Husky Herald June 2019
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Harrison High School Harrison NY 10528 June 2019 Volume 23 Issue 4 Multicultural Festival Celebrates Diversity Jack Kelly Staff Writer On May 1, 2019, Harrison High School Additionally, there were throughout the event. held its first ever Multicultural Festival. This raffle tickets sold so you could A lot of lucky winners got super cool was an event started and directed by the Ninth get the chance to win one of prizes and a lot of people seemed extremely Grade Student Council. It took many months of the many amazing and entic- happy. planning, but was extremely successful. ing baskets that were on dis- This festival raised a good amount of This celebration was created and pro- play. money to help fund itself and for future Multi- posed to be an event that embodied all of our Some of the incredible cultural Fests to come. different district, IB, and tolerance values. It baskets include Señora Rodri- Many came to this event and helped sup- was hoped to be a place where people of any guez’s cultural food baskets, port it in various ways. The event’s organizers culture of the world could come and feel ac- the Guidance Department’s extended gracious thanks to all those who as- cepted, as well as a place where people would “Relaxation Basket,” the sisted them in making the event happen. be able to celebrate other cultures. World Languages’ basket of For days after this event, the organizers This was a really special event, consid- food from different countries, received a ton of positive feedback. Already ering that most of the culturally based clubs the Student Advisory Board’s the reflection process has begun and discus- belong to a certain region/language and don’t basket of Husky Pride, Biolo- sions are underway pondering improvements necessarily deal with world cultures. As a gy’s Summer Fun Basket, Ms. for next year. member of the directing team for this event, Clarke’s Ireland Basket, Ve- “Baskets of Joy” Posing with their prizes are the winners of the It is their hope that even more will attend faculty- and student-donated raffle baskets. Pictured left to right are: this reporter can truly say this event followed ronica Moloney’s Candy Bas- Paulie Horvath, Ana Salazar, Ms. Redican, Olivia Burghouts, Ms. this event in the future, assuring its place as a through with the different principles it was in- ket, and the Library’s basket of Clarke, Ms. Adu-Krow, Ms. Ganns, Mburucuya Gomez, and Eliza- new and welcome HHS tradition. tending to promote. Italian food. beth Giraldo. Courtesy of Ms. Eileen Quinn During the actual event, the night started In addition to the food off with some opening words from this report- and the raffle baskets, the ly moved by these speakers’ powerful er, then the attention was turned over to the event even had a “Diversitree” where people words. Friends of Rachel club. Friends of Rachel cre- could go up to the tree and color in a hand Following both speeches, the event ated a cultural bingo to allow people to get to with a symbol of their culture. There were moved right into performances. There know each other and the first ten winners got many people who added a symbol of their own was an eclectic group of performers, chocolate bars. culture and the Ninth Grade Student Council but everyone was amazing in their own Throughout the event, people were al- plans to display this tree in the hallway for all unique and special way. lowed to continually eat different cultural foods to see. Mburu Gomez started the perfor- which were all delicious. There was food at the After Friends of Rachel’s bingo game, Ms. mances with a poem about diversity in event ranging from Italian to Japanese to Alba- Berg (a HHS Geometry and IB teacher) and Guaraní (a native language), Spanish, nian to Perúvian. Mburu Gomez both gave passionate and em- and English. Then Paige Pezzella sang powering speeches on what diversity means to Apres Un Reve, a song in French and them and how important it is in general. There Veronica Moloney performed an Irish were a lot of people inspired and emotional- Step Dance. Next up was Seño- ra Salinas singing a Caruso song in Italian and a JPop group doing a performance of Silent Majority. The final perfor- mances were Elizabeth Giraldo singing Yo No Me Doy Por Vencido, Olivia Burghout perform- ing a Dutch poem about diversity, and Lianne Da- vidoff and Charlie Rube performing Rivers and Roads by the Head and the Heart. The afternoon The fabled “Diversitree.” Attendees of the Multicul- festivities ended with tural Festival were encouraged to color in a hand with the raffling away of the details about their own particular culture. This tree will Step-dancing. Veronica Moloney “Football,” Gaelic style. Ms. Redican gives some pointers on playing Gael- be displayed in the hallway for all to see. demonstrates the traditional Irish step- ic football (what we know as soccer). Listening intently are x, x, and Graham different baskets that dance, while wearing the traditional out- Napack. had been displayed Courtesy of Ms. Eileen Quinn fit. Courtesy of Courtesy of Ms. Eileen Quinn In News... In Arts... Inside... Come Rough Draft Relay Playwright MoCo Gavels Up...............Page 2 for School Spirit Report.........Page 6 Life Aidan Wohl Interviewed 11 Metro Nominations......Page 9 90-Second Interviews......Page 15 Page 2 Page 12 June 2019 2 Husky Herald News & Features Model Congress Gavels Up At UPenn Conference Avery Heilbrunn Staff Writer This year Harrison High School placed into different committees. gave like-minded, passionate stu- One award winner was fresh- gavel awards: senior Michael Ursell had a successful Model Congress This reporter’s committee had peo- dents an opportunity to collaborate man Aidan Lefkowitz with an Honor- won two gavels, one for his Red trip to the University of Pennsylvania. ple from California, Florida, Massa- and pass legislature in a wide array able Mention from his White Senate House work on Homeland Security Model Congress is a very com- chusetts, Georgia, and more. Every- of pressing topics in America. This Foreign Affairs committee. Another and Governmental Affairs, the sec- petitive club. As its title indicates, this body was interesting and intelligent. trip provided students like myself the Honorable Mention was claimed by ond for being a Red House Full Ses- club is a model of Congress. What “Penn Model Congress 2019 opportunity to build upon important Matthew Siegel for his Red House sion Outstanding Delegate; Joshua everyone does is write bills and then was an experience like no other, “ life skills such as public speaking Ethics committee. Four others from Gomez-Cruz for his Red Senate Ap- everybody debates them. At the end said club treasurer Ben Lovinger. “It and argumentative debate.” Harrison came away with coveted propriations Committee was named of the debate, people vote for the bill, Best Delegate, and Geovani Cutri and if the bill passes, it moves ahead for his Red Senate Full Session was for a full vote. Many controversial named Outstanding Delegate. issues are discussed. This is what Sophomore Roya Azar has happens on the club’s trips. been part of this club for two years The two major college confer- now. ences that Harrison High School’s “I had such a great time bond- Model Congress attended this year ing with new people who were in- were Yale University and University cluded on this trip,” she said, “and of Pennsylvania. Those who traveled I thought everyone got extremely to UPenn for the spring trip were: Av- closer. I thought it was a success- ery Heilbrunn, Jolie Roscho, Remy ful trip even though we didn’t win as Rabin, Abby Roth, Maya Schnier, many awards as we have in the past. Jack Kelly, Paulie Horvath, Gra- I’m so excited for next year’s trip to ham Napack, Aidan Lefkowitz, Ben Harvard.” Lovinger, Rachel Griff, Sage Hendel- “When reflecting on the past man, Roya Azar, Michael Sullivan, year as a whole, it has been truly Leo Mangan, Matthew Siegel, David remarkable witnessing the growth Griff, Giovanni Cutri, Aerin Greif,Hai- of my peers as well as myself in lie Baio, Hannah Lubowitz, Josh Go- the Congress setting,” said Ben mez, Michael Ursell, Nutsa Beradze, Lovinger. “As a group, we have col- Parker Gibbons, and Matthew Griff. lectively developed into a cohesive This lineup featured a variety of stu- team unlike any other group that I dents, from ninth to twelfth grade. have been a part of. As sad as it is This reporter found the trip to to say goodbye to our seniors, the be fun and enjoyable, particularly future of the Model Congress club is Model Congress Conference Winners. These five came away with awards for their performance that the Univer- in meeting new people. It is a great sity of Pennsylvania Model Congress Conference. Pictured left to right are: Matthew Siegel, Joshua Gomez-Cruz, bright and I look forward to watching way to meet people from all different Michael Ursell, Aidan Lefkowitz, and Geovani Cutri. our team continue to evolve and im- schools around the United States. Courtesy of Ms. Merritt prove.” Everyone from your school gets Come Join the Relay For Life Celebration on June 8 Avery Heilbrunn Staff Writer Relay For Life is an amazing for Life from Harrison High School Sophomore Roya Azar said, “I for everyone in our community that’s one should put in an effort to help club, especially for people who are hosts is the kickoff event, which was relay for my grandma because she been affected by cancer.” make a positive change the world.