MONITORCanadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, September/October 2015 THE ELECTION ISSUE Nominations for the CCPA Members’ Council Every CCPA supporter is now eligible to nominate another individual supporter in good standing to sit on the CCPA’s Members’ Council for the two-year term 2016–18. The four incumbents previously elected to represent individual CCPA supporters are Tony Clarke, Brigette DePape, Paula Mallea and Steve Staples. In addition to the names of both nominator and nominee, your nomination form must also verify the willingness of the nominee to stand for election. Ballots for the election will be mailed separately to all eligible CCPA contributors following receipt of the nomination forms. Results of the election will be reported in the December 2015/January 2016 issue of the Monitor. The deadline for receiving nominations is October 15, 2015. Please either mail, scan and email, or fax all nominations to: Larry Brown, President, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives 251 Bank Street, Suite 500, Ottawa ON K2P 1X3 Email:
[email protected] Fax: 613-233-1458 NAME OF NOMINEE MUST BE A CCPA CONTRIBUTOR Address Telephone E-mail address CONSENT OF NOMINEE Signature I hereby consent to allow my name to stand for election to the CCPA Board of Directors. I am familiar with and support the aims of the CCPA. I understand that I will forward to the CCPA a short (100 words maximum) biography for the benefit of my fellow voters, and that, if I choose to supply this information about myself, it will be attached to the ballot form. NOMINATED BY MUST BE A CCPA CONTRIBUTOR Address Telephone E-mail address September/October 2015 NAVIGATING THE 2015 ELECTION A special feature on the issues framing the October 15 federal election, the Conservative government record, and the state of Canada's democracy.