Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 43, NO. 46 JULY 19, 2019 16 TAMUZ, 5779 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ NEA spreads lies about Israel By Christine DeSouza American Friends Service committee, U.S. Campaign The National Education for Palestinian Rights, Jews Association has an agenda Against Anti-Muslim Racism, that is not hidden. At the and Jewish Voice for Peace. recent NEA assembly, attend NEA will partner with the by 7,000 delegates, the order No Way to Treat Child Cam- of business to be discussed paign to pressure the Israeli included New Business Item government to end the deten- 26 that stated: “NEA will use tion and abuse of Palestinian existing digital communica- children.” tion to develop and publish “NEA is the largest labor resources to educate members union and professional inter- and the general public on est group in the United States. the apartheid, atrocities, and The organization’s original gross violations of human mission was to advance the rights of Palestinian children cause of public education, and families by the State of from pre-school to university Israel, funded directly by the graduate programs. They have United States. affiliated organizations in NEA will publish an article every state and in more than in the NEA Today on the 14,000 communities across work that is being done by the U.S. This “new business,” Seth Wenig our members and organiza- however, promotes a political In this photo from July 2, 2019, people pray at the gravesite of Rabbi Menachem M.
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