Introducing the IES E-learning modules Where is Europe in our lives? And why does at preparing participants to the degree that perience they gained with the planning and everybody need to know about it? These they will be able to understand the sometimes execution of an e-learning project, the re- basic questions were at the heart of an am- complex European information they come searchers concerned built a knowledge-base bitious project to create e-learning modules across. Whilst the module on , Politics which can be applied to other advanced edu- on European history, and Institutions and cation projects. Newsletter of the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Volume 3, Issue n° 17 • 30 September 2006 institutions, the deci- the module on EU sion-making process, have as a main ... And concerning the course itself: you will European law and In- focus knowledge get to know a Europe that you never thought formation gathering. transfer, the module was so diverse. New Lecture Series on European informa- Content The courses are des- tion sources focuses The start... The WTO Doha Round, the EU and the tined for professionals on skills transfer. Lecture Series on EU and WTO 1 who regularly come The IES starts offering the e-learning modules across European In the design of the from the academic year 2006-2007 on, and an - Programme 5 Future of the World Trading System Union related issues course, a lot of at- official launch session will be held on October in their work, but who tention was given to 26, at 18.30h. Please inform the IES if you News from the Research Floor 2 do not have sufficient usability aspects: you want to attend at 02/6291222 or by emailing - Lectures in Turku background to understand the reach and ef- don’t need to be a computer whiz to be able the concerned researchers. Registration can fects. Yet the course also aims at students, to get most of it. But a healthy interest and an also be done via e-mail to info@emodules. - Chechnia and Abkhazia mainly from other disciplines than Law or Poli- analytical mind do help. The course features be. tics, who want to get to know the EU in all its a series of explanatory diagrams, references - UACES aspects. and links to the documents referred to in the More info? - Erasmus Mundus course, maps, external websites etc. All this is As the list of topics suggests, the course aims destined to exploit the possibilities e-learning The IES e-modules can be found on the web- New faces at the Institute 3 to give an overview and to provide the partici- offers, compared to plain paper. site: More info can pant with a good first grasp of the subjects. It be obtained from the responsible researchers: PILC Graduation 3 also equips him or her to search further and The e-learning project carried out by the IES [email protected], and frede- E-learning Courses 4 find the information required. The course aims has one interesting side-effect: out of the ex- [email protected]. 3rd Summer School 4 International Moot Court 4 rd International Moot Succesful 3 Summer School on the IES in Tbilisi 6 New publications: Court in Tunis European Decision-Making Process - E-cycling 5 IES Researcher Koen Van den Bossche Under the auspices of Senior Research Fel- ticipants had to assume different roles in an - Multiculturalism Observed 6 accompanied seven VUB students from low Richard Lewis, the Institute for European imaginary international crisis situation. Suc- the Advanced Master programme on In- Studies, in collaboration with the Diplomatic cesful students received a certificate at the IES and Kyoto 6 ternational and European Law to Tunis Academy and the University of Vienna, organ- end of the session. (Tunesia) where they participated in the in- Team Building Day 6 ternational law moot court “Charles Rous- According to the feedback, the organisers seau”. The exercise took place between 1 - Richard Lewis, Ruben Lombaert, Fré- and 5 May of this year. dérique Lambrecht, Anthony Antoine and Nele Fasseel - can look back on a succesful The participating students ranked 4th out event! Contributed to this Newsletter: of 18 participating Universities. Koen Van Anthony Antoine, Céline Francis, Harri Kalimo, Starting on 4 October 2006, the Institute for of Prof. Dr. Servaas Van Thiel, There will den Bossche and Sevidzem Kingah, The 4th edition of the inter-university Summer Frédérique Lambrecht, Ruben Lombaert, Richard European Studies launches a new lecture se- be 10 lectures, most of which will take place both researchers at the Institute for Euro- School on the European Decision-Making Lewis, Sevidzem Kingah, Sebastian Oberthür and ries on the WTO Doha Round entitled: “The on Wednesdays between 18:00 and 20:00 in pean Studies, coached the team. The ar- Process will take place between 2 and 13 July Koen Van den Bossche Editing: Sevidzem Kingah, Aaron McLoughlin, Nele EU and the Future of the World Trading Sys- Aula D.2.01 of the VUB. Entrance is free of eas addressed lay in their respective areas 2007. Registration will be available from the Fasseel & Anthony Antoine tem”. This is organised in collaboration with its charge, yet registration is required. For more of expertise. IES website as of January 2007. Pictures courtesy of IES Programme on International Legal Coopera- information and registration, please consult except p. 1 & 5 (lecture series emblem) tion and with the University of Kent at Brus- our website at The students and the organising commit- ised its third joint Summer School on the Eu- Pictures show the students (accompanied by Richard © European Communities, 1995-2006 sels tee would like to thank the ‘Van Bael and ropean Decision-Making Process. Lewis and Ruben Lombaert) in Brussels (left above) and A detailed outline and programme can be Bellis’ law firm. Without their financial sup- Vienna (right below) The series is organised under the auspices found on p.5 of this newsletter. port, this exercise would not have been Thirty students from eighteen different coun- able to take place. tries participated in the two-week event, and Newsletter of the Institute for combined study trips to the European Coun- European Studies New Publications ! cil, the European Parliament and the Belgian Published by Federal Parliament with high-level lectures at Anthony ANTOINE Two new books are out from the IES or from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at the Dip- IES staff: “Multiculturalism Observed” (ed- lomatic Academy of Vienna. As in previous Institute for European Studies ited by Richard Lewis and published in the More information on the moot court and on years, students were staying one week in Vrije Universiteit Brussel IES Book Series by VUB Press) and “E-cy- the exercise can be obtained from Koen Brussels, at the IES, and one week in Vienna, Pleinlaan 2 (IES) cling: linking trade and environmental law in via email: koen.van.den.bossche@vub. at the Diplomatic Academy. B-1050 Brussels (Belgium) the EC and the US” (Written by Harri Kalimo and published by Transnational Publishers The summer school was concluded with a Inc.). Read more on pages 5 and 6. stimulating simulation exercise in which par-

Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 4 Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 1 News from the Research Floor New faces @ the IES

Since 1 september, Dr. studied Chinese at the Renmin University of Another visiting scholar is Sevidzem at UACES in Ireland IES Reseach Collo- Harri Kalimo (Fin) has China. Camilla Adelle (UK) from The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Vi- taken up his position as East Anglia University, sions of Europe: Key Problems, New Trajec- quium on Chechnia Senior Research Fellow Also joining the IES is London. She works on tories’. Sevidzem presented a paper entitled (1st pillar issues). Harri Ben Van Rompuy who EU Environment and ‘Swapping Trade Preferences for Political and and Abkhazia holds a PhD in Law from took up his position Development Policy Economic Accountability: Good Governance the University of Turku mid-July 2006. Ben issues and collaborates On July 4, Céline Fran- from the Yaoundé to the Cotonou Agreements (Finland) and was selected by the IES will work together with with IES researchers Harri Kalimo and between the EC and ACP Countries.’ cis, PhD candidate in Board in June. Before taking up his position Karen Donders on the Rhiannon Williams. under at IES, Harri was a visiting scholar at Yale, project “Towards i2010. He argued that the use of trade sanctions or the supervision of Prof. New York University and ULB. He has also Bargaining for an equitable information John Lary (US) is a Fullbright research been legal councel for Nokia. society” (under the supervision of Prof. fellow and conducts research on migration aid suspension as the means to bring about Bruno Coppieters, and political reform in the African, Caribbean and Caroline Pauwels and Prof. Fabienne in Brussels; he will stay 9 months as of working at the IES, pre- Starting 1 August 2006, Brison). Ben holds an MA in Communications mid-September and will work with Senior Pacific States (ACP) by the EU is useful only if sented the first outline of her research on these are aimed at specific individuals in posi- Austrian-born Sigrid Sciences and an MA in European and Research Fellow Richard Lewis (and “Impact of the Formal Status of Self-Deter- tions of power. A stimulating debate followed Winkler joined the team International Law - both from VUB. probably also with VUB Prof. Eric Corijn). On 1 September 2006 IES Researcher Sevi- the presentation. The audience was keen on mination Parties on Conflict Resolution: a of researchers on the dzem Stephen Kingah attended the UACES assessing Sevidzem’s interpretation of the Comparative Perspective between Abkha- project “The EU Policy Visiting the IES is At its Executive Board Meeting of (University Association of Contemporary Eu- introduction of counter-terrorism clauses and zia and Chechnya”. towards Greater China”. doctoral student Selcen September, the IES decided to endorse the ropean Studies) Conference hosted by the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruc- Sigrid, who graduated Öner (TR). Selcen is candidacy of Prof. Dr. Alison Woodward as a political scientist from the University joining the IES from July to become Senior Associate Research Department of Politics and Public Administra- tion (WMD) provisions in the revised Cotonou After briefly giving the historical background tion, University of Limerick, Ireland. Partnership Agreement of 2005. of Vienna, will work together with Xiaokun to September and does Fellow. Alison teaches politics (woman of the Abkhaz and Chechen conflicts, she Song and under the aspices of Prof. Bruno research on European studies and migration policy) at Vesalius presented her research question: how do Coppieters, Prof. Erik Franckx, Prof. Gustaaf Identity and Turkey. She College and at VUB and is co-director of the three types of parties that seek self-deter- Geeraerts and Dr. Willem Van der Geest. is in Brussels to condunct interviews with Centre for Women Studies at VUB’s politics Erasmus Mundus Antwerpen mination are negotiating their status. Céline Before taking up her post at the IES, Sigrid EU-officials. department. investigates the differences in their degree On 5 September, IES researcher Ruben of which most students never spent more than of institutionalization and territorial control. Lombaert gave a lecture at the University of a few days in Europe before, proved to be an She further looks at how these discussions Antwerp to the studens of the Erasmus Mun- interesting challenge. Ruben’s approach was dus “M.A. In of International Trade therefore to introduce the EU and its institu- have resolved the two conflicts. Smiling faces at the PILC graduation and European integration”. This is a Masters tions from a historical perspective, always programme organised by the VUB with the making references to the international events Her analysis will be led at the level of of- On 26 June, the IES Programme on Interna- en, Hanna Marczewska, Inan Ozcan Sultan, Norova, Monica Tiuba Nogueira and Weiyu Universities of Antwerp, Bari, Cantabria, Lille, of the era and showing how these influenced ficial negotiations between representatives tional Legal Cooperation (PILC) ended with Isabel Rebocho, Rytas Stankunas, Gulnara Wu passed satisfactory. Prague and Stafforshire. The group counted the shape the institutions took. To place Eu- of the parties (track I), unofficial meetings the graduation reception for 23 PILC students Tulegenova and Apostolos Vorras all gradu- students from China, India, Vietnam, Colum- rope in a broader context, he placed 2 millen- aiming at exchanging views and creating bia, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Macedonia, Russia, nia of European history in a wider philosophi- who succesfully finalised their LL.M. in In- ated with the grade of This brings the total number of PILC gradu- trust (track II) as well as at the level of Moldova, Ghana and Iran. cal frame. He also showed the links between ternational and Comparative Law. Nine ates for the academic year 2005-2006 on the countries of origin of the students with the grassroots activities (track III). more completed their study in Septem- 32. On behalf of all the staff and all the col- The students were welcomed in Antwerp yet various Member States. The conclusion of the ber. PILC Director, Prof. Dr. laborators of the IES, we will move to the University of Lille (FR) and lecture was a greatly appreciated slideshow The presentation was followed by a vivid Servaas Van Thiel, had wish them all the best in Stoke-on-Trent (UK). They will return to Ant- of significant architectural tendencies. The debate with useful insights provided by the the honour to award Turk- their further careers ! werp later in the year. students are looking forward to discovering audience. ish-born Mert Introducing Europe to such a diverse group, Europe in the year to come. Elcin with coordinating staff Eight students the grade of unfortunately Greatest did not IES president Harri lecturing “Global Markets” in Turku D i s t i n c - s u c c e e d tion. this year Senior Research Fellow Harri Kalimo lec- core element of a company’s successful over- maintain ambitious environmental standards. but may tured at the Turku School of Economics (TSE) all strategy, and therefore a key source of its With these types of principles, it is possible teacher student on September 14 in a seminar honouring the competitive edge. Further, the public authori- to aim towards a symbiosis of globalization, The grade c o n s i d e r 20th Anniversary of the Business Research ties should also stay abreast with these de- high environmental standards and solid com- of Great finalising and Development Center (BRDC). velopments. petitiveness. Distincion was programme director their PILC-stud- awarded to ies in 2006- Under the general theme of Companies may be encouraged The BRDC is a unit of 60 persons that spe- Daja Apetz, 2007. the Seminar, “Global Markets”, by the government to pursue en- cialise in various fields of research such as Bartosz Fe- Kalimo’s lecture dealt with the vironmental objectives through East-West trade and socially responsible busi- gener, Stephen Hobbs, The PILC academic year environmental aspects of the balanced and flexible, modern ness. It works closely with the private sector. global marketplace and com- environmental policy instruments, Petya Kalcheva, Katrin 2006-2007 will start with petitiveness. He pointed out that and through environmental prin- The Director of the BRDC, Professor Antti Kuhnert, Marie Lamensch, approximately 40 students, awareness of environmental ciples such as life-cycle thinking. Paasio, as well as Professors Pasi Malinen Klara Petrovics, Georgeta Radu Serafim, coming from 27 different countries. They requirements globally is a pre- and Jussi Puhakainen are keen to lecture at Zakhar Shusterman and Franca Stege- start the academic year on 27 September. requisite for many modern com- At the same time global trade the IES later this fall. The TSE forms a part mann. d i s t i n c - tion, while The Institute wishes them a joyful, interesting panies, even the small ones. The most com- rules should be crafted and applied wisely to of the IES collaboration network also through Vilija Cimbalaite, Sunniva d’Aloya, Dieu Do and productive study ! petitive companies go however much further root out discriminative, protectionist measures Kalimo’s adjunct professorship in the TSE. Pesa Ronit Bernstein, Sandra Fernandez Ngoc, Maria Garcia Estevez, James Gondi, than that. Environmental issues may form a without decreasing the countries’ ability to Menendez, Asteria Kalamara, Tina Kekäläin- Xing Hao, Subel Koklu, Phuc Lê Hòng, Malika

Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 2 Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 3 Lecture series on EU and WTO Programme New Publication: IES Teambuilding Day The 1995 World Trade Organisation (WTO) been a key player in international trade and in Wednesday 4 October, 18:00, D.2.01 agreements constituted an important new international development co-operation. Un- “From Uruguay Round Results to Doha Multiculturalism Observed step towards a rule-based multilateral trading surprisingly, therefore, it has also been very Negotiations: The WTO and Sustainable Following the succesful London, the question how western society in- system. They cover not only trade in goods active in the ongoing WTO negotiations on Development” by Prof. Servaas van Thiel, lecture series on Multi- tegrates its minorities has become one of the (GATT 94 and many other agreements), but trade and development within the framework Director PILC, EU Council of Ministers culturalism in Europe in most crucial issues facing government today also trade and investment in of the Doha Round. In fact, the spring and excites media attention and services (GATS), and the pro- over the last five years, the EU Wednesday 11 October, 18:00, D.0.07 of 2005, or- frequent public controversy. tection of intellectual property has moved considerably from “The Doha Development Round: Key Is- ganiser and This volume presents a number rights (TRIPS). Existing rules its initial position on a large sues and Players” by Victor Do Prado, IES Senior of points of view both from Eu- are, moreover, effectively en- variety of issues mentioned in WTO, Deputy Head of Cabinet of DG Lamy R e s e a r c h rope and North America by aca- forced by a semi-judicial dis- the Doha mandate to facilitate and Denis Redonnet, European Commis- F e l l o w demic, religious and political au- pute settlement mechanism in these multilateral negotiations. sion, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Trade On the sunniest day of June (remember: which reports from panels of Commissioner Mandelson Richard Lewis compiled and thors from a variety of cultures, there were almost none!), the full IES edited the contributions of the all with a very different perspec- experts and a permanent Ap- Five years after the launch- staff joined forces for a teambuilding day lecturers, giving birth to the fas- tive on whether multiculturalism pellate Body are almost auto- ing of the Doha Development Thursday 19 October, 18:00, D.2.01 in Westende. Carefully planned by our cinating book: “Multiculturalism is a valid answer to ensuring har- matically adopted by the Dispute Settlement Round, negotiations are at a critical point “The European Union and the World Trade secretariat, the day had been conceived Observed”. mony in our societies. Body. In addition new rules can be agreed in and the WTO seems to be at the crossroads. Organization: History and Legal Frame- around real “teambuilding” exercices for further negotiations, allowing for the dynamic While the “fast track” authority of the US presi- work” by Prof. Pieter-Jan Kuijper, Euro- which we had to use both our minds and The book offers a timely and Multiculturalism Observed, development of international trade law in line dent expires in July 2007, the Doha talks are pean Commission, Director Legal Service our muscles. Needless to say that a lot of unique perspective on a phe- published in the IES Book Se- with the needs of WTO members and global stalled and projected to be concluded during and former Director of the Legal Service of us suffered in the next days (but I leave in nomenon which is highly divisive and splits ries, can be ordered from VUBPress (mail society as a whole. 2007, at best. Under these circumstances, the WTO the middle whether that was because of academic and public opinion alike. In the wake [email protected] or see http://www.vub- the EU, together with other important play- the use of mind or muscles). of the terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and Price: € 28.00. During the 1990s there was a renewed em- ers such as the US, Japan, China, India and Wednesday 25 October, 18:00, D.2.01 phasis on the need to eradicate poverty in Brazil, will have to make significant efforts in “The Role of Civil Society” by Celine Char- the world, and an increased awareness that order to find the common ground necessary veriat/Luis Morago, Oxfam and Prof. trade liberalisation, though beneficial in terms for a successful conclusion of a Doha trade Peter Van Den Bossche, University of of economic efficiency and growth, does not and development deal. Maastricht necessarily benefit developed and developing IES collaborating with Tbilisi countries in a similar way. Calls for positive It is for these reasons, and at this critical jun Wednesday 8 November, 18:00, D.2.01 At the end of 2004, the University of Montpelli- Dutch fluently because the Ilia Chavtchavadze academic year by 5 months in order to install a action from major developing countries within ture, that the Institute for European Studies “Towards a New Agreement on Trade in er entered a TEMPUS consortium programme University has an extensive language de- new selection procedure for MA students, time the WTO were soon echoed by global civil so- of the Free University Brussels, with its LL.M. Agricultural Products” by Stuart Harbin- to help the State University “Ilya Chavtcha- partment. The ultimate goal of the TEMPUS was spent seeking alternatives to solve this ciety, resulting amongst others in the wake up Programme on International Legal Co-op- son, WTO, Cabinet of DG Lamy, Former vadzé” of Tbilisi in its efforts to create more project is to start up a joint MA programme problem. In practice, this would mean that the call at the 1999 Seattle Ministerial Conference, eration, in collaboration with the University of Chair of the WTO Negotiating Committee European-oriented programmes. The Inter- in European Studies. The modalities of this afore mentioned TEMPUS programme would that “business” would never be “as usual” any Kent in Brussels, has decided to gather ex- on Agriculture national Relations Department of VUB and programme are yet unclear, yet the Georgian be stalled for one academic year. Anthony met more. Interestingly, only two years later the perts from the World Trade Organisation, the the Erasmus Hogeschool Brussels (EhB) partner is very clear that it wants to have a pro- with all partners involved, including Rector Te- 2001 WTO Ministerial Conference agreed an European Union, the academic world and civil Wednesday 15 November, 18:00, D.2.01 requested our assistance in order to comple- gramme like this in the near future. The Joint vzadze and the Dean of the Faculty of Social elaborate mandate for the Doha Development society, to discuss what further steps would be “Intellectual Property Rights” by Roger ment this endeavour. MA-Programme should be eligible for funding Sciences Prof. Dr. Ghia Nodia. The latter is not Round of multilateral trade negotiations, with required from key players, including the EU, to Kampf, WTO, TRIPS Division under the Erasmus Mundus programme. unknown to the VUB as he has been a wel- the ambitious objective of mobilising interna- help to ensure that the outcome of the Doha come visitor, conducting research at the Poli- tional trade for sustainable economic develop- Development Round lays the foundation for Wednesday 22 November, 18:00, D.2.01 Situation today tics Department in collaboration with (amongst ment. a future world trading system that would be “Trade in Services” by Christopher Rob- others) Prof. Dr. Bruno Coppieters. more conducive to steering economic globali- erts, Chair European Services Forum, Since 2004, the Tbilisi University has under- The European Union is one of the most open sation in the direction of sustainable develop- Senior Trade analyst with Covington and gone a lot of changes, and the newly appoint- Next to the representatives of Montpellier (Eric economies in the world and it has always ment. Burling, former Director General Trade ed Rector (ad interim), Prof. Gigi Tevzadze has Soriano), EhB (Kristien Tytgat) and Tbilisi UK and James Howard, Director Employ- taken the (logical) decision to put the European (Mzaro Dokhtourichvili, Gocha Javakhishvili ment and International Labour Standards, Studies Programme under the auspices of the and Kétévan Djachy), the representative of the International Confederation of Free Trade Faculty of Social Sciences. The university will TEMPUS programme of the Commission in Unions also start a BA in European Studies as of next Georgia and the representative of the French Recycling electronic goods year. In terms of the languages, emphasis will Embassy responsible for cultural and educa- IES Senior Research Fel- dred examples of just how and when modern Monday 27 November, 18:00, E.0.11 be on English rather than (currently) French. tion exchange (Belgium does not have an em- low Harri Kalimo recently environmental and free trade law converge in “Non-Agricultural Market Access” by Bijit bassy in Tbilisi) joined parts of our meetings. published his book “E-cy- the practical context of recycling of electronics Bora, WTO, Research Department Gotcha Javakhishvili, Mzaro Dokhtourichvili, Eric Soria- Annual Meeting cling: linking trade and en- such as mobile phones and personal com- no, Kétévan Djachy, Anthony Antoine and Kristin Tytgat. vironmental law in the EC puters in the internal markets of the EC and Wednesday 6 December, 18:00, D.2.01 Between 28 and 31 August, Executive Direc- and the US”. the U.S. E-Cycling is an ideal text for anyone “Trade and Environment” by Dr. Jochem The project foresees in an exchange of stu- tor Anthony Antoine met with representatives navigating the myriad legal issues surround- Wiers, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign dents and staff between the three EU-partners of Montpellier and Erasmus in Tbilisi. The visit IES and Kyoto This legal and policy ing environmental protection and free trade. Affairs, Embassy in Paris, Author of the on the one hand, and the Georgian one on was the second of four annual TEMPUS meet- analysis explores the Book: Trade and environment in the EC the other. Team leader of the project is Prof. ings, organised in rotation by another partner. IES Academic Director phenomenon recycling With holistic, horizontal guidelines and inno- and the WTO Eric Soriano of Montpellier (Pol. Sciences). It is foreseen that the next meeting (in June Sebastian Oberthür throughout the entire product vative use of charts and figures, the book will As the project started off in the Applied Lan- 2007) will take place at IES, while the con- attended the third meet- life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, contribute to the effectiveness and coherence Tuesday 12 December, 18:00, B.0.31 guages department of the Tbilisi university, cluding meeting in 2008 will be taking place in ing of the Compliance to the production and marketing of goods, to of public policy-making on the environmental “The Future of the World Trading System” the original programme was a mix between Montpellier. The first meeting was held at EhB. Committee of the Kyoto the use of those goods and to the manage- law, trade law, and constitutional law levels. by Dr. Peter Balas, European Commis- languages and European Studies. As part of The meeting brought together all partners in- Protocol for the protec- ment of the resulting wastes. In this light, he sion, Deputy Director-General Trade, for- the programme, two Georgian students came volved (at least: one per institution). tion of global climate shows how trade law interacts and can func- E-cycling can be ordered from Transnational mer Permanent Representative of Hun- to Brussels last semester to study languages The three-day meeting was devoted to the re- from 5 to 8 September 2006 in Bonn. Prof. tion within the demands and needs of the Publishers, Inc. ([email protected] gary to the WTO and Prof. Jarrod Wiener, (Russian and English at EhB) and European view of the first year of the project, and on solv- Oberthür serves as a member and the vice- evolving environmental legal paradigm. or The book Kent University, Dean and Director Brus- Studies (at VUB). More students are to come ing the problems encountered. In view of the chairperson of the enforcement branch of Overall, the work provides more than one hun- costs $ 165,00. sels School for International Studies in the next semesters. Some of them speak recent decision of the Rector to postpone the the committee.

Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 5 Issue n° 17, September 2006, p. 6