‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.’ – John 8:32

VOL. 69, NO. 2|JANUARY 10, 2020 WORCESTER, HOME DELIVERY $39/YEAR FREE IN PARISHES & ON NEWSSTANDS Brit’s dream flourishes 10 years after Haiti quake

BY TANYA CONNOR | THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS saw her. the pain in Haiti over other earth- “Look at that face! Britney Gengel was among an quake victims. She’s so happy to The 10th anniversary of the estimated 300,000 people who In the midst of this, he spoke of be there. It’s where devastating earthquake in Haiti is lost their lives in the Jan. 12, having faith and hope for eternal she’s supposed a time for some people to remem- 2010 earthquake. The 19-year-old peace and of the love we have felt to be,” said ber a local young Catholic woman had gone on a Food for the Poor and still feel the love of God. Cherlyann Gengel whose life it claimed. Journey of Hope trip with 11 The words faith, hope and love when looking at The people of Haiti are also fellow students and two faculty are on Britney s grave. this photo of her remembered and appreciated, as members from Lynn University in The Gengels wrote a book called daughter, Britney, efforts to serve them continue. Boca Raton, Florida. Four students Heartache and Hope in Haiti, in Haiti. Britney and Ten years ago I drove my Brit- and the faculty members died as started the Be Like Brit Founda- the photographer, ney to the airport so she could a result of the earthquake. tion Inc. and built an Christine go on her first missionary trip to Britney s father, Leonard Gen- in Grand Goave, the town Britney Gianacaci, were Haiti, Cherylann Gengel, of St. gel, told The Catholic Free Press was scheduled to travel to the day among Lynn John Parish in Worcester, said in a Tuesday that his heart goes out to after the earthquake. University students Jan. 4 posting. I didn t other parents who have lost chil- killed in the 2010 know it would be the last time I dren in tragic ways, and he feels SEE HAITI, 7 PHOTO COURTESY OF BE LIKE BRIT earthquake there.

Diocese 20th fills two Called forth to serve anniversary buses for the marginalized Men’s March Conference for Life announces speakers The Respect Life Office has filled two buses to The Worcester Catholic Men s Confer- capacity for the Diocese of ence is celebrating its 20th anniversary Worcester s bus trip to the this year with speakers that include au- March for Life in Washing- thor Scott Hahn, Bishop Robert Reed of ton, D.C. The buses leave CatholicTV, and Luis Soto of the Augus- Thursday, Jan. 23, follow- tine Institute. ing the annual Mass for Msgr. Thomas J. Sullivan and Angelo Life. Guadagno, co-chairmen of the nation s Bishop McManus will oldest conference of this type, an- celebrate the Mass for Life nounced the speakers for the event that at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul Ca- will be held at Assumption College on thedral, 19 Chatham St., Saturday, March 28. Worcester. Allison LeDoux, The planning committee has been director of the Respect Life inviting parish contact persons for the Office, invites all to attend annual Mass and planning breakfast set the Mass as we remember for 8 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at Christ the the 47th tragic anniversary King Church, 1052 Pleasant St., Worces- of Roe v. Wade and pray for ter, where Msgr. Sullivan is pastor. If able an end to abortion and the to come, those men are asked to contact conversion of our nation. the committee. We will also pray in a spe- The conference s speaking program cial way for all those who and lunch will take place in Assump- will be traveling to Wash- tion s Plourde Center. Registration and ington, D.C., for the March 70 exhibitions will be in the Laska Gym. for Life. Confessions will be heard in the adjoin- According to Mrs. ing Hagan Campus Center. LeDoux, the office may be We have a superb slate of speakers able to add a third bus if again this year, said Mr. Guadagno. there is enough interest. There is something for everyone and I If there are not enough BY SUSAN BAILEY | CFP CORRESPONDENT know that our participants will not be registrants to fill another disappointed, especially given the vari- bus, we will keep a wait list Brenda Seymour from Hudson saw out ety of topics. in case any seats open up, Scott Hahn, an exceptionally popular she said. 2019 by beginning a new life. On New Year s speaker, teacher and author, will offer If interested in attend- two talks at the conference. His morning ing and/or being kept on a Eve, she departed for Kenya as a Maryknoll conference talk is titled, The Road to wait list please inquire by Emmaus: The Path to Lifelong Conver- email to aledoux@worces- Bmissioner, where she will serve for the next sion. His afternoon program will be terdiocese.org, as soon as The Power of the Sacraments. possible. The cost is $95 three-and-a-half years. The 65-year-old former Mr. Hahn has delivered numerous per seat. talks nationally and internationally on a If you can t attend this parishioner of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish wide variety of subjects related to Scrip- year, Mrs. LeDoux suggests ture and the Catholic faith. His talks that you consider a dona- in Westborough and Immaculate Conception have been effective in helping thousands tion to help defray expens- PHOTOS COURTESY OF MARYKNOLL of Protestants and fallen away Catholics es for students and others During the Maryknoll Sending Parish in Marlborough was one of four lay to (re)embrace the Catholic faith. with financial challenges. Ceremony in December, top, Brenda He is the chairman of Biblical Theol- Donations can be made Seymour and Greg Garrity listen as missioners and one Maryknoll sister sent to ogy and the New Evangelization at Fran- payable to Respect Life they are called forth for mission in ciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, Office - Diocese of Worces- Kenya. Ms. Seymour, above, poses four countries around the world: Haiti, Kenya, where he has taught since 1990. He is ter (mark March for Life with Marj Humphrey, the Maryknoll the founder and president of the Saint donation in the memo), Lay Missioners’ director of mission, Cambodia and East Timor. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. who bestowed a mission cross on Ms. SEE MARCH, 6 Seymour during the ceremony. SEE MARYKNOLL, 6 SEE 20TH, 7

Parishes can expand evangelization efforts with Legacy grants

BY SUSAN BAILEY | CFP CORRESPONDENT hopes to set aside $1.5 million to- people for further training involves GIVING BACK People have to be touched, said ward grants for evangelization pro- expenses most parishes do not Father Robert A. Grattaroti, pastor grams in parishes. budget for this. There isn t a lot of St. Joseph Parish in Charl- The Diocese of Worces- of money left over for this sort of That s the key, when people ton. The whole message ter has an established thing. This is where a grant from of the Gospel is that subcommittee which the Legacy of Hope cam- realize that their faith isn t a people were touched by assists parishes in the paign can help out. Jesus in their hearts. choosing of evangeliza- According to Fa- personal thing but does involve The key to evangeliza- tion programs for that ther Sanders, who tion is communication. parish s needs. There are has used several sharing and reaching out. This is the thinking behind many from which to choose evangelization pro- “ the Legacy of Hope s campaign, des- but as Father William F. Sanders of grams at St. Louis, That s what evangelization ignating evangelization as one of St. Louis Parish in Webster pointed the results have its key components. From the target out, Some of these materials are is all about for me. goal of $32 million, the campaign a little bit expensive. Plus, to send SEE LEGACY, 6 – FATHER WILLIAM F. SANDERS ST. LOUIS PARISH, WEBSTER www.catholicfreepress.org Find us on Facebook and Twitter WORLD NEWS 2 COMMENTARY 5 Mercy Centre Foxes preserve Puerto Rico reels under NATIONAL NEWS 3 OBITUARY 6 POPE’S MESSAGE 4 AROUND DIOCESE 8 successive earthquakes; OPINION 4 MOVIE REVIEW 9 winning ways against Amcats facebook.com/CatholicFreePressnews team. 7 damaged. 3 twitter.com/cfpnews FUNDAMENTALS 5 CATHOLIC QUIZ 9 2 AROUND THE WORLD THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | JANUARY 10, 2020 Faith is about worshipping God, not oneself, pope says

BY CINDY WOODEN | CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE on Epiphany, a deacon chanted the an- have we confused the interests of the Gos- nouncement of the date of Easter 2020 pel with our own? How many times have VATICAN CITY (CNS) Worshipping the (April 12) and the dates of other feasts on we cloaked in religiosity the things we Lord as the Three Kings did involves mak- the church calendar that are calculated find convenient? ing a journey from the greatest form of according to the date of Easter. In the Gospel story of the Three Kings, bondage: slavery to oneself, In his homily, the pope focused on the the high priests and scribes know all the said on the feast of the Epiphany. importance of worshipping the Lord, prophecies about the birth of the Messiah, To worship like the Magi did is to bring bowing down in adoration and putting yet they do not join the Magi in going to gold to the Lord and to tell him that noth- him before all other concerns, because Bethlehem to worship the newborn king, ing is more precious than he is. To offer the Christian life is a journey toward the the pope noted. him incense and to tell him that only in Lord, not toward ourselves. They offer another lesson to Christians, union with him can our lives rise up to In the Gospel, he said, Herod wor- he said. In the Christian life, it is not heaven. To present him with myrrh, balm shipped only himself and wanted to rid enough to be knowledgeable; unless we for the bruised and wounded, and to himself of the child Jesus. What does step out of ourselves, unless we encoun- promise him that we will aid our margin- this teach us? That when we do not wor- ter others and worship, we cannot know alized and suffering neighbors in whom ship God, we end up worshipping our- God. he himself is present, the pope said. selves. Faith is not simply a set of fine doc- CNS PHOTO | PAUL HARING Pope Francis celebrated the feast day in People can use religion to affirm them- trines, but a relationship with a living per- Pope Francis raises the Book of the Gospels St. Peter s Basilica Jan. 6. selves and their own abilities, the pope son whom we are called to love, the pope as he celebrates Mass marking the feast of In accordance with an ancient tradi- said. This is a grave risk: We use God said. It is in encountering Jesus face to the Epiphany in St. Peter’s Basilica at the tion, after the proclamation of the Gospel instead of serving him. How many times face that we come to see him as he is. Vatican Jan. 6.


Church workers aid others after Jakarta floods JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNS) Caritas Indonesia (Kari- na) has joined the Jakarta Archdiocese in distributing aid to people hard hit by floods that have killed doz- ens of people in and around Indonesia s capital. Ucanews.org reported the floods are considered among the worst to have hit the Indonesian capital and its suburbs since records began. According to the National Disaster Management Agency, at least 60 people have died because of floods and landslides in Jakarta, West Java and Banten provinces, while more than 90,000 people remain displaced.

Australian bishops respond to fires

CANBERRA, Australia (CNS) Saying that there is no end in sight to the horror which confronts us, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, president of the Austra- lian Catholic Bishops Conference, said the bishops have implemented a national response to months of wildfires. The bishops have set up a national network, con- necting people affected by the fires with people who can help with tasks such as preparing meals, clearing properties, rebuilding communities, as well as pastoral and counseling support. They are collaborating with other religious agencies and their institutes and will CNS PHOTO | NAZANIN TABATABAEE, WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY VIA REUTERS take up a special collection the last weekend in Janu- A woman holds prayer beads during Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 3, after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was ary, when Australia Day is celebrated. killed in a U.S. drone airstrike at Baghdad International Airport earlier that day. Archbishop Coleridge said people who do not want to wait to donate to their parish collections can donate to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, known in Austra- Iraqis hope attacks by U.S., Iran will lia as Vinnies. ease and tensions will decrease

BY DALE GAVLAK | CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE of yesterday. ... Now, that it is done, divisions in Iraq between Sunni Mus- let us go to negotiate. lims and Shiites. AMMAN, Jordan (CNS) Iraqis Iran called Soleimani s killing an We are fed up with all kinds of hope the violent attacks by the U.S. act of war and state terrorism, troubles and war. We don t want this and Iran will ease and that moves to and vowed hard revenge. Soleimani anymore. Especially, the demonstra- decrease tensions will take hold, said is believed to have been responsible tions in Baghdad are telling those an Iraqi archbishop. for hundreds of U.S. service member who are with Iran or with America: Chaldean Catholic Archbishop deaths in Iraq. He was also Iran s Let us live in peace, Archbishop Yousif Thomas Mirkis of Kirkuk, main strategist in the Syrian conflict. Mirkis said, underscoring the de- Iraq, repeated the overarching con- American officials said there were mand by protesters to end Iranian cern of the majority of Iraqis, regard- no initial reports of casualties, but influence in their country. Iraq s par- less of their religious affiliation: that the strikes impact was being as- liament, minus absent Sunni Muslim foreign troops stop using their shat- sessed. Analysts expressed hope that and Kurdish lawmakers, voted Jan. 5 tered homeland as a battlefield to the crisis can now be defused, with to expel American troops from Iraq. settle scores. Tehran showing it has retaliated over The archbishop and other Catho- CNS PHOTO | AARON CHOWN, REUTERS On Jan. 8, Iran launched more than Soleimani s killing, while Washing- lic leaders, included Iraqi Chaldean A worker removes anti-Semitic graffiti on a shop window a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi ton may shrug off the limited nature Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako, repeat- in the Belsize Park neighborhood of London. bases in what it said was retaliation of strikes. edly have appealed for an immedi- for Washington s targeted killing of My anxiety was real, Archbishop ate de-escalation of tensions and Iran s top militia commander, Maj. Mirkis said, referring to remarks he for countries to stop using Iraq as a London cardinal condemns hate speech Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in Baghdad made earlier to CNS about the deep battlefield. Jan. 3. The missiles hit the al-Asad fears Iraqis share. They hate the fact Analysts point out that Iran chose MANCHESTER, England (CNS) An English cardinal airbase, which houses U.S. troops, that the United States and Iran are direct missile strikes from its own has condemned all expressions of hatred after anti- and American and coalition forces settling their differences on Iraqi territory rather than using its proxy Semitic graffiti was daubed across shops, cafes and a in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil, in soil and view this recent escalation militia forces, such as Lebanon s synagogue in London. areas not heavily populated. between the two powers as very dan- Shiite Hezbollah or Houthi rebels in Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster denounced We haven t heard anything about gerous for their people. Yemen. the Dec. 29 attacks, which coincided with the Jewish lives lost. Maybe it can stop here Many fear that the assassination But they wonder whether it will religious festival of Hanukkah. the revenge, Archbishop Mirkis told of Soleimani, known as the architect unleash such forces in asymmetric In a New Year message posted Jan. 1 on the website Catholic News Service by phone Jan. of Tehran s proxy wars in the Middle warfare against U.S. interests and al- of the Archdiocese of Westminster, the cardinal asked 8. The revenge was in all the speech East, could spark further sectarian lies in the region later on. Catholics to include building up the kingdom of God among their New Year resolutions. We look for justice and compassion, for generosity Pope: Uphold ‘the right and truth, for faithfulness and love, for a sense of uni- ty and shared well-being, said Cardinal Nichols before to life’ suggesting ways in which Catholics can improve their VATICAN CITY (CNS) society. Health care professionals always must promote the dignity and life of China rules target Catholic, Protestant churches each person and reject any compromise in the SIEM REAP, Cambodia (CNS) The Chinese govern- direction of euthanasia, ment has targeted unregistered Catholic and Protes- assisted suicide or sup- tant churches with a new expansion of rules and regu- pression of life, even in the lations governing religious organizations. case of terminal illness, It will institute another raft of laws covering 41 Pope Francis said. religion-related topics Feb. 1, two years after the imple- Life is sacred and be- mentation of another set of restrictive laws for reli- longs to God, the pope gious groups in the country. said, hence it is inviola- The goal is to have all religious organizations ble, and no one can claim brought into the open, registered in one way or anoth- the right to dispose of it er and thus end the duality of official religious orga- freely. nizations and underground (or unregistered), which Pope Francis addressed in China means the government knows about them health care professionals but (previously) let them be, Francesco Sisci, a senior in his annual message for researcher at Beijing s Renmin University, told CNS. the celebration of World Day of the Sick, which is marked Feb. 11, the feast Kenyan Catholic leaders alarmed at terror attacks of Our Lady of Lourdes. The text of the message NAIROBI, Kenya (CNS) Catholic leaders in Kenya are was released Jan. 3. sounding an alarm after a terror attack killed three To people suffering from Americans and forced local people to flee. illness in body or mind, The clerics feared the attack in Manda Bay in Lamu the pope offered words of County which occurred amid increasing tension in hope and encouragement, the Middle East could be an act of revenge linked to assuring them of Jesus the recent killing of the top Iranian military leader. It closeness and his promise also could be retaliation for U.S. airtstrikes targeting to alleviate their burdens. al-Shabab fighters after a truck bomb in Somalia s capi- Jesus does not make tal, Mogadishu, killed at least 79 people. demands of those who en- We are condemning the attack, which has disrupted dure situations of frailty, peace and tranquility in the region, Father Wilybard suffering and weakness, Lagho, vicar general of the Mombasa Archdiocese, told but offers his mercy and Catholic News Service. I think the war on terror is his comforting presence, redefining itself in the global scale. We are likely to see the pope said. dormant terror cells reawakening. JANUARY 10, 2020 | THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS ACROSS THE NATION 3


Bishop says religious prejudice cannot be tolerated

PORTLAND, Maine (CNS) Bishop Robert P. Deeley of Portland Maine, called for the country to continue working to end any form of religious prejudice during a New Year s Day Mass. Citing incidents of religious violence as 2019 came to a close, includ- ing a knife attack at a rabbi s home in New York and a shooting at a Texas church, Bishop Deeley said American society is experiencing too much religious-based violence and hatred. Unfortunately, it marks the century for us, he told worshippers at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland. We have seen too many shootings and attacks on religious houses and communities. As Christians we cannot tolerate any kind of religious prejudice. Bishop Deeley attributed the violence to the implicit permission of soci- ety for giving rise to such attacks.

Pope accepts resignation of Bishop Higgins from military diocese

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Aux- iliary Bishop Richard B. Higgins, the episcopal vicar for veterans affairs of the Archdiocese for the Military Services. The retirement of Bishop Higgins, who reached the normal retirement age of 75 last February, was announced Jan. 2 in Washington by Archbish- op Christophe Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to the United States. Bishop Higgins duties as vicar for veterans affairs included responsibil- ity for the more than 200 chaplains serving at more than 150 VA hospitals in the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam.

CNS PHOTO | RICARDO ORTIZ, REUTERS Theodore McCarrick has moved from Kansas friary A destroyed home is seen after an earthquake in Guanica, Puerto Rico, Jan. 6. A larger temblor of magnitude 6.4 rattled Puerto Rico before dawn Jan. 7, killing at least one person and destroying a Catholic church. A series of earthquakes and aftershocks beneath the southern part of the island DENVER, Colo. (CNA) - The disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCar- have been occurring since the night of Dec. 28-29. rick has moved from the Kansas friary where he had been living since 2018. A spokesman for the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Conrad told CNA Jan. 7 that McCarrick left St. Fidelis Friary in Victoria, Kansas, just Puerto Rico reels under days ago. He has moved to a residential community of priests who have been re- moved from ministry, senior Church officials told CNA. The former cardinal made the decision to leave the Kansas friary him- successive earthquakes self over the Christmas period, sources say, adding that his continued presence in the friary had become a strain on the Franciscan community that was hosting him. BY DENNIS SADOWSKI | CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE fell down. McCarrick moved to the friary shortly after he was accused in 2018 of That s really sad because it was a very his- sexually abusing minors, seminarians, and young priests. WASHINGTON (CNS) At least one person torical monument, a tourist place, he added. McCarrick s new location remains undisclosed. has died and one Catholic Church was de- Father Camacho said he had been in contact stroyed by the latest of a series of earthquakes with Bishop Ruben Gonzalez Medina of Ponce, Bishop Nicholas to rock Puerto Rico. where the cathedral experienced some dam- DiMarzio of Brooklyn, A magnitude 6.4 quake shook people awake age. Mass was canceled Jan. 7 at the cathedral N.Y., Cardinal Timothy at 4:24 a.m. local time Jan. 7, less than 24 hours and numerous parishes across the diocese, he M. Dolan, and Rabbi after a magnitude 5.8 temblor shook the island said. Joseph Potasnik, in the predawn hours of Jan. 6. I talked with a priest in charge of social executive vice- Aftershocks ranging in ministry in Ponce, Father president of the New magnitude from 3.8 to 6 Camacho told CNS. He York Board of Rabbis, were felt throughout the told me even himself he is speak from the island following the early The most recent large quake not traveling to see what is podium in Brooklyn’s morning temblor, reported happening (in the diocese) Cadman Plaza during the U.S. Geological Survey. knocked out because they are afraid massive No Fear, No The continuous shaking there could be more ruts in Hate rally, Jan. 5. has taken a psychological power to much the road and their lives are CNS PHOTO | ED WILKINSON, THE TABLET toll, said Father Enrique in danger. Camacho, executive direc- of the island, Puerto Rico has expe- tor of Caritas of Puerto including the capital of rienced a series of minor Catholic leaders join New Yorkers in march against hate Rico, which is affiliated earthquakes beginning the with Catholic Charities San Juan. The Puerto Rico night of Dec. 28-29 leading BROOKLYN, N.Y. (CNS) Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York and USA. to the major shakers, re- Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn joined about 25,000 New Yorkers Right now we are help- Electric Power Authority ported the U.S. Geological who took to the streets for a Jan. 5 Solidarity March in protest of anti- ing the people with emo- Survey. Semitism. tional support, Father reported that all of its The most recent large When there s an attack on you, there s an attack on all of us, Cardi- Camacho told Catholic quake knocked out power nal Dolan said in remarks at the rally in Brooklyn after participants had News Service Jan. 7. What power plants went offline ... to much of the island, crossed the Brooklyn Bridge. we fear is that we continue including the capital of The march, which made its way from Lower Manhattan to Cadman having these earthquakes. San Juan. The Puerto Rico Plaza in Downtown Brooklyn, brought together Jewish and non-Jewish If we have bigger ones, the Electric Power Authority residents alike from the New York area, along with a host of local leaders, damage is going to be very, very, very bad. reported that all of its power plants went of- including Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, The latest earthquake sent people scurrying fline after its auto protection systems were and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all marching under the banner of from their homes into the streets from Ponce, activated. No Hate, No Fear. the island s second-largest city, westward along The company reported damaged to one of The march was organized by the Anti-Defamation League, the Ameri- the island s southern coast to the towns of its main power plants near the earthquake s can Jewish Committee and the interdenominational New York Board of Guayanilla, Guanica, Yauco and Lajas, all near epicenter, but that technicians were working to Rabbis. the epicenter of the quakes. restore electricity to other parts of the island. Police in Ponce said a 73-year-old man died Archbishop Robert Gonzalez Nieves of San when a wall fell on him, reported El Nuevo Dia, Juan tweeted soon after the quake Jan. 7: A NY governor announces $45 million for security at religious schools Puerto Rico s largest newspaper. 6.7-point earthquake has just shaken all of Immaculate Conception Church in Guayanil- Puerto Rico that is now without light. Prayer, NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. (CNA) - During a solidarity march with the Jew- la was severely damaged, Mayor Nelson Torres serenity, solidarity and charity are important. ish community of New York, which suffered numerous attacks during Yordan told a local television station. Photos We are one family! the week of Hanukkah last month, New York s Gov. Andrew Cuomo an- posted by El Nuevo Dia showed residents re- Father Camacho said if more powerful earth- nounced that the state is spending $45 million this year on increased se- moving the church s undamaged tabernacle to quakes occur, he feared damage in the rural curity for religious institutions and schools. Cuomo made the announce- safety. mountainous center of the island, where hous- ment on Sunday during a speech before walking across the Brooklyn Father Camacho said the church had sur- ing is less sturdy, would be severe. Bridge with tens of thousands of fellow march participants. vived the island s major earthquake of 1918, As for an immediate response, Caritas of The money for increased security at religious sites was earmarked last only to be shaken apart by the Jan. 7 temblor. Puerto Rico is in a holding pattern. April as part of the state s budget, due to the advocacy of multiple Jewish The only church that remained on the street We are waiting to see what are the dam- organizations as well as the New York State Catholic Conference, a spokes- (in 1918) was that, he said. Then 100 years ages, the priest said. We are willing to help man for the conference told CNA. later, with this earthquake, it is the one that people reconstruct as soon as possible.

2O2O Partners in Charity 11 Parishes will begin the 2020 Partners in Charity Campaign “ Live with good humor and just do the Lord’s work,” early this year. says Franciscan Sister de Lourdes Okoniewski (left), 87. She and Complete Sister Florence Kruczek, 91, have been doing the Lord’s PARISH CITY 2020 TARGET campaign work for some 70 years each. • Our Lady of Vilna Worcester $22,800 “My batteries are still running,” details will soon says Sister Florence. “I get • St. Paul Cathedral Worcester $101,700 up each morning and say, be available ‘O Lord, thank you for the gift • Our Lady of Immaculate Athol $23,800 of another day.’” at these • St. Francis of Assisi Athol $5,300 parishes. • St. Theresa Blackstone $29,500 • St. John the Baptist E. Brookfield $20,000 Our Partners in Retirement Fund for Religious • Sacred Heart of Jesus Hopedale $43,200 Charity Annual • St. Joseph N. Brookfield $26,400 Appeal supports • St. Peter Petersham $6,000 Please give to those who have given a lifetime. the day to day • St. Luke The Evangelist Westborough $142,000 operations of 27 For Sisters de Lourdes and Florence—and 30,000 other senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious • St. Edward The Confessor Westminster $32,500 Thank you for your support ! ministries and order priests who benefi t from the Retirement Fund for Religious—service is a way of life. Most ministered TOTAL $453,200 agencies. in Catholic schools, hospitals, parishes, and social services, usually for little or no pay.

visit partners-charity.net Today, hundreds of religious communitiesretiredreligious.org lack enough savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious offers vital support for necessities, such as medications and nursing care. Please be generous.

Roughly 94 percent of donations Please give at your local parish. directly aid senior religious. To donate by mail: National Religious Retirement Offi ce 3211 4th Street NE Washington DC 20017-1194 Make check payable to Retirement Fund for Religious.


©2019 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Photo: Jim Judkis 4 OPINION THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | JANUARY 10, 2020 JOURNEY THROUGH CHRISTMASTIDEI Do I know how to see with the heart?

Taking down ut when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman (Gal the Christmas 4:4). Born of woman: Jesus “came Bin this way. He did not appear in the world as an adult but, as the Gospel tells us, he was conceived in the womb tree (Lk 2;21). It was there that he made our humanity his own: day after day, month hate taking down the Christmas tree, after month. In the womb of a woman, and not just because it s such a pain to God and mankind are united, never to clean up all those needles that fall off be separated again. Even now, in heaven, as you drag the carcas out the door. Not Jesus lives in the flesh that he took in Ijust because the the lights and the orna- his mother s womb. In God, there is our ments never seem to fit into the same box- human flesh! es we removed them from last month ei- On the first day of the year, we ther. I hate taking the Christmas tree down celebrate this nuptial union between because it means Christmas is over and we God and mankind, inaugurated in the have to return to our every day lives. womb of a woman. In God, there will I guess one of the thing I will miss the forever be our humanity and Mary will most is that wonderful piney smell, which forever be the Mother of God. She is no spray can could ever adequately repro- both woman and mother: this is what is duce. It reminds me of freshness and new essential. From her, a woman, salvation life, of courses came forth and thus there is no salva- of pine trees in a tion without a woman. In her, God was beautiful forest, united to us, and if we want to unite each testifying to ourselves to him, we must take the life s resilience. same path: through Mary, woman and They say that mother. That is why we begin the year the Ponderosa by celebrating Our Lady, the woman Pine is the most who wove the humanity of God. If we popular Christ- want to weave humanity into this our mas tree in North time, we need to start again from the America, with its woman. long needles and Born of woman. The rebirth of hu- thick branches manity began from a woman. Women and beautiful are sources of life. Yet they are con- pine pitch odor. tinually insulted, beaten, raped, forced Even as a little to prostitute themselves and to sup- child I can re- press the life they bear in the womb. Msgr. James P. member feeling Every form of violence inflicted upon the stickiness of a woman is a blasphemy against God, Moroney the pine pitch on who was born of a woman. Humanity s my fingers and salvation came forth from the body of a deeply inhaling woman: we can understand our degree their fresh rich- of humanity by how we treat a woman s ness. After 500 body. How often are women s bodies CNS PHOTO | VATICAN MEDIA years (if we don t cut them down as Christ- sacrificed on the profane altars of ad- Francis touches a statue known as Mary Mother of God, Crowned, at the conclusion of mas trees first) they can grow to more than vertising, of profiteering, of pornogra- Mass on the feast of Mary, Mother of God, in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Jan. 1. 200 feet tall with 20 foot thick trunk phy, exploited like a canvas to be used. The Marian statue was brought to the Vatican from Foggia in southern Italy. Pine trees are also the most resilient Yet women s bodies must be freed from when a forest burns down. They are among consumerism; they must be respected the most sturdy of trees, often develop- and honored. Theirs is the most noble POPE FRANCISI included in decision-making processes. ing a thick bark, which does not so easily flesh in the world, for it conceived and Because when women can share their catch fire. The pines tree also drops lower brought to light the love that has saved gifts, the world finds itself more united, branches as it gets older, deterring the fire us! In our day, too, motherhood is de- This repetition makes us realize that more peaceful. Hence, every step for- from spreading from the ground. meaned, because the only growth that keeping in her heart was not some- ward for women is a step forward for But the most impressive thing about a interests us is economic growth. There thing nice that Our Lady did from time humanity as a whole. pine tree is its ability to regenerate, even are mothers who risk difficult journeys to time, but something habitual. Women Born of woman. Jesus, newly born, when it has seeming burned to the ground. desperately seeking to give a better fu- typically take life to heart. Women show was mirrored in the eyes of the woman, The tree regenerates in two ways: some- ture to the fruit of their womb, yet are us that the meaning of life is not found in the face of his mother. From her, he times by projecting buds on its deep roots deemed redundant by people with full in making things but in taking things to received his first caresses; with her, he which sprout quickly after the tree has stomachs but hearts empty of love. heart. Only those who see with the heart exchanged the first smiles. With her died above ground. The second ingenious Born of woman. The Bible tells us see things properly, because they know began the revolution of tenderness. method is by dropping very hard pine that woman come onto the scene at the how to look into each person: to see a The Church, looking at the Baby Jesus, cones which has been glued shut by strong height of creation, as a summation of brother apart from his mistakes, a sister is called to continue that revolution. resins. These resins are melted by the fire the entire created world. For she holds apart from her failings, hope amid dif- For she too, like Mary, is both woman and the cone with its enclosed seeds drops within herself the very purpose of cre- ficulty. They see God in all persons and and mother. The Church is woman and to the ground and starts a new tree. ation: the generation and safekeeping things. mother, and in Our Lady, she finds her They say we started putting up Christ- of life, communion with all things, care As we begin this new year, let us ask distinctive traits. She sees Mary im- mas trees in the late Middle Ages as a part for all things. So it is with the Mother of ourselves: Do I know how to see with maculate, and feels called to say no to of the Passion Plays. The tree was origi- God in today s Gospel. The text tells us, the heart? Do I know how to look at sin and to worldliness. She sees Mary nally a stage prop for the tree in the middle But Mary kept all these things, ponder- people with the heart? Do I take to heart fruitful, and feels called to proclaim the of the garden, covered with red apples to ing them in her heart (v. 19). She kept the people with whom I live? Or do I tear Gospel and to give birth to it in people s tempt our first parents. It then joins the all these things: joy at the birth of Jesus them down by gossip? And above all, do lives. She sees Mary a mother, and she second act as the tree from which Joseph and sadness for the lack of hospitality I put the Lord at the centre of my heart, feels called to receive every man and builds a manger and the holy cross is shown in Bethlehem; the love of Joseph or other values, other interests, like woman as a son or daughter. hewn. and the amazement of the shepherds; advancement, riches, power? Only if we In drawing close to Mary, the Church So maybe the reason I will miss the the promise and the uncertainty of the take life to heart will we know how to discovers herself, she finds her centre Christmas tree so much is that it reminds future. She took everything to heart, take care and overcome the indifference and her unity. The enemy of our hu- me of the wonders of this creation through and in her heart, she put everything all around. So let us ask for the grace to man nature, the devil, seeks instead to which God is constantly bringing life from in its right place, even hardships and live this year with the desire to take oth- divide, to highlight differences, ideolo- death and victory from desolation. It s a troubles. In her heart, she lovingly set ers to heart and to care for them. And if gies, partisan thinking and parties. But lesson the Christmas tree teaches so well. all things in order and entrusted every- we want a better world, a world that will we do not understand the Church if we A lesson I hope I carry with me through thing to God. be a peaceful home and not a war field, regard her by starting with structures, the whole of the coming year, until next In the Gospel, Mary does this a sec- may we take to heart the dignity of each programs and trends, ideologies and December when another tree will teach me ond time: at the end of the hidden life woman. From a woman was born the functions. We may grasp something, but the same lessons all over again. of Jesus, we are told that his mother Prince of Peace. Women are givers and not the heart of the Church. Because the kept all these things in her heart (v. 51). mediators of peace and should be fully Church has a mother s heart.

The Martini Curve revisited ope Francis concluded his pre-Christmas address Switzerland. Has this implosion Shortly after last October s Great Pachamama Flap, I to the Roman Curia by invoking the memory of of the sacramental community got a bracing e-mail from a missionary priest in West Af- Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, SJ, who died in Sep- compelled a rethinking of the rica. After expressing condolences for my recent Roman tember 2012. The Holy Father recalled that, in strategy of cultural accommo- penance at the Amazonian (which had featured Phis last interview, a few days before his death, [Cardinal dation? On the contrary. With a lot of politically correct chatter about the ecological Martini] said something that should make us think: The a bullheadedness once carica- sensitivity of indigenous religions), my friend related an Church is 200 years behind the times. Why is she not tured as typically Prussian, the instructive story: You ll be happy to know that last year, shaken up? Are we afraid? Fear, instead of courage. Yet great majority of German bish- when one of our villages invited me to come and help faith is the Church s foundation. Faith, confidence, cour- ops support a national synodal them destroy their idols and baptize their chief, we did age ... Only love conquers weariness. process that seems determined not, before doing so, engage in any dialogue with the The Martini Curve should indeed make us think. I to put the pedal to the metal spirits, as was so highly praised in the [Synod s working thought about it at the time and ended up with questions of surrendering to the times, document]. There was no to throw [the idols] in, so rather than answers. What, precisely, was the Church even if particularly if this a sledgehammer and a fire had to suffice. Somehow the 200 years behind? A Western culture come unglued from means jettisoning the truths THE CATHOLIC village managed to survive without such a dialogue, and the deep truths of the human condition? A culture that that, according to both revela- in fact they have invited me back ... to celebrate the one- celebrates the imperial autonomous self? A culture that tion and reason, make for hap- year anniversary of the great event, and to bless a cross detaches sex from love and responsibility? A culture that piness and beatitude. DIFFERENCE that will be set up in the village as a permanent reminder breeds a politics of immediate gratification and inter- Is there a single example, of their decision. generational irresponsibility? Why on earth would the anywhere, of a local Church Three weeks ago, the local archbishop wrote those Church want to catch up with that? where a frantic effort to catch George same villagers, telling them of his immense joy that, Call me a dullard, but try as I might to adjust my up with 21st-century secularism the year before, they had turned away from idols in or- thinking, I m afraid that s what I still think about the al- and its worship of the new trin- Weigel der to turn resolutely to the Living and True God ... You legation that Catholicism s contemporary failures result ity (Me, Myself, and I) has led to have recognized in Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth, and from our being stuck in a rut behind the curve of history. an evangelical renaissance to the Life. Open wide your hearts to him ... and always con- Moreover, since Cardinal Martini s death seven years ago, a wave of conversions to Christ? Is there a single circum- quer evil with good. certain empirical facts have become unmistakable: the lo- stance in which Catholicism s uncritical embrace of the There s no Martini Curve in that part of the global cal Churches that have tried hardest to play catch-up with times has led to a rebirth of decency and nobility in vineyard, it seems. Rather, there is, to borrow from the history and the times are collapsing. culture? Or to a less-polarized politics? If so, it s a remark- late cardinal s last interview, faith, courage, confidence The premier example is Catholicism in the German- ably well-hidden accomplishment. ... [and the] love that conquers weariness. That is surely speaking world. Weekly Mass attendance percentages There is, however, evidence that the offer of friendship something to think about in the Vatican and through- have fallen into single digits in German cities and aren t with the Lord Jesus Christ as the pathway to a more hu- out a world Church in which everyone is called to mis- much better in Austria and the German-speaking parts of mane future gets traction. sionary discipleship.

Periodicals paid at Worcester, Massachusetts. Board of Governors: Paul F. McGrath, chairman The Catholic Free Press POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Catholic Free Press, Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone, (ISSN 0008-8056) 49 Elm Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Patricia A. Smith Established in 1951 and published weekly Home delivery $39/year Free in parishes & on newsstands John P. Widdison by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, D.D., S.T.D. Member of International Union of the Catholic Press, Catholic Press Address: 49 Elm Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Association, Catholic News Service. Executive Editor: Margaret M. Russell Telephone: 508-757-6387 FAX: 508-756-8315 Advertising Director: Robert C. Ballantine E-mail: [email protected] Material intended for publication either by the news or advertising Website: www.catholicfreepress.org departments should be received by Monday noon. JANUARY 10, 2020 | THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS COMMENTARY 5


Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17 sin but reflected the inner state of repentance present ohn the Baptist, the last of the prophets, had, as in those who received it. In the purpose of his life, to announce the immedi- Matthew 3:11, the evange- ate coming of the Messiah. St. Matthew describes list explains that it is Jesus John s prophetic vocation in Matthew 3:1-12. This who will soon establish the Jvocation included announcing the need for human- sacramental system of the ity to repent of sin because of the nearness of the Church. St. Matthew indi- Kingdom of God. John was clear that the Kingdom cates this when he records of Heaven is at hand! John explained that God s John as saying, I am baptiz- kingdom brought with it heavenly judgment upon the ing you with water but the world and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all one who is coming after me mankind through Jesus Christ. is mightier than I He will In Matthew 3:13-17, John s fiery preaching about the SUNDAY’S baptize you with the Holy coming of the Messiah is followed by Christ s appear- Spirit and fire. These words ance on the banks of the Jordan River so that he might teach us that the sacraments be baptized by John. When John objects to Jesus GOOD NEWS will be endowed with grace request for baptism, the Lord responds by making it through the power of the clear that his baptism by John is part of God s plan. Holy Spirit. The passage begins in verse 13. St. Matthew states Father In Matthew 3:16-17, that Jesus came from Galilee for his baptism. In Michael N. after Jesus baptism, a great Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: The Gos- theophany occurred in which pel of St. Matthew, the commentators explain that Je- Lavallee God revealed Jesus as his sus appearance at the Jordan for baptism was the be- beloved Son, with whom I ginning of Jesus public life. In The Navarre Bible: St. am well pleased. St. Matthew Matthew, the commentators suggest why Jesus came describes this theophany forward to begin his public life at that time. They pro- as involving the heavens being opened and he saw CFP FILE PHOTO pose that one factor may have been the Jewish custom the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming whereby rabbis did not carry out their function as upon Jesus. In The Catholic Commentary on Sacred THE SACRAMENTS teachers until they were 30 years old, the approximate Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew the commentators age of Jesus at the time of his baptism. suggest that this revelatory event at the Jordan River John the Baptist objects to Jesus request for bap- recalls the commissioning of the Prophet Ezekiel by tism. John states: I need to be baptized by you! The the River Chebar. Like Jesus, Ezekiel came in a time The sacramental grace footnotes on this section of the Gospel in The Ignatius of suffering for God s people and he too was beside a Catholic Study Bible New Testament explain that Jesus river when the heavens opened and he saw a heavenly BY FATHER KENNETH BAKER, SJ is sinless and has no need for John s baptism. He nev- vision, heard the voice of God and received the Spirit ertheless submits to (it) to identify with sinners and (Ezekiel 1:1; 2:1-12). Jesus, like Ezekiel of old, is being he purpose of the seven sacraments is to produce align himself with God s plan. The baptism of John commissioned as a prophet to Israel in a new period of sanctifying grace or divine life in the person who the Baptist was not sacramental. It did not remove crisis. receives them worthily. Baptism and penance are called the sacraments of the dead because the Tformer confers grace for the first time, while the latter restores sanctifying grace which has been lost through deliberate mortal sin. Thus, in both cases the soul is dead spiritually before the fruitful reception of the sacrament. The other five sacraments are often referred We are God’s chosen ones to as the sacraments of the living, because they increase the sanctifying grace which is present in the Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Christ in self-giving service. soul a soul which is already alive spiritually due to At our baptism, God s Holy the reception of baptism and perseverance in the love ere is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen Spirit was poured into our of God. one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I souls. This spirit is divine It is a dogma of the have placed my spirit. energy given us from on Catholic faith that all “H One of the supreme moments on the high. Isaiah s assertion ap- The seven the sacraments of the spiritual journey is when a person realizes that he is plies also to us when he says, New Covenant con- God s beloved son or daughter. It is an awesome and those upon whom I have sacramental signs fer sanctifying grace life-transforming moment. The words of the Prophet placed my spirit. Yes, this on the receivers. For Isaiah apply to each of us today: Here is ... my chosen prophecy refers directly to ... are very the Council of Trent one with whom I am pleased. the promised Messiah, Jesus teaches: All true jus- Why God specifically chose you or me is beyond our Christ. There is no confusion different tification (i.e., sanc- comprehension and will ever remain a mystery to us. that Isaiah was foretelling tifying grace) either However, as we survey the landscape of our lives, it be- the arrival of the long- from each begins through the comes more than evident that God s favor is upon us. REFLECTING awaited savior. In fact, in the other and each sacraments, or once be- God s special protection kept you from undue harm; synagogue in his hometown, gun, increases through his extravagant and unconditional mercy washed away ON SCRIPTURE Jesus proclaimed and appro- one performs a them, or when lost your sins. Countless times in our lives, God gave us priated these words. In his is regained through an opportunity to start over again and put our past public ministry, he fulfilled different function ... them (Denzinger behind us. (It is only the evil one who periodically at- Father all the detail of the prophecy 1600). As we have seen, tempts to drag us down because of past sins and fail- of Isaiah. He alone is the according to the same ings. His tactic is to shove our unworthiness in our Conrad S. Messiah. Council the sacraments faces.) However, God s name is Mercy! God s name is However, the Word of are infallibly effective in producing divine grace in the Faithful Lover! Inner strength comes when we own our Pecevich God is a living and dynamic soul so long as the recipient is properly disposed. personal identity as God s beloved. word, and its application is The teaching of Trent and of other councils as well The Prophet Isaiah tells us that God is pleased relevant to us today. Like is based upon the testimony of holy Scripture and the with his chosen ones. Unfortunately, when we dwell Jesus the Messiah, for example, we are called to the constant tradition of the Church. A number of passages on our shadow (those dark parts of our lives) as victory of justice. There cannot be love without its point to grace (or the effects of sanctifying grace) as Carl Jung referred to them, we become discouraged, very foundation justice! Justice is the supreme virtue the result of the sacraments. Thus, according to the frustrated and pessimistic in our self-awareness and of the Old Testament. Our duty is to promote justice. second letter to Timothy, 1:6, the effect of St. Paul s im- outlook. The divine lover ever delights in our inherent Christians must be committed to confronting injustice position of hands (i.e., ordination) is the grace of God. goodness and the good that we accomplish in life. Our wherever it may be found. Like the Master whom we Other passages speak of the effect of the sacraments divine lover is patient with us. We always have to re- follow, we cannot be silent in the face of any abuse of as regeneration (Jn 3:5), purification (Eph 5:26), as member that we are works in progress as the saying justice. The Resurrection of Christ has ushered in the forgiveness of sins (Jn 20:23), communication of the goes. The lover is the potter; we are the clay, his cher- victory of justice. Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17) and the conferring of eternal ished handiwork. Isaiah says, I have formed you and set you as a life (Jn 6:54). The revelation of God made known to us The more one gets in touch with being chosen, the covenant for the people, a light to the nations. We are in these and many other passages was systematized by more he realizes that God has called us to be servants, now God s covenant people. God has called you and the theologians and incorporated into official Catholic servants of him and servants of our fellow human me into a special, solemn relationship with him. He teaching by the Council of Trent. It has been and still beings. This is what Christ made evident in his say- has bestowed on us the light of Christ in order that remains part of the living teaching of the Church. ing: the Son of Man came not to be served, but to we might illumine the world and dispel the darkness In these essays I will try, as much as possible to stay serve. He preached that importance and greatness in of hatred, injustice and division. We do this by simple away from theological opinions that are far removed his kingdom are to be found in lives of service. Like acts of love done in the name of Christ. And most from what is necessary to understand the essentials of Christ, we are called to be a ransom for many, free- times as Isaiah writes, not making his (our) voice Catholic faith. At times, however, commonly accepted ing others by our love, forgiveness and our thirst for heard in the streets. The silence of love will conquer opinions which do contribute to that full understand- justice. Our Christian spirituality tells us that we find the world. ing will be mentioned. One of them that fits in here concerns the notion of sacramental grace. Sacramen- tal grace is defined as the grace that is produced by the sacraments. The question that confronts the theologian and the Catholic well educated in his faith is this: Since the seven sacraments all confer sanctifying grace, do they all confer the same sanctifying grace? Or is the Stories of God in our midst grace given by each of the sacraments different? If, by sanctifying grace, we mean the supernatural life of the soul the eternal life of God communicated ne of the greatest privileges I have had as a less physical and spiritual in a most mysterious way to the created soul who loves Catholic Free Press correspondent has been energy as she reaches out God, then, since there is only one God and one life of learning about and sharing people s stories. and builds relationships God, there can be only one sanctifying grace. So, in one There is no more compelling evidence to me with priests who are ill or sense, we can reply to our question by saying that the Oof God s presence in our lives than the experiences dying. Right through till seven sacraments all confer the same sanctifying grace. of everyday people. They stir my heart, challenge my the last breath, she has been However, there is more to it than that. Clearly, God complacency and cause me to ponder how I can serve with guys until they die, he has instituted seven saving acts which we call sacra- and love the Lord more deeply. said, I don t know how she ments. God does not do anything superfluous. If there I am drawn to the stories of ordinary people doing does it. were absolutely no difference between the effects of the extraordinary things like Brenda Seymour, who has I think I know. It s yet seven sacraments, then six of them would seem to be just retired from her profession as an ESL teacher, and another story of love, for superfluous. But there is a difference between the sev- has gone to Kenya to serve as a Maryknoll missionary love makes all things pos- en sacraments: The seven sacramental signs or rites are for the next three and one half years. I am around the sible. Her service challenges very different from each other and each one performs same age, wishing to pull back from activity, tempted me to stay strong for those a different function in the Mystical Body of Christ, the to make my circle smaller while she, driven by her BE AS ONE I love for I too, want to be Church. We will see this more clearly as we work our call from God, is expanding hers by traveling half- with them when they pass way through the seven sacraments. way around the world to serve. Having spent time in over, no matter how diffi- Suffice it to say for now that human life is multifac- Kenya years ago as a member of the Peace Corps, she Susan cult it gets. eted, complex, constantly changing. We encounter dif- is returning in anticipation of the exciting and likely, And then there is a wom- ferent problems at each stage of our life from the cradle difficult journey ahead. Bailey an I have gotten to know to the grave. There are also different ways of living out While we all must answer our own calls from the from my parish. She is a lec- our Christian life in the married state, as religious, Lord, I could not help but marvel at her bravery, her tor who makes the Word of as a priest, as a single person. At all stages of our life faith, in accepting this change in her life. Am I as open God come alive for me every we need the help or grace of God birth, puberty, mar- to God s call? time I am fortunate enough to hear her proclaim it. riage, old age, death. Thus, the sacraments have been Then there is the priest I interviewed for a future Because of stories I have shared about myself in this given to us by God to help us share in his life at all the story for the Legacy of Hope campaign. Father Paul column, she chose to share hers with me. As a writer, crucial stages in our lives. Accordingly, even though O Connell s 60 years of service (and still going strong this is the greatest privilege I could ever imagine. the same sanctifying grace is given in each of the sac- years after becoming a senior priest) moved me. There My stories are about little things. I write them raments, there are also extra helps or side benefits was no question that as long as his mind and body because I believe God means for me to do so. I often that accompany each of them. So sacramental grace held out, he would serve. He reminded me of the many look at what I write and wonder how in the world they includes both sanctifying grace and the title or claim retired priests who are still active; without their help, could be of any help. And then I meet someone who to those extra helps or graces that go along with the it would be difficult to maintain parish services. As has read what I have written and is moved to share fruitful reception of a sacrament. Thus, those who Bishop Daniel Reilly once said, You never retire from her personal story of faith with me. In that moment of receive the sacrament of matrimony not only receive the priesthood you re always a priest until the end. connection, I know that somehow, I am being faithful an increase of sanctifying grace at the time of their That does not just apply to priests but to all dis- to my call. marriage, but they also receive a certain pledge from ciples of God. I never stop being his hands and his Wherever we are called to go, whatever we are God that he will help them to live out their commit- feet just because I grow old. Even in sickness I am ex- meant to do, it requires faith and courage. God s will ment in a Christian way if they remain faithful to pected to be faithful. And I should want to be faithful is not always clear. But thanks to the stories of others him. because I love him. who love him and are doing their best to serve, I can Then there is the nun who takes care of the 50 draw inspiration, feel a deeper desire, and thus be NEXT WEEK: SACRAMENTAL CHARACTER: “We know from the retired priests in our diocese. According to Father more attuned to that still, small voice in my soul, call- constant tradition of the Church that three of the sacraments – baptism, O Connell, Sister Mary Ann Bartell has seemingly end- ing me. confirmation and – can be validly received only once.” 6 FROM PAGE ONE THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | JANUARY 10, 2020 OBITUARYI MARYKNOLL: New lay missioner no stranger to mission work FROM PAGE ONE ley, Ms. Seymour learned of Sister Marie Ruth Page, 103, then and still strike me. the Maryknoll missioners. Upon graduation from ‘Most of my The Maryknoll missionary On Dec. 14, at a sending high school and college Ms. students who spirit and vision seems to taught at St. Cecilia ceremony in the Annuncia- Seymour joined the U.S. fit this call I feel God has tion Chapel of the Mary- Peace Corps, serving in have been drawn me to, she said. WINDHAM, Connecti- work at St. Cecilia Parish in knoll sisters in Ossining, Gede, Kenya. In preparation for her cut Sister Marie Ruth Leominster and Assump- New York, the missioners I was a harambee / high immigrants have mission, Ms. Seymour at- Page, 103, a member of the tion Parish, Chicopee. In were called forth for their school teacher and fell in tended a 30-week Ignatian Daughters of the Holy Spir- 2004 she moved to the new mission countries and love with the people of enriched spiritual exercises retreat it passed away on Dec. 28 Holy Spirit Provincial received their Maryknoll Kenya and had a tremen- from September through at St. Joseph Living Center House and was admitted mission crosses. Reading dous experience, she said. my life May of 2018. She then, in Windham. to the Healthcare Facility a prayer together, they The Kenyans around me tremendously.’ along with three other lay Born on April 3, 1916, in in 2012. She was one of the committed themselves to lived very simply and yet missioners and a Maryk- Chicopee, Marie Ruth Ex- first sisters to form the witness the Good News of very well. They took care noll sister, attended a 12- ilda Page was the daughter new community at St. Jo- Jesus Christ, in solidarity of each other regardless of Brenda Seymour week orientation in New of Edouard and Amanda seph Living Center in 2016. with our brothers and sis- their differences. Neigh- Maryknoll missioner York, which concluded on (Gelinas) Page. Sister Marie She is survived by the ters who are marginalized bors shared everything. Dec. 14 with the sending Ruth entered religious life Daughters of the Holy and oppressed. They also After completing her ceremony. in Putnam in 1934 and Spirit spiritual family her pledged to care for the Peace Corps service Ms. The 12-week orientation made her religious profes- sisters in community, the Earth, our common home, Seymour returned to the tions because of language was a very good training sion at the Motherhouse consecrated seculars and and to respond in service United States and lived communication and felt for the vision and call to in St. Brieuc, France on the associates as well as to help create a more just in Gloucester, where she drawn to learning how I serve, she said. We had Sept. 2, 1937. She was then two nieces, one nephew and compassionate world. became involved with the might play a part in their many presentations and known as Sister Edouard and many grand and great The missioners also dedi- Wellspring House and language education. As workshop classes in theol- de la Croix. grand nieces and nephews. cated themselves to this other social assistance a result, Ms. Seymour be- ogy, Catholic social teach- Sister Marie Ruth was a She was predeceased by sacred mission of building programs. Going on retreat, came an ESL teacher upon ing, the mission of Jesus teacher for more than 50 her brothers, David Page up your reign on Earth in she met Edwina Gateley graduation and dedicated Christ in our discipleship, years having taught at St. and Raoul Page as well as justice, peace and love. who had started the Volun- her career to teaching Eng- reading missionary life Mary School, Jewett City; her sisters, Gertrude Be- Ms. Seymour felt called teer Missionary Movement lish as a second language. described in Scripture and St. Cecilia School, Leomin- langer, Rose Warwick, Flor- to service at an early age, in the . I ve taught overseas a really so much more. We ster; St. Brendan School, ence Sampson and Viola inspired by President John Longing to return to mis- few more times and have met and were inspired by New Haven and Assump- Jerreld. F. Kennedy who said, Ask sion service while also been an ESL teacher for so many of the Maryknoll tion School, Chicopee. Donations in her mem- not what your country can embracing her Catholic all age groups, from very missionary sisters, fathers In her retirement years, ory may be made to DHS do for you ask what you faith, Ms. Seymour joined young students to adult and brothers. They told us she served as sacristan at Retirement Fund, P. O. Box can do for your country. Ms. Gateley s program and education and commu- about their lifetime of mis- St. Joseph Guest House, 497, Putnam, CT 06260. During my teenage went to Uganda to serve for nity college, she said. sion service all around the New Haven and did CCD years, the Peace Corps two years. Most of my students who world. We also attended became popular and my Upon her return to the have been immigrants many wonderful liturgies thoughts on service and United States, Ms. Seymour have enriched my life and cultural services. possibly contributing or decided upon furthering tremendously. I have felt Returning from the ori- MARCH: Buses filled for D.C. assisting less fortunate her education. so blessed from meeting entation in mid-December, people took hold, she said. I wanted to go to gradu- people from such diverse Ms. Seymour made her FROM PAGE ONE I went to a small Catholic ate school to earn a mas- backgrounds. preparations to leave for are called to observe this high school and became ter s in ESL/bilingual edu- With retirement looming Kenya on Dec. 31. She has and mailed to 49 Elm St., day in a spirit of prayer for involved in some of the cation, she said. My own in February of 2018, Ms. one hope for her mission: Worcester, MA 01609. the full restoration of the outreach programs in the struggle in learning the Seymour s thoughts turned To act on my faith to be In 2020, the Day of legal guarantee of the right area and saw the everyday languages of the people in again to some sort of ser- a true disciple of Jesus Prayer for the Legal Protec- to life and of penance for needs of some people. I ve Kenya and Uganda prompt- vice, to contribute and Christ, and to try to follow tion of Unborn Children is the violations to the dig- always felt very blessed, ed this. I also realized how assist those who may need the Gospel message to love observed on Wednesday, nity of the human person having more than enough so many immigrants in the someone to walk alongside and serve all people, es- Jan. 22. committed through acts of of what I need, and so the U.S. had such difficulties them. pecially the marginalized In 1973, the U.S. Supreme abortion. inequalities that exist in in their workplaces and After attending another and impoverished. Court decision Roe v. Wade, We can observe this day the world really struck me in everyday social interac- retreat led by Edwina Gate- along with its companion through special prayers, case, Doe v. Bolton, legal- fasting, sacrifices, and ized abortion throughout acts of charity (similar to all nine months of preg- our Lenten practices), both LEGACY: Parish evangelization grants can help spread the faith nancy in every state in the communally in our parish- nation. es as well as individually FROM PAGE ONE All the faithful in dioces- in our own spiritual lives, Fyrberg now serves as a es throughout the country Mrs. LeDoux said. been well worth both the eucharistic minister at an work and the cost. assisted living facility. We started running The participants recep- these programs in the tion of the is evening but as things pro- both joyful and faith-in- gressed, we started offer- spiring, Mr. Fyrberg said. ing two sessions one in We are truly humbled and FUNERAL the evening for those who blessed to witness such work, and during the day- faith in the Lord. time for those who don t Ms. Kusiwaah learned DIRECTORS work and don t want to the deeper meaning of the come out at night. love of Jesus. Parishioners have often When you have Jesus, CALLAHAN FAY & CASWELL repeated the programs, you don t hate, you don t Funeral Homes bringing family and say bad things about any- friends with them. Some CFP FILE PHOTO body, she said. You treat Worcester and West Boylston of them have gone on to Christ the King Parish in Worcester has employed several everybody equally and you become group leaders. He evangelization programs, including ALPHA. Pictured above love everybody no matter 61 Myrtle Street – Worcester, MA – 508-753-8171 sees these programs as a are people who met there for ALPHA in 2017. where they are from, no 1 West Boylston Street – West Boylston, MA – 508-835-6500 means of bringing back matter who they are, she what he calls uninvolved said. WWW.CALLAHANFAY.COM Catholics to a deeper un- setting, she said. One of programs to build upon Msgr. Sullivan wants to derstanding of their faith. the end results is that feel- that success. They have expand the outreach. Worcester Funeral, Inc. That s the key, when ing of our church family since offered Wild Goose We seek to reach out to Funeral & Cremation Service people realize that their growing. True friendships (part of Franciscans Path- people of all ages. An im- faith isn t a personal have developed with peo- ways, an outreach of the portant time is seeking out thing but does involve ple staying in touch even Franciscan Friars of the those who have recently Dirsa-Morin Henry-Dirsa sharing and reaching after the series has ended. Province of the Most Sa- lost a loved one and then, Funeral Service out, Father Sanders said. St. Louis evangelization cred Heart of Jesus, Third sometimes, the survivors Funeral Home That s what evangeliza- efforts started with a pro- Order Regular), Catching go absent, he said. But 298 Grafton Street, Worcester, MA 01604 33 Ward Street, Worcester, MA 01610 tion is all about for me. I gram known as ALPHA. Fire Becoming Flame there is a significant group 508-753-4211 508-756-8346 keep pushing that, even at There were several pro- from Paraclete Press, and that we continue to need to daily Mass. I ll say to the grams suggested by the Unlocking the Mystery of reach out to and it would www.worcesterfuneral.com people, None of you can sit diocese, said Father Sand- the Bible and A Biblical be our younger families. here and say, I don t need ers. He and his coordina- Walk Through the Mass, Most of them do not wor- Richard S. Mansfield this. tor, Louise Forget, inves- both from Ascension Press. ship on a regular basis or Director Father Sanders sets the tigated further which led Father Sanders hopes at all. example: I need this, I go to a meeting with Deacon that grant money from Having completed the Celebrating Life to sessions I need to be Patrick Driscoll of St. Rich- the Legacy of Hope will Legacy of Hope campaign for over 123 Years evangelized. ard of Chichester Parish help the parish to estab- this past summer as a Feedback from those in Sterling, who strongly lish a lending library of parish in the first block, from St. Louis who have recommended ALPHA. books and DVDs. The Msgr. Sullivan is looking Holden 508-829-4434 attended has been very Louise then took a library would be open two forward to using a portion Sterling 978-422-0100 positive. group of five or six people or three days during the of the funds that the par- www.milesfuneralhome.com I am truly amazed how to a day-long workshop, week, manned by volun- ish would recoup as seed much more thankful I am Father Sanders said. I teers for a couple of hours money for a new parish with all my blessings, said don t know what they did each day so that visitors position on evangelization. Connie Jezierski. These at that workshop but they can talk with them about One committed to reach- are blessings I have had all came back all fired up the materials. ing out to all our families, along, but now they have about this program. It was Msgr. Thomas J. Sullivan he said. 111 LANCASTERATHY STREET, WORCESTER 508-756-4689 become more crystal clear a good cross-section of of Christ the King Parish To date the Legacy of to me. people by age. To have that in Worcester has also em- Hope campaign has raised Michelle Bellrose was cross-section excited was ployed several evangeliza- approximately $16.8 mil- KELLY FUNERAL HOME deeply touched by a pro- good because they talked tion programs. lion and a total of 46 par- 154 Lincoln Street Thoughtful Service Since 1952 508-755-4507 gram she attended, calling about it with their contem- We have ALPHA, the ishes have participated, You Are Not Alone- Loss and Grief Support- it inspirational. poraries and their friends. Catholicism series and according to Michael Mes- Founded By Jim Kelly The evangelization se- The results of ALPHA Pivotal Players (videos sano, executive director of ries provided the opportu- were so favorable that hosted by Bishop Robert the campaign. Legacy of nity to spend time together Father Sanders and Ms. Barron), intense Bible study Hope addresses the long- O’CONNOR BROTHERS in a smaller, less formal Forget sought out other programs, and a course term needs of the diocese, 592 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA on the Confessions of St. while Partners in Charity, 508-754-2431 • Augustine, he said. Most which starts this week in oconnorbrothers.com of the participants are 11 parishes, addresses the Catholics who are already short-term, day-to-day op- Normand L. Boucher practicing the faith and are erational needs of 27 min- Andrew N. Boucher BOUCHER seeking renewal. istries and agencies. Jacob B. Cormier Funeral Home, Inc. Philip P. Massad Directors Participants Peter Fyr- For more information Complete Funeral Pre-Planning berg and Akua Kusiwaah go online to legacyofhope. 110 Nichols Street, Gardner, MA 01440 978-632-0203 moving and storage have been inspired by worcesterdiocese.org. these programs. Mr. 508-754-1225 www.massadmovers.com 508-752-0100


If you, or someone you know, were abused by someone representing the Catholic Church, please believe in the possibility of hope and help and healing. ST. JOHN’S • 80 UNION ST. • CLINTON We encourage you to come forward and contact: Offering 6 p.m. Victims Assistance Coordinator at the Diocese of Worcester evening mass 508-929-4363 every weekday evening (a direct, confidential line) or [email protected] in Northeast Worcester County JANUARY 10, 2020 | THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS FROM PAGE ONE 7 Mercy Centre Foxes preserve HAITI: Brit’s family members pray, work for Haiti basketball winning streak FROM PAGE ONE

BY TANYA CONNOR Tomorrow there is an THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS open house from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. at the Be Like Brit The Mercy Centre Foxes headquarters at 66 Pull- did it again! man St. in Worcester. And the Anna Maria Am- Ms. Gengel said they cats did it for the first time. want to share the story of On Wednesday, basket- Britney and Be Like Brit ball players from the Mercy and why she fell in love Centre, a Catholic Charities with Haiti. program which provides Visitors can see a house work opportunities for like those Be Like Brit adults with developmental builds for people in Haiti, disabilities, beat the wom- said Taylor Marek, Britsion- en s basketball team from ary program coordinator. Anna Maria College 26 to TANYA CONNOR | CFP (People who go to Haiti 22 with the coaching of Anna Maria Amcats and Mercy Centre Foxes play to help with projects like Bill Gibbons. basketball at Mercy Centre Wednesday, aided by Coach building these homes and For 28 consecutive Bill Gibbons. teaching the children skills years, when Bill Gibbons are called Britsionarys.) was coach of the women s University, he said. Mercy Centre when he was Ms. Gengel said she basketball team at the Col- The Anna Maria coach in eighth grade at what emailed Bishop McManus lege of the Holy Cross, he reached out to me through was then Worcester Central an invitation to the open brought his players to Mer- Peg Buzzell, the Mercy Catholic Elementary School house and he said he cy Centre for a game. They Centre administrator, (now St. Peter s). would offer his Mass for PHOTO COURTESY OF BE LIKE BRIT lost every time. No matter Coach Gibbons said. Peg I told them I hope they Britney on Sunday. A group of Britsionarys, most from St. John Parish in how good the team was in and I were talking about have the same experi- Father John F. Madden, Worcester, stand outside a Britsionary home they built with college circles, they seemed how we could keep the tra- ence I had, he said before St. John s pastor, said he Haitian employees in Grand Goave last August. to lose their skills when dition going, the tradition Wednesday s game, which is celebrating the parish s playing the Foxes. (Coach of having a college team he and his wife, Rachael, 12:15 p.m. Mass on Sunday Gibbons said he coached play against Mercy Centre cheered on from the side- for Britney. Ms. Gengel is Earthquake Among locals who have and refereed both teams.) each January. He said he lines. I hit a 3 (pointer). to be there and Be Like Brit Anniversary Events been Britsionarys are He s no longer coaching now hopes to start a tradi- We sent it into overtime. is inviting supporters to people from Holy Name, St. at Holy Cross. But, he said, tion with Anna Maria s They ended up winning in attend. Open house Peter-Marian and St. John in addition to enjoying his team. overtime. (Mercy Centre, On Sunday we have a Be Like Brit headquarters high schools, and the Col- 8-month-old grandson (the Afterwards, an Anna Ma- apparently, could take on candlelight vigil at Brit s 66 Pullman St., Worcester lege of the Holy Cross, the fourth William Gibbons in ria player thanked Coach junior high as well as col- Home (the orphanage in Saturday, Jan. 11 Gengels said. Mr. Gengel the family), he s been going Gibbons for inviting them. lege teams.) Haiti), Mr. Gengel said. But 10 a.m.-2 p.m. said some who now work to Mercy Centre once or These are God s special I think those girls didn t he and Britney s brothers or volunteer for them origi- twice a week to play bas- children, Coach Gibbons know what to expect, are to be at a remembrance Mass for Britney Gengel nally came on one of these ketball, charades and Si- told the Amcats, adding Coach Gibbons said after service at Lynn University, St. John Parish trips. mon Says with folks there. that the Mercy Centre folks the Amcats lost to them which is also having a 40 Temple St., Worcester He said they haven t And at Mercy Centre s can help them put their too. I met with them this speaker Friday and an an- Sunday, Jan. 12 taken a missionary group annual fall picnic he orga- own problems into per- morning. I told them niversary dinner Saturday. 12:15 p.m. since August because of nized a basketball scrim- spective. about the tradition. I Britney inspired the the unrest in Haiti, but he mage against players from Amcats Coach Kevin said, You ll bring them joy, building of the orphanage, goes each month. Worcester Polytechnic In- Bigelow said he told his but you ll get a lot of joy which has taken in 33 boys Things have started to stitute and Worcester State players he played against from them. and 33 girls symbolic of calm down, Mrs. Gengel the 33 days Brit was miss- Britney s faith, has helped said. She said she plans ing in the rubble at The Ho- her. take some of their staff tel Montana, the website She had her faith when from Worcester and some 20TH: www.belikebrit.org says. she was alive; she had her medical workers in Febru- Worcester Catholic Men’s Conference Three hours before the faith when she passed on, ary. earthquake, she texted and that gives me a lot of This has not been a FROM PAGE ONE her mother, describing the peace, the mother said. journey that our family Bishop Mc- poverty-stricken people In Haiti, Britney wore the has done alone, Mr. Gengel Mr. Hahn is the bestsell- Manus will be she d met in Haiti, the web- cross her parents gave her said. Every year we prob- ing author of numerous the principal site says. for her confirmation. Ms. ably get between $80,000 books, including: The concelebrant They love us so much Gengel said it was one of and $100,000 in in-kind Lamb s Supper, Reasons and homilist and everyone is so happy, the few things she got after donations. He said their to Believe, and Rome for the confer- she texted. They love what her daughter s body was website posts a wish list. Sweet Home (co-authored ence Mass at 4 they have and they work found. Cherylann and I made a with his wife, Kimberly). Hahn Reed Soto p.m. so hard to get nowhere, yet I ve never questioned commitment 10 years ago Some of his newest Many dioc- they are all so apprecia- my faith, Ms. Gengel said, that we would dedicate our books are The First So- for Spanish speakers (at esan and religious priests tive. I want to move here adding that Father Madden lives to Haiti and we have, ciety, The Fourth Cup, 12:30 p.m. in the Tsotsis will participate by hearing and start an orphanage has been a great support. Mr. Gengel said. And I Romans: A Catholic Com- Family Academic Center). confessions at mid-day. myself. We re just grateful to couldn t be happier in mentary on Sacred Scrip- His theme will be Our The sacrament of reconcili- On Tuesday, looking at a all of those who have been the sense that they re rais- ture, The Creed, Evan- Lady of Guadalupe, Queen ation has become a confer- photo of a beaming Britney with us the past 10 years, ing the next generation gelizing Catholics, Angels of the Americas. ence staple. Since nearly on that trip, her mother she said. of leaders, preparing the and Saints, and Joy to the Many people have heard 1,000 participants go to said to The Catholic Free The Gengels recalled how children, through use of World. of Our Lady of Guadalupe, confession, the committee Press, Look at that face! Bishop McManus played technology, to compete in Bishop Robert Reed, an but few people know her hopes that more priests She s so happy to be there. basketball with Brit s Home the world. auxiliary bishop for the story, said Msgr. Sullivan. than ever will come. It s where she s supposed children when he visited Pray for the people of Archdiocese of , will In his talk, Mr. Soto, a Mex- Through March 11 ticket to be. the orphanage a few years Haiti, Ms. Gengel said. make a presentation prior ican by birth, shares the prices for adult men are Ms. Gengel said her own ago; Mr. Gengel said they re They re wonderful peo- to confessions. His talk is little-known history and $45. They increase to $60 faith, and assurance of still talking about it. ple. titled, O God, Just Give Me life-changing importance on March 12. Ticket prices One More Chance. of Mary s appearance to a for students are $30 prior The bishop has long en- peasant man named Juan to the conference and at Pope Francis prays for 176 victims of Ukrainian Airlines plane crash in Iran tertained a keen interest Diego, and the miraculous the door. Tickets can be in the full use of televi- image she left behind. purchased online on the VATICAN CITY (CNA) Upon all affected by down, killing 82 Iranians, sion and new media for Mr. Soto is the director conference website at Pope Francis has offered this tragedy, His Holiness 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrai- an engaging and truthful of Hispanic content and www.firstmensconf.org; by his prayers for the souls invokes God s blessings nians, 10 Swedes, four Af- sharing of Catholic faith business development for sending a check to Catholic of the 176 passengers of of strength and peace, it ghans, three Germans, and and life. He is the president the Augustine Institute. Men s Conference, 49 Elm a Ukrainian International concluded. three Britons, Ukrainian of The CatholicTV Network. Before joining the institute, St., Worcester, MA 01609; Airlines flight, who died The plane was bound for Foreign Minister Vadym He holds an advanced de- Mr. Soto was director of by contacting parish con- when the plane crashed Kyiv, Ukraine, when it went Prystaiko said. gree in television manage- ministry development at tact persons; or by calling near Tehran, Iran on ment from Boston Univer- the Catholic Leadership Joan DeMasi at 508-929- Wednesday. sity s College of Communi- Institute, and before that, 4345. The deadly crash took cation. He was appointed was part of the founding In addition to reach- place Jan. 8, approximately to direct CatholicTV in team and executive direc- ing out to men of all ages, 10 minutes after the plane May 2005. Its programs tor of Hispanic Ministry a special effort is being took off from Imam Kho- HELP WANTED are available in more than and Centro San Juan Diego, made to invite teens and meini international airport 13.5 million homes and the Hispanic Leadership young adults and there is at 6:12 a.m. local time. Principal Position through live streaming Institute for Pastoral and a concerted effort in our Pope Francis commends online. Family Life of the Archdio- Catholic high schools to the souls of the deceased at Catholic School in Uxbridge, MA Bishop Reed is also the cese of Denver. attract students to the to the merciful love of the Our Lady of the Valley Regional School in Uxbridge, director of the Radio Apos- He developed One Fam- conference, said Mr. Guad- Almighty, and he sends Massachusetts seeks an experienced, energetic, and tolate for the Archdiocese ily Under God, a model agno. We want to continue condolences to the families innovative leader to serve as principal. Located within of Boston and regularly for parish unity and inte- to strengthen the confer- and friends of those who assists at Corpus Christi-St. gration among cultures. ence by welcoming young have lost their lives, stated the Diocese of Worcester at Saint Mary Parish, Bernard Parish in Newton Recognizing his substan- men who are so important a Jan. 8 message. Our Lady of the Valley Regional School boasts an excep- and St. Bonaventure Par- tial contributions to the for the Church s future. Signed by Vatican Sec- tional Pre-K – 8 program currently serving 185 students. ish in Plymouth. He is the Church and society Pope Each year the conference retary of State Cardinal author of Renewed: Ten Benedict XVI gave Mr. Soto seeks a younger audience, , the telegram Responsibilities: Key Competencies: Ways to Rediscover the the Benemerenti Medal he added. said the pope heard the • Serve as the spiritual, instruc- • Excellent oral and written Saints, Embrace Your in 2010, one of the most news with deep sadness. tional, and administrative head communication skills as well Gifts and Revive Your noteworthy distinctions of the school as excellent interpersonal skills Catholic Faith and its com- to be bestowed upon a lay panion television series, Catholic. • Create an environment that • Demonstrates competence fosters academic excellence in staff selection, training, RENEWED. Singer and composer, and sound formation in the supervision and evaluation Rounding out the pro- Ryan Tremblay, his wife, Just give us a call. Catholic faith gram will be two presenta- Elizabeth, and others will We’ll have a cup of tea, • Proven instructional leadership • Implement procedures to capabilities tions by Luis Soto, one in lead the music at this take a tour and English (1:30 p.m.) and one year s conference. assess program effectiveness; answer all your guide and assist staff in devel- • Demonstrates problem-solving questions. oping and implementing effec- skills tive instructional strategies Call Qualifications: Edie at • Support the professional de- • A commitment to and practice of Roman Catholicism 508-753-4791 velopment of faculty and staff • Ensure all members of the • A minimum of five years school community (faculty, teaching and /or administrative staff, students, parents, experience (preferably at the donors) are engaged to elementary level) achieve the school’s mission • A master’s degree • Grow enrollment through marketing, public relations and community partnerships • Plan and manage the school budget, in collaboration with the school’s Consultative Board Health Care Center All applicants must submit a cover letter, resume, and three letters of We are a non-profit facility offering: recommendation (one from the applicant’s pastor) by • Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care • Short Term Rehabilitation February 1, 2020 to Rev. Nicholas Desimone, Saint Mary Church, • Newly Renovated Private Rooms (In our newly expanded, state-of-the-art rehab suite) 77 Mendon Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569; or by email to • Hospice, Palliative, Pastoral Care • A Catholic Environment with Services for All [email protected]. St. Mary Health Care Center 39 Queen Street ~ Worcester, MA 01610 ~ 508-753-4791 ourladyofthevalleyregional.com www.stmaryhc.com The Catholic Free Press welcomes information on events from parish and diocesan groups. Items should be received two weeks prior to event. Mail to: Calendar, The CFP, 49 Elm St., Worcester, MA 01609 e-mail to: [email protected] or fax: 508-756-8315 8 AAroundround thethe DioceseDiocese THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | JANUARY 10, 2019

UPCOMING FAMILY PRAYER-WORCESTER: St. George Parish will hold a Family Prayer Hour weekly, FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY: St. Mary EPIPHANY 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the church, 38 Brattle St. Parish, Uxbridge is offering the nine-lesson Christian based Financial Peace University (FPU) course on Fridays beginning (first PLAY FRIDAY class is FREE) Jan. 17 at 6:30 p.m., in the parish hall, 77 Mendon St. Dave Ramsey JANUARY 17 and his team of financial experts will teach you how to gain control of your money and LEGION OF MARY GROUP-SHREWSBURY: An stop living paycheck to paycheck. FPU invitation is extended to all to come and is $99 for a family kit and includes your learn about The Legion of Mary which will workbook and a year of Financial Peace meet Fridays after the 9 a.m. Mass in the hall Membership, an online toolkit. Couples at St. Anne’s Church, 130 Boston Tpke., Rte are highly encouraged to attend together. 9. Call Joe Duggan for information, For information or to sign up call the 508-856-7129. office at 508-278-2226 or contact Diane at [email protected]. All are KNITTING CIRCLE-WORCESTER: The Religious welcome. of the Assumption will hold an Assumption Center Circle for knitting and crocheting FAITH AND REASON SERIES-GARDNER: As for a cause weekly, 10-11:30 a.m., in the part of Annunciation Parish’s Faith and Assumption Center, 16 Vineyard St. For Reason series Father Stephen Lundrigan more information call 508-767-1356 or email: will present Searching for the Ever-Present [email protected]. God, on the hidden and not-so-hidden evidence for God’s action in the universe on PHOTO SUBMITTED BY KATE DAVIDSON GRANDPARENT PRAYER GROUP: St. George Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7 p.m., in the hall at Parish Grandparent Prayer Group will be Holy Rosary Church, 135 Nichols St. Children in religious education classes at Immaculate Conception Parish in Lancaster held monthly, 11 a.m.-noon, in the church celebrated Epiphany on Sunday with their pastor, Father Tom Hultquist and teacher Debra hall, 38 Brattle St., Worcester. The program ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Pedone. will include prayer for grandchildren’s safety ROUNDTABLE: The next Environmental and prayers to Sts. Ann and Joachim, Stewardship Roundtable will be held Jan. grandparents of Jesus. For information 22 at 7 -8:30 p.m. at St Denis Parish, 23 contact Ruth Viens at 508-852-5658, or Manchaug St., Douglas, hosted by the Lessons and Carols, based on the Office Group meets weekly at 7:10 p.m., St. Joseph [email protected]. Environmental Stewardship Ministry for the of Matins for the Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel Hall, 29 South St. Enjoy prayer, Diocese of Worcester. It is a meeting for 7 p.m. Freewill donations will be accepted fellowship and refreshments. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET-LEICESTER: St. anyone interested in learning more about at the door for the benefit of First Concern Aloysius-St. Jude Parish, 489 Pleasant St., Catholic teaching on the environment and Pregnancy Resource Center of Clinton. prays the chaplet of Divine Mercy weekly at how to put this into action in your parish. WEDNESDAY 3 p.m. Register at environment.worcesterdiocese. TAIZE SERVICE-WORCESTER: Taize org/south-region-roundtable. Worcester-Sacred Music for Vespers, a JANUARY 15 BINGO-LEOMINSTER: St. Cecilia Parish Bingo local ecumenical choir will sing simple, will be held weekly with doors opening, 4 pure music to support peace and respect ADORATION-GARDNER: Adoration is held 6 p.m., and games, 6:30 p.m., in the parish SATURDAY between all Christians and non-Christians a.m.-8 p.m. Wednesdays in Holy Rosary hall, 188 Mechanic St. Call 978-537-5596. at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 73 Lancaster Church, 135 Nichols St., (enter ramp door on JANUARY 11 St., 7-7:45 p.m. followed by a cider and side of church). Eucharist is covered during BINGO-WORCESTER: St. Christopher Parish donut reception. 9 a.m. Mass. Bingo will be held weekly with doors open THRIFT SHOP/FLEA MARKET-WORCESTER: 4:30 p.m., kitchen, 5 p.m., and first coverall, The Little Store, 242 Canterbury St., is INFO SESSIONS-PILLGRIMAGE TO GREECE: 7 p.m., in the parish hall, 950 W. Boylston St. open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. For MONDAY From Oct. 28 - Nov. 7, 2020, join Father For information call 508-853-3302. information contact 508-831-7455. William Schipper and Ray Delisle as they JANUARY 13 Discover Greece: in the Footsteps of St. BINGO-WORCESTER: Sacred Heart - St. PRO-LIFE VIGIL-WORCESTER: A vigil will be Paul the Apostle. Information sessions with Catherine of Sweden Parish bingo night will held weekly, across the street from, or next to ROSARY-WORCESTER: Our Lady of Lourdes Collette Tours and featuring Greek foods to be held weekly, 6:30 p.m., 596 Cambridge Planned Parenthood, 475 Pleasant St., 9 a.m. Rosary Prayer Group will meet weekly, 3 taste will be held at 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. at St. Call 508-752-1608 for information. p.m., in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1290 the Chancery, 49 Elm St., Worcester. Call THRIFT SHOP-LEICESTER: The New 2 You/ Grafton St. Mr. Delisle at 508-929-4313 to register for SPANISH PRAYER-FITCHBURG: St. Francis of Deja New-Marketplace, 759 Main St., is the information session, for information, or Assisi Parish Spanish Prayer Group will meet open Saturdays 9 a.m.-noon, Tues. 5-7 p.m., PRAYER CENACLE-CHARLTON: St. Joseph a brochure, or visit worcesterdiocese.org/ weekly, 7 p.m., in the chapel, 81 Sheridan St. Wed. 9 a.m.-noon, Thurs. 3-6 p.m. Parish will hold a Marian Movement Prayer greece-pilgrimage. Cenacle weekly, 7 p.m., in the church, 10 H ENDOW WOMEN’S GROUP-WORCESTER: PRAYER GROUP-PAXTON: St. Columba Putnam Road Ext. MASS/DEVOTION-DUDLEY: St. Andrew An Endow group in Worcester will Parish, 18 Richards Ave., will hold a weekly Bobola Parish will hold Mass with devotion meet weekly at 8 p.m. in the home of prayer group, 9 a.m., to pray for our country. BEREAVED SUPPORT-WORCESTER: Pieta, to Divine Mercy weekly, 6:30 p.m., in the Sarah Berry (a parishioner at St. John’s, Prayers include the rosary and the Divine a monthly support group for bereaved church, 54 West Main St. Worcester). For information, or to sign up, Mercy chaplet. parents, will be held 7 p.m., in the parish visit endowgroups.org/groups/worcester- hall conference room of St. George Parish, MASS/NOVENA-WEBSTER: A Mass and group-2 or contact Sarah at 214-632-3399 PRO-LIFE KICK-OFF EVENT: The Respect Life 40 Brattle St. For information contact Annie novena to St. Joseph will be held weekly, 7 or [email protected]. Month kick-off, “Let Life Live” event will be Doyle, outreach coordinator, at 508-853- p.m., in St. Joseph Basilica, 53 Whitcomb St. held at Sacred Heart-St. Catherine of Sweden 0183. Parish Hall, 596 Cambridge St., Worcester, 12- SCRIPTURE STUDY-NO. OXFORD: St. Ann SATURDAY 3:30 p.m., featuring music from Musicians for DIVORCED SUPPORT-AUBURN: North American Parish will hold Scripture study weekly, Life, speakers, representatives from Problem Martyrs church will host the Divorced 7-8:30 p.m., in the parish hall, 652 Main St. JANUARY 18 Pregnancy, Visitation House, Mass Citizens for Catholics Support Group on the second and Father Michael Lavallee, pastor, will conduct FOR WEEKLY EVENTS SEE JAN. 11 Life, 40 Days for Life, First Concern and more! fourth Monday of the month, 7-9 p.m., in the the sessions. For information call Lynn at 508-612-3999. altar-server room, 8 Wyoma Dr. CATHOLIC GIRLS CLUB: Catholic Girls Club, For information, contact Karen Lennox, 508- NOVENA-WORCESTER: Our Lady of for girls 6 and up, meets the third Saturday OPERATION RANGER ROSARY/PRAYER 373-2067 or Sue Gustafson 508-934-6153. Czestochowa Parish, 34 Ward St., recites a of the month from October to May from SHAWL: Operation Ranger Rosary and novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and 2-3:30 p.m. at the Emmaus Center, 17 E. Blessed Sacrament Prayer Shawl Ministry St. John Paul II weekly, after the 6:30 p.m. Main St. across from Sacred Heart Church, meets on the second Saturday of the month Polish Mass. Webster (use the Day Street entrance). from 1-3 p.m., in the Phelan Center, Blessed This month’s topic is the life of St. Angela Sacrament Parish, 551 Pleasant Street, TUESDAY TRAVELING HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS- Merici, followed by a corresponding craft Worcester. Contact the rectory, 508-755- WESTBOROUGH: The monthly diocesan holy or activity and enjoy a saint-related treat 5291 or Cecelia Mason at 508-335-0898 or JANUARY 14 hour for vocations will be held at 7 p.m. which is nut-free. There will be a “saint” [email protected]. at St. Luke Church, 70 W. Main St. All are coloring page for any younger siblings KNITTING MINISTRY-MILFORD: The Hands welcome to attend and pray for vocations to who wish to attend. There are no fees or PASTA DINNER-NORTHBRIDGE: St. Peter’s to Work Knitting Ministry of St. Mary of the priesthood and religious life in our diocese. long-term commitments. To sign up or for Parish will host a pasta dinner at 5:30 p.m. Assumption, 17 Winter St., is in need of information contact Melissa McDonald at in the parish hall, 39 Church Ave. Tickets are additional knitters. Meetings are held the SECULAR ORDER OF FRANCISCANS- [email protected]. $10/adults, $9/seniors and ages 4-12, $35/ second and fourth Tuesdays of the month CHARLTON: St Joseph’s Fraternity meets family and must be purchased in advance. from 10-11:30 a.m. or work from home monthly at St Joseph Church, 10 H Putnam ITALIAN DINNER-HOPEDALE: Sacred Heart of All proceeds will help fund mission trips (material provided). Contact the parish office Road Ext., 7 p.m. Come and see; all are Jesus Parish will host an Italian Family Night for teenagers in July. Call 508-234-2156 or 508-473-2000 for information. invited. Contact 508-735-8266, st.joseph. Dinner, 5-9 p.m. in the Father Reilley Center, email [email protected] for [email protected], stjosephscharlton.com/ 187 Hopedale St. starting with a cocktail tickets or questions. PARISH STORY TIME: Sacred Heart Parish, order-franciscan-seculars for information. hour at 5 p.m. (BYOB) and dinner at 6 p.m. Hopedale, will hold Parish Story Time Tickets are $16/adults and $6/under10 by monthly, 10-11 a.m., for toddler/preschooler SECULAR FRANCISCANS-NORTHBOROUGH: contacting the parish house at 508-473-1900 SUNDAY faith stories, songs, coloring and crafts, 187 A Secular Franciscan gathering for spiritual or 508-473-1701. Hopedale St. formation; learning of Jesus, St. Francis, JANUARY 12 St. Clare and the Catholic faith; prayer; and SPAGHETTI DINNER-WESTMINSTER: St. PRAYER GROUP-WORCESTER: Marie Anne fellowship, meets every third Wednesday Edward the Confessor Church Hall, 10 AFRICAN MASS-WORCESTER: The diocesan Center Prayer Group at St.Bernard Church of the month from 7-9 p.m. beginning in the Church St., will host a spaghetti dinner from African Ministry will hold Mass weekly, 11:30 will meet bi-weekly, the 2nd and 4th church at St. Bernadette Church, 266 Main 5 to 7 p.m., to benefit our Boy Scout Troop. a.m., at St. Andrew the Apostle Mission, 5 Tuesdays of the month, at 10:15 a.m., in the St. For information, call Patrick O’Donnell, Menu includes spaghetti and meatballs, Spaulding St. lower church, 236 Lincoln St. 857-540-4008. salad, rolls and dessert. Tickets, available at the door for $10/adult, $5/child under 12 and AFRICAN MASS-WORCESTER: Sacred Heart- KNITTING MINISTRY-WESTBORO: The St. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-SOUTHBOROUGH: children under 6 eat free. St. Catherine of Sweden Parish will hold Luke Westboro Prayer Shawl group meets St. Matthew Parish Prayer Shawl Ministry, an African Mass weekly at noon., 600 monthly in Room 23 of the parish center, meets the first and third Wednesday of the TRIVIA NIGHT-UXBRIDGE: St Mary Parish, 77 Cambridge St. 1-2:30 p.m. Contact Carol Mulcahy at 508- month at 7:30 p.m. in the parish center, 105 Mendon St., will host a Trivia night starting at 898-0409 for information. Southville Rd. Contact Theresa Churchill at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10, to reserve a table LEGION: The Legion of Mary, Immaculate 508-839-3891 or theresa_churchill@hotmail. or join one call 508-278-2226. BYOB and Conception of the Virgin Mary Praesidium AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS-WORCESTER: com. snacks. for Vietnamese, will meet weekly, 12:30 p.m., Troop MA0716 will meet at 4:30 p.m. at Our in Our Lady of Vilna church hall, 151 Sterling Lady of Loreto Church Center, 37 Massasoit St., Worcester. Road. AHG is a Christ-centered character THURSDAY SUNDAY and leadership development program for AFRICAN MASS-FITCHBURG: St. Anthony of girls ages 5-18, building “women of integrity JANUARY 16 JANUARY 19 Padua Parish, 84 Salem St., will celebrate a Mass through service to God, family, community in Swahili and English weekly at 12:30 p.m. and country!” Contact Lynn Somers at 508- CATHOLIC MEN’S GROUP-SHREWSBURY: St. FOR WEEKLY EVENTS SEE JAN. 12 393-8642. Mary’s Catholic Men’s Group meets at 7 p.m. AFRICAN/GHANIAN MASS-WORCESTER: St. monthly in the Media Center, 640 Main St. Our ADDICTION SUPPORT-WEBSTER: The Joan of Arc, 570 Lincoln St., will celebrate FOOD WITH FRIENDS: St. Mary of the discussion topic: Can science and faith go hand Calix Society, a Catholic support group Mass in Twi weekly, 2 p.m. Assumption Parish will serve a monthly in hand? Material: The Father of Genetics. (supplement to AA) for those concerned/ dinner for the needy, 5-6:30 p.m., in the affected by alcoholism or drug dependency, FRANCISCAN FRATERNITY: The St. Bernard small hall, 17 Winter St., Milford. VIANNEY DINNER: The monthly Vianney will meet monthly, 9:30-10:30 a.m., in the Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order dinner for men, high school aged and rectory at the side of Sacred Heart Church, will meet monthly, 2 p.m., in Holy Family of MARIAN GROUP-NO. OXFORD: St. Ann Parish up, interested in learning more about a 18 E. Main St. For information contact Kyle, Nazareth Parish, 750 Union St., Leominster. Upper Room Marian Consecration Group priestly vocation will be held at the Holy 508-887-2225 or [email protected]. will meet at 6 p.m., in the hall, 652 Main Name of Jesus House of Studies, 51 Illinois YOUTH MASS: St. Joseph Parish will hold St., the second and fourth Tuesdays of the St., Worcester. Please note the schedule PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY-WORCESTER: a LIFE TEEN Mass for children, pre-teens, month. change! Come to all or part of the evening as Blessed Sacrament Church, 551 Pleasant teenagers and adults weekly, 5 p.m., in the your schedule allows. 6:05 p.m. Mass, 6:30 St., will host an ecumenical prayer service church, 10 H Putnam Road Ext., Charlton. COMMUNITY OF ADORATION-WORCESTER: dinner, and 7 p.m. social. An RSVP is not at 2 p.m. during the Week of Prayer for A Catholic charismatic prayer group will needed but it is helpful. Christian Unity. SPANISH MASS-WORCESTER: St. Stephen meet at St. Bernard Church, 236 Lincoln Parish, 357 Grafton St., will celebrate a St., weekly, with a rotating schedule of VENERINI ACADEMY EARLY CHILDHOOD INFO CURSILLO: Ultreya a meeting of persons weekly Mass in Spanish, 6 p.m. facilitators, from 7-9 p.m. Deacon Gilberto NIGHT: Venerini Academy, 27 Edward St., who have completed the “short course in Javier-Almonte will lead an hour of adoration Worcester, will host an Early Childhood Christian community living” will be held FESTIVAL OF LESSONS & CAROLS-CLINTON: and an hour of prayer. For information call Information Night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for monthly, 7 p.m., in Holy Family of Nazareth The Sacred Music Series at St. John Sister Judith Dupuy at 401-474-3410. families looking for Preschool (ages 2.9 - 4) Church, 750 Union St., Leominster, Guardian of Our Lady in Clinton, 80 Union and Kindergarten. Presentations begin at (parking in lower lot). St., continues with a special Festival of ROSARY GROUP-BARRE: The Barre Rosary 6:30 for parents and guests only. JANUARY 10, 2020 | THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS MEDIA 9 ‘Little Women’ is a thought-provoking and daring take on the classic novel

BY SUSAN BAILEY | CFP CORRESPONDENT surprisingly sexy Professor Bhaer with far Louisa May Alcott s Little Women has too little screen time. been a staple in family libraries for the last The movie sparkled with energy, cre- 150 years, passed down from generation ativity and beauty, complete with exquisite to generation. Emerging from the story costumes and historical details. Shot en- are timeless themes: becoming your best tirely in Massachusetts, settings included self, sisterhood and the bonds of family, the city of Lawrence along with Concord and the difficult passage from childhood and Harvard, the Arnold Arboretum in to adulthood. Beneath the seemingly mun- Boston and the Crane Estate and beach in dane exploits of the four sisters lurk the Ipswich. deeper themes of the meaning of love and A point of contention was the near total marriage, the relentless drive and cost of absence of both the spiritual and moral ambition, the pain of self-doubt, the dev- core of Little Women. While today s view- astating experience of death and loss, and ers may not understand the connection grief s transformative power. of Little Women with John Bunyan s LIttle Women has been adapted in The Pilgrim s Progress, it should not be many forms, including three major mo- difficult to underscore the need for an tion pictures and a three-part mini-series inner life and the acknowledgement of for PBS. Director and writer Greta Gerwig s something beyond ourselves in order to version reinterprets Alcott s classic novel become better people. The movie touched for the 21st century, deepening its femi- upon this theme with Beth but missed the nist message with nods to the author s opportunity to develop it. trail-blazing life as a best-selling author. In an interview with Gabrielle Donnelly Inspired in part by Louisa May Alcott s on the Louisa May Alcott is My Passion drive to support her family through her blog, Ms. Gerwig shared this insight: writing, Ms. Gerwig focused on the theme There was such a bent of self-improve- of women with relationship to ambition, CNS PHOTO | SONY ment and bettering oneself in books at the art, and money. Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan, Eliza Scanlen and Florence Pugh star in a scene from the time but the fact is that these days, why Sprinkled throughout the lavish two movie “Little Women.” we love the characters is not because of hour and 15 minute film are references to how they conquer themselves but because women and economy: Meg s longing for of how they don t. wealth and a large home like her friend, MOVIEI excellent. Saoirse Ronan is the quintes- Ms. Gerwig does understand her au- Sally Moffat; Amy s bold declaration that sential Jo March with all of her creative dience. But by focusing exclusively on marrying well was an economic necessity fire (and anger), along with vulnerability women with regards to ambition, art and for women (reflecting the thoughts of the to Meg s wedding, showing Beth alive and and self-doubt. Emma Watson was a lovely money, the movie neglected the deeper wealthy Aunt March); Jo s drive to sell sto- well. Meg, and Eliza Scanlen played a thought- message that a greater use of Beth could ries in New York, and using her earnings While the heart of the story was miss- ful and thoroughly human Beth. Florence have delivered. Different from her sisters, to help her family. ing at times, there was much to engage the Pugh nearly stole the show as Amy, bring- Beth was acknowledged by Amy as the Ms. Gerwig s other innovation was to mind, and this is where Ms. Gerwig s ver- ing a greater depth to a much maligned best of the four. She quietly gave of her- disregard the linear timeline of the story sion takes its rightful place. After an im- character, and spicing her performance self while reflecting upon the meaning in favor of a thematic approach. As a passioned speech to her Marmee about the with touches of humor. There was a genu- of life and death, a wisdom she somehow means of focusing on the sisters as adults, terrible dilemma of loneliness for women ine sense of affection and camaraderie imparted to Jo in her last days. This then the film employed flashbacks to recall who chose to follow their ambition, Jo between the four actresses that created an propelled Jo into creating her greatest memories which supported the themes. (inspired by the memory of Beth) threw endearing sisterhood. piece of writing. While this approach created a vibrant en- herself into the writing of the novel of her Timoth e Chalamet was questionable All that being said, Greta Gerwig s Lit- ergy and unpredictability in the storyline, heart, raising the everyday story of four at times as Theodore Laurie Laurence, tle Women is deserving of praise; it is a it also proved challenging and confusing, sisters to the level of art and greater im- particularly when it came to a romantic thought-provoking movie to enjoy, ponder even for viewers who knew Little Women portance. The last 30 minutes of the film chemistry between him and Ms. Ronan. in the aftermath, and then see again. It is well. The change between present and was an exhilarating ride, vacillating back He was, in fact, more persuasive as a rated PG and is family friendly. past was so rapid at times that it was hard and forth between Jo s mad dash to the future husband to Florence Pugh. Laura to grasp the connecting point between the railroad station (egged on by her sisters) to Dern was warm and earthy as Marmee, Susan Bailey of North Grafton is a two. catch Professor Bhaer before he leaves for but it was hard to believe she was angry columnist for The Catholic Free Press. Such an approach hampered character the West, and Jo sitting with publisher Mr. nearly every day of her life. She is the author of : Alcott s Imaginary development, depriving the story of its Dashwood, hammering out the ending to Supporting players Aunt March and Heroes: The Little Women Legacy, River emotional depth. The continual back-and- her novel called Little Women. In a fit- Mr. Laurence were played to perfection by of Grace: Creative Passages Through Dif- forth in the timeline robbed scenes of ting tribute to Louisa May Alcott, Ms. Ger- Meryl Streep (who brought a tart humor ficult Times, and Louisa May Alcott: Illu- their emotional intensity. The buildup, for wig added aspects of Alcott s own story to to the formidable character) and Chris minated by The Message. She also writes example, to Beth s tragic death was un- the scene. Cooper (creating a warm and poignant a blog: Louisa May Alcott is My Passion, done in an instant with a time-shift back The casting of the March sisters was relationship with Beth). Louis Garrel was a found at louisamayalcottismypassion.com

BOOK REVIEWI CATHOLIC QUIZI ‘Solid’ explanation of importance of Mary in Catholic life CatholicQuiz of the Week™ Feast of the Baptism of the Lord BY MITCH FINLEY | CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE the rosary and provides the words of each of the ro- January 12, 2020 sary s prayers including the Fatima prayer with its pe- Some wit once quipped about Christmas, Ah, yes, tition to save us from the fires of hell and the prayer the only season of the year when Protestants can t avoid to St. Michael with its petition to protect us from the talking about Mary. There may be some truth to this. wickedness and snares of the devil prayers this re- 1. According to Isaiah, the servant of the LORD is a However, Catholic readers are likely as Protestant read- viewer would prefer to label optional. ers to find these two books both inspiring and informa- My Queen, My Mother is a solid, beautifully written strong figure whose voice is heard crying out in tive when it comes to nourishing a healthy, theologically book that deserves many readers. the street against injustice? balanced attitude toward Mary. Maria Morera Johnson s Our Lady of Charity is a Any Protestant who only looks at the books covers is remarkable book about the Cuban-American author s a. True likely to feel reaffirmed in the opinion that if Catholics life with Our Lady of Charity, the patroness of Cuba. The b. False don t literally worship Mary, they at least skate alto- author was brought as a child from Cuba to the United gether too close to it. Anyone who takes the risk of actu- States in 1965 by her parents, and growing up with Our ally reading a chapter or two of either book, however, Lady of Charity was part and parcel of her everyday 2. According to Isaiah, which cardinal virtue will may find it difficult to talk about Mary only during the family life. characterize the servant of the LORD? Christmas season. Whenever my mother referred to the Blessed Virgin Marge Steinhage Fenelon s My Queen, My Mother Mary, Johnson writes, she did so lovingly and with a. justice begins with fine explanations of what pilgrimage an affectionate diminutive, the virgencita. In this way, b. fortitude and novena mean. Her discussion of these traditional Mary was always present in our home, a part of the fam- c. temperance Catholic concepts will help many Catholic readers to ily. nourish a healthy adult devotion to Mary and abandon Recounting her first return to Cuba in 2015, on the any quasi-magical perspectives they may have. occasion of the visit to that island-country by Pope 3. “ The God of glory _____, and in his temple all At the same time, these introductory discussions Francis, Johnson narrates the origin and development say, ‘Glory!’” will help any Protestant readers to begin letting go of of devotion to Our Lady of Charity. She does so in a way misunderstandings of Catholic veneration of Mary they that is thoroughly Christian and Catholic, theologically a. sings may have lived with for many years. Indeed, the deeply complete and balanced. b. thunders scriptural character of these concepts may surprise and I want to introduce Our Lady of Charity to her North c. reigns challenge readers from both camps. American children, Johnson explains. Devotion to The core chapters of My Queen, My Mother focus Mary under this lovely title comes at a time when our on nine (hence, novena meaning nine ) of the many society, and our world, should revisit her message of 4. According to Saint Peter, God shows no partiality. Marian shrines in the United States. The author visited love. a. True all nine of these shrines, and she explains the history Our Lady of Charity is a book to cultivate an adult b. False and unique character of each one, offers suggestions for Catholic faith, to renew one s devotion to Mary by get- making a spiritual visit to each, and concludes with ting to know her through a special devotion nurtured questions for reflection and discussion. for many generations by the Cuban people. 5. When did the Holy Spirit visibly descend upon In an appendix, Fenelon explains briefly how to pray Jesus? a. at his birth ON TV/RADIOI b. at his baptism The Catholic Free Press c. at his crucifixion SUNDAY MASSES 8 a.m. Boston CatholicTV and CW 56 10 a.m. WWLP-TV CH 22 6. How did the Holy Spirit appear at Jesus’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY 6 p.m. Charter CH 193 baptism? 6 p.m. Mondays (re-broadcast) Worcester CH 194 Spanish Language: 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. a. as a dove All IT & Business Skills Sales,Telemarketers, Charter CH 101; Comcast CH 268; Boston CH 296 b. as wind On Demand & Other Positions | FT & PT c. as tongues of fire

Largest Trainer Provider Contract L&D Talent DAILY MASSES (Monday -Friday) 9 a.m. Charter CH 193 7. According to Matthew, what did the voice from TheTrainingAssociates.com For list of celebrants/specials: www.worcestercatholictv.com Vic Melfa, Chairman 9:30 a.m. Boston CatholicTV and WBPX CH 68 508.890.8500 | Westboro, MA Maria Melfa Barrett, CEO heaven say at the baptism of Jesus? 4:30 p.m. Shrewsbury Cable CH 28/328 5 p.m. Clinton Comcast CH 99 a. Prepare the way of the Lord PLUMBING 7 p.m. Boston CatholicTV b. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand! 7:30 p.m. WBPX CH 68 c. This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased William F. Lynch Company, Inc. Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning FAMILY ROSARY 50 MILLBROOK ST. Sunday: 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Shrewsbury Cable CH 28/328, Answers and References Tel. 508-756-5705 8 a.m. Clinton Comcast CH 99, 1 • b. False (Isaiah 42:2-3) 8:30 a.m. Charter CH 193 2 • a. justice (Isaiah 42:4) INSURANCE Monday: 7 a.m. Shrewsbury Cable CH 28/328 3 • b. thunders (Psalm 29:3) Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Shrewsbury Cable CH 28/328 4 • a. True (Acts 10:34) 5 • b. at his baptism (Matthew 3:13-17) CATHOLIC RADIO PROGRAMMING 6 • a. as a dove (Matthew 3:16) Thomas J. Woods Insurance Agency, Inc. Richard J. Boyd 5:27 a.m., Morning prayer, WTAG, 580 AM and 94.9 FM 7 • c. This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well John F. Woods, Sr. 20 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA 01605 Richard M. Carr EWTN Global Catholic Radio (24-hours) pleased (Matthew 3:17) 1923-2003 P.O. Box 2940 Worcester, MA 01613 Walter M. Conlin, Jr. John F. Woods, Jr. Emmanuel Radio, WNEB 1230 AM Worcester 508-755-5944 Peter Lombardo and 970 AM Southbridge Eternal Life Radio, WQPH 89.3 FM Fitchburg © Copyright by CatholicQuiz.com 2020 - Reproduce for educational use 10 THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | JANUARY 10, 2020 Discover GREECE

The Diocese of Worcester presents a unique pilgrimage October 28-November 7, 2020 with Fr. William Schipper, spiritual director and pastor of Mary, Queen of the Rosary Parish and Ray Delisle, Chancellor and Communications Director of the Diocese of Worcester.

Book Early You’re invited to learn more! Highlights: & Save Information • 3-Night Greek • Philippi $100 Per Person Sessions: Island & • Meteora Turkey Cruise Wednesday, January 15 • Delphi • Mykonos at 2:30 and 5:30 pm at the • Corinth Chancery, 49 Elm St., Worcester. • Ephesus • The Acropolis Come learn more from our Collette • Patmos travel representative and enjoy tasting • Athens • Santorini local Greek appetizers! RSVP to • Taverna [email protected] • Thessaloniki Dinner Show • Kavala If you are unable to attend call for a FREE brochure (508) 929-4313 Collette Experiences: • See Mars Hill where Paul delivered his “Men of Athens” speech. • Visit the Museum of Byzantine Culture, one of the finest museums of Byzantine art. • Explore ancient Corinth on a guided tour featuring the Agora. • Join a local expert exploring the monuments of ancient Athens. • See the Bema where Paul was brought before the tribunal, as recorded in Acts.