Village Church Daily Seeking God Seeking God in His Word Seeking God “He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the Sharing the Everlasting Gospel learned. The Lord has opened my ears.” Isaiah 50:4 Serving Others Ask - God to be present before your devotion time. Invite Him to speak to May 2021 you through His Word by bringing to your attention something He wants you Date Old Test. New Test. Proverbs P & K to understand, learn or practice. Sat 1-May Lev. 17 John 10 Psalm 100 Proverbs 20:12 Introduction Sun 2-May Lev. 18 John 11 Psalm 101 Proverbs 20:13 Ch. 1, p. 25-29 Read - selected section of Scripture deliberately. Take note of the words and Mon 3-May Lev. 19 John 12 Psalm 102 Proverbs 20:14 Ch. 1, p. 30-34 phrases that catch your attention and/or intrigue you. Read them a second Tue 4-May Lev. 20 John 13 Psalm 103 Proverbs 20:15 Ch. 2, p. 35-41 time (or more). Wed 5-May Lev. 21 John 14 Psalm 104 Proverbs 20:16 Ch. 2, p. 42-50 Reflect - on what grabs your attention. What connections are there with our Thu 6-May Lev. 22 John 15 Psalm 105 Proverbs 20:17 Ch. 3, p. 51-55 life? How might God be speaking to you through these words? Stop long Fri 7-May Psalm 106 Proverbs 20:18 Ch. 3, p. 56-60 Lev. 23 John 16 enough to let this take root. Thank God for speaking to your heart. Sat 8-May Lev. 24 John 17 Psalm 107 Proverbs 20:19 Ch. 4, p. 61-67 Sun 9-May Lev. 25 John 18 Psalm 108 Proverbs 20:20 Ch. 4, p. 68-74 Respond - to the Scripture. Talk to God in prayer about what’s on your mind Mon 10-May Lev. 26 John 19 Psalm 109 Proverbs 20:21 Ch. 5, p. 75-79 and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve experienced in your Tue 11-May Lev. 27 John 20 Psalm 110 Proverbs 20:22 Ch. 5, p. 80-86 devotional time. And look for ways to tell others about what you’ve Wed 12-May Num. 1 John 21 Psalm 111 Proverbs 20:23 Ch. 6, p. 87-93 discovered. Thu 13-May Num. 2 Acts 1 Psalm 112 Proverbs 20:24 Ch. 6, p. 94-98 Fri 14-May Num. 3 Acts 2 Psalm 113 Proverbs 20:25 Chapter 7 Memorizing His Word Sat 15-May Num. 4 Acts 3 Psalm 114 Proverbs 20:26 Chapter 8 May 1 “The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged Sun 16-May Num. 5 Acts 4 Psalm 115 Proverbs 20:27 Chapter 9 sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 Mon 17-May Num. 6 Acts 5 Psalm 116 Proverbs 20:28 Ch. 10, p.129-134 Tue 18-May Num. 7 Acts 6 Psalm 117 Proverbs 20:29 Ch. 10, p. 135-142 May 8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require Wed 19-May Num. 8 Acts 7 Psalm 118 Proverbs 20:30 Chapter 11 of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 Thu 20-May Num. 9 Acts 8 Psalm 119 Proverbs 21:1 Ch. 12, p. 155-160 Fri 21-May Num. 10 Acts 9 Psalm 120 Proverbs 21:2 Ch. 12, p. 161-166 May 15 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of Sat 22-May Num. 11 Acts 10 Psalm 121 Proverbs 21:3 Chapter 13 the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9: 10 Sun 23-May Num. 12 Acts 11 Proverbs 21:4 Ch. 14, p. 177-184 May 22 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may Mon 24-May Num. 13 Acts 12 Psalm 123 Proverbs 21:5 Ch. 14, p. 185-189 exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5: 6, 7 Tue 25-May Num. 14 Acts 13 Proverbs 21:6 Ch. 15, p. 190-196 Wed 26-May Num. 15 Acts 14 Proverbs 21:7 Ch. 15, p. 197-203 May 29 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” Thu 27-May Num. 16 Acts 15 Psalm 126 Proverbs 21:8 Ch. 16, p. 204-211 3 John 4 Fri 28-May Num. 17 Acts 16 Psalm 127 Proverbs 21:9 Ch. 16, p. 212-216 Sat 29-May Num. 18 Acts 17 Psalm 128 Proverbs 21:10 Ch. 17, p. 217-222 Prophets & Kings, by Ellen G. White. If you do not own a copy of this inspirational Sun 30-May Num. 19 Revelation 10 Psalm 129 Proverbs 21:11 Ch. 17, p. 223-228 book, one is available for you at the Information Desk in the church lobby. Be blessed!! Mon 31-May Num. 20 Revelation 11 Psalm 130 Proverbs 21:12 Chapter 18