2015 Annual Report & Statement of Accounts Annual Report & Statement of Accounts 2015

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Annual Report & Statement of Accounts 2015



Council Members 4

President’s Foreword 5

Chairman’s Introduction 6-8

Organisation & Functions 10

Review of Activities 2015 11-25

Business Plan Performance 26-27

Financial Report 28-31

Appendix 1 – Business Plan 2015 32-36

Appendix 2 - Affiliated Club Reports 37-53

Appendix 3 - Competition and Events Reports 54-57

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President Dr Malcolm McKibbin Elected representatives Bertie Ellison Lynda Sloan Chairman David Ferguson Ward McConkey Chris Heatley Vice-Chairman Gerry Cosgrave Colin McWhirter Carol Warke Honorary Treasurer Michael Carson Social Club representative David Reilly Chief Executive Gerry Kelly Pavilion based sports club representative Gareth Herron Affiliated club representatives Siobhan Smyth Kitty Brown Peter Close John Mulgrave Val Russell

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I am delighted to introduce this 2015 report The Association continues to grow and President’s which reflects the tremendous progress of enhance its services and facilities. It was the Association in providing sport, leisure indeed a fitting tribute to our success that and health and wellbeing services and the Pavilion Complex hosted the one-day Foreword activities to its members and the wider international between Australia and

community. Ireland in August. The event not only raised the profile of NICSSA but showcased the We continue to develop innovative solutions tremendous facilities which the Stormont to meet changing expectations. The new Estate offers to the wider community. Findout training brand is a good example of this and the range of activities and events I would like to express my gratitude to all which were introduced throughout the year. those involved in the work of the Association for what has been a very I am particularly pleased with the continued successful year. In particular I would like to success of initiatives such as the WELL thank Council members, voluntary officers Programme which continues to make a very and the staff. Your dedication and valuable contribution to health and commitment is very much appreciated. wellbeing within the NICS. I believe that the programme, along with the Association’s other lifestyle and health promoting activities plays an important role in promoting the benefits of a healthier Malcolm McKibbin lifestyle and helping to sustain morale at a President time of unprecedented change.

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I am delighted to introduce you to the continued to enhance the Membership Plus Chairman’s Association’s annual report and financial scheme by giving members access to a statements for 2015 after what has been greater number and range of offers and Introduction another successful year for the Association discounts throughout Ireland. and its members. We played an important role in supporting The volume and range of our activities and wider community objectives by hosting a services continues to grow apace-activities number of local and international events at such as skiing, rambling, archery, The Pavilion, Stormont. The most notable of participation in events with counterparts in these was the Australia v Ireland one day Scotland, Wales and Republic of Ireland, cricket international, which was held in family fun days and a wide range of local August 2015. We also hosted the UK Pipe events intended to cater for all interests. Band Championships in June and the CSSC National Archery Championships in As well as forming four new affiliated clubs September. All of these events were during the year we also continued to successful in raising our profile in the area of develop our existing clubs through a sports event management and in showcasing and development grant aimed at improving promoting the facilities at the Pavilion to a playing and coaching standards; and in the local and wider international audience. area of value for money membership we

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We also played host to local community continued to develop our relationship with and other very challenging economic and and charitable initiatives, including multi- the Northern Ireland Civil Service through trading conditions we recorded a modest cultural sports events, football and rugby the delivery of the WELL programme, surplus on our account for the year. academies and a number of fundraising which was extended for a further 3-year activities which succeeded in raising over period. Our work in this area included Conscious of the changing environment in £500,000 for a number of local and UK increasing to just under 150 the number of which we operate we carried out a review based charities, most notably our own workplace WELL champions now involved of our strategic and business objectives for charity of the year AgeNI. in promoting the programme within their the three year period ahead. The process respective workplaces and in attracting culminated in new strategic and business We continued to develop our facilities at over 32,000 unique visitors to the WELL plans for 2016-2018 which focus on the Pavilion for members through the website. building on the progress we have made in upgrade of outdoor pitches and the recent years in developing our services for replacement of floodlighting at our On the broader business front the year members. Playball facility. On the health and was not without its challenges, one of the wellbeing front we delivered over 100 most significant being the negative impact Overall, it was a successful year for the courses throughout the year to a number on membership numbers following public Association in very difficult and of government departments and to a administration reform and a voluntary challenging economic and trading range of organisations in the wider public, redundancy scheme in the Northern conditions, and I would like to take this private and voluntary sectors. We also Ireland Civil Service. Despite this backdrop opportunity to convey my wholehearted

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thanks to Council members, the Executive illness. Janet made a tremendous Board, staff, committees and numerous contribution to the work of the Association volunteers who give of their time to over 25 years and in so many other areas of further the work of NICSSA. Your life in Northern Ireland. She is greatly contribution is very much appreciated. missed by friends and colleagues throughout the Association. Finally, on a sadder note the Association lost David Ferguson one of its most active, energetic and well Chairman respected staff members in Janet Coleman

who died in May 2015 following a short

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Organisations and Functions Our Functions NICSSA is a company limited by guarantee and registered under the Industrial Provident Societies Act 1969.

Our core functions are: Health Promotion . Provision and promotion of health and well being services and activities to the NICS through the WELL Programme and partners through the Health Works programme; Sports and leisure . Promotion of sport and leisure activities to just under 10,000 members based in a network of geographically based affiliated clubs; . Development and delivery to members of a range of membership benefits and services through the Membership Plus Scheme; Facilities . The development and management of the sporting, social, leisure and health and fitness and conference facilities at the Pavilion Complex and through our network of affiliated clubs.

Our Mission, Aims, and Values Mission Our mission is to positively contribute to the health and well being of our members, the NICS and wider community by providing a wide range of affordable sporting, leisure and health and well-being activities, services and facilities throughout NI.

Key Strategic Aims The mission is supported by a number of key strategic aims. These are to: . Make a positive contribution to the health and well being of our members and NICS staff through our activities, services and facilities; . Positively contribute to wider community objectives in the areas of sport and health and well being. . Develop and deliver our services in a manner which promotes the long term sustainability of the organisation.

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Review of Activities Introduction

This review provides a summary of the activities that we delivered to our members during 2015.

More detailed reports on the activities of each of our affiliated sports clubs together with reports on competitions and events are set out in appendix 2 and 3 to this report.

Our members remain at the heart of what we do and we hope that this is clearly reflected in this review which sets out the activities and services that we have provided to members during 2015.

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Membership Services

On the membership front it was a particularly challenging year for RPA. During 2015 we managed to reintroduce three leisure centre the Association with a significant reduction in the size of the NICS deals which offer exclusive member discounts for use of their following the introduction of the Voluntary Exit Scheme (VES), the facilities. restructuring of departments and indeed other variables that were out of our control-most notably reductions in CSSC and Prison We also continued to offer and promote our traditional activities Service membership. We recruited 967 new members during the such as the family fun day, a surfing day at Portrush, Day trip to year and lost 1594 members resulting in a net loss of 627. Kildare and theatre nights. Whilst participation by members in centrally organised events and activities for the period was We are conscious of the need to continue to provide value for marginally down on the previous year satisfaction levels by those money services to our members and in this context we continued who took part in events was high with the vast majority of to enhance the Membership Plus Scheme by introducing additional participants who attended events such as the Family Fun Day in offers. During the year we secured over 1800 offers for our Lisnaskea, shopping trip to Kildare Shopping Village, Learn to Surf members in a range of lifestyle and leisure outlets throughout day at Portrush, and Celtic Games rating the events as excellent. Ireland. Council run leisure facility discounts have always been Details of the range of events delivered to members during the year greatly valued by members. A number of these were withdrawn are set out in the report on competitions and events at appendix 2. during 2014 when the various council areas restructured under

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Affiliated Workplace Clubs Members are at the very heart of NICSSA’s AgeNI through a series of fundraising Overall 2015 saw a significant increase in activities and therefore the level of initiatives. the activities of affiliated clubs and their engagement, interaction and support members as evidenced by an increase in offered to our members in the network of The regional representatives also the funds drawn down and used by clubs geographical based affiliated workplace continued the development of the to support local activities. Prompted by clubs is critically important to support the recognition scheme for members which the decision to close down many NICS long term sustainability of the provides them with an opportunity to buildings NICSSA restructured some clubs organisation. During the year we provided recognise and reward individual members to make them more efficient and funding of just under £100k to our clubs to for their contribution to the work of the effective. There are currently 57 active support participation by members in a Association under the following workplace clubs which includes 17 that whole range of activities, events and categories; club person of the year, sports have been rejuvenated in 2015 and the initiatives. A number of clubs contributed person of the year, volunteer of the year, formation of 4 new clubs. Evidence of significantly to the work of a number of young sports person of the year, sports increased engagement between clubs is local and UK based charities through a development, team of the year and club of clearly demonstrated through interaction series of fundraising initiatives. The the year. A number of members were on our facebook page and the extent of Association for its part also supported recognised under the scheme at the new stories provided from Clubs on clubs in raising funds for its charity partner Annual Awards Reception which was held www.nicssa.co.uk. in Nov 2015.

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The staff at PlayBall continue to develop Zoo, W5 and the Ulster Folk and Transport new relationships with various sporting Museum were enjoyed by all. bodies, which has resulted in Premier League clubs Swansea Football Club and The year finished on a high with the Liverpool Football Club setting up their hosting of the Ulster Hockey Kirk Cup and respective elite academies at the facility Denman Ulster Shield which was played during 2015. This has complemented the out at PlayBall on Boxing Day. Thousands The PlayBall business continues to grow existing bookings from local football clubs of spectators lined the water based pitch year on year with a record number of enabling young players to follow a to watch Hockey Club face people taking part in sport at the facility pathway from grassroots level through to Randalstown Hockey Club. during 2015. Bookings from clubs, elite performance. community groups, schools and governing Finally, the staff at PlayBall would like to bodies of sport ensured that PlayBall The PlayBall Holiday Camps, which provide express their appreciation to the Danny continues to deliver a range of sporting sporting and leisure opportunities to Mills Foundation for the donation of a outcomes, which support the wider social young people between the ages of 5-12, defibrillator, which is now located at agenda in areas such as education, health, had a record breaking year with over 200 PlayBall reception in case of emergency. the economy and the development of the participants enjoying an action packed First Aid training also took place during local community. programme of events over the Easter and the year for all PlayBall operational staff Summer holidays. Weekly trips to Belfast ensuring users of the facility are in the best of hands should the need arise.

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initiative, whilst also promoting the type Health and nature of courses offered through Promotion Health Works.

Health Works & The Health Works Team continued to NICS WELL develop key relationships with clients such

as, Navinet, an American owned Overall Performance healthcare communications network, The health promotion team delivered a Invest NI, NIE, and BE Aerospace. total of 104 health promotion/training events during the year. The events ranged from personal health checks to Health Works customised training courses for senior In 2015 the Health Works Programme was managers. Clients were drawn from the reconfigured to mirror the successful private, public and voluntary sectors. WELL Programme using key concepts such as the Champions Network. To support the programme a new marketing website (www.healthworks.info) has been established to highlight the benefits of the

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programme on participants is that over Pavilion, Stormont on 29 October 2015. 87% of those who attended exhibitions The event was attended by Colin Lewis, indicated through feedback that they Deputy Secretary, CHR invited guests, and intended to make a positive lifestyle over 60 WELL Champions. The purpose of change. the day was to celebrate the success of The WELL website has now attracted over the WELL Programme and to thank the

NICS WELL 32,000 unique visitors since its launch in network of Champions for their ongoing The WELL Programme continued to make September 2012 with more than 67,000 contribution and support for the a very positive contribution to the health visits. The Support Team endeavours to programme. Positive mental health was and wellbeing of NICS staff in what has keep the website current and of interest the theme of this year’s convention, with been a very challenging year for all NICS to NICS staff which has been reflected in Champions planning different events staff. the encouraging website statistics. within their respective workplaces to During the year the WELL Support team The WELL Champions Training emphasise simple things people could do have engaged with over 8,738 staff in programme, which has been accredited by to improve their mental health and government offices throughout the Skills Active and recognised by Volunteer wellbeing. country carrying out health checks which Now, currently has 147 trained include blood pressure, blood cholesterol, Champions. blood glucose and body composition The Programme celebrated its third testing. Evidence of the impact of the annual Champions Convention at the

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Annual Awards The Chairman’s Reception and Awards

The annual reception and awards evening Club Person of the Year (The Bloomfield was held on Thursday 26th November 2015 Award) was awarded to Carol Warke, with over 100 guests representing the Causeway Sports & Social Club. Carol network of affiliated clubs, members and Warke is one of NICSSA’s longest standing staff in the wider NICS. The awards committee members of 25 years. She held presented on the night were part of the the post of Chairperson for a long time recognition scheme for members and and is currently Secretary of Causeway volunteers of NICSSA. Sports and Social Club. Carol’s hard work, determination and ongoing commitment Awards presented were as follows; Sports has been instrumental in making the club Person of the Year (The Bloomfield a huge success.

Trophy) was awarded to Alicia Weir, NICS The Bloomfield Trophy awards which Bowling Club. Alicia won three Northern recognise individual contribution to the Ireland Women’s Private Green League work of the Association and Sporting championships; Singles Triples and Fours. Excellence were presented by Lady Winning these Championships entitled Bloomfield. Alicia to represent Northern Ireland in the UK Women’s Private Green League Championships.

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The Volunteer of the Year (President’s Award) was presented by NICSSA CEO Gerry Kelly to Conor McEnoy from Marlborough House, Craigavon. Conor took on the role of club organiser and makes it his priority to continue recruiting new members for the Marlborough House Sports and Social Club. This is achieved as he is committed to introducing activities to suit all members from pool competitions, yoga, spin classes, social activities and gym improvements. He is extremely enthusiastic, friendly, approachable and highly respected within the club.

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The Sports Development Award (The Chairman’s Award) was presented by David Ferguson and the winners on the night were the Civil Service Hockey Club for their work in developing hockey at the Pavilion.

The NICS Hockey Club continues to develop hockey at NICSSA in a positive and engaging manner. Junior training sessions are delivered four nights per week by an army of dedicated volunteer coaches who give up their time freely to coach young hockey players from ages 9 to 15. Such is the popularity of the training that the ladies section has a waiting list system for children interested in attending the sessions. The senior club continues to field seven teams with the men’s 1st XI playing in the premier league and progressing in the season to the latter stages of the Kirk Cup.

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The Team of the Year (The Cliff Radcliffe What is also extremely pleasing from a Cup) was presented to the CSNI U15 Club perspective is that 9 of the cup Cricket Team and they received the cup winning team have played senior cricket from Cliff Radcliffe on the night in during the season. recognition of their achievements.

The team under the captaincy of James Pollard won the Graham Cup during the season. This was in addition to having a good league season.

The Graham Cup is the prestigious trophy at Under 15 level and it is one of the most sought after Junior Cups.

U15 level is very competitive and it was a tremendous achievement for the team to win this trophy. The team thoroughly deserved their success having trained extremely hard over the winter via our Winter Academy and also via club practice.

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The final award of the night was for Club On completion of the awards guests were of the Year (Leslie Sloan Memorial Cup). invited to pay tribute to our esteemed The club of the year was presented by colleague Janet Coleman who passed Lynda Sloan to the Waterside Sports and away in May 2015. A tribute to Janet was Social Club for their endeavours and made by Gerry Kelly, NICSSA CEO to the enthusiasm to the work with members of guests and was followed by a short video the Association. in memory of Janet Coleman.

Over the past year Waterside House On the night Gerry Kelly, NICSSA CEO committee and members have completely officially launched the charity partner of rejuvenated their workplace club and have the year, Transplant Sport NI for the turned the level of activities and forthcoming year. membership benefits being offered around full circle. Waterside House The night was then wrapped up by Sir operates to serve its members, whatever Kenneth Bloomfield. their interests and there is without doubt more to come in the next few years. They have even launched their very own website as a platform to keep members updated and informed in all club activity.

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the 2015 business plan. A more detailed PlayBall continues to perform above Business Plan account on our progress against the expectations and supported the specific targets for the year is set out on Performance Association in meeting a number of pages 32– 36 of the report. financial and community outreach targets,

The 2015 business plan which was agreed most notably in the development of a by the Association’s Council set out a whole range of community initiatives number of challenging targets. including, IFA grassroots football, midnight soccer leagues and the Easter and summer Against a very challenging economic and schemes for children. Whilst there was a trading backdrop we performed very well significant reduction in the demand for during the year. Despite the reduction in health and wellbeing courses within the membership which was brought about by NICS the Health Works team continued to the Voluntary Exit Scheme within the NICS promote programmes to other agencies and the significant reduction in demand within the wider public and private sector for Health Works courses we managed to and succeeded in delivering over 100 secure a surplus of £85k for the year, courses and exhibitions in the year to a retain turnover at £1.3 million and reduce range of existing and new clients within I am delighted to provide a report on the costs to just under £1,250 million-a the three sectors. progress of the key business objectives of significant achievement by any standards.

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We continued to play a very important members leaving the NICS through the new strategic and business plans covering role in the ongoing development of the Voluntary Exit Scheme (VES) and RPA. the period 2016-2018. NICS WELL programme and reached yet With the support of the Membership Looking forward to 2016, we will continue another milestone in achieving over Services team we developed the to develop our new Findout training 30,000 unique visitors to the Well website programme of activities and events for programme, build on the success of and in securing the services of over 140 members across NI and succeeded in PlayBall and, continue to support regional Well Champions in government buildings introducing a number of events to the clubs in developing services and activities across the country. We were rewarded for events calendar. for members. our endeavours when we secured funding for a further three year period for the We continued to play host to events at the Finally, I would like to take this programme. Pavilion Complex and successfully opportunity to thank the Chairman, delivered the one day cricket international Executive Board and Council for their Under Membership Services we increased between Ireland and Australia and the UK continued support and staff team for their the number and geographical spread of Pipe Band Championships. continued commitment and offers in the membership plus directory professionalism to the work of the and website to over 1800 in 2015. We concluded the Association’s strategic Association. planning process in 2015 which resulted in Despite recruiting 967 we recorded a net the development and implementation of Gerry Kelly loss in membership of 627 as a result of Chief Executive

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additional VAT on the capital goods Financial Report Overall expenditure was down by £44k. scheme. Whilst there were increases in costs This report should be read in conjunction associated with Activ, the grants payable Competition expenditure fell by £3k due with the summarised profit and loss and to Clubs and the new Findout training to fewer CSSC competitions whilst Playball balance sheet accounts on pages 30 and initiative these were offset by reductions costs dropped by £6k due to a reduction in 31 of this report. in salaries, Health Works and Pavilion maintenance. Complex costs. In summary, income for the year was up Interest on loans fell by £3k as the amount by £11K and expenditure was down by Turning to the detail behind the financial owing on the principal of loans reduces £44k. position salaries were down by £28k year on year. reflecting the impact of changes from the Turning to the detail there were a number organisational restructuring programme Pavilion costs decreased by £13K largely of reductions in income during the year – which was implemented in May 2014. due to a reduced rates bill following a most notably Health works and WELL revaluation of the property in 2014. income decreased by £95k as a result of Health Works spend was also down by the delivery of fewer courses. This was £32K as a result of the delivery of fewer The net result of the movements in partially offset by increases in revenue courses during the year. income and expenditure during the year from facilities charges of £18K as a result resulted in a £85K surplus and an increase of an increase in charges to third party Grants to Clubs showed an increase of £6k in total reserves to £729K. users of the Complex, an increase of £23k due to increased activity levels within in Playball income and additional revenue affiliated clubs and Business Support costs from the sale of the membership brand at also increased by £14k due mainly to £63K.

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2015 (£) 2014 (£) INCOME Health Works (including WELL grant) 165,928 260,970 Subscriptions 485,275 509,605 PlayBall (pitch hire, summer scheme, grants, advertising) 284,438 261,330 Activ Gym (subscriptions, classes, etc.) 81,276 77,794 Facilities Charges 69,838 51,053 Deferred Income (capital grants amortised) 117,516 117,516 Membership Plus and Marketing Contributions - 22,603 Interest on deposits 141 82 Membership Plus Asset Sale 85,000 - Other income 20,879 19,328 FindOut Training 20,814 - TOTAL INCOME 1,331,105 1,320,281

EXPENDITURE Staff Costs 512,184 539,593 Health Works 47,421 79,396 PlayBall 13,290 19,980 FindOut Training 12,782 - Activ Gym 14,710 10,458 Business Support Costs 108,318 94,508 Pavilion Complex expenses 107,351 120,681 Grants to clubs 98,925 92,843 Membership Benefits 23,612 24,865 Competitions - Civil Service Sports Council 4,823 2,457 - NICS Sports Association 3,237 4,025 - Regional Activities 4,356 2,932 Depreciation 273,419 274,399 Loan Interest 21,626 24,370

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,246,058 1,290,507

SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 85,047 29,774

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FIXED ASSETS 2015 (£) 2014 (£)

Pavilion Redevelopment 1,297,244 1,370,823 Fitness Equipment 7,070 12,254 Computers and Equipment 10,487 13,995 Outdoor Surfaces and Equipment 1,140,445 1,299,146 Intangible assets 17,299 - TOTAL 2,472,545 2,696,218

CURRENT ASSETS Subscriptions due 6,298 9,161 Cash at Bank 39,817 25,539 Prepayments and Accrued Income 63,593 21,451 Debtors control 39,036 52,542 TOTAL 148,744 108,693

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank and other loans 142,745 141,968 Bank Overdraft 17,115 21,432 Other Creditors and Accruals 31,163 32,481 NICS Social Club 27,066 32,739 Staff Costs Accrual 15,775 13,159 Deferred Creditor 117,516 117,516 Creditors control 70,986 66,107 VAT 19,708 25,497 TOTAL 442,074 450,899

NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES) (293,330) (342,206) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CREENT LIABILITIES 2,179,215 2,354,012 CREDITORS DUE AFTER ONE YEAR Loans (616,054) (758,431) Deferred Income (833,968) (951,484) TOTAL ASSETS LESS TOTAL LIABILITIES 729,193 644,097

REPRESENTED BY: SHARE CAPITAL 1,480 1,548 CAPITAL RESERVE 2,991 2,874 REVENUE RESERVE 724,722 639,675 TOTAL RESERVES 729,193 644,097

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Appendix 1: Business Plan 2015 Intended Outcome 2015 Area Actions Outcome 2015 Outcome Develop and deliver marketing and advertising campaign to Achieve turnover (net increase sales to members & clubs. Food of VAT) of £160k at £182k (62% GPM) Achieved Review and implement, where appropriate, price increases 60% GPM and introduce new products. Develop and deliver marketing and advertising campaign to Achieve turnover (Net increase sales to members & clubs. Beverage of VAT) of £235k at £219k (56%) Not Achieved Review and implement, where appropriate, price increases 60% GPM and introduce new products. Increase Develop and deliver marketing and advertising campaign to Operations Achieve turnover of increase sales to existing and potential customers. Review Conferencing £27k Not Achieved Revenue & Facilities £40k and implement, where appropriate, price increases with appropriate business intelligence carried out. Achieve 10% increase Review existing charges & contracts and, where Facility Charges £70k Achieved in turnover £52k appropriate increase charges to 3rd party occupiers. Retain existing customer base through introduction of incentive scheme. Generate new business opportunities Achieve £270k through outreach programmes, marketing initiatives with a PlayBall £284k Achieved turnover view to diversification into other areas of usage for the facilities. Review charges & and, where appropriate, increase charges.

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Develop and deliver marketing, promotions and advertising campaign to increase membership. Review and implement, Activ Health Achieve 5% growth in where appropriate, price increases and introduce new £81k Achieved Club turnover (£80k) products and services to meet customer needs. Review services, products & resource allocation. Review access control arrangements. In-House Implement in-house - Develop business case for introduction of in-house lottery Not Achieved Lottery lottery Social Club Achieve net growth of Develop reception and food and beverage staff in the £53k Achieved Membership 60 members (£53k) delivery of membership sales Increase sales activity through road-show visits to government locations. Reduce membership resignations. NICSSA Achieve turnover of £485K Increase membership subscription rate in July 2015. Not Achieved Membership £515K Develop and market unique Membership Services to members as part of drive to retain members. Increase Corporate Develop portfolio of health and wellbeing training. Increase & Customer Achieve turnover of no. and range of courses. Expand customer base to include Health Works £73k Achieved Revenue £60K private and voluntary sector. Create and populate the Health Works Health & Wellbeing Programme

Deliver within agreed Introduce cost savings where appropriate. Manage the WELL £93K Achieved budget of £93K resources applied to WELL

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Area Intended Outcome 2015 2015 Actions Progress Achieve 60% Gross Profit Develop and implement product management procedures. 56% Not Achieved Margin on Beverage Carry out price comparisons with various suppliers Achieve 60% Gross Profit Develop and implement product management procedures. Food & 62% Achieved Beverage Margin in Food Carry out price comparisons with various suppliers Achieve a ratio of staff Review and implement new staffing rota arrangements to costs as a proportion of 26% meet business needs. Review part and full time staff Achieved turnover of 25% configuration to ensure it continues to meet business needs.

Carry out a review of the arrangements for hiring of Reduction in operating Reduced Conferencing conferencing and restaurant equipment to establish value Achieved costs by 5% by 1k for money. (10%) Operations Reduction Develop and implement a planned preventative Pavilion Reduction in operating & Facilities of £13k maintenance programme. Carry out a regular review of Achieved Facilities spend by 10% Reduction (11%) facilities to manage and maintain cleanliness. Develop and implement a planned preventative Reduction PlayBall Reduction in operating maintenance programme. Carry out a regular review of in Costs of £6k Achieved Facilities spend by 10% facilities to manage and maintain cleanliness and undertake (30%) repairs if required. Increase Activ Health Reduction in operating Review classes and staffing for delivery and management of of £4k Not Achieved Club costs by 5% classes. (40%) Develop and implement a planned preventative Sports Reduction in maintenance £30k no maintenance programme. Carry out a regular review of Not Achieved Facilities spend (10%) change facilities to manage and maintain cleanliness and repairs if required. Achieve a reduction in Reduction Implement cost savings in contracted in professional Health Corporate operating and delivery of £33k services. Reduce operating costs including travel and hotel Achieved Works & costs by a minimum of 20% (40%) expenditure. Customer Achieve a reduction Staffing £512k Reallocate work of staff on long term leave. Secure Staffing Achieved costs at £515K achieved efficiencies in the use of part time staff resources.

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Area Intended Outcome 2015 Actions Progress

Food & Review and amend where appropriate operating Beverage procedures and processes for: Conferencing Reception Have in place a PlayBall Food & Beverage Operations streamlined set of Cleaning Operational Service Level Document Achieved & Facilities operational processes to Sports (Conferencing / restaurant) meet business needs. Facilities Provide appropriate staff training in all areas of the Activ Health business so that they fully understand and are able to Club implement all processes and procedures. Continue to review and Implement new processes and Membership Achieved procedures & associated staff training. Review existing portfolio, create a calendar and update Health Works Achieved progress to plan accordingly for 2015. Review all operational Provide WELL delivery process reports with evaluation WELL processes to meet the Achieved Corporate updates. need for efficiency and & Customer Monitor the organisational re-structure impact in HR effectiveness in all Achieved accordance with the communication plan. business areas. Refine and review documented financial procedures. Finance Achieved Implement the recommendations of the 2014 audit report Health & Continue to review risk assessments and carry out Achieved Safety inspections as per the process.

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Area Intended Outcome 2015 Actions Progress Develop and deliver quality services to customers through Food Achieve 5 star hygiene rating Achieved training staff especially in dealing with hygiene. Develop and deliver quality services to customers through All staff trained in food and Beverage training staff especially in dealing with customers. Develop new Achieved Operations hospitality. & Facilities customer relationship system to manage customers. Develop and deliver quality services to customers through Activ Health training staff especially in dealing with health and safety. Maintain no successful claims record Achieved Club Explore the scope for introducing services to reflect the changes in the industry. Maintain current and build new Create an action plan for 2015. Create a portfolio of new and stakeholder relationships. existing services. Create an annual delivery of services calendar. Health Works Achieved Launch Health Works Health & Engage and secure implementation of the programme with the Wellbeing Programme initial NDGB parties. Corporate Successfully deliver the final stage of Produce comprehensive evaluation to complete this phase of WELL the first three year phase of the the programme. Carry out calendar to complete OHS road- Achieved Governance WELL Programme shows. Refine monitoring and control processes to extend beyond NICS. Pursue opportunities for growth through active face to Discuss and agree a process for the Membership face promotion and maintain retention. Identify target areas Achieved extension of membership in 2015 Corporate & for growth and actively pursue new opportunities in the wider Customer public sector. Review organisational structure Continual review based on operational effectiveness and HR ensuring legislative compliance and Achieved performance. update HR policies regularly. Continue to ensure all risk assessments are carried out and Ensure compliance to Health & Achieved provide updates to the Staff hand book were necessary. Health & Safety Safety legislation and NICSSA’s Ensure a further Health and Safety administrator is appointed Health and Safety Policy Achieved and progresses with NEBOSH training for 2015. Ensure that the Risk Register is Ensure that the Risk Registers for all business areas are Risk Register monitored and accurate in line with regularly updated and proactively addressed by the relevant Achieved the strategic business plan managers.

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and grounds staff was appreciated and Appendix 2: This highlight of the year was the 59th resulted in a superb target field and Affiliated Club Annual CSSC/CSAA National excellent hospitality for those taking part. Championships, held at the Stormont, Personal achievements this year included Reports Pavilion in September with 30 archers Barry Wishart and Burleigh Laverty competing from across UK. Northern qualifying as Level 1 Coaches and Brian The reports of the Association’s Affiliated Ireland archers punched above their Webb becoming a County Judge. Sports Clubs are set out in the following paragraphs. weight by winning the Regional and Area

Team awards, both Ladies and Gents Congratulations also to Darrel Wilson, who Archery Club Handicaps and NI archers were on both was NI Outdoor Compound Champion for 1st and 2nd placed Departmental Teams. 2015, setting Irish records for WA 1440, During 2015 the NICSSA Archery Club held Darrel Wilson was Gents Compound 50m and Mixed FITA Field. He made it the usual five very successful competitions Champion and Dominic Cafolla was runner through to the second round of the 2015 and ran three beginners courses, two up in the Gents Recurve Competition. World Archery Championships at outdoors and one indoors. Membership Copenhagen in August and has also of the club increased during the year Thank you to all who assisted and qualified for the European Outdoor following the recruitment of additional particularly to Ernie Toland for all his hard Championships in 2016. junior members and hopefully this will work which ensured a smoothly run continue. competition. The support of both Pavilion

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Some difficult decisions may need to be celebration of the club's 20th Anniversary, Chambers won the Jim Patterson Trophy taken in the year ahead as the revenue the introduction of a new Marathon for the first NICSAC member and also the from fundraisers decreases and higher Competition and a trip to Amsterdam in 1st Civil Service Vet prize. Heidi Rodgers club membership charges are considered. October for the Marathon. finished 3rd in the Civil Service Open race Changes included in the proposed draft NI and Tara McBride and Gillian Hynes Archery Society constitution could also Cross Country- 31 January finished 2nd and 3rd respectively in Civil have serious consequences for the future The club’s main event is the Cross Country Service Vets race. In the Services of the club, but we'll see what 2016 in Stormont. This year the event had to Challenge Cup the NICS won both the brings! move from its traditional end of February Male and Ladies trophies. date because of the Red Bull Crashed Ice Thank you to members and officers for event. It is part of Athletics NI's Cross NICSAC Belfast Marathon Team Relay their efforts and contributions to the club Country League. Race categories this year Competition and its events over the past year and included Primary School, U13, U15, U17, This year’s Belfast Marathon relay saw 9 looking forward to another successful year Open, Veterans, the Services Cup teams taking part in the NICSAC of shooting and craic! competition between NICS, NIPS and PSNI competition with teams competing in Athletics Club and the Civil Service Cross Country Male, Female and Mixed categories. Championships. This year’s event saw 490 2015 was a busy year for the club with entries in total across all the races with some of the highlights being the 288 runners in the open race. Mervyn

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Members' 5km handicap Trail Run Ladies 10km - Naomhín Love (47:05) at On Friday 11th September the 3rd annual Jimmy's Ten. Marathon Trip – Amsterdam – 17th NICSAC members' 5km handicap race took Men's Marathon - Jim Breen (03:17:03) at October 2015 place on the trails in the Stormont estate. Galway Bay Marathon The venue for 2015 trip was the city of 16 members took part in the event. Ladies Marathon - Tara McBride Amsterdam. The event also offered a half Congratulations to Maura Hennessy and (04:08:28) at Dublin Marathon marathon option and an 8km. Race day Michael Williamson who picked up the was mild with light rain and 5 members trophies for first male and female. Competition Series competed in the Marathon and 4 in the NICSAC Champions for 2015 Male 8km race. All races finished in a wonderful Men's 10 Mile - Mervyn Chambers 1st Jim Breen on 295 points (completed 16 atmosphere inside the city's historic (1:05:20) at Portaferry. events with 10 first places) Olympic Stadium; the venue for the Ladies 10 Mile - Heidi Rodgers (01:21:34) 2nd Eoin Woodman on 251 points European Athletics Championships in July at Portaferry. (completed 15 events with 1 first place) 2016. Men's Half-Marathon - Mervyn Chambers (01:27:57) at Belfast Half. Female Other Events Ladies Half Marathon - Naomhín Love 1st Gillian Hynes on 302 points (completed Other events that the club helped to (01:46:55) at the Omagh Half. 16 events with 7 first places) organise during the year included the Men's 10km - Mervyn Chambers (38:09) 2nd Tara McBride on 266 points Greyabbey 10Km and 3 Mile and the at the Seeley Cup. (completed 14 events with 5 first places) Portaferry 10 Mile & Relay both in July.

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Club Training season. Three Ladies Private Greens titles This is a great honour, not only for Derek Club training takes place at the Pavilion, were won. Alicia Weir in the Singles who but also for NICS Bowling Club as it shows Stormont for those members who work was then joined by Patricia Ross and Hilary the high esteem in which the club is held within or close to the estate. However we Cavan to win the Triples. These three throughout the world of Outdoor Bowls. also have members in other parts of the along with Wilma Adair then went on to country that we can put new members in win the Rinks as well. At the Irish Cricket Club touch with to organise local training Championship Finals in Bangor during Civil Service North of Ireland Cricket Club sessions. August, two Irish titles were secured with is a wonderful Club, made up of incredibly victory in the Triples and Fours and a third committed people and talented cricketers nearly came the way of the club when Bowling Club across all ages. As a club which fields a finishing Runner-Up in the Singles. The year 2015 has been one of the most total of 16 teams, CSNI is arguably the successful in the history of the Northern largest Club in the North of Ireland and The Mid Week Team also had a very Ireland Civil Service Bowling Club. The indeed one of the largest on the island of creditable season retaining their status as Men’s Senior Team became Private Ireland a Division 1 Team. Greens Senior Division 2 Champions and as a result have now been promoted to Last season, in addition to fielding 6 One of our members Derek Forsythe was Senior Division One for the 2016 season. regular senior teams, CSNI fielded a ladies installed in December as the Vice The Ladies Section had an outstanding team. This ladies team was one of 5 teams President of the Irish Bowling Association.

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in the new Premier league and finished in - the fantastic U15 team, headed up by work behind the scenes. Without those an admirable 3rd place. This is a great Mark Pollard and Coached by Andrew people, CSNI just does not function. platform for the ladies to build on and Cowden, won the Graham Cup for the 1st CSNI have plans to grow the number of time in the club's history. CSNI's Junior Awards night attracted some female members next season via a - a Colts team captained by Paddy 80 boys (and 2 girls) from U9s, U11s and number of initiatives planned over the Beverland U13s to close out a busy and successful winter months. - And a midweek team under David season and to celebrate their Morton's captaincy achievements and successes. CSNI have a CSNI also fields: Having 16 teams is an incredible lot of young talent and the club strives to - An U9s team - under the leadership of achievement for any Club which is run maximise the potential from those Stephen Dyer. While only one game was primarily on a voluntary basis and the individuals. played, it was one where CSNI fielded an sheer workload and commitment which entire team of P4 and P5 boys along with goes in week on week from highly CSNIs senior teams continue to perform Daisy Johnston against a full Under 11 committed people is truly remarkable – it well. Promotion in recent seasons has Ballymena side - and CSNI won certainly is a labour of love. resulted in some teams now playing in - 2 x U11 teams, again under the very competitive leagues. leadership of Stephen Dyer and ably CSNI are so fortunate to have so many assisted by Johnny Gibson dedicated coaches and other folks who This season the 6ths, under the captaincy - 2 x U13 teams led by Robin Johnston of Alex Craig, having won promotion from

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Junior 9 last year, performed well to finish The 3rd's under Richard McFeeters, For CSNI's 1st XI it was a transition season 6th with a number of young players finished a credible 6th in what is a very with a new Captain in Cowdy and a new making their breakthrough. Alec Craig led strong Junior 3. A number of younger Pro in Mansoor Amjad. They beat the by example with his 105 not out against players have developed as a result of league winners Waringstown at home and . playing in this very competitive league as got to the semi finals of both the well as Richard's captaincy. Challenge Cup and the Irish Cup. The 5ths, under Keith Gibson's leadership had a very successful season, winning the The 2nd's under Pro, finished an excellent CSNI attained a record number of 8 boys Minor Qualifying Cup for the 1st time in 3rd in Junior 1 and had it not been for a who achieved NCU honours this season: the Club’s history and beating a very poor performance against North Down in They are: strong Armagh side in the final, at Armagh August when everything that could go At U11 - Matthew Cherry & Ryan Hunter with John Neill, bowling 7 overs, of which wrong, went wrong, should have won U13 - Archie Johnston, Hugh Minford & 4 were maidens and taking 2 wickets for 6 Junior 1. Colin engendered a great team Adam Simmonite with Archie Captaining runs. spirit and that was a key driver in the team the side U15 - Matthew Foster And U17 also reaching the Junior Cup Final, albeit Paddy Beverland, Nicky McMinn. The 4ths with Mark Pollard at the helm losing after a strong fight to a very strong finished a solid 3rd in Junior 6 and just Armagh side. In addition John Minford and Archie missed out on promotion. Johnston were part of the Irish U13 Winter training squad.

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Matthew Foster and Archie have recently Cycling Club confirmed once we know been selected to be part of the inaugural numbers/interest. Our weekly club Wednesday lunchtime Andrew White Academy and Paddy rides, weather permitting continued Beverland represented Ulster Schools and City Centre Staff throughout 2015 – it would be great to Irish U17s. There were regular lunchtime MTB rides have more join us. We’ll be doing a from city centre through Lagan Meadows, variety of routes in 2016. In respect of the Senior Northern Knights Mary Peter’s Trails, Belvoir Forest and If anyone is interested in joining one, team, Shane Getkate and Mark Adair have occasionally Cavehill Summit. From spring contact Trevor who will be able to give represented CSNI this year with Shane to autumn we had lunchtime road bike you more details. We will also be playing in most of the Knights games this runs around the Belfast Hills, up to Divis advertising some longer rides during 2016 season and hitting some respectable Summit, across Craigantlet Hills or taking for people who can join us. scores and tallying up wickets on the way. Friday afternoon off and pushing on a bit

In addition it has just recently been further down into the Mournes or up the MTB Runs announced that Stephen Ross, Paddy North Coast. MTB and Road runs are A few members regularly take part in MTB Beverland and Nicky McMinn have been continuing. runs at the moment. We’re going to selected for the Emerging NCU Knights arrange MTB runs generally on a Saturday panel. Sportives during 2016. We’re looking at either As a club we entered upwards of 20 Davagh or Rostrevor, with the venue to be organised Sportives throughout the year

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and will continue to do this during 2016. provides us with insurance cover which we value too especially if you use the Bike to In other news, we have entered a club require to be able to organise rides and Work Scheme. team into the Gran Fondo on 5th June events through the work email system. 2016. This is a closed road event and we Cycling Ireland Fees are £34 for the year Club Contacts: have entered the Mourne Route 175kms which gives the individual substantial third [email protected] taking in a few renowned climbs i.e Dree party cover and small personal accident [email protected] Hill, Spelga and Croob. This is a tough element. Over the past year, member’s [email protected] event, however there is a shorter 58km subs also allowed us to invest in pumps Strangford route which should be in the and puncture repair equipment to be Football Club capability of most if they undergo a bit of available to cyclists in town and on the The football club is currently split into training. Contact and team captain is Stormont Estate. This year we will be three sections; the Senior club which Trevor for info on these events. If you looking to purchase some basic tools to comprises two teams both playing in the sign up to our team a donation is made to ensure that people are able to fix most Amateur League Divisions 2B and 3E the nominated charity from your event minor mechanical issues if required. respectively, the junior section which fees at no extra cost. comprises two teams under thirteen and Looking forward to seeing you all out on under seventeen competing in the South Finally, we’re also at the time of year two wheels soon, it is after all a great way Belfast League and then our Irish Football when we’re looking to bring in our club to get fit and enjoy the countryside. Good subs. This is still £12 for the year and

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Association (IFA) Grass Roots teams at traditional approach of sending the to go off on holidays. The results for our under ten and under eights. players into and around the hills and First teams opening three fixtures forest tracks of the Stormont estate to reflected this with defeats. With the Senior Club concentrate more on the technical and holiday season behind us and players Having entered a period of relevant tactical side of the game with fitness being returning to training we recorded our first stability for the past two seasons, with a achieved by the intensity of the coaching league win of the season against marked improvement in numbers at sessions. Simon was offered the position Newtownbreda. Simon brought in a training and results on the pitch, we were of First team manager with Bill Jones (the number of new faces to strengthen the disappointed to learn that Noel, our first Clubs Treasurer) taking up the position of squad and things look to be heading in the team manager would be stepping down Second team Manager. right direction. However as with past from his coaching role. campaigns it proved to be another false The 2015/16 season kicked–off early due dawn with more points being loss than So the search began for a new manager. to the European Championship finals won. The first team is currently sitting in Simon Corry, who had been the assistant being held in France during the summer. ninth position (out of twelve) in the first team coach at Dundonald FC, was This played havoc with our pre-season league. interviewed for the position. Simon shared training and subsequently both teams with the committee his ideas and were not as prepared for the start of the The second team suffered a similar start approach to fitness and coaching season as the manager would have liked to the season struggling to field a team methods, moving away from the with many of the players either on or due suffered two heavy defeats in their first

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two matches. With the holiday season the Castlereagh and North Down small Junior Section over and an increase in the player side games programme. It was also good During last season we had numerous selection pool results quickly improved. to see both our junior teams being phone calls to the club enquiring about The second team are currently sitting afforded the opportunity to play home coaching for children under the age of fourth in the table. matches at the pavilion complex. The club eight. As a result, this year, we have has sixty registered junior players. Having started a kids section which is pre-grass Junior Club lost two coaches at the start of the season roots for five to six year olds. The season saw the first down turn in the it was encouraging that two members of number of teams being fielded by the our existing coaching staff applied for and junior club. We lost one junior team, the successfully completed their Irish F.A. Hockey Club under fourteens due to players being Level one coaching award. Our junior The 2014/15 season finished strong for poached by other club’s and we lost our coaches are support by parents whose the Hockey Club, with the Men’s 1st XI 2005’s team as both coaches left. assistance on coaching nights and match remaining in the Ulster Hockey Premier Notwithstanding this blow to our junior days is invaluable. League and further optimism was carried section the club fielded four teams, two in forward to the 2015/16 season due to a the South Belfast League at U17 and U13 The junior club where successful in number of clubs committing to play in the with the U13 team winning the South securing a kit sponsorship deal for all four new Irish Hockey League. Our team of the Belfast silver Section cup a great achieve teams and also a training kit deal with NI year was the Men’s 2nd XI who gained for all involved. Two teams compete in Club Sport/ NIKE.

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promotion, finishing joint top in their The ladies 2nd XI and 3rd XI were both Hannah Cooke and William Willis. Our league and brought home some silverware newly promoted to Junior 3 and Junior 6 Youth programme remains strong and we by winning their League Cup. The 2015/16 respectively, and had a comfortable have two girls and 5 boys selected for the season started well for the Men’s teams settling in for the 2014/15 season, Ulster Hockey Talent Development with the 1st XI reaching the semi-finals of securing a mid table position and the Scheme, with one boy selected to play for the Kirk Cup and winning the Ulster Ladies 2s reached the final of the the Ulster U15 team at the recent Indoors Championship. The Men’s 3rd XI Intermediate Cup. The Ladies 2nd XI have Interpros. also finished 2015 with silverware by grown in strength in the 2015/16 season winning the Junior League Cup. and are currently sitting 2nd in Junior 3. In the wider Hockey community, the The membership of the ladies section has Hockey Club contributes through the likes The Ladies 1st XI started the 2014/15 continued to increase and we are of Gareth Herron, Robert Johnston, Irene season extremely well and were sitting at delighted to report that we now have a Carroll, and John Deyermond umpiring for the top of the table half way through the Ladies 4th XI participating in Ulster Ulster and Irish Hockey and Gareth season. They ended the season well Hockey. Grundie (coaching). Within NICSSA, Simon narrowly missing out on silverware, Black was Chairman of NICS Social Club coming runners up in the McConnell Both the men and ladies have seen a until March 2015. Gareth Herron and Shield. number of their Junior players progressing David Jackson continued to play an active through to the senior teams, which is part in their respective NICSSA/NICSSSC credit to our youth coaches lead by Management roles.

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Finally, the Hockey Club was delighted to other areas of the province. We also had a Next to England, and in May a group of have been nominated for and win the notable visit to the newly refurbished intrepid walkers tackled the 83 mile NICSSA Sports Development awards at the Gobbins Path shortly after it opened in western section of Wainwright’s Coast to 2015 Annual Awards Reception at The August. Coast route, from St Bee’s Head to Kirkby Pavilion. We also continue to be grateful Stephen in the Lake District. The club for all the support which we receive from Holidays started with a February weekend hopes to return in the near future and the staff and management at PlayBall, in Carnlough, staying in the Londonderry complete the route by walking the eastern which helps to make our job easier. Arms. Walking straight up from sea level section. on to the Antrim Plateau challenged the Rambling Club calf muscles, the reward was seeing the In June another group went to the scenery on the plateau enhanced by Yorkshire Dales for a week. This holiday In 2015 NICS Ramblers offered members frozen lakes and patches of deep snow. was a ‘package’ deal and comprised walks at the weekends, evenings, Sunday guided walks at three different levels of afternoons and also a number of walking This was followed by a bus trip to Killaloe, difficulty round the beautiful Dales, holidays. Co Clare in March. Although the weather including world famous sights such as The core of the club’s walking programme was not always kind, it did not stop the Malham Cove. is a Saturday and Sunday walk every walking, much of which was centred month. Many of these walks took place in around the East Clare Way. And thence to Scotland in September, for the Mournes, interspersed with visits to the club’s annual trail walk. This year we

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walked along St Cuthbert’s Way from in all, a real adventure for those who went team secured 10 victories from 18 fixtures Melrose and across the border into coupled with stunning mountain views. gaining 20 points to finish 3rd in Qualifying Northumberland, finishing at the holy The club’s membership continues to grow 4. This is in contrast to the ‘predicted’ island of Lindisfarne. with 6 new members joining during the outcome at the league restructuring year. meeting at the Ulster Branch, where at the We had two foreign holidays this year, time, the prediction was the relegation of both in October. Walking round the The club looks forward to another year of Civil Service 1st XV to Junior 4. historic sights of Malta had its own walking in 2016, with holidays in The 2nd XV secured a mid-table 5th place, challenges - although the walking was Westport, Plymouth, Yorkshire, and in a difficult season. The team delivered 4 relatively easy the hot weather sometimes Portugal; together with weekends in the wins in 15 fixtures. sapped the strength of those of us who Mournes, Roe Valley and Donegal. are more used to the soft Northern Irish The adult sides fielded a number of weather! Rugby Club younger youth players that came up from the youth teams and captains Chris Burns Senior Rugby Some of our hardier walkers undertook a and Paul Culbert led both teams admirably In the 2014 / 2015 season, the club’s 1st trek in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. through the season. XV secured their place in Qualifying Rugby This was a holiday of contrasts, from icy for next season following a very good blizzards to blazing hot beaches and from The team management and coaching staff, performance throughout the season. The luxury hotels to travelling with mules. All in particular Roy Lawton, are commended

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for their dedication throughout the season great potential as they progress through and guiding the 1st XV to earning their The U18 started the season well with a the age grades of youth rugby. Like the place in Qualifying 3. great 7’s tournament performance, being U16 there are some key players of note the only team to lead and then hold the for the future. The club wishes Roy well in his future Belfast Met team to less than 50 points. adult coaching endeavours and looks The remainder of the season saw more The youth program remains a key source forward to welcoming him into the youth victories for the team, although it was a of players for the senior sides and again program within Civil Service (NI) RFC. tough season to consistently field a side this year we prepare to see U18 players each week. attend pre-season adult training to take Juniors their place in the adult sides for the 2015 / For the first time in its history, the club U16 have had their first full season, and 2016 season. fielded 3 youth teams this year at U14, 16 although again struggled to field and 18 age groups. This was a great consistently have performed well and in a The challenge for youth rugby remains to achievement given the current few games played alongside their U18 be recruitment at the older age groups, environment with many clubs folding their team mates in agreed U17 games with a and enticement of the U16 and U18 U16 and U18 teams. Eleven schools are few players of note for the future. groups to consistent training. In addition represented amongst our youth players, more is required from the club to support including players from established rugby U14 continues to enjoy success and the youth programme at the branch to schools. growth in numbers and will be a team of

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Annual Report & Statement of Accounts 2015 ensure growth and opportunity for our The mini rugby boasts 23 accredited Squash youth teams. coaches that give up their time on a 2014/15 was a difficult season for the Saturday morning and the club would like Squash Club. We had a lot of injuries but Mini Rugby to thank the outgoing convenor Alastair managed to finish a respectable fifth Mini rugby continues to consistently turn Johnston, who has done a superb job in position in the premier league. For the out 180 kids each Saturday morning from establishing and growing the mini rugby 2015-2016 season we have got some P1 – P7. The club is in a fortunate position with his assistants. The club wishes the youth back in the Club, (Stuart Gaffin, of being able to boast one of the largest next convenor, Michael Fitzpatrick all the Ashley Black, Angus Okeefe ) all playing mini rugby squads in Ulster. very best for next season. premier league for the first time and

holding their own In April the Mini Rugby enjoyed a great The club looks forward to a challenging end of season festival as well as their year ahead in qualifying rugby, as well as Our number one David Ayerst has had a annual tour to Scotland to take part in the challenging in Minor rugby and the youth great 2015 in the Irish over 40’s. He won Dalzell Tournament. In addition the P7 leagues and cups. This year will see new the Connacht, Leinster and Ulster open squad had their Dublin tour in May and coaching arrangements and the club and hopes to finish Irish over 40 number the kids also have a bus trip to the Ireland expects the support of all players one which would be a great achievement v Wales World Cup warm up game. throughout the whole season to help us for David and the Club. compete and deliver another good year of

rugby for Civil Service (NI) RFC.

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Moving forward we shall finish top half of Commonwealth event in India. All in all a Martin was in the Irish over 70s team in the table for 2015-2016 have great remarkable year. the 6 Nations event held in the Isle of strength in depth, fantastic team spirit Man, in September 2015. The Team won and good to see some youth running For the first year in over a decade the club the gold medal, beating all the other five about the Squash court. competed in the premier division thanks nations. In the final match, Tommy Caffrey to the addition of the prodigious Zak and Martin beat England by a score of 3-2. Table Tennis Wilson, the talented Wayne Crawford and the evergreen Martin Pickles. In the end An impressive year saw the division 3 What a year for the table tennis club. In they fell short in their challenge for the team recapture the title for a third the calendar year 2015 the club won title, but impressed all season. successive season, whilst the division 2 Divisions 2 (Wayne Crawford) and 3 (Kris and 4 teams challenged strongly. At the Donaghy) singles championships, picked Unfortunately it wasn't possible to field a half-way point in season 2015/16 the A up the Division 3 title, had Zak Wilson team in the top division this season team leads in Division 2 and 3A are in ranked Irish under 18 and under 21 Irish 2015/16 largely because Zak Wilson won a touching distance of the leaders in No 1 and the Irish over 60s and over 70s professional contract playing in Germany. Division 3. No 1 in Martin Pickles. If that wasn't enough Zak Wilson closed the year by Martin Pickles also finished the season in Individual Singles Success taking bronze with Team NI in the top form as Irish No 1 in the over 60s and Kris Donaghy picked up the individual title over 70s categories. in the third tier for 2014/15 and was

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represented in the annual fixture against Ladies' Winter League and Division 3 of The Club’s website the Leinster League along with Maurice the Ladies' Evergreen League. Several of www.civilservicetennis.com is continuing Rooney (Div 2) and John Lockhart (Div 3). our home matches took place in to prove very beneficial in keeping surprisingly good weather, allowing the members up to date with events and Wayne Crawford won the Division 2 players of both teams to enjoy after- promoting/advertising the Club. singles championship for 2015/16 which match supper in the open air! was played mid season for the first time. With a view to retaining its membership The Internal Club Competitions also and attracting new members, the Club Commonwealth Success proved enjoyable and hard-fought. The obviously has to look to the future and to Finally, December saw Zak Wilson, aged Fun Tournaments were well attended. Our benchmark its current facilities against 16; pick up a bronze medal with Team year culminated in a well-attended Dinner those offered by other local Clubs. With Northern Ireland at the Commonwealth and Awards night at the Pavilion in this in mind, it regards the extension of event in India. November 2015. floodlighting to all four courts as an essential way forward. Tennis Club Play is on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons (weather permitting), The Club’s teams fared well in their and prospective new members, respective Divisions of the Belfast and irrespective of age or ability, are always District League, winning Division 2 of the welcome.

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entertainment provided by the host Appendix 3: nation at The Pavilion, Stormont. In total, 37 members attended the event, Competition & 2015 represented the end of the games representing an increase from 25 in 2014. which started way back in 1985 and the At £15.00 per person, the event Events Reports final send off at the Pavilion Complex was represented excellent value for money. a fitting tribute to the success of the Despite the horrific weather, the trip Celtic Games games in terms of providing opportunities provided members and their families with for people from Wales, Ireland and an enjoyable and fun filled day out. 2015 was the turn of Northern Ireland to Scotland to forge friendships that they will NICSSA will certainly be building on the host the Celtic Games, with the Games no doubt retain throughout their lives. success of the trip to Kildare Shopping taking place at The Pavilion, Stormont Village and will return it to the events from Thursday 28th May – Saturday 30th calendar in 2016. May 2015. Around 140 competitors made Kildare Shopping Village the trip from Northern Wales, Scotland 2015 saw the second annual trip to Kildare and the Republic of Ireland to join us in Shopping Village. The event involved

Belfast, competing in a number of sports coach transfers to and from the outlet including football, tag rugby, bowls, cross with coach pickups organised along the country and table tennis. The two day route at Coleraine, Ballymena, Antrim, event was rounded off with a meal and Belfast, Sprucefield and Newry.

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Family Fun Day made their way along the marina to the were trying their hands at activities such water activities. Members took to the as balloon modelling, modroc and t-shirt On Saturday 22nd August 2015, around water on banana boats, canoes and speed printing. In the next room the climbing 122 NICSSA members and their families boats. Eager participants waited patiently walls were lined with participants, eager descended on the Share Centre, Lisnaskea at the side of dock for their turn to get a to get to the top of the walls and abseil for a fantastic day of activities organised ‘soaking’, with the driver of the speed back to the ground. by NICSSA and the Share Centre staff. boat taking particular pleasure in dumping Participants took part in two morning and them in Lough Erne! The children were An enjoyable day was had by all in two afternoon activities. The day began really excited about getting a high speed attendance. An excellent lunch of with everyone gathering in the main hall ride across the Lough and around the sandwiches, fruits and drinks were for registration and for tea / coffee and neighbouring islands. The banana skiers provided by the Share Centre following scones before embarking on the morning were not impressed if they didn’t end up the morning activities and a barbeque of activities. in the water, which played right into the chicken, pork, salads and burgers were

hands of the instructors, who took great ready for everyone in the evening before Once again, the weather was kind to us on pleasure in dumping their passengers into their journeys home. the day, which always adds to the the water! enjoyment of participants. Many of the attendees were still ready to get wet Meanwhile, back on dry land, many of the anyway, as a large number immediately younger children along with their parents

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Learn to Surf that in other cases, they perhaps wouldn’t family and friends took in a very enjoyable get an opportunity to try out. performance of one of the favourite For the fourth successive year, NICSSA pantomimes. Also, on Saturday 5th, there presented members with the opportunity was a group of 29 members taking in a of some surf tuition with Troggs Surf Christmas Pantomimes performance of Little Red Riding Hood in School at the North Coast Watersports Over the Christmas and New Year period, the Market Place Theatre in Armagh. The Centre on East Strand, Portrush on NICSSA provide members with the third and final panto on the day was at Saturday 12th September 2015. For a opportunity to attend a Christmas The Courtyard Theatre at The Mill, Saturday in September, the conditions Pantomime at a special member’s price. Newtownabbey. This is a popular one were perfect for surfing, with a nice The pantomime season kicked off with amongst members, with 40 members and breeze bringing the tide in. The age of the Lucy and the Dream Catcher at The Briad their families attending the performance participants varied from young kids of Arts Centre, Ballymena, with 26 members of Jack and The Beanstalk. Next up, it was around 5 years old, to big kids in their attending this performance. Next on the the turn of the Lyric Theatre in Belfast to 50’s, all there to learn the basics of calendar, there were a number of play host to our members. This is the surfing, great fun was had by young and pantomimes taking place on Saturday 5th biggest pantomime on our calendar, and old! December 2015. First up, it was a trip for 115 members and their families attended our North West members to the Strule the Lyric for Little Red Riding Hood. The This event is an excellent opportunity for Arts Centre in Omagh, for a performance same performance was taking place in members to attend and learn an activity of Sleeping Beauty. Members and their Saturday 12th December in the Riverside

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Theatre in Coleraine, which was attended by 36 members. Musicals and Shows 2016 promises to be an exciting year for 2016 will see the continuation of our shows and musicals, with some massive Christmas Pantomime programme. Grand Opera House and West End Productions such as The Information on all pantomimes will be Millennium Forum Bodyguard, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The released towards the middle of the year, Once again in 2015, the opportunity to Rocky Horror Picture Show and Sister Act so keep your eyes out for the monthly purchase discounted tickets for shows and coming to Northern Ireland. We will NICSSA newsletter for further information. musicals proved popular amongst our continue to offer members the If anyone has any suggestions on new members. The shows on offer to members opportunity to attend these shows, so venues we could introduce, please let one at both the Grand Opera House and keep a look out for what is coming up. of the team know and we will be happy to Millennium Forum included Mamma Mia, look into it. The Sound of Music and Legally Blonde.

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Annual Report & Statement of Accounts 2015

Photograph Index:

Pg 2 picture 1 - Race for Life, The Pavilion, Stormont Pg 5 picture 2 - Dr Malcolm McKibbin, NICSSA President Pg 6 picture 3 - David Ferguson, NICSSA Chairman Pg 9 picture 4 - NICS Rambling Club Pg 12 picture 5 – 2015 Celtic Games, Northern Ireland Pg 14 pictures 6 – Winning Athletes Mindset Workshop Pg 16 picture 7 / 8 – NICS Athletics Club & Red Bull Crashed Ice Pg 22 picture 9 – Activ Health Club Pg 21 picture 10 – Alicia Weir, NICS Bowling Club & Lady Bloomfield Pg 22 picture 11 / 12 – Carol Warke, Causeway Sports Club & Lady Bloomfield / Conor McAnoy, Volunteer of the Year & Gerry Kelly, NICSSA CEO Pg 23 picture 13 – John Deyermond, David Ferguson (NICSSA Chairman), Hannah Cooke & Marty Childs Pg 24 picture 14 – CSNI U15 Cricket Team, Team of the Year. Ivan McMinn, Mark Pollard, James Pollard & Cliff Radcliffe Pg 25 picture 16 - Waterside House Sports Club, Club of the Year, Ciaran McCool & Lynda Sloan Pg 26 picture 17 - Gerry Kelly, NICSSA CEO Pg 29 picture 18 – FindOut Presenting Yourself Successfully Workshop, Lusty Beg

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Annual Report & Statement of Accounts 2015

NICSSA Sport & Leisure The Pavilion Complex, Stormont Estate, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3TA Tel: 028 9052 0404 Fax: 028 9052 2278 Website: www.nicssa.co.uk Email: [email protected]

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