Aalborg Universitet

A CNN-Based Approach to Identification of Degradations in Speech Signals

Saishu, Yuki; Poorjam, Amir Hossein; Christensen, Mads Græsbøll

Published in: Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing

DOI (link to publication from Publisher): 10.1186/s13636-021-00198-4

Publication date: 2021

Document Version Accepted author manuscript, peer reviewed version

Link to publication from Aalborg University

Citation for published version (APA): Saishu, Y., Poorjam, A. H., & Christensen, M. G. (2021). A CNN-Based Approach to Identification of Degradations in Speech Signals. Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2021(1), 1-10. [9]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-021-00198-4

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RESEARCH A CNN-Based Approach to Identification of Degradations in Speech Signals

Yuki Saishu1, Amir Hossein Poorjam1,2* and Mads Græsbøll Christensen1

Abstract The presence of degradations in speech signals, which causes acoustic mismatch between training and operating conditions, deteriorates the performance of many speech-based systems. A variety of enhancement techniques have been developed to compensate the acoustic mismatch in speech-based applications. To apply these signal enhancement techniques, however, it is necessary to know prior information about the presence and the type of degradations in speech signals. In this paper, we propose a new convolutional neural network (CNN)-based approach to automatically identify the major types of degradations commonly encountered in speech-based applications, namely additive noise, nonlinear distortion, and . In this approach, a set of parallel CNNs, each detecting a certain degradation type, is applied to the log-mel spectrogram of audio signals. Experimental results using two different speech types, namely pathological voice and normal running speech, show the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting the presence and the type of degradations in speech signals which outperforms the state-of-the-art method. Using the score weighted class activation mapping, we provide a visual analysis of how the network makes decision for identifying different types of degradation in speech signals by highlighting the regions of the log-mel spectrogram which are more influential to the target degradation. Keywords: Signal enhancement; Convolutional neural network; Identification of degradation; Quality control; Visualization

1 Introduction modeled as follows: Advances in portable devices such as smartphones and tablets, that are equipped with high-quality micro- xn(t) = s(t) + e(t), (1) phones, facilitate capturing and processing speech sig- xr(t) = s(t) ∗ h(t), (2) nals in a wide range of environments. However, the x t ψ s t , (3) quality of the recordings is not necessarily as expected, d( ) = ( ( )) as they might be subject to degradation. In prac- where t is the time index, s t is the clean speech sig- tice, the presence of degradation during the operat- ( ) nal recorded by a microphone in a noise-free and non- ing time can deteriorate the performance of speech- reverberant environment, e t is an additive noise, ψ based systems, such as speech recognition [1], speaker ( ) represents a nonlinear function, h t is a room impulse identification [2], pathological voice analysis (assess- ( ) response (RIR), and the indicates the convolution ment of voice signal of a speaker with a voice disorder) ∗ operation. We note that in reality, these degradations [3,4], mainly due to acoustic mismatch between train- are even more complex. For example, they may be ing and operating conditions. The most common types time-dependent. A variety of effective signal enhance- of degradation typically encountered in speech-based ment techniques have been developed to enhance a de- applications are background noise, reverberation, and graded speech signal such as noise reduction [5,6], nonlinear distortion. dereverberation [7,8], and restoration of some types A speech signal degraded by additive noise, rever- of nonlinear distortion [9, 10]. Most of these enhance- beration, and nonlinear distortion can be, respectively, ment algorithms have been designed to deal with a *Correspondence: [email protected] specific type of degradation in a signal, although re- 1 Audio Analysis Lab, CREATE, Aalborg University, Rendsburggade 14, cent research in comprehensive speech enhancement, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Full list of author information is available at the end of the article dealing with both additive noise and reverberation, is Saishu et al. Page 2 of 10

promising [11, 12, 13]. Nevertheless, to properly com- meeting all requirements at the same time might not pensate for the effects of degradations, it is necessary be feasible in some cases. to know or obtain information about the presence and As an alternative solution, Poorjam et al. proposed a the type of degradations in speech signals. Since man- data-driven approach which uses a set of parallel Gaus- ual inspection of the signals is very time consuming, sian mixture models (GMMs) to detect three types costly, and even impossible in many speech-based ap- of degradation in pathological voice signals, namely plications, an accurate degradation detection system background noise, reverberation, and nonlinear distor- would be useful to automatically identify the presence tion [4]. All detectors in this approach are similar in and type of degradations. terms of the complexity, underlying assumptions, and There are a variety of approaches to identify dif- the acoustic features except that they are trained using ferent types of degradation in speech signals. For ex- different degraded signals. This approach is focused on ample, Ma et al. in [14] proposed a hidden Markov pathological voices and, particularly, on the sustained model based approach to distinguish different types of vowels. noise in speech signals. In another study by Desmond In this paper, we propose a more accurate convo- et al. [15], the reverberant signals are detected us- lutional neural network (CNN)-based approach which ing a channel-specific statistical model. In [16, 17], can identify degradations not only in sustained vowels, clipping in speech signals, as an example of nonlin- but also in normal running speech. CNNs are computa- ear distortion, is detected. Although effective, these tionally efficient deep neural networks that are able to approaches are focused on detecting a single, specific learn complex patterns in the spectrogram of a speech type of degradation. The use of a multiclass classifi- signal. In this approach, we apply a set of parallel cation, on the other hand, can be used to detect dif- CNNs to the log-mel spectrograms of the signals. Each ferent types of degradations. In [18, 19], Poorjam et CNN model, trained with signals corrupted by a spe- al. proposed two generalized multiclass classification- cific degradation type, is responsible for detecting the based approaches detecting various types of degrada- corresponding degradation in a test signal. The pre- tion, which investigated only on pathological voice sig- diction scores of an unseen test sample can be used to nals and the accuracy was still inadequate. Moreover, associate multiple degradation labels to an observation there is no control over the class assignment in these and can be interpreted as the degree of contribution approaches when a new type of degradation is observed of each degradation in a degraded signal. Moreover, for which the classifier has not been trained. For exam- using the score class activation mapping (score-CAM) ple, clipping, packet-loss, dynamic range compression, technique [20], we visually explain on what basis the automatic gain control, and distortions due to using CNN models make a specific decision in detecting dif- low quality or improperly configured equipment are ferent types of degradation by finding the regions in considered as new types of degradation for a multi- the mel-scale spectrograms of a degraded signal that class classifier trained only with noisy and reverberant are most influential to the scores of the target class. In signals. this technique, different activation maps are applied to To overcome the limitations of the multiclass-based the input spectrogram, each perturbing a region of the approaches, one can use a multilable classification ap- spectrogram. Then, the effect of each activation map proach in which more than one class labels may be on the prediction scores is observed. The importance assigned to each sample. Compared to the multiclass- of each activation map is determined by the predic- based methods, this approach can better deal with tion score on the target class. Finally, a saliency map some challenging cases such as the presence of a new is generated by a weighted linear combination of all ac- degradation type and when more than one degrada- tivation maps to visualize the internal representation tion coexists. In the former case, the sample may be in a CNN [20]. Since this technique does not require classified as none of the target classes. In the latter any modifications to the architecture of the network, case, more than one detector can accept a signal sub- it can be applied to a wide variety of CNN models. ject to a mixture of degradations. One possible solu- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- tion is to integrate the existing algorithms, developed tion2, we formulate the problem of automatic degra- for detecting each type of degradation, into a unified dation detection, and describe the proposed approach. framework and consider each subsystem as a detector The experimental setup is explained in Section3. In to make a decision about a signal. However, algorithms Section4, we present and discuss about the results. that are independently developed may make very dif- The paper ends with conclusions in Section5. ferent assumptions and may have diverse requirements that could occasionally be conflicting. Thus, integrat- ing them into a framework is very challenging, and Saishu et al. Page 3 of 10

2 System Description 2.1 Problem Formulation In the problem of degradation detection in speech signals, we are given a set of training data Λ = N k th {xn, yn,d}n=1, where xn ∈ R denotes the n obser- vation of k dimension. Depending on the system and the level of processing, this could represent acoustic features of an audio signal or a frame of a signal. For example, in the proposed system, introduced in Sec- tion 2.2, xn represents the log-mel spectrogram of the nth audio signal, and in the baseline system, described in Section 2.3, it is the mel- cepstral coeffi- th cients of the n frame of a signal. yn,d ∈ {0, 1} denotes whether the nth observation belongs to a degradation class d. N is the total number of training samples. The Figure 1 The architecture of CNN models of different number goal is to approximate a binary classifier function gd of convolutional layers. for each degradation type d, such that for an observa- tion not in the training data, xtest, the probability of the test sample classified in the correct class is max- As the acoustic feature, we use the log-mel spectro- imized. In other words, the estimated degradation la- gram of size 300 frames × 40 mel bins, calculated by bel,y ˆd = gd(xtest), fory ˆd ∈ [0, 1], is as close as possible taking the logarithm of the output of a mel-scale fil- to the true label. ter bank applied to the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of a signal. The log-mel spectrogram is a popu- 2.2 The Proposed Method lar signal parametrization technique in many audio ap- In our proposed method, we use a set of parallel plications using deep neural networks which provides CNNs to approximate the functions gd. Each CNN, an efficient, perceptually relevant, 2-dimensional rep- inspired by VGGNet [21], consists of several convolu- resentation of an audio signal. Compared to the STFT, tional blocks, and each block consists of several con- the log-mel spectrogram provides a less redundant rep- volutional layers with kernel size of 3 × 3. As shown resentation of an audio signal and allows CNNs to in Fig.1, we propose 5 different CNN architectures learn with a smaller number of training data. The deci- for each detector to investigate the optimal architec- bel scaling is motivated by the human perception of ture for degradation detection problem. The numbers loudness [23] and has shown to provide a better dis- in front of “Conv” in each layer show the number of criminability compared to the linear version [24]. The feature maps. The CNN32, which has 28,807 parame- resulting log-mel spectrogram together with the first- ters to train, consists of one convolutional block of 3 and second-order derivatives is used as the input fea- layers. The CNN64, with 120,423 parameters, consists ture to the CNN. of a 2-layer and a 3-layer convolutional blocks. The We use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to mini- CNN128 comprises two 2-layer and one 3-layer con- mize the binary cross-entropy for each classifier that is volutional blocks. The number of parameters of this defined as: network is 469,543. In CNN256, there are two 2-layer and two 3-layer blocks and has 1,979,175 parameters. 1 N Ld = − Q Œyn,d ln(gd(xn))+(1−yn,d) ln(1−gd(xn))‘, Finally, the CNN512, which consists of 7,947,559 pa- N n=1 rameters, is made of three 2-layer and two 3-layer (4) blocks. In Fig.2, the architecture of CNN128 is il- lustrated in more detail. To connect the convolutional where gd(xn) ∈ [0, 1] is the output score of the CNN layers, we employ batch normalization (BN) and rec- trained to identify a specific type of degradation, and tified linear unit (ReLU). BN permits a deep neural yn,d ∈ {0, 1} is the true degradation label. network to learn with larger learning rates which fa- The decision for the test observation is made by set- cilitates quicker convergence and better generalization ting a threshold over the output scores of each CNN. [22]. The output layer consists of two dense layers— This way, if a test sample is subject to a new type of also known as the fully connected layers—that are con- degradation, we expect it to be rejected by all CNNs nected to the last convolutional layer by a global av- based on a pre-defined threshold. Moreover, if an ob- erage pooling. We use a sigmoid activation function in servation is subject to more than one type of degrada- the output layer to produce a score in a range [0, 1]. tion, we expect that the output score of more than one Saishu et al. Page 4 of 10

Input where the N is the total number of time-frames, the (Mel-scale spectrogram) λubm and the λd are the parameters of the UBM and the degradation-dependent GMMs, respectively, and p x λ is the Gaussian probability density function. Conv 32 ( nS ) The identification is made by setting a threshold over Conv 32 the scores. Pooling BN 3 × 3 conv × 64 Conv 64 3 Experimental Setup ReLU Conv 64 3.1 Data sets Pooling Our approach can be applied to any type of speech, such as normal running speech, whispered speech, Conv 128 emotional speech, sustained vowel phonation, and Conv 128 singing voice. In this study we consider two types of Conv 128 speech, namely pathological voice and normal run- Global average Pooling ning speech, to evaluate the performance of the pro- posed method. For the pathological voice, we used the Dense 256 mPower mobile Parkinson’s disease (MMPD) data set Dense 1 [25] which includes more than 65,000 voice samples Sigmoid of 10 seconds sustained phonations of the vowel /a/ recorded at 44.1 kHz sampling frequency by PD pa- Output tients and healthy speakers. This data set has been (Between 0-1) selected because most PD patients suffer from some Figure 2 The architecture of the CNN models used in the proposed degradation detection approach. form of vocal disorders [26]. Moreover, since sustained vowel phonations provide a simple acoustic structure to characterize the glottal source and resonant struc- CNN to be above the threshold. It should be noted that ture of the vocal tract [27], they are considered as the since the selection of an optimal decision threshold de- main voice material for analysis of pathological voice pends on the application, in this study, we consider the caused by a range of medical disorders. For the normal soft scores and use a threshold-independent metric, in- running speech, we used an English speech database troduced in Section 3.4, to evaluate the performance published by the Center for Speech Technology Re- of the proposed system. search at University of Edinburgh [28]. The samples of this database were recorded at 48 kHz. 2.3 Baseline System Pathological Voice: To prepare data for degrada- As a baseline system, with which we compare our pro- tion detection experiments in pathological voices, we posed system, we use the Gaussian mixture model- randomly selected 9,000 samples from the MMPD data universal background model (GMM-UBM) degrada- set, and divided them into 5 equal groups of 1,800 sam- tion detection approach proposed in [4]. In this ap- ples. The recordings of the first group were degraded proach, a set of parallel GMMs, fitted to the frames by six different types of additive noise, namely bab- of the speech signals in the mel-frequency cepstral ble, street, restaurant, office, white Gaussian, and wind coefficient (MFCC) domain, is used to detect differ- noises [1] under different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ent types of degradation. The training phase consists conditions ranging from -10 dB to 20 dB. The noise of two steps: 1) training a degradation-independent signals were resampled to 44.1 kHz before being added GMM with a very large amount of training data from to the voice signals. To reduce the probability of ob- various degradation classes, referred to as the UBM; serving signals degraded by exactly the same noise and 2) training a set of degradation-dependent GMMs segments in both training and evaluation subsets, we by adapting the parameters of the UBM using the added a random segment of a noise file to each clean corresponding training data. For evaluation, the iden- signal. tification score of a certain type of degradation, d, [1] and time-sequence input, X x ,..., x ,..., x , is The babble, restaurant and street noise files were taken from = ( 1 n N ) https://www.soundjay.com, the office noise was taken from computed by the following equation: https://freesound.org/people/DavidFrbr/sounds/327497, the white noise was taken from https://www.audiocheck. , and the wind noise was σd = gd(X) net/testtones_whitenoise.php taken from https://www.iks.rwth-aachen.de/forschung/ 1 N N (5) tools-downloads/databases/wind-noise-database. = ŒQ log p(xnSλd) − Q log p(xnSλubm)‘ , N n=1 n=1 Saishu et al. Page 5 of 10

The recordings of the second group were filtered by 3.2 Acoustic Features 46 real room impulse responses (RIRs) of the AIR We normalized the signals by subtracting the mean database [29], measured with a mock-up phone in and dividing by the absolute maximum amplitude. hand-held and hands-free positions in various realis- Then, for the input to the CNNs, we segmented a sig- tic indoor environments, such as a meeting room, a nal into frames of 30 ms with 10 ms overlap using a corridor, a lecture room, an office, a stairway, and a Hamming window. Then, for each frame of a signal, we kitchen, to produce reverberant samples. The rever- computed 40 channels log-mel spectrogram together beration time of the RIRs, RT60, defined as the time with the first and second derivatives. it takes for a switched-off to decay by 60 dB As the input to the GMM-UBM system, we used [30], ranges from 390 ms to 1.47 s. The direct to re- MFCCs computed by using a 30 ms Hamming win- verberant energy ratio of the RIRs ranges from 4.35 dow with 10 ms overlap, and a 27 channel mel-scale dB to 12.28 dB. The RIRs were resampled to 44.1 kHz filter bank. For each frame of a signal, 13 coefficients, prior to convolution. including the log-energy of the frame, along with the The samples of the third group were distorted by ei- first and second derivatives of the MFCCs have been ther clipping, coding, or clipping followed by coding calculated to form a 39-dimensional feature vector. We as an example of nonlinear distortion. The clipping used the same values for the parameters of the baseline level, defined as a proportion of the peak absolute sig- system as were used in [4] to reproduce their results. nal amplitude to which the sample values greater than this threshold are limited, was set to 0.3, 0.5, or 0.7, 3.3 Configuration Parameters and we used 9.6 kbps and 16 kbps code-excited linear All CNN networks in our experiments were trained prediction (CELP) codecs [31]. 20 epochs by using SGD to minimize the binary-cross- We used the fourth group for a combination of addi- entropy loss function defined in equation (4). The mag- tive noise and reverberation, in which a voice sample nitude of the random fluctuations in the SGD dynam- was filtered by a RIR and added to a noisy signal that ics is represented by the noise scale, ρ, which is pro- was also convolved with a RIR. The noisy signals in portional to the speed of convergence and defined as this case are degraded by indoor environment noises [34]: such as babble, restaurant, and office noise under 0 dB, 5 dB, or 10 dB SNR conditions. The reason for  N N choosing this subset is to evaluate whether a signal, ρ 1 , N B , (6) = 1 ν ‹ B −  ≈ B 1 ν ( ≫ ) in which both noise and reverberation coexist, can be − ( − ) detected by both noise and reverberant detectors. The where N is the number of training samples,  is the fifth group was used without any processing and con- learning rate, B is the batch size, and ν is the momen- sidered as the clean class. tum of the SGD. In our experiments, the batch size in Normal Running Speech: To prepare samples for each epoch, and the momentum of SGD were set to 64, noisy and noisy-reverberant classes in normal speech, and 0.9, respectively. We also exponentially decreased we used the clean and noisy parallel speech data set the learning rate from 0.01 to 0.0001 from one epoch (NS) [28], and clean and noisy-reverberant speech data to another. set (NRS) [32], respectively. For the baseline system, the number of mixture com- In the NS data set, clean speech signals, recorded by ponents is set to 1024 according to [4]. 28 gender-balanced speakers, were subject to 10 differ- ent noises obtained from the DEMAND database [33] 3.4 Performance Metric at 0 dB, 5 dB, 10 dB, and 15 dB SNRs. From the clean subset of this data set, we randomly selected 1,800 To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, samples for the clean class, and 1,800 non-overlapping we used the area under the receiver operating charac- samples from the noisy subset for the noisy class. teristic (ROC) curve (AUC). In the ROC curve, the In the NRS database, the noisy reverberant speech true positive rate is plotted against the false positive is created by convolving a clean signal with a RIR and rate for different decision thresholds of the scores. The adding it to a noisy signal that was also convolved with AUC summarizes the ROC curve into a single number a room impulse response. Thus, we randomly selected facilitating an easier comparison between different sys- 1,800 samples for the noisy-reverberant class. To pre- tems regardless of the decision threshold which is an pare data for the reverberant and nonlinear distortion application- and user-dependent parameter. The AUC classes, we selected two disjoint subsets of 1,800 sam- value equals to 0.5 represents a chance level perfor- ples from the clean part of the data set, and degraded mance, while the AUC equals to 1 means a perfect them in a similar way as for creating reverberant and separation of the classes. nonlinear distortion classes for the pathological voices. Saishu et al. Page 6 of 10

Table 1 Comparison between the performance of different CNN architectures on the pathological voice data set in the form mean AUC±95% confidence interval. The bold-faced numbers represent the best performance. Detectors CNN32 CNN64 CNN128 CNN256 CNN512 Noise 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 Distortion 0.98±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.99±0.00 0.98±0.01 0.98±0.01 Reverberation 0.90±0.01 0.91±0.01 0.93±0.01 0.91±0.01 0.89±0.01

Table 2 The performance of the CNN128 system when no parameters were shared across detectors, and when the reduce the risk of overfitting. Considering the number parameters in some layers were shared. The results are in the form of parameters of each model, mentioned in Section 2.2, ± mean AUC 95% confidence interval. and since the CNN128 outperforms others in identi- Independent Training Sharing Parameters Detectors (First Approach) (Second Approach) fication of distortion and reverberation and has the Noise 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 most balanced complexity and accuracy for our appli- Distortion 0.99±0.00 0.98±0.01 cation, we choose this architecture for the remaining Reverberation 0.93±0.01 0.88±0.01 experiments. Once the optimal CNN architecture is selected, we can impartially compare the performance of the pro- 4 Results and Discussion posed system with the baseline. As explained in Sec- CNN is a complex, nonlinear transformer which can tion 2.3, the training phase in the baseline system provide a rich variation of expressions of the input consists of two steps, namely training a UBM with a through the layers. By increasing the number of pa- large number of training samples from different degra- rameters, a better expression of the input can typi- dation classes, and adapting degradation-dependent cally be achieved at the expense of increasing the risk models with the corresponding training samples. For of overfitting as the model can memorize specific de- training the UBM, we used 8,000 samples (1,600 sam- tails of the training data. Therefore, we first conduct ples from each class). The remaining 1,000 samples an experiment to choose the optimal CNN architecture (200 samples from each class) were used for adapt- for the degradation detection problem and use it for ing and evaluating the degradation-dependent GMMs. the rest of the experiments. Then, after comparing the To provide a fair comparison between the proposed performance of the proposed method with the base- method and the baseline system in terms of how the line, we visually explain how the CNNs make decision data are used, we took two different approaches. In the for identifying a degradation in a speech signal. first approach, we train each binary classifier from the In all experiments, we used 10-fold cross validation scratch using all the corresponding training samples. (CV) in which the samples were randomly divided into In the second approach, on the other hand, we trained 10 non-overlapping and equal sized subsets. Then, 9 a multiclass classifier with the training samples used out of 10 subsets were used for training the models, for training the UBM model. Then, using the sam- and the remaining subset was used for evaluation. This ples exploited for adapting the degradation-dependent procedure was repeated 10 times so that all subsets GMMs, we fine-tuned three binary classifiers from the were used once for training and evaluating the model. trained multiclass classifier. In the fine-tuning step, we It should be noted that for evaluation, we extended kept the parameters of the first and the second con- each test subset by adding 20 outlier samples, which volutional blocks frozen and adapted the parameters do not contain relevant information with respect to of the last convolutional block and the fully-connected the context of the data sets such as the bark of dog or layers. This way, similar to the baseline system, the a recording of whispered speech, to show whether the parameters of the first two blocks were shared across detectors can reject such outlier samples. each detector. Table2 shows the performance of the To investigate the best architecture for the CNN CNN128 on the pathological voice data set when these models, we compare the performance of CNN32, two approaches were applied. We can observe that the CNN64, CNN128, CNN256, and CNN512. These ar- models, particularly the reverberation detector, per- chitectures are explained in Section 2.2 and illustrated form better when the classifiers were independently in Fig.1. In this experiment, we used the pathologi- trained. Therefore, we used the first approach when cal voices. The results, reported in Table1, show that comparing our proposed method with the baseline sys- the difference in performance between the various net- tem. work architectures is marginal, particularly for noise Table3 shows the performance of the baseline and detection in which all networks perform equally well. the proposed systems. The results show that the pro- However, having a network of a simpler architecture posed system outperforms the baseline for both patho- which exhibits a higher performance is more desired to logical voices and running speech signals. Particularly, Saishu et al. Page 7 of 10

Table 3 Comparison between the proposed method for degradation detection and the baseline system for pathological voice and normal running speech. The results are in the form mean AUC ± 95% confidence interval, and the bold-faced numbers represent the best performance. Pathological Voice Normal Running Speech Detectors Baseline Proposed Baseline Proposed Noise 0.96±0.00 1.00±0.00 0.71±0.00 0.95±0.01 Distortion 0.90±0.01 0.99±0.00 0.83±0.01 1.00±0.00 Reverberation 0.75±0.00 0.93±0.01 0.84±0.01 0.99±0.00 for identifying reverberation in pathological voices and additive noise in running speech. We can observe that both systems show a common tendency that the per- formance of the reverberation detector is much lower than the noise detector, mainly due to the false recog- nition of recordings in which noise and reverberation (a) Additive Noise coexist, but the noise is more dominant. Furthermore, the results indicate that the identification of reverber- ation in pathological voices is challenging for the base- line system. This is because unlike running speech, the temporal envelop of a sustained vowel is not peaky and, consequently, is not highly influenced by reverber- (b) Reverberation ation. Moreover, since the pitch contour in a sustained vowel remains almost the same over a short period of time compared to the running speech, the dynamic changes in the frequency domain are less influenced in sustained vowels than in running speech. These make the identification of reverberation more challenging for the baseline system. However, the CNN model, can (c) Nonlinear Distortion better distinguish these subtle differences. On the other hand, since the frequency content and Figure 3 Visualization of the saliency map, plotted in blue shading on top of the gray-scale signal spectrogram, by the characteristics of some types of background noises, applying the score-CAM method to the log-mel spectrogram such as babble, are similar to those of running speech of a pathological voice signal (sustained vowel /a/) degraded signals, identifying additive noise in running speech by three types of degradation. The intensity of the saliency map, shown on a scale of 0 to 255 by the colorbars, illustrates is more challenging for the baseline system, while the the importance of each region of the input space to the target CNN model could effectively detect the presence of class. the background noise in running speech. Given that for each noisy signal in the data set, we selected a random segment of a noise file and a random SNR in a signal. There are a variety of techniques for under- value, and that the acoustic characteristics of the noise standing the behavior of complex deep learning models files used in these experiments vary in time (except and how they make a particular decision [35]. Score- for the white noise), the probability of observing noisy weighted class activation mapping (CAM) is one of signals degraded by exactly the same noise segment these techniques which maps the internal representa- with similar SNR value is very low. Therefore, based tion in a CNN and provides a meaningful, fine-grained on the results, we expect the proposed system to be visual explanation of complex CNN-based models [20]. able to generalize for noise types not seen during the In this method, different masks, referred to as the ac- training phase. tivation maps, are applied to the input image, which Since deep learning models, such as CNNs, are as- is the log-mel spectrogram of a speech signal in our sociational machines which tend to learn the easiest experiments. Then, the prediction scores for each acti- path to associate the input data into the labels, one vation map is calculated and used as an indicator of the might suspect that a better performance of the pro- importance of that activation map. By overlaying the posed approach compared to the baseline system might weighted activation maps on the input image, the parts be due to picking up spurious influences from some of an image that are most influential to the score of the confounders in the data. Therefore, it is important to target class in prediction by the CNN model are high- understand the basis on which the CNN models make lighted. Fig.3 shows the saliency maps produced by a specific decision about the presence of degradation applying the score-CAM method to a degraded patho- Saishu et al. Page 8 of 10

dency, i.e., that the noise detector focuses on the areas over the whole frequency and others focus on the high frequency region, is the same as the pathological voice. Interestingly, it can be seen that the distortion detec- tor mainly focuses on the high frequency regions of the voiced frames (high power area) in the log-mel spec- (a) Additive Noise trogram. That is why, it is supposed that the nonlinear distortion appears remarkable when the original voice becomes loud. To investigate further the importance of high fre- quency regions in degradation identification, we evalu- ated the performance of the proposed method using the log-mel spectrogram of different cutoff frequen-

(b) Reverberation cies. The log-mel spectrogram is typically derived by applying triangular filters aligned at even intervals in mel-scale to the normalized STFT power. The linear frequency f in Hz can be converted to the mel-scale frequency m using the following equation [37]:

1000 f m = Φ(f) = ln ‹1 +  . (7) (c) Nonlinear Distortion ln(1 + 1000~700) 700

Figure 4 Visualization of the saliency map, plotted in blue We define the low and high cutoff for shading on top of the gray-scale signal spectrogram, by the mel-scale filters as mlow = Φ(flow) and mhigh = applying the score-CAM method to the log-mel spectrogram of a normal running speech signal degraded by three types of Φ(fhigh), respectively. The performance of each detec- degradation. The intensity of the saliency map, shown on a tor for pathological voice and normal running speech scale of 0 to 255 by the colorbars, illustrates the importance of when changing the value of cutoff frequencies is re- each region of the input space to the target class. ported in Tables4 and5, respectively. In these tables, the frequencies are shown in linear Hz-scale that can be converted to the mel-scale using the equation (7). It logical voice signal. We can observe the differences be- should be remarked that, in the sense of the equation tween the highlighted regions in the images depend- (7), the amount of mel frequencies included in the fre- ing on the type of degradation. For example, in Fig.3 quency bands less than 300 Hz, 700 Hz, and 2.5 kHz is (a), a sustained vowel /a/ is degraded by a restau- equivalent to those of included in the frequency bands rant noise. It can be observed that the noise detector of more than 15 kHz, 11 kHz, and 4.3 kHz, respectively. tends to focus on the wide-range areas in the log-mel Despite of this fact, the performance of the reverbera- spectrogram over the whole frequency, namely on both tion detectors become significantly worse by decreasing the patchy regions in the log-mel spectrogram, cor- the fhigh to 11 kHz. However, increasing the flow has responding to clattering of the tableware and only a limited impact on the performance of the rever- plates, and some low-frequency regions, corresponding beration detector. In contrast, the performance of the to the babble noise in the restaurant. On the other noise detector become slightly better by decreasing the hand, as shown in Fig.3 (b) and (c), the reverbera- fhigh, probably due to the increase in the resolution of tion and distortion detectors tend to focus more on the lower frequency regions. Meanwhile, the performance continuous area along the temporal axis in the log-mel of distortion detectors stay pretty much the same even spectrogram and mainly in the high frequency regions. by changing the higher and lower cutoff frequencies. The results suggest that the high frequency regions are These results are well in consistent with the visual ex- more influential and important in identification of dis- planations in the previous experiments, and indicate tortion and reverberation. However, the tendency is a that typical 8 kHz of sampling rate derived from tele- completely opposite in speaker recognition, which as- phone systems, is insufficient to identify the reverber- signs great importance to the low frequency regions ation. We infer that a high frequency sound tends to (about 200 Hz to 3 kHz) [36]. be easily attenuated by a wall or other impediment The saliency maps produced by applying the score- objects in a room, and as a result, a damping appears CAM method to a degraded normal running speech in the high frequency region. signal is shown in Fig.4. We can observe that the ten- Saishu et al. Page 9 of 10

Table 4 The impact of changing the lower and higher cutoff frequencies of the log-mel spectrogram on the performance of each detector for pathological voice signals. The results are in the form mean AUC ± 95% confidence interval. f [Hz] f [kHz] Detectors low high 0 300 700 2500 4.3 11 15 Nyquist Noise 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 Distortion 0.99±0.00 0.98±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.97±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.97±0.01 0.99±0.00 Reverberation 0.93±0.01 0.93±0.01 0.91±0.01 0.86±0.02 0.83±0.02 0.88±0.01 0.92±0.01 0.93±0.01

Table 5 The impact of changing the lower and higher cutoff frequencies of the log-mel spectrogram on the performance of each detector for normal running speech signals. The results are in the form mean AUC ± 95% confidence interval. f [Hz] f [kHz] Detectors low high 0 300 700 2500 4.3 11 15 Nyquist Noise 0.95±0.01 0.92±0.01 0.94±0.00 0.91±0.01 0.99±0.00 1.00±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.95±0.01 Distortion 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.99±0.01 1.00±0.00 0.99±0.00 1.00±0.00 Reverberation 0.99±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.99±0.00 0.90±0.01 0.90±0.01 0.97±0.01 0.99±0.00

5 Conclusion https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/2791 and In this paper, we have proposed a new CNN-based ap- https://dx.doi.org/10.7488/ds/2139. The database of room impulse responses is available here http://www.ind.rwth-aachen.de/air. The list proach for identifying degradation in speech signals. of sampled data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable In this method, a set of CNN models, each responsi- request. ble for detecting a particular type of degradation, has Competing interests been used. The advantage of this method over the mul- The authors declare that they have no competing interests. ticlass degradation detection methods is that parallel Funding and independent detectors facilitate both detecting the This work was funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark: DFF presence of a combination of degradations in a speech 4184-00056. signal, and rejecting an outlier of a new type of degra- Author’s contributions dation for which the models have not been trained. YS conducted the experiments. AHP and MGC designed the idea for the manuscript. All the authors contributed to the writing of this work. The CNNs were trained with the log-mel spectrogram Moreover, all authors read and approved the final manuscript. of a large number of degraded speech signals. The ex- Acknowledgements perimental results using two different speech types, Not applicable. namely pathological sustained vowel sound and normal Author details running speech show the effectiveness of the proposed 1 Audio Analysis Lab, CREATE, Aalborg University, Rendsburggade 14, approach in detecting degradations in signals which 9000 Aalborg, Denmark. 2Verisk Analytics, 388 Market Street, CA 94111 outperforms the state-of-the-art system. Furthermore, San Francisco, USA. using the score-CAM technique, we visually explained References how the CNN models make a specific decision in identi- 1. Ghai, S., Sinha, R.: Adaptive feature truncation to address acoustic mismatch in automatic recognition of children’s speech. APSIPA fying degradation in signals. It also revealed that high Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 5 (2016) frequency regions in log-mel spectrogram carry im- 2. Alexander, A., Botti, F., Dessimoz, D., Drygajlo, A.: The effect of portant information for identifying reverberation. It mismatched recording conditions on human and automatic speaker recognition in forensic applications. Forensic science international 146, makes the identification of reverberation challenging 95–99 (2004) when applying to telephone quality signals of 8 kHz 3. Mitra, V., Tsiartas, A., Shriberg, E.: Noise and reverberation effects on sampling frequency. depression detection from speech. IEEE International Conference on , Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 5795–5799 (2016) 4. Poorjam, A.H., Kavalekalam, M.S., Shi, L., Raykov, J.P., Jensen, J.R., List of abbreviations Little, M.A., Christensen, M.G.: Automatic quality control and CNN: Convolutional neural network; RIR: Room impulse response; GMM: enhancement for voice-based remote parkinson’s disease detection. Gaussian mixture model; CAM: Class activation mapping; BN: Batch Speech Communication 127, 1–16 (2021) normalization; ReLU: Rectifier linear unit; STFT: Short-time Fourier 5. Fakhry, M., Poorjam, A.H., Christensen, M.G.: Speech enhancement transform; SGD: Stochastic gradient descent;UBM: Universal background by classification of noisy signals decomposed using NMF and Wiener model; MFCC: Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient; MMPD: mPower mobile filtering. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (1), Parkinson’s disease; PD: Parkinson’s disease; SNR: Signal-to-noise ratio; 16–20 (2018) dB: ; Hz: ; CELP: Code-excited linear prediction; NS: Noisy; 6. Hansen, J.H.L., Kumar, A., Angkititrakul, P.: Environment mismatch NRS: Noisy-reverberant; ROC: Receiver operating characteristic; AUC: compensation using average eigenspace-based methods for robust Area under the curve; CV: Cross validation. speech recognition. International Journal of Speech Technology 17(4), 353–364 (2014) Availability of data and materials 7. Gillespie, B.W., Malvar, H.S., Florencio, D.A.F.: Speech The data set used for identification of degradation in pathological voice are dereverberation via maximum-kurtosis subband adaptive filtering. IEEE available in the mPower Public Research Portal International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4993293/. The data set used (ICASSP) 6, 3701–3704 (2001) for identification of degradation in normal running speech are available in 8. Kun, H., Yuxuan, W., DeLiang, W., William, S.W., Ivo, M., Tao, Z.: the Center for Speech Technology Researchat University of Edinburgh Learning Spectral Mapping for Speech Dereverberation and Denoising. Saishu et al. Page 10 of 10

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