CALL TO ORDER: The 2nd Annual Pond Symposium was called to order at 9:16 am at the Harris Center for Conservation Education.

Commissioners Present: Commissioner: Laurie Bryan, Woody Huntington, Jack McWhorter, Tom Shevenell, and Dick Warner Others Present: Public attendance totaled 62, including 44 who live in Hancock.

Overview: The symposium was organized with 4 technical presentation in the morning session and a work session after lunch.

Presentations: TALK #1: Paleo-Perspectives on Norway Pond V2.0: The Role of Nature and Man in the Making of Norway Pond. Researchers: Dr. Lisa Doner, Associate Professor with a focus in paleolimnology in Environmental Science and Policy and the Center for the Environment at Plymouth State University; and William Tifft, graduate student.

The following key points can be interpreted from the information presented: 1. The short core data is currently being analyzed to understand storm event influences on Norway Pond during historic time.

2. % Loss on ignition (%LOI) which identifies the amount of organic material in the pond sediments, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen were compared to identify time periods when organic matter from the watershed (generated outside of the pond environment) dominated over organic matter generated by primary productivity within the pond.

3. %LOI decreased from about 1880 to1908 at a time when the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio also decreased suggesting a period of increased inorganic input from the watershed. %LOI has increased to the present and the C:N ratio has decreased more rapidly from about 1941, suggesting a change in the pond environment which has enhanced the primary productivity of organic matter within the pond.

4. Particle size was analyzed and presented as mean particle size. Larger particles are expected during storm events, or during spring thaw periods. The data are currently being analyzed for the distribution of particle sizes at each sample depth to obtain a better understanding for impacts by storm events.

5. Plots of selected element concentrations and ratios versus the Pb-210 dates and recorded storm events were presented. Aluminum and titanium are indicative of terrigenous material and are expected to be seen with storm events. Manganese and iron are not as mobile. A change in concentration of most of the elements occurred about the turn of the century and the reason(s) for this change is still being evaluated.


6. During the storm of 1959 there was a big drop in elemental concentrations that may have been caused by influx of silica from Moose Brook into the pond. Other storms don’t show similar patterns and may have caused local runoff versus Moose Brook runoff into the pond.

7. Ratios of elements can be used to identify paleo conditions. For example the higher the Al/Ti ratio there is more mobility of terrigenous sediment entering the pond. Whereas lower Mn/Fe ratios suggest more reduction/oxidation events within the pond. For example Mn is reactive in anoxic conditions and will be released from the sediment; therefore, a decrease in Mn concentration suggests a paleo anoxic environment. The Mg/Ca ratio is a proxy for paleo conductivity in sediments and water.

TALK #2: Stories from the Bank: Tree Establishment and Growth Surrounding Norway Pond. Researchers: Dr. Jeremy Wilson, Executive Director of the Harris Center for Conservation Education; and Taylor White, Keene State University student and Harris Center Intern.

The following key points were presented: 1. The purpose of this study was to provide a sense for forest dynamics in three locations surrounding the pond. The name of Norway Pond is likely related to the surrounding trees. Red Pine which is still quite numerous in the forest areas surrounding the pond, particularly at the town beach was often called Norway Pine by early European settlers. Red pine is a native that has nothing to do with Norway but it seems likely that the pond name originated with the species of trees around it.

2. How were trees chosen? Each plot was walked to identify the species present, and two individuals per species per plot were flagged. Trees selected were the most dominant of those species that would provide more accurate age data. Once flagged, we inserted an increment borer into the tree at breast height (4.5 feet) until we were sufficiently deep that the ideal center of the tree was reached. We were then able to insert a ring spoon to extract the core from the increment borer.

3. Once a core was removed, the sample was immediately glued to a wooden board, and the species, location and date were recorded. The cores were sanded with progressively finer grit sand paper. For some hardwoods mineral oil was used to make the rings more pronounced. The rings on each radial sample were counted, and the distance between each decade counted was measured. Using the decadel growth measurements, we were able to construct general trajectories of growth for the different trees to provide a visual sense of tree cohorts in the stand as well as any major release events.

4. A total of 19 trees cores were taken from trees in the three forested areas around the pond; (1) the Town Beach area is on the southern edge of the pond; (2) the forest preserve area near the Depot is located on steep slopes emerging from the pond’s western side; and (3) a forested area to the northeast of the pond adjacent to some current recreational fields.

5. The cores from the beach area (trees were on very steep slopes adjacent to the town beach) suggest there are three cohorts of trees in this area. The topography would have made these areas unsuitable for pasture and probably explains the large trees. The oldest trees (white


pines and red pines) date back to the early 19th century. A second cohort to 1870-1882 suggests a partial clearing event allowing for tree regeneration. A third cohort dates to the 1935-1941. This is coincident with the 1938 hurricane which did tremendous damage to the forests in this region and is likely a signal of tree regeneration associated with openings in the forest related to this wind damage.

6. The core analysis from the preserve area suggests two and hints at a third cohort of trees. The oldest cohort dates to 1868-1870s, corresponding to one of the cohorts found at the beach area. The Keene-Manchester railroad line (just to the west and north of the pond) was constructed during the 1870s. The track and railroad embankments would have cut off this area from connected pastures and this cohort may reflect forest regrowth from pasture. The second cohort dates to the late 1970s-1980s. A partial clearing of overstory trees in the preserve areas at some point in the mid-eighties likely resulted in this tree establishment and growth. There is some suggestion for a small cohort establishing around the 1938 hurricane. The slopes in this area may have provided some protection from the hurricane winds that were from the south and southwest.

7. Cores from a forested area to the northeast of the pond suggest two major cohorts of trees. The first dates back to an establishment in the very late 19th century. An eastern hemlock where the core reached the pitch was 118 years old at breast height suggesting this tree originated from agricultural abandonment in the late 1890s. A second cohort suggests that the 1938 hurricane had an important influence in this stand. Three trees date to an establishment around this event and it seems likely with two more. The flat topography and southern exposure would make this area particularly susceptible to hurricane damage. This set of cores also suggests a clear and sustained release of an eastern hemlock growth immediately after 1938. Imagine a mid-story tree that survives the event while its neighbors were toppled. It would then have considerable growing space to take advantage of.

8. The 1938 hurricane which tracked through CT, MA and VT caused extraordinary damage to forests. This damage was most heavily concentrated on the eastern side of the storm tract because the winds on that side are accentuated by the movement of the storm center itself. The forests in New Hampshire were badly damaged.

9. The Northeast Timber Salvage Administration was developed to address the incredible amount of down wood and fuel loads. The NETSA established over 250 wet storage locations in ponds throughout the impacted region and loaded them up with wood, lots of wood. Over the next decade these logs were removed as mill capacity became available.

10. Norway Pond was storage pond Number 80 and according to NETSA records held over 2 million board feet of logs (42,648 logs by one estimate) for a decade or more after the hurricane. If this number of logs was laid side by side in a corrugated road it would stretch for over 9 miles. This is quite a dramatic import of materials and may be one influence on the ecology of the pond.


TALK #3: An Ecologic Assessment of Norway Pond with a Focus on Cyanobacteria. Researchers: Dr. James Haney, professor of biological sciences in the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and member of the Center for Freshwater Biology, and Abigail Leclerc undergraduate student.

The following key points were presented: 1. An ecological assessment was conducted on September 20th, 2018 by Jim Haney and the UNH Field Limnology class.

2. The assessment had the following goals: (1) develop a basic understanding of lake aquatic composition; (2) determine community composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton; and (3) document the presence and toxicity of cyanobacteria.

3. Field equipment used to collect data included: EXO multi-parameter probe (Temperature, O2, pH, turbidity, phytoplankton pigments); Schindler-Patalis sampler used to collect phytoplankton and zooplankton at discrete depths; and the ZAPPR used to separate zooplankton and phytoplankton by photo-tactic response.

4. The upper 2 meters of the water column is relatively well mixed. The thermocline extends almost to the bottom, indicating that the pond is protected from wind mixing. Chlorophyll is consistent until the 4-meter depth then there are peaks and increased levels, identifying phytoplankton layers. The vertical structure of the water column shows ideal conditions for phytoplankton with high nutrient concentrations, enough light and no mixing. A layer of phycocyanin pigment was noted right near the bottom.

5. Cyanobacteria, the focus of this study, is naturally found in most lake ecosystems, and can be dangerous at high levels as many cyanobacteria produce a range of toxins. Of particular interest in this study was BMMA, a neurotoxin and possible environmental trigger for ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer disease.

6. Primary producers, the first step in the food web are algae and cyanobacteria. Fourteen phytoplankton genesis were identified. Based upon samples collected at 0.5-meter intervals, Oscillatoria a cyanobacteria that produces BMMA was detected at the 5.5-meter depth.

7. Zooplankton abundance and compositions were also studied. Norway Pond had exceptionally high levels of zooplankton (maximum of 80 individuals per liter within the upper 1 meter). This is compared to 5-10 individuals per liter in other lakes studied in NH.

8. Daphnia catawba was the primary zooplankton identified. The daytime vertical distribution of zooplankton resemble the expected distribution at night. This is indicative of the presence of higher number of fish such as bass and pickerel that that are consuming fish (such as perch and sun fish) that feed on plankton. As a result an increase in grazing on phytoplankton (and cyanobacteria) by zooplankton is expected, and has probably resulted in the elevated numbers of zooplankton in the surface waters and the relatively large size of the daphnia.


9. BMMA was detected in the water at a concentration of 240-270 ng L-1 which is not uncommon and comparable to other lakes (30 lakes studied). BMMA was seen more concentrated in the zooplankton by a factor of 22 than the phytoplankton. Because more concentrated toxin has been seen in successive trophic levels, three bass and three pickerel from the pond are currently being analyzed for the presence of BMAA to identify if bio- magnification continues into higher trophic levels, and will be reported when the results are available.

Talk #4 The Keynote Address by Dr. James Haney: Cyanobacteria: What Do We Know? Where Do We Go from Here?

The following key points were presented:

1. Cyanobacteria some of the earliest organisms on the earth (2.9-3.5 billion years ago) and lived in an anoxic environment. They were the first to invent photosynthesis. Today they are a natural biota of all lakes (unlike introduced toxins such as lead, coliform bacteria, etc.).

2. Formerly called “blue-green algae” but actually a photosynthetic bacteria that collects additional light with accessory blue-colored pigments (phycocyanin), which is why they do better with less light than phytoplankton with only chlorophyll, a green pigment; and, why we saw a layer of cyanobacteria below a layer of phytoplankton in Norway Pond.

3. UNH has developed a “dirty dozen” key for the most commonly observed toxic cyanobacteria in New England water bodies. Of the 12 listed, six were observed in Norway Pond at the time UNH conducted its assessment (September 2018). The two most common were Anabaena, which was detected throughout the water column, and Oscillatoria aka Planktothrix detected in a layer between 5.5 m and the bottom.

4. Cyanobacteria produce many different toxins. When they grow exponentially to form blooms they can produce cyanotoxins at concentrations which can be dangerous to animals and humans. UNH has been conducting research on cyanotoxins, including microcystins which are toxins that can damage the liver and BMMA, a neurotoxin that may be an environmental cause for neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. A case study was presented for an ALS cluster in Enfield, NH in proximity to Lake Mascoma. Aerosols associated with cyanobacteria blooms are currently being studied at UNH as a pathway for the toxins.

5. Blooms occur in times of hot weather. Cyanobacteria dominance is promoted by nutrients (high levels of phosphorous and nitrogen); warm temperature (grows best in warmest summers); thermocline stability (where stratification increases with temperature); and low light (low water clarity). Research is suggesting that a link exists between global warming and the worldwide proliferation of harmful cyanobacteria blooms.

6. Several lakes and types of cyanobacteria were presented as case studies. Dogs are best “mine canaries” since dogs will drink water without thought about the toxins present. Lake Champlain has had several examples of dogs dying as the result of drinking lake water with a


bloom occurring. USEPA has developed a reporting form (available on-line) for veterinarians to fill out when they encounter dog deaths that had characteristic symptoms for cyanobacteria poisoning.

7. EPA is looking at testing microsystins in drinking water where the water comes from surface water bodies. There are about 40 water systems state wide that rely on surface water that will need to be tested in the future. Microsystins are generally rare in groundwater; therefore testing of drinking water from wells will not be required. UNH is working on laboratory and sampling methods to meet the EPA requirements, when cyanobacteria toxins are regulated. UNH Center for Freshwater Biology is planning to offer training and a certificate to water system operators in anticipation of mandatory monitoring and testing of several cyanobacteria toxins.

8. What can citizens do? The number one cause for cyanobacteria is nutrients (phosphorous and nitrogen). Sources of nutrients include human activities, domestic animals, wildlife, other natural disasters including floods and fires. Therefore, the first steps in cyanobacteria management is to minimize nutrient loading (into the pond and the watershed) and conduct water quality monitoring.

9. Citizen cyanobacteria monitoring, which has been developed in concert with EPA, includes three phases: (1) Bloomwatch; (2) Cyanoscope; and (3) Cyanomonitoring.

10. A BloomWatch App is now available to guide in the documenting of lake conditions and bloom size, taking photographic documentation, and then submitting the data to a centralized database. NHDES has only 2 people to look at all the lakes and seacoast in NH; therefore, there is a need to have methods that can be easily used by citizen scientists.

11. The Cyanoscope kit includes field equipment to collect samples of water and plankton, as well as equipment to separate cyanobacteria from phytoplankton, and a microscope with digital photographic capabilities to identify and document the types of cyanobacteria present in collected water samples with archival of the data to an online database.

12. Cyanomonitoring includes the use of a hand-held fluorometer to test water samples for the presence of phycocyanin and chlorophyll pigments to monitor cyanobacteria levels in the pond as means to predict the potential for a cyanobacteria bloom. Actual testing for toxins is expensive ($150-$250 per sample); therefore, eventually would like to see satellite labs set up where local citizen scientists can to do the toxins analyses following standard protocols.

Closing Remarks by Tom Shevenell

The following points were presented: 1. Thank you to the Harris Center for Conservation Education for providing the facility and the presentation equipment for the symposium; Fiddleheads Café & Catering for providing refreshments; and the researchers who have donated their services in the research collected on Norway Pond including: Dr. Jeremy Wilson (Harris Center), Dr. Lisa Doner and Dr. Mark Green (Plymouth State University), Dr. Jim Haney and Dr. Alan Baker (University of New


Hampshire), Dr. Steven Arcone (Dartmouth College), Dr. Michael Prentice (Geosys LLC), Dr. Thom Davis (Bentley College), Paul Hague (retired teacher, professional geologist), and Jamie Jarest (Hancock, local fisherman).

2. Research Funding (2017-2018) included HIA grants for the following research: Plymouth State University (Dr. Doner, $5,750 for the historic core research; and Dr. Green, $800 for water isotope analyses for the water budget research); Harris Center (Dr. Wilson, $1,320 for tree ring study); and University of New Hampshire (Dr. Haney, $950 for sediment core analyses for historical evidence of cyanobacteria). The taxpayers have continued to support the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program through payment to NHDES for water analyses ($840 for 2017-2018).

3. Proposed research for 2019 include the following projects: (1) Continuing the VLAP sampling program, ice out drone survey, and Canada Geese monitoring; (2) Establishing a Cyanobacteria Monitoring and Bloom Watch Program in collaboration with the Harris Center; (3) Continuing the research to establish a water budget for Norway Pond; (4) Collecting a “long core” to study how the pond has evolved since being formed 15,000 years ago. This millennial scale record will be used to put man’s impact into perspective with long term impacts of climate change; and (5) Developing a benthic habitat map for Norway Pond, which will be a first step for a proposed BioBlitz in 2020.

Work Session: The work session focused on two projects: (1) Long Core to get a millennial scale record, hopefully back to the pond formation 15,000 years ago; and (2) Cyanobacteria Monitoring and Bloom Watch Program. The following summarizes the outcome of the work session.

Millennial Scale Core: 1. Currently have a 4m core that will get us back about 4,000 years. 2. Plan for Dr. Doner to re-core using a narrower diameter coring system owned by Dr. Davis (Bentley College) to get to 7-12m deep estimated by the GPR record. This work would happen early April if ice conditions allow. 3. The long core would be analyzed for the following at a minimum for: a. % Loss on Ignition; b. Water content and bulk density; c. Geochemical parameters (trace metals, aluminum, manganese, phosphorous, etc.); d. Cyanobacteria toxins (BMMA and Microcystins); e. Phycocyanin and chlorophyll pigments; and f. Carbon-13 age dating.

Cyanobacteria Monitoring and Bloom Watch Program: 1. Establish a Work Group that would consist of members of the Commission, representatives of the Harris Center, technical advisor from UNH, and volunteer citizen scientists; 2. Develop a work plan that identifies role of each collaborating organization, the needed equipment, facility space, and standard operating procedures to develop a trial field program for Norway Pond consistent with the program laid out in website; 3. Procure the necessary materials and equipment;


4. Conduct the necessary training and use the summer field season to test the work plan; and 5. Use the experience in 2019 to develop lessons learned and revise the work plan for the 2020 field season.