Minutes of the Meeting of Crich Parish Council Held Via Video Conference, on Monday 2Nd November 2020 at 7.30Pm
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Glebe Field Centre Tel: 01773 853928 Glebe Field Close E-mail: [email protected] Crich Website: www crich-pc.gov.uk Derbyshire DE4 5EU MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CRICH PARISH COUNCIL HELD VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE, ON MONDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2020 AT 7.30PM 0267/20 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), M Baugh, V Broom, C Collison, J James, K Smith, V Thorpe, R Walsh, P Yorke In attendance: C Jennings – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Also present: None 0268/20 TO NOTE ABSENCE None 0269/20 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS It was not considered necessary to vary the order of business. 0270/20 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. Personal Interests (not Pecuniary) declared: Cllr M Baugh – Planning Application AVA/2020/0978 - 3 Taylors Yard, Market Place – neighbour Cllr V Broom – Planning Application AVA/2020/0914 - Crich Carr CE Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Hindersitch Lane – husband is a Governor Cllr R Walsh - AVA/2020/0978 - 3 Taylors Yard, Market Place, Crich – knows the Architect. PUBLIC SPEAKING 0271/20 a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair. None present 0272/20 b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. AVBC Cllr Thorpe advised she continued to monitor and report the problem of mud on the road at Bullbridge Hill, A610. It was still unclear whether the Boundary changes document given to Chair outlining local Ward changes being proposed was current and could be circulated for comment, as AVBC had advised there was no document available for consultation. 0273/20 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair reported that she had attended a virtual meeting of the Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group where it had been agreed there was no current demand for services and the Group would remain on standby. However, that was prior to the new lockdown being announced which might change the situation. Chair had been contacted by the Secretary of the local branch of the British Legion, who advised that there would be no Remembrance activities now taking place, It was agreed Chair should still lay the Council wreath at a time to suit her. Cllr R Walsh joined the Meeting at 7.43pm – problems with connecting to Zoom. MINUTES 0274/20 Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5th October 2020 with the following amendment – Minute no 0258/20 Bowns Lane to be changed to Bowns Hill. Council Chair to sign at a later date. 0275/20 Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Staffing Sub-Committee Meeting held on Monday 19th October 2020. 0276/20 Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Monday 19th October 2020. PLANNING 0277/20 a) Planning Authority applications Delegated decision making: Cllr Collison Lead, consultation with all Members. Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications comments made at the meeting be submitted to AVBC. Resolved: Response to Planning Application Ref: AVA/2020/0978 - 3 Taylors Yard, Market Place, Crich, to be agreed and submitted under delegated powers as closing date for response expires before next Parish Council Meeting. To be reported at next meeting. 0278/20 b) Derbyshire County Council – Crich Quarry, Town End, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5DP Application Code: SCOM/6/72 BMET Ltd is considering making a planning application which would be accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES), the Regulations require that Crich Parish Council should be consulted for comment. At this stage comment only relates to the information that should be provided in the ES, not whether planning permission should or should not be granted: there will be further consultations. The Authority must adopt an opinion by 6th November 2020. Resolved: Crich Parish Council ask that the following information be included in the Environmental Statement: 1: Traffic and access – impact on highway safety, impact on road network, and opportunities to avoid adverse impact. 2: Noise impact. 3: Impact on biodiversity in the area. 4: Air quality assessment to be scoped back-in, with proposed 675 parking spaces the impact of pollution from subsequent traffic should be considered. 5: Light pollution assessment to be scoped back-in. FINANCE 0279/20 a) Payments Resolved: That payments of the attached accounts in the sum £4,597.63 be formally approved. 0280/20 b) Receipts Resolved: That receipts of the attached accounts in the sum £1,629.47 be formally approved. 0281/20 c) Notice of conclusion of Audit 2020 Still not received from External Auditor. REPORTS RECREATION GROUND 0282/20 a) The Place Project Cllr Yorke had nothing new to report. 0283/20 b) Recreation Ground Working Party – Signage Review Working Party had not yet met or agreed a Lead. 0284/20 c) Boules pitch Cllr Collison and Cllr Yorke had met with the residents who were requesting a Boules pitch on Crich Recreation Ground, and had asked them to put together a written proposal for the Boules pitch along with costs and how it was to be funded. The proposal would then be considered by Crich Recreation Ground Trustee Group prior to going to Council. 0285/20 d) Unauthorised football practice Cllr Walsh had visited the Recreation Ground a number of times when it was believed the football practice was taking place, but had not witnessed any activity. He would continue to check and report back at the next Council Meeting. 0286/20 CRAG WORKING PARTY Cllr James said the Working Party had hoped to meet with the Open Gardens Group to discuss the border planting in the Recreation Ground, but due to the new Covid restrictions that were coming into force, this would not be possible for a while. Cllrs James and Yorke had agreed the location for the oak sapling and it had been planted into position with the resident who had grown and donated it. Resolved: The Clerk to write to the resident and thank her for growing and donating the tree. BURIAL GROUND 0287/20 a) Working Party Reviews x 3 ▪ Crich Burial Ground – Fees ▪ Crich Burial Ground - Exclusive Right of Burial ▪ Crich Burial Ground - Rules and Regulations Cllr Walsh advised that he was looking at the current fees, which were substantially lower than other local Burial Grounds. He was also looking at the Rules and Regulations, which were more complex than originally thought. He would be circulating documents round to the Working Party and organising a Zoom Meeting to discuss. It was hoped to bring recommendations to the Meeting on 7th December 2020, with implementation from 1st January 2021. 0288/20 b) Repair and extension of access road The Clerk had started to work through the different files of records and put together a report. The Council had planning permission to install the extension of the access road, but works had to be agreed with Cadent as it would run over the gas pipe. The work was allowed in the Easement recently agreed with Cadent, but further research into what rules and regulations had to be complied with needed to be obtained, as this would have to be included as part of the brief to possible work contractors. 0289/20 PUBLIC TOILETS, BOWNS HILL - REOPENING On Wednesday 7th October 2020 the public toilets had been successfully reopened. The toilets are open Wednesday to Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm, and closed on Monday and Tuesday each week. The Council had arranged a direct debit with the Bank to enable the monthly electricity bill to be collected direct, and reduce repeat payment scheduling each month. Decision made under delegated powers with Chair and Vice Chair. WINTER SERVICES/CHRISTMAS 0290/20 a) Large Christmas tree The large Christmas tree had been ordered and would be installed on Thursday 26th November 2020 – providing there were no parked cars preventing the work. On 23rd November 2020, Cllr Baugh and the Clerk will put out fliers on parked cars asking them to leave space for the tree to be installed. At the same time, Cllrs Walsh and Yorke, along with Mr Creed, will help to move the barriers down to the Market Place. The new ‘no parking please’ swing pavement signs have been delivered to the Clerk’s home and she will bring them with her to install. Harlite are booked to install the tree lights on Monday 30th October 2020 - providing all goes to plan with the installation of the tree. 0291/20 b) Small Christmas trees The supplier had advised he was unable to provide and install the small Christmas trees this year. Alternative supplier contact details had been provided to Cllr Yorke. Cllr Yorke reported that the new supplier was based in Bakewell and he had placed an order with them, which had now been paid. 0292/20 c) Christmas Lights Working Party Review Cllr Yorke reported that he had not heard from Harlite regarding the lights for the small Christmas trees, nor had he received the quote to upgrade the lights on the large Christmas tree.