Offense Defense

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Offense Defense NATIOhr\L FOOTBALL LEAGUE GAME SUtv..v1ARY Coyrht' 198 by Th Natlo F0 Loguo. All rits rll. This 8ummaan p1y-by.pIy is for the .xpr... purp 01 assisting meia in theircorago 0I1h game; any Bi _ us 01 th rrlt prit wi ih _ peisio 0I1h Natlo Fol Looguo. ;TE Sept. 25, 1988 DAY OF WEEK Sunda v STARTING TIME 12 :01 SITOR PHILADELPHIA EAGLES VS. HOME MINNESOTA VIKINGS AT HHH METRODOME EATHER 61 outs i de TEMPERATURE 69 ins ide WIND AND DIRECTION Sunny i=FICIA LINE SIDE :FEREE Jim Tunnev UMPIRE Hendi Anci ch JUDGE Howard Roe JUDGE Nate Jones BACK FIELD ALSO REPLAY ~~~MAN Earnie Frantz JUDGE Tom Sifferman JUDGE Pat Mallette OFFICIAL B111 Fette LINEUPS VISITOR HOME OFFENSE DEFENSE OFFENSE DEFENSE 82 Mike Quick LE 92 Reggie White WR 81 Anthony Carter LE 77 Al Baker 78 Matt Darwin LT 74 Mike Pitts LT 65 Gary Zimmerman L T 97 Henry Thomas 61 Ben Tambure 110 RT 99 Jerome Brown LG 64 Randall McDaniel RT 75 Keith Millard 50 Dave Rimi ngton RE 96 Clyde Simmons C 63 Kirk Lowdermilk RE 56 Chris Doleman 68 Reggi e S i ngl etaryLLB 59 Seth Joyner RG 66 Terry Tausch LLB 51 David Howard 73 Ron He 11 er MLB 56 Byron Evans RT 76 Tim Irwin MLB 55 Scott Studwell 88 Keith Jackson RLB 52 Todd Bell TE 83 Steve Jordan RLB 54 Jesse Solomon 80 Cri s Ca rter LCB 43 Royne 11 Young FL 84 Hassan Jones LCB 30 Issiac Holt 12 R. Cunningham RCB 21 Eric Allen QB 9 Tommy Kramer RCB 39 Carl Lee 25 Anthony Toney SS 20 Andre Waters FB 46 A i fred Anderson SS 47 Joey Browner 41 Kei th Byars FS 48 Wes Hopkins RB 36 Allen Rice FS 44 John Ha rri s SUBSTITUTIONS SUBSTITUTIONS Dawson, 10-Teltschik, 26-Haddix, I-C. Nelson, II-Wilson, I3-Scribner, :-Frizzell, 34-Hoage, 35-Konecny, 37-Tautalata i, 24-Henderson, 27-Edwards, 29-Fullington, '-Everett, 46-Jenkins, 53-Jiles, 3I-Fenney, 32-0. Harris, 48-Rut1and, - Rei chenbach, 66-Reeves. 72-Al exander, 50-Berry,' . 53-Anno, -Schreiber, 77-Evans, 81-Beals, 83-Gi1es, 57-C. Martin, 58-Ashley, 62-Foote, '-Garrity, 90-Golic, 91-Curtis, 95-Bartlett, 69-Ka 1 is, 79-0. Ma rti n, 80-Gusta fson, '-KI ingel. Inactive:2-Dorsey, 9-McPherson. 86-Mularkey, 87-Lewis, 89-Coffman, 96-Newton, 99-Noga. Inacti ve: 16-Gannon, 20-0. Nelson. 6-Cavanaugh DID NOT PLAY 52-Rasmussen (~, ) I - Dawson 22 wr FIELD GOALS C. Nelson (27)(45)(32) (Made & Missed) A- - 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 0 14 0 7 21 MINNESOTA VIKINGS 10 0 7 6 23 ElAED SCORE TEM PERIOD TIME SCORING PLAY VISITOR HOME 1;nn 1 5:58 Anderson 7 run (C. Nelson kick) 70yards/l0plays 0 7 linn 1 9:56 C. Nelson 21 FG 25/5 0 10 'hil 2 6 :51 Bvars 1 run (Dawson kick) 45/9 7 10 )h i 1 2 10:06 Oui ck 22 pass from Cunni naham (Dawson kiCk) 70/3 14 10 1i nn 3 9:22 Wilson 3 run (C. Nelson kick) 35/6 14 17 1; nn 4 7:02 C. Nelson 27 FG 70/11 14 20 Jhil 4 13.13 Jackson 13 pass from Cunni naham (Dawson kiCk) 13/1 21 20 ~; nn 4 14 ,45 C. Nelson 32 FG 54/9 21 23 I IENDANCE Sfi 01? (TICKETS DISTRIBUTED 61.371 Ut\lUSED --i-.J TIME 3 :27 .' ? I,"\ . A D. ~').i"" '. ~ 'j ¡ . (A v IA \, ij". L,"' (" ()-r-/1 I (.. \" VS. ~ (VIsitor) (Home) Date: ~V c:r) ( -r~.:~'. ; 'i 8 â At.~ Ivlp Li FINAL TEAM STATISTICS ~SITOR HOME (" h i L- /L rJ TOTAL FIRST DOWNS . / '2 :i / BY RUSHING ...................................... 5 ~ BY PASSING ........................... o / 4- BY PENALTY ...................................... I I THIRD DOWN EFFICIENCY ............................ ~'f''' 1-11 FOURTH DOWN EFFICIENCY .......................... 0- 0 / - L TOTAL NET YARDS ............................... .... ;l 0 5 3o/.k TOTAL OFFENSIVE (Inc. times thrown passing) ........ S- f. 8?- AVERAGE GAIN PER OFFENSIVE PLAY .............. 3;¡~ L-.l NET YARDS RUSHING ................................ 70 /0 t) TOTAL RUSHING PLAYS. " . i. il tf AVERAGE GAIN PER RUSHING PLAY ................ 2. c¡ ;).~ NET YARDS PASSING ................................. )3~ 2i1 TIMES THROWN-YARDS LOST ATTEMPTING TO PASS ~- 5~ 5- '3 l- GROSS YARDS PASSING ........................... / 61 '3 -iI PASS ATTEMPTS-COMPLETIONS-HAD INTERCEPTED ') t/, /3 -I ß1- i ó¡ - I AVERAGE GAIN PER PASS PLAY ~Inc. times thrown pasing ~ tø.e KICKOFFS-NO. IN END ZONE-TOUCHBACKS. PUNTS-NUMBER AND AVERAGE ...................... 10( /11.0 I 1/:;).. i HAD BLOCKED ........... I FGs + PATs HAD BLOCKED ........................... o o TOTAL RETURN YARDAGE ............................ / ( cr~ /12- NO. AND YARDS PUNT RETURNS ................... d ~7 i-Ifr NO. AND YARDS KICKOFF RETURNS ................ 5~ q~ Lf /q i. i NO. AND YARDS INTERCEPTION RETURNS .......... ~ 1- 0 . PENALTIES-NUMBER AND YARDS ..................... 7,5'l l-. L. S' FUMBLES-NUMBER AND LOST ........................ ~- ( :2 - 2- TOUCHDOWNS ...................................... Q 2 RUSHING ......................................... .I :2 PASSING . 1. .. RETURNS . - -- EXTRA POINTS MADE-ATTEMPTS. ~-~ 2- 'b FIELD GOALS MADE-ATTEMPTS ....................... ty-i 3: + TIME OF POSSESSION ... C?~p.l-lk ~ ,Â3'.,,?~ rE loh.S/d8 FINAL INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS AT (¡I'~'..J;),,".. ITOR PL'1 HOME m ¡.NrJ NET ~U,NG RUSHING ATT. y~~ÓS AVG. ~A~~ TO RUSHING ATT. YARDS AVG. GAIN TO .. 11/:.1) i: I~ '';1 i. ~ u 1 Prl' ~ ;¡5" ~ d'~ 10 0 - : ,. ".... A ~Ñ - y ,~ l-,S )0 0 g 3J '1.0 /0 I Sf 31 3i1 )/. 0 ¡:€/lN~Y 3 ii ).7 5 0 11..\ i I -:"'.1 i 3 ).0 (3) ( rt?¿W\~ft ',~ 3 ).0 ~ 0 TOTALS ~L. 7() J, L, 1'1 J TOTALS tfo 10) 2.10 10 2- PASSING ATT. COMPo YARDS TO LG. PASSING An. COMPo YARDS r:ad ~DS. ~~~ YOS. TO LG. Int. ItP"'.. _./ ~ ~~ ). 'HJ"'~&' udN i.~ i~ l~ i~ l 5~ 17 J'1'1 0 3f? I CJ o 0 ~ ßv~r'i 0 1J)"1 i:f\~ I ,~./. a 3 2- 22- ~-- 0/7 D TOTALS JJ 13 \'?7 ;) 4f -I TOTALS ¡q ~ 3fJ 32( !/ 0 3K ( PASS RECEIVING NO. YARDS LG. TO pASS RECEIVING __, ,_ A . NO. YARDS LG. TO ßYAR.5 ). /y ç- . 0 /1 JK lJHN ll fÓ 2- 2. c¡ 0 Î il flç it 1 3 l 0 RUE '- íÝ 3 f? 0 íOlJey ~ "'3 ~ 0 CllffC~ ç. (1:3 :;7 0 Ql. 1:c. I( :, f67 i-~ / FeNNEr i 2~ 23 0 / TAcK sorJ 4 SO ~ AuDEï? 50Ñ 1 fa¡ t9 0 L- E /).)"r 5 3 30 17 0 TOTALS L k" 49' ;) ß TOT ALS 1C¡ 32-1 3-f ci INTERCEPTIONS NO. YARDS LG. TO INTERCEPTIONS NO. YARDS LG. TO -: f) Y JJ ,r fi I / '1 . '1 0 1.. l-7 / 0 0 0 TOTALS , 1'1 .I , 0 TOTALS I D 0 c) PUNTING NO. AVG. TB IN 20. LG. YDS. - PUNTING NO. YDS. AVG. TS IN 20 LG. ç (" fl N i: Je - f 1 S r ~"tk ~O1 WI 7. si I 31. S' 1 "3 I - 6 'h1.S i. i. ,.w-" H,AIt 1. 111- 'Í'" 0 - ~i 'T£A tA I - - - - .. TOt A"'fF"" 1. _.;; - - - - 7tJ TOTALS "TFC' 1 11-( I~i.i i ? '-1 LG. TD PUNT RETURNS iU ÑÓ..~ YARDS PUNT RETURNS NO. FC YARDS LG. TO ¡(OIV ecrV'Ý fJ. i-~ l- D. J F iJJ't ( .. - . ì l/ ;) YF L -: 0 TOTALS QJ. ~ -, i. (J TOTALS '- J- Lfe i.. 0 KICKOFF RETURNS NO. YARDS LG. TO "KICKOFF RETURNS NO. YARDS LG. TO 0 ¡:PtJL~ i- 75 ")1 H il fl R.:r ~ '- q '- ?- 0 J.q'lcC\ I , '? Iv_ fT i ~ c; 1./ TOTALS S 3 Ó TOTALS '+ '1 t. 1) FUM os TO, opp YOS TO OWN QPP, Qu. FUMBLES ~r~ REC ~& FUMBLES FUM REC "OS TO REC YDS TO 80S íi) Ñ i= 'I , 1oA'DArJ I i~ LI.f\tI'lI~ nA "" \ I( RA /'\f R. I 0: " AN ~ J L-6"e , Ò li AQ.S l ~IMMOt\c" - - - I - - - WTALS -i 1. ,.1 TOTALS 1- ~ - - I ~ SEPTEMBER 25, 1988 PHILADELPHIA AT MINNESOTA FIRST QUARTER COIN TOSS: Minnesota wins toss, elects to receive. Philadelphia will kick off from North Goal. KICKOFF : Dawson kicks 63 yards to Harris. 28 yard return. (Bartlett & D:e E~ans) V I KINGS BALL (14: 51) 1/10 V30 Kramer incomplete to Jones deep down the middle. 2/10 V30 Kramer complete to Jordan over the middle for 29 yards. (Waters & B. Evans) FIRST DOWN 1/10 P41 Rice up the middle for 4 yards. (~Jhite) 2/6 P37 Rice over left tackle for 5 yards. (Waters & Brown) 3/1 P32 Rice up the middle for 5 yards. (Hopkins) Offside against PhiL. declined. FIRST DOWN 1/10 P27 Ri ce over ri ght tackl e for 2 ya rds. (B. Evans & Joyner) 2/8 P25 Ri ce up the mi ddl e for 4 yards. (Waters) 3/4 P21 Kramer complete to Rice to the left for 12 yards. (Waters) FIRST DOWN l/G P9 Anderson rushes left for 2 yards. (Brown) 2/G P7 Anderson up the middle for 7 yards and a Touchdown. Nelson makes kick. FIRST DOWN 70 yards in 10 plays. DT - 5:58 ET - 5:58 VIKINGS 7, EAGLES 0 Nelson kicks OOB on right sideline. Philadelphia will take over on their own 35 yard line. EAGLES BALL(8:57) 1/10 P35 Byars up the middle for loss of 1 yard. (Millard & Doleman) 2/11 P34 Cunningham complete to Byars to the left for 6 yards.
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