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Shelar et al., J Aquac Res Development 2012, 3:1 l




n Journal of Aquaculture





o t DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000121 J ISSN: 2155-9546 Research & Development

Research Article OpenOpen Access Access Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth of Screw Vallisneria, Linne 1753 Shelar GS*, Dhaker HD, Pathan DI and Shirdhankar MM College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri 415 612, Maharashtra, India

Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the role of different organic manures viz. raw cattle dung, poultry waste and vermicompost on the growth of V. spiralis in the container in open and shadow environmental condition. Experiment was conducted to study the role of different organic manures viz. cattle manure, poultry manure and vermicompost on the growth of V. spiralis in 100 g capacity pot for 28 days. All the manures were applied at the rate of 2 g pot-1. Significant difference was not found among the treatments for water parameters, while significant difference was observed for nutrients of soil. Plastic pools manured with poultry and cattle manure did not show significant difference for final biomass, total length, number of and runners of V. spiralis. It was concluded that the application of cattle manure with soil increase biomass, total length and produced good leaf quality of V. spiralis.

Keywords: Organic manures; Water and soil chemistry; V. spiralis Materials and Methods Introduction Vallisneria spiralis Aquatic refer to any organism living in water that Aquatic freshwater V. spiralis was obtained from Local photosynthesize and complete part or all of their life cycle in or near aquarium shop (Ratnagiri). The identification of plant was carried out the water. Hundreds of fascinating and attractive plants are grown in by using the distinguishing characters given by Riemer [11] and Fassett aquaria for beauty and to maintain water quality. In addition, aquatic [12]. plants provide food, shed, shelter and breeding places to fishes [1,2] Propagation: Plant was propagated by using the runners. The and absorb many harmful nutrients and pollutants from water, as a runners of V. spiralis were cut with scissor and planted in the pot buffer strip. They can significantly impact the assimilation of pollutants containing the soil and sand mixture. The planted pot was kept in the such as nitrogen and phosphorus from water by biological absorption plastic pool (650 L capacity) for future growth of the plants. or physicochemical adsorption [3,4]. Submerged aquatic plants can increase the transparency of water through withholding suspended Runners: A horizontal branch arising from the base of a plant that solids, thereby improving water quality of shallow lakes and ecosystem consisting buds or nodes at its tip that produces new plants are called as runners or stolons, were obtained from wet laboratory, College of stability [4]. Fisheries, Shirgaon, Ratnagiri. V. spiralis, a beautiful submerged with conspicuous transverse darker bands on . Leaves are coiled and float Growing media horizontally beneath the water surface. Leaf colour ranges from light Cattle manure, poultry and vermi compost were used for preparing green in low light to various sheds of reddish to greenish brown in the growing media and their chemical analysis were carried out as higher light intensities. The plant has runners to the base through per the method given in [13]. Soil of laterite form available in college which vegetative propagation takes place [5]. campus was used for the experiment.

V. spiralis was used for maintaining the water quality and to support Seven treatments such as control (T0), cattle dung (T1), poultry the ecosystem in the aquarium. Boyd [6] was among the earlier worker droppings (T2), vermicompost (T3), cattle dung + poultry droppings to demonstrate the potential of aquatic macrophytes in nutrient (1:1) (T4), cattle dropping + vermicompost (1:1) (T5) and poultry droppings + vermicompost (1:1) (T ) were used as manures for growing removal from the water. Bao [7] and Wang et al. [8] found that V. 6 V. spiralis for 28 days with four replicates (Table 1). spiralis can remove the nutrients from static water, and the growth of Vallisneria was affected by the level of nutrients and its environmental factors [9,10]. *Corresponding author: Shelar GS, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri 415612, The trade of ornamental plants in domestic and international Maharashtra, India, E-mail: [email protected] market is increasing. The supply is mainly depend upon wild collection Received January 24, 2012; Accepted February 23, 2012; Published February and may lead to ecological imbalance due to overexploitation. For the 27, 2012 sustainable growth of the trade, it is necessary to intensify the culture Citation: Shelar GS, Dhaker HD, Pathan DI, Shirdhankar MM (2012) Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth of Screw Vallisneria, Vallisneria spiralis techniques of native species. Linne 1753. J Aquac Res Development 3:121 doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000121 Therefore, an attempt was made in the present study to grow V. Copyright: © 2012 Shelar GS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed spiralis by using locally available organic manures in open and shadow under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits un- restricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original environmental conditions. author and source are credited.

J Aquac Res Development ISSN: 2155-9546 JARD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 1 • 1000121 Citation: Shelar GS, Dhaker HD, Pathan DI, Shirdhankar MM (2012) Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth of Screw Vallisneria, Vallisneria spiralis Linne 1753. J Aquac Res Development 3:121 doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000121

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Growth medium Available nitrogen Available phospho- Organic carbon than essential available nitrogen, which may limit nutrient uptake by (%) rus (ppm) (%) plant [15]. Soil and sand mixture 2.3 2.45 0.37 Cattle manure 13.16 11.05 3.70 It was observed that maximum biomass, total length, number of Poultry manure 38.96 197.5 0.6 leaf and runners were observed in the manures which contain high Vermicompost 9.44 193.5 7.15 available nitrogen. Soil texture - Sand: 40%, Silt: 26.67% and Clay: 33.33% The water parameters of the different treatments were Table 1: Chemical parameters of organic manures. recorded and given in Table 3 Preparation of potted plant material Banerjee et al. [16] observed alkaline pH of water after fertilization with cow dung and poultry manure. Singh and Sharma [17] reported The reusable plastic cups of 5.8 cm diameter (85 ml capacity) were slightly higher range of water pH using poultry manure as compared filled with 40 g soil and sand mixture (3:2) to about 2 cm and 2.0 g to cow dung. Similarly, in this study, pH of water increased to become dried manure was added, remaining space of pot was filled with 60.0 alkaline gradually in all the treatments and it was high in poultry g of soil and sand mixture. These pots were used for planting runners manure. Elodea nuttallii and blue green algae increases the pH by of Vallisneria spiralis. The planted pots were placed in circular plastic releasing OH- ions [18-20]. Crossley [21] reported that in Aponogeton pools of 1.2 m diameter and 0.6 m depth were filled with tap water to elongatus aquaria steady increase in water pH up to the end of about 650 L and were weekly topped up with freshwater to maintain experiment. High pH was also found by Ng et al. [22] in the tanks the water level. containing Elodea densa. Sampling In planted tank, Crossley [21] observed that electrical conductivity of water increased slowly and observed between 238-249 µscm-1. Govind The Water parameters analysed were pH, dissolved oxygen, carbon et al. [23] observed differences in specific conductivity of ponds treated dioxide, hardness, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen and nitrite- with different organic manures. Ng et al. [22] reported that specific nitrogen, while soil was analysed for pH, specific conductivity, available conductivity of water decreased due to ornamental aquatic plant, Elodea nitrogen, phosphorous and organic carbon at a weekly interval. densa. In this study, specific conductivity increased initially but gradual Statistical analysis: Standard statistical method such as Completely decreased after second week onwards in all types of manures whereas, Randomized Design (CRD) was used for conducting the experiments. control did not show variation in specific conductivity of water. Data obtained from the experiments was analysed by one- way ANOVA In present study, dissolved oxygen increased in all the treatments [14]. including control due to photosynthesis and there was no significant difference among the treatments. Mccord and Loyacano [24] recorded Results, Discussion and Conclusion high dissolved oxygen level in ponds containing aquatic plant, Eleocharis The growth parameters of the different treatments were re- dulcis. Culley and Epps [25] reported that Duck weed produced oxygen corded and given in Table 2 in pond water. Similarly, results are obtained in the present study. Singh and Sharma [17] reported that oxygen was higher in ponds treated with The growth parameters of V. spiralis are given in Table 2. Maxi- poultry excreta than other organic manures. mum biomass, total length, number of leaf and runners were 946.82 During present study, free carbon dioxide was absent in all the ± ± ± 72.8580, 28.96 + 6.9515, 87.50 4.8391 and 23.75 0.8539 respec- treatments up to the end of the experiment. tively was observed in plant grown with cattle manure and 1026.46 ± 101.7953, 137.55 ± 22.6709, 88.50 ± 2.7538, 20.50 ± 1.1902 for plant Water param- Treatments eters grown with poultry manure, there was no significant difference betwe- T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 en cattle and poultry manure. As poultry manure is not easily available Temperature 27.36± 27.46± 27.44± 27.42± 27.40 ± 27.40± 27.42± and expensive, cattle manure is suggested as good manure for produc- (ºC) .0244 .0400 .0244 .0374 0 .0316 .0374 pH 7.41± 7.56± 7.87± 7.70± 7.56± 7.16± 7.69± tion of V. spiralis. Lower production in other treatments may be due to 0.3682 0.4226 0.5253 0.4637 0.4320 0.2926 0.4388 less quantity of nutrient availability. The growth ofV. spiralis was less in Specific con- 1.08± 0.97± 1.10± 1.12± 0.96± 0.92± 1.01± vermin compost which may be due to its higher organic carbon content ductivity (ms) 0.0323 0.0768 0.0633 0.0337 0.0579 0.0564 0.0400 Dissolved oxy- 6.00± 5.95± 6.28± 5.90± 6.26± 6.34± 6.40± -1 Growth Treatments gen (mgL ) 0.9985 0.8962 0.9578 0.8165 0.9239 0.9293 0.8854 Param- T T T T T T T Free Carbon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 eters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 dioxide (mgL-1) Number of 5.00 ± 23.75± 20.50± 16.25± 14.00± 15.00± 16.50± Total alkalinity 41.80± 43.00± 47.40± 43.40± 44.80± 43.20± 46.20± Runners 0.4082 0.8539 1.1902 0.7500 1.0801 1.6833 0.6455 (mgL-1) .8602 .7071 .0640 .2884 .4967 .8000 .5297 Biomass 404.18± 946.82± 1026.46± 426.34± 271.48± 600.40± 651.75± Total hardness 77.00± 80.00± 78.00± 74.20± 72.80± 72.80± 73.20± (%) 25.9802 72.8580 101.7953 31.0982 103.0461 82.8494 42.8330 (mgL-1) .9235 .3038 .1402 .4980 .5179 .2156 .6721 Total 8.67 ± 28.96± 137.55± 27.31± 33.31± 103.51± 76.65± Ammonia-nitro- 0.03± 0.06± 0.11± 0.06± 0.06± 0.03± 0.08± length (%) 1.2736 6.9515 22.6709 8.6084 8.4708 21.1279 10.8047 gen (mgL-1) 0.0088 0.0259 0.0514 0.0267 0.0259 0.0125 0.0285 Total leaf 31.25 ± 87.50 ± 88.50 ± 81.50 ± 52.00 ± 52.50 ± 85.75 ± Nitrate-nitrogen 0.01± 0.03± 0.06± 0.04± 0.04± 0.03± 0.05± number 9.2770 4.8391 2.7538 8.9675 7.3824 3.5707 3.4731 (mgL-1) 0.0012 0.0031 0.0167 0.0106 0.0092 0.0055 0.0131 Leaf width 0.45 ± 0.53 ± 0.53 ± 0.50 ± 0.53 ± 0.48 ± 0.50 ± Nitrite- 0.01± 0.02± 0.03± 0.02± 0.02± 0.02± 0.02± (cm) 0.0289 0.0250 0.0250 0.0408 0.0479 0.0250 0.0408 nitrogen(mgL-1) 0.0017 0.0014 0.0022 0.0014 0.0014 0.0019 0.0014 Table 2: Growth parameters of V. spiralis grown in different organic manures for Table 3: Water parameters of V. spiralis grown in different organic manures for 28 days. 28 days.

J Aquac Res Development ISSN: 2155-9546 JARD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 1 • 1000121 Citation: Shelar GS, Dhaker HD, Pathan DI, Shirdhankar MM (2012) Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth of Screw Vallisneria, Vallisneria spiralis Linne 1753. J Aquac Res Development 3:121 doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000121

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During the present study, total alkalinity gradually increased up to Banerjea [33] reported that available phosphorus content in soil was 28 days. The range of total alkalinity was 38 – 56 mgL-1 and highest important for aquatic productivity. Khandagale [unpublished] recorded value was observed in poultry manure. Ng et al. [22] reported increased that the values of soil available phosphorus was ranged between 0.22 in total alkalinity in Elodea densa tanks. to 0.969 mg kg-1 soil and highest was observed in chicken manure. In present study, soil available phosphorus was in the range of 3 – 12.5 Ng et al. [22] reported low total hardness due to Elodea densa. ppm and highest was observed in combination of vermicompost and Watten and Busch [26] reported low hardness in hydroponics system. poultry manure. In the present study, the total hardness decreased gradually in all the treatments and did not show significant difference among the Banerjea [33] suggested organic carbon content of soils below 0.5% treatments. indicated as poor productive. Mishra et al. [35] recorded values of organic carbon ranged between 0.25 to 0.8%. Khandagale [unpublished] An aquatic plant reduces ammonia by direct absorption [27,28]. recorded the values of organic carbon were ranged between 0.39 to Abissy and Mandi [29] reported that ammonia may be reduced by 2.26% and the highest was observed in the poultry manure. In present Typha and Juncus in the culture system. Toetz [30] suggested that study, organic carbon of soil was in the range of 0.25 – 4.49 % and ammonia nitrogen of water was reduced by the aquatic plants. Similar highest value was observed in vermincompost, as it already has high results were obtained during the present study, the range of ammonia- organic carbon as compared to other organic manures. nitrogen was 0.003 to 0.276 mgL-1 and highest value (0.276 mgL-1) was It was concluded that the application of cattle manure at the rate of observed in poultry manure, which may be due to high pH. 2 g per 100g capacity pot for 28 days with soil increase biomass, total Govind et al. [23] reported variation in values of nitrate-nitrogen length and produced good leaf quality of V. spiralis. among the organic manures. In Elodea densa cultured tanks, minimum It was concluded that the application of cattle manure at the rate level of nitrate-nitrogen was observed by Ng et al. [22]. Aquatic plants of 2 g per 100 g soil increases biomass, total length and produced good such as Vallisneria spp. and Cryptocoryne reduced nitrate level in culture quality of V. spiralis. tanks [31]. During the present investigation, range of nitrate-nitrogen varied between 0.01 to 0.13 mgL-1. Acknowledgments

-1 I wish to thank authorities of Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Agricultural During the present study, highest nitrite- nitrogen (0.031 mgL ) was University, Dapoli for providing me all the necessary facilities at College of observed in poultry manure. Ng et al. [22] observed maximum uptake Fisheries, Ratnagiri. of nitrite in Elodea densa culture tanks. Subosa [32] recorded values of References nitrite-nitrogen in the range of 0.18 to 0.23 µg-at L-1 and did not found significant difference. It is evident that the absorption capacity differs as 1. Madsen TV, Enevoldsen HO, Jorgensen TB (1993) Effects of water velocity on photosynthesis and dark respiration in submerged stream macrophytes. Plant, per aquatic plant. Cell and Environ 16: 317-322. The soil parameters of the different treatments were recorded 2. Doyle RD, Smart RM (1995) “Competitive interactions of native plants with nuisance species in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama.” Proceedings, 29th and given in Table 4 annual meeting, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. Miscellaneous Paper A-95-3, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, In the present study, values of soil pH ranged between 6.3 to 8.8 MS, 237-242. and the highest value was observed in treatment with poultry manure. 3. Eriksson PG, Weisner SWB (1999) An experimental study of effects of Subosa [32] observed pH values increased gradually to slightly alkaline submersed macrophytes on nitrification and denitrification in ammonia-rich levels in composted agricultural and industrial wastes. aquatic systems. Limnol Oceanogr 44: 1993-1999. Nitrogen is important nutrient as it indicates productivity of the 4. Haseeb Md. Irfanullah, Brian Moss (2004) Factors influencing the return of submerged plants to a clear-water, shallow temperate lake. Aquat Bot 80: 177- soil. After decomposition of organic matter nitrogen subsequently 191. converted into soluble nitrate form, which is used by submerged rooted plants. Banerjea [33] concluded that available nitrogen content of soil 5. Roe CD (1967) A Manual of Aquarium Plants. Shirley Aquatics, Ltd. in the range of 50-75 mg 100g-1 was more favourable. In the present 6. Boyd CE (1976) Accumulation of dry matter, nitrogen and phosphorus by study, available nitrogen of soil was in the range of 0.056 to 0.70% and cultivated water hyacinth. Economic Bot 30: 51-56. highest was observed in poultry manure due to high nitrogen content 7. Bao Xian-ning, Chen Kai-ning, Fan CX (2006) Effects on nitrogen and present in poultry manure as compared to other manures. However, phosphorus distribution in interstitial water and sediment-water nitrogen and phosphorus release with growing of submerged macrophytes. J Lake Sci 18: plant’s nitrogen absorption and accumulation was often affected by the 515-522. environmental conditions and nutrient concentrations [34]. 8. Wang C, Zhang SH, Wang PF, Hou J, Li W, et al. (2008) Metabolic adaptations to ammonia-induced oxidative stress in shoots of the submerged macrophyte Soil parameters Treatments Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara. Aquat Toxicol 87: 88-98. T T T T T T T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9. Ma JM, Jin TX, Jin P, Chen SP, He F, et al (2007) Responses of Elodea nuttallii pH 6.72± 7.56± 7.98± 7.80± 7.72± 7.74± 7.76± and Vallisneria natans to the Stress of Nitrate. J Henan Normal University 0.1393 0.3265 0.4598 0.4147 0.3992 0.3829 0.3868 (Natural Science) 35: 115-118. Available nitro- 0.11± 0.38± 0.47± 0.35± 0.34± 0.37± 0.34± gen (%) 0.0387 0.0389 0.0789 0.0344 0.0315 0.0401 0.0336 10. Wen MZ, Li KY, Wang CH (2008) Effects of Nutrient Level on Growth of Available phos- 4.86± 5.46± 7.20± 7.20± 8.56± 7.30± 7.80± Vallisneria natans in Water. Res Environ Sci 21: 74-77. phorus (ppm) 0.7679 0.8495 1.1683 1.3472 1.6639 1.2309 1.5540 11. Riemer DN (1984) Introduction to freshwater vegetation, AVI publishing Organic carbon 0.49± 1.64± 0.79± 3.80± 0.72± 0.77± 3.34± company, west port, USA. (%) 0.0375 0.2561 0.2289 0.2511 0.1346 0.1802 0.2501 12. Fassett NC (1997) A manual of aquatic plants, Allied Scientific Publishers, India. Table 4: Soil Parameters of V. spiralis grown in different organic manures for 28 days 13. Jackson HL (1967) Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, India.

J Aquac Res Development ISSN: 2155-9546 JARD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 1 • 1000121 Citation: Shelar GS, Dhaker HD, Pathan DI, Shirdhankar MM (2012) Effect of Different Organic Manures on the Growth of Screw Vallisneria, Vallisneria spiralis Linne 1753. J Aquac Res Development 3:121 doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000121

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J Aquac Res Development ISSN: 2155-9546 JARD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 1 • 1000121