Create $50/Hour Jobs in Your Town or City

(and Help Solve the "Too Big to Fail" Problem)

By Attorney Carl E. Person, minority party candidate (2010-2014) for federal, NYS and NYC offices and co-creator of the paralegal field

Copyright © 2015 by Carl E. Person

Table of Contents




Why High-Paying Jobs and Any Jobs Are Hard to Find

The Economy Is Not Fair - Doctors and Engineers Are Driving Taxicabs

Competition is the Solution

Today's Hourly Range from $1,000,000 to $3 Should Change to $100,000 (High) to $10-$15 (Low)

Find a Need and Fill It

$50/Hour Jobs

Licensing Laws Make It Difficult to Create the Required Program

Voters Get What They Vote for

Creating Grass Roots Prosperity

Creating Prosperity in a Single Zip Code

Creating 10,000,000 $50/Hour Jobs

Jobs and Small Business = Pro$perity Creating $50/Hour Jobs in Your Town

How to Get a $50/Hour Job in Your Town

Author Created a Career Field in the US with 1,000,000 Now Employed

Author is a High School Dropout and a Harvard Law School Attorney

The Course is Technical and Not a Paralegal Course

Author Has Been a Small Business Person for 69 Years

If You Understand a Problem its Solution is Often Self Evident - The Small Business Problem for which $50/Hour Jobs is the Solution

Small Business Shares its Problem with Small Government Agencies, Non- Profits, NGO's, Professional Firms and Religious Organizations

Schools for Entrepreneurs is Not a Solution

New Economy Requires Training in Computers, Software, Applications, Internet, Communications, Marketing and Regulation - Skills Needed by Most Small Entities

College Costs - as High as $70,000/Year - Too High for Available Jobs to Repay

Small-Entity Training @ $333/Year vs. $29,600/Year for K-12 Schools

"Don't Bother Me" - the Cardinal Rule

The Curriculum - 500 Hours for High School Seniors and for Adults

How the Cost is so Low

How Graduates Will Improve the Economy

No Training Program in the US Exists at This Time

Effect in a Town that Starts a Program

How to Start Such a Program in NYS under the Home Rule Law

Home Rule Laws in Other States

Licensing Laws, Accreditation and Student Loans Will Make the Program Unworkable and Too Costly, and Stultified - Unable to Change as Needed

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is a Radio-Advertised Town Database

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is Free High-Speed Broadband for All Residents

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity

is an Area-Wide Payroll Service

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is a Locally-Owned "State Bank"

Towns with These Factors Have More and Higher-Paying Jobs, More and More-Profitable Small Businesses, Higher Real-Estate Values, and Substantially Higher Average Incomes and Prosperity

If it Works Out in One Town (or ZIP Code) the Adjoining Towns (and ZIP Codes) Will Demand the Same Reforms

Competition is the Way to Cure "Too Big to Fail" and Small Business Growth and Prosperity Provide the Needed Competition

How to Obtain Local Reforms When Voters Only Have the Right to Veto Legislation

Carl E. Person's Curriculum for 500-Hour Training Program for $25-$60/Hour Jobs

President Obama's Hi-Tech Training Initiative Announced 3/9/15

Related Websites by Carl E. Person

Related Videos by Carl E. Person

Appendix-1 - List and Description of Job-Related YouTube Videos by Carl E. Person

Appendix-2 - Text from Carl E. Person's Ballot Initiative for a Free Technical Training Program in Hudson,

Appendix-3 - Text from Carl E. Person's Ballot Initiative for $50,000/Year Radio Advertising by Hudson of a Local Key-Word Advertising Website for Residents and Small Businesses


You should read this book if you are earning substantially less than you deserve; would like to earn $25/hour or much more; want to understand why elected representatives cannot enact the laws you need; want to learn how to create high-paying jobs and prosperity in your home town or city; and/or want to understand how to restore the nation's economy.

The author, Carl E. Person, is the only one who has the credentials to write this book. These credentials include: High school dropout; Magna cum laude degree in government-history; Graduate of Harvard Law School; Creator of a career field now employing 1,000,000 persons; Created, owned, managed and taught in a post-graduate technical-vocational school; During 2008-2014, ran for NYS Attorney General, NYC Mayor, and US President; A small business owner for since age 9 (having a newspaper route in North Platte, ); Spent decades as in antitrust, copyright and trademark litigation; Continues his law practice defending homeowners against foreclosures; and Works with state laws enabling voters to enact their own local laws directly through ballot initiatives.

Person describes what has happened to the U.S. economy during the past 100 years, and describes how to restore the economy through competition. Person explains how that competition needs to be created.

The increased competition will create the high-paying jobs and reduce the size of the "too-big-to- fail" companies, Person explains.

Preface I have written this book because the major media is not equipped nor inclined to disseminate the needed information to the public. The major media specializes in murder, robbery, fires, accidents and sports, but not in telling the public how to combat the ever-increasing concentration of the economy.

The subject is complex, and does not fit into the short sound bites required by television and radio newscasts. Nor do newspapers or magazines (even the more "liberal") magazines publish any articles on restoring the economy. The cure is self evident, but only after you spend the time learning why the economy generally and jobs in particular are at their present state of development.

I have written various websites and other works describing aspects of the overall problem, and this book is an effort to bring everything together, in a single, relatively short, work, which will be available to anyone wanting to learn about the nation's "job" problem and its simple and obvious cure.

The cure requires you to learn quite a bit before you can understand the cure, and its simplicity, and what you can do to regain your fair share of the economy.

Let's get started.

Introduction This book focuses on high-paying jobs and how they can easily be created. I believe there are 10,000,000 (yes, ten million) jobs waiting for persons ready to fill the jobs, jobs that will pay between $25 and $60 per hour, more or less, and substantially more for the individuals who rise to the top of this new profession or career field. On March 9, 2015, President Obama announced that there are 5,000,000 high-paying jobs with big business waiting for persons to be trained to fill such jobs. These are not the same as my 10,000,000 jobs, which are with the nation's 27.5 million small businesses.

To understand how you can get this job, I need to walk you through a variety of seemingly unrelated issues for you to be able to understand the problem and appreciate the solution (including your high-paying job and prosperity for your community).

My background is probably better for writing this book than any other person. My education and experience enables me to understand the ways in which the economy has been restrained to cause a loss in jobs and a decline in hourly rates and small business profits. Also, my background enables me to write professionally on what can be done to correct or offset the distortions in the economy creating a decline in values, incomes and opportunities for individuals and small businesses in the U.S.

I could tell you in a few words what needs to be done, but if I did this you would not be able to understand why this needs to be done and you would be required to accept my solution as a matter of faith. There is no need to involve faith. The facts fully justify the solution, but you need to take the time to learn and assimilate the facts, almost like a crossword puzzle.

The persons who are stealing our economy have created a bewildering complex maze of laws and regulations resulting in the ever-increasing share of the economy going to the already-rich.

My solution is not to untangle the tens of thousands (or more) of rules and regulations, but to work from the grass roots level and create the necessary changes in the area controlled by the smallest unit of government (i.e., the town, village or small city), where the changes are still possible.

Why High-Paying Jobs and Any Jobs Are Hard to Find High-paying jobs are hard to find for many of the same reasons that some people are finding it difficult to find any job. The reasons are exceedingly complex, with thousands or tens of thousands of rules and regulations creating their individual effect on jobs and wage rates.

I will identify 18 factors that I believe are among the most important, not necessarily in their order of importance:

1. Failure to enforce the nation's antitrust laws (monopolization and price discrimination), with monopolies reducing production (and jobs) and increasing prices and taking monopolistic profits from Americans;

2. Decline of usury laws and their enforcement (with borrowers paying 31% on some credit card debt, for example - more than they could ever earn with the money borrowed);

3. Excessive regulation of capital (making it too costly for small business to raise capital); and making capital unavailable for businesses based on new and improved services and using the capital instead for monopolizing mergers and acquisitions and for creation, marketing and sale of securitized debt at far more than the debt is really worth;

4. Lack of competition for the largest companies;

5. Excessive governmental regulation (which is usually done for the benefit of the largest companies, and too costly for the smaller businesses) and excessive government employment (which creates needless, unwanted burden on taxpayers);

6. Uneven tax policy which enables the largest companies to be taxed on their $ Billions at much lower effective rates than ordinary taxpayers;

7. Supreme Court packing with Justices who have decided that the wealthiest persons in the world are free to spend as much money as they wish to buy any elections they desire in the U.S. while small persons (such as myself) are prohibited from spending more than a small amount on his/her own candidacy (a reference to the NYC Campaign Finance Act, when running for NYC Mayor in 2012);

8. Corruption in elected offices (in which the persons with money pay bribes to get preferences worth 10 to 10,000 times the amount of the bribe, which illegal preferences are paid by the public and law-abiding competitors;

9. Enforcement of law against the smallest violators (to pretend there is enforcement of law against all violators), when in fact the largest violators are not penalized in proportion to the penalties against small-time violators;

10. Difficulties of small businesses in enforcing the antitrust laws in the federal and state courts;

11. Fixing of governmental Requests for Bids so that the winner (a large business making political payoffs) is the only practical company to have a chance to win;

12. State and federal laws that make it too costly for small businesses to set up and run schools to train individuals for high-paying jobs, with the intent of driving student loan business into the governmental and large non-profit colleges and universities (with the result that the cost of one year at NYU is about $70,000 whereas comparable education for $1,000 per year is not available;

13. Taking away bankruptcy from tens of millions of former college students who found out belatedly that the moneys they borrowed were unable to provide a job with sufficient income to pay off the student loans;

14. Inability of lack of willingness of the state and federal attorneys general to enforce the nation's antitrust laws, causing the largest companies to get larger and the other companies being unable to compete - with a resulting decrease in jobs and hourly rate;

15. The administration for the U.S. government (Republican or Democrat) setting up trade deals that benefit the largest International companies to enable them to shift jobs to foreign countries (at substantially lower hourly rates) and to import the manufactured goods into the U.S. without paying the costs paid by U.S. taxpayers for the services rendered by the U.S. government - in effect, giving these large companies huge profits at the expense of residents and small businesses in the U.S.;

16. Permitting media to merge so that monopolies of radio, television, cable and newspapers exist in most of the major markets in the U.S., making it virtually impossible for any newcomer to politics to unseat an elected legislator (which itself is a good reason to have term limits);

17. You can add other items, such as the Federal Reserve, which allows the banks to print (instead of borrow) money, and lend it at usurious rates - this is the basic reason that banks have been taking many of the best retail stores, and driving up the rent for supermarkets and convenience stores, which pass on these higher rents through higher prices to consumers;

18. When one company becomes very large and monopolistic, they can reduce their compensation and benefits - after all, where else would anyone go?

The foregoing are just off the top of my head. There are hundreds of additional examples, but you get the idea, I hope. The economy is complicated, but one thing should come through to you at this point, which is the desire to have COMPETITION. I have been an antitrust lawyer since 1962 trying to enforce the nation's statutes requiring competition, and these statutes are no longer effective - the way of referring to this decline in antitrust enforcement is to recognize the opposite of TOO BIG TO FAIL.

This book explains a way of getting around the foregoing obstacles, which will result in about 10,000,000 jobs paying between $25 to $60/hour. When this occurs, the needed competition will then exist in the U.S. economy. The jobs when filled with trained persons will create the competition and cure many of the evils listed above.

$50/hour jobs are held by many thousands of government employees, when you take into accounts the value of the benefits they receive. Many government employees earn close to or more than $50/hr or more, with the value of their annual compensation and benefits, including time off, overtime, sick pay, pension contributions and other matters taken into account. It is difficult to obtain reliable figures, probably because these figures could create a backlast if understood by persons earning only $7-$12 or so per hour. Small business when paying $50/hour would not be paying any significant amount in benefits, so the $50/hour figure is probably equivalent to what a significant number of government uniformed employees are earning today (many of whom are issuing costly tickets to the less fortunate).

The Economy Is Not Fair - Doctors and Engineers Are Driving Taxicabs Not everyone can be the President of the United States (although about 225 of us ran for President, including me, in 2012). Not everyone can be the C.E.O. of one of the nation's top 500 or 1,000 corporations, or to be one of the nation's 1,200 federal judges, or 100 U.S. Senators, or 50 state governors, or 100 top Broadway stars, or 1,696 NFL players (32 teams x 56 maximum number of players). There are more than 30,000 public high schools in the U.S., so that there is only one NFL player for every 18 public high schools; and assuming an average of 20 senior football players per high school, this means there is one NFL player for every 320 high school football seniors.

What I'm trying to say is that the star system is an invitation for many persons to seek fame and fortune (or political success) with only a relative few reaching the top. The others (i.e., most persons) wind up doing something other than what they have tried to do.

I have met many lawyers, doctors and engineers driving cabs or doing something similar in NYC instead of practicing their profession. Most of them tell me they would like to practice their profession but cannot find a job.

Most individuals, I believe, fall into the category of doing something they don't really want to be doing (for an adequate compensation) or are unemployed or underemployed.

The changes in the economy account for much of this failure of the job market.

Although the fallacy of "post hoc ergo propter hoc" (after this therefore because of this) does reduce the impact of my analysis, I do believe that the cataclysmic developments of computers, software and internet during the past 20 years has made changes that have not yet been taken into account by the nation's schools, including Harvard, some of which date back to 1636 (Harvard).

The courses of instruction remain pretty much the same. Even though the courses now use computers and internet to update specialized courses, there are still no courses teaching people how to work for small business (or small entities).

Not too long ago, small business was adequately equipped with one or more typewriters, telephones and filing cabinets, and anyone who could type could learn whatever else was needed, so that no course was required to train individuals to work for small business (or small entities - and from now on I'll use those two terms interchangeably).

The past 20 years have resulted in so many advances in computers, software, applications, internet, communications, marketing and regulations that small businesses are being stifled by having their owners/managers handling these administrative activities, thereby depriving the small business of the owner's higher-value skills in the area in which the business functions. These changes over the past years (the "20-Year Changes) have reduced the competitiveness of small business and enables the largest companies to grow even larger.

Competition is the Solution Although the problems in the U.S. economy (including the lack of sufficient jobs and high- paying jobs) are the result of years of steady dismantling of the economy (see my incomplete list of causes under "Why Any Jobs and High-Paying Jobs are Hard to Find"), a workaround is to create high-paying jobs as quickly as possible, to stop the destruction of the middle class, and to re-build the middle class.

This can be done with small business.

There are 27.5 million small businesses in the U.S. I'm talking about the smallest businesses, not the businesses having millions of dollars of gross income.

These small businesses are owned and managed by individuals who are spending more and more of their time coping with the 20-Year Changes, and less time in competing with the higher-value skills they have peculiar to their small business (such as selling real estate, practicing law, repairing automobiles, selling insurance, soliciting for charitable contributions). The result is that small business is using high-value skills to perform substantially lower-value administrative services, because of the lack of trained personnel to do the job.

As a result, there is less competition to the major corporations, and the major corporations become larger and more profitable, and more monopolistic, with fewer jobs and lower salaries, and the small businesses become less competitive, less profitable and create fewer jobs.

This is the heart of the problem. It needs to be emphasized that the only net creator of new jobs each year in the U.S. is small business. Big business, government and the military are not the net creators of new jobs - this is strictly something done by small business. You can take this fact to the bank.

Forbes on October 29, 2014 stated in an online article by Steve Denning entitled "The Surprising Truth about Where New Jobs Come from" stated:

Where do new jobs come from? Amid the political maneuvering, there is, happily, some serious work being done by the Kauffman Foundation and the Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity to figure out where new jobs actually do come from. The surprising truth is that over the last twenty five years, almost all of the private sector jobs have been created by businesses less than five years old. “In fact, between 1988 and 2011,” write Jason Wiens and Chris Jackson of the Kauffman Foundation, “companies more than five years old destroyed more jobs than they created in all but eight of those years.”

Existing firms are net job destroyers

“Both on average and for all but seven years between 1977 and 2005, existing firms are net job destroyers,” write Wiens and Jackson, “losing 1 million jobs net combined per year. By contrast, in their first year, new firms add an average of 3 million jobs.”

“New businesses account for nearly all net new job creation and almost 20 percent of gross job creation, whereas small businesses do not have a significant impact on job growth when age is accounted for.”

“Policymakers often think of small business as the employment engine of the economy. But when it comes to job-creating power, it is not the size of the business that matters as much as it is the age. New and young companies are the primary source of job creation in the American economy. Not only that, but these firms also contribute to economic dynamism by injecting competition into markets and spurring innovation.”

Source: about-where-new-jobs-come-from/ By training persons to work for small business, small businesses can expand (as if it were a new small business) and create additional jobs - in addition to the 10,000,000 new jobs for which there should be a training program. Also, about 50% of the 10,000,000 trained persons will leave their small-business employment to start their own small business, creating even more new (and high-paying) jobs.

Today's Hourly Range from $1,000,000 to $3 Should Change to $100,000 (High) to $10-$15 (Low) Judge Judy earns $47,000,000 per year or $23,500/hour (for 2,000 hours per year). Basketball star James LeBron earns $26,000,000 (or $13,000 per hour, assuming 2,000 hours). Warren Buffet in some years sees an increase in his wealth of $2 billion (equal to $1,000,000 per hour for 2,000 hours). On the other hand, some persons in America are getting as little as $3 per hour (illegally, probably). This is how I calculated today's hourly range from $1,000,000 to $3.

If new jobs were created for 10,000,000 persons paying $50/hour, on the average, there would be a substantial increase in wage rates for many or most other employees up and down the wage scale. Although I have made no effort to come up with reliable calculations, I estimate (by guesswork mainly) that the U.S. economy would have a range between $100,000 and $10 or $15 per hour.

This would be a monumental change in the economy and re-create the middle class and its advantages, including a regaining of control of the political apparatus in many cities, counties and states and perhaps at the federal level as well.

Without a middle class, there is far less effective competition in politics, and the persons with money buy the politicians, who in turn give more of the economic pie to their benefactors.

Find a Need and Fill it To understand how small business is able and willing to pay $50/hour (actually, I estimate between $25 and $60/hour, but use $50/hour instead of $42.50/hour), I want to explain the need of small business (and small entities), and their capacity to pay $50/hour.

I have lived a lifetime knowing what is commonly known about new ideas and their prospects for success, including the adage about building a better mousetrap. The generic concept is to "Find a Need and Fill it".

I have been a businessperson for most of 69 years (starting at age 9 when I ran a newspaper route in North Platte, Nebraska, without realizing at the time that I was owning and operating a business - if I didn't collect the weekly amount from a customer, I suffered the loss, not the newspaper, which I paid per copy I received).

I have engaged in a variety of businesses, including printing, writing, publishing, financial printing, technical school, legal and recognize that there are a variety of tasks which are common to small businesses (and small entities) - the 20-Year Changes.

Each small business manager or owner starts out learning how to do these 20-Year Changes and to keep up with additional changes as they occur (such as with updates, computer speeds, computer file storage and backups, social network, search-engine optimization, billing,

inventory, collection, regulation, telephone and other communications, and the list goes on and on, with increasing complexity and devotion of time of the person trying run the small business.

$50/Hour Jobs In any business or entity there is an annual amount of income brought in to cover direct costs, overhead, interest and, if anything is left, profit. If a specific business takes in $1,000,000 per year, it produces such gross income at the rate of $500/hour for each of 2,000 hours that the owner/manager devotes to the business each year.

Yet, the owner/manager may be putting in 1,000 hours in doing the 20-Year Changes, during which time he/she is not performing activities at the $500/hour rate.

If someone could come in to do those 20-Year Changes for $50/hour, the owner/manager would be able to expand his/her income-producing activities (at $500/hour) and produce an additional $1,000,000 in gross income for the firm, at a cost of only $100,000 (2,000 hours @ $50/hour).

You may be wondering why the typical small businessperson does not hire and train someone to do the 20-Year Changes. Most of us have tried to do this and have learned quite quickly that this is not the way to go. What happens to make hiring/training unworkable is (and you should remember these reasons because they are the need to be filled):

1. It is easier for the manager/owner to do the tasks himself/herself;

2. The manager/owner does not have the time to look for and then train someone to do the tasks;

3. The benefits of training come too long after the tasks need to be done;

4. There are too many things requiring training so that a regular school program is needed;

5. The person after becoming trained will leave the employment (for a variety of reasons, such as getting fired for incompetence, dishonesty, bad work habits; starting his/her own business, marriage, relocation, sickness, accident, death, better job) which forces the manager/owner to start all over again;

6. Small business cannot keep its employees because they always leave for one reason or another, which then forces the owner/manager to start all over again, and the owner/manager soon learns that it is easier and less costly to do the job himself/herself instead of repetitive hiring, training and rehiring.

What I have just outlined is the reason for the small businessperson's need for a trained person to take over some of such person's activities.

Supposing that a highly skilled person is found who requires no training, would this be a good deal for the small businessperson?

The answer, "No."

I know from person experience. I hired one of the most competent persons I have ever hired who was a perfect employee. He was able to do my 20-Year Changes (about 10 years ago or so) and I expanded my business substantially with my new-found time.

One day my sole employee came in to work and announced that he had to go back to India to take over the business of his dying father. He left a day later and it took some time for me to pick up the pieces.

If there had been a market of trained persons, I could have interviewed candidates for the position the next day or so, but there is not a single program in the United States offering this type of training.

I know, because I had created the course for such training years ago, during 1992, based on a then new technology that has been almost completely changed during the past 20 years. The course was licensed by NYS, accredited by my school's accrediting organization, and had federal student loans for the students.

I have followed this field of training since then and know that there is no such course in the country.

The course is difficult to teach because there are perhaps 100 different courses to be taught, and instead of having 100 instructors the course must be taught, as a practical matter, by the same instructor. Existing college professors and instructors would not be able to teach the course, which makes the course something that colleges and universities have not wanted to implement.

The course needs to be taught by a computer literate small business person, and what he/she doesn't know can be learned sufficiently for purposes of teaching students this 500-hour course involving 100 different subjects.

Licensing Laws Make It Difficult to Create the Required Program The educational licensing laws of most states make it difficult for anyone to start up a novel course of instruction. The licensing authorities generally want to see that the program has been used successfully by other schools, so that by the time you could obtain a license to teach the vocational course the material will be substantially outdated. This is just one of the regulatory problems. The other is that a for-profit school may have to wait two years with a long-term lease in place and the premises ready for occupancy before receiving approval to start marketing the course to students. This is an impossible condition for a businessperson to accept, especially when the licensing authority can just deny the application and cause the businessperson to go broke.

I have gone into politics to see if I can find political support for helping small business and, unfortunately, find no support among elected politicians, and little support among the candidates and parties that have little or no chance of winning an election.

As a result, I have reached the following conclusion, that the course needs to be offered by an entity that doesn't need any significant licensing. In NYS, NYU for example could give this course by merely sending a 1-page letter to the New York State Department of Education on the day or so after the course has been offered (or first day of class, I forget). There is no rejection of any such notification letter for NYU, but the problem for students is that it costs about $70,000 for one year of instruction in any course at NYU.

I have spent 18 years in the school business and know that the cost of this course (assuming no cost for the classroom space) is only $333 per year per student, with 30 students in the class.

The very low cost per student is based on maintaining 30 students at all time through a system of having no course prerequisites, so that a new student could enter at any time to replace a departing student (a system which I call "rolling admissions", with 52 entry points into the course each year).

I see now that the best way to start the course is by having it given to high school seniors (if licensing difficulties can be overcome) and by offering it for free as unlicensed adult education by a town, village or city.

Voters Get What They Vote for Of course, do not expect any town, village or city council to do the right thing and pass legislation to provide this opportunity for its high school seniors or adult residents. This would be too much to expect, and it has not occurred, even though I have tried to get the elected leaders interested in such a program. They apparently see no campaign contributions to them from the persons needing the program and therefore are not interested in devoting their time to the persons who keep voting them into office.

The interesting thing in New York, however, is that voters in any of NYS's 62 "cities" have the right to enact local laws in spite of the unwillingness of local city council to enact such a law.

This type of direct voter action is called a "ballot initiative" and I have prepared a ballot initiative for City of Hudson, New York, a town of 6,604 population (2013), 2.3 square miles, about 127 miles North of . A copy of the petition is available in my website

Under New York's Home Rule Law, a ballot initiative is to be put before the voters at the next general election (i.e., in November) if a number of valid voter signatures from the city have been placed on petitions equal to no less than 10% of the number of voters in the city who voted for

NY Governor during the last gubernatorial election. In Hudson, New York this amounts to a minimum of about 144 signatures (or 300 signatures just to make sure).

After the first set of signatures is obtained, the petition is submitted to the appropriate Hudson authorities who then present it to the Hudson City Council who can be expected to reject the petition (because the council at any time could have enacted that same law if they wanted to, but have not done so), and then I will have two additional months to obtain new signatures in a number no fewer than 5% or 72 signatures (or 150 new signatures just to be safe).

The City Council will probably go into court to try to stop the petition from getting on the ballot and after the litigation is over the petition will probably be presented to voters who will then, for the first time, be able to get what they vote for.

When voting for candidates, they get promises before the election and broken promises after the election. But with a ballot initiative (or "voterlaw", my coined term), the voters will get exactly what they vote for, something rare in the election process.

Creating Grass-Roots Prosperity Ballot initiatives exist in various states, but are often statewide, such as in California. The cost of putting a ballot initiative on the ballot in California could cost several million dollars or more. The cost of putting a ballot initiative on the ballot in City of Hudson, New York (assuming an average cost of $2/per signature - and it should be noted that it is illegal to pay by the signature - instead you have to pay signature gatherers by the day or hour) is only $900 ($600 plus $300) and less if you use volunteers to gather the signatures.

For persons seeking to implement one or more reforms, the ballot initiative in a small city in NYS is far more effective than running for Congress, for example. When running as a minority party candidate, you have little or no chance of getting elected. When elected as a Republican or Democrat, you would have virtually no voice in Congress, where the decisions are made by the leaders and followed by the newly-elected Congresspersons for a variety of reasons.

When you don't have the money to run for any political office, you would think that you can't be successful in pushing a reform. But this is not so. There are 62 cities in NYS in which voters are allowed to enact their own laws, and the cost is far less than running for office.

What has become clear to me with all of my experience is that it is highly probable that I can obtain enactment of a law through a ballot initiative than I can by raising money to seek office, running for office, getting elected, and then having enough influence as a junior elected official to get the legislative body to enact what I seek to have enacted.

As a result, I have concluded that economic reform in this country has to start at the bottom and work its way up. We have to start by creating prosperity in a small, selected grass-roots area and if the reform works, and jobs, wages, opportunity, land values and prosperity increase, the

adjoining ZIP-Code areas will demand and obtain the same reforms, and the reforms should spread throughout the U.S. like Craigslist.

Creating Prosperity in a Single Zip Code What I have learned is that it is a far easier task to create prosperity in a small area than it is to create prosperity in a large city, a county, a state or nationally.

To create prosperity, you need to work with a government and the taxpayer's money, unless you are Bill Gates with many extra billions of dollars and can donate billions to improve the economy for a distant country. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, founded in 2000, had $36.79 billion in assets in 2010 and $53 billion in income during 2010. The foundation's description is:

We work with partner organizations worldwide to tackle critical problems in four program areas. Our Global Development Division works to help the world’s poorest people lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. Our Global Health Division aims to harness advances in science and technology to save lives in developing countries. Our United States Division works to improve U.S. high school and postsecondary education and support vulnerable children and families in Washington State. And our Global Policy & Advocacy Division seeks to build strategic relationships and promote policies that will help advance our work. Our approach to grantmaking in all four areas emphasizes collaboration, innovation, risk-taking, and, most importantly, results.

You would think that with income of $53 billion during 2010 that the foundation could afford to pay $25,000 to set up a training program of the type I envision, even if it is limited to a small town or city in the State of Washington, but this type of reform is not going to take place through that foundation. Perhaps they'll spend billions "to help the world's poorest people left themselves out of hunger and poverty" in other countries but is unable to spend $25,000 to save the middle class and democracy in the United States.

No, the answer remains that you need to create reform in a single ZIP Code, such as City of Hudson, New York 12534. The importance of the ZIP Code is that the U.S. Postal Service assigns a unique ZIP Code to each town or village so that you can identify by ZIP Code the persons who have an address within an area controlled by a specific government, and that any changes created by the ballot initiative for that ZIP Code will be spread to all users of that ZIP Code, and that all users of that ZIP Code are possible or probable voters. As a result, it is not costly to market the underlying idea to a ZIP Code, by knocking on each door, by distributing flyers to each door, by obtaining email addresses through door-to-door solicitation, by local radio, cable and newspaper advertising, and by signs in doors of cooperating retailers.

You can saturate a ZIP Code and obtain a viral effect to ensure that a good reform is enacted.

This is what I mean by "Creating Prosperity in a Single ZIP Code".

Creating 10,000,000 $50/Hour Jobs The U.S. has 27.5 million small businesses and at least 10,000,000 of them, in my estimation, have the need for and would be willing to pay between $25 and $60 per hour for someone to take over the administrative tasks (i.e., 20-Year Changes) from the owner/manager.

When I created the paralegal field, I saw that depending on the nature of the legal business, it took from 5 to 10 lawyers to service a single paralegal. In one very highly specialized business of making Social Security applications, the first attorney reported to be using non-lawyers had about 10 non-lawyers per lawyer.

For the remaining 17.5 million small businesses, there would be need for an additional 1,000,000 trained persons, each such person to service about 5 small businesses or small entities.

The $50/hour will easily be reached by many trained persons depending on their skill, intellect, motivation and dedication. The amount will be determined on a competitive basis with a businessperson running the risk of losing a valuable employee if the compensation is lower than available elsewhere.

Jobs and Small Business = Pro$perity Creating $50/Hour Jobs in Your Town Creating prosperity is a local matter best handled by persons who live and work in the town or city. If you want to do something for yourself, your family, your neighbors and your town, give me (the author, Carl E. Person) a call and I'll help you get started.

The course of instruction is the most important part of creating prosperity for any town, but there are additional things that need to be done, as explained below under the headings starting with "Another Factor for Creating Prosperity".

For the first few places to offer the free course to residents, you can expect local land values to increase as a result of the course. Students from all over the country will consider moving to the town and taking the 1-year free course, to qualify them for a job anywhere in the country, without licensing, paying $25 to $60 per hour or more.

The course will also increase the average wage rate in the town; it will cause an increase in high- paying jobs in the area; it will cause an increase in the profitability of small business in the area; and it will cause an increase in jobs in the area.

Upon reflection, isn't this an obvious consequence when a community offers the right type of training for its residents? Does it need a book to state the obvious? The answer seems to be "Yes".

How to Get a $50/Hour Job in Your Town The way for you to get a $50/hour job in your community is to gather signatures on petitions to present to your City Council, in accordance with whatever Home Rule Law applies, to require your town to offer the course described in this book. By taking the course you will become well prepared to perform many of the administrative tasks required to run a small business, and be of interest to millions of small businesses throughout the U.S.

Incidentally, I have no economic interest in the course other than the desire to hire one or more of its graduates. I believe that it would make it more difficult for me to obtain the reforms if I had a financial interest in the reform.

The laws differ from state to state and even among towns, villages, cities and counties within a state. For example, in New York State only one county (Suffolk County) has a county-wide ballot initiative. NYC (5 counties) has a 5-county wide ballot initiative. The other 56 counties have no county-wide ballot initiative. However, towns and villages that are not "cities" in NYS have a voter right to veto local legislation, and the author urges use of the veto power to encourage local legislators to enact desired reforms.

Author Created a Career Field in the US with 1,000,000 Now Employed During 1972, after my father died, I remembered an article that I had clipped out of Business Week concerning a lawyer who was hiring non-lawyers to do much of his work in processing Social Security claims. I knew about the existence of a program that trained recent single female graduates of the "Seven Sisters" colleges and placed them for a fee with some of the nation's largest law firms.

I created a school for college graduates of any sex, age or college, and my first student was a Chinese lawyer, age 62, who wanted to work in the United States as a paralegal. Also, the local NYC Police Captain for my precinct took the course.

For 15 straight years, the paralegal field was the fastest growing field of employment in the U.S., according to Department of Commerce statistics.

In 1974, the nation's 2,000 community colleges saw a good thing and urged its members to provide paralegal instruction, which then caused a lowering of standards for the new field, and after a few years my school started accepting students who were not college graduates.

In no time, it seems, individuals started working as self-employed paralegals doing a variety of things for attorneys and law firms.

At this time, there are about 1,000,000 persons employed as paralegals (or "legal assistants") or self-employed paralegals.

I add this history to show that I was instrumental in creating a career field, and recognize that there is a career field needed to assist small businesspersons in managing their businesses.

Author is a High School Dropout and a Harvard Law School Attorney As part of my background, you should know that I have never liked schooling, and I quit high school as soon as I reached 16, and when reaching 17 I joined the Army, for 3 years. Three months away from the end of my enlistment, I was given an early discharge to attend college. My father found one college in the U.S. willing to accept me on a matriculated (i.e., degree- granting) basis.

One week later, I was hired by the Director of Admissions to be his assistant (I had learned how to type in the Army, as a high speed radio operator), and one and a half years later I became the Student Council President. I had my choice of law schools with scholarships and chose Harvard Law School (from which my father had graduated many years earlier). Upon graduation from Harvard, I wound up working for several Wall Street law firms, finally went out on my own.

My first case was an antitrust lawsuit against all major automobile manufacturers on behalf of a new industry of "automobile brokers", and I created the paralegal field to be able to have help in this massive antitrust lawsuit involving 63 defendants. The lawsuit lasted for 18 years. The paralegal field continues and is doing well.

The Course is Technical and Not a Paralegal Course Please do not come to the conclusion that the course I am discussing in this book is related in any way to the paralegal field. It is not. The course is based on the 20-Year Changes, mostly technical subjects.

When competition started developing for my paralegal program, I created new programs based on the newly-introduced word processing machines and other areas of technology, plus a course for persons wanting to produce full-length motion pictures. I wrote the step-by-step manuals for each of the 5 types of word processors which enabled persons to study word processing at any time of the day without any formal class being assembled.

This was a natural evolution from the way I structured the paralegal courses, in which a new student could enroll at any time at the beginning of any of the 6 courses that made up the 5- month curriculum. Because we had 5-10 courses running at any one time, a student could enter the program without waiting more than one week or two. I called this "rolling admissions" and it became a valuable technique for keeping costs down by keeping the room full of students - the courses just kept rolling along and never stopping.

By use of rolling admissions and limiting a class to 30 students, and paying the instructor $20/hour, the cost of the 500-hour course per student is as low as $333.33, for a year of college- grade (post-secondary) instruction (assuming no cost for classroom space).

Author Has Been a Small Business Person for 69 Years I am not a novice in small business I have been a small business person for 69 years, and was asked by the U.S. Senator in charge of the Select Committee on Small Business to be the attorney for that Senate Select Committee. I turned down the offer because of my law practice. I have been advocating reform for small business for years.

One notable success I have had was when I ran for President (seeking a minority party nomination) and during this candidacy I compiled an email list for every Obama worked listed in his 50 state websites, and emailed a list of four reforms needed to create full employment in the U.S. (see video # 70 in Appendix-1 below for my story about 2 of these proposed reforms).

President Obama enacted one of the four reforms as part of the Jobs Act in April 2012. The reform was something that no other politician had advocated and didn't even know needed to be made. The problem I described to Obama's campaign staff was this: For the past 80 years in America it has been illegal for a small businessperson to advertise that he needs capital."

You would think that this is crazy and not so. But it was the law (Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933, which prohibits any "offer or sale" of any security in absence of registration or applicable exemption from registration. As a result of this law, Kickstarter got started and offered inventory instead of shares of stock, and this was not deemed to be the offering of a security.

In the Jobs Act, President Obama and Congress did away with the "offer or" language so that it is now lawful for you or me to offer $100 billion worth of stock or other securities in any way - TV, radio, newspapers, etc. without violating the law. This now enables small businesses to find persons who may be interested in investing in a new business or small business, and any sales of securities, of course, have to be done lawfully, to properly qualified investors.

My running for office created this reform. Also, I believe I should get some credit for Obama's announcement on 3/9/15 that he is having the nation undertake a program of offering technology training through all types of training programs (presumably including high school seniors, and obviously including adults). This is 2nd of my 3 reforms I described to Obama's second presidential campaign when I was running (with about 225 others) for the presidency. I was hoping to have my message heard by someone who could do something about it, and I believe Obama heard and has acted to some extent. See my note under video 70 in Appendix-1 below.

But my running for office has not been able to generate any interest in creating high-paying jobs.

You may wonder why this is so. I have wondered, and have come up with several reasons:

1. Getting high-paying jobs for persons working at Walmart for $8.25 per hour or driving a taxi for $13 per hour would create higher costs for Walmart and the taxi medallion owners and other companies paying low, service-type wages. Walmart can't afford to pay its lowest-paid employees $25 to $60 per hour, but millions of small businesses could and want to pay one employee $25 to $60 per hour to do a significant part of the current work of the business owner or manager.

2. Small business has no political lobby and therefore has no influence in getting any legislation or grants to cure this competitive problem of small business. Also, the legislators are already selling their political souls to the largest companies and would not want to offend them by enacting any legislation that would help small business be more competitive.

3. Without knowing the whole story, a single paragraph or letter about the need for the course is not convincing. It would take a book like the present book to make the case for this program. Well, here it is.

4. It takes successful implementation of the course to convince decision makers that the course is needed. These decision makers must be followers instead of leaders, and have no business being in charge of our economy.

If You Understand a Problem its Solution is Often Self Evident - The Small Business Problem for which $50/Hour Jobs is the Solution You have read most of the story by now. You are aware of the problem, which is that high-value small business owners/managers have to devote too much of their time to doing things that trained lower-value employees could do equally as well, but that the owner/managers cannot train the personnel. Trained persons need to be available as a pool from which an owner/manager can obtain a trained employee when need, as a first hire or as a replacement.

When you look at the problem this way, it becomes clear that there is a market for persons trained at someone else's expense (hopefully, a town, village or city) for hire by small businesses and small entities, to make them more efficient and competitive, which will create millions of high-paying jobs in the United States, and provide competition for the "too big to fail" companies.

Almost any small businessperson would agree with my analysis of the problem, and upon seeing a resume from a graduate of the program would probably be willing to see if such an employee works out. A copy of the resume is available online at

Small Business Shares its Problem with Small Government Agencies, Non- Profits, NGO's, Professional Firms and Religious Organizations When analyzing the small-business problem into the 100+ subjects, I saw that most of the problems were common to small entities of all types, whether a business entity, a professional entity (such as a law firm, medical office, architectural firm), a non-governmental organization or "NGO", a religious organization, a non-profit organization, or a governmental agency.

Take a look at the curriculum which I set forth below under the heading "Carl E. Person's Curriculum for 500-Hour Training Program for $25-$60/Hour Jobs" shortly before the three Appendices or go to

Schools for Entrepreneurs is Not a Solution I've tried to get schools and foundations for entrepreneurial studies to consider whether creating entrepreneurs is more efficient (i) through encouraging persons with savings to pay to learn how to be an entrepreneur, leave any employment, and use his/her savings in a high-risk venture when the person has had no experience in running a small business; or (ii) working in a high- paying job that gives them experience in managing a business and learning the inside of a specific type of business by assisting its owner, without any payment of tuition or risk of savings.

So far I have not convinced any college, foundation or other person, and training for entrepreneurs has substantial backing and devotees, whereas training persons for $25 to $60/hour jobs (at a cost of only $333.33 per person) has no takers.

New Economy Requires Training in Computers, Software, Applications, Internet, Communications, Marketing and Regulation - Skills Needed by Most Small Entities The curriculum for this small-business course consists of many of the developments during the past 20 years in computers, software, applications, internet. communications, marketing and regulation. Because of these developments, small-business owners and managers have had a steadily-increasing and ever-changing amount of things to learn and remember and do so without a formal training.

Somehow, we as small business owners muddle through these activities but do so with much higher costs (of the high-value services), taking much longer time to learn about things which are new, and without as much success and with less efficiency than a person trained in these "administrative" areas.

We do the work only because there is nobody around to do all these things, and we can't afford to hire a different person for each area, and particularly because many of the things needed to be done are done at odd hours of the evening or weekend when it would be difficult to obtain help. Accordingly, we do the work knowing that the work is tedious and should be done by someone else, but there is nobody trained to do this work, so we wind up as the employee of last resort in our own businesses, which is gradually causing many small businesses and/or their owners/managers to self destruct.

This new economy during the past 20 years requires a new look at education.

The persons who are raking in the big dollars (Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey Brin) are doing so with a technical background, not necessarily a college background. Markets are being created through internet-based technology which are wiping out the values of bricks-and-mortar based companies.

Yet, we encourage our youth to get a traditional college education which trains them to go to work for large corporations, governmental agencies and the military where they receive additional training, but we do not have any training programs for persons to work for small business, which is the only net creator of new jobs in the U.S.

College Costs - as High as $70,000/Year - Too High for Available Jobs to Repay We send our youth to colleges and universities at a total out-of-pocket cost, at the outset, of up to $70,000 per year, to receive training for jobs that often don't exist, requiring students to obtain students loans that they can't repay, causing students a lifetime of poverty and a loss in income they might otherwise have obtained by taking a different path to obtain employment.

The cost of obtaining the training I am urging is a direct cost of $333.33 per student (with 30 persons in the room), with no cost for class space, and not setting down any cost for a computer or for software.

College and its inflated costs and laws prohibiting the scheduling of student loans in bankruptcy proceedings are creating a nation of disillusioned and disenfranchised youth. Instead of $280,000 in student loan debt and later default interest of 6-10% per year, students should be given the option of a free $333.33 course to qualify them for small business employment paying somewhere between $25 to $60 per hour, with no debt and no need to go to college.

Small-Entity Training @ $333/Year vs. $29,600/Year for K-12 Schools Not only are colleges overpriced, but there is an excessive cost built into some school systems. In Hudson, New York, for example, as in other cities in New York State, voters have very little to say about the school budget. At best they are able to veto a budget, but they do not have the right to add or take out lines of the budget.

In Hudson, New York, unless I am misreading the data somehow, the average cost per student in years K-12 is $29,600 per year, with a $49,000,000 annual school budget. The budget for Hudson as a municipality is a mere $4,500,000. See my voterlaw petition at

There is no reason for Hudson not to set up a free course for its resident adults and resident high- school seniors, at a cost of $333 per student, to give them the instruction they need to obtain employment anywhere in the U.S., without licensing, paying $25 to $60 per year.

"Don't Bother Me" - the Cardinal Rule Although the course of instruction covers more than 100 subjects, there is a concept carried throughout the course. This concept is the cardinal rule of being the assistant to a busy manager/owner of a small business or small entity: DON'T BOTHER ME!

The student is taught and reminded throughout the course that the owner/manager brings in perhaps $500 per hour (gross income of the entity divided by 2,000 hours) whereas the new employee will be paid only $25 to $60 per hour, and that it is a waste of the owner/manager's time when the employee uses the owner's time to save time for the employee. The owner used to answer these same questions without speaking with anyone in the office, and the new employee should try to do the same whenever possible, which amounts to additional learning of great value to the employee and his/her employer. Remember! Don't Bother Me, and you'll be a valued employed, but disobey that rule too often, and the owner/manager will look for someone else.

The Curriculum - 500 Hours for High School Seniors and for Adults A typical college curriculum for one year is 2 16-week semesters with 15 (50-minute) hours of instruction per week. This adds up to 480 (50-minute) hours per year.

The proposed curriculum is 500 (50-minute) hours. I set forth my curriculum below, under the heading "Carl E. Person's Curriculum for 500-Hour Training Program for $25-$60/Hour Jobs" shortly before the three Appendices; or you can see it at

The average high school senior will be well acquainted with many of the fields, but needs to learn how to use these fields for small business. For example, the student may know about social networking but the job requires knowing how to use social networking websites for the marketing of or by the business or entity.

The student has to learn how to become a jack of all trades, similar to what the small businessperson is being required to do at this time, together with the management of the income- producing end of the small business or small entity.

How the Cost is so Low The cost of the program is low ($333/year per student) principally because of the following factors:

1. Use of government space and insurance without payment;

2. Teacher compensation of $20/hour ($10,000 for the entire course);

3. 30 students per class with "rolling admissions";

4. No food service, dispensary, dormitory or other such services;

5. Student lives at home;

6. Student provides own computer; and

7. Software is provided by city or the manufacturer (to encourage loyalty).

How Graduates Will Improve the Economy Graduates of the program will improve the economy in various ways, including

1. Earning more money than without the course and related skills;

2. Learning how to manage a small business and a specific field;

3. Starting up a small business for himself/herself;

4. Helping the small business/entity employer create new jobs;

5. Helping the employer become more competitive with major corporations and creating a better opportunity for failing corporations to actually fail, with their business being inherited by the better-managed businesses;

6. Creating new jobs when becoming self-employed, and increasing the needed competition with companies now considered too big to fail.

No Training Program in the US Exists at This Time As the only person ever licensed in the U.S. for such a program, as far as I can tell, I have followed the field with interest and have seen and heard of no course of this type, which I have to admit is a crying shame. The course is needed and out of 300,000,000 persons in the U.S. I have to devote my time, energy and money to perform what should be a governmental function.

Effect in a Town that Starts a Program The first town to start this program will have a substantial head start over the other towns that follow suit. This is a predictable consequence of being first. Look at Amazon, for example, and how it is taking over business systems from all discernible standpoints, including delivery by drones (robot planes), and Google, which has become the repository of almost all available knowledge; and Facebook and Twitter, for their near monopoly in social networking; and the admirable Craigslist, which put many of the nation's newspapers out of business or nearly so.

The first town holding the program will have more persons seeking to live in the town, so that land values will rise. Small business opportunities and income and profits will increase, because of the availability of already-trained employees for expanding small businesses and other small entities. The average wage will rise; the number of new jobs will rise; and the number of higher paying jobs will rise.

The other reforms list below, under the headings starting with "Another Factor for Creating Prosperity", will add substantially to the prosperity of the town, its residents and small businesses, and provide a middle class that will have the time and money to pursue other reforms. But, most importantly, the adjoining towns (in the adjoining ZIP Code areas) will take notice of their neighbor's increasing prosperity and demand the same reforms, and this will spread throughout the country in the same way that Craigslist spread throughout the US and beyond.

I'm seeking persons in any town, village or city in the U.S. who want to try to implement these reforms, for the sake of reform and not for personal profit. The profits to be made are inherent for all in the proposed reforms.

How to Start Such a Program in NYS under the Home Rule Law See above heading "Voters Get What They Vote for" for a description of the process for voter enactment of local laws in any of the 62 cities in New York State. Suffolk County has a special law for county-wide adoption of local laws, the only county in NYS to have such a law. It needs to be said that any laws enacted by voters has to be consistent with federal and state laws.

In towns and villages not designated a "city" there is no voter enactment of local laws. Instead, voters have a right within so many days after enactment of a law to obtain signatures on a petition to veto the law, which then goes before voters at the next general election.

I suggest that vetoes of laws be considered and possibly pursued as long as the local legislature fails to enact the needed reforms, on at least the theory that the legislature is wasting money which could and should be put to a better use.

Home Rule Laws in Other States Home rule laws vary from state to state and information can be obtained about a specific state by looking at the following websites:


Initiative & Referendum Institute at the University of Southern California,

National Conference of State Legislatures, campaigns/initiative-referendum-and-recall-overview.aspx


Ballot Initiative Strategy Center,

Licensing Laws, Accreditation and Student Loans Will Make the Program Unworkable and Too Costly, and Stultified - Unable to Change as Needed This proposed program is not a typical program of instruction where many persons have taught the course and could be brought in to teach the course or to replace the instructor on a day's notice. The course has never been taught and there is no market of instructors from which to choose.

This in itself would make the course difficult to license under existing vocational-program licensing laws. There is no proof that anyone is qualified to teach the course because the course has never been given. There is no proof that the course works, because it has never been given, or that a market exists for graduates of the course because there is no present pool of graduates.

In addition, the course will probably need changes or updates every week and if the regulatory authorities require licensing approval before course changes could be implemented there would be a need of hiring a full-time graduate of the course to keep up with the regulatory requirements, and soon the course would become stultified and no longer timely, with increased

costs, diminished effect, and significantly lower value to the offering community and its residents, students, small businesses and small entities.

I understand school regulation, and regulation would be a disaster for this type of course.

The course covers too many subjects and needs to be adjusted frequently to keep it up to date and of maximum value.

Let us turn now to other reforms that are needed to create maximum prosperity for the community.

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is a Radio-Advertised Town Database Although the proposed course is the first needed reform, the second most important reform, in my opinion, is creating and advertising a Craigslist type database for residents and small businesses located in the city (Hudson, ZIP Code 12534).

With a team of volunteers (or paid canvassers), every resident and business located in the city should be interviewed for a period of several hours, to explain the overall reforms being proposed for the city and to encourage each person and business to create as many ads as possible for the database, even hundreds.

The ads would be free, could be repetitive and overlapping and last until withdrawn (unlike Craigslist), and lead to a landing page giving additional information about the product or service being advertised. The advertiser could be offering to sell or offering to buy or offering to do either.

The landing page would give pictures, references, prices, recommendations, contact information and anything else helping to sell the offered item.

Residents and businesses would be encouraged to place ads for each product or service they offered, and to remember that greater specificity would often result in more sales. For example, someone (or two or three) could offer to "Rebuild 1929 Studebaker carburetors, $75 plus parts" and "Rebuild 1930 Buick generator, $60 plus parts". There are probably millions of ads that could be created for the thousands of types of vehicles, the different years, and the different parts involved. Another add would be "Create landing pages for keyword advertising, $30 per page or $25 per hour, whichever is greater". Of course, there would have to be contact information, preferably a landing page in which additional information is provided.

Most importantly, the town (by ballot initiative) would be required to advertise the database by 1,000 radio advertisements per week, at a cost of $1,000 per week, for the year, or a total of about $50,000 in advertising, to advertise all of the products and services of all (let's say) 2,500

advertisers in the city - at a cost per year of only $20 per advertiser. McDonald's, in contrast, spends $69,789 per year for each of its outlets.

Radio advertising for small towns would enable the city to advertise the database for as little as $1 per minute or half minute, and the reach for the advertising would be about a 75-mile radius around the town. This radio advertising would probably pull in a significant amount of business for the town.

Needless to say, the town should pay for this advertising rather than to try to collect $20 per resident. The cost of collection could exceed the amount being collected.

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is Free High-Speed Broadband for All Residents Imagine a town without water, telephone service or electrical service. These utilities are necessary for the town and the health and welfare of its residents and businesses.

Free (city paid) high-speed broadband service should be considered as necessary for all residents and businesses to enable them to compete effectively in all parts of the economy. Children without broadband or without high-speed broadband would become higher-earning residents and lower the costs of social welfare.

The costs of time and lower-speed services would be ended, with the city installing the highest speed service at the lowest price to the community. The endless hours spent by thousands of residents would end, with resulting increase in efficiency and profits for all.

I was going to include a petition for free high-speed broadband for all residents of Hudson but then decided that the additional cost to residents might injure the prospects for enactment of the first two reforms. I'm putting this petition off until a later date. You can see the broadband petition at . Also, you can find information about this reform at my website .

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is an Area-Wide Payroll Service Small business has another need that isn't known except by small businesspersons themselves. The problem for small businesses is making payroll when the small business has no cash on hand to cover the payroll checks.

The two main payroll services take their payment in advance, by writing the checks and depositing them in advance, and finding out quickly if the customer (a small business) has enough money in the bank to cover the checks. If not, the payroll service notifies the state insurance department which cancels the small business insurance, effectively putting the business out of business, without regard to whether employees (who know more about the

business) would be willing to wait a week or two or more for payment (rather than to be thrown out of a job).

The solution for small businesses is to have an area-wide payroll administrator that will give employees the option of terminating the business instead, and let them continue to work without the employer having cash on hand in the bank to cover the payroll.

Because of the heavy-handed treatment of small business, many small businesses refuse to hire employees and make them independent contractors instead, so that there is no "payroll" running through either of the two main payroll services.

As a reform to restore traditional hiring by small business, an area-wide payroll service should be created to give the needed flexibility in meeting payroll requirements to small businesses.

Another Factor for Creating Prosperity is a Locally-Owned "State Bank" Another problem for small businesses is obtaining capital to expand. Banks will only lend money (as a practical matter) if you can prove that you don't need the capital.

North Dakota has established a "state bank", owned by North Dakota, in which all moneys paid to North Dakota are deposited in the state bank, and the state bank then makes loans available on lower-than market terms to farmers, small businesses, students and others. This has worked out so successfully that North Dakota was the only state that came out of the recent depression in good financial shape.

One or more locally-owned banks should be established in the city to compete with each other for taking in moneys payable to the city in exchange for making loans to residents, small businesses and others on lower than market terms, using the experience of the Bank of North Dakota as a guide.

Towns with These Factors Have More and Higher-Paying Jobs, More and More-Profitable Small Businesses, Higher Real-Estate Values, and Substantially Higher Average Incomes and Prosperity Towns and cities that implement these reforms will see a substantial growth in small business wages, employment, income, profits and local prosperity, including an increase in land values and an increase in average income. Also, there will be a decrease in prices, sales and profits of the larger companies as a result of this competition, and an increase in the possibility that a poorly managed large corporation will be allowed to fail.

If it Works Out in One Town (or ZIP Code) the Adjoining Towns (and ZIP Codes) Will Demand the Same Reforms If the first city (or ZIP Code area) that tries these reforms winds up with increased prosperity, which any unbiased person could see is the probable outcome, the adjoining town (ZIP Codes) will demand and then implement the same reforms, and this will spread throughout the country, like Craigslist expanded during its formative years.

Competition is the Way to Cure "Too Big to Fail" and Small Business Growth and Prosperity Provide the Needed Competition Our nation's economy has been hurt because non-enforcement of the nation's antitrust laws has enabled poorly-managed corporation to grow larger and larger (through mergers, acquisitions, enabling legislation and otherwise) until the loss of the corporation through business failure would jeopardize other interests, so that the corporation then receives in effect a license not to fail and to be free to do whatever it wants, with no more than token penalties when their illegal practices keep getting uncovered.

Because the government isn't able to control such corporations (which pretty much control the government), the public has to exert control in some other way, which has to be by competition of small business. This competition is possible only through the reforms that I have outlined, which reasonably appear to be the most practical things to do: better education, better marketing, faster broadband, better payroll services, better availability of capital.

If you can think of something else, please let me know.

Meanwhile, take a look at these reforms as I have describe them in my website, http://election- .

How to Obtain Local Reforms When Voters Only Have the Right to Veto Legislation See discussion under the above heading "How to Get a $50/Hour Job in Your Town".

Related Websites by Carl E. Person I have 3 related websites:

1., in which the reforms are discussed at length, http://election-issues-

2., in which the petitions for various ballot initiatives can be found, including petitions for City of Hudson, New York,

3. Website for NYC mayoral campaign, .

Related Videos by Carl E. Person I have various YouTube videos of possible interest. See my list and description of my job-related YouTube videos in the Appendix below.

Carl E. Person's Curriculum for 500-Hour Training Program for $25-$60/Hour Jobs President Obama has finally implemented a high-tech training program, but predictably has done this for the benefit of big business, government and the military. The program is not designed to be of much use for small business or small entities.

The program is about the same length as my 500-hour program, but taught full-time over a 3- month period perhaps in community colleges (16 weeks at 31 hours per week would equal about 500 hours).

The 500-hour technical curriculum I propose to train persons to go to work for small business (to be taught by one instructor on my "rolling admissions basis") is the following:

Marketing □ Blog marketing

□ Public relations including press release distribution

□ Use of graphics, logos and pictures

□ Assisting in growth of business activities

□ QR Codes and Generators, smart displays

□ AdWords, Bing Ads

□ Email lists and mass emailing techniques

□ Groupon

□ Robo-dialing

□ National do not call list

Financial □ Cash flow monitoring

□ Accounting/bookkeeping systems

□ Paying bills

□ Reconciling bank statements

□ Quik Deposits of checks from office

□ Password inventory and protection

□ Credit card management

□ Late-fee management

□ PayPal, Wallet and other payment systems

□ Obtaining refund or downloading or completion of incomplete purchases (e.g., software downloads, credit card processing applications)

□ Identifying, auditing and reducing subscriptions, duplications and no longer needed, and automatic payments

□ Kickstarter and clones

□ Preparing projections and funding proposals

Timekeeping, Billing and Collection □ Maintaining timekeeping/expense system

□ Periodic billing for time and expenses

□ Making calls to collect overdue receivables

Calendaring and Scheduling □ Maintain calendar for owner or manager

□ Assist in scheduling appointments

Technical Support □ Dealing with technical support including technical support telephone calls

□ MyBook, external drives and flash drives

□ Backups including offsite and scheduling

Telephone and Broadband □ Wireless broadband and protection

□ Purchasing and installing broadband and telephone equipment and services

□ Routers and administration

□ Cell telephone and 3G/4G networks

□ Smartphones and applications

□ Smartwatches

□ Skype and other Internet telephone systems

Saving Time of Owner/Manager □ Prioritizing my activities on a daily basis

□ Dealing with immediate problems requiring resolution

□ Doing personal errands with the understanding that this frees up the owner or manager's time to increase profitability of the whole entity and increase my own value and compensation

□ Finding and retaining independent contractors to perform what I cannot do myself

□ Set up system for telephone numbers

□ Maintain inventory of supplies and reorder when necessary

□ Set up email filters and manage email

□ Organize, inventory and remove hard-copy files to offsite storage facility

□ Screen calls

□ Training others to take over areas of my responsibility needed for growth and success of the entity

□ Unwanted solicitation by telephone or email

Websites □ Insuring against loss of website files (through backups, domain name renewal calendar)

□ Managing domain names

□ Consolidating domain name management

□ Website maintenance

□ Anti-virus protection


□ Adding website features such as search, blogs, email address capture, RSS feed, directions, social networking and YouTube links

□ Filezilla and FTP

□ Basic website creation

□ Search engine operation (SEO)

□ Landing pages

□ Google Analytics

□ Consolidating website servers

Video Production and Distribution □ Video shooting, editing and uploading

□ Setting up shooting studio in office

□ Streaming video

□ Video conferencing

□ YouTube with social network links

□ Preparing Power Point presentations

Social Networking for Owner/Manager □ Facebook

□ Twitter

□ Linkedin

□ MySpace

□ Meetup

□ Pinterest

□ Reddit

□ NationBuilder

Computer Networking/Communications

□ Computer networking (Google, Rackspace)

□ Backups according to schedule

□ Cloud computing (OpenStack, CloudStack, and Eucalyptus), to assist in transition to cloud computing, for saving time, money and resources through open-source, portable, scalable computing and elimination of legacy IT systems - cloud computing enables users to pay for what they use in an "elastic computing environment"

□ Organizing and shortening links through Bitly

□ Drop boxes

□ Conversion of data from one form to another including list creation and maintenance

Search and Information □ Setting up systems, including forms

□ Keeping inventory of hard-copy file location including files in storage

□ Documents retention/destruction program

□ Scribd

□ Google Alerts

□ Google and Bing - see WEBSITES above

Applications and Programs □ email, gmail, including periodic review for expected emails

□ MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express

□ Internet Explorer

□ Google Chrome (and some limitations)

□ Mozilla Firefox

□ Wolfgang Alpha

□ MS Office

□ Adobe Acrobat, search and edit

□ Spreadsheets

□ Litigation support

□ Database programs (e.g., for telephone numbers)

□ Macro development (e.g., for MS Word and Excel)

Internet Transactions □ Internet Transactions: Amazon, ebay, Half, Craigslist, Kindle, movies, payment systems, money transfers

Google -Additional □ Google use assistance, with many different features, and ever increasing, such as Google Alerts, Google Wallet, YouTube, AdWords, Chrome, cloud computing

Equipment and Related Software □ ScanSnap (Fujitsu) with Adobe Acrobat

□ Copier, scanner, fax machine, printer (multi-function equipment)

□ Color printer and sparing use

□ Saving money on toner cartridges

□ Rerouting faxes to computer

□ Notebooks

□ IPods

□ Kindle coordination

□ Basic 3-D printing for manufacturing

□ Basic robotics

□ Obtaining adequate lighting and electrical service, outlets and surge protection

Mailing and Delivery Services □ Postage weighing, purchasing and printing systems

□ Avoiding 13-ounce USPS rule

□ Federal Express and others (air and ground)

□ UPS (air and ground)

□ Postal Express including USPS pickup services

□ Arranging for messenger and delivery services

Copyright © 2013 by Carl E. Person (as to above curriculum) [End of Curriculum Text]

Form of Resume for Graduate of Program

I am hoping that a program graduate's letter seeking employment would entice a prospective small-business employer if it said something like this:


Mary Jane Doe 999 E. 99th Street - Apt. 99 New York NY 10099-9999

Tel: 212-999-9999 Fax: 212-999-9998 [email protected]

Small Business Assistant

I'm a trained Small Business Assistant having successfully completed a 1-year program in small business information technology, during my 4th year of high school, in the New York City High School system [or in a 1-year NYC adult education program]. My final grade is B+ or 90. I am trained to handle almost any kind of computer or internet technical problem occurring in a small business, small non-profit, governmental organization or non-governmental organization, or with a self employed person (each of them being a "Small Entity"). If I can't solve a technical problem myself, I have been trained how to obtain the needed professional help and to do so with the least amount of involvement and interruption for the Small-Entity owner or manager. The type of programs, applications, equipment, software, systems or events I can probably take over and handle for a Small Entity is quite broad, including the following areas or categories: Marketing; Financial; Timekeeping, Billing and Collection; Calendaring and Scheduling; Technical Support; Telephone and Broadband; Saving Time of Owner/Manager; Websites; Video Production and Distribution; Social Networking for Owner/Manager; Computer Networking/Communications; Search and Information; Applications and Programs; Internet Transactions; Google -Additional; Equipment and Related Software; and Mailing and Delivery Services.

My training has taught me to think like a Small-Entity owner or manager and figure out how to avoid using his/her time to solve a problem, to enable the owner/manager to concentrate on the business matters of higher value or requiring his/her attention.

The owner/manager has an hourly value to the Small Entity of perhaps $100 to $500 per hour and by hiring me this higher earning value of the owner/manager can be obtained by the entity.

On the next 2 pages I list specific things I have learned about and can help you with.

Copyright © 2013 by Carl E. Person (as to the above form letter) [End of Form Letter]

President Obama's Hi-Tech Training Initiative Announced 3/9/15

Obama's program will enable more robotics technicians, elevator repairpersons, biofuel specialists and technicians and specialists in various highly-technical fields to become trained and obtain a high-paying job with a large organization, but this type of training has nothing at all to do with the very broad training (in more than 100 subjects) needed to qualify someone to become the assistant to the owner/manager of a small business or other small entity. Community colleges do not have the instructors to teach the type of course needed for small business. But, Obama is on the right track (and seems to have run with 2 of my four reforms for full employment I urged in 2012 as a Presidential candidate). Clearly this country through its school systems needs to provide technical training to high school seniors and to adults to enable them assist businesses in technology, but the course to train persons for small business is wholly different from the courses that Obama has in mind for big business.

The Obama White House issued the following press release on March 9, 2015:

FACT SHEET: President Obama Launches New Tech-Hire Initiative

President Obama Announces Multi-sector Effort and Call to Action to Give Americans Pathways to Well-Paying Technology Jobs; Makes Available $100 Million in Grants

The President and his Administration are focused on promoting middle class economics to ensure that all Americans can contribute to and benefit from our American resurgence. Part of

that effort requires empowering every American with the education and training they need to earn higher wages. Today’s announcement is the latest part of that effort: In his remarks to the National League of Cities, the President will announce his Tech-Hire initiative, including a new campaign to work with communities to get more Americans rapidly trained for well-paying technology jobs.

Middle class economics has driven the President from day one, and it is what has fueled our comeback. On Friday, we learned that our economy created nearly 300,000 new jobs in February. American businesses have now added more than 200,000 jobs a month for the past 12 months, the longest streak of job creation at that pace in 37 years. All told, over the past five years, our businesses have created 12 million new jobs.

While we are seeing an economic resurgence, the President has made clear that there is still work left to do. America has about 5 million open jobs today, more than at any point since 2001. Over half a million of those job openings are in information technology fields like software development, network administration, and cyber security many of which did not even exist just a decade ago. The average salary in a job that requires information technology (IT) skills – whether in manufacturing, advertising, retail or banking – is 50 percent higher than the average private sector American job. Helping more Americans train and connect to these jobs is a key element of the President’s middleclass economics agenda.

As part of that agenda, Tech-Hire is a bold multi-sector effort and call to action to empower Americans with the skills they need, through universities and community colleges but also nontraditional approaches like “coding boot-camps,” and high quality online courses that can rapidly train workers for a well-paying job, often in just a few months. Employers across the United States are in critical need of talent with these skills. Many of these programs do not require a four year degree. Key elements of the initiative include:

Over twenty forward leaning communities are committing to take action – working with each other and with national employers – to expand access to tech jobs. To kick off Tech-Hire, 20 regions, with over 120,000 open technology jobs and more than 300 employer partners in need of this workforce, are announcing plans to work together to new ways to recruit and place applicants based on their actual skills and to create more fast track tech training opportunities. The President is challenging other communities across the country to follow their lead.

$100 million in new Federal investments to train and connect more workers to a good job in technology and other in-demand fields. The Administration will launch a $100 million H1B grant competition by the Department of Labor to support innovative approaches to training and successfully employing low-skill individuals with barriers to training and employment including those with child care responsibilities, people with disabilities, disconnected youth, and limited English proficient workers, among others. This grant competition will support the scaling up of evidence-based strategies such as accelerated learning, work-based learning, and Registered Apprenticeships.

Private sector boosts tools and resources to support and expand continued innovation in technology training, with a focus on reaching underserved populations. Private sector leaders are announcing commitments to provide free training through online training slots and expanding

“coding boot-camps” – which provide intensive training for well-paying jobs, often in the course of just a few months – to low-income and underserved Americans including women, minorities, and veterans across the nation. National organizations are committing to work with interested cities to share job and skills information, job-matching tools, and other resources to help support the growth, adoption, and creation of promising practices across the United States.Details on the Tech Hire Initiative

The Tech-Hire initiative builds on work communities like Louisville, St. Louis, Philadelphia, New York City and the State of Delaware are doing to connect more Americans to well-paying technology jobs through a potent combination of new tools and training models:

Over twenty forward-leaning communities are committing to take action – with each other and with national employers – to expand access to tech jobs: The Tech-Hire initiative will achieve its goals by connecting communities together so promising ideas happening in one community can be rapidly adopted by other regions. Today, 21 communities are stepping up and responding to the President’s call-to-action, including:

Louisville, New York City, Philadelphia, Delaware, City of Kearney and Buffalo County, NE Colorado, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Memphis, Rural Eastern Kentucky, Nashville, Rochester, Detroit, San Francisco, Albuquerque, Chattanooga, Portland.

Building on the promising work already underway in their communities, they are all committing to three actions:

Using data and innovative hiring practices to expand openness to nontraditional hiring:

Having a data-driven assessment of employer demand is critical to building a successful regional strategy. Communities are committing to work with employers to build robust data on where they have greatest needs and what skills they are looking for; communities will work with employers to build willingness to hire from both nontraditional and traditional training programs; and communities will work with employers to review and upgrade their recruiting and hiring practices to enable nontraditional hiring.

Expanding models for training that prepare students in months, not years: Communities will recruit, incubate and expand accelerated tech learning programs – such as coding boot-camps and innovative online training – which enable interested non-tech-experienced students to gain coding skills in months, not years. These new models also have potential to reaching to a broader set of students than have traditionally chosen to pursue tech careers. These new training programs can be run both independently or embedded as part of a local community college or university education offering.

Active local leadership to connect people to jobs with hiring on ramp programs: Communities will build local strategies and partnerships to connect people to jobs, with steps ranging from investing in and working with industry-trusted organizations, which will vouch for those who have the skills to do the job but who may lack the typical profile of degrees and career experience. They will host local tech community gatherings with engaged employers, attract new nontraditional training providers to their regions, and bring visibility to existing local activities

such as tech meet-ups, startup co-working spaces or startup-weekends which are already in place in most middle-size cities or encouraging the founding of these groups if they are not available locally.

The Administration is encouraging more communities and employers to follow in their lead with similar innovative strategies to advance these goals.

Examples of Tech-Hire Community Commitments St. Louis, MO. A network of over 150 employers in St. Louis’ rapidly expanding innovation ecosystem will build on a successful Mastercard pilot to partner with local nonprofit Launchcode, to build the skills of women and underrepresented minorities for tech jobs, and will also place 250 apprentices in jobs in 2015 at employers like Monsanto, CitiBank, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and Anheuser Busch.

New York City, NY. With employers including Microsoft, Verizon, Goldman Sachs, Google, and Facebook, the Tech Talent Pipeline is announcing new commitments to prepare college students in the City University of New York (CUNY) system for and connect them to paid internship opportunities at local tech companies. NYC will also expand successful models like the NYC Web Development Fellowship serving 1826 year olds without a college degree in partnership with the Flatiron School.

State of Delaware. The new Delaware Tech-Hire initiative is committing to training entry-level developers in a new accelerated coding boot-camp and Java and .Net accelerated community college programs giving financial institutions and healthcare employers, throughout the state, access to a new cohort of skilled software talent in a matter of months.

Capital One, Bank of America, Christiana Care and others are committing to placing people trained in these programs this year.

Louisville, KY. Louisville has convened over 20 IT employers as part of the Code Louisville initiative to train and place new software developers, including Glowtouch, Appriss, Humana, Zirmed, and Indatus. Louisville will build on this work in support of the Tech-Hire Initiative: the city will recruit a high-quality coding boot-camp to Louisville and establish a new partnership between Code Louisville and local degree granting institutions to further standardize employer recognition of software development skill-sets.

A $100 million competition for innovative approaches to connect Americans with disabilities, disconnected youth, and others to the fastest path to a good job in technology and other in- demand fields.

Today the Administration is announcing its commitment to make $100 million available through the Department of Labor to support innovative approaches to moving lower skilled workers with barriers to training and employment on the fastest paths to well-paying information technology and high growth jobs in industries like healthcare, advanced manufacturing, financial services and other in-demand sectors. The grant will focus on providing workers the skills for a pathway to the middle class while providing employers with the skilled technology workers need to grow and expand. This grant will serve people with barriers to accessing training including people

with childcare responsibilities, people with disabilities, people with limited English proficiency, and disconnected youth, among others. It will serve both unemployed and low skilled front line workers.

Grants will pilot and scale innovative partnerships between employers, workforce boards, training institutions, nonprofit organizations, and cities and states across the country. These partnerships will support the implementation of job-driven training strategies to help workers complete basic and technical skills training using evidence-based strategies such as accelerated learning, work-based learning and Registered Apprenticeships. A solicitation for applications for these partnerships will be available this fall and awards will be made next year. These grants will be financed by a user fee paid by employers to bring foreign workers into the United States under the H1B nonimmigrant visa program.

Private sector leaders are announcing tools and resources to scale continued innovation in technology training, with a focus on reaching underserved populations.

Expanding accelerated models for training in months not years: A group of 10 boot-camps are jointly announcing a shared, third-party validated format for annually publishing completion and employment outcomes to help continue to drive innovation in the boot-camp model.

The accelerated training providers Dev Boot-camp, Hack Reactor, Microsoft, Tree-house Island, Inc., and Udacity will all be expanding free or discounted training slots for underserved communities and individuals.

General Assembly will work with community colleges, other training providers, and employers with the aim of further standardizing web development training.

Flatiron School, Hackbright Academy, and Rural Sourcing are announcing they will provide pro bono consulting to help interested communities expand and improve training.

Cisco will provide select individuals interested in career opportunities in IT with free access to online IT networking skills including hundreds of online training assets.

Support for local leaders:

Opportunity@Work, a national civic enterprise that is launching at New America today, will aim to connect policy to action and will collaborate with private and philanthropic partners to create freely available tools to scale-up employer commitments to inclusive hiring practices, to facilitate a nationwide learning network for communities, and to create new financing to help lower-income Americans be trained and placed into technology jobs.

Capital One, through its FutureEdge initiative, a $150 million effort that will help increase tech skills and hiring, will collaborate with Opportunity@Work to provide support tailored to the needs of communities.

#YesWeCode commits to delivering $10 million in scholarships for 2,000 underserved minorities across the nation, to attend coding boot-camps over the next ten years.

Using data and innovative hiring practices to expand hiring to include nontraditional training paths:

CEB will develop their own best practices playbook for employers with guidance to private and public employers on how to recruit tech talent from nontraditional sources.

LinkedIn will provide free data about the supply and demand of IT skills to communities to help them identify shortages and focus training resources on skills most in demand.

Knack will for the first time make its aptitude test technology available free of charge to employers, communities, and accelerated training providers that are launching inclusive training and hiring campaigns aimed at underserved minorities, women, and veterans.

A complete list of private sector commitments can be found here.

The President’s Agenda to Create Pathways to the Middle Class Through High-Quality, Job Driven Training. Tech-Hire is part of the President’s broader agenda to invest in job-driven training:VicePresident Biden’s Job-Driven Training Review. The President’s Tech-Hire initiative builds on the job-driven training review that the President asked the Vice President to lead in the 2013 State of the Union. Amongst other findings, the Vice President’s review identified information technology generally and cyber security in particular as an emerging area of growth that requires job-driven training strategies to meet business needs and provide more workers with a path to the middle class.

VA Accelerated Learning Competition. To ensure that Veterans can take full advantage of innovative learning models, VA will apply $10M in innovation funding to leverage accelerated learning and test its effectiveness for transitioning Service members and Veterans over the next two years. VA will concentrate this initiative in communities where conditions are conducive for VA to provide industry specific and place-based support to Veterans and transitioning Service members American Apprenticeship Grant Competition. Last year, DOL opened a $100 million competition to spur partnerships between employers, labor, training providers, and local governments to expand apprenticeships into high-growth fields like information technology and scale models that work. The deadline for this application is April 30, 2015, and more information is available at the application page.

Information Technology Industry-Credentialing partnerships. The President’s FY2016 budget proposes $300 million to fund IT jobs partnerships between regional employers to develop and adopt assessments and credentials that will give more people the chance to qualify for a better, higher-paying tech job regardless of their pedigree.

Note: See Attached Appendix.

Appendix - List and Description of Job-Related YouTube Videos by Carl E. Person

118. Mayor Nominee - $25-$60/Hr Jobs Waiting for NYC HS Grads & Adults 3:09 [Added 4/19/13]

118. Mayor Nominee - $25-$60/Hr Jobs Waiting for NYC HS Grads & Adults

Description: Carl Person, Reform Party nominee for NYC Mayor 2013 explains how economic reform for NYC can occur by action of the Mayor, without requiring any legislative approval. This reform is to have information technology taught to high school seniors, with a comparable, free 1-year weekend/evening program for resident adults. Program graduates will be able to work anywhere in the US without licensing, in a high-paying job, at $25 to $60 per hour (or $1,000 to $2,500 per week) for one of the nation's 27,500,000 small businesses. No student loans; no jobless graduation from college; no lifetime of student debt; fewer dropouts; fewer gang bangers, drugs, violence, prison and premature death; reduced social welfare costs; restoration of the middle class, prosperity, land values, constitutional rights, ballot access and democracy. This is not blue collar employment, but gold collar employment, equally as important as English in today's market for employees and small business.

70. Obama's Snow Job Program 15:43 [Added 9/10/11]

Obama's Snow Job Program

Description: Libertarian Candidate Carl Person reviews 22 points in President Obama’s American Jobs Act speech to a joint Congressional Session on September 8, 2011 from the sole standpoint of whether the proposals can be expected to result in the creation of any new net jobs in the United States. Mr. Person explains why, as to each of 22 Obama proposals, the jobs program is a snow job, and that it will not result in the creation of any new jobs. Mr. Person explains what the President and Congress should do if they really want to create new jobs, which is to eliminate three types of regulation of small business, and the nation’s 26,000,000 small businesses (including 20,000,000 self employed persons) will create all the new jobs the country needs, and have the country seeking to fill the rest of the jobs through immigration from other countries. The three items for deregulation, according to Mr. Person (himself a small business person for more than 40 years) are: (i) Ending the laws that prohibit small business from seeking capital through advertising and publicity (which has been illegal since the Securities Act of 1933); (ii) allowing all businesses to designate 3 employees as “independent contractors” so that as to such 3 employees the businesses do not have to comply with payroll withholding and reporting and insurance requirements; and (iii) preempting all state laws that license and otherwise regulate vocational training programs, so that America’s small businesses can provide the vocational training that is not taking place in the nation’s 4-year and community colleges.

3/9/15 Note by Carl E. Person: I sent a copy of my proposal during February, 2012 to each of hundreds of managers for the Obama reelection campaign and during April, 2012 he enacted the first of the three reforms in his Jobs Act (by eliminating the provision of law that prohibited a small businessperson from advertising that he needed capital); and on March 9, 2015 the Obama White House issued a press release announcing that Obama was setting up a national program for the training of technology (see my 3rd point above).

69. Becoming a Presidential Convention Voting Delegate 5:14 [Added 8/12/11

Becoming a Presidential Convention Voting Delegate

Description: Attorney Carl Person, who has been defending foreclosures throughout the US, is seeking the nomination of the Libertarian Party as its candidate for President 2012. Person states that through his nomination and the Libertarian Party homeowners facing foreclosure and persons seeking employment would be heard and be able to obtain needed relief. Person asks viewers to get active in the political process, starting very near the top, by joining the Libertarian Party in the viewer’s own State, as well as a local Libertarian group within the State, and then seek appointment as a voting delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention to be held in Las Vegas from May 4-6, 2012, at the Red Rock Casino. In this way viewers can help change the way in which foreclosures are taking place, and the US will obtain 10,000,000 new, good-paying jobs created by small business without any taxpayer money. The Republican and Democratic Parties are not the answer. They are the problem. The Libertarian Party and candidate Carl Person seek to remove the rules and regulations which prevent small business from creating jobs, such as the rule that small business cannot advertise for capital or create training programs for small business employees. Regulation should be by civil and criminal lawsuits for fraud instead of a massive governmental apparatus that suppresses small business and the creation of new jobs. Person will answer your questions or tell him which organization you have joined. Just call 212- 307-4444 or email to [email protected]

67. Unemployed? Create Your Own Job! 14:57 [Added 7/4/11]

Unemployed? Create Your Own Job! Description: Carl Person, a Harvard lawyer seeking the Libertarian Party's nomination as its candidate for U.S. President (2012), tells how you can create your own job, while creating millions of jobs for others. Person explains that he needs campaign managers in every state, and in various cities, towns and villages in every state, and how you could be creating your own job in the process, and how this would benefit you, Person's campaign and the American public. Person knows employment, and has been a small business owner since age 9. He is an active attorney representing small businesses and homeowners, and is a creator of jobs himself. He created the paralegal career field, which now has 300,000 jobs, and create another field to be -- assistant to the owner of a small business -- which itself could have a demand of 10,000,000 employees by the nation's 26 million small business owners (including 20 million self employed persons, who have no employees at this time). Person's job creation promises are quite real and capable of being implemented, because they require no governmental money, and no new statutes. See if you can figure out why our government doesn't implement these changes to create millions of new jobs. See Person's website at and contact him at [email protected] (putting "Campaign Manager" in the subject line).

66. End Regulation of Vocational Education - Part 2 15:07 [Added 6/30/11]

End Regulation of Vocational Education

Description: Part 2 of 2. Carl Person, an attorney and small businessman, is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President 2012, and explains how millions of jobs can be created right now, without any new statutes and without any governmental money. What every small businessperson knows, but nobody in Washington DC knows, is that the needed jobs can be created by eliminating unnecessary regulation of small business. This video gives more detail in why we need to end all regulation of post-secondary (post-high school) programs to train students for employment or for self-employment. The only regulation would be by civil or criminal actions for commonlaw fraud. Candidate Person developed a curriculum to train students how to become the assistant to the owner of a small business, which if created by small businesses and taught throughout the US would create millions of jobs with the nation's 26 million small businesses. It would create a pool of millions of trained persons who could and would be hired by small businesses, knowing that a trained replacement was always available. Because of the burdensome regulation of vocational schools, the necessary training programs cannot be started and the nation's colleges are unable to teach the course. Also, Person's program to end all regulation of small business financing would enable small business to obtain the money they need to hire millions of new employees. These and other restrictions on small business financing have prevented small business from growing and increasing their hiring of employees. Also, Also, Person advocates the eliminating of all regulation as to the first three employees of any employer (or household), naming his program: The 1st 3 Are Free. Person also makes a plea for volunteers to help save the economy. See his website at

65. End Regulation of Vocational Education - Part 1 7:42 [Added 6/29/11]

End Regulation of Vocational Education

Description: Part 1 of 2. Carl Person, an attorney and small businessman, is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President 2012, and explains how millions of jobs can be created right now, without any new statutes and without any governmental money. What every small businessperson knows, but nobody in Washington DC knows, is that the needed jobs can be created by eliminating unnecessary regulation of small business. This video gives more detail in why we need to end all regulation of post-secondary (post-high school) programs to train students for employment or for self-employment. The only regulation would be by civil or criminal actions for common law fraud. Candidate Person developed a curriculum to train students how to become the assistant to the owner of a small business, which if created by small businesses and taught throughout the US would create millions of jobs with the nation's 26 million small businesses. It would create a pool of millions of trained persons who could and would be hired by small business, knowing that a trained replacement was always available. Because of the burdensome regulation of vocational schools, the necessary training programs cannot be started. The nation's colleges are unable to teach such a multi-disciplinary program because it has hundreds of topics, some only 5 or 10 minutes long. Also, Person's program to end all regulation of small business financing would enable small business to obtain the money they need to hire millions of new employees. These and other restrictions on small business financing

have prevented small business from growing and increasing their hiring of employees. Also, Person advocates the eliminating of all regulation as to the first three employees of any employer (or household), naming his program: The 1st 3 Are Free. Person also makes a plea for volunteers to help save the economy. See his website at

64. End Regulation of Small Business Financing 6:30 [Added 6/29/11]

End Regulation of Small Business Financing

Description: Carl Person, an attorney and small businessman, is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President 2012, and explains how millions of jobs can be created right now, without any governmental money or governmental program, simply by ending all regulation of small business financing. This would have to be done by federal statute, preempting all state regulation. Something similar to this was done by the National Securities Market Improvements Act of 1996 ("NSMIA"), which partially preempted state law relating to Rule 506 offerings under Regulation D. What every small businessperson knows, but nobody in Washington DC knows, is that jobs needed in the United States can be created by eliminating unnecessary regulation of small business. The only regulation would be by civil or criminal actions for common law fraud. Person's program to end all regulation of small business financing would enable small businesses to obtain the money they need to hire millions of new employees. These and other regulation of small business have prevented small business from growing and increasing their hiring of employees. Also, Person advocates the eliminating of all regulation as to the first three employees of any employer (or household), naming his program: The 1st 3 Are Free, and advocates eliminating all regulation of post-secondary vocational education. Person also makes a plea for volunteers to help save the economy and Video 67. See Person's website at

63. Jobs Jobs Jobs: The 1st 3 Are Free 12:12 [Added 6/26/11]

Jobs Jobs Jobs: The 1st 3 Are Free

Description: Carl Person, an attorney and small businessman, is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President 2012, and explains how millions of jobs can be created right now, without any new statutes and without any governmental money. What every small businessperson knows, but nobody in Washington DC knows, is that the needed jobs can be created by eliminating unnecessary regulation of small business. Specifically, Person's program "The 1st 3 Are Free" would eliminate all regulation of the first three employees of any business, or household, so that they would be viewed as "independent contractors". This would eliminate withholding, reporting, minimum wage, OSHA, workmen's compensation insurance, disability income insurance, posting of notices, and insurance fund audits, and enable a small business to skip a payroll when the money isn't there, without causing a collapse of the payment mechanism. All these burdens have caused small businesses not to hire, but they will hire if the regulation is eliminated. Also, we need to end all regulation of the financing of small business, as well as all regulation of post-secondary programs to train students for employment or for self-employment. One needed curriculum is to train students how to become the assistant to the owner of a small business. If small businesses created these programs throughout the U.S., there would be a pool

of millions of trained persons who could and would be hired by small business, knowing that a trained replacement was always available. Person also makes a plea for volunteers. See his website at

38. Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme 10:58 [Added 8/31/10]

Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme

Description: "The Secret of Oz" is among the top films you should view. In my 11-minute video I set forth some of the most important facts to be gleaned from the movie, and then explain what can be done at the state and local level to work around the Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme. The Federal Reserve is privately owned by the major banks and is in control of the nation's money supply. The Federal Reserve can and does create recessions and depressions by this control of money, such as the state of the economy now existing, which is a period for the rich to buy up the nation's assets for a pittance through foreclosures. The U.S. government, to pay its own bills, borrows money from the Federal Reserve (meaning, Chase, BOA, Citibank, and other major banks) and pays interest on the national debt to these banks (even on the trillion dollars recently given to these banks). The film points out that there is no need at all for this, which is no more than a Ponzi scheme, requiring more and more debt to finance paying interest by the U.S. on its outstanding debt. Instead, as Lincoln and Kennedy both started to do (before being assassinated, probably no coincidence) the U.S. Government should issue money directly, which would not require interest payments and would not be debt of the U.S. Government. Most importantly, money does not have to be based on precious metals. This is useful only for the owners of the precious metals and gives them a near monopoly on the money of a nation. Money to be accepted as legal tender could be wooden sticks (called Tally Sticks, used in England successfully for 726 years). The quantity of whatever is used as money needs to be controlled, and counterfeiting needs to be prevented. As a workaround, states should create a state bank similar to the North Dakota State Bank, to be able to have the State create money for its communities rather than to rely upon the machinations of the Federal Reserve. Sources: The Secret of Oz:, www.john-f- .htm, also go to www.wtv- RY.HTML

33. Regulatory Reform 9:58 [Added 6/21/09]

Regulatory Reform

Description: Regulatory Reform really means the reforms needed to slow down the concentration of our U.S. economy into the hands of fewer and fewer multinational corporations and their controlling individuals. Regulatory reform is needed in many areas, (a) to provide greater opportunity for individuals and small businesses; and (b) to reduce the unfair allocation of the nation's wealth to various favored groups. Although the leaders of the nation and their controlled media talk about Regulatory Reform, you can bet your last dollar nothing meaningful is going to happen at the federal and state levels. Instead, meaningful reform of our economy is

going to come, if at all, from the smallest towns and villages in the U.S., where reform is still possible, and such reform (if achieved) will spread like grass roots to other towns and villages, and to counties and cities. This video tells you the regulatory reforms that are needed but will not be achieved, at the federal or state level. Many of the possible reforms for towns and villages are described in and To see other videos by Carl Person, search in YouTube for Carl Person's trademark "CEPersVid".

29. Media Censors Self-Help Prosperity Plan 9:00 [added 5/23/09]

Media Censors Self-Help Prosperity Plan

Description: The major media is preventing the public from learning how to end the recession/depression. Any town or village can, through its own activities, provide a stimulus to its own local economy that will create prosperity for the residents of the town, even while residents on the other side of the town line remain in financial distress. The major media should, but does not, sift through and then publicize workable solutions to the nation’s economic problems. Instead, the major media publishes handouts by the politicians, who work for those who are not interested in curing the country’s economic evils, because they created and are prospering from such evils. Here is an opportunity for you to see how you can create prosperity for all of the residents in your town or village having a population between 5,000 and 25,000. If you agree with the plan, send a link to this video to your elected leaders (and to others who might do the same), and see if we can’t overcome political and other corruption by a program of self help, starting in small villages and towns in the United States. I am Carl E. Person, an attorney and concerned citizen, and you can see my 4-point plan at Also, you should know that I am not seeking compensation for my services in bringing prosperity to your community.

25. Usury Killed Economy 8:50 [added 3/27/09]

How Usury Killed Our Economy

Description: This edition of Video Newspaper explains how government policy of permitting pervasive usury has destroyed the U.S. economy. The usury discussed relates to credit cards and home loan mortgages, but expands the concept of usury into the excessive profitability caused by governmental non-enforcement of the nations antitrust, securities and anti-gambling laws. With such many profitable industries based on usury, the nations and world's investment capital left manufacturing and went into these usurious industries (banks, investment banking, consumer financing, home loans, credit cards, and companies with excessive profitability caused by violations of the nations antitrust, securities and anti-gambling laws), causing destruction of American manufacturing, jobs, opportunity, retirement savings and the U.S. economy.

24. Top Down Failure 6:54

Failure of Top Down Government

Description: This edition of Video Newspaper explains how "top down" government is responsible for the nation’s economic mess, with top down examples. The cure for top down evils is a bottom up or grass roots approach. The editor, attorney Carl Person, explains how his grass-roots reform program can bring prosperity to any town or village in the US. Residents of the town have the power to bring prosperity to the town, but so far no town or village in America has elected for prosperity.

17. Cure for Failing Newspapers 8:15

Cure for Failing Newspapers

Description: How the nation's daily newspapers, most of which monopolize the newspaper market in their geographic area, can prevent themselves from going out of business, by providing a service which they have forgotten, or were motivated not, to provide. If a daily newspaper starts providing this forgotten service to its readers, the newspaper should be able to survive and even prosper. The problem is not Craigslist. The problem is the newspaper's relevance to its readers.

15A. Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part A 9:49

Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part A

15B. Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part B 9:12

Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part B

15C. Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part C 8:20

Stimulus - Enforce Antitrust Laws - Part C

Description:Parts A-C [3-part] video. Private antitrust attorney Carl E. Person summarizes the nation’s 4 main antitrust laws (Sherman Act, Robinson-Patman Act, Clayton Act and Federal Trade Commission Act), reads the most important operative text from each of the 4 statutes (with a link for viewers to read the text themselves), explains relevant product and service markets and relevant geographic markets, explains the injurious effects you can predict will take place when a monopoly exists, and what 6 reforms are needed as the # 1 economic Stimulus in this country, to have a return of antitrust law enforcement, to lower prices, create jobs, and prevent further destruction of the U.S. economy by monopolistic and oligopolistic forces, and loss of the Constitutional rights of citizens and others.

14. Unemployment - a Curable Economic Disease 9:15

Unemployment - a Curable Economic Disease

Description: Growing unemployment is an economic disease and is curable, when you identify and treat the causes of the disease. The public doesn't understand the causes and is led to believe

that toxic investments are the main culprit. This is just a symptom, and is not the disease itself. Carl Person, an antitrust attorney, lists various symptoms of the economic disease, and then prescribes 10 treatments needed to get rid of the disease. If these treatments for the nation's unemployment problem do not take place, it can be assumed that the disease will not go away, but get worse. You are invited to analyze the 10 cures and let the author know about any treatments to add to the list.

Three-Part Video on Antitrust Law

13. Top 10 List of Needed Reforms 9:12

Top 10 List of Needed Reforms to Make Our Economy Work for the Voters and Small Businesses

Description: A list of the Top 10 Needed Reforms in the United States to prevent further loss of the rights and freedoms of individuals and small businesses, and to prevent the United States from becoming a third-world country. These reforms include (1) taxpayer campaign financing; (2) giving ballot access to independent and third-party candidates; (3) stopping $100 million mergers and breaking up companies too large to fail; (4) breaking up the main media monopoly; (5) decentralizing civil law enforcement through appointment of a new type of sheriff, who goes into court; (6) setting up $2,000/year tuition equivalency colleges for all residents of the US; (7) requiring imports to pay their fair share of the costs of maintaining the U.S. market; (8) set up a single-payer healthcare system together with fostering of an optional free-market for medical services; (9) reform of banking, credit card and securities laws (to stop gouging and to make it easier for small businesses to raise capital); and (10) court reform e.g. a paperless U.S. Supreme Court, and elimination of the federal arbitration act which deprives individuals of their Constitutional right to a jury trial.

7. A Task Market Can Create Jobs at $100/Each 9:42, 6:50

Part A

Part A – A Task Market Can Create Jobs at $100/Each

Part B

Part B – A Task Market Can Create Jobs at $100/Each

Description: A 2-Part video on how a town, village or small city can create work for its residents at a cost of about $100 per "job", through signing up residents to a free task marketplace website, going door to door to solicit participants, and then advertising the availability of such task performers to the 25-mile radius around the town (using low-cost local advertising), with participants expected to earn about $100 to $200 per day or $25,000 to $50,000 per year as newly-created small businesspersons and independent contractors - all this without federal stimulus subsidies, which is truly a shame. The task marketplace is the obvious

successor to the diminishing jobs marketplace, according to the video's author, an antitrust lawyer.

6. Stimulus Needs Area-Wide Payroll Administrator [9:48]

Stimulus Needs Area-Wide Payroll Administrator

Description: A local government can create prosperity for its residents and small businesses by making several important, but low-cost changes. One of these changes is to create an area-wide payroll administrator to administer the payrolls for the area's small businesses and also any households hiring domestics (such as babysitters and gardeners). Because of the savings of time and money for the area's small businesses, the area can expect an increase of about 10% in employment as a result. Also, the owners of the businesses will be better able to build up Social Security benefits for themselves which many small business owners forfeit by not having any payroll, because of the burdens on small business of starting up and then stopping payroll when financial conditions of the business require.

5. Employee PR Taxes: 1st 3 Are Free! 8:32

Employee PR Taxes: 1st 3 Are Free!

Description: A federal legislative proposal I call "The First 3 Are Free" to eliminate all federal and state regulation (including payroll taxes, OSHA, insurance, reports) as to the first three employees of any business (other than its owners or relatives) even as to large corporations, which would create 10,000,000 new jobs in the U.S. by eliminating regulatory burdens on the smallest businesses and encourage them to hire 1 to 3 employees; with the government having an option to require the exempt employees to file paperwork and pay taxes at the local Post Office at federal expense, thus transferring the burden of excessive federal regulation upon the federal government

4. Stimulus Needs Town Attorneys General 5:57

Stimulus Needs Town Attorneys General

Description: The national economic crisis was caused by failure of the federal and state governments to enforce various federal and state laws. Crisis could have been averted if 40,000 local governments had appointed and used their own attorneys general (for which they already have the legal authority). The "town attorney general" is needed today to enforce these laws, such as securities, banking, insurance , antitrust and employment, taking over the responsibility from the FTC, Justice Department, federal and state attorneys general, EEOC, banking and market regulators and other state and federal agencies. The proceeds from town attorney general lawsuits, as the recovery of moneys stolen from residents and businesses in the town, could be used to provide healthcare and employment for the residents of the town.

1. Low-Tuition Equivalency College 7:22

Low-Tuition Equivalency College

Description: How any town, village or small city can start up (in 2 months and at no cost) a 4- year equivalency college for its area residents, with tuition ranging from zero to $2,000 per year per student.

Appendix-2 - Text from Carl E. Person's Ballot Initiative for a Free Technical Training Program in Hudson, New York

Appendix-2 - Text from Carl E. Person's Ballot Initiative for a Free Technical Training Program in Hudson, New York

The following is the material part of the text from my ballot initiative for voters to require City of Hudson, New York to offer a free 500-hour program of instruction to high school seniors and adults residing in Hudson, to qualify them to work anywhere in the United States, without licensing, for $25-$60/hour as assistant to the owner/manager of a small business or small entity:


WHEREAS, government programs exist to pay tuition and other expenses for students seeking and obtaining a college or other higher education, even though the prospective employers of college graduates (i.e., governments, big business and the military) are not the creators of any net number of new jobs in the United States; WHEREAS, there are no government or private programs for the training of persons to manage the smallest business, professional and non-profit entities in the United States, which are capable of paying a single skilled employee an hourly wage of approximately $25 to $60 per hour, while giving on-the-job training, experience and incentive to such manager to ultimately become a small-business owner himself/herself; WHEREAS, government agencies, big business and the military cannot afford to pay $25 to $60 per hour to their lowest-paid employees, unlike small business entities, many or most of which could and should be willing to pay its lowest-paid (and only) employee $25 to $60 per hour, if the employee can free up the time of the small-business owner to enable such owner to earn a substantially higher dollar amount using the skills that relate to the owner's type of business; WHEREAS, if Hudson, New York offers the envisioned training to residents of Hudson, there should be an increase in demand to reside in Hudson, which should cause land values to increase, and local businesses to increase their sales and earnings, with resulting prosperity for Hudson residents and small businesses;

[Text of the proposed local law:]

1. The title of this local law is “Act to establish a free, continuing 1-year job training program for all City of Hudson residents and high school seniors ". 2. The City of Hudson, New York and the Hudson City School District ("Hudson") shall offer a free, continuing 1-year adult education program to Hudson residents and to owners of small businesses and other entities based in Hudson to train students how to manage a small business, professional firm, non-profit organization, governmental agency or non-governmental agency (hereinafter, "small entities") and to provide a placement service for program graduates without cost to the graduates. 3. The curriculum for such program shall be taught within approximately 500 50-minute classroom hours and cover substantially the topics outlined in a curriculum prepared by Carl E. Person, available at or such other website which may be used for such purpose by Carl E. Person, as may be modified by him from time to time. 4. Hudson and the Hudson City School District shall offer a similar, optional, free, continuing 1-year training and placement program to high school seniors and, if this cannot be achieved for any reason, Hudson High School Seniors will be encouraged to take the adult program, even if they drop out of high school to do so. 5. The training program is to be established so that it is or can be taught by a single instructor for the 1-year program (which continues from year to year), and students may enter the program at the beginning of any week, which makes it easier to keep the available seats filled in spite of students who drop out of the program. 6. Hudson and Hudson City School District shall be authorized to enter into one or more agreements in which BOCES is to offer the course described in ¶¶ 2-5 and use tax revenues allocated to the training program described in ¶¶ 2-5 above to the extent that such diversion of funds does not impair the program under said paragraphs. 7. If any provision of this law is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall be in no manner affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect. Plan for Financing the Implementation of this Statute for the City of Hudson

(Submitted in Support of the Petition pursuant to ¶ 11 of Section 37 of the NY Municipal Home Rule Law)

The implementation of this statute requires Hudson to pay each year a total of approximately $100,000 in compensation for instructors to teach a 1-year course for Hudson adults and high school seniors in How to Manage a Small Business and Other Small Entities; about $15,000 in placement costs for a part-time placement service or person; and an initial expense of about $50,000 in hardware and software for the instructional program. Although not part of the Plan of Financing, some of the required hardware and software could already by owned by Hudson or Hudson City School District and be available without cost for use in the instruction; and some of the instruction could be taught by existing teachers and need not require any additional funding

by Hudson (other than perhaps reimbursement to the school district for incentive pay to encourage existing teachers to change their courses of instruction).

[End of Training Petition Text]

Appendix-3 - Text from Carl E. Person's Ballot Initiative for $50,000/Year Radio Advertising by Hudson of a Local Key-Word Advertising Website for Residents and Small Businesses

The following is the material part of the text from my ballot initiative for voters to require City of Hudson, New York to pay $50,000 per year for radio advertising to advertise a local website for each Hudson resident and small business to place hundreds of free, permanent key-word ads on the website offering all types of goods and services to the 75-mile radius around Hudson, New York, as a way of advertising the entire business of each resident and small business at a cost per year per advertiser of only $20:


WHEREAS, major retail chain stores such as McDonald's (14,157 stores in the United States in 2012), Dunkin' Donuts (7,015 stores in the United States) and 7-Eleven (10,642 stores in the United States and Canada), which are able to reduce their cost of advertising per store by area advertising their product instead of their store addresses, with all stores in the advertising area obtaining customers as a result of the advertising in the area;

WHEREAS, this type of advertising has been devastating to small businesses throughout the United States because they cannot advertise their single store in the area as inexpensively as a competing chain store with this advertising advantage, causing millions of small businesses throughout the United States to go out of business;

WHEREAS, the number of individuals, small businesses and other entities in Hudson seeking to buy or sell goods or services amounts to an estimated 2,500 (out of a 2013 population of 6,648), including individuals who can be encouraged to offer or buy or sell goods or services starting on a part-time basis;

WHEREAS, 2,500 full and part-time businesses in Hudson is comparable to the thousands of retail outlets of McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and 7-Eleven, but with various advantages, including (1) the 2,500 businesses are located in an exceedingly small area of 2.2 miles, a concentration of businesses far greater than any chain stores (e.g., Hudson has only 1 McDonald's, 3 Dunkin' Donuts (including 1 outlet in Wal-Mart) and no 7-Eleven stores;

WHEREAS, the cost of advertising per store for McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and 7-Eleven is many thousands of dollars (McDonald's, the largest advertiser, having spent $988,000,000 in advertising during 2013 - a total of $69,789 per store), the proposed $50,000 annual advertising budget to advertise the 2,500 businesses in Hudson amounts to an annual expense per business of only $20, a very, very small amount per store to advertise each and every item each business wants to buy or sell, through a community database for Hudson Zip Code 12534;

WHEREAS, if Hudson, New York advertises all products and services being offered (to buy or sell) by all businesses in Hudson at the minimal cost of only $20/per business, there should be a dramatic increase in sales for the 2,500 businesses amounting to many times the $50,000 being spent each year by Hudson, which should result in an increase in demand to reside or do business in Hudson, which should cause land values to increase, and local businesses to increase their earnings, with resulting prosperity for Hudson residents and small businesses.


[Text of the proposed local law:]

1. The title of this local law is “Act to establish $50,000 in annual radio advertising by Hudson in support of one or more Hudson-owned or privately-owned website databases for exclusive use by Hudson small businesses, residents and other Hudson-based entities to place free keyword advertising for any (lawful) goods or services". 2. Hudson is to pay for 1-minute (or shorter) radio advertising of one or more website addresses for privately-owned or Hudson-owned database(s) consisting solely of free local keyword advertising of whatever goods and services any resident of or business or other entity in Hudson wishes to buy or sell, with advertisers being encouraged to set up a "landing page" in their own websites for each keyword advertising they place; also, advertisers are encouraged to advertise goods and services not previously offered by them, with appropriate disclosures in their landing pages for such advertisements; the purpose is to have hopefully millions of keyword advertisements for a vast number of goods and services to be made available for purchase from Hudson individuals and entities throughout the world through Internet searches. 3. Any database accepting ZIP Codes not in use for City of Hudson is not qualified to be advertised by Hudson under this statute. 4. Multiple databases could be advertised through advertising of an umbrella website with appropriate search and index features to enable traffic to have access to all of the databases incorporated therein; 5. Examples of the keyword ads are: (i) tutor quantum mechanics, high school level, $35/hour; (ii) have plow, will shovel driveways at $30/hour, with a $15 minimum; (iii) rebuild 1929

Studebaker carburetors, $50 per hour plus parts; (iv) rebuild 1930 Buick generators, $45/hour plus parts; (v) consult on cleaning up oil spills; (vi) prepare landing pages for keyword advertisers; and (vii) assist advertisers in preparing keyword advertisements. 6. Hudson's obligation to pay for advertising is limited to $50,000 per year or $60 per year per advertiser, whichever is the lesser (with related or affiliated entities being considered a single advertiser). 7. Any disputes as to which database or databases are to be advertised are to be resolved at a special meeting to be duly noticed, with a majority vote of qualified voters who attend the meeting, assuming a quorum is present. 8. If any provision of this law is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall be in no manner affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect.

Plan for Financing the Implementation of this Statute for the City of Hudson

(Submitted in Support of the Petition pursuant to ¶ 11 of Section 37 of the NY Municipal Home Rule Law)

The implementation of this statute requires Hudson to pay each year approximately $50,000 for advertising (for 1-minute or shorter radio commercials, which amount would require Hudson to increase taxes paid by residents and local businesses. Although not part of the Plan of Financing, it is envisioned that this advertising would result in increased land values, with resulting increase in real estate taxes for Hudson (and savings on local social welfare costs) in a total amount more than paying for the advertising. [End of Advertising Petition Text]

Carl E. Person
