Corals from Rußbach and Gosau (Coniacian- Santonian; Austria)

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Corals from Rußbach and Gosau (Coniacian- Santonian; Austria) Löser / Heinrich / Schuster Corals from Rußbach and Gosau (Coniacian- Santonian; Austria) English abridged version CPress Dresden 2019 Hannes LÖSER Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Geología, Estación Regional del Noroeste Col. Los Arcos, Blvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio 83250 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexiko Matthias HEINRICH, Ulrike SCHUSTER Herpersdorfer Hauptstraße 9a 90542 Eckental, Deutschland Publication date : Juli, 15, 2019 Title Top – Outcrop area Randobach near Pass Gschütt. Mid left – Paractinacis uliae (width 10mm). Mid right – Pachyheterocoenia (width 15mm). Bottom left – ?Carantophyllum (width 10mm). Thin section. Bottom right – Pachygyra (width 20mm). Thin section. Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP - Einheitsaufnahme Corals from Rußbach and Gosau (Coniacian-Santonian; Austria). English abridged version.: Dresden : CPress, 2019. - 117 S. : 99 schwarz-weiß, 2 farb. Abb. ; 272 mm x 192 mm ISBN 978-3-931689-16-2 EAN 9783931689162 It is not allowed to reproduce parts of this document in any form without written permission from the publisher. The distribution of the complete PDF document is allowed without modifying the document or even the document title. Design : CPress Verlag Dresden Preface The corals of the so-called »Gosaukreide« the Hebrew University (Rivka RABINOVICH); form the most species-rich and best-preserved Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien (Irene ZORN); Mesozoic coral association of all. For almost Universität Leipzig (Arnold MÜLLER, Frank 200 years, the coral fauna has been investigated, BACH); Bayerische Staatssammlungen für Ge- with 330 species having been reported, and sev- ologie und Paläontologie München (Winfried eral comprehensive monographs being pub- WERNER, Martin NOSE, Mike REICH); Geolo- lished. Why do we need another treatise about gisches Institut der Universität Tübingen (Ing- this coral fauna? On the one hand, the former mar WERNEBURG, Madeleine BÖHME); Gold- works are obsolete, difficult to read, or simply fussmuseum Bonn (Georg HEUMANN, Sandra insufficiently illustrated. On the other hand, KAISER); Fossilienmuseum Rußbach (Fritz there are no works that may assist with naming SEEWALD). the corals. The German book edition concen- The comparison with tye material of other trates the available data with the aim of helping regions was supported by the Muséum National with the taxonomic classification of fossil cor- d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Didier MERLE, als. Jean Michel PACAUD) and the Museo Geológico In order to register the coral fauna as com- del Seminario in Barcelona (Sebastián CALZA- pletely as possible, extensive re-collection of DA). material was carried out. During 40 field cam- Hagen SAHM (Dresden) loaned us a grinding paigns, approximately three thousand specimens machine. The preparation of thin sections was were collected. In addition, several thousand realised by the Universidad Autónoma de Méxi- specimens in collections were examined. Ap- co, Instituto de Geología, Estación Regional del proximately 800 thin sections were prepared for Noroeste (Aimée ORCÍ) and the laboratory of the this compilation. Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Erlan- We had to limit to a lithostratigraphic level gen-Nürnberg (Birgit LEIPNER-MATA). Gero and a certain area: the Streiteck, Grabenbach MOOSLEITNER (Salzburg) assisted the work and Hochmoos formations in the valleys of with advice and sample material. Numerous stu- Rußbach and Gosau. These areas provided – dents have prepared material and measured coral compared to stratigraphically older (e.g. Turo- dimensions (Carolina HERNÁNDEZ, Mónica nian of St. Gilgen) or younger (e.g. the Cam- OLGUIN, Lucy PUEBLA, Alejandro SAMANIEGO, panian of the Neue Welt area in Niederöster- Fran ZAYAS). Winfried WERNER (München) reich) areas – more and much better preserved was so kind to revise the text of the German material. edition. Michael WAGREICH (Wien) provided Acknowledgements. Access to collection much information about the geology of the study material was provided by the following institu- area and revised the chapter on the geology and tions and individuals: Naturhistorisches Museum stratigraphy. English text correction by Proof- Wien (Alexander LUKENEDER, Thomas NICH- We thank all of you very TERL); National History Museum, Collections of much. Contents Preface ..........................................................................................................................................5 Contents ........................................................................................................................................6 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................8 2 Geology and stratigraphy........................................................................................................... 10 3 Coral morphology ..................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Skeletal elements and organisation..................................................................................... 12 3.2 Septa .................................................................................................................................. 15 3.3 Columella ........................................................................................................................... 22 3.4 Endotheca........................................................................................................................... 23 3.5 Wall, epitheca, coenosteum................................................................................................. 24 3.6 Budding.............................................................................................................................. 25 5 Taxonomy................................................................................................................................. 27 5.1 Classification...................................................................................................................... 27 5.2 Species concept and determination..................................................................................... 29 5.3 Systematic part................................................................................................................... 31 Order Scleractinia Bourne, 1900 ........................................................................................... 33 Superfamily Actinastraeoidea ALLOITEAU, 1952.................................................................... 33 Family Actinastraeidae ALLOITEAU, 1952 ............................................................................. 33 Superfamily Caryophyllioidea DANA, 1846 ........................................................................... 38 Family Caryophylliidae DANA, 1846 ..................................................................................... 38 Superfamily Cladocoroidea MILNE EDWARDS, 1857.............................................................. 39 Family Cladocoridae MILNE EDWARDS, 1857........................................................................ 39 Family Columastraeidae ALLOITEAU, 1952 ........................................................................... 40 Superfamily Cyclolitoidea MILNE EDWARDS & HAIME, 1849 ................................................ 45 Family Cyclolitidae MILNE EDWARDS & HAIME, 1849 .......................................................... 45 Group of the genus Gosaviaraea........................................................................................... 46 Family Negoporitidae ELIÁŠOVÁ, 1995 ................................................................................. 47 Family Synastraeidae ALLOITEAU, 1952................................................................................ 48 Superfamily Eugyroidea ACHIARDI, 1875.............................................................................. 64 Family Eugyridae ACHIARDI, 1875........................................................................................ 64 Superfamily Felixaraeoidea BEAUVAIS, 1982......................................................................... 66 Family Felixaraeidae BEAUVAIS, 1982 .................................................................................. 66 Superfamily Haimesastraeoidae VAUGHAN & WELLS, 1943 .................................................. 69 Family Haimesastraeidae VAUGHAN & WELLS, 1943 ............................................................ 69 Superfamily Haplaraeoidea VAUGHAN & WELLS, 1943......................................................... 69 Family Astraraeidae BEAUVAIS, 1982 ................................................................................... 69 Superfamily Heterocoenioidea OPPENHEIM, 1930 .................................................................. 73 7 Family Agatheliidae BEAUVAIS & BEAUVAIS, 1975 ...............................................................73 Family Carolastraeidae ELIÁŠOVÁ, 1976 ...............................................................................75 Family Heterocoeniidae OPPENHEIM, 1930 ............................................................................76 Superfamily Madreporoidea DANA, 1846 ..............................................................................79 Family Madreporidae DANA, 1846 ........................................................................................79
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