Annex C - Duncombe Place Horse Drawn Carriage Bay

Is there anything else you would like us to know or consider about the potential parking at this location?(Non-blue badge holders - Please use this space to tell us about the impact these changes have on you).

the area is already a designated bay away This is too close to the corner with Low , and from the cycle lane, due to the required should be moved further along Duncombe Place so as not space for the blue badge bays it may reduce to cause problems for cyclists emerging from Minster Yard the length of the current bay

the area is already a designated bay away from the cycle lane, due to the required Lots of pedestrians, could be difficult for cars to turn space for the blue badge bays it may reduce around when the spaces are inevitably taken. the length of the current bay

the horse drawn carriage would be relocated Some space should be left for horsedrawn carriages, this although it is currently unclear if the horse area could also be used by local business for deliveries drawn carriage will be returning Again, close access tot he wet end of the city would make a big difference to those with mobility problems. thank you for your comments Good access into town thank you for your comments the horse drawn carriage would be relocated SHARING PARKING WITH HORSES AND CARRIAGES WOULD although it is currently unclear if the horse BE A RECIPE FOR DISASTER! drawn carriage will be returning Long walk to town but useful for minster thank you for your comments

there has not been any loss of parking on Duncombe Place, we would actually be reallocating a hackney carriage bay for the use of horse drawn carriage for blue badge Still does not redress loss of parking in this area parking Very good location for blue badge parking thank you for your comments I think this is a dangerous location to be encouraging additional vehicle traffic. It is already hazardous for pedestrians and cyclists, who frequently encounter delivery vehicles, taxis and local residents driving through or turning around without due care. I don't think this is a suitable location for Blue Badge parking. thank you for your comments more limited as only give access to the Minster and a few small shops thank you for your comments Sharing bays with service vehicles would eventually cause issues to arise from bays being used by non Blue badge these bays could be blue badge parking only holders and there is lots of this happening already. to remove the concerns Some Blue Badge holders such as my mother have limited mobility and do frequent availability of parking opportunities around the city and close to shops, venues, important services are needed thank you for your comments there is not enough parking for blue badge people thank you for your comments If the bays can have a 3 hour limit it would give the blue badge holder the option to visit the shops and not park up and occupy the space all day. Long term parking is available off / Clarence Street, Botham, and Lords Mayor Walk. thank you for your comments This is a better solution for disabled badge holders, but four spaces still isn't enough. I'm really not a fan of ideas which involve sharing it as loading space for businesses - it is always abused and poorly policed. Whether it be a taxi, a DPD van on his lunch, someone stopping to use their mobile, or dropping/collecting people and being sat in the car for an hour waiting for them, it means the access for disabled people is severely hampered. However, the idea to put disabled bays here is a great one, and one that should've been done some time ago. I am surprised about the persistence of the council in retaining the enormous, hardly ever used, taxi rank on the opposite side of the street. It is 3x too big, could handle 6-8 more disabled spaces (in addition to ones suggested here) and would also be ideal for disabled people. It is a quiet street, safe for loading, well lit, with a low kerb and very central to the city. thank you for your comments No effect There is other space for loading in the vacinity thank you for your comments my husband is wheelchair user and I walk with 2 sticks, due to these situations we don’t visit the town centre anymore, previously we could park close to where we needed to visit but since the restrictions have come in I’m too worried to I am sorry to hear this information, hopefully park anywhere in case I’ve parked in the wrong place and I clearly marked bays may encourage more get a fine. I also suffer with anxiety use of the city centre If the spaces were made so cars parked at an angle to the kerbs more spaces would be available. thank you for your comments Easy to drive in and out when you find the spaces full. Good visibility. thank you for your comments If the bays were marked as disabled hopefully it would deter other vehicles using them especially if the traffic the bays would be enforced by council Civil wardens were able to patrol them regularly enforcement officers I would use this space for services in the Minster. thank you for your comments Suggest longer than 3 hours between 06.00pm & 11.30pm extended hours of blue badge bay could be to enable access to cultural activities considered Please remember that we move slowly....these bays are some distance from the facilities in town. 3 hours can be hard to meet! thank you for your comments This space would enable my grandfather to enter the area of town without having to walk far as he struggles with walking any long distance thank you for your comments When lorries are going to the town centre they should be going doing the delivery is really early in the morning me and my daughter several times with nearly been knocked down by vehicles going into the town centre I'm going up deliveries are restricted to outside of the on the nearly going into my wheelchair pedestrian hours None A long way from , City Screen etc thank you for your comments Far Better, both me & my Husband have a Blue Badge. We needed to be in the centre of last Thursday, we had to park in . We had to ask if we could use chair from outside street Cafe as we couldn't walk another step, on the way back to the car. Can't go back in to Town until Blake St etc. Is open again for us. We were worried we I am sorry to hear about your recent couldn't manage to get back to the car. We were so experience but thank you for your shattered & worried how we would manage. comments Parking for local businesses should be only early morning and perhaps for 30mins around 5.30pm. Blue Badge Parking should be just that, giving access to shops and theatres for those of us with disabilities. thank you for your comments

Useful here for going to the theatre and art gallery.Would thank you for your comments, some a theatre visit need more than 3 hrs? extended hour bays could be considered Very useful for disabled people attending church services at either the minster or st Michael the belfry thank you for your comments I Use for minster and theatre royal thank you for your comments None prefer to have safe parking - so all can use rather than open land, pavements, flower pots, as we have more than enough in city already thank you for your comment It is very rare that I would use parking at this side of the city thank you for your comments Double yellow lines on their own would be sufficient thank you for your comments See previous comments it is only a small area for all who are disabled to use the it is proposed to make the area dedicated timing for loading needs to be early morning as before marked bays too close to cobbled streets, i think! thank you for your comments Works for theatre royal thank you for your comments Good for.restaurants in Petergate, but not much else in my case thank you for your comments These spaces would be particularly useful for theatre- going. thank you for your comments I could walk to the top of and the Minster but not much further thank you for your comments Spacings to allow for wide vehicle door openings. thank you for your comments None Local business does not use any space here at the moment and I can't see a need for that to change unless other roads are going to be restricted. no other restrictions are proposed None Use of this area is very sensible as this is currently very often unused space. I would be concerned that speed should be severely limited in the area, though and drivers directed to take extreme care when turning as pedestrians, not to mention cycles may be in the vicinity. Introducing such measures could in fact improve safety, as currently cars do whizz in and turn too fast and wide for the number thank you for your comments and of more vulnerable road users in the area. suggestion Sharing parking bays with trucks loading and unloading would not be ideal, but if it's a choice between having the spaces, or not, then sharing would be better than nothing. thank you for your comments the bays would be where the horse drawn This is opposite, I believe, the taxi rank? Thus taxis would carriage is currently is on the same side as be the one to complain? For elderly, not an issue? the taxi rank These changes would not have an impact on me. thank you for your comment Blue Badge parking spaces are being used every day from around 4pm till 8pm by taxis and members of the public collecting takeaway food, causing noise, general disturbance to residents in this once quiet street.. Some drivers leave their engines running and often with loud music blaring out and often park badly, blocking the entrance and exit to St. Andrew Place. This street is supposed to be access only. What a joke! Can the signs at The access restriction can only be enforced the entrance to Spen Lane be modified to state that only by the Police as it is a moving traffic offence residents, Blue Badge holders and emergency vehicles have access? It would greatly improve matters.

Again this is very much on the edge of the city centre and not very close to anything. Yes have these spaces but you also need more central ones for residents and you need other spaces for businesses thank you for your comments Stop making blue badge access an afterthought after loading, deliveries and local businesses. If the council wants to be truly anti-discrimination, then access to city the removal of blue badge access is centre for disabled people needs to be unconditional and proposed due to concerns over pedestrian without having to beg, wait or be frustrated! safety As I've explained above the uber eats cars are constantly the bay on Duncombe Place is currently pulling in there. shared use Again, this doesn't help me access what I need. Installing more designated. Blue Badge spaces would nevertheless be welcomed by those for whom it does improve access. Blue Badge spaces are misused regularly enough by taxis and delivery drivers so it isn't appropriate to encourage this by muddying the waters and having spaces as 'shared enforcement would be by Council Civil usage'. enforcement officers thank you for your comments civil enforcement officers would enforce the There are often motorcycles taking up this area restrictions I use bike as mobility aid. Please do not take bike parking this location would not remove any cycle away! One car space is enough for ten bikes! parking Duncombe Place should be used only for delivering and Blue Badge users and should be properly signposted as such. It is currently being used as an unofficial short stay thank you for your comments and car park. suggestion As per last section. If parking is time limited I would change my responses as these bays would be useless. thank you for your comments Ideal location for us due to walking, sensory and mental health issues thank you for your comments Could there be an awareness raising campaign even amongst blue badge holders so that people who can park further away are encouraged to do so? Or are aware of the thank you for your comments and pressure on the spaces that close to the footstreets? suggestion

It is extremely limited in the number of bays. It might be thank you for your comment but that would more useful to make the whole of Duncombe Place for reduce the already limited number of taxi Blue Badge holders bays and availability of taxis At the current time many fast food delivery drivers park here waiting for an order (I guess from McDonalds in Blake the area on the opposite side of the road is a Street). On 2 occasions I have struggled to find a parking shared bay with loading, this is proposed as spot because there have been so many delivery drivers independently marked blue badge parking there. bays Blue Badge holders need to be able to access the City centre from much nearer that the present and proposed arrangements. thank you for your comments If any disabled bays a shared with any other persons for thank you for your comments the loading or business use then their is no point of having a enforcement of the bays would be disabled badge scheme anywhere as none disabled people undertaken by Council Civil Enforcement will abuse the system. officer Best reserved for early morning loading/unloading thank you for your comments No No comments What measures would be put in place to monitor blue badge holders using bays. What deterrent will be used to the bays would be enforced by council Civil stop those not authorised to park in blue bays enforcement officers Good safe place for disabled parking with good pavement and good city access. thank you for your comments