National and Study Abroad Meet the Study Abroad Office

Blair McElroy Jasmine Karlowski

- Asia, MENA, Critical Language Locations - Latin America, Caribbean, Spain

Brad Noel Casey Nelson

- Europe (Italy, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, and others) - UK, Ireland, Africa, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand

Roc Cook Maggie Fugate

- Europe (France, Germany, Scandinavia, and others) - International Student Advisor (incoming)

Ann Piccione Peer Advisors: Eumetria Jones, Emma Gardner, and Katy Land

- Administrative Coordinator National Scholarships - Fulbright

Fulbright Awards ○ Open Study/Research Awards ■ Traditional student Fulbright award ■ Applicants design their own projects ○ English Teaching Assistant ■ Fulbrighters are placed in classrooms to assist English language teachers ■ Cultural ambassadors ■ Applicants select one country for application from the available areas ○ Fulbright-Fogarty Awards in Public Health ■ Encourage research in public health and clinical research in resource-limited locations ■ Eligible students: medical school students or graduate students interested in public/global health ○ Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship ■ Applicants must be selected for a Study/Research Award ○ Critical Language Enhancement Award ■ Applicants must be selected for a Study/Research Award (or ETA in some cases) ■ 3 - 6 months of critical language training during their Fulbright award ○ Tutorials ○ Deadlines Vary ○ Funding amounts vary by country National Scholarships - Critical Language

● Critical Language Scholarship Program: The CLS Program ○ Fully funded summer study of a critical language ○ YouTube CLS Session ○ Deadline in November each year National Scholarships - Boren Awards

Boren Scholarship ● Funds study abroad by US undergraduates Two Types of Eligible Programs in world regions critical to US interests ● Flagship Language Initiatives ● Funding amounts vary ○ African Languages ○ Maximum awards are dependent ○ South Asian Languages upon duration abroad (up to $20,000 ○ Indonesian for 25 - 52 weeks) ○ Turkish ● Service Requirement - commitment to one ● Self-Designed Programs year in an internationally focused position

Deadlines Boren Fellowship ● January/February each year (Varies) ● Funds research and language study proposals by US graduate students in world Boren Website regions critical to US interests ● Funding amounts vary ○ Maximum awards are dependent upon duration abroad (up to $24,000 for 37 - 52 weeks) ● Service Requirement - commitment to one year in an internationally focused position Office of National Scholarship Advisement Dr. Vivian Ibrahim [email protected] Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Online Appointment Scheduler:

Churchill Scholarship Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans DAAD Gates-Cambridge Scholarship Schwarzman Scholars Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Goldwater Scholarship

Marshall Scholarship Truman Scholarship

Mitchell Scholarship Udall Scholarship Study Abroad Scholarships - Finding Scholarships Institutional Scholarships for Study Abroad

● Susan Scott Scholarship ● Study Abroad Correspondent Scholarship ● Sue Knox Weakley Scholarship ● Honors College Fellowships ● McDonnell Endowment Scholarships (Inquire at the Department of Classics) ● Travel Grants

● Passport Scholarship - participation in study abroad is not required Other Scholarships!

● Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship ○ Pell-eligible students - March 3 Deadline! ● Gilman-McCain Scholarship ○ Children of active duty service members ● Boren Awards ● Fulbright ● Critical Language Scholarship ● Diversity Abroad Scholarships ● Phi Kappa Phi ○ Membership is not required ● Freeman-Asia ○ For study in Asia ● Rotary International ○ Funding often depends on local chapter ● Alpha Lambda Delta Stemler Scholarship ○ Must be a member ● Fund for Education Abroad Location, Program, and Major-Specific Scholarships

Japan - JASSO, Bridging, Watanabe, Freeman-Asia, Blakemore

Germany - DAAD

Poland - Kosciusko Scholarship

United Kingdom - Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Order Sons and Daughters of Italy

Affiliate Scholarships! - Travel grants, merit- and need-based aid

Classics Majors, German language students

Links to each scholarship available at Financial Aid and Scholarships

Existing financial aid and scholarships apply to UM-Programs in most cases

Airfare can be billed to the Bursar Account

Mississippi residents receiving MTAG, MESG may need to earn 15 hours for a semester

Cost of Attendance increases for a study abroad program, allowing additional access to aid Deadlines and More

Research early and often

Some deadlines are VERY early (January prior to an August start date!)

Not every scholarship is listed on the Study Abroad site - Use online databases for even more opportunities - FastWeb - - Questions?
