Dutch Agriculture and Horticulture with a Glance at South Korea : Policies
Dutch agriculture and horticulture with a glance at South Korea Policies and results in the past, present and future Piet Rijk Ernst Bos April 2009 Report 2009ĉ039 Project code 21011 LEI Wageningen UR, The Hague LEI conducts research in the following areas: International policy Development issues Consumers and supply chains Sectors and enterprises Environment, nature and landscape Rural economy and use of space This report is part of the research area International policy. Foto's: Shutterstock 2 Dutch agriculture and horticulture with a glance at South Korea; Policies and results in the past, present and future Rijk, P.J. en E.J. Bos Report 2008ĉ019 ISBN/EAN 978ĉ90ĉ8615ĉ31ĉ83 Price € 26,75 142 p., fig,. tab., bijl. This report provides insight into the present differences and common matters between South Korea and the Netherlands. More specific items are the develĉ opments of the Dutch agriculture and horticulture in past, present and future. Insights has been given in the stimulating circumstances in the strong internaĉ tional position of the Dutch agriculture and horticulture. Too, the developments in the policy of the European Union and the Dutch Government, the total agriĉ business and the rural area has been a part of this study. In the report also inĉ cluded a list of addresses of the most important bodies, institutions and enterprises around the agriculture and horticulture. Dit rapport geeft inzicht in de huidige verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen ZuidĉKorea en Nederland. Meer specifiek is ingegaan op de ontwikkelingen van de Nederlandse landĉ en tuinbouw in verleden, heden en toekomst en wat de voorwaarden zijn geweest voor de sterke internationale positie van de Nederĉ landse landĉ en tuinbouw.
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