leisure, living and business, is intended the company in expanding its pres- Frank Fan, CEO of Huawei Technol- Huawei is a leading global informa- to become home to Huawei’s Smart ence locally and increasing its market ogies LLC, said: “It is an exciting co- tion and communications technology Experience Centre in Qatar. share. operation indeed. The Huawei brand (ICT) solutions provider, committed to The announcement was made dur- Ali al-Kuwari, Acting CEO of has a large customer following in Qa- bringing digital to every person, home ing a signing ceremony between Msheireb Properties, said: “Msheireb tar, and the smart experience centre and organisation for a fully connected, Msheireb Properties, the developer of Downtown Doha is all about connec- will give visitors the opportunity to intelligent world. The company has Msheireb Downtown Doha (MDD), and tivity and smart living. We have prom- experience some of Huawei’s lead- more than 180,000 employees, and Huawei who is a leading global provid- ised our tenants and visitors an experi- ing technologies such as 5G, AI, cloud operates in more than 170 countries er of information and communications ence like no other, and we are currently products and solutions that Huawei and regions, serving more than 3bn technology (ICT) infrastructure and embarking on partnerships to ensure integrates into its unique Cloud- people around the world.
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