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[email protected] (Ixgate Delivery) Newsgroups: ch.general,chcon.general,,de.etc.lists,alt.bbs.lists,comp.bbs.misc,xgp.general Subject: BBS list of Switzerland (December 1994) Date: 7 Jan 95 22:01:47 GMT *************************************** The BBS List Service of XGP Switzerland *************************************** distributing the Swiss BBS list on the Internet (See end of document for more details!) ### BOT ####################################################################### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BYTE RIDER's DREAM BBS LIST OF SWITZERLAND ************* DECEMBER 1994 When you stop dreaming, it's time to die (C) 1989-94 by BYTE RIDER This is a complete list of Switzerland's 679 online systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [=---------------> Contents <----------------=] 1. Information and News 2. Bulletin Board Systems / BBS a) Normal Phone Lines b) PTT's 156 and 157 Lines c) Private & Commercial Systems d) PTT's ISDN/SwissNet2 Lines e) Internet Systems (Mail, Telnet, FTP) f) PTT's TelePac/X.25 Lines g) Voice Mailbox Systems / VMB h) TeleFAX Mailbox Systems 3. Dream Yellow Pages 4. Calling Card & Credit Card calls 5. Explanation of the strange symbols [=-------> 1. INFORMATION AND NEWS <---------=] Please send me your updates, corrections, ideas and comments. Here's how: Modem, Warehouse BBS (24h) 01/492 5157 ISDN, Warehouse BBS (24h) . 01/400 1498 TeleFAX (24h) ............. 01/400 1499 E-Mail on Internet ........
[email protected] E-Mail on FIDO-Net ........ 2:301/807 E-Mail on Ami-Net ......... 44:8010/407 Voice (24h) ............... 01/400 1491 Mail (the old, slow kind) .. WAREHOUSE BBS, Cesar Keller, Wydlerweg 17, CH-8047 Zurich, SWITZERLAND This list is made possible by donations from people like you - Thanks! Bank: ZKB 1100-1111.010 / 700, or PTT: PC 80-170747-9 [=-------> World wide distribution <---------=] Here's where you can find this list each month.