Reached Ahemdabad on 9th October 2007 at 7.30 a.m. Held meeting with Secretary (PHED) and other state government officials at Jal Bhawan at 10.30 a.m. Besides PHED officers, officials from other Departments viz., DRDA – Sanitation, NREGS - WASMO were also present.

At the outset I explained the purpose and aim of my visit to all the state government officials present in the meeting. The need to strengthen and implement development schemes i.e. SGSY, SGRY, IAY, NREGS, PMGSY, ARWSP and TSC in a result-oriented and time bound manner was impressed upon the officers present in the meeting.

I explained that targets under Bharat Nirman are to be met by March 2009. Hence there is need for effective monitoring specially in respect of ARWSP, IAY and PMGSY – the three programmes which are part of Bharat Nirman Action Plan.

I also pointed out that the state is lagging behind in respect of on line reporting of monthly progress reports for ARWSP and TSC. Therefore, stringent monitoring by higher officials is needed in this regard. Without proper and up-to-date reporting it would be difficult for the Department to monitor and evaluate the good work done by the state in rural development.

The state officials were also requested to put in place a time bound Action Plan to tackle water quality problems (especially fluoride and salinity) in large number of habitations in , and Kutchch.

Shri V.S. Gadhvi, Secretary (PHED) stated that Gujarat is a water-deficient State. Fresh water availability in the State is only 1,137 cubic meters per annum per person against the national average of 2,000 cubic meters. Within the state, water availability varies from Page 2 of 29 region to region viz. with high cover and high precipitation has freshwater availability of 1932 cubic meters per annum whereas in North Gujarat per capita availability is mere 342 cubic meters. In Saurashtra, freshwater availability is 734 cubic meters, whereas in Kutchch, it is only 875 cubic meters per annum.

Incidents of drought due to insufficient rainfall and regional variations have almost become a permanent feature except for last 2-3 years. Over and above there has been drastic increase in the number of quality affected villages in terms of fluoride, salinity, nitrates etc and at present, the number of affected habitations is around 8,000 out of total 30,000 habitations in the state. To meet drinking water and other domestic need, almost 3/4th of the state is dependent on ground water. On an average ground water is depleting by three meters per annum. Thus depleting ground water coupled with deteriorating quality of ground water and recurrence of drought warrants immediate long- term solution. State Government is in the process of implementing Sardar Sarovar Canal Based Drinking Water Supply Project based on Narmada water under which 8215 villages and 135 towns of North Gujarat, Saurashtra and Kutchch districts are being covered. Under this project, water is being/to be transported through bulk water transmission lines and distribution network to the doorsteps of villages and towns. Thereafter, in rural areas Panchayats will take over the responsibility of distribution, management, operation and maintenance of in-village water supply systems whereas local urban bodies will be responsible for distribution management, operation & maintenance in towns. The system has been designed to provide assured supply of hygienic potable water to the population for the next twenty-five years. The system also envisages a series of filtration plants for Regional Water Supply Schemes. This will be one of the biggest water pipeline-networking projects in the world and is a classic example of inter-basin transfer of water from surplus areas to deficient areas.

CEO WASMO (Dr. Jaipal Singh) informed the undersigned that the software training for on-line reporting is complete and they have started reporting monthly progress reports on line. By 15th October 2007 all the district hqrs will be connected and DDWS will start getting information on-line thereafter. Regarding mitigating water quality problem, he stated that they have just completed the training of Page 3 of 29 trainers and they are in the process of distributing chemical and bacteriological testing kits. Once the actual sample collection work is done they will be able to evaluate the samples centrally and disseminate information on safe and potable drinking water. He added that there are approximately 18,000 villages in Gujarat and 11000 PRIs. Village level water quality teams have so far been formed in 9720 villages. They have given village level training in 5462 villages and block level training in 255 blocks, which were attended by 12094 participants. 67 Districts level training programmes have been completed so far. They have also distributed 4185 water testing kits and 4290 sanitary surveys have been completed. 125500 no. of bacteriological testing kits have been distributed in the State.

Secretary PHED stated that apart from the above, in Gujarat, Block Extension Officers are also being given training. Block level coordinators i.e. school teachers under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and ASHA workers are also being imparted training. He added that they have enough stock of test kits, voiles and strips to take water samples and their endeavour will be to mobilize people so as to generate a feeling of participatory approach among the masses. The tendering process for augmenting supply of test kits will be completed by 25 October 2007.

I explained that training and distribution of kits should be done simultaneously so that simultaneously test results can be obtained. Need for developing suitable mechanism for tackling bacterial contamination was also discussed. Secretary PHED stated that their testing mechanism is so safe that during Secretary (DWS)’s visit to Kutchch recently, Secretary (DWS) herself saw the testing being done by villagers accurately though he himself was not very confident about the ability of villager to conduct the testing of water quality samples accurately.

I, however, stated that though this was a good indication, an action plan needs to be worked out and a system for implementation right down to the village level should be developed. CEO, WASMO assured me that by the end October, they will be able to give the final picture in this regard. All bacteriological and chemical kits will be distributed and by the end of November, they will get the test results and by December end they will be able to disseminate the information

Page 4 of 29 regarding results and thereafter further remedial actions, wherever required, will be initiated.

Secretary PHED informed all that they have designed software and with the help of this software they will be able to get test results immediately, which will be displayed, on village Panchayat Notice Boards. Information on bacteriological results will be the first priority and with the help of existing Paani Samities, they will be able to react to any alarming situation in this regard immediately.

Summing up I once again informed the officers present that Bharat Nirman targets are to be completed in time. Similarly, as discussed during the State Minister level Conference and various Secretary level meetings/conferences, all rural schools are to be covered with drinking water and sanitation facilities by December 2007. The state government should chalk out a strategy in this regard and there should be no let up in this regard. If piped water schemes are taking time then State should resort to adopting water conservation technologies and promote sustainability. The state should also adopt the practice of conjunctive use of ground water and surface water. Long term solutions should also be considered but at present all out efforts should be made to cover all habitations with safe and potable drinking water supply. Secretary PHED assured to achieve the targets set forth under Bharat Nirman by March 2009.

Total Sanitation Campaign

There are 18000 villages with a population ranging between 500 to 15000. About 40% of the total population live in urban areas. Village economy is dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. Women, however, show more interest in improving sanitation facilities in the rural areas. Literacy and toilet use are correlated and therefore there is need to launch an effective IEC campaign to make TSC a greater success. The health sector has to come forward and help the campaign make a grand success in the State.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NRGES)

The state has a total population of 5.07 crores out of which Rural Population is 3.17 crores. The number of districts in the state is 25 and the number of blocks is 225. The number of villages is 18,056 and there

Page 5 of 29 are 13,759 gram panchayats in the State. The total number of habitations is 30,518. There are about 68.65 lakhs rural house holds.

Regarding promotion of IEC activities so as to educate the masses about the scheme, it was stated that the State has held appraisal discussions in 7886 Gram Sabha in 4147 GPs. They have put hoardings in 1860 Villages and distributed pamphlets/posters in 3463 villages. There is display of information boards in 4147 GPs. They have taken out special Rozgar Rathyatras/Rallies in 2878 villages. Drama/Bhavai /Puppet show have taken place in 249 villages. 4 SATCOM have been held and 38566 numbers of participants interacted so far.

Beside, IEC initiatives have also been taken at State level by doing special Programmes on All Radio throughout the year. Through Doordarshan, they have so far done a total 52 episodes of special programmes on regional channel. They have also started to awareness programmes through printing of Meghdoot postcards by postal department. Other activities such as road side tamashas, bus stand hoardings and other activities are also being undertaken to promote the scheme.

SPIPA-SIRD has been engaged as nodal agency for training. At State level TOT programmes have been completed in all districts. A total of 38566 persons have been trained. They are also conducting various training programme as well as workshops at District and Taluka level. So far 690 Officials/ Staff and 7224 Non officials have been imparted training.

Job card issued to beneficiaries

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Regarding revision of SoR, time and motion study was done in the six districts for new rates by CEPT, . New wage rates are based on the piece rate / quantum of work completed by the individual and revised SOR has been applied from 8/4/2006 on the recommendation of CEPT, Ahmedabad.

The following pie chart shows completed works and on going works under NREGS during August 2007:

Field Visit (9th October 2007):

Immediately after finishing discussions with the State Government officials the undersigned reached at 5 p.m. on 9th October 2007.

District Panchmahal

Village : Ujeti Sarpanch : Shri Prabhatbhai

The village has a population of 2500 people and out of this about 50 are from SC families. In the village only 9 people had applied for NREGS wage cards that have been given. Generally village is clean Page 7 of 29 and people are aware of rural development schemes. On asking they named almost all the state level schemes and schemes of the Government of India.

The villagers are mostly employed with ancillary units of General Motors that earn them substantial income and they are happy working. This could be one of the reasons that NREGS has not picked up even among SC families.

The village had 3 Self Help Groups which have bank accounts in local Grameen Bank. They have taken loan once and are now in the process of repaying the same. Many are dependent on selling milk to local .

Under Indira Awas Yojana, in 2006-07, 6 IAY houses were sanctioned. All are complete with toilet facility. In 2007-08, a total of 8 houses have been sanctioned, out of which 4 are nearing completion and work for remaining 4 will start soon. On query, I was informed that they were able to construct house within the subsidy amount given to them.

A live demonstration of bacteriological water testing was done by the Gram Mitra. I noticed that the villagers were eager to know the test result and willing to make it as a community participatory programme and share costs, if required.

The village roads and link road were clean and no pot holes were seen.

Village: Chandrapur Taluka: Gram Pradhan : Ms Sarojben Dineshbhai Patel

A NGP Village, they had NGP logo in the village. The village has a population of about 700-725. There was only 1 SC BPL family. The village is generally clean and following hygiene practices.

Though covered under NREGA, none of the villagers, including SC BPL family, was willing to work under NREGA. The Gram Panchayat has passed a resolution and submitted to district authorities to discontinue NREGA scheme in their village. A self-sufficient village,

Page 8 of 29 male population is employed and women population is earning through dairy business.

The village panchayat has a hefty bank balance and they are willing to donate any amount of community share for development of village. They wanted clearance from drinking water department so that they can install one RO plant in the village. They offered to bear the full equipment cost, installation and maintenance cost. DDO Panchmahal was requested to examine their request.

The village has good quality link as well as internal roads.

10th October 2007

Panchmahal District

Village Rasoolpur Taluka: Morwah Gram Pradhan : Shri Patel Samar Singh Pratap

Reached Village Rasoolpur at 8.30 a.m. The meeting point was recently built panchayat bhawan building. The sign board in front of the building had information regarding NREGS, IAY, and other schemes of the state government. About 50 ladies and about 30 men folk were present for the meeting. Besides, DDO other village level functionaries were also present for the meeting. The village has 64 BPL families.

I wanted to know whether the people were aware about the development schemes of the Ministry of Rural Development. Initially, there was a feeling of hesitation among the people but during the interaction they expressed knowledge about the schemes. They knew about NREGS scheme and they were holding NREGS cards also. But they were reluctant to take up NREGS works because of low wage offered under the scheme.

The village has two Self Help Groups – (i) Jai Bhawani Society (20 members); and (ii) Adarsh Keshav Society (12 members). None of the group was able to take up works due to lack of training. Though, Bank of Baroda had a scheme of imparting training to the self help group members, the members were not able to exploit the benefits because of grading system adopted by the bank in disbursement of loan to SHGs. In reply to a query I was told by DDO Panchmahal that Page 9 of 29 he will ensure that SHG members get training in chalk making and assured the members that will purchase all the chalk produced by the SHG for the district primary schools. He, therefore, advised them to concentrate in this field and get the necessary paper work done with the help of Taluka Development Officer who was ordered to do the needful on the spot by the DDO Panchmahal.

Under IAY, out of 64 BPL families, against taluka quota of 3 families, all the families got IAY assistance in 2006-07 and against a taluka quote of 5 families, all have got assistance in 2007-08. There is provision of latrine in the houses.

Drinking water is available in the village. Chlorination of the well takes place once a month and there is one hand pump for every 50 families. The hand pumps were working.

The general cleanliness of the village was good. For 2007-08 the village is being recommended by the State Government for NGP award. The schools and anganwadis have been covered with drinking water facilities and community toilets exist in the village. However, it was noticed that there are still spots where open drainage system exists. On being told that open drainage system has to be stopped for being eligible for Nirmal Gram Puraskar, Sarpanch assured the officials that all necessary action in this regard will be initiated immediately.

Village : Rampur Taluka : Morwah Gram Pradhan : Shri Bhudevbhai

The school children welcomed the visiting team by presenting a beautifully choreographed skit about promotion of sanitation in the village. The NGP campaign in the village was in fully swing. This year the village is to be recommended for NGP award.

The gram pradhan and other ward members were aware of NREGS and I was informed that wage seekers were able to register freely and getting job cards easily. I asked the assembled villagers about the NREGS. They confirmed that though there is no problem in getting NREGS card they are not willing to work under NREGS because of very low wage structure.

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Regarding preparation of shelf of projects, local functionaries were confident to offer jobs to those who come forward for getting employment under the scheme. On an average the wage paid per labourer per day was Rs. 55 to 60. However, the concept of social audit was not noticed. People were also not aware of this. No system of complaint redressal, if any, was seen.

The village link roads were well maintained and there were very minor pot holes seen on the roads.

Potable drinking water was available to the villagers through hand pumps and well.

Village. Bamna Taluka Morwah Gram Pradhan: Shri Arjanbhai

I visited a site where NREGS work was being carried out on the periphery of the village. All the labourers were having Wage Cards. My interaction with them suggested that work under NREGS had just been started. They were planting trees in a grassy field without weeding out the grass first. The village had no action plan for starting NREGS works nor was there any shelf of projects. There appeared to be no great demand for works as enough agriculture related jobs is available because of abundance and delayed monsoon in the district.

I, however, advised DDO and Gram Pradhan that they should give priorities to development works near the village and they should give preference to those works, which create permanent assets for the village. For example, they should go in for rain water harvesting structures. This will help in conservation of rain water and also improve the availability of water in the area even during the drought/summer season.

Village Ratanpur Taluk Gram Pradhan Shri C.K.

Ratanapur is a small tribal village situated on the foothills of Aravali Hills and 70 kms away from Village Bamna in the same Taluka. 350 people inhabit the village.

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I saw work site under NREGS. There were about 45 labourers on the work site but none had wage card with them. On enquiry I was told that as a routine practice they bring wage card only on Mondays. They were working on a spill way for conservation of rain water. A layout of the spill way is available at Annex I. I informed all present that they should carry their wage card with them daily and instructed local functionaries to ensure that all workers carry their card while on work site. None of the labourers was aware of the rate mechanism under NREGS. I requested concerned Junior Engineer to explain the rate norm to the labourers. JE explained, in detail, the wage norms to the labourers assembled at the site.

First aid medicines were available on the work site and the Malaria Link Officer of the village, who was conversant with the medicines, was at the site for distribution of medicine in case of any emergency. No concept of social audit was even known to the local functionaries.

Under IAY, in 2006-07, 7 families were disbursed money for construction of houses. None in 2007-08 had yet been allotted IAY houses. One of the beneficiaries, Shri Jaisinghbhai Nathabhai was present among the labourers. Regarding financial assistance being provided under IAY, he informed that it was possible for him to construct the house within the funds made available to him and he is happy. However, he did not make any provision for latrine in the house since he felt that whole jungle is available for defecation. On telling him about the benefits of having in-house latrine, he and his wife agreed to have a latrine and assured that by October end they will be able to have their own latrine in their house.

Regarding the availability of drinking water in the village, I was informed that they have a community well in the village and the well is chlorinated regularly. They were, however, informed that water testing kits are available in Block office and they should get in touch with the taluka authorities and get the training in this regard. The Malaria Link Officer offered himself for training in this regard and offered his services for becoming Arogya Mitra. DDO instructed concerned official to impart necessary training to Malaria Link Officer urgently.

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After finishing field visit in Panchmahal district, at 2030 hrs reached District . Night stay in Dahod.

11th October 2007

Met District level officers who apprised me of various programmes. Director DRDA accompanied me during the field visit. The district has 7 talukas, 459 gram panchayats and 696 villages with a total population of 16.35 lakhs (8.24 lakhs male and 8.11 lakh females), 0.49 lakh SC and 11.79 ST.

Dahod District

Village : Valundi Taluka : Limidi

A very backward tribal village. Total population of the village is approximately 550 people. Seasonal migration to other districts for earning livelihood is major source of income for the tribal poor. For the families, which are better off, migration, is a source of supplementary income but for others it is a necessity.

Though villagers had heard about NREGS, since the inception of the programme, they had worked only twice that too for approximately 30 days. None, present, was carrying Wage Card. As per DRDA functionaries, 358 job cards have been issued in the village. The only development work undertaken was half done and was shut down for the time being due to the time being the sowing season.

There is no link road, not even a ‘pucca mitti’ road.

For drinking water they depend on wells and handpumps. They knew that some people come for chlorination of wells and taking water samples.

There was no Notice Board in and around the Community Hall and there was no sign board.

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Only one IAY house was constructed in 2006-07. No new allotment was made in 2007-08.

There were two non-functional Self Help Groups with a total deposit of Rs. 4500 in the last 5 years.

The working of Gramin Vikas Trust, an NGO working in the area, had no impact on the villagers.

None of the houses in the village had toilets and the villagers were ignorant about Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP). Director DRDA informed that they are taking up Total Sanitation Campaign in the District in a phased manner but they are yet to start initiating TSC in the village.

Village : Babhda Taluka : Limidi Sarpanch : Shri Prabhatbhai Talhati : Shri T.L. Chanana

The village has a population of about 450 people. They know about NREGS and undertook construction of link road and check wall/protection wall. The workers were not having job cards and they were ignorant about wages. The system of working in groups (locally known as ‘gang’) under NREGS was seen prevalent in the district. Medicines were available at the site and Arogya Mitra looked knowledgeable about first aid medicines.

In 2006-07 one house under IAY was constructed. The toilet facility was available in the house.

The village had formed 7 Self Help Groups and all the members had accounts in the bank. Except for Sat Guru Vikas Group none of the other SHGs had reimbursed the loan money. Sat Guru Vikas Group had applied for loan for purchase of buffalos which was pending with the bankers for want of certain clarifications. Director DRDA was requested to sort this out so that the villagers can benefit from this scheme.

The village had no link road. Page 14 of 29

The village had 56 hand pumps and 2 wells. The villagers had no complaint about availability of potable drinking water in their village. The wells are being chlorinated regularly. They villagers are also knowledgeable about water testing kits being made available by WASMO.

Village : Pipri Taluka : Limkheda Sarpanch : Shri Lalubhai

A NGP village but the village had no NGP logo displayed. The overall cleanliness in the village was visible. School and community hall were properly maintained. The village school has devised an idea to inculcate a feeling of cleanliness among students by declaring the most neat and clean student as ‘Gulab of the Day’ and the name of the ‘Gulab of the Day’ is displayed on the notice board of the school prominently.

Under NREGS, 150 job cards have been issued. In 2006-07, a check wall, link road and plantation work were undertaken and completed. In 2007-08 under NREGS no work was undertaken. The working in groups (gang) was seen in this village also.

In 2006-07 under IAY 2 houses were constructed. The beneficiaries seemed satisfied with the financial assistance provided.

The village had two Self Help Groups. Mahila Mandal had recently taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 and they were confident about supplementing their earnings with the help of loan.

The village had one well and 10 hand pumps and villagers were generally satisfied with water supply except during summer and monsoon seasons when occasionally quality problem was noticed. The general cleanliness in the village was satisfactory and people had attached toilets in their houses. Water testing was done regularly and people knew do’s and don’ts for ensuring good quality water in the village.

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Village : Dhabhdi Taluka : Limkheda Sarpanch : Shri Manubhai Gangwar

Visited NREGS work site i.e. construction of check wall. There were around 14 workers. All had job cards but cards were not updated. However, muster roll was seen and attendance was marked in the muster roll. At this site also workers were paid in groups (gang). The first aid box was available at the site and the person meant for distribution of medicine had general awareness about the available medicines.

The link road in the village was not seen. Only kucha link road exists.

The village had handpumps and one well for drinking purposes. For other purposes the village was dependent on a water source which was contaminated.

The general cleanliness in the village was good but villagers preferred to defecate in the open. Therefore, IEC needs to be promoted in the village in a big way.

Village : Paniya Taluka: Limkheda Sarpanch : Shri Mohanbhai Patel

The villagers knew about NREGS but were generally reluctant to work due to low wage structure.

The link road to the village was good and maintained well.

For drinking water they depend on wells and handpumps. They knew that some people come for chlorination of wells and taking water samples.

There was no Notice Board in and around the Community Hall and there was no signboard.

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Only one IAY house was constructed in 2006-07. No new allotment was made in 2007-08.

There were two generally non-functional, Self Help Groups with a total deposit of Rs. 4500 in the last 5 years.

At Limkheda Taluka, visited a Water Testing training camp organized by WASMO. There were about 60 trainees, half of them were ASHA workers and half were Arogya Mitras. This was the first training camp organized by WASMO. They were being imparted training in the testing procedures and water borne diseases.

General Observations:

Drinking Water

The district is in the process of empowerment of PRIs through by capacity building and training.

They are also is in the process of strengthening of local sources. They have launched drinking water grid for drought proofing and sustainability.

The water quality testing process is picking up. More and more people are getting training and they are willing to participate in the process. WASMO, is doing good work in this regard.

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Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

The cleanliness concept is picking up. The link roads, houses, surrounding areas around houses, community centres, panchayat ghars were generally clean and the concept of household toilets has picket up well. Except for one or two areas open defecation was not noticed.

The roads, village link roads are clean and generally without pot holes.


People are aware of NREGS but unwilling to work because of (i) very low wage, (ii) apathy of staff engaged in promoting NREGS, (iii) illiteracy among NREGS work force, and (iv) lack of demand for work due to sufficient agricultural work available in the market whose wage rate was comparatively better.

Villagers should be consulted for any development work being started in their village and the relevance of development work. At present the general consultation through Gram Sabha meetings does not seem to be going on well.


The concept of Self Help Groups has not picked up well in the State. In the district also the SHGs are not diversifying into vocational training programmes, establishment of market linkages for products etc.

Villagers generally appreciate the concept of formation of Self Help Groups but they are not able to get direct results due to non-existent training programme and non-availability of ready made markets for their finished products.

The concept of social auditing is lacking. Due to illiteracy, especially in the tribal belt, it will be very difficult to get social auditing started.

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The general knowledge about IAY is lacking.

The distribution of IAY targets in the village is low.

The wall writing about BPL list is seen but the general awareness in the villages is low.


The overall link road net work was seen in areas visited during the tour.

The general condition of the link roads was found to be good.

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Check Lists for Area Officers Districts : Panchmahal and Dahod SGSY

Item Remarks No of SHGs which became On the basis of information made defunct after availing credit for available during the visit by economic activities villagers about 7 SHGs became defunct. Percentage of assets verified by Information not made available BDO/APO of DRDAs and other senior officials No. of Swarozgaris imparted -do- training for skill development Percentage of the total number of -do- swarozgaris assisted Repayment of individual -do- Swarozgaris Repayment by SHGs Information not made available. As per general interaction with villagers it seemed quite negligible Frequency of district/block level Not verified SGSY committees Mobilization of credit During public interaction it was found to be good.


Work sites not checked as NREGS district was generally visited where NREGS works are taken up.

Indira Awas Yojana

Item Remarks Name of Implementing Agency DRDA Name of Block Dist : Panchmahal and Dahod Taluka: Limkheda, Morwa, Halol and Limidi Whether scheme is implemented Yes Page 20 of 29 as per IAY guidelines Number of houses completed Not verified from records during the year 2006-07 with the infrastructure facilities such as sanitary latrine and smokeless chulha Number of houses under progress Not made available House allotted in the name of Mainly female male/female/jointly Category of the beneficiary BPL SC families Number of beneficiaries selected Information not made available during the financial year 2006-07 Nature of complaints, if any, Limited knowledge about IAY to relating to selection of beneficiary the beneficiaries is the main cause of complaints When did funds receive from the No delay in transfer of funds to Central Govt by the DRDA and beneficiaries was noted during further released to the blocks public interactions When did beneficiary get the Not verified funds from the block Amount of money received by the Received as cash beneficiary and mode of transaction (through cash or cheque) Complaint/grievances, if any Nil relating to payment of amount to IAY beneficiaries etc Whether reporting of fund flow Not noted electronically at DRDA Overall impact of the scheme vis- Beneficiaries were not able to à-vis benefits to the IAY describe benefits. Apparently, no beneficiaries enthusiasm about the existence of scheme was noted Suggestion of the Area Officer Creation of more awanress among the potential beneficiaries is required. Moreover, the number of Houses constructed/to be constructed is too low

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Checklist of NREGA Awareness generation through information education communication Are Sarpanch/ward members Generally aware aware of the key provisions and procedures of the Act Did Sarpanchs/Ward members Not checked attend Block orientation conventions Were Gram Sabhas held on Informed that Gram Sabhas NREGA were held before starting works Are there needy households who Yes do not know about NREGA Are wage seekers are aware of No the key provision and procedure of the Act

Registration and job card Are wage seeks able to register freely and easily for job cards What is the time gap between Immediately as claimed by registration and issue of job card District authorities Are job cards freely given? Are Yes, as claimed by district there cases of job cards being authorities obtained on price Are minors on job cards Not noticed Do job cards have photograph of Yes the house hold members registered Are photographs free of cost No complaint of payment for photographs made Who has custody of job cards Individuals

Application for employment Are applications submitted for Very few work sites are employment generally seen in the two

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Is dated receipt issued by Gram districts visited due to enough Panchayat agricultural work available in Is work allotted in 15 days the market due to delayed monsoon and market wage being generally higher than the average NREGS wage rate Work process Planning Were Gram Sabhas convened to Yes, but apparently on paper select works only Priorities of Gram Sabha been Detailed preparatory work maintained in the formulation of noticed by discussing with GP development plan DRDA officers Shelf of projects The village has an approved shelf Not noticed of projects of at least five works with technical and financial estimates ready to start when employment demand is received? Only permissible works have Not seen been taken up? What kind of works have been Priority wise details not given priority? maintained Are the works taken up useful? The work sites visited in What does their quality look like? Panchmahal district showed poor quality work whereas in Dahod the quality of work was somewhat better List of approved works on public Not noticed display in Gram Panchayat? Execution Does the GP have at least 50% of works selected for execution Are numbered muster rolls Yes maintained on work sites by implementing agency? Do muster rolls have information Yes on (a) labour job card number (b) Attendance Yes

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(c) Payment mentioned on? No Are workers without job cards Yes, in one site only it was working on work sites? noticed. Generally they were carrying job cards Is there evidence of contractors Not noticed and machinery? Is measurement of works done on Not always, there were time within a fortnight? complaints of delays Are works in progress being Yes technically supervised regularly Are the adequate work site Yes facilities available Wage payment What is the average amount of As low as Rs. 6/- per day. wage paid per day per labourer? However, generally Rs. 50-60 per day but the workers knowledge about how much wages they received for how much work done was completely lacking. Are separate wage rates Believed that they are the same applicable to NREGA works? Or are they the same as the notified minimum wages for agricultural labourers? Is the schedule of rates applied to Not checked NREGA also applied to similar works executed by unskilled manual labour that does not use contractor and machinery? Or is an exclusive SOR applied to NREGA? Are their different task rates for No men and women? Are wages paid within 15 days? Not necessarily. In some sites If not what is the time lag there were complaints of funds between work completion and for the district not being payment? received in time from State/Central Govt (Complaint Page 24 of 29

of District Officials) Is the muster roll read out when Not present during actual wages are paid? payment of wages, hence could not check this aspect Records

Muster Roll entries match with Not checked the job cards? Work completed is recorded in No work is completed in the the Asset Register? villages visited Staff and training Is Gram Rozgar Sewak available Not seen for each GP? Is there a technical assistant Yes (junior engineer) for a group of Gram Panchayat to supervise, measures? Have the following been trained? ---Gram Rozgar Sewak No specific information provided by district officials ---Panchayat Secretary (if he is handling NREGA) ---Sarpanches/Ward members ---Vigilance Monitoring Committee Members Monitoring Have works been inspected by district/block/State functionaries? Does the VMC monitor and The works visited were not certify works completion? completed. Hence the question is not relevant Special audit Has social audit of all works been Yes, but the workers were not done? Who did social audit? Was involved the Gram Sabha and the workers involved? Grievances Redressal Is complaints register available at Not seen

GP level? Are complaints Page 25 of 29

GP level? Are complaints disposed?

Water Supply Schemes

Name of the state Gujarat Name of the Dist: Panchmahal and district/block/village panchayat Dahod Population : Dahod Male/Female/SC/ST Total population: 16.35 lakhs Male: 8.24 lakh Female: 8.11 lakh SC : 0.49 lakh ST 11.79 lakh

Panchamahal details not available Number of APL families/BPL Not available families Whether any drinking water Drinking water wells and supply programme of the State hand pumps Government/Central Govt ongoing in the village, if yes, which programme, since when? Type of Asset(s) created – Stand posts, village storage account for all drinking water complex and elevated sources available) storage reservoirs Expenditure incurred Not assessed Approximate beneficiaries 1235 households covered Number of surface water bodies Nil in the village Status of their maintenance N.A. Operational source of drinking Mainly sub-surface water, whether surface or sub- surface Whether underground water No. No rainwater harvesting recharge structure exists in the structures exist in the village, if yes, what types and villages visited. when constructed. Status of Page 26 of 29

maintenance Private initiatives in drinking Nil water supply, if any, hand-pump and bore well surface water conservation eg tankas, ooranis etc Status of rain water harvesting in Not seen in the villages the village. How many houses visited. have roof top rain water harvesting systems, status of their utilization? Any incidence of water quality Salinity and fluoride are the problem in the village, if yes, main two contaminants. what type of contaminant WASMO has distributed test present. Whether any technical kits and people are aware of person has tested sample. If yes, benefits of clean potable whether by private/public drinking water. laboratory, its result, if any, any follow-up action taken on the test result by any authority Who takes care of O&M: Water Supply Dept, GoG PHED/GP/VWSC/Others (specify) Per Unit cost of production of Not checked water (Rs. Per KL) Overall assessment on status of -- habitations: NC/PC/FC/Quality affected

Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) Status of general cleanliness of Generally clean and no the village. Any water logging water logging seen in the near public stand post. Status of villages visited solid waste disposal, any compost pit recycle units in the village.

Any system of recycling/re-use of liquid waste, eg kitchen garden, floriculture, horticulture Page 27 of 29 etc Whether each house has No individual toilet

Whether there is community Community toilets seen in toilet. Status of maintenance of some villages visited and community toilet, management they were maintained well. structure for managing community toilet

Whether Anganwadis/schools Yes. Status of their urinals/toilets have separate maintenance was generally toilets for boys and girls in co-ed good. schools, status of their maintenance

Whether school children have Yes, school children and easy access to the use of toilets. other stakeholders are aware Maintenance of school toilets. of hygiene practices and Status of awareness about rural have access to them. sanitation in the village especially among PRI members, SHGs and other stakeholders. Students to urinal ratio and whether staggered recess are observed?

Whether the village is a NGP Only 2 NGP award winner Award Winner, if yes, whether villages seen in two districts the village has Board(s) fixed and one had NGP logo and with NGP logo. Whether the other was in the process of village is using NGP logo for its fixing NGP logo. There did daily activities. Status of post not seem to be danger of any NGP activities. Whether there is a of the two villages slipping chance that the village may slip back in the near future. from the NGP status in the future years. If yes, what should be done to prevent such occurrence?

Type of Individual Household Single pit latrines noticed.

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Latrine adopted? How Beneficiaries are beneficiary is contributing and contributing in cash/kind how much? Whether APL (near border line) APL families were not require loan? If so, whether they generally aware of any are aware of revolving fund? revolving fund benefit.


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