Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Toddington Parish Council held virtually via zoom on Tuesday 8th September 2020 at 7.30pm

Present: Chairman H Silver, Cllrs, T Lines DL, S Kendall, H Snowdon, J Coleman, L Butler, C Peddar Clerk: N Evans, Assistant Clerk N Sewell Unitary Councillors: S Collins, M Walsh Members of the Public: 0

70 Apologies for absence – none received

71 To receive declarations of interest concerning items on the agenda – none received

72 To approve the accuracy of the Draft Minutes of the ordinary meeting of 11th August 2020. The minutes were ratified as a true record

73 Matters arising  Notice Board – office to chase  New Banking Cards – Clerk to complete forms this week and pass on for signatories  Allotments – All renewals have been issued, ready for October 1st  Toddington Rovers – Been issued with licencing agreement – await payment

74 Clerks Report and Assistant Clerk Report  Parish Council Insurance renewal Came and company. Circulated to all councillors prior to meeting. Agreed in Full. Clerk to action.  Defibrillator Update – AED machine now in service and fully registered with the Ambulance Service. Required weekly Webnos reports and site checks being under taken by Assistant Clerk. Training videos supplied by East Anglian Air Ambulance have been uploaded to the Parish Council website. Stories published on website and sent to Toddington Community FB Page and Local Churches Together newsletter  Memorial Bench update – The two old concrete benches on the village green have now been removed. The new memorial bench that will replace the bench at the bus stop is on order and we await delivery of this w/c 7th September.  Table Tennis update – Fenland Leisure have booked Tuesday 29th September as the date to carry out the work to fix the two open air table tennis tables into the ground. Awaiting confirmation that the new replacement table can be delivered either Monday 28th or Friday 25th prior to this.  Wild Parishes Webinar – Pond Management. Assistant Clerk attended on the evening of 27th August. As Toddington Pond is a natural spring fed pond, it can also be classed as a seasonal pond. This means that the water level will change throughout the year depending on how it is fed. This fluctuation is perfectly natural and not detrimental to the health of the pond at all. It is strongly advised that the natural levels are allowed to be maintained as topping up from other sources can have a detrimental effect on the natural wildlife of the pond. To keep on top of Duck Weed a regular maintenance programme is required, where the weed is scooped out of the pond at the margins. However, Duck Weed isn’t necessarily an issue for the health of the pond as it serves as food for wildlife. Duck Weed and Blanket Weed will grow where the pond is nutrient rich, this can be kept down by reducing the core temperature of the pond by adding natural floating plants that will shade the water such as lilies. There is also a wildlife friendly spray called ‘Duck Buster’ that could be used. The group recommended regular pond surveys are undertaken so that the health of the pond can be monitored. More information can be found at the Fresh Water Habitats Trust.  ASB – There was an increase of ASB and vandalism reported in the village leading up to and over the Bank Holiday weekend. This was mostly concentrated at the Village Hall and Village Hall car park, where a car was reported as being vandalised and multiple glass bottles were smashed across the area. The chair of the Village Hall committee was informed and cleared debris on Friday only to have to repeat the exercise due to another attack on Tuesday 1st September. PC Slav and CBC Safer Communities Team 40

have been updated. Clerk and Assistant Clerk to attend an ASB update meeting with both in September. There have also been reports of ASB to a property at the back of the tennis courts. It looks like youths are throwing broken paving slabs to try and break the Tennis Club flood lights. Reports have been raised to the police.  Rights of Way maintenance: we received three complaints from residents regarding the state of footpaths around the village and one of a fallen tree. All queries have been forwarded on to Central Council’s teams at Highways and Rights of Way. Footpaths in question are the one between Stockdale and Rose Walk and FP 57 which runs along the field by Shelton Avenue. The tree was between Alma Farm Road and Stratford Close.

75 Unitary Reports - Written reported circulated to Councillors prior to meeting

Cllr Walsh reported that there is a scoping document for a solar farm to the rear of Toddington Services, in an area where the Parish Council request tree screening. Cllr Lines DL reported that the view and appearance of the landscape especially from Road where you can see across to Sharpenhoe Clappers is a significant view, which already is affected by the Service Station and should not be any further detrimentally affected in the Green Belt. Unitary Councillors to keep an eye on any further developments.

Cllr Collins reported that following meetings with Highways , there will be changes made to the roundabout by Lords Hill. No date or details for the works as yet. Will update as progress

76 The following planning applications have been received from Council.

CB/20/02595/FULL Briarmead Farm, Replacement dwelling for existing Objection – In the Greenbelt Harlington Road, residential caravan, demolition of Toddington, , outbuildings and erection of LU5 6HA associated walls, gates and fencing. 16 Park Hill, Extension and alterations to No Objection CB/20/02695/FULL Toddington, Dunstable, dwelling LU5 6AW CB/20/02779/FULL 4 St Georges Close, Garage conversion No Objection Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6AT

77 Accounts : The following accounts were agreed to be authorised. Further invoices and payroll agreed to follow and be circulated to councillors. Note National Salary award for 2020-2021 has also been settled and will be applied to September salary and backdated to April 1 2020

78 To agree Portfolio holders and working groups 2020 – information to councillors prior to meeting – Not required please see 79

79 To consider proposal to establish working groups – to approve and establish three working groups in accordance with proposal submitted – Cllr Steve Kendall

It was Resolved in full to accept the governance paper to set up of Working Groups, with one amendment for Cemetery to fall in group of Recreation, Open Spaces and Youth Provision

The following groups have been agreed and appointment to the group

- Recreation, Open Spaces, Cemetery and Youth Provisions 41

Cllr Peddar, Cllr Butler, Cllr Snowdon, plus provisional appointment as not present at meeting to confirm appointment Cllr Lawrence

- Environment, Highways and Transport

Cllr Lines DL, Cllr Coleman, Cllr Kendall

- Community Engagement, Communications and Events

Cllr Peddar, Cllr Butler, Cllr Snowdon The following appointments were also made

Finance Committee Chairman Cllr Silver, Cllr Pedder, Cllr Snowdon, Cllr Coleman

Personnel Committee Chairman Cllr Silver, Cllr Peddar, Cllr Silver to speak to Cllr Foster and if not available for positions Cllr Snowdon will join.

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Steve Kendall Chair and then would like a member from each of the working groups to join, Chairman and invited members.

Governance Group when required Cllr Kendall, Cllr Peddar, Chairman Cllr Silver

80 Update from the working Group looking at the Annapurna Centre for information only– Cllr Steve Kendall.

Cllr Snowdon reported that the working group had recently had 3 meetings and were working to establish a mechanism to be able to report/present to Central Bedfordshire in October, the benefits of the Annapurna Centre being used for the benefit of the community and working on this by looking at · Young people survey to gather thoughts of the youth within the village using the local schools · Survey to the community to establish feedback and a view · Trades appeal to gather skilled people list that would be able and willing to donate their time and skills to help refurbish the centre.

The Working Group has been looking into different local groups to understand what income may be possible from the use of the building. Focus is on young people’s services that would provide a self-discipline element such as boxing/cadets, and take into account the needs of the next generation. Looking into potential costs and how, if it is possible to convince Central Bedfordshire to provide the PC with the building, it would support the PC’s strategic view and future recreation plans in a positive way. The PC is keen to be proactive in tackling youth issues in the village and facilitate and support fund-raising for the wider recreation project. It will be vital to ensure that plans which emerge for the future use of the Annapurna Centre, are realistic, viable and affordable.

Extensive discussions took place and issues were raised and will be looked at being addressed through the group over the next couple of weeks. There is a focus for the group to establish strong reasons as to why the Annapurna Centre should be gifted to the village for a community asset, in a workable state of repair instead of being demolished by Central Bedfordshire.

As information is still being gathered, would like to request an extraordinary meeting to be called in a few weeks’ time where more detail can be explained to the Parish Council on the Working Group ideas on what they would like to present to Central Bedfordshire.

Resolved for an extra ordinary meeting in a few weeks. Group to arrange with Clerk.


- 80 Feasibility Study report Farmers Market update for information only– Cllrs Kendall and Cllr Peddar – deferred to the Working Group of Community Engagement, Communications and Events

81 Allotment Update – Circulated prior to the meeting report noted

81 Correspondence received Sent to all councillors prior to meeting. Agree clerk to continue to send correspondence to Councillors on a daily basis with agreement to any actions in line with clerk’s delegated powers.  CPRE – response to CBC Local Plan 2035 examination – Noted  Beds Bugle – Noted  CB – Town and Parish Covid 19 update - Noted  BATPC – Three consultations on reform of the planning system. - Noted Changes to the Current Planning system - Noted Planning for the Future - Noted Transparency and Competition: A call for evidence on data on land control noted  Amended meetings regulations - Noted  LGA Code of conduct consultation – Noted  BATPC Webinar for Clerks and Council officers - noted  Toddington Band – Request to use Village Green for rehearsals under full Covid regulations – Agreed in principle require full Covid risk assessment and how if passes’ by stop how this will be handled and mitigated, in line with regulations.  Amended meeting regulations - Noted  Toddington Rovers request for additional usage of The Glebe for parking and to alter pitches accordingly. – Cllr Butler to speak to Toddington Rovers  Various email sent to Central Bedfordshire regarding Highways and footpaths - Noted

82 Staff Matters “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw” in line with Standing orders.



The establishment of a number of working groups is intended to replace the arrangement where some Parish Councillors held individual portfolios.

Working groups bring together a number of Parish Councillors to support each other and advise the full Parish Council on policy across a range of related areas.

It is proposed to form three working groups in the first instance. These are: -

- Recreation, Open Spaces and Youth Provision

- Environment, Highways and Transport

- Community Engagement, Communications and Events


Working groups are not committees and do not have delegated powers.

Working groups do not have a budget and may not commit the Parish Council to expenditure.

Working groups may not act independently or pursue any objective which does not have the full and explicit approval of the Parish Council at a formal Parish Council meeting.

It is not necessary for working groups to be open to the public, nor to publish minutes, but there should be a report of each group’s deliberations at the following Parish Council meeting.

It is open to working groups to co-opt members of the public for a limited time period to assist with specific issues or tasks.

All Councillors are expected to join a working group, except where already undertaking significant responsibility.

Each working group should consist of at least 3 Councillors, but all Councillors are welcome to attend.

It is not expected that the Clerk or Assistant Clerk would normally be in attendance.

There is no specified frequency for meetings. Nevertheless, working groups should not normally meet less often than quarterly, nor more often than monthly.

Each working group will select a Chair at its first meeting.

The Chair will convene future meetings of the group, ensure that a record is kept and that reports are made to the Parish Council.

The Parish Council may decide to convene other ‘task and finish’ groups where appropriate and not in conflict with the normal business of its working groups.

The responsibilities of each working group are as follows: -

Recreation, Open Spaces and Youth Provision

To propose to the Parish Council a draft plan for the development, use and maintenance of all recreation facilities for which the Parish Council is responsible

To review progress with the implementation of the plan, once approved, and advise the Parish Council accordingly.

To have oversight of all amenity land, including allotments, play areas and memorials, owned by the Parish Council.

To advise the Parish Council on the development and maintenance of the ‘green infrastructure’ of the village.

Alongside, or within, the recreation plan above to consider the provision of facilities for young people in the village, with regard to the promotion of the health and well-being of our young people, to secure their participation and contribution to the life of the village, and to reduce the likelihood of their becoming involved in anti-social behaviour.


To bring to the attention of the full Parish Council all issues, problems and opportunities relating to recreation, open spaces and youth provision.

Environment, Highways and Transport

To have oversight of traffic volumes and behaviour.

To review and report on road safety.

To contribute to joint working between the Parish Council and the Unitary Authority to optimise road use and safety in the village.

To review the provision of public transport and consider its suitability for the needs of the village.

To monitor street cleaning.

To check and report on the condition of amenities such as bus shelters, trees, greens and street furniture and advise the Parish Council accordingly.

To have oversight of the condition and use of rights of way such as public footpaths and bridleways.

To review and advise on the arrangements for the maintenance and use of the cemetery.

To bring to the attention of the full Parish Council all issues, problems and opportunities relating to environment, highways and transport.

Community Engagement, Communications and Events

To organise, working with the full Parish Council, communications with residents, for example via the website and / or a regular newsletter.

To facilitate collaborative working and mutual support between businesses, voluntary groups and other local interests.

To organise the Christmas lights.

To promote the development of markets, fairs and other events.

To liaise with the police to identify ways in which to secure the engagement of village residents in keeping the village safe and secure.

Cllr S Kendall 25 August 2020