Characteristics of Digital Fundus Camera Systems Affecting Tonal Resolution in Color Retinal Images 9 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Marshall E Tyler, CRA, FOPS Larry D Hubbard, MAT University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI Wake Forest University Medical Center Boulevard Ken Boydston Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1033 Megavision, Inc.; Santa Barbara, CA
[email protected] Anthony J Pugliese Choices for Service in Imaging, Inc. Glen Rock, NJ Characteristics of Digital Fundus Camera Systems Affecting Tonal Resolution in Color Retinal Images INTRODUCTION of exposure, a smaller or larger number of photons strikes his article examines the impact of digital fundus cam- each sensel, depending upon the brightness of the incident era system technology on color retinal image quality, light in the scene. Within the dynamic range of the sen- T specifically as it affects tonal resolution (brightness, sor, it can differentiate specific levels of illumination on a contrast, and color balance). We explore three topics: (1) grayscale rather than just black or white. However, that the nature and characteristics of the silicon-based photo range of detection is not infinite; too dark and no light is sensor, (2) the manner in which the digital fundus camera detected to provide pictorial detail; too bright and the sen- incorporates the sensor as part of a complete system, and sor “maxes out”, thus failing to record detail. (3) some considerations as to how to select a digital cam- This latter point requires further explanation. Sensels era system to satisfy your tonal resolution needs, and how have a fixed capacity to hold electrons generated by inci- to accept delivery and training on a new system.1 dent photons.